volume 19, number 6
Beyond our Borders
Supporting justice reform and capacity building around the world
ecent events in Pakistan have highlighted how crucial a strong and independent judiciary is to a working democracy. Through the CBA, the Canadian Bar has condemned the recent arrests of lawyers in Pakistan and has called for a return to the rule of law. From Bangladesh to China, the members of the Canadian Bar Association are actively contributing to law reform on the international stage and speaking out whenever the independence of the Bar is put at risk. The CBA provides members with multiple and diverse opportunities to contribute to evolving justice systems and to engage with legal issues far beyond Canada’s borders. Since 1990, the CBA has delivered legal and justice reform and capacity building projects in 29 countries across Asia, Africa, Central Europe, and the Caribbean through the International Development Program. By actively engaging with overseas partners, the effects of CBA International Development programs are sustained far beyond their termination. Amongst a multitude of other international activities, the CBA is currently undertaking extensive capacity building programs in both Bangladesh and China. In Bangladesh, in partnership with their Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, CBA members are working to increase legal and judicial capacity and enhance access to justice by the poor and disadvantaged. In China the CBA, in partnership with All China Lawyers Association (ACLA), is working to foster the development of an independent Bar in China.
At the Branch level, the International Assistance Section works to promote the rule of law and foster the ideals of justice around the world. In addition to hosting speakers whose careers have an international component, the Section fulfils its mandate by collecting and sending legal resources overseas. Used legal text books that are donated by law students, private companies, and varied members of B.C.’s legal community have assisted a number of Bar Associations in Africa and Asia to set up law libraries. This past year the Section delivered two boxes of legal textbooks to the Cambodian Law Society. There are many ways that members of all ages can get involved in CBA’s international programs. These include: · Joining the CBA International Development Committee Resource bank (indicating your interest in and availability for, international opportunities); · Joining the CBA’s International Development Committee; · Joining the CBABC’s International Assistance Section; and · Applying for the CBA Young Professionals International Program (YPIP), a great opportunity for young lawyers to help build human rights law abroad. The closing date for applications the 20082009 CBA YPIP is Monday, April 8, 2008. Please visit and for further information about opportunities for international engagement offered by the CBA. BT
4 5 6 8 10
From the President Executive Director National News Sections Practice Talk
Many lawyers struggle to achieve prosperity at work while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In this issue we explore strategies for attaining a positive worklife balance, from promoting healthy workplaces to sweating off the inevitable holiday pounds. Four guest contributors join our regular columnists in exploring this topic.
Workplace Wellness is Evolving
by Kathy Lynn
by Tony Wilson
On the Web
Perspective is Reality: Mastering the Generational Gap
by Nora Spinks
Work-Life Quality vs. Balance
by Marisa Castelo
“Christmas Turkey”… Keeping It OFF Your Belly
by Kalev Jaaguste
by David J. Bilinsky
Nothing Official
by Patricia Jordan
volume 19, number 6
Acts in Force
22 23 24 25 26
Member Services
UBC/CBA Mentorship Program Reception
Downtown reception a big draw by Shane Hopkins-Utter
Bar Moves Partners | Membership
Continuing Legal Education Society The Law Foundation of B.C.
Classified Ads
BARTALK December 2007
Earlier Solutions, Faster Justice
The future for administrative justice in British Columbia by Honourable Wally Oppal, QC
Equity Under the Wills Variation Act
by Judith Milliken, QC
Canadian Bar Association, B.C. Branch 10th Floor, 845 Cambie Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5T3 Tel: 604-687-3404 Toll-free (in B.C.): 1-888-687-3404
BarTalk is published six times per year by the Canadian Bar Association, British Columbia Branch. BarTalk Senior Editor Jesse Tarbotton BarTalk Editor Deborah Carfrae Staff Contributors Fran Hodgkins Jennifer Weber Editorial Board Chair Dierk Ullrich Editorial Board Members Paul Arvisais James M. Bond Nicole Holas Jack Micner Pamela Murray Gurminder Sandhu Barinder Sanghara Craig Watson Barry Zacharias © Copyright the British Columbia Branch of the Canadian Bar Association 2007. This publication is intended for information purposes only and the information herein should not be applied to specific fact circumstances without the advice of counsel. The Canadian Bar Association, British Columbia Branch represents more than 6,000 B.C. members and is dedicated to improving and promoting access to justice, reviewing legislation, initiating law reform measures and advancing and improving the administration of justice.
BarTalk Publication Sales Agreement #40741008
Send your Letters to the Editor to: Jesse Tarbotton, BarTalk Senior Editor Canadian Bar Association, B.C. Branch Fax: 604-669-9601 Toll-free fax: 1-877-669-9601 E-mail:
Great article (as always Tony). Happily I don’t need any such help or any more celebrity than I have already. Most Monday mornings I arrive in the office to three or four voicemail messages from a variety of accused individuals, intended for another lawyer, Sheldon Goldberg. These callers rarely identify themselves by name or leave any return phone numbers, and if their messages are intelligible they usually go something like this, “Sheldon, you got to get me out. I need bail now, man.” Or, “Hi Sheldon. They busted me again. They got nothing. Come get me.” If only I practised criminal law. – Lindsay D. Goldberg Partner, Lang Michener LLP RE: LEGAL SERVICES SOCIETY ACT AMENDMENTS
I am writing to clarify some potentially misleading comments in recent issues of BarTalk regarding the Legal Services Society Act amendments. Far from posing a threat to adequate services for low-income people, the changes, in fact, strengthen B.C.’s legal aid plan. Passed in the spring sitting of the legislature, the amendments broaden the society’s mandate while ensuring low-income people will still have priority for legal aid. Although the changes do not fully restore the pre-2002 LSS mandate, in particular with respect to providing civil law services, they do take us part of the way there, and that is cause for celebration. LSS can now be more flexible in providing services to people in need by, for example, doing much more for people who fall just outside the financial eligibility guidelines. Before, LSS were restricted in the help LSS could offer them, and it left some very deserving people in quite dire situations with no legal recourse. The changes also pave the way for some exciting work ahead as LSS move forward with ensuring legal aid provides more client-centred services in a broad social context. – Mark Benton Executive Director, LSS December 2007 BARTALK
from the president
KenNETH WaLton
Do We Need a New Approach to Legal Education?
debts may delay important activine of my jobs is to look ties like buying a house and rearing at barriers to entering the next generation. into the legal profession. Many law schools are in high Very high law school cost of living locales like Ontario tuition fees seem one such barrier. or B.C. Students take on not only I recently spoke with one of student loan debt, but often run our law deans about the issue of law up large credit lines, all for the school tuition fees. I was told that sake of what has become a very the pressure comes from the adexpensive education. ministration. Universities, (and for In this crisis (for that is what all we know governments) think Kenneth Walton it is), perhaps it’s time to consider that students are going to bring President 2007/2008 some radical alternatives. down a hefty income once admitted B.C. Branch For example, why does law to the Bar and so, as a way to cash Canadian Bar Association need to be instructed at university? in on future income, significant Lower cost and more accessible community colleges tuition fees are charged. It is pointed out that large may be a place where law could be taught. Perhaps tuition fees are charged because that is what the market another option may be private law schools as are will bear (although it is not said that the market offered in the United States. is created by the monopoly universities have on Perhaps the Law Society’s Professional educating lawyers). Legal Training Course could form part of the At the Canadian Bar Association, we see the third year curriculum at these new law schools. results of the high cost of legal education. Our junior That would resolve the friction with academics lawyers tell us that they come out of law school with who say their job is not to produce practising debts between $40,000 and $100,000. These are very lawyers (even though most of their students choose able people who largely did not qualify for academic to practise). scholarships, nor did they have Lastly, why do governthe resources to afford such “Many law schools are in high ments treat articling and enormous costs. cost of living locales like Ontario PLTC as time when student This enormous debt load or B.C. Students take on not loans become due and payable? means our new colleagues take only student loan debt but often Education for practising lawarticles where the best dollars run up large credit lines, all for yers includes these mandatory are. They have to, in order to the sake of what has become a programs – surely that time repay their loans. Perhaps it very expensive education.” should be exempt from loan means forsaking practice in payment, as is done when a stusome less populated part of dent is under formal instruction. B.C. because there is a perception that one’s debts So if you are a billionaire who wants a new law will be repaid more quickly with employment at a school named after you, let’s talk. big city law firm. I wish you success in your personal and practice What we are looking at is an example of bad public policy. The immense pressure to retire loan life. BT
BARTALK December 2007
Peace of Mind Has No Power Cord The return of sanity, simplicity, and “single tasking”
