Spring 2014 Georgia Communities First magazine

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INSIDE • 2014 Spring Regional Luncheon Meetings & PAC/PR Golf Tournaments • "Hitting a Home Run" at the 36th Annual Leadership Division Convention & Mini-Trade Show • Honoring a Fallen Hero

Official Publication of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia

• Educational & Special Events Around the State


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SP R I N G 2 0 1 4 CBA STAFF


Rob Braswell President & CEO rob@cbaofga.com Steve Bridges Executive Director of Legislative & Regulatory Affairs steve@cbaofga.com


Star Student or Stay After School to Clean Erasers?

Annual Hit tin


Finer Points: Don't Doubt Now


General Counsel Corner: Hot Topics in Employment for 2014


Preparing for CBA's 2014 Annual Meeting & Trade Show

Shera Banks Marketing Coordinator shera@cbaofga.com


CBA Leadership Division's 2014 PAC/PR Golf Tournaments

Peake Wilson Vice President Corporate Events & Leadership Division CBA Corporate Secretary peake@cbaofga.com


2014 Compliance Program: Membership Still Open


Bank Director & Executive Officer Classroom Training Schedule


April 2014: Community Banking Month


CBA of Georgia Welcomes New Associate Members

Jodi Swilley Director of Education & Professional Development jodi@cbaofga.com Donna Coutant Education Coordinator donna@cbaofga.com Amanda Lee Education Associate amanda@cbaofga.com Tammy Maass CFO tammy@cbaofga.com Nick Wilborn Accounting/IT Coordinator nick@cbaofga.com Victoria Whitley Marketing Intern


page 6 | 36th Annual Leadership Division Convention & Mini-Trade Show

Lindsay Greene Vice President Marketing & Member Services lindsay@cbaofga.com

Teresa Day Administrative & Corporate Events Assistant teresa@cbaofga.com

g a H o m e Ru n

page 14 | 5th Annual Spring Regional Luncheon Meetings

Young Harris • Braselton • • Marietta • Smyrna • Atlanta


Guest Article: Documenting the ALLL: What Examiners Expect


Guest Article: Community Bankers Need to Protect Themselves from Social Engineering: A Hacker's Favorite Tool


Guest Article: The Business of Georgia Film Tax Credit Finance

• Macon Savannah • Albany •

page 21 | Educational & Special Events Across the State

S ta y connecte d Scan with your smartphone to view our website.

Alex Buter Marketing Intern

Community Bankers Association of Georgia 1900 The Exchange, Suite 600, Atlanta, GA 30339 (770) 541-4490 or (800) 648-8215 • Fax (770) 541-4496 www.cbaofga.com • cba@cbaofga.com

page 24 | Honoring a Fallen Hero

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Star Student or Stay After School to Clean Erasers?

Rob Braswell President & CEO Community Bankers Association of Georgia

It's funny how your perspective changes depending upon where you are in life. When I was a student in school, the issuing of report cards always created some anxiety for me and my fellow students regardless of how well we may or may not have been doing. However, now that I'm much older and no longer in school, I eagerly look forward to "report cards" that indicate the condition of our state and national economies, Georgia's community banks and the CBA of Georgia itself. A few weeks back, I was reviewing one of these - the 2014 ICBA Industry Report Card. The ICBA surveyed its membership at the close of 2013 to assess its members' trends, challenges and needs for the coming year. I thought I would use this tool to not only learn the results of the survey, but to assess how we as an association are meeting those needs and helping you address those challenges. In that light, here are the significant findings contained in the report and our efforts to meet those needs: • More than a third of community bank respondents plan to increase marketing budgets in 2014, while about half will maintain 2013 levels. The CBA held a Marketing Conference in October of last year with a distinguished group of marketing professionals as speakers. We will hold another Marketing Conference in autumn of this year that will again have some of the country's leading marketing professionals as speakers to help you get your message across to current and potential customers. • Nearly 20% of community banks said increasing loan margins or profit earnings presents their greatest challenge in 2014. This was no surprise; therefore, we had already obtained several speakers for two of our biggest events to address these issues directly. Our Spring Regional Luncheon Meetings will be held at five different locations across the state. Each meeting will address, "Managing Interest Rate Risk for Optimal Balance Sheet Performance" and "Ways to Grow Your Business in a Challenging Environment". Additionally, our 46th Annual Meeting & Trade Show in Amelia Island in September includes several industry experts that will discuss a myriad of ways to increase your bank's bottom line in a responsible manner. • Slightly more than half of the respondents do not have a strategic plan for adding younger customers, which could soon pose a problem. Our lineup of speakers at this year's 36th Annual Leadership Division Convention & Mini-Trade Show, also held in Amelia Island, will definitely address all things "technological" that appeal to younger customers. Such things as Emerging Technology, Virtual Branches and Social Media will be discussed to ensure that you have the knowledge to appeal to the expectations of the 21st century customer. • About 17% of respondents said customers most frequently compliment their bank's community involvement, 2 | w w w .cbaof ga. com | Sp r i n g 2 0 1 4

and it's easy to see why. Three in five community banks were involved in at least 10 community events during the past year, and every respondent was involved in at least two during that period. We have recently made a concerted effort to gather our members' various civic and community outreach events and tout them via the Association's electronic newsletter or through our social media channels. Community banks have a terrific story to tell and we want to ensure we're getting that message out. • Just over 27% of community banks stated preparing for or complying with regulations is their greatest concern. I believe that is why our quarterly Banker Regulatory Forums remain such a needed, and popular, format (attendance is complementary to members.) Maintaining open lines of communication, asking questions and expressing your concerns to state and regional decision-makers of the regulatory agencies is essential, especially in the current regulatory environment. Additionally, we are introducing a new format at both the Leadership Division Convention in June and our Annual Meeting & Trade Show in September in which we will have a small panel of bankers and a small panel of regulators engage in a discussion called "Point/Counterpoint." I think this should provide a very interesting and beneficial exchange. • Many community banks stated boosting efficiency remains a key focus, and nearly two-thirds plan to accomplish it in 2014 by investing in training staff. We remain committed to offering you the highest quality and most topical educational programs available. We take pride in our reputation as a renowned provider of education and training, and we will seek to constantly enhance existing programs. In addition to the 50+ onsite training events and approximately 150 webinars that we will be offering this year, we have recently partnered with the Barret School of Banking in Memphis, Tennessee. This exceptional school has been in existence over 40 years; has a faculty comprised of 20 outstanding business, financial and educational leaders who are experts in their chosen fields; and offers a phenomenal value due to tuition costs being subsidized by a large endowment from the Paul W. Barret, Jr. Charitable Trust. • Lastly, three-quarters of community banks reported that "exceptional customer service" is the compliment they still receive most from customers. That is no surprise exceptional, personalized customer service is the hallmark of community banking. Please know that it is also the goal of every CBA staff member as well. We welcome your feedback and ideas - after all, this is your Association and we want to ensure we're meeting your needs and getting a good "report card". As always, please let us know how we may assist you. Best regards,



Don't Doubt Now One of the greatest privileges of serving as your ICBA chief executive is the opportunity to stay in touch with so many community bankers throughout the country. Recently a few of you have asked me privately whether I truly believe that community banks have a future. Most concerning, some of these questions have come from community bankers leading very successful institutions. While I don’t make many predictions, I’ve never shied away from speaking out about what I truly believe. And there’s one thing I’m confident of—community banking still has a bright and prosperous future. Not only that, I believe the greatest opportunities in the history of community banking lie ahead for us. Have any doubts? Look around: Thriving, growing and continually innovating community banks are everywhere on Main Street America. Your institutions have all the products, services and expertise that your customers need and want, including technology for any generation. Most encouraging of all, today’s consumers more than ever understand and affirm that they want the relationship-based business model of community banks. Yet even knowing this, a hitch in any community banker’s confidence would be understandable. The prolonged weariness and wariness from the Wall Street crash and "great recession" have taken a terrible toll on nearly everyone. But even before the troubles from the Wall Street financial meltdown, you’ve endured a steadily doubting drumbeat from some industry pundits and consultants. These modern-day snake oil salesmen and naysayers, emboldened by their own self-indulgent and selffulfilling prophecies, have relentlessly questioned the long-term viability of our industry’s business model.

Cam Fine President & CEO Independent Community Bankers of America technology arrays? Can they continue to find the necessary staff and talent? Will their capital sources hold up? Will their superior service and expertise continue to matter? Can their customer loyalty endure? Certainly, these questions are worth asking and evaluating, but you have consistently managed all of these issues extremely well. Unfortunately, what these questions overlook is that the greatest problems facing community banks today—a misfiring economy causing havoc with your core lending revenues combined with costly, misdirected regulation clogging the gears in Main Street’s economic engine—have nothing to do with any shortcomings of the community banking model. What’s gone awry has been the Wall Street/Washington, D.C., axis of excess, not the community banking model. As long as we continue to tell our industry’s good story, community banks remain extraordinarily well positioned to gain tremendous market share throughout the financial services industry. With all of our industry’s successful work on Main Street and in Washington’s policy circles, we must not doubt or become distracted from the great opportunities in our future. The momentum is on our side and continues to gain pace. So don’t lose focus now. No community banker should doubt our industry’s bright and prosperous future. ICBA and its community banking leadership have never doubted it. As a former community banker of 20 years and as your industry advocate in Washington for more than a decade, I have never doubted it.

