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McNair & Hester Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to the Winners of the Inaugural McNair Family Scholarship
Summer Boyd, Customer Service Representative, First Port City Bank, Bainbridge, has been selected as the first-place recipient of the inaugural McNair Family Scholarship. Ms. Boyd is enrolled at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) in Bainbridge, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business management. Congratulations also to second place winner Lindsey Kinnett and the two runners up, Noah Simmons and Mac Wages.
The McNair Family Scholarship recognizes and honors the achievements of Nicholas (Nick) R. Cimino. The scholarship is awarded once per year to an adult learner who is currently employed at a Georgia community bank and plans to work towards an associate, bachelor, or trade degree. The scholarship is designed to offset student expenses (tuition, study materials, and expenses).
“All of the applicants exhibit the characteristics of hard work, dedication, and perseverance needed to complete their respective educational objectives while working,” said John McNair, President & CEO, Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA). “It is an honor for the McNair family to have the opportunity to help them all in their journey.”
Summer Boyd
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Customer Service Representative First Port City, Bainbridge Mr. Scott Ewing | 1st Place - $1,000
The McNair family is sponsoring the first-place $1,000 scholarship. CBA partner, College Ave Student Loans, learned of the scholarship and is awarding a $500 scholarship to the second-place winner and $250 to the two runner-up winners.
Lindsey Kinnett
Valdosta State College Executive Administrative Assistant
Community Banking Company of Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald
Mr. Corey Gibbs | 2nd Place - $500
Noah Simmons
Georgia State University Teller
Persons Banking Company, Conyers
Mr. Bruce Spence | Runner Up - $250
Mac Wages
University of Georgia Personal Banker Oconee State Bank, Watkinsville Mr. Neil Stevens | Runner Up - $250
Julian & Jan Hester
2022 Hester Scholarship
CBA is pleased to announce and congratulate the winners of the annual Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship. The 2022 scholarships were open to Georgia high school seniors who intend to enter a Georgia college, university or technical school in the fall semester of 2022. Applications were submitted to the association through CBA member community banks.
The scholarship is named for the late Jan Hester, daughter of Lalia and the late Julian Hester, long-time CEO of the CBA. The scholarship program began in 1991 and is based on academic merit, not financial need. In addition to supporting community banking, this scholarship fund is an opportunity to pass on the positive qualities both Julian and Jan Hester exemplified to further the development of tomorrow’s generations. Each winner received a $1,000 to the Georgia college, university or technical school of their choice.
CBA is appreciative of the participation from member banks from throughout the state. Special thanks to the panel of judges, which included Dr. Marguerite Brickman, University of Georgia,
Athens; Kristy Brown, Greater Community Bank, Rome; Trudy Eller, American Commerce Bank, Bremen; Drew Kessler, Genesys Technology Group, Norcross, and Brian Reed, College Avenue, Wilmington, DE.
Emily Lariscy University of Georgia
Dylan Savannah Lee Georgia Southern University
Gentry Walker Tootle Mercer University
Graham Spires University of Georgia

CBA's 2022 Georgia Financial Directory—Available Online 24/7
The 2022 Georgia Financial Directory is online and available to all CBA members! The directory is your complete resource within the Georgia financial industry and contains information on banks, holding companies, banking products, and more.
In addition to information on Georgia's community banks, the directory also includes CBA Board Members and staff, CBA Associate Members and Preferred Service Providers, routing numbers, FDIC certificate numbers, and more. The directory is in the Members Only section of CBA’s website. Anyone in your bank or business may access it.
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ACG ∙ Bahr Consultants ∙ Bankers Healthcare Group ∙ BCC-USA ∙ College Ave CRA Partners ∙ Crescent Mortgage ∙ Darnel, Inc. ∙ Defense Storm ∙ DeNyse Companies Eclipse Brand Builders, LLC ∙ Executive Insurance Agency ∙ FITECH Genesys Technology Group ∙ Holtmeyer & Monson ∙ ICBA ∙ ICBA Securities ∙ IntraFi Network ∙ James-Bates-BrannanGroover ∙ Kasasa ∙ Mauldin & Jenkins ∙ Newcleus ∙ Point to Point QwickRate ∙ ServisFirst Bank SHAZAM ∙ Stokes, Carmichael & Ernst LLP ∙ STS Group Travelers ∙ Warren Averett ∙ Wipfli
CBA Sponsorships - Still time to SHINE!
Looking to showcase your business? Reach your target audience with a sponsorship during these upcoming programs.

Contact Lindsay Greene at CBA for more information on CBA sponsorships.
CBA Leadership Academy • Cyber Risk Summit Advanced BSA/AML
September: Connect • Charlie Curry Memorial Clay Shoot
October: CBA Leadership Academy Advanced Compliance School Director’s College • HR Rap Innovation Conference Chuck Harwell Memorial Clay Shoot
November: BSA Update • Coaching Essentials
December: BSA Fundamentals
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