here is a new hero in 1. Check e-mail twice a day. My the hyper-connected Outlook and Blackberry e-mail world of the Silicon will be turned off except at Valley. His name 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. is Timothy Ferriss and he is 29 2. Ask the most important peoyears old. His celebrity among the ple in my work and home life high-tech set is bizarre, because to call or SMS if there is an his whole schtick is about how urgent need to reach me. real success means unplugging. 3. Set-up automated e-mail His book (a fascinating read) is responses that explain what I’m Caroline Nevin called “The 4-Hour Workweek.” doing and how to get faster Executive Director No, there’s no zero missing. His 15 attention from my assistant B.C. Branch minutes of fame may be almost up, if necessary. Canadian Bar Association but he’s got some smart things to 4. Hand-over to my assistant the say about life. power to book appointments We have all heard the term “Work smarter, not for phone or in-person discussions on specific harder.” Ferriss’ proposition is that working smarter topics, eliminating drop-in interruptions as means eliminating all unnecessary drains on time, much as possible. attention and energy (that which consumes 80 per 5. Concentrate on one project, person or task at cent of our life force now), and focussing only on a time. those things that are truly important (the remaining Year after year, CBA surveys show that the #1 20 per cent). issue of concern to lawyers is the Holy Grail we In his words, “simplicity requires ruthlessness.” euphemistically refer to as “work life balance.” Of In thinking about the 80 per cent challenge, course, there’s no such thing. What we mere mortals e-mail is an obvious place to start. Truly urgent strive for is to manage and reduce the moments of things can reach you other ways; everything else can stress doing one thing in the face of a mountain of wait. According to Mr. Ferriss, checking e-mail, even competing things we “should” be doing. The trick, briefly, can be poisonous to your peace of mind. Any as Timothy Ferriss says, is to value attention over problem found in your inbox will linger long after time… to be present for the person or task before you shut-down the computer. “It’s the worst of states, you, and not to worry about other things. There will where you experience neither relaxation nor producbe time enough for them too, if we clear the clutter tivity. Be focused on work or focused on something out of our way. BT else, never in-between. Time without attention is worthless, so value attention over time.” Note: Visit the CBABC Work And so, I am conducting my own 21 day producLife Balance Committee tivity experiment. Those who know me will laugh web page for great links and – I am an “early adopter” Blackberry addict – but for resources: the next three weeks, my plan is to: under Practice Resources. December 2007 BARTALK
national news
Succession Law: Tables of National Concordance The CBA’s Wills, Estates and Trusts Section has assembled a series of tables entitled Succession Law: Tables of National Concordance and posted them on the CBA website. Intended for use by members working with the varying laws across Canada, they relate to estate and trust planning and administration. The tables were designed to provide a quick reference to different jurisdictions; to inform on conflicts of law; to support current mobility initiatives across Canada; to support comparative analysis; and to provide access to primary sources of information through citations and links. Details (requires CBA member number) uuu tables.aspx
CBA Condemns Arrests of Lawyers in Pakistan The CBA is supporting the Canadian government in its condemnation of the imposition of emergency rule in Pakistan, and is lending its voice to the call for the immediate return to the rule of law. “We fully endorse the government’s call for an end to emergency rule in Pakistan,” said CBA President Bernard Amyot of Montreal. The CBA has developed a web page for members who would like to do more for colleagues in Pakistan. The site contains the CBA’s statement as well as those from other organizations, CBA core principles (resolution from 2006), information on the situation in Pakistan, a sample letter, addresses of the High Commissioner of Pakistan, the Prime Minister, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Information on Pakistan uuu
President Meets Minister of Justice CBA President Bernard Amyot met with federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson on October 25 to discuss issues of mutual interest. During the course of the one-hour meeting, the talks focused on security certificates under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, federal responsibility for civil legal aid, and justice initiatives coming up in the new Parliamentary session. The Minister praised the CBA for the high calibre of its federal submissions. A second meeting with the Minister and the CBA’s Executive Officers was scheduled for November.
Yellowknife 2008: CBA Mid-Winter Meeting and Aboriginal CLE This year’s Mid-Winter meeting is offering members two events in one location. A Continuing Legal Education program on Aboriginal Law takes place on February 21, 2008, just before the CBA Mid-Winter Meeting of Council gets underway February 23-24. Register now!
Aboriginal Law CLE Conference: February 21, 2008 uuu
CBA Mid-Winter Meeting of Council: February 23-24, 2008 uuu
BARTALK December 2007
national news
Podcast: Is Flat Fee Billing a Viable Alternative for Lawyers? Rather than setting price by a standard unit or result, alternative billing options focus on actions taken to benefit the client, beyond the time of how that value is applied. One of the simplest such options, and one that has increasingly received a great deal of attention in Canada, is billing for legal services at a flat rate. This month on CBA PracticeLink, certified management consultant and author Ed Poll helps you discover whether flat fee billing is a viable alternative for your firm. View podcast uuu View article uuu All this and much more uuu
CBA Calls for Reduced Delays in Processing Work Permits The CBA’s Citizenship and Immigration Section has written Immigration Minister Diane Finley and Human Resources and Social Development Minister Monte Solberg to raise concerns about the length of time it is taking to process work permit renewals and extensions. The delays are causing real hardship to people and a climate of uncertainty for many Canadian employers and their employees. The CBA recommends a number of administrative improvements to alleviate some of the pressure, but says the only way to solve the problem permanently is through the allocation of additional resources. Letter uuu
CBA and Competition Bureau Sign Accord The CBA’s National Competition Law Section and the Competition Bureau have endorsed a protocol that will promote more effective cooperation between the two groups. The protocol is the work of a joint task force that based the accord on the successful working relationship between the ABA’s Antitrust Law Section and the U.S. Department of Justice and the FTC. Protocol uuu pdf/Final_CBA_Task_Force_Report_07_13_07.pdf
CBA Responds to New Legislation In the days immediately following the Speech from the Throne, the government introduced several new Bills including: Tackling Violent Crime Act (Bill C-2), amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-3), and amendments to the Anti-Terrorism Act (Bill S-3). • Bill C-2: The CBA’s National Criminal Justice Section notes that public safety is best advanced by ensuring adequate resources to rely on laws already in place, rather than making changes that may complicate the law, elicit constitutional challenges and unnecessarily bog down the courts. • Bill C-3: The CBA has previously noted flaws with the U.K. model of special advocates that relate to the advocate’s access both to the person being detained and to the information in the entire file. • Bill S-3: The amendments bring back investigative hearings and preventative arrest under the AntiTerrorism Act. The CBA has previously argued that both Sections should be repealed under the “sunset” provisions of the Act, given the extraordinary powers they provide to law enforcement. All three Bills are being reviewed in detail by the relevant Sections.
December 2007 BARTALK
Section Update Keep your practice current
The following are brief summaries of several recent Section meetings held throughout the province. More detailed information and available minutes from the Section meetings are accessible online at in Sections and Groups, for enrolled CBA members. Banking Law Meeting: October 3, 2007 SpeakerS: Richard Olson, Chair, The Commercial Tenancy Act Reform Project BCLI; William Cooper, Boughton Law Corporation Topic: The Status of the Commercial Tenancy Act Reform Project, Recent Changes to the Canada-US Tax Treaty and the Lipson Case
Mr. Olson provided a backgrounder on the two-year Commercial Tenancy Act Reform Project and discussed the paper prepared by the British Columbia Law Institute regarding the project which will culminate in the publication of a final report in June 2009. Subsidiary goals for the project include promoting understanding of legal issues in the commercial tenancy field generally, and elucidating the current operation of commercial tenancy legislation in B.C. Mr. Cooper spoke on changes to the Canada-US Tax Treaty that has been proposed in the recently signed but as yet unratified 5th Protocol. The Protocol has coming into force provisions that vary depending on the particular amendments. In respect of taxes withheld at source, these provisions will apply to amounts paid or credited on or after the first day of the second month that begins after the date on which the Protocol enters into force. Cross-border interest that is currently subject to a 10 per cent withholding fee will be reduced to 0 per cent for arm’s length loans thus eliminating the need for socalled 5/25 loans and their complex provisions. Similar withholding rate reductions will be afforded related party loans but those reductions will be phased in over three years. Also, Treaty benefits will be extended to US LLCs, thereby reducing Canadian dividend withholding rates from 25 per cent to 5 per cent or 15 per cent, depending on the level of equity ownership. A new Treaty avoidance rule, deferred for three years, appears to have the effect of eliminating the tax benefits of the new BCULC, created by amendment to the BCBCA, which became law at the end of October, 2007. Domestically, Mr. Cooper advised that the decision in Lipson v. The Queen, 2007 FCA 113, brings into question the findings in the SCC Singleton decision
BARTALK December 2007
at 2002 DTC 6969. Singleton held that a taxpayer could restructure his financial affairs to obtain a tax deduction for interest on borrowed funds which were used to purchase a personal residence. The Canada Revenue Agency has indicated that it is reconsidering its position of allowing such cash damming techniques given the successful application of GAAR in Lipson. Employment Law & Labour Law Meeting: October 16, 2007 SpeakerS: Theodore C. Arsenault and Bruce R. Grist Topic: The End of Mandatory Retirement and its Effect on Unions and Employers
Mandatory retirement is effectively prohibited by an amendment to the definition of “age” in the Human Rights Code effective January 1, 2008. Mr. Arsenault reviewed the implication on labour relations and recommended that in negotiating terms in collective agreements, parties will need to determine what accommodations are in place and ensure that the language of the collective agreement will withstand the scrutiny of the Human Rights Code. In the end result, Mr. Arsenault’s view is that there will be increased efforts by employers to have employees agree to voluntary buyouts and severance packages in order to have those employees leave the workplace at age 65. Bruce Grist reviewed the impact of mandatory retirement on pension plans and benefits plans, as well as the legislative amendments to Section 13(3)(b) of the Code, as per the summary handout which was provided by Mr. Grist to Section members. Human Rights Law Meeting: September 26, 2007 Speaker: Anita Braha Topic: Duty to Accommodate: A Review of Recent Human Rights Tribunal Decisions