Can community banks continue to achieve sufficient economies of scale? Can they continue to deliver the necessary product and

stand up

step up

speak up

SAVE THE DATE 2014 Washington Policy Summit

April 29 - May 2, 2014 www.icba.org/wps14 S p r in g 2 0 1 4 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 3

Corner General Counsel

legal news and updates for cba members Have a topic you would like to see covered in “General Counsel Corner?” Email us at generalcounselcorner @ jamesbatesllp.com


@ jamesbatesllp.com

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Duke r. Groover partner

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Spring 2014

Hot topics in employment law for 2014 by G. Grant Greenwood & Duke R. Groover

aving turned the calendar from 2013 to 2014, it is H a good time to look into the crystal ball at a couple of anticipated hot topics that Georgia employers will

face in 2014. Based on what we observed in the last quarter of 2013, these should come as no surprise to most employers because they have either been dominating the news cycle or are trending issues facing employers. Regardless, they are topics about which all employers, whether large, mid-sized, or small, should be aware because they can affect employer costs (and profit margins) as well as potentially expose employers to liability. The Affordable Care Act (the “ACA”). This topic tops the “Hot List” for 2014. It virtually dominated the news cycle since its inception as a point of great contention in Washington. How many consecutive days were we bombarded with news about the website failure, low enrollment numbers, insurance coverage loss, and any other “problems” with the ACA? Most of the ACA issues concerned individual insurance coverage (commonly referred to as the “individual mandate”). There was very little discussion about the “employer mandate” because of the Obama Administration’s decision to delay implementation of the “employer mandate” from 2014 to 2015. Thus, employers were given a one-year “reprieve” to figure out how to deal with ACA’s mandates before the employer “penalty” provisions are implemented. While the penalties that could be assessed to employers who do not offer “minimum” required coverage was delayed by a year, employers across the country have been wrestling with the ACA’s impact and have been making employment decisions, including budgetary decisions, based on the implementation of the “individual mandate” which began in January of this year. Toward the end of 2013 and in January of this year, several large employers such as UPS, Target, and Home Depot, announced major changes to their company health insurance plans, electing to send spouses of employees (in the case of UPS) or part-time employees (in the case of Target and Home Depot) to the exchanges rather than offering company health insurance. Many companies have also altered their classification of employees from full-time to part-time, and, in turn, have decreased the number of employees being offered company-sponsored health insurance. We can expect other businesses to follow UPS, Target, and Home Depot and drop part-time employees from the company health plans because it is probably better for the individuals to seek coverage from the federal exchange or their own state-sponsored exchanges. Regardless, what this means is that the ACA will continue to remain a hot topic in employment

law in 2014, particularly given the run-up to the implementation of the “employer mandate” in 2015. Social Media Policies. For the last couple of years, with the advent and popularity of the “smartphone,” employers have struggled with how to manage and control employees’ use of social media outlets such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. In just a couple of short years, society has transformed to one in which people can instantly post messages, pictures, and other information for immediate public consumption. Through social media, employees’ privacy and First Amendment interests can come into direct conflict with an employer’s equally compelling interest to maintain professionalism, reputation, confidentiality, and trade secrets. Gone are the days when news, gossip, rumor, and innuendo traveled at a snail’s pace and employers could proactively address potential problems because reporting would take days or weeks. In today’s society, every employee is a potential whistle-blower or non-compete/nonsolicitation covenant violator, and news often gets out before the employer is aware of a situation.

“All employers, big and small, should have an established social media policy.” As a result, there has been a growing amount of litigation surrounding an employer’s social media policy, and an employer’s use of social media when making hiring decisions regarding potential employees. As smartphones and Internet access, usage, and proficiency increase, litigation regarding social media will also increase. Simply put, employers who do not have established and well-articulated social media policies are disadvantaged and are potentially open to liability and other problems when they attempt to discipline employees who utilize social media to air grievances about their employer or post information about the company. All employers, big and small, should have an established social media policy, which they should review periodically to adapt it to possible changes in the law. Our attorneys have a great deal of experience in drafting these policies for large, mediumsized, and smaller employers, and we welcome the opportunity to work with you and your business to design a policy that works for your enterprise as well. n

PRESENTED BY GeorGia’s law firm: “General 4 | w w w .cbaofoffiCes ga. com | Sum m e r Counsel 2 0 1 3 Corner,” a recurring column featuring legal news and information of interest to CBA

maCon + atlanta

members, is brought to you by James-Bates-Brannan-Groover-LLP. Visit us at www.jamesbatesllp.com



Scholarships The Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship is a tremendous opportunity for your bank to help a deserving high school student in your area. This scholarship is offered to Georgia high school seniors planning on entering a Georgia college or university in the 2014 fall semester. The J. Steven Walraven Scholarship, is designed for full-time community bank employees continuing their education at a Georgia college or university.

The deadline for all banks to submit their applications is

April 11, 2014

For more information on either of these scholarships, please contact Lindsay Greene (lindsay@cbaofga.com) or Shera Banks (shera@cbaofga.com) or (770) 541-4490.

Great Success for the CBA Leadership Division's Inaugural Women in Banking Seminar


he successful Inaugural Women in Banking Seminar was held at the Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) headquarters on Thursday, January 23rd in the Julian Hester Training Center. Women in the banking industry from across the state had an opportunity to network with each other, all while learning methods on how to advance their careers with confidence. The agenda included a continental breakfast, two dynamic speakers, lunch and a chance for attendees to express their inner artist with Pinot’s Palette of Johns Creek. Nearly 40 women gathered at the first-ever event to gain insight from guest speakers Anne Chandler and Becky Blalock. Anne’s "Protocols that Empower” presentation gave women knowledge on how to maintain professional etiquette throughout the day. Becky, author of the bestseller, Dare, Straight Talk on Confidence, Courage and Career for Women in Charge, shared wisdom on topics including confidence, goalsetting, taking risks and giving back. Of the seminar, Rob Braswell, president & CEO of the CBA said, “I was thrilled with the feedback from the inaugural Women in Banking program. Women comprise more than 61 percent of bank employees, and the new program is designed to specifically address issues that women frequently encounter in the workplace. Attendees came out of the seminar full of energy with smiles on their faces and lots of great information to use in their personal and professional lives.” “I felt it was necessary to focus on training the women in our industry on various topics due in large part to the majority of our bankers being women,” said Debra Weil, City President, PlantersFIRST Bank located in Fitzgerald, GA and a leading proponent of the Women in Banking Seminar. “I was told

early in my career that if I chose to aspire for a management or lender role, I’d need to work doubly hard in order to be noticed and considered. I did work hard to prove myself and am fortunate enough to be where I am today. I want all women in the industry to feel inspired, take certain risks and be educated and ready for whatever role they decide to work toward.” CBA Leadership Division’s Inaugural Women in Banking Seminar was a spectacular event to benefit CBA’s PAC/PR Funds. The CBA maintains the only state PAC working exclusively for Georgia’s Community Banks. Be on the lookout for details on how you can attend the next Women in Banking Seminar!

Pictured L-R: Terri Bunten Guthrie, EVP/SLO, First Landmark Bank, Marietta, and CBA LD Executive Committee Member; Becky Blalock, author of the bestseller, Dare: Straight Talk on Confidence, Courage and Career for Women in Charge; Managing Partner, Advisory Capital; Anne Chandler, President and Founder, The Chandler School of Etiquette, Acworth; and, Debra Weil, PlantersFIRST, Fitzgerald and CBA LD Executive Committee Member.

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36th Annual

Leadership Division Convention & Mini-Trade Show Thursday - Sunday, June 26 - 29, 2014 The Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, FL

Hit tin

g a H o m e Ru n


Play Ball!

Gather your gear and head to Amelia Island for Community Bankers Association of Georgia’s (CBA) 36th Annual Leadership Division Convention & Mini-Trade Show being held Thursday – Sunday, June 26-29, 2014! This year’s convention theme is “Hitting a Home Run.” Emcee’d by beloved Charles Williams, MACS & Speaker Connection, Eastman, the 36th Annual Leadership Division Convention offers professional yet entertaining training for a successful future for you, your bank and your community. Both community bankers and financial services providers will benefit greatly from attending. In addition to great speakers and a fabulous location, attendees will hear from colleagues about the CBA Leadership Division (LD) initiatives, such as Children’s Healthcare fundraising, PAC/PR fundraising, and the drive to improve Economic Education through community outreach. The Saturday evening “MVP” Chairman’s Family Dinner features activities for the kids and the announcement of the Big Bucks Bonanza Winner – it could be YOU! Not to mention all the NEW activities added to this year’s convention – a 5K run for adults and a Kids Fun Run for children of all ages, an Emcee and hilarious Saturday night entertainment for the whole family!

