1 minute read
Advocacy is Power
Communities are our Passion, Banking is our Purpose, Advocacy is our Power.
David Lance
President & CEO Greater Community Bank 2020-2021 CBA Chairman
Speaking of Advocacy - The legislative session is off and running with a full schedule of critical bills that touch many segments of the banking industry. I encourage everyone in our CBA community to become familiar with the key points of the important issues being debated during this session on both the state and federal levels.
Hot topics in the state Legislature include the Department of Banking and Finance Housekeeping Bill, the Remote Online Notary Bill, and the COVID-19 Immunities from Liabilities Bill. As a reminder, this would be a great time to reach out to the new banking committee members in both the Senate and House. By contacting these members, you can communicate the critical role community banking plays throughout the state of Georgia.
From a federal standpoint, Postal banking, the OCC expansion of charters to non-banks and Cannabis banking will be of high interest to bankers. Of course, as we continue to journey through the pandemic, we must stay abreast on all things related to PPP and loan forgiveness. Please be sure to visit the CBA’s Advocacy Update page for specific details regarding the above referenced bills. It is worth noting that Georgia’s two new United States Senators were both appointed to the Senate Banking Committee. I don’t recall both senators being on the Banking Committee in my whole career of 56 years. Regardless of your political affiliations, it is essential for bankers to build relationships with their federal legislators to spark progressive change. Please do what you can.
In addition, it would be a great opportunity and wonderful resource for all members to participate in the virtual ICBA Capital Summit that will be held in April. During the virtual summit, CBA members will be able to engage in facilitated meetings involving our federal delegation.
Throughout this edition, you will read more on CBA’s legislative priorities. Advocacy is a vital component to the mission of the organization and your engagement enhances CBA’s ability to create positive change within our industry. Let’s all contribute to the growing success of community banks across Georgia.