Anita Braha, Human Rights lawyer, presented an educational and thorough review of recent cases regarding the Duty to Accommodate in British Columbia. Ms. Braha’s informative PowerPoint presentation included the following topics: Relevant legal test to establish
discrimination; Significant cases; and the Summary of case principles. The Question and Answer session covered issues such as cases where undue hardship has been found, whether counsel should continue to argue the Law analysis which is a test to establish discrimination, and where and when to argue Law. Immigration Law Meeting: September 26, 2007 SpeakerS: David Rizzo, Manager, Program and Communications Division (Pacific Region), CBSA; Tony Wong, Senior Project Manager, 2010 Olympic and Paralympics Winter Games (Pacific Region), CBSA; Don MacKay, Senior Project Manager, 2010 Olympic and Paralympics Winter Games (Pacific Region), CBSA Topic: Immigration and Customs Perspectives and Related Initiatives Concerning the 2010 Olympic and Paralympics Winter Games
Messrs. Wong, MacKay and Rizzo responded to questions submitted by Section members in advance of the meeting concerning immigration and customs matters as well as follow-up questions and comments during the meeting. Some of the questions and answers that were highlighted were: Q: Pertaining to
the Olympics and Immigration, will foreign athletes be required to obtain visas as is usually required? A: Rather than visas in the passports, the foreign athletes will wear a conspicuous identity/security card around their necks at all times. Q: How will the CBSA handle foreign athletes with criminal records? A: In deciding whether to allow the athlete to enter Canada, the CBSA will assess months in advance of the Games whether the person is a danger to Canada, as per the usual analysis. If the benefits of admitting the individual outweigh the risks, then a special immigration document called a Temporary Resident Permit may be issued in addition to the identity/security card. Q: If a foreign worker does not have the work permit yet and his personal goods have arrived in Canada from abroad, is it possible to say what percentage rate of duty he will be assessed on his personal goods? A: There is technically a minimum $500 flat rate for customs and taxes on goods brought in, but it is not often assessed. CBSA wants to stay away from tariffs, as it is moving away from the collection of revenue and focusing enforcement, such as contraband and anti-terrorism, since the split from the CCRA. BT
Administrative Law – Vancouver Meeting: October 23, 2007 (Inaugural meeting using CBABC’s new Webinar tool) Speaker: Gregory J. Levine, Ph.D. LLB. Topic: The Law of Government Ethics – Federal, Ontario and British Columbia, “Ethics Law Undressed”
Mr. Levine spoke of the scope of government ethics, and noted the trend toward the increasing codification of ethics laws federally and in B.C. Mr. Levine noted that government ethics legislation is based largely on a profound valuing of public service and reflects both the deepest fears about government as well as the deepest aspirations of how one can act. With religious as well as cultural roots one has heard that ethics gives life to morality. He stressed that there must be ethics laws to fulfill the democratic ideal. Members in attendance at this luncheon meeting and by Webinar (computer and phone) heard of a burgeoning area of law designed to hold government accountable by addressing issues of corruption, influence peddling and abuse of public trust. He spoke of the goal of openness whereby processes are knowable and known.
“Greg Levine’s talk highlighted the growing codification of laws intended to address problems in government ethics. The presentation and ensuing discussion demonstrated why lawyers should be thinking about these issues, including whether to register under the Lobbyists Registration Act. – Legislative Liaison, Judy Ashbourne
December 2007 BARTALK
david j. bilinsky
Slaying the E-Mail Monster Regaining control of your inbox…
I Can’t take it any more Can you take it any more? Composed and performed by Vangelis.
e-mails that should otherwise be converted into: To-Do’s, memos, meeting notes, reminders, attachments, events, addresses, URLs, etc. There are other ways to store those for recall purposes! Put those items in folders (ToDo’s, Reminders, etc.) or in your Practice Management Software (e.g. TimeMatters, Amicus Attorney, PC Law, LawStream). The important thing is to get this “stuff” into relevant folders somewhere where it can be found and not let it clutter up your inbox!
his is a greatly abridged version of the full tips article on my blog on controlling your inbox: David J. Bilinsky is the Practice Dave Barry says: “The one Management Advisor for the thing that unites all human beings, LSBC. E-mail: regardless of age, gender, religious Blog: or ethnic background, is that we all believe we are above-average #4 Clean out your inbox… now! drivers.” Well, I will add to Dave Barry’s list and Triage your e-mails, quickly, and separate them: say that the other thing that unites human beings, • The important and urgent ones – leave in regardless of age, is that we all have overflowing your inbox; e-mail inboxes. More particularly, we don’t know • The important but not urgent ones – put into a what to do about them. Accordingly, here are tried “To-Do” folder; and and true tips for mastering your mailbox: • All the “others” – file away in other folders #1 Use More Than One E-mail Address: (reading, listservs, personal, etc.). The first technique can be called “divide and conThen – go back and attack the urgent and quer.” Here you separate your e-mail addresses important e-mails. Now! and create separate addresses for business, personal, #5 Prevent the Clutter E-mail from travel and disposable use. This divides the incoming Coming into the Inbox stream right off the get-go. Rather than subscribing to listservs, reduce your e-mail #2 Don’t Use Your Business Address for load by using RSS – Really Simple Syndication. This Anything Other Than Business eliminates the e-mails and allows you to scan only the Use an e-mail address separate from your work one most recent listserv postings using a newsreader. for listservs, for receiving information or for public #6 – Use Gmail – or Yahoo Mail for uses. Let these e-mails build up somewhere other Personal Use than your personal or business e-mail addresses so Yahoo and Google Mail (gmail) offer HUGE capacity that when you open your business e-mail, you are not – Gmail has almost 5000 MB of storage – that increasinundated in interesting (but not necessary) e-mails. es daily (and Yahoo mail has no storage limits). #3 Use Your Inbox Only To Gather Mail Gmail has automatic spam filtering, messaging forwarding, signatures and much much more. Most of us use the inbox as a kind of repository for 10
BARTALK December 2007
#7 Filters, Flags, & Search Folders
Filters automatically sort e-mails and put them into predefined folders. They take a little time to build, but the payback is huge. Flags are indicators that you can place next to an e-mail message in Outlook that are colour-coded (red, blue, yellow, green, orange, and purple) and can be a quick visual reminder for different types of e-mails. You can: • Use flags to follow-up for incoming and outgoing e-mail; • Flag action options using colours; • Use as pop-up reminder based on the sender of the e-mail; and • Sort and arrange your e-mails by colour for ata-glance priorities. Search folders are not real folders (such as “Inbox” or “Sent Items”), but rather they are virtual folders that contain views of e-mails matching specific search criteria. “Unread Mail” and “For Follow Up” are two default search folders in Outlook. Search folders: • Show unread messages and those marked for follow-up by default; • Customizable – will show any search you create; and • Contains shortcuts to messages – the messages themselves remain in the original folder(s). #8 Spam
E-mail systems can be configured in most cases, to weed out spam automatically. Since most of us use MS Outlook (at least for our business e-mails) we should use the features in Outlook to minimize spam: In Outlook click on the “Tools” menu, then “Options,” and then click “Junk E-mail” on the Preferences tab. This in turn, opens the Junk E-mail Options dialog box. You can choose the level of spam protection that you feel appropriate. You can start on “Low” and if this still produces too much spam, switch to High or even Safe Lists Only. The next step is to use the “safe senders list” to add in e-mail addresses that are generating “false positives” and being tagged as spam needlessly. Lastly there is the “Block senders list” which allows you to add in addresses to which you do not
wish to receive any further e-mails. For example, you can add in addresses of those individuals who have repeatedly spammed you to save yourself the tedious task of having to delete these unwanted e-mails. #9 Phishing e-mails
Phishing e-mails are e-mails that appear to be from legitimate organizations such as a bank but are in fact forged e-mails. They attempt to fool the user in order to fraudulently acquire information such as your bank account number and/or password for illegal uses including identity theft. In order to enable anti-Phishing for Outlook 2003 (Outlook 2007 has its own anti-phishing and junk e-mail protections): • Upgrade to Outlook 2003 and install the latest Office 2003 Service Pack (http://office. and click on “Check for free updates”); and • Install the Junk e-mail filter update for Outlook 2003. The Junk E-mail Filter – Phishing Protection works as follows: • Dangerous e-mail is automatically routed to your “Junk E-mail” folder; • All formatting has been stripped out – all html, all pictures – all you see is straight text; • All hypertext links are turned off; and • If good e-mails are ending up in your “Junk E-mail” folder, then: Right-click on one of those e-mails. Then click “Junk E-Mail” and then “Add Sender to Safe Senders List.” Conclusion
We have just run through some of the tried and tested techniques to wrestle the e-mail demon to the ground and start to regain control over your inbox (and your life!). Now – what remains is for you to take that first step and start along the journey that leads to an inbox that only has a few items (that came in today!) and which you can easily deal with by the end of day. As they say, every journey begins with a single step. All it takes is for you to say that you can’t take it any more…. BT The views expressed herein are strictly those of the author and may not be shared by the Law Society of B.C. December 2007 BARTALK
nothing official
Charming MWM 51, Seeks Diplomatic “Liaison” “Special Someone” must have own Country with beach. No weirdos please.