Taking the Field

The CBA is known for its one-of-a-kind Mini-Trade Show offering bankers and exhibitors the opportunity to network in a time-efficient setting. Bankers can get up to speed on the latest products and services designed for community banks. Breakfast before Friday’s General Session and Mini-Trade Show will be a hot buffet and last approximately 45 minutes – it is for ALL fully-registered bankers and exhibitors. Immediately following the Mini-Trade Show, the CBA will host a 30-minute refreshment “RBI – Relationship Building Inning” break featuring networking and great prizes! The Mini-Trade Show is limited to 30 booths, so secure your place now.

Learn from industry All-Stars

Fowler Williams, President Crescent Mortgage "Swing for Success Generate Revenue with Mortgage Lending"

David Peterson, Chief Strategic Officer, i7strategies "Technology Trends: What You Should Know Now!"

Matthew Wilcox, Managing Director Banker/Regulator Point-Counterpoint of Marketing Strategy and Innovation, Moderated by Mark Kanaly, Partner Fiserv – “Leveraging Social Media to and Chair of the Banking Practice, Grow Customer Relationships” Alston + Bird LLP

Meet Keynote Speaker Kent Maggard President/CEO Maggard Business Advisors; former Cleveland Indian and former Community Bank President

Hitting a Home Run in Leadership: A Success Story from the Baseball Diamond to the Board Room Drawing upon his experience as a professional athlete and 20+ years in banking, Kent Maggard shares humor and insight to illustrate the characteristics of great leaders and how to lead and motivate the various types of people and personalities you run into day-to-day. Between the baseball diamond and the board room, Kent has learned how to lead and motivate people. You’ll learn about yourselves, as well as gain a deeper understanding of how to motivate and lead customers, teammates, managers and anyone else with whom you may come in contact in your business and personal life. You'll leave with tips on how to bring out the best in yourself so that you can bring out the best in others.

Field of Dreams

The Ritz-Carlton in Amelia Island offers a truly unique experience that suits the tastes of all guests, including nature lovers, history lovers, and outdoor sports enthusiasts. Catch the spectacular morning sunrise at the North Beach boardwalk, then take a stroll on the cobblestone streets of the historic village of Fernandina Beach, just minutes away from the resort. Guests of the hotel can also work on their game at the 18-hole championship golf course at The Golf Club of Amelia Island. For tennis lovers, The Ritz-Carlton offers four state-of-the-art tennis courts with services that include a full-service pro shop and private lessons. After a full day in the sun, indulge in total relaxation at The Ritz-Carlton Spa, where guests can take advantage of the variety of world-class spa packages.


Attend the sessions to be entered to win a $250 cash prize on Friday and Saturday; Round the bases at the Mini-Trade show where 30 of the top financial services providers will be sharing information to help your bank as well as awarding countless prizes.

Runnin’ at The Ritz

Choose from a 5K or Kids Fun Run. This fundraising activity is for the whole family and begins Saturday morning on the beach at approximately 6:15 a.m. for adults and 7:00 a.m. for kids. Adult registration fees benefit CBA’s PAC/PR, and children’s registration fees benefit Children’s Healthcare’s Strong4Life program. aThere will be plenty of time to refresh before breakfast and the General Session.

Seventh Inning Stretch

After the wonderful MVP Chairman’s Family Dinner, prepare to stretch your sense of wonder as Tim Gabrielson wows us with his magic and makes us laugh with his family-friendly humor! To register, call any CBA team member or go online to www.cbaofga.com. The CBA room rate for the June Convention is $264 plus tax and parking per night for single /double occupancy (coastal view). The deadline to book at this discounted rate is Tuesday, May 27, 2014. For reservations, contact the hotel directly at (866) 763-2960. Be sure to mention the CBA Leadership Annual Conference to receive the group rate discount.

Starting Lineup Thursday, June 26th Afternoon Convention Registration LD Board Meeting Exhibitor Set-up Friday, June 27th Morning Breakfast General Session Mini-Trade Show Refreshment Break with Exhibitors Afternoon Golf Tournament Evening At Your Leisure Saturday, June 28th Morning Runnin' at The Ritz 5K & Kids Fun Run Breakfast General Session LD Reports ICBA Report Keynote Address Afternoon At Your Leisure Evening MVP Banquet Chairman’s Family Reception & Dinner Family Entertainment Sunday, June 29th Departures


nk yo

s u sponsors & exhibitor Platinum Elite Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Individual Event Sponsors Hotel Keys Cards

In-Room Gift

General Sponsor

Board Appreciation Reception

Convention Signage

Registration Packet Friday Break

Friday & Saturday Cash Prizes Welcome Refreshments

Name Badges

Board Appreciation Dinner

Runnin' at The Ritz & Kids Fun Run

Photo Booth

Tote Bags

Saturday Break Saturday Promo Materials

ACG Dan Swain

CRS Data Jason Pruitt

Fiserv Keith Hagen

SHAZAM Mark Fucci

Atris Technology Scott Melhiney

CSRA Business Lending Randy Griffin

GACHA Jeanette Waye

Travelers Diana Baker

Bank Trends Reid Ten Kley

Dell SecureWorks Jamie Kirkland

Harland Clarke Doyle Baker

Triumph Mortgage Carol Martin

Card Assets, LLC Mindy Pere

Executive Insurance Ryan and Randy Sower

TSYS Eddie Cawthorne

Computer Services, Inc. Bill Evers

Federal Reserve Bank Brenda Simpson

Homeowners Mortgage Enterprises Douglas Clark

Crescent Mortgage Ashli Matson

FEMAC, Inc. Tracy Hendrix and David Miller

PULSE Mark Reda

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1 0 | w w w . cbaof ga. com | Sp r i n g 2 0 1 4 Š 2014 Fiserv, Inc. or its affiliates.


46th Annual Meeting & Trade Show Wednesday - Sunday | September 17 - 21, 2014 The Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, FL


alling all bank CEOs, Presidents, CFOs, COOs, Senior Management and Bank Directors -- please make plans to attend the the 46th Annual Meeting & Trade Show being held Wednesday – Sunday, September 17-21, 2014, at The RitzCarlton in Amelia Island, Florida! The Ritz-Carlton in Amelia Island offers a truly unique experience that suits the tastes of all guests, including nature lovers, history lovers, and outdoor sports enthusiasts. Catch the spectacular morning sunrise at the North Beach boardwalk, then take a stroll on the cobblestone streets of the historic village of Fernandina Beach, just minutes away from the resort. We invite you to enjoy a friendly tournament on Friday afternoon at The Golf Club of Amelia Island, which has been providing a warm welcome to guests since opening its doors in 1987. For tennis lovers, The Ritz-Carlton offers four state-of-theart tennis courts with services that include a fullservice pro shop and private lessons.

The Trade Show in the Exhibit Hall is the place to be during the CBA Annual Meeting! It's your chance to visit top-rate companies showcasing the latest in products and services. Network with colleagues and have the chance to cash in on many prize giveaways including $1,000 in cash during both Friday and Saturday sessions, $300 daily cash prizes, door prizes and individual exhibitor prizes! This year's convention will be Emcee’d by the wonderfully entertaining Charles Williams, MACS & Speaker Connection, Eastman, and will include an impressive list of speakers, astounding entertainment and engaging activities for bankers, associate members and their families and guests. To register, please go online to www. cbaofga.com or contact a CBA team member at (770) 541-4490. Watch for more details!

M eet the S peakers

Banker/Regulator Point - Counterpoint

Moderated by Mark Kanaly, Partner and Chair of the Banking Practice, Alston + Bird LLP, Atlanta

“Opportunities & Growth”

Gene Marks, renowned columnist for The New York Times, The Huffington Post, Inc., and Forbes; has appeared on FOX, MSNBC and CNBC; Author and Small Business Owner, Bala Cynwyd, PA

ICBA Report

John Buhrmaster, President, 1st National Bank of Scotia, N.Y.; ICBA Chairman

“Branch of the Future”

Jaime Dominguez, Director, Strategy for Retail Banking, Bank Solutions, Fiserv, Chicago, IL

"Improving Profitability"

Tom Hall, CEO & Founder, Resurgent Performance, Inc., Alpharetta

K eynote address Durwood Fincher, Entertainer Extraordinaire, linguist, insightful comedian; has appeared on the Mike Huckabee Show, the Today Show and Live with Regis & Kelly; Atlanta

Y O U D O N ' T WA N T T O M I S S ! Exhibit Hall & Trade Show | Silent Auction | Spouses' Program Golf Tournament | Spectacular Entertainment- The Passing Zone | Much More!

Sponsorships Still Available!

S p r in g 2 0 1 4 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 11

Leadership Division's Inaugural Sporting Clay Event Tuesday, March 25, 2014 | Wynfield Plantation, Albany “The banking industry continues to deal with challenges on issues that will have a profound effect on how we do business as community banks in the future. The Community Bankers Association of Georgia’s Political Action Committee (CBA PAC) is a vital tool for educating members of the Georgia Legislature about the issues and concerns of the state’s community banking industry. The PAC/PR fundraising money goes toward educating policymakers, promoting our advocacy efforts and supporting those members of the Georgia Legislature who know the importance of maintaining a robust and healthy financial industry.” Jason D. Rooks Vice President-Commercial Lending Flint Community Bank, Albany CBA Leadership Division, Division 2 Vice Chair and PAC/PR Fundraising Committee Chair

What is Sporting Clays?

