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Get Involved Make Your Voice Heard
Make plans to attend CBA’s Upcoming Advocacy Events
Lori Godfrey
Executive Vice President & Chief of Staff Government and Regulatory Relations

Town Hall Talks are a multi-location Grassroots alternative to a Day at the Dome for you to meet your legislators in person. We are proud to be partnering with NFIB to host these “Town Hall” style events where attendees will have the opportunity to engage your legislators in a Q&A session and hear their perspectives on legislative issues that may impact community banks. Attendees will be presented with CBA & NFIB updates, programs, insights on the upcoming legislative session, and most importantly, meet & greet legislators. In addition, this will be a great opportunity to network with other CBA & NFIB members and affiliates. Bankers, we encourage you to invite any small business clients to join and attend these Town Halls with you.
11:00 AM Arrivals / Check-in 11:15 AM Welcome & Introductions: John 11:20 AM CBA Advocacy Update: Lori 11:30 AM NFIB Advocacy Update: Nathan Humphrey, Senior State Director 11:40 AM Networking Lunch 12:30 PM Legislators Introduction and Opening Comments 12:45 PM Question & Answer Period with Legislators 1:30 PM Wrap Up and Departures
July 21, 2022 | Watkinsville
July 28, 2022 | Valdosta
August 4, 2022 | Augusta August 11, 2022 | Milledgeville

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