noted from the Society and the party invitations. As I said, Pages of the Vancouver Sun I have my own Tuxedo and so does some months ago that I was my wife. Being an expert in small not invited to this year’s talk, I am extremely entertaining Diplomat’s Ball, that glittering at parties, and can carry on a conshindig for all the chargé d’affaires, versation about anything except consular officers and other memMorris Dancing and hockey. As an bers of Vancouver’s small but happy added benefit, I will promote your diplomatic corps who read The country to tourists. I “know” some Economist and know it’s the best tourists. I have “connections.” posting in the world until they see I am reasonably worldly, havTony Wilson practises Franchise the rain. I’m disappointed there ing been all over Europe, Asia and Law at Boughton in Vancouver. were no pictures of me in the paper Africa. But if I have not actually The fact that he has posed for with my very excellent Tuxedo on. visited your country, I assure you I this picture with a Santa costume on, at the nagging This is probably because I am not had the great honour of flying over insistence of the CBA, suggests a member of the Diplomatic Corps it once on the way somewhere else. that his chances of securing a in Vancouver. I’m not even from Because I listen to the BBC, diplomatic posting are now nil. another country. But neither are buy Marks and Spencer’s socks and other members of Vancouver’s conused to play Rugby, my preference sular community. Some have never even set foot on is any former colony of the British Empire. I have the country they represent. Some are even lawyers! the unique benefit of speaking the language (I was in Being born and raised in B.C.’s capital city, I “English Immersion” at school). And, because I enjoy have no real connection to any foreign country except rum and got married there, I suspect that there may Victoria. Well, that’s unfair. Victoria isn’t in another be Islands in the Caribbean that could use me as their country. Victoria is simply in another time zone. Vancouver Consul. I could even house their luge team When it’s 11 a.m. here, it’s 1972 there. (Bada-Boom!). during the Olympics in a pinch. So without beating around the bush, I would like I know places like the Falklands, Pitcairn, St. one of these consular postings. I just need a polite Helena and Tristan da Cunha aren’t countries, but country that wants my law office or my house (or my UK “territories.” Still, they may need representation sailboat) to be their HQ in Vancouver. So here’s my in Vancouver one day. I know Napoleon died in St. pitch: I promise to be a good Honorary Consul; to Helena and the Bounty’s descendants live on Pitcairn. pay all my parking tickets; and to visit your country, Tristan Da Cunha has interesting stamps. This is even if you don’t take Club Intrawest points. I prommore than most people know about these places. ise to make myself available to your countrymen and Failing that, I’m banking on Palau, Tuvalu, women, preferably if they speak English, have their Samoa and other South Pacific Island countries, own accommodation and a return ticket home. I mostly because their native sons wrecked my back in promise I will not say anything bad about your couna Rugby game in 1974, so they owe me. try, unless you are Burma or the other bad ones (you I have my own golf clubs and a kilt. And I look know who you are). I don’t expect money. Just the good in a Tuxedo. Respond to Box 4261, this publicawall plaque, the diplomatic license plates, the sash, tion. Nothing kinky. No weirdos please. BT 12
BARTALK December 2007
Online Marketing: Blawgs Part 1 What is a blawg and what can it do for you?
blawg is a blog that MT4 has dozens of templates and focuses on commencore authoring functions that help tary about the law. you manage your blog. Their web A blawg can get you editor utilizes WYSIWYG (what noticed, drive traffic to your webyou see is what you get) functionsite and improve your search engine ality. MT4’s graphic displays let ranking. Savvy law firms use blog you see which content and contechnology to promote services to tributors drive conversations on potential clients, and post informayour site. It also has a built-in tion in real time from anywhere in registration system that allows you the world. You do not need to be a to authenticate commenters and Patricia Jordan is the CBABC techie or spend vast sums of cash to users; giving you control over who Web Manager. She welcomes build a great looking blawg. Blog posts. MT4 licenses are available your comments, questions publishing software is easy to use, for commercial, education/nonand suggestions. Tel: 604-646-7861 free or relatively inexpensive. profit and enterprise purposes for E-mail: Blogging is about connecta fee. The personal use license is ing with and hearing from people available at no charge. who read your work. Stan Rule, a offers a free service with more based lawyer who practises in estate planning, than 60 templates and a text editor that makes it easy probate and estate administration at the law firm of to create posts. All you need is an e-mail address and a Tinker, Churchill, Rule, has been posting online at name to get started. You have the ability to categorize since August 2005. His blawg and tag your posts as you type them, allowing you to “Rule of Law” was created in the hope that he could immediately create archives that are automatically added to a global tag system. To support their service help others learn more about law, and encourage WordPress may occasionally show Google text ads on discussion about law and law reform. “It has defiyour blog. In the future, the option of purchasing an nitely helped in the marketing of my practice,” upgrade will be available to turn the ads off or show said Rule. “But, I think the main thing is that it is your own ad and make money from your blog. something that I enjoy doing, and it helps me keep Google’s is a free alternative to poston top of the developments in my practice.” ing online. Google has made posting easy with their Blog Publishing Software selection of templates that will help you get started offers inexpensive solutions for people with minimal effort. You can customize colors, fonts who want to build a web presence. They offer five and even edit HTML code. The drag and drop page levels of products and services. You choose the level elements allow you to place archives, posts, and prothat works best for you. TypePad has a selection of files exactly where you want them. Posting photos is templates that can be customized, and their easy to quick and easy too. You have control and can choose use editor has feedback management tools, feed and to allow comments on a post-by-post basis or delete a comment, if necessary. podcast support, and more. Look for more on Blawgs in Part 2 of Online Moveable Type 4 (MT4) is a professional publishing platform that is available online at Marketing in the February issue of BarTalk. BT December 2007 BARTALK
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided to you in this article but the information should not be relied upon. Lawyers should refer to the specific legislative or regulatory provision. You will see a reference in some cases to the number of the Bill when it was introduced in the House. This number may be different from the chapter number of the new Act which is quoted after the title of the Act and which is the proper citation for the Act. The Bill number has been given to make it easier for you to note up the Bills you may have in your library.
acts in force ASSESSMENT STATUTES AMENDMENT ACT, 2007, S.B.C. 2007, C. 13 (BILL 32) Sections 1, 4, 3, 5 to 11, 12(b) and (c), 15, 16, 17, 21 to 31, 32, 33 to 47, 49 to 53 and 55 to 68 are in force September 24, 2007 ATTORNEY GENERAL STATUTES AMENDMENT ACT, 2007 , S.B.C. 2007, C. 14 (BILL 33) Sections 1 to 8, 10 to 12, 32 to 37, 45, 46, 50, 55, 56, 59, 60, 62, 63 and 66 to 68 are in force October 18, 2007. Sections 14 to 16, 19, 21, 24, 26, 27 and 30 are in force October 1, 2007
CURRENT FROM August 29 to November 5, 2007 Legislative Update is provided as part of the CBABC legislative and law reform program. It is a service funded by CBA membership fees, and is therefore provided as a benefit of CBA membership. The full version of Legislative Update is now only published online and available to CBA members exclusively at
CORONERS ACT, S.B.C. 2007, C. 15 (BILL 8) Act is in force September 26, 2007 FINANCE STATUTES AMENDMENT ACT, 2007 , S.B.C. 2007, C. 7 (BILL 14) Sections 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 22, 23, 26 and 31 to 33 are in force October 29, 2007
FORESTS AND RANGE STATUTES AMENDMENT ACT, 2007 , S.B.C. 2007, C. 18 (BILL 18) Sections 7 and 16 are in force September 24, 2007. Section 34 and Section 66(a), insofar as it enacts Section 151(2)(k.3) of the Forest Act, in force September 7, 2007 HOMEOWNER PROTECTION AMENDMENT ACT, 2007 , S.B.C. 2007, C. 20 (BILL 34) Act is in force November 19, 2007
CBA/UBC Mentorship Program Reception Awards Jennifer Lau awarded the Law Student Award, and Jennifer O’Leary awarded the CBA Finance Services Award
Two prestigious CBA Awards were also awarded at the ceremony to two students for their outstanding academic achievement, as well as their service to the law school and the community. This year’s recipient of the CBABC Law Student Award was Jennifer Lau, and the recipient of the CBA Finance Services Award was Jennifer O’Leary.