Sporting clays is a shotgun shooting competition in which clay pigeons are presented to the gunner in ways that mirror the flight pattern of game birds. The shooting grounds are laid out in stations with each station representing one type of bird or a combination of game. Teams will be made up of foursomes, and scoring is based on the Lewis system.

What is a Green Bullet?

Do the ladies or other novices in your company want a chance to try a shooting sport? The Green Bullet activity will give them a chance to receive personalized instruction and try their hand at shotgun shooting. The Green Bullet will take place in the morning and will include lunch with the group.

A Special Thanks to our Sponsors Premier Sponsor

About Wynfield

Wynfield Plantation is a 2000+ acre hunting preserve with exquisite bobwhite quail habitat and was named Orvis Wingshooting Lodge of the Year in 2005. It was also named as One of the Top Twenty Wingshooting Destinations in the World in Wingshooter’s World by Steve Smith. This event will showcase Wynfield’s Clay Shooting and Trap Course that is one of the best in southwest Georgia.

Registration Fees $125 per shooter | $450 per team of four at registration $45 Green Bullet only We welcome you to sign up for the Green Bullet and participate in the afternoon flight of the competition (additional fee applies).

20 Gauge Sponsor

What is provided: • Explanation of the competition and rules • Safety instruction

28 Gauge Sponsors

12 Gauge Sponsors

• Eye and ear protection • Clays • Lunch • Awards

What to bring:

Station Sponsors

Southland Appraisal Services, Inc. 1 2 | w w w . cbaof ga. com | Sp r i n g 2 0 1 4

• Shotgun (A limited number of shotguns are available for rent, call CBA for more information) • Shells for your gun (at least 125 rounds) • Green Bullet Shooters will need up to 50 rounds • Shells are available for purchase in the clubhouse

Great Crowd Attends CBA's Banker Regulatory Forum Held in Macon


ebruary 6, 2014 marked the second Banker Regulatory Forum that CBA has held at Idle Hour Country Club in Macon, and it was just as successful as the first one held there last August. "The open-discussion format between bankers and regulators remains extremely popular,” noted CBA President & CEO Rob Braswell. "And, the Bankers Only session

following lunch allows for a candid discussion of our bankers’ concerns.” Topics touched on at the February event included asking regulators their agencies’ approach to a bank that makes mortgage loans that are not deemed Qualified Mortgages and their agencies’ awareness of the financial impact of retailers' data breaches on community banks. In the Bankers Only session after lunch, Michael White of James-Bates-Brannan-Groover, LLP, CBA’s General Counsel, gave an eye-opening update on legislative issues of particular concern to community banks across the state. He informed the attendees he’s working diligently with CBA’s Executive Director of Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Steve Bridges on dissecting some of the most concerning bills and assisting in gaining support to vote them down.

Experience is one thing you can’t get for nothing.” – Oscar Wilde

The next Banker Regulatory Forum will be held Thursday, May 8, 2014, at Vinings Bank in Smyrna. We hope to see you there!

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Scenes from the Banker Regulatory Forum held on February 6, 2014

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S p r in g 2 0 1 4 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 13

5th Annual Spring Regional Luncheon Meetings APRIL 2014

Braselton | Marietta | Macon | Albany | Valdosta

Make Plans Now to Attend!

The CBA is pleased to host the 5th Annual Spring Regional Luncheon Meetings in five convenient locations throughout the state. During these informative meetings, industry experts will discuss current trends, provide insight into managing interest rate risk and outline possible strategies for future growth. Plus, you will have time to network with other community bankers and CBA associate members.

Bankers Only Peer Group Meeting

This popular portion of the Spring Regional Luncheon Meeting is held for bankers to network and discuss hot topics of their choice. In 2014, the Legislative Update will be added to this portion and will be provided by Dan Brannan of CBA’s General Counsel and Spring Regional Luncheon Meeting sponsor, James-Bates-Brannan-Groover, LLP. In addition, Tim Veal from the accounting firm, Nichols, Cauley & Associates, LLC, a CBA associate member, will be updating attendees on accounting issues. To register and for more information, contact Peake Wilson at peake@cbaofga.com.

Speakers “Managing Interest Rate Risk for Optimal Balance Sheet Performance” Danny Capitel Regional Director SE Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC Arlington, VA

Al Forrester Founder & CEO FICast Data Corporation Atlanta

April 3, Braselton; April 16, Albany; April 17, Valdosta Lester Murry The Baker Group Oklahoma City, OK April 8, Marietta April 10, Macon

o2 Up t rs u o H its Cred CPE ilable! Ava

“Ways To Grow Your Business in a Challenging Environment” John Brinkworth Executive Director, Marketing Services Harland Clarke Atlanta

Stephen Nikitas Senior Strategist Harland Clarke Sterling, MA

April 3, Braselton April 16, Albany April 17, Valdosta

April 8, Marietta April 10, Macon

Schedule / Pricing

Leadership Division PAC/PR Golf Tournaments

A special thanks to our sponsor!

Bankers Only Peer Group Meeting 10:30 - 11:15 am – Legislative Update & Bankers Only Peer Group Meeting Luncheon Meeting 11:15 am - 11:45 am – Networking & Registration 11:45 am - 1:00 pm – Luncheon Meeting / Presentations Golf Tournament 1:45 pm – Shotgun Start (Braselton and Albany Only) Member Prices Lunch Only at All Five Locations – $55 per person Lunch & Golf at Chateau Elan – $165 per person/$140 per person for a foursome Lunch & Golf at Doublegate $150 per person/$125 per person for a foursome Non-Member Prices Lunch Only at any of the Five Locations – $85 per person Lunch & Golf at Either Tournament – $200 per person

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2014 PAC/PR Golf Tournaments Braselton | Albany

Chateau Elan | Braselton Braselton is home to the Chateau Elan Golf Club, a world renowned facility, famous for its unique design. With lakes, streams, 63 challenging holes and rolling, tree-lined hills, the Chateau Elan is a memorable course for any golfer. The Chateau is recognized as one of the top courses in Georgia, and the Woodlands course has been deemed the most picturesque course at the club.

 Bobby Crooms, John Johnson, Ted Fithian and Steven Rigdon won First Place in last year’s Macon tournament.

Schedule 1:45 | Shotgun Start


Doublegate Country Club | Albany With 18 holes and a 72-par course, the Doublegate Country Club offers a challenging round of golf for any skill level. The course is of champoinship caliber and was designed by George Cobb, Shirley Cooper and Jack Rowe. The Doublegate course is complete with a putting green, practice bunker and target greens. Surrounded by oak and pine trees, Doublegate offers a scenic and unforgettable golfing experience.

 Jim Chism, Jim Pack, JR Llewellyn, Nick Schuster and Michael McGahee won First Place in last year’s Albany tournament.

Lunch & Golf at Chateau Elan $165 per person/$140 per person when registering a foursome

About PAC/PR The Annual Leadership Division PAC/PR Golf Tournaments are a great way to network with other community bankers and associate members to benefit a good cause. Proceeds go to the CBA Political Action Committee (PAC) and Public Relations (PR) funds. The funds provide Georgia’s community banking industry a voice in state politics. The CBA maintains the only state PAC working exclusively for Georgia’s community banks.

Lunch & Golf at Doublegate $150 per person/$125 when registering a foursome

Sponsorship Opportunties Beverage Cart: $750 • Golf Prizes 1st & 2nd: $600 19th Hole - Awards Presentation: $500 Range Balls: $200 Longest Drive: $100 Closest to Pin: $100 • Sponsor a Hole: $150 All prices are per tournament. Sponsorships are available on a firstcome, first-served basis. Call today to reserve yours! Contact Peake Wilson at (770) 541-0379 / (800) 648-8215 or peake@cbaofga.com. S p r in g 2 0 1 4 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 15

Georgia Community Bankers Graduate from One of the Nation's Best Commercial Lending Schools


ommunity bankers from across the state recently graduated from the Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) Commercial Lending School, which is part of the Community Bankers University. The comprehensive school is the only commercial lending school in Georgia designed specifically for community banks. The curriculum for mid-level commercial loan officers or seasoned consumer lenders focuses on all aspects of the commercial lending process, including business operations and structures, the initial loan interview, detailed financial analysis, negotiation skills, analyzing management, credit development decisions, documentation of credit decisions and structuring of commercial loans. "The school helps students understand all aspects of commercial lending,� said Rob Braswell, President and CEO of Community Bankers Association. “Our bankers are seeking to diversify their respective loan portfolios to enhance revenue and mitigate risk. The CBA Commercial Lending School provides the elements that are essential to every commercial loan transaction to safely accomplish these objectives.�

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The CBA Commercial Lending School faculty consists of some of the best community bankers and community bank consultants in the country. The school has instructors with backgrounds in credit review, financial analysis, supervision of loan documentation, pricing of bank liabilities, consulting, credit counseling, compliance training, marketing, advertising and many other related fields. The next Commercial Lending School will be held in August 2014. For more information, contact the CBA Education Department at (770) 541-4490, or visit our website at www.cbaofga.com.

