Education Buzz: Talent Sharing
Have you ever considered sharing the talent of your internal employees with multiple departments within your community bank? “Why?” you ask. “Why not!” There are many individuals that are in positions where they are under-utilized. These bankers have a variety of skills and talents that are untouched daily. In our industry, we continue hearing you share that qualified candidates and retaining talent are some of your top challenges. If we
choose to encourage talent sharing and help managers understand the benefits in avoiding the hoarding philosophies they are known for, we may have found a great talent management strategy. Consider the employees on your team. What skills do they possess? Do you know all them? You do know what they do well in their current roles but what about the hidden treasures? Consider giving you employees an opportunity to complete a short survey that helps your HR managers gather the skills that are untapped. Then use these in building your next project team.
Kristi Greer
Senior Vice President Director of Professional Developent Community Bankers Association of Georgia
Want to talk more about organizational development and talent management strategies, call me and consider joining CBA’s HR & TD league.
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