Spring 2015 Georgia Communities First magazine

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• Join CBA on the Emerald Coast for the 37th Annual Leadership Division Convention • CBA Celebrates 20-Year Partnership with Travelers

Official Publication of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia

• April is Community Banking Month!



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CBA STAFF Rob Braswell President & CEO rob@cbaofga.com


Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, or Does He?

Steven Rigdon Director of Legislative & Regulatory Affairs steven@cbaofga.com


Finer Points: Securing Payments Security


General Counsel Corner: Court Ruling Provides Banks Glimmer of Hope in Recovering Costs from Retail Data Breaches

Lindsay Greene Vice President Marketing & Member Services lindsay@cbaofga.com


Shera Banks Marketing Coordinator shera@cbaofga.com Briana Bronner Marketing & Member Services Assistant briana@cbaofga.com Peake Wilson Vice President Corporate Events & Leadership Division CBA Corporate Secretary peake@cbaofga.com Teresa Day Administrative & Corporate Events Assistant teresa@cbaofga.com Jodi Swilley Director of Education & Professional Development jodi@cbaofga.com Donna Coutant Education Coordinator donna@cbaofga.com Amanda Lee Education Associate amanda@cbaofga.com Tammy Maass CFO tammy@cbaofga.com Nick Wilborn Accounting/IT Coordinator nick@cbaofga.com

April 2015 page 5 | April is Community Banking Month!

Mark Your Calendars and Get Ready for CBA's Annual Spring Regional Luncheon Meetings & PAC/PR Golf Tournaments


CBA's Newly-Reformatted Day at the Capitol a Huge Success!


Introducing the Leadership Division's New Initiative: Scholarship Challenge


CBA Endorses Continuity Control


Compliance Classroom Training Calendar


CBA Endorses ATM Response


2nd Quarter 2015 Webinars


Guest Article: How Scenario Planning Helps You Prepare for CECL

page 7 | Travelers and CBA Celebrate 20-Year Partnership

page 16 | Join CBA on the Emerald Coast for the 37th Annual Leadership Division Convention

S ta y connecte d Scan with your smartphone to view our website.

Community Bankers Association of Georgia 1900 The Exchange, Suite 600, Atlanta, GA 30339 (770) 541-4490 or (800) 648-8215 • Fax (770) 541-4496 www.cbaofga.com • cba@cbaofga.com

page 24 | Join Your Peers & Colleagues in the Mystical City of Savannah in September! S p r in g 2 0 1 5 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 1


Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Or Does He? “I guess this is just another lost cause, Mr. Paine. All you people don't know about lost causes. Mr. Paine does. He said once they were the only causes worth fighting for. And he fought for them once, for the only reason any man ever fights for them; because of just one plain simple rule: 'Love thy neighbor.'... And you know that you fight for the lost causes harder than for any other. Yes, you even die for them.” Jefferson Smith – Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Well, I’m not asking you to give your life in the cause to relieve community banks from undue regulatory burden; however, I am asking you to engage in the process. You can’t help but be inspired by the strength and conviction of Jefferson Smith as he fought (and won) the battle for the “lost causes” on the floor of the Senate, but what would have happened if he had not been there? How will Georgia’s two senators and 14 representatives know the concerns of Georgia’s community banks if we are not there to tell them? With that in mind, I’m asking you to join me and many of your colleagues as we travel to Capitol Hill as part of the April 28 – 30th, ICBA Washington Policy Summit. Over 1,000 community bankers from across the nation will descend upon Washington D.C. to ensure our voices are heard in an impactful way. CBA of GA takes care of many of the details such as arranging our congressional meetings, travel to Capitol Hill, and our group dinners, so you can concentrate on the issues at hand. In addition, ICBA will arrange for key legislative and regulatory leaders to meet with us at breakfasts and during an afternoon session, as well as providing a closing banquet with entertainment.

These efforts include continuing to ensure CBA member bankers are represented on key ICBA committees and subcommittees that are focused on legislation and regulation. I am very grateful to our members that currently serve on those committees and appreciate their involvement and leadership.