Graduates from the March 2014 Commercial Lending School

2014 CBA Compliance Program ...your next strategic move.


Is your compliance staff educated on federal regulations and laws and their effect on your bank?

Would you like a quarterly forum to discuss current compliance concerns or questions?

Would you like a quarterly newsletter sent to your bank which addresses various regulatory topics?

Would you like a complimentary toll free compliance helpline to ask questions about regulatory issues as they arise?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, the CBA invites you to join the 2014 CBA Compliance Program! The CBA Compliance Program (hereafter known as “Program”) is specially designed to educate community bankers on regulatory issues and the applicable effects on their bank. New regulations and the interpretation and application of existing regulations are addressed in a straight-forward manner during quarterly seminars held in five convenient locations across Georgia. The Program will also give bankers techniques for monitoring their in-bank compliance program. The Program is designed for the bank's compliance officer as well as for other staff members who have the responsibility of enforcing federal regulations. This could include representatives from lending, operations, customer service and marketing. Most community banks do not have the time or resources available in-house to keep current on critical regulatory issues. For these reasons, the Program is most beneficial to community banks. Participation in the program is a way to minimize your compliance risk. Professional Bank Services (PBS), in Louisville, Kentucky, is the provider for the Program and the annual membership in the Program is in the bank’s name. This allows the bank to determine the attendee for each quarterly seminar based on the topic. For example, if the topic for a particular quarter relates to lending you may wish to send a representative from the lending department; or, if the topic relates to the deposit side, you may wish to send a different representative. Become a member today of this cost-saving and informative Program and have a total compliance resource for your bank!

Membership To become a 2014 Compliance Program member, CBA member banks pay an annual membership fee of $1,395. This fee entitles one person to attend the quarterly seminars complimentary and additional attendees may attend at the reduced fee of $165 per person per quarterly seminar. The membership fee also includes the quarterly PBS InCompliance newsletter ($195 value), each seminar’s manual and access to the toll-free PBS compliance helpline through December 31, 2014. In addition, members receive access to the CBA online Compliance Officer and BSA Officer groups and discount pricing to attend other CBA compliance related seminars and schools. And, individuals who have attended all quarterly seminars will receive a Certificate of Completion. Membership in the Program is open all year and the fee is prorated based on when you become a member. To learn more about the program and to become a member, visit www.cbaofga.com or contact the CBA.

2014 COMPLIANCE PROGRAM SCHEDULE Compliance Program I “2014 Dodd-Frank Act - New Mortgage Rules – Refresher Seminar “ Tuesday, April 21 – Albany Wednesday, April 22 – Savannah Tuesday, May 20 – Rome Wednesday, May 21- Duluth Thursday, May 22 – Macon

Compliance Program II “Mortgage Lending Disclosures – Start to Finish” Tuesday, July 15 -Rome Wednesday, July 16 -Duluth Thursday, July 17 - Macon Tuesday, July 22 -Albany Wednesday, July 23 - Brunswick

Compliance Program III “Georgia Deposit Documentation” Tuesday, September 9 -Rome Wednesday, September 10 -Duluth Thursday, September 23 - Macon Tuesday, September 24 -Tifton Wednesday, September 25 - Savannah

Compliance Program IV

“Anti-Money Laundering/Bank Secrecy Act” Tuesday, December 2 -Rome Wednesday, December 3 -Duluth Thursday, December 9 - Macon Tuesday, December 10 -Albany Wednesday, December 11 - Savannah

CPE/CLE Credits Available. S p r in g 2 0 1 4 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 17


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2014 Bank Director & Executive Officer Classroom Training Schedule

6th Annual Bank Directors’ & Executive Management Conference Tuesday, May 13 | The Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre, Atlanta


"Let's Get Going!?" Is that an affirmative statement for your bank or a question you are asking? That is the dilemma confronted by many community bankers in today's environment. Should they begin taking the steps in a new environment to get ahead of the curve and begin looking at new ways to enhance value, create core earnings, look at new insurance products, create new compensation structures and focus on emerging issues like cyber-liability? Or, on the other hand, do those tasks seem so daunting that now is the time to position your bank to sell to another organization? Alternatively, are you looking to merely maintain organic growth by remaining independent or are you seeking to expand your reach through acquisitions? Each of those various topics is being confronted by all of us today.


In this year's 6th Annual Bank Directors' and Executive Management Conference, we will cover these topics and much more to help you set a firm direction for your organization in the coming years regardless of your strategic choice. To learn more about the topics and speakers and to register, contact the CBA.

TESTIMONIALS “Quality information. I would definitely recommend this program.” Dale Morris, First National Bank of Coffee County, Douglas

CPE/CLE Credits Available

2nd Annual Southeastern Community Bank Chairman's Summit Wednesday, May 14 The Georgian Club, Atlanta

What does the Chairman of the Board really do? Is it a ceremonial position or one that requires actual action? For too long, the role of the Chairman of the Board of a financial institution has generally been undefined. This Summit will help answer those questions. The Chairman's Summit will be facilitated by Philip K. Smith of the legal and consulting firm Gerrish McCreary Smith, PC, Memphis, TN. Jeff Gerrish, Chairman of the Board of Gerrish McCreary Smith Consultants, LLC, will also speak at the Summit. Several years ago, Mr. Smith and his firm, in conjunction with the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA), developed a Chairman's Forum, which he continues to host across the country each year. Now, Mr. Smith brings this unique program directly to Georgia and the Southeast. The CBA is pleased once again to partner with Gerrish McCreary Smith to offer this program to community bank Chairmen. To learn more about the topics and speakers and to register, contact the CBA.

TESTIMONIAL “Very timely topics that I can present to the board for their consideration.” Travis Cook, Merchants & Citizens Bank, Statesboro

“Great content.” Bob McMahan, Affinity Bank, Atlanta

2013 Bank Directors' Conference

2013 Chairman’s Summit


The 4th Annual Bank Directors’ College and FDIC Workshop Monday, August 18 | The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa Sponsorships are available! To become a sponsor, contact Jodi Swilley at jodi@cbaofga.com. S p r in g 2 0 1 4 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 19

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All loans and accounts subject to approval, including credit approval. BBVA Compass is a trade name of Compass Bank, a member of the BBVA Group. Compass Bank, Member FDIC.

Educational & Special Events

Schools March 10 -14 Commerical Lending School in Atlanta May 5 - 9 Consumer Lending School in Atlanta May 15 Leadership Academy - Session I in Macon August 5 - 8 7th Annual Advanced BSA Officer School in St. Simons

Conferences March 24 -25 2nd Annual Bank Security Management Conference in Atlanta May 13 6th Annual Bank Directors’ & Executive Management Conference in Atlanta May 14 2nd Annual Chairman’s Summit in Atlanta

August 18 - 22 Commercial Lending School in Atlanta August 25 -27 BSA Officer School in Atlanta October 6 - 9 Compliance School in Young Harris October 22 Leadership Academy - Session II in Macon October 27 - 31 Consumer Lending School in Atlanta August 14 -15 9th Annual Information Technology Security Management Conference in Savannah August 18 4th Annual Bank Directors’ College & FDIC Workshop in Savannah October 23 - 24 4th Annual Southeast Workplace Law & Compliance Conference in Atlanta

Young Harris • Braselton • • Marietta • Smyrna • Atlanta

• Macon Savannah • Albany • St. Simons • • Valdosta Classes (March - May)

Special Events March 25 Inaugural Clay Shoot in Albany April 3 Spring Regional Luncheon Meeting in Braselton April 4 Spring Regional Luncheon Meeting in Marietta April 10 Spring Regional Luncheon Meeting in Macon

April 7 Spring Annual Luncheon Meeting in Valdosta April 16 Spring Regional Luncheon Meeting in Albany April 28 - May 3 ICBA Washington Policy Summit in Washington, DC May 8 Banker Regulatory Forum in Smyrna

Around the State and beyond

June 26 - 29 36th Annual Leadership Division Convention & Mini-Trade Show in Amelia Island, FL August 7 Banker Regulatory Forum in Macon September 19 -21 46th Annual Convention & Trade Show in Amelia Island, FL November 6 Banker Regulatory Forum in Atlanta

Don’t wait, register for these events today!

March 18 Processing Loan Applications in Atlanta March 20 Processing Loan Applications in Macon March 20 Workplace Law & Compliance Program-Workshop I in Atlanta March 26 - 27 Consumer & Commercial Loan Documentation in Atlanta April 22 Compliance Program I in Albany

April 23 Compliance Program I in Savannah April 29 ALLL: Complying with the New Regulations (1/2 day) in Atlanta May 20 - 21 Writing an Effective Credit Memorandum in Atlanta May 22 Analyzing Corporate Financial Statements & Tax Returns in Atlanta

CPE/CLE Credits Available.