Aboriginal Law Student Scholarship Trust CBABC has partnered with the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (NAAF) to advance legal education for Aboriginal persons through the establishment of a trust fund to provide annual scholarships for Aboriginal persons to attend B.C. law schools. NAAF has an excellent record in honouring the achievements of Aboriginal people in Canada through its National Aboriginal Achievement Awards and the administration of more than $27 million in scholarships and bursaries to Aboriginal students across the country since 1988. The Law Foundation of British Columbia has also recognized the value of this initiative by committing to match funds raised by the CBABC. Make a contribution by December 31, 2007 and become a founding patron. All contributions received prior to March 31st will be acknowledged at a spring launch event. For more information visit and click on Initiatives.
BARTALK December 2007
UBC/CBA Mentorship Program Reception Downtown reception a big draw
his year, the CBA Member Services Manager, who B.C. Branch and UBC co-ordinated the CBA’s involveFaculty of Law Career ment in the program. Services Office hosted This year also marked the the annual Mentorship Reception first time the UBC Faculty of at the Law Courts Inn in downLaw First Nations Legal Studies town Vancouver on the evening Program was involved in the of October 25th. The event was a Mentorship match. First Nations tremendous success with over 150 lawyers and students were offered people in attendance. Many lawan opportunity to be matched. yers appreciated the convenience Jennifer Duncan, Advisor of the of the new location of the recepFirst Nations Program, assisted in Shane Hopkins-Utter UBC/CBA Student tion, which in the past was held matching five students with menRepresentative at the Cecil Green House at UBC. tors, and hopes to attract larger Some took the opportunity to give numbers next year. their mentees a brief firm tour, or to meet with them As those who have participated in the Mentorship for dinner beforehand. Program can attest, there are many benefits enjoyed Mary Anne Bobinski, Dean of the UBC Faculty by both the mentors and mentees. Not only does it of Law, spoke briefly of the benefits of the program, provide both with the opportunity to gain a new perand thanked the mentors for welcoming law students spective and appreciation for the practice of law, but into the legal community and for providing them it builds a long-lasting professional relationship and with insight into the practice of law. Kaila Mikkelsen network with future colleagues. and Kerry Parker Smith, Director and Associate There were 177 students who participated this Director of the UBC Career Services Office, both year, and 170 mentors, several of whom volunteered of whom were actively involved in the Mentorship to mentor two students. While the program is run Program, were also in attendance. Several student primarily to introduce first-year students to the pracvolunteers from the UBC Articling Committee also tice of law, a large number of second- and third-year assisted at the event. students also participated in the program this year. Marika Giles, Young Lawyers’ Representative, As the UBC CBA Student Representative, I CBABC Executive Committee, presented two preswould like to thank all of the lawyers and students tigious awards at the reception to students who have who participated in the program this year and who demonstrated outstanding academic achievements attended the Mentorship Reception. I urge you to and who have served both the law school and their follow-up with your mentors and mentees soon, communities. The first, the CBA B.C. Branch and suggest that you stay in touch throughout Award, was presented to Jennifer Lau, Law III. the year to arrange casual meetings over coffee or Jennifer O’Leary, Law II, was the recipient of the lunch where you can continue to build your CBA Finance Services Award. Also in attendance relationship. If you have any questions, concerns, from the CBA B.C. Branch were Caroline Nevin, or feedback about the Mentorship Program, please Executive Director, Joanne Silver, Director of feel free to contact me, Shane Hopkins-Utter, at Stakeholder Relations, and Jennifer Weber, Branch BT December 2007 BARTALK
Earlier Solutions, Faster Justice The future for administrative justice in British Columbia
he Ministry of Attorney co-ordination of ministerial supGeneral, together port to tribunals, with the aim with several partners of improved access to services. (including the legal 3. Information: Accessible community), has embarked on a information, advice and guidplan to ensure British Columbia’s ance on how the administrajustice system is more accessible, tive justice system works timely and cost effective. The plan will be provided through the is based on the concepts of early Administrative Justice Office’s solutions and faster justice, to help website (, individuals, families and businesses with consideration also given resolve disputes sooner. to distributing information Honourable Wally Oppal, QC Attorney General and Minister While much has already been about tribunals through the Responsible for Multiculturalism done to reform B.C.’s administraproposed justice access centres. tive justice system, the ministry, 4. Simplification: The Adminthrough its Administrative Justice Office, will conistrative Tribunals Act will continue to be used tinue to work with tribunals, other ministries and as a comprehensive, consistent framework so community partners to look for opportunities to that tribunals can adopt streamlined processes, provide earlier and fair resolution of administrative providing a timely, proportionate and more law issues. user-friendly alternative to the courts. Best The ministry’s five key strategies for justice practices for tribunal case management will be transformation will also be applied in the adminisconsidered and tribunals will be encouraged trative justice system, in consultation with other key to modify their rules as may be necessary. The participants. Those strategies are: ministry will also consider exploring opportu1. Prevention: Government will look for ways nities for streamlined processes to reduce the to minimize, avoid and resolve administrative complexity and lack of proportionality associlaw issues before they become disputes to be ated with judicial review proceedings. considered by a tribunal or another oversight 5. Resolution: Tribunals will be encouraged body. For example, the Administrative Justice to initiate or build on their dispute resoluOffice and the Dispute Resolution Office are tion processes to achieve early resolution so working together to support greater use of that adjudication is used only where no other dispute resolution, earlier in government’s prooption makes sense. BT cesses and before matters are brought into the Canadian Bar Association members are invited to tribunal system. share their suggestions, ideas or comments for 2. Integration: Co-ordination and sharing of improvements to the administrative justice system, resources within the administrative justice syscritical to assisting British Columbians to achieve tem will be enhanced where possible, through earlier solutions and faster justice, by contacting the exploring and supporting additional opporAdministrative Justice Office through the feedback tunities to build on existing co-location of option at:, by telephone at: 250tribunal registries, cross appointments and 387-0058 or by e-mail to: 16
BARTALK December 2007
Equity Under the Wills Variation Act
n 2006, the B.C. Law Institute unfairly disinheriting a child. Often delivered a report recommendhowever, successful WVA claims ing many welcome changes to involve dysfunctional families where modernize estate law. an abusive parent disinherits his The report also contained, howor her own child. Others involve ever, one ill-considered recommenfamilies that inappropriately disdation to eliminate Wills Variation criminate, within their culture, Act claims by adult children unless usually against daughters. they are unable to be self-supporting. Consider the following examThe WVA is the statute which ples of successful WVA claims permits children and spouses which this proposed recommendaJudith Milliken, QC has practised of deceased individuals to chaltion would eliminate, if passed: law for 31 years in the areas of lenge their wills after their death. 1) A South Asian mother’s will left commercial law, criminal law, Generally speaking, under this Act her estate to her sons, largely and estate litigation which she the courts will not interfere with excluding her daughters. The practises together with her husband Trevor Todd. In her other life a will if a parent has good reason judge found this reflected an she runs a family friendly tourist to disinherit a child and properly inappropriate cultural bias and suite and enjoys her own family. documents those reasons. amended the will to provide This new proposal, however, the daughters a larger share. would eliminate claims by self supporting adult chil2) A father’s will left his gay son a life estate, dren even in the most deserving of cases. In doing so, whereas he gave two heterosexual sons outit would reverse almost 90 years of jurisprudence. right gifts. The trial judge amended this will It is difficult to advance any good policy reasons ruling “homosexuality is not a factor in today’s for eliminating the statutory discretion given by the society justifying a judicious parent disinheritWVA. The effect of the proposed amendment would ing or limiting benefits to his child.” be to uphold testators’ testamentary freedom to 3) A mother’s will disinherited one of three disinherit children no matter just how frivolous, disdaughters. She had abandoned her first criminatory or mean-spirited their reasoning may be. illegitimate daughter as a toddler, leaving her The purported rationale for this proposed change in an abusive home. She later married and is to make the law of British Columbia consistent became a supportive and loving mother to with the law of other provinces. In fact, B.C. law is two adopted daughters. They enjoyed happy actually ahead of the other common law provinces successful lives in contrast to the abandoned because it permits the courts to bring more fairness daughter who lived a life of economic struggle into estate law by applying equity where required. and abusive marriages. The judge divided the B.C. is also more consistent with most of the estate equally between the three. world where testamentary freedom is not a given. The The B.C. Wills Variation Act provided for equity concept of complete testamentary freedom is largely in all of these cases. known only in the common law world. How can it possibly be a step forward to elimiMany who had the fortune to be raised in happy, nate this discretion simply to be consistent with healthy families find it difficult to imagine any parent other provinces? BT December 2007 BARTALK
Workplace Wellness is Evolving
orkplace wellness I was having a conversation was born when with the workplace wellness directhe business comtor in a major law firm after having munity started presented a workshop for their staff to realize that a healthy employee and for the lawyers. She said: “Great was more productive, suffered less speakers, like you, come into the stress, and had fewer sick days. So workplace and do a presentation for the programs focused on physical the employees. There is a buzz for health with smoking cessation proa few days and then it’s over. One grams, blood pressure checks and needs follow-up.” fitness centres. And the employees I agree; follow-up is important. became healthier, but they still sufSo, at Parenting Today we have Kathy Lynn is a professional speaker and author with an fered from stress and anxiety. developed a number of programs expertise in parenting. For Workplace wellness programs available as a follow-up support for more information on her have evolved. In order to be truly parents in the workplace. workplace wellness programs healthy, all parents in the workforce visit her website at Why would you care? need to be supported by programs Today’s young professionals insist that help them build parenting that their benefits programs skills and strategies. include recognition that they have a full life outside Parenting workshops and support seem to be difof the workplace. The workplace that honours that ficult to implement. Although one knows that child will find that they can recruit the best people, that raising is the most important job in the world, one is they will see an increase in employee retention and still unclear on the concept that like any other career, loyalty, and that their employees will have fewer sick parenting is one for which one needs training. When days, be focused on their job while at work and will parents know about child development, when they suffer less stress and anxiety. have a handle on child discipline, when they are comRaising kids is one of the greatest challenges fortable communicating with their kids; they are betfor those trying to achieve a balance between home ter employees. They arrive in the morning calm and and work. The workplaces that recognize that will ready to work. Their work time is productive, and be the winners, as will their employees and the next they are comfortable and happy in their role as pargeneration of workers, their children. BT ent, and thus can focus on their paid employment.
