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Education Buzz/Executive Channel
Education Buzz:
“One is Too Small a Number to Achieve Greatness.” In John C. Maxwell’s book, The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, he reminds us that we need each other to do great things. Teams can do a lot more than a single person. To be successful in organizations today and moving forward, we should embrace all generations. We need to create open communication, sponsorship and mentoring opportunities, teamwork initiatives for all levels of employees. Passing knowledge forward is a must; therefore avoid hoarding knowledge and individual conquests. Successful teams put the best of the organization at the forefront of their minds, hearts, choices and actions. Every employee of an organization has a position to add value, open the door to develop all talent. Choose CBA of GA to support your bank’s professional development strategies.
Kristi Greer
Senior Vice President Director of Professional Development Community Bankers Association of Georgia
Invite your board of directors to join you for these high-level and C-suite topics!
Facilitator: Corrie Hall James-BatesBrannan-Groover
Flynt Gallagher Newcleus
Session III: October 5, 2021, Macon
The year 2020 placed the entire world in a situation not seen in over 100 years. Now 2021 continues to see our Community Banks in uncharted waters. It is time to turn up the dial and get plugged in! The Community Bankers Association of Georgia invites our Executive Level Bankers to join together as we prepare to take on the challenges the last half of 2021 is sure to hand our communities, our customers, our board, and our bank team members.
Register now for high-level in-person peer connections exclusively offered in CBA’s Executive Channel. The Executive Channel provides a direct connection for Executive Bankers from across the state! CBA has gathered for you a group of industry leaders to share information and guide discussions.
Topics include: Mergers & Acquisitions | Executive compensation | Succession Planning
Special Thanks to Our Session III Sponsor
Session IV: December 7, 2021
Topics include: REGISTER TODAY! Interest Rate Risk Management Round Table Discussion with Facilitator on topics and questions from attendees • Current Challenges Facing Community Banks • Examination Pulse Points & Criticisms • And other topics as deemed by the participants*