Note: Dates/locations are subject to change. For most current information, visit the CBA website at www.cbaofga.com or contact the CBA University Education Department at education@cbaofga.com. For "Special Events," contact Peake Wilson at peake@cbaofga.com. S p r in g 2 0 1 4 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 21

2014 CBA WEBINARS Affordable, Professional Training, When and Where You Choose!


he CBA is committed to superior webinar customer service and has been a leader in webinar training for over a decade. The CBA webinars are designed for most positions in a community bank from the teller line to the board room. The speakers are industry experts with long-term, real-life, hands-on experience. Benefits of participating in a CBA webinar are: • Easy to Use, Time effective, Cost effective, Convenient, Interactive, • Current Topics delivered by experienced speakers, • Three Registration Options,

Register Today!

• Continuing Professional Education Credits, • Take-A-Toolkit (consists of an employee training log and a Quiz to measure staff learning), • Webinar series for Bank Directors, Compliance Professionals, Risk Managers, Leaders, and • Much more! Register today for a webinar training option that best meets your training needs! For the most current listing of webinars, visit www.cbaofga.com.

April 2014 4/2 4/3 4/9 4/10 4/15 4/17 4/22 4/23 4/24 4/29

Completing Flood Insurance Forms Line-By-Line: Including New Biggert-Waters Changes Effective June 1, 2014 ACH Rules Update 2014 Managing Loan Risk Using FICO Score Monitoring & Credit Mitigation Models Basic Commercial Loan Underwriting: Analysis, Qualifying Applicants & Decision Making Responding to Official Demands for Customer Funds: Subpoenas, Garnishments, Summonses, Levies Mobile Device Risks & Compliance Rules: Managing Your Bank’s BYOD & COPE Policies Ability to Repay – Are You in Compliance with the New CFPB Rules? CRA Compliance Update: Including Final Revisions to Interagency Q&A's Interpreting Economic Indicators in Agricultural Loan Portfolio Management Risks & Precautions for Endorsements & Other Negotiable Instruments

May 2014 5/6 5/8 5/13 5/14 5/15 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/28 5/29

Appraisals & Evaluations for Consumer Real Estate Lending: Interagency Guidance, Regulator Issues & FAQs Introduction to SBA Lending Director Series: 10 Commandments for Dealing with Regulators How to Avoid Lender Liability Claims: Compliance, Regulatory Issues & Best Practices Auditing Your Loan Portfolio: Consumer, Commercial & Real Estate CPE/CLE Credits Regulator Issues in Interest Rate Risk: Current Trends, Shock Analysis & Best Practices Available Implementing the New ACH Security Framework Requirements by December 31, 2014 Reporting Your Customers’ Credit: Understanding the Increasing Regulatory Requirements Business Accounts: Who is Authorized to Open, Close, Transact? IT Audit for Community Banks

June 2014 6/3 6/5 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/24 6/25 6/26

How to Legally Recover Unauthorized ACH Withdrawals After the NACHA Return Deadlines Head Teller Development: Improving Teller Performance Completing the CTR Report Line by Line Loan Pricing Strategies for Community Banks Processing IRA Rollovers & Transfers Call Report Preparation: Basic Lending Schedules: RC-C & RC-K BSA/AML Converns with Trust & Asset Management Accounts Regulatory Compliance for the Frontline, Including BSA Mainstreaming Mobile Remote Deposit Capture: Adoption, Deployment, Operations & Risks Self-Employed Borrower Tax Implications under the New CFPB Income Verification Rules Compliance Officer Training: Will Your AML/BSA/OFAC Program Satisfy Examiner Scrutiny? Note: Dates/Topics subject to change.

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April 2014

We are community banking.

is Community Banking Month!!

April is Community Banking Month, and the Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) and community banks across the state are recognizing the unique spirit that makes community banks the foundation of their communities. Each year, community bankers come together in April to inform the public of the important economic and social contribution their banks make in their hometowns. Community Banking Month is your bank's time in the spotlight!

Again this year, the CBA is offering FREE ideas on celebrating Community Banking Month, which are available for download at www.cbaofga.com. • • • •

Press release for member banks to distribute to local media Signed proclamation from Governor Nathan Deal declaring April Community Banking Month Ideas on celebrating Community Banking Month Community Banking Month employee fact sheet

Let us know how your bank plans to celebrate Community Banking Month with your customers and in your community. Post on our Facebook page or Linkedin group page. Contact Lindsay Greene at (770) 541-0376 or lindsay@cbaofga.com.

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1/29/14 12:36 PM

S p r in g 2 0 1 4 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 23

Pinnacle Bank’s Anne Harris Supports Soldiers after Handling the Greatest Loss, a Child Killed in War


is in his Blake Harr iform n military u

ust 15 days shy of his 28th birthday, Staff Sgt. Blake M. Harris was killed in Iraq on March 15, 2007. Blake was on his second tour in Iraq and had been in the Army for almost ten years. The Staff Sergeant had been in Iraq for six months when an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) was detonated, taking his life along with three others.

“Blake loved his job. He wanted to be a soldier from age 6,” said Blake’s mother, Anne Harris, Assistant Vice President at Pinnacle Bank in Elberton. “We signed papers with him when he was 16 to go into the Army after graduation from high school.” Just one week after he graduated from Lovejoy High School in Hampton, Georgia in 1997, Blake left Georgia for Boot Camp in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. From there he went to Advanced Infantry Training (AIT) at Ft. Lee, VA and then to Paratrooper school at Ft. Benning. He was installed into the 82nd Airborne at Ft. Bragg, NC. Three deployments and nine years later, Anne had become a pro at shipping care packages to her son overseas. Although postage for these packages was not cheap, Anne didn’t mind because she knew her son loved receiving them. Items in the packages that she sent to Blake were things he couldn’t get at field supply areas on base or things that he liked and missed having available. The last box Anne had shipped to her son for his birthday in 2007 was returned back to her because 2 4 | w w w . cbaof ga. com | Sp r i n g 2 0 1 4

of the tragic incident, but it was far from the last package that she would send to soldiers abroad. That June, Anne decided to send care packages to men from Blake’s unit who remained in the war zone in Iraq. The first 12 boxes were filled with items that had been donated by her and her fellow employees at Pinnacle Bank. Blake’s father and Anne’s husband, Paul Harris, started spreading the word about the initiative that his wife had started. The following year Paul’s employer at the time, Athens Regional Hospital, also wanted to get involved in the project. Throughout the next five years, the number of boxes sent out to troops overseas continued to grow in the “Salute the Troops” program as it was now known. The goal of “Salute the Troops” was to make the lives of the fierce protectors a little easier while away from home. In 2013 alone, 225 boxes were sent to troops in Afghanistan and over $4,000 was donated to help with postage and to purchase items in short supply. “This project has meant so much to me because I know how much my son enjoyed getting packages from home,” said Anne. “Knowing the guys receive the items they needed but couldn’t obtain in some of the field supply areas is always a joy. This was my way of continuing to show my support for our soldiers.”

Anne Harris visiting her son's grave at Arlington Cemetary in 2009

Blake was a member of the 1st Calvary Division of the U.S. Army and had served previously as a member of the 82nd Airborne Division in Afghanistan and the 1st Armor Division in Baghdad. He is survived by his parents, his wife Brandy Harris and son Tyrus, his brother Eric Harris and sister Holli Harris Bynum. Over 1,000 people attended his memorial service at First Baptist Church in Jonesboro, GA. There were many people Blake and his mom who spoke of Blake’s love of p cam t Anne after boo 7. 199 in life, his immense love for on graduati his family, his mischievous nature, his beautiful smile and his dedicated service. The burial service was held at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, DC, where Brigadier General R.D. Jones presented Blake’s family with Blake’s “Purple Heart and Bronze Star” and other medals and pins of honor for his outstanding service to “A hero is his country. The memorial flag was someone who has presented to Blake’s parents and also to his wife and son. The service included given his or her friends, comrades, and the impressive life to something Arlington Honor Guard and ended bigger than with the twenty-one gun salute ringing through the cemetery followed by the oneself.” playing of Taps. Anne commented, “I Joseph Campbell cannot think of a more fitting tribute to a fallen soldier than to be laid to rest beside other fallen comrades that also gave the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of those that could not defend themselves.” In 2014, Anne will change efforts to campaign for donations for the Wounded Warrior Project in lieu of packages. The Wounded Warrior Project’s mission is “To honor and empower Wounded Warriors.” Various events and programs to benefit the cause are held all over the U.S. throughout the year. Donations may be sent to Anne Harris c/o Pinnacle Bank, P.O. Box 430, Elberton, GA and checks should be made payable to Salute the Troops.

Blake, Brandy and Tyrus Harris in 2005 prior to him leaving for Germany

Anne and Paul Harr is Memorial Day 2013

Pinnacle Bank’s Anne Harris Anne Harris grew up in Royston, Georgia and shortly after graduating from Athens High School she began her career in Banking at C & S National Bank in Athens. Anne “grew up” in the banking industry and the past 45 years, she served in various positions such as teller, personal banker and lender to Vice President of Collection and Recovery. The majority of her banking career was focused in Collection and Recovery Management. For the past nine years, Anne has been with Pinnacle Bank in Elberton. At Pinnacle Bank, she has served in Regulatory Compliance. Anne is now Assistant Vice President of Bank Secrecy Act/Anti- Money Laundering/Office of Foreign Assets Control (BSA/AML/OFAC). In this role Anne feels that she is honoring her son by doing her part to help our government keep watchful eyes on potential terrorism. Anne and Paul Harris have been married for 38 years and have three children, Eric, Holli and Blake and three grandchildren. They live in Royston and attend First Baptist Church of Lavonia where they both sing in the choir.