Kathy to Speak at Women Lawyers Forum Event Kathy Lynn is scheduled to speak at an upcoming Women Lawyers Forum event. Kathy offers clear and common-sense answers to basic parenting dilemmas. Her style is down-to-earth, fun and real. Please watch the CBA website and your e-mail inbox for further details.
BARTALK December 2007
Perspective is Reality: Mastering the Generational Gap
ew associates want only when they did something a life and a career. wrong. So, for an associate, feedPartners have put back is sought after – for partners work first throughit is avoided. out their whole career. New assoWhat associates are saying ciates define hard work as being when they ask for feedback is, “I accessible by e-mail, voicemail, and am interested in growing, buildpager. Partners define hard work ing skills, and enhancing comas time behind the desk, hours at petencies.” They expect lifelong the office, and number of billable continuous learning and expect hours worked. partners to provide coaching It is no surprise that the tenand specific advice about how Nora Spinks is President of Work-Life Harmony sion between the generations is to be a better lawyer. A partner Enterprises, an international building. In law firms across the may think the associate is lackresearch and consulting firm country, partners, associates, and ing confidence, unsure of their working with the legal professtudents are trying to find ways get abilities, demanding, needy and sion to leverage generational along when they have very differunprofessional. Partners are busy diversity in the workplace. ent experiences, perspectives, and and think associates should work expectations. Historically, there hard, “pay their dues” and learn were only three generations in the workforce and through experience. Both are accurate from their any one time – today, you are likely to encounter any respective generational perspectives but a complete one of five generations in the course of a typical day. misinterpretation of each other. Generational characteristics are a result of four This conflict can result in tension and misunderelements: demographics (genealogy), human develstanding, and may contribute to regrettable turnover opment (biology), social, economic, and political and less than optimal productivity. Neither party is forces (sociology), and shared experiences (psycholcompletely right nor completely wrong; they are simogy). The more you understand the science, the ply different. To resolve the issue, it is important to easier it is to perfect the art of managing across genrespect the other opinion and perspective. Associates erations. If you are experiencing intergenerational need to recognize that their need for feedback does not stress, ask yourself a few questions: what is the other necessarily come naturally to the partners. Partners person’s generational perspective, and what is yours? need to recognize that new associates expect and even How do they differ? And what are the unwritten or need more feedback than red marks on a document. unspoken understandings or behaviour norms for Neither generation will become like the other, each generation? however, they can respect their differences and think For example, people who were raised in North about communication from the receiver’s perspective America in the 80s and 90s have a high likelihood of as well as their own. Whether the tension is around having received daily positive feedback, and frequent feedback, face-time or different definitions of hard feedback with every hour spent playing computer work, a fresh perspective on generations may reduce and video games. On the other hand, people who the stress and anxiety, and ultimately make both were raised in the 50s or 60s likely received feedback associates and partners more productive. BT December 2007 BARTALK
Work-Life Quality vs. Balance
he quest for Work-Life and try something new. In any Balance is a perpetual case, be selective, and remember to challenge at the best practice boundaries. Know what it of times. Throw in the is that you can control. seasonal stressors of the holiday, Some guiding principles: and that elusive sense of balance can • Build on what is working for become an impossibility for some. you; Thoughts of overspending; too • Make time for the important much to do; too little time; great things; expectations become the internal • Relax your standards (Martha chant that pervades the mind, as won’t know); we wonder what became of those Marisa Castelo • Keep expectations realistic; Counsellor Coordinator, Interlock sugarplum fairies that should be E-mail: • Respond rather than react. Give dancing in our heads. yourself the space to do so; and Try saying the words resilien• You can say no. BT cy, mindfulness, conscious choice and selective focus to yourself right now. As you do so… breathe them in. Do you notice how they create Interlock offers personal and confidential a sense of calm? Repeat the word that seems to resocounselling and consulting services, at no-cost to nate best for you. Allow yourself to consider what individual B.C. lawyers, articling students, and their that signifies to you, and how you chose to visualimmediate families. ize/conceptualize it. Does this help you imagine what Interlock can be reached at: Lower Mainland: you can do differently this holiday season? 604-431-8200, Toll Free in B.C.: 1-800-663-9099 Recognize what is working and what is not. For some, that means planning ahead. For others, it means allowing yourself to accept certain situations, and let go of your resistance. Asking yourself what and how can simplify things. Remind yourself to balance family and solo time, for some it could be more useful, energizing, and beneficial to mix it up
Health & Wellness TIPS Tough Days Build in regular breaks to stretch or take a five minute walk – even on those days when you “can’t spare the time.” Building in breaks will help you maintain your energy levels and focus more effectively. uuu
courtesy of interlock 1-800-663-9099 20
BARTALK December 2007
Kalev Jaaguste
“Christmas Turkey”… Keeping It OFF Your Belly
et’s start off with those of you who have worked hard all summer to stay fit, maybe even kept up the training in anticipation of some fall get-away holidays. Regardless, it’s still getting close to the time of year that your bodies all dread. “Christmas Time” is the worst for parties (both eating and drinking), so here are some suggestions to de-stress from the Christmas bustle, and keep off that extra weight while still enjoying some Christmas cheer.
Remember that you have to burn the excess calories you intake so your regular workouts won’t do. (Important health note: Always consult your trainer before making any changes to your regular workout). If you were going nowhere with your workouts before, the holiday festivities will certainly increase the chances that your fitness levels will slide in the wrong Kalev Jaaguste direction. Take a step in the right Personal Trainer direction and get yourself ahead of Phone: 604-518-4691 everyone else come January 1st! E-mail: For those of you who are not currently on an exercise program, Do your Cardio! but are interested in making a change, now is the 1) Do your cardio after your weights: this will time, before the holiday temptations come your help you to burn a higher per cent of fat way. It’s best to start small, consult a trainer to assess during cardio. and personally create a program that is correct for 2) Include intervals in your cardio: this will you. Start taking small walks every other day, buy increase the intensity as well as your anaerobic a gym membership, or just get on the treadmill and threshold. walk for 10 minutes. Give yourself small achievable 3) Vary your cardio activity: pushing hard on goals – RECORD THEM, and make sure you do a the bike, elliptical and stepper for 10 minutes each is better than a 30 minute walk on “Take a step in the right direction the treadmill. Weights! Weights! Weights!
1) “Get a Trainer,” or at least a training partner to keep you honest and accountable for those 6:00 a.m. workouts. 2) Change up your program. If you’re bored, then you’re not working hard, so switch it up and get more from your workout minute. 3) “Super Set,” get two times the work done; in between sets of one exercise, do another exercise of the opposite muscle to get more done. 4) “High reps,” start doing 20 reps of your exercise and watch your heart rate burn even more calories just like in a cardio workout.
and get yourself ahead of everyone else come January 1st!”
little bit more, no matter how small, each time. Next thing you know you will be doing better than you ever imagined. If you have any questions, need a kick-start on a fitness program, or just need some extra motivation and help with your current plan, why not give Kalev a call, or at least take some inspiration from Kalev’s website: It’s time you took your health into your own hands! BT December 2007 BARTALK
CBA Sections Make Financial Sense There are many reasons we belong to the CBA. We are the advocates on issues that affect lawyers’ personal and professional lives; the voice of the profession on issues of policy and law reform; and a key supplier of continuing professional development (“CPD”) opportunities for lawyers. Our members know how important CBA Sections are. For many members, Sections are the most tangible benefit of membership, and provide an opportunity for networking, fostering collegiality, and CPD. Some form of mandatory CPD will be implemented by the Law Society in the near future, and the CBA has been part of the consultation process surrounding this issue. One of our concerns is that there be accessible, affordable and convenient CPD for all lawyers, especially those that live outside the major centres. Section meetings qualify as CPD hours. We have invested in technology to ensure that virtually all Section meetings can be attended by teleconference at the request of any member. We have successfully utilized Webinars to allow remote attendance over the Internet. The CBA offers a “privilege pass” allowing non-members to try a Section before joining, and this can be found at section_coupon.pdf. This all adds up to significant savings for Section members. There is no need to spend money on travel, hotel, or lose the working days to get to and from a full-day program. Sections just may be the most accessible, affordable and convenient CPD. Enrol today! Download a Section enrolment form at or contact the CBABC office.