CBA of Georgia Welcomes New Associate Members The Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) would like to welcome new Associate Members which were approved at the Board of Directors Meeting recently. Throughout the year, the Board of Directors approves quality vendors who provide products and services to CBA members. For more information on becoming an The Baker Group, Brokerage Firms Wayne Story, Oklahoma City, OK

Resurgent Performance, Inc., Bank Consulting Natalie Hall, Alpharetta, GA

Bank Trends, Peer Analysis Michael Stinson, San Francisco, CA

Troutman Sanders LLP, Legal Firms James Stevens, Atlanta, GA

Barret School of Banking, Graduate Banking School Chris Kelley, Memphis, TN

Veracity Payment Solutions, Credit Card Services Brian Merena, Atlanta, GA

Berman Fink Van Horn, P.C., Legal Firms Kristin Zielmanski, Atlanta, GA Investment Professionals, Inc. (IPI), Financial Services Steven Ransdell, San Antonio, TX Pritchard & Jerden, Insurance Services Tray Traynor, Atlanta, GA


1/14/2014 - 1:35pm

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2 6 | w w w . cbaof ga. com | Sp r i n g 2 0 1 4

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Lifetime Service Awards The CBA is proud to present the Lifetime Service Award to bankers who have devoted 30 or more years of service to the banking industry and who have been heavily involved in their community. The Association is extremely grateful to these individuals who have served as a role model to the banking community. Honoring them is a small token of CBA’s appreciation for their efforts to the banking industry. If you or someone in your bank is celebrating 30 or more years of service, please let the CBA know in order for us to recognize you and /or your staff at future events and in our publications by August 1, 2014. Email Peake Wilson at peake@cbaofga.com for more information.



The CBA Community Bank Leadership Academy The Community Bank Leadership Academy (CBLA) is specifically designed to cultivate and enhance the next generation of community bank LEADERS in Georgia!

SAVE THE DATES SPRING SESSION: Thursday, May 15, 2014 FALL SESSION: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 SCHEDULE/LOCATION BOTH SESSIONS: 9:30 am - 2:30 pm Idle Hour Country Club, Macon Additional details will be available soon! For inquiries, please contact the CBA.

"Be Awesome! Be a Book Nut!" – Dr. Seuss Recently, employees of Oconee State Bank, Watkinsville, certainly demonstrated their awesomeness and love of books. They organized a visit to Scottish Rite with a Children’s Fun Zone facilitator. “We had a wonderful Dr. Seuss-themed party for the kids! They were able to decorate cookies, make silly hats and write their own Dr. Seuss poem,” shared Deesha Hagwood, Marketing Officer for the bank. “We gave out goody bags, and each child was gifted with a new book donated by an Oconee State Bank employee.” The generous bank staff donated over 55 new books in all. On behalf of Children’s and the CBA’s Leadership Division, the CBA thanks the kind people of Oconee State Bank for not only donating their time, but also their gifts and lessons shared with the kids. If you would like to participate

in a similar activity for Children’s Healthcare, please contact Peake Wilson at the CBA office by emailing peake@cbaofga.com or calling (770) 541-0379. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss.

Employees from Oconee State Bank pictured L to R: Amy Buttler, Jenna Norton, Jessica Cunningham, and Joy Hoty

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – Dr. Seuss S p r in g 2 0 1 4 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 27

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Documenting the ALLL: What Examiners Expect



Regan Camp is a senior risk management consultant at Sageworks, where he serves as a specialist in assisting

Regan financial Campinstitutions with accurately interpreting and applying federal accounting guidance. Regan’s primary focus Senior isRisk Management allowance for loan and lease lossConsultant provisions (ALLL) and portfolio stress testing. Sageworks Prior to joining Sageworks, he served as a commercial lender A CBA Endorsed Member Company and has performed in various consulting capacities at Deloitte & Touche, L.P. and Dittrich & Associates LLC, where he assisted financial institutions in the administration of FDIC Loss Share Agreements, managed the establishment of INTRODUCTION special asset divisions and the resolution of troubled portfolios, in addition to representing overseeing day to day operations and eventual liquidations of failed financial FASin114 (ASCthe 310-10-35) Prevailing regulatory guidance concerning the allowance for loan the FDIC Prior to his consulting work, Regan served as a Commercial Loan Officer at a Although the documentation examiners look for in support of and lease losses (ALLL) acknowledges the fact that “determining institutions. $2.1 billion lending institution. Regan is a magna cum laude graduate of Brigham Young individual evaluations is contingent the appropriate level for the [ALLL] is inevitably imprecise and University’s Marriott loan School ofimpairment/reserve Business, where he studied business management and upon the valuation method utilized, the objective is the same – requires a high degree of management judgment.”1 Consequently, finance.

with the latitude given to management to develop and maintain a determine appropriate model inputs consistent with prevailing regulatory guidance and substantiate the appropriateness of those “comprehensive, systematic, and consistently applied process for SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS to Calculate your FAS 5 Reserves to the extent possible. determining appropriate reserve levels,” as required by guidance, Howdeterminations about Disclosure Reports documentation should outline the process used to it is imperative that banks generate and maintain appropriate ALLLSimilarly, Examiners Have about Spreadsheets and How to Respond identify impaired (loans to be evaluated under FAS 114) versus nondocumentation to support those determinations and establish a Concerns “FAS 5: Pooled Loan Analysis” 2013 Discussion Series in Chicago, IL defensible calculation that will satisfy auditors and examiners alike. impaired loans (loans to be evaluated under FAS 5). “What the Examiners are Examining” – Panelist, American Banker Webinar Although a novel could be written to address all of the varieties of information that may be appropriately utilized in documenting FAS 5 (ASC 450-20) and supporting ALLL conclusions, the intended scope of this article PUBLICATIONS How to Calculate your FAS 5 Reserves Loss Rates includes the presentation and discussion of the primary and ProsHistorical and Cons of Migration Analysis regulatory guidance most common documentation to consider when aiming to satisfy FASBPrevailing vs. IASB Proposals: Can't We "ALLL" Just Getdoes Along?not mandate the use of any specific methodology when appropriate historical loss examiner expectations. Regulator Concerns with Spreadsheets in Riskdetermining Management Documentation should outline the import source used IASBexperience. and FASB Credit-Loss Models, in CreditUnionTimes Classic Cultures, loss with Ancin Cooley Independenthistorical Banker forCredit historical rates, theinselected time horizon and loss ALLL Narrative Often referred to as the “executive summary” of the ALLL, the ALLL period weightings, if used. Narrative provides examiners with a high-level overview of the results of the comprehensive ALLL calculation, outlines the ALLL Qualitative Factors methodology, policies and procedures employed in the calculation Many banks have found that qualitative factor adjustments in the and highlights other key information the bank determines ALLL can be the area of most focus during an exam. This is largely due to the fact that this section of the ALLL calculation is inherently appropriate to provide further insight into assumptions made. Remember the early direction we all received in grade school the most subjective. Consequently, it is imperative that banks concerning how to structure an essay? It likely went something like substantiate these adjustments to the historical loss rates and explain how the adjustments reflect current information, events, this: (1) tell your intended audience what you’re going to tell circumstances and conditions in the loss measurements. This can often be accomplished through the inclusion of supporting them (the ALLL Narrative), materials: Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), portfolio (2) tell them, then (3) tell them what you told them but in a slightly different performance metrics, economic reports, other publications outlining economic or business trends, etc. manner. Such an approach has not only proven sufficient for grade school essays, but it has also proven to be an effective approach towards satisfying examiner expectations pertaining to the delivery of ALLL documentation. Comprehensive Documentation After we’ve told the examiners what we’re going to tell them, the next step is to tell them. Accordingly, accompanying the ALLL Narrative should be a compilation of comprehensive documentation providing all the details of the ALLL reserve calculation and substantiation as to how those results were determined. This more comprehensive/detailed documentation may be most effectively outlined within the realm of each respective ALLL calculation component, which primarily includes the following: • •

FAS 114 (ASC 310-10-35) – Individual loan impairment/reserve evaluations FAS 5 (ASC 450-20) – General reserve calculations for homogenous loan pools o Historical loss rate calculations o Qualitative factor adjustments

CONCLUSION According to prevailing regulatory guidance, a bank’s process for determining an appropriate level for the ALLL should be based on not only a comprehensive and consistently applied analysis of its loan portfolio, but must also be a process that is well-documented. The extent to which any and all determinations made throughout the calculation are substantiated with recorded and accessible documentation will also determine the extent to which the ALLL can be defended, as well as the extent to which examiners will be satisfied with the corresponding output. To learn more, contact Sanaa Bhambri at (919) 851 - 7474 ext. 513 or Sanaa.bhambri@sageworks.com.

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Community Bankers Need to Protect Themselves from Social Engineering: A Hacker's Favorite Tool Jeff Multz Director of Midmarket North America Dell SecureWorks A CBA Endorsed Member Company


s James Cagney would say, “You dirty, double-crossing rat.” That’s the sentiment community banks feel after falling for “social engineering” tactics. Social engineers pretend to be someone they’re not in hopes that you fall for one of their ploys. They use tactics to “engineer” their way inside your organization. For example, claiming to be a prospect, they may send you an email that convinces you to click on an attachment or a link inside the email. Doing either may surreptitiously download malware onto your computer. Here’s an example of how social engineering works. An attacker sends people at your bank an email posing as a prospective customer. The email might say, “Our company is thinking about opening a business account with your bank. Please review our attached financial data and let me know which type of account would work best for us.” Once receivers click on the document, they inadvertently download malware onto their computer. Once their computer is infected, most likely soon the network will be too. Social engineers often use “social networking” to engineer an attack. The attackers use networking sites like LinkedIn or Facebook, where users often name the companies they work for. Then, attackers find the company emails for those people and send them emails like the one mentioned above. Or, attackers could send an email with a malware link or attachment that looks as if it were sent from an actual employee. For example, attackers could send employees an email that looks as if it were sent by someone in the accounting department, asking people to click on a link to update their home contact information. Once people click on the link, a box pops up with fields for a home address and phone number. This looks like a valid request, so no one questions it. Actually, when the receivers clicked on the link, malware was downloaded onto their computers. The Effect on Banks Community banks of all sizes are at risk for cyber attacks. Although smaller banks I speak with think they are not as vulnerable as the big players, they are. Attackers often target

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smaller banks to perfect an attack before launching it on larger banks. Attackers will also invade a community bank’s network to get access to its customers and its business partners’ computer networks. These attacks often start with social engineering. Tips You can help prevent social engineering by teaching your employees the following security tips: •

Don’t accept friend requests on social networks from people you don’t know just because they are “friends” of your friends.

Keep your Facebook account on Private settings, so neither the public nor friends of friends can see your posts.

• Share real examples of phishing emails your bank has received. • Present examples of social engineering techniques cyber criminals use, which include suspicious phone calls asking about employees and “repair people” trying to get onto a company computer. • Promote a culture that politely, but firmly, questions unusual activity and policy violations. Consistently train staff on cyber security via meetings and emails To learn more, contact Jamie Kirkland at (404) 486-4481 or jamie_kirkland@dell.com.

The Business of Georgia Film Tax Credit Finance Todd Hennings, Esq. Member

Peter G. Stathopoulos, Esq. Member

Macey, Wilensky & Hennings, LLC | A CBA Associate Member Company The Georgia Entertainment Industry Investment Act has made Georgia a rapidly growing hub for film, television and digital entertainment productions. In fiscal year 2013, the entertainment industry had over a $3 billion economic impact in Georgia, with over 700 films and television shows produced in the state. The challenge for Georgia institutions is how to keep more of the economic benefit of this industry in Georgia, by supporting and financing its growth.

cash at the ready for sundry expenditures. Macey, Wilensky & Hennings, LLC represents entertainment production companies filming in Georgia and has a long history as attorneys representing Georgia’s community banks. Peter Stathopoulos and Todd Hennings will be panelists at this year’s CBA Annual Meeting and will be discussing film tax credit financing and other ways that the community banking industry can benefit from Georgia’s new role as a hub for film and television production.

As with any other industry, the entertainment industry requires banking and financing services. Due to a lack of familiarity, Georgia lenders have not taken part in the development of this new industry. That role has fallen to out-of-state banks and private equity groups, who reap the benefits of Georgia’s burgeoning production industry. However, there are financing roles that Georgia’s community banks can play as an entree into the world of entertainment production, without needing to commit millions of dollars towards production costs.

To learn more, contact Todd Hennings at (404) 584-1222 or thennings@maceywilensky.com.

One conservative form of financing is associated with transferrable Georgia entertainment tax credits. These credits can be used as collateral for mezzanine loans. Entertainment production companies seek short term loans secured by such credits prior to or during the production process, to cover production cost overruns. This provides an immediate injection of cash for the production company and a short term, high yield financing instrument for interested lenders, typically in the range of 1220% for a 3-4 month loan commitment. These loans are similar in structure to traditional construction loans or accounts receivable financing. Advances are made under draw schedules, which are tied to expenditures that produce tax credits. Risk is minimized by the fact that insurance can be purchased by the production company guaranteeing the completion of the production per budget (thereby insuring that the credits will be generated). Whether the film is ever actually distributed or is a financial success does not impact the generation of tax credits, which is tied to making qualifying expenditures in the state. Lenders retain a security interest in the credits and control over the disposition of these transferrable tax credits. In addition to this kind of short term financing, production companies also need ordinary banking relationships. However, they have unique needs, including having large amounts of

Watch for CBA's 2014 Georgia Financial Directory! All CBA members receive one complimentary copy.

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Additional copies are $45 for members; $75 for non-members Official Publication of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia

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Endorsed by your Association. Used by your Peers. Save time and money with CBA Endorsed Member Companies Each of the Endorsed Member Companies below has earned the seal of approval from the CBA members. Many offer special pricing to CBA members. Explore the revenue-enhancement opportunities with these vendors and improve your bottom line! ACG | Refurbished ATMs/Currency Counting Phil Winn | phil@acg.us.com | (770) 442-9800

IMPACT Financial Services | Overdraft Privilege Program Bob Flowers, Jr. | bflowers@impactfinancial.com | (770) 477-9452

Bahr Consultants, Inc.| Insurance Review Hank Bahr |hank@bahrconsultantsinc.com | (865) 694-6098

Investment Professionals, Inc. (IPI) | Investment Services Steven Ransdell| Steven.ransdell@invpro.com| (501) 410-4445

Banc Consulting Partners | Executive Benefits/BOLI Brian Miller | bmiller@yourbankpartner.com | (770) 485-8559

PULSE | Debit Network Program Mark Reda|markreda@pulsenetwork.com | (813) 854-2210

banc-serv Partners, LLC | SBA Loans, Packaging, Sales & Servicing Brad Crawford | bcrawford@banc-serv.com | (317) 664-5247

Sageworks | Cash Flow Analysis Sanaa Bhambri| sanaa.bhambri@sageworks.com (919) 851-7474 ext. 513

BankersEdge | Online /DVD Training Program Nora Ebersbach | nebersbach@bankersedge.com | (314) 542-6493

SHAZAM | Debit Card/EFT Processing Mark Fucci | mfucci@shazam.net | (866) 644-9314

BankSmart | Bank Operations/Vendor Management Jim Wilkson | jwilkson@banksmartusa.com | (813) 774-8000

SNL Financial | Financial Industry Data Julie Jones| jjones@snl.com | (434) 951-4419

Bank Trends | Peer Analysis Michael Stinson| michael@bank-trends.com| (877) 717-6743

Southwest Financial Services, Ltd. | Flood Determination Insurance & Appraisal Management Stephanie Bennett | stephanie.bennett@sfsltd.com | (513) 621-6699

Computer Services, Inc. | SecureConnect for Directors/Employees Bill Evers | Bill.Evers@csiweb.com | (800) 545-4274 ext. 19224 Crescent Mortgage | Secondary Market Mortgage Services Ashli Matson | amatson@crescentmortgage.net | (770) 714-5417 Dell SecureWorks| Managed Internet Security Program Jamie Kirkland | jamie_kirkland@dell.com | (404) 486-4481 The Eversole Group, LLC | Marketing Program Craig Eversole | craig@theeversolegroup.com | (601) 977-5225 Executive Insurance Agency, Inc. | VSI Program Randy Sower | info@executiveinsuranceagency.com | (770) 474-2355 First Data | Internet Banking & Mobile Banking Tim Miller | tim.miller@firstdata.com | (901)763-2600 FIS | Free ATM Network | Credit/Debit Card Program Steven Roberts | steven.roberts@fisglobal.com | (770) 209-8484 Harland Clarke | Check Program/Financial Solutions Ryan Busenitz | ryan.busenitz@harlandclarke.com | (787) 923-3402 ICBA Securities | Quality Investment Products Jim Reber | jreber@icbasecurities.com | (901) 762-5884

Staples | Office Supply Program Jason Warholak | jason.warholak@staples.com | (404) 664-4543 TransFirst | Merchant Services Processing Donna Burns | dburns@transfirst.com | (731) 772-1425 Travelers | D & O/Institutions Bond Program Diana Baker | dcbaker@travelers.com | (678) 317-7882 Triad Financial Services, Inc. | Consumer Loan Program Keith Stayer | kstayer@triadfs.com | (800) 522-2013 UPS | Overnight Delivery Program Brooke Carter | brookecarter@ups.com | (404) 699-6503 VINtek, Inc. | Electronic Lien & Title (ELT) Robert Christini |rchristini@vintek.com | (215) 599-2435 William Mills Agency | Public Relations Firm William Mills | william@williammills.com/(678) 781-7200 Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC Bank Assetpoint/Insured Cash Sweep (ICS) Danny Capitel|dcapitel@promnetwork.com | (770) 630-6796 *Cooperative Marketing Alliance

Give us a call at (770) 541-4490 or (800) 648-8215 or visit CBA online at www.cbaofga.com.

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