Alisa Noda – The Spirit of Community
Alisa Noda
On July 3, 2007, an important centre of community was lost. Alisa Noda was, and will remain, an inspiration to anyone who knew her. In her work in Aboriginal Law, West Coast LEAF, and in her own neighbourhood, Alisa Noda acted as a convener, facilitator, negotiator, and advisor. Her work in the legal profession spanned two and a half decades, beginning at Justice Canada, and ending with the firm of Noda and Associates. In every place in her life, Alisa believed in collaboration, and the idea that the contributions of a diverse group of individuals would always produce a better result.
Over the years of West Coast LEAF, many women and men have contributed their time, expertise, money, and passion for equality. The organization, like all non-profits, has had times of change and times of great stress. Sometimes the issue is funding (as the recent closure of NAWL attests), sometimes it is internal politics, sometimes it is an external challenge. Often a fork in the organization’s life will appear in those times – one path leading to a painful closure, another path leading to dynamic redefined role. Taking the right path requires true leadership at the helm, something all non-profits seek. Alisa was certainly such a leader for West Coast LEAF. The CBABC recognized her contributions to West Coast LEAF when she was awarded the Community Service Award in 2005. And her commitment to the organization cost her – she once estimated that her income went down by $20,000 a year while she was Chair of the Board. She also donated over $10,000 to West Coast LEAF above and beyond her time, good humour, intelligence, and ubiquitous red pen! Losing a friend and colleague is never easy, but Alisa would not have asked for a lot of attention or maudlin grief. She only asked, as she did when she was alive: that one take one’s profession seriously; do what is right and just in one’s work; give to community in whatever ways one can; and serve one’s clients with dignity and respect. Thank you, Alisa.
BARTALK December 2007
CBABC Women Lawyers Forum Announcing the Women Lawyers Forum Signature Event Luncheon Featuring Maureen McTeer Speaking About “Sex, Law & Politics: Life Lessons from the Trenches” Wednesday, February 13, 2008 Four Seasons Hotel, Park Ballroom 791 West Georgia Street, Vancouver 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Lunch will be followed by a dessert buffet where you will have the opportunity to meet Ms. McTeer and network with other attendees. The B.C. Women Lawyers Forum invites you, your clients and colleagues, to hear Maureen McTeer speak on her myriad life experiences as a lawyer, mother, author, women’s health activist and volunteer. Her story is both revelatory and inspirational. Maureen McTeer is the accomplished wife of former Canadian Prime Minister, Joe Clark. She spent years in the public eye, arousing controversy simply by pursuing her own career and by keeping her maiden name. She describes her years as a lawyer dedicated to working for women’s equality and health, while learning to be her own woman in an era of mixed messages. In addition, as an acknowledged expert on reproductive technologies and genetics, Ms. McTeer examines a wide range of issues raised by science, such as how the Maureen McTeer development of genetic technology increasingly affects our lives, creating both ethical and legal concerns. Building on her best selling autobiography, In My Own Name, Maureen will speak about personal struggles and professional triumphs; and will share her insights into the urgent priorities she sees for all Canadian women this decade. Please join The Women Lawyers Forum at this unique networking event and, learn about The Women Lawyers Forum whose purpose is to promote and support the advancement of the stature and influence of women in the legal profession.
(see for details)
Branch and Bar Calendar
Mark your calendar and go to (Sections & Groups > Women Lawyers Forum) for ticket information and for a full report on Women Lawyers Forum activities in 2007!
December 2007 – January 2008 December 1
New Westminster Bar Association Christmas Party (Hart House)
December 2
CBABC Brunch with Santa (Law Courts Inn)
January 10
CBABC Executive Committee Meeting (CBABC Boardroom)
January 24
CBABC Chief Justices Dinner
January 25
CBABC/LCBA President’s Meeting (Delta Airport Hotel, Richmond)
January 26
CBABC Provincial Council (Delta Airport Hotel, Richmond) December 2007 BARTALK
member services
For information on the highlighted Member Services suppliers and several we have not mentioned, check out the CBABC website under the “Member Savings” section in “Membership” for information on suppliers, contact numbers and order forms. Alternatively, you can e-mail and request information or call the CBABC office for assistance.
Alpine Resort Ski/Snowboard Passes Get yours now. These will sell out fast! Having world-renowned winter resorts throughout B.C., the CBABC offers incredible discounts to members at some of the best mountains. Whether you spend your winters at scenic Sun Peaks, breathtaking Silver Star, unforgettable Big White, or home of the 2010 Winter Olympics Whistler/ Blackcomb, there is a resort near you where your CBA membership gives you more than you expected for less than you bargained for. Check the website for details.
Auto Leasing/Sales Check out ProGroup Sales and Leasing, Carter Auto Family or Afrique Enterprises for member preferred rates that offer you and your family substantial discounts on the purchase or lease of a vehicle.
Stanley Theatre Use your CBABC discount to enjoy a “Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme.” Brilliantly adapted from the Academy Award–winning animated film. This muchloved spectacle will thrill you with its show-stopping musical numbers, astonishing sets, and lavish costumes. Running from December 6, 2007 – January 6, 2008 at the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage. “Holiday family hit makes magnificent return” – The Vancouver Sun.
Vancouver Opera
Vancouver Opera is admired around the world for presenting exciting productions of high quality, for the estimable playing of its orchestra, and for attracting artists of international stature. Check the website for CBABC discounts.
Vancouver/Victoria Symphony
CBA members save 15-20 per cent on regular priced tickets with both the Vancouver Symphony and Victoria Symphony.
Park’N’Fly: 20 per cent discount on YVR Parking.
Boutique Items Whether you need a gift for a new associate, guest speaker or special event, the CBABC offers several boutique items that will fit your budget. For golf shirts and umbrellas, travel mugs (new ones in stock), thermal flasks, and many other useful items, check out the CBABC website.
Bugatti Cases The CBABC is continuing to offer Personalised Lawyers’ Cases at substantially discounted prices. These high quality bags can be personalised with your name, initials, or law firm name. Bugatti bags, also, make a perfect Christmas gift.
Rogers Wireless CBA Members receive exclusive pricing and airtime options. 24
BARTALK December 2007
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the latest CBABC promotions.
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bar moves
Bar Moves
Have you recently changed firms or opened a new firm? Send submissions (maximum 25 words) to Bar Moves at
Lee T.J. Fisher has joined the firm of Buckler Shaver LLP in Victoria as Associate
Counsel where he will continue to practise in the areas of corporate commercial, real estate, and wills and estates.
Jeff Wust
Legacy Tax + Trust Lawyers is pleased to announce that Mark D. Lavitt and Cheyenne J.H. Reese have joined our firm. Mark D. Lavitt will practise in the areas of domestic and international tax planning and tax litigation. Cheyenne J.H. Reese will practise in the areas of cross border U.S.-Canada tax planning, national and international trust planning, and estate planning. Mitchell Couling, formerly of Woodward & Company, recently joined the firm of Devlin Gailus as associate
counsel, practising exclusively for aboriginal clients. Jeff Wust joined Lang Michener’s Vancouver office in September 2007 as an associate in the Venture Capital Group,
after articling with the firm to fulfill his B.C. Bar requirements. Laurel Bieber of Bieber Law Corporation is pleased to announce the arrival at her Prince Rupert offices of articled students Keith Sabey and Mike Jukic. OnPoint Law Corporation, a firm of contract lawyers for hire by lawyers and law firms, is pleased to welcome PAULINE GARDIKIOTIS to the firm as an associate. Pauline, a 10-year call, practises in the areas of civil and commercial litigation. MATTHEW TAYLOR has joined Quigg Development Corp. as Corporate Counsel, where he will be managing
the company’s legal affairs. Mary Jane Bennett joined Lang Michener’s Vancouver office in October 2007 as Associate Counsel in the
Business Law Group, bringing to Lang Michener three decades of practice experience in administrative law, civil and criminal litigation. Helene Walford has joined Wilkinson & Company in Kelowna and is practising general civil litigation with
an emphasis on personal injury and construction law. Palbinder K. Shergill of Shergill & Company, Trial Lawyers and her associate Kuljit K. Sandhu has moved from their Guildford location to Surrey. They are now located at Suite 286, 8128 – 128th Street, Surrey, B.C. V3W 1R1.
Bernard & Partners of Vancouver is pleased to announce KRISTIL HAMMER has joined the firm as a corporate and commercial associate. Bernard & Partners has been recognized by Canadian Lawyer as the leading maritime boutique in Canada and by Lexpert as “most frequently recommended” for maritime work. Linda D. Thomas has joined Springford Patrick Law Corporation in Kamloops where they practise com-
mercial, corporate, wills, estates, and real estate law. Linda’s practice includes providing these legal services to First Nation individuals, organizations, and businesses.
Let Us Know What You Think
BarTalk is published six times per year, and sent to the entire legal profession in B.C. With so much information available in print and online, we want to be sure that we continue to keep BarTalk relevant. Is there a topic you think we should cover? Do you want to submit an idea or article? Let us know! E-mail December 2007 BARTALK
cbabc partners | Membership
NEW MEMBERS The CBABC Branch welcomes its newest members! The following new members joined in the months of September and October of 2007:
Regular Members Peter Bright L. Allison Maxwell Personal Law Corporation Maple Ridge Timothy C. Hinkson Peck & Company Vancouver Stephen Edward King Cox, Taylor Victoria Emma Michielsen Twining & Short Vancouver Paul J. Miller Branch MacMaster Vancouver Hope Charlene Murphy Shook, Wickham, Bishop & Field Campbell River Anthony D. Price Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP Vancouver Daniel Morely Shoom Legal Services Society Vancouver Rajindar Singh Drysdale Bacon McStravick Coquitlam Genevieve Tamosiunas Ministry of Attorney General – Legal Services Branch – Health and Social Services Victoria Jason Wang Anderson Sinclair Richmond Scott Wright Gordon & Sutherland Vancouver Jeffrey D. Wust Lang Michener LLP Vancouver Melody Yiu Vancouver
Scholars Faiyaz Dean Bacchus Corporate and Securities Law Vancouver
BARTALK December 2007
Catherine Hofmann North Vancouver Janine Rollins Vancouver
Articling Students Joanne A. Anderton Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP Vancouver Corin Bowman Lang Michener LLP Vancouver Ellen Eun-Ha Choi Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Vancouver Robert Connolly Jones Emery Hargreaves Swan Victoria Erin J. Cutler Harris & Company Vancouver Elena Do Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Vancouver Kirin Duhra Legal Services Society Kamloops Ben Eberhard Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP Vancouver Rosanna Farrell Legal Services Society Vancouver Susan Gilchrist Owen Bird Law Corporation Vancouver Joanna Johnson Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Vancouver Eugene King B.C. Public Interest Advocacy Centre Vancouver Daniel Lau Lang Michener LLP Vancouver Robert B. Lilly Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP Vancouver
CLEBC Update CLEBC Webcast Archive Now Available; EdWARD Wilson Receives Leaders in Learning Award Access to the Webcast Archive is now available at the CLE Online page of CLEBC’s website. All courses delivered as Live Webcasts will be available through this subscription service; subscribers will be able to access presenter PowerPoint slides, audio recordings, and course materials in PDF format. CLEBC has already archived over 200 modules covering more than 20 different practice areas, and will archive approximately 30 new courses per year within one month of their Live Webcasts. CLEBC is delighted to announce that Edward L. Wilson has received the 2007 Leaders in Learning Award. This award recognizes volunteers who have made exceptional contributions to continuing professional education. Mr. Wilson’s significant involvement with CLEBC includes editorial board service and contributions to the B.C. Real Estate Practice Manual, the B.C. Real Estate Development Practice Manual, the Mortgages Practice Manual, the Due Diligence Deskbook, and the Land Title Transfer Forms Guidebook. Mr. Wilson has also presented at many CLE courses, and has been instrumental in educating the profession about new legislation such as the Strata Property Act and the initiation of the Land Title Office e-filing system.
Lisa Mackie McCormack & Company Law Corp. Vancouver
Joven Narwal Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Vancouver
Mohammad A. Manki Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP Vancouver
Helen Racic Vancouver
Allison McLister Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Vancouver Michelle Merry Harper Grey LLP Vancouver
Rodney Scollard Miller Thomson LLP Vancouver Catherine Wong B.C. Civil Liberties Assoc. Vancouver
To view all new members, including the 197 Law Students, please visit uuu bartalk_06_10/12_07/new_members.aspx.
GRANTS APPROVED 350,000 LEGAL SERVICES SOCIETY Holistic Legal Aid Initiative 300,000 MOSAIC South Asian Legal Education Program on Violence Prevention
The Board of Governors of the Law Foundation of B.C. met on October 13, 2007. Chair Warren Wilson, QC is pleased to announce that funding totalling $23,614,293 was approved for 105 projects.
943,148 NATIVE COURTWORKER AND COUNSELLING ASSOCIATION OF B.C. Aboriginal Family and Youth Advocacy Initiative 29,793 NORTH SHORE MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY Legal Information Project for Healthy Relationships 300,000 SOUTH FRASER WOMEN’S SERVICES SOCIETY South Asian Legal Educator Project
Funding totalling $20,107,547 was approved for the following 20 projects:
850,000 B.C. COALITION TO ELIMINATE ABUSE OF SENIORS Older Adults Law Clinic Project
3,000,000 UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA, FACULTY OF LAW Increased Capital Grant to University of Victoria Law School
786,122 B.C. COURTHOUSE LIBRARY SOCIETY Enhanced Access – Legal Information at Public Libraries – Phase II
343,900 UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA LAW CENTRE Holistic Legal Aid Initiative
440,000 VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS Articling Fellowships
Funding totalling $1,270,497 was approved for the following organizations for 32 Public Legal Education and Information Portal development grants.
1,500,000 CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SOCIETY Enhanced Access to Continuing Legal Education Project 283,389 LAW COURTS EDUCATION SOCIETY B.C. Law and Citizenship Curriculum Assessment Project 72,820 LAW COURTS EDUCATION SOCIETY B.C. Teacher Law and Citizenship Institutes Project 484,500 LAW FOUNDATION OF B.C./ LEGAL ADVOCACY TRAINING NETWORK Development of Training Program for Legal Advocates 1,055,000 LAW SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Public Access to B.C. Statutes Project 1,659,157 LEGAL SERVICES SOCIETY Civil Hub Project 500,000 LEGAL SERVICES SOCIETY Expansion of Family Hubs/Family Law Resource Centres Project
B.C. Civil Liberties Association B.C. Coalition of People with Disabilities B.C. Coalition to Eliminate Abuse of Seniors B.C. Courthouse Library Society B.C. Freedom of Information and Privacy Association B.C. Law Institute B.C. Public Interest Advocacy Centre Canadian Bar Association, B.C. Branch Community Legal Assistance Society Greater Vancouver Law Students Legal Advice Program Law Courts Education Society MOSAIC People’s Law School PovNet Pro Bono Law B.C. Tenant Resource and Advisory Centre University of Victoria Law Centre West Coast Environmental Law Association West Coast LEAF Association
Funding totalling $2,236,249 was approved for 53 Capital/ Infrastructure grants to Law Foundation continuing grantees. Abbotsford Community Services Society Active Support Against Poverty Atira Women’s Resource Society Battered Women’s Support Services B.C. Civil Liberties Association B.C. Coalition of People with Disabilities B.C. Coalition to Eliminate Abuse of Seniors B.C. Families in Transition B.C. Freedom of Information and Privacy Association B.C. Law Institute B.C. Public Interest Advocacy Centre Canadian Bar Association, B.C. Branch Community Connections of Southeast B.C. Community Legal Assistance Society Contact Women’s Group Society Debate and Speech Association of B.C. Environmental Law Centre Greater Vancouver Law Students’ Legal Advice Society Haida Gwaii Legal Project Society Island JADE Society Kamloops and District Elizabeth Fry Society Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society Law Courts Education Society Law Society of B.C. Legal Services Society MOSAIC MPA – Motivation, Power & Achievement Society Multiple Sclerosis Society, B.C. Division Nelson District Community Resources Society Nicola Valley Family Justice Services Society People’s Law School Society Port Alberni Friendship Centre PovNet Society Prince Rupert Unemployed Centre Society Pro Bono Law of B.C. Society Pro Bono Students Canada – UVIC Quesnel Tillicum Society Salvation Army Belkin House South Fraser Women’s Services Society South Peace Community Resources Society Tenant Resource and Advisory Centre Society Together Against Poverty Society University of British Columbia First Nations Legal Clinic University of Saskatchewan University of Victoria Law Centre West Coast Domestic Workers’ Association West Coast Environmental Law Association West Coast LEAF Association Western Canada Society to Access Justice
For full details of the programs and projects that received funding, please visit The Law Foundation of British Columbia’s website at December 2007 BARTALK
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CBABC Members/Firms Commercial Organizations Next deadline: January 17 Next mailing: February 8
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Direct BarTalk advertising inquiries to: Jesse Tarbotton BarTalk Senior Editor Tel: 604-646-7856 or 1-888-687-3404 E-mail:
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BARTALK December 2007
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intellectual property: Let us assist you in providing protection for your clients. Douglas B. Thompson Law Corporation – Registered Patent Agent, Registered Trade Mark Agent. Practice restricted to Intellectual Property, Victoria, B.C. ( E-mail:
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