Additionally, Steven Rigdon, our Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, and I, will be seeking to establish a rapport with our congressional offices to ensure they reach out to us when a banking question arises and to ensure that we have an established liaison to contact if we see a concern with a piece of federal legislation. And lastly, I am seeking to have YOU join us on this year’s ICBA Washington Policy Summit from April 28 – 30th. Are you coming, Mr. Smith? Are you coming, Ms. Smith? “I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too.” Jefferson Smith – Mr. Smith Goes to Washington I hope you can join us! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if we at the CBA can help you in any way. Best regards,

Last year was my first opportunity to be part of CBA of GA’s delegation and I found our time on the Hill to be exciting, eyeopening, fast-paced and important. It was also very enjoyable to share in the camaraderie of our delegation as we hustled from office to office as a group, rode buses or cabs together and shared evening dinners. You can’t help but enjoy yourself when you’re with a terrific group of people that are united in their cause. As you know, Washington D.C. is the overwhelming source of legislation and regulation that has been placed on banks in recent history, and it is likely this will always be the case; therefore, CBA of GA is placing more emphasis than ever before on making an impact at the federal level while ensuring we do not diminish our efforts at the state level in any way.

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Rob Braswell President & CEO Community Bankers Association of Georgia



Securing Payments Security Safeguarding customers’ financial information is central to maintaining essential public trust in the financial and payments systems. Nobody understands this more intrinsically than the nation’s community banks. Security, along with trusted financial products and expertise, is a foundation of every community bank’s franchise value. As dedicated financial guardians, you stand the watch for your customers every single day. Today, community banks must defend against a staggering barrage of relentless, highly sophisticated cyberthreats. As card issuers and account providers, you know firsthand that the most successful attacks have occurred against the largest retailers. Those data breaches have resulted in record card reissue costs and other losses for community banks. The Target and Home Depot card data breaches alone have cost community banks at least $130 million to reissue customer credit and debit cards, in addition to direct fraud losses. For years ICBA has been working to put consistently strong security standards, regulations and procedures in place across the entire payments system. In 2014, in response to massive retail breaches, ICBA released a set of core data security principles to help guide policymakers, the payment card networks, the largest banks, merchants and technology service providers through the next steps to modernize and strengthen, as well as equitably sustain, how data is protected throughout the payments system. Three of those core principles stand out as particularly important in light of today’s cybersecurity risks and challenges. 1. Costs of data breaches should be borne by the breached party. Any breached party should bear responsibility for the fraud and mitigation costs it causes—to itself and to others. Aligning incentives to maximize data security by all parties that process or store consumer data will make the payments system stronger over time. However, payment card network rules governing fraud and card reissuance and the interchange model, designed before today’s wide-scale data breaches, amount to reimbursement of pennies on the dollar and don’t begin to fairly compensate community banks for their expenses.

2. All payments system participants must uphold similarly strong data security standards. Since 1999, all financial institutions have been subject to rigorous data protection standards under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act while merchants and other payments parties have not. Every system is only as strong as its weakest link, and the weakest link must be subject to the same or similar federal data security standards. Sensitive bank data should not become vulnerable to cybercriminals because other entities involved in the payments system don’t maintain the same strong data security standards as banks. 3. Technology will never provide infallible protection. Community banks, other financial institutions and, increasingly, merchants are adopting smart-chip technology, tokenization and end-to-end encryption to construct a layered approach to security. However, because cybercriminals search for the weakest links in every system chain, the payments marketplace must retain the regulatory flexibility to continually innovate to maintain strong security. Ultimately, data protection is a shared responsibility of all those involved in the payments system. There’s a lot of work to do by everyone. Guided by these principles and others, ICBA will continue to be the voice for the nation’s community banks toward building a flexible but comprehensive payments system that continues to protect Americans today, tomorrow and for years to come.

Cam Fine President & CEO Independent Community Bankers of America

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Community Banking Month

April 2015 We are community banking.

April is Community Banking Month, and the Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) and community banks across the state are recognizing the unique spirit that makes community banks the foundation of their communities. Each year, community bankers come together in April to inform the public of the important economic and social contribution their banks make in their hometowns. Community Banking Month is your bank's time in the spotlight! Celebrating Community Banking Month is an excellent way to thank your customers for banking locally. April is a great time to remind the public of how community banks can and do improve the quality of life of your community. It’s not too late to plan an event for this year. Again this year, the CBA is offering FREE ideas on celebrating Community Banking Month, which are available for CRS Data download at www.cbaofga.com. • • • •

Press release for member banks to distribute to local media Signed proclamation from Governor Nathan Deal declaring April Community Banking Month Fun ideas on celebrating Community Banking Month Community Banking Month employee fact sheet

We would love for you to take advantage of this celebration, and use it as an opportunity to share the ways your bank is a vital contributor to your community. Be sure to let us know how your bank plans to celebrate Community Banking Month with your customers and in your community. Post on our Facebook page or Linkedin group page. Contact Shera Banks at (770) 541-0380 or shera@cbaofga.com for more information.

Connect with CBA

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legal news and updates for cba members Have a topic you would like to see covered in “General Counsel Corner?” Email us at generalcounselcorner @ jamesbatesllp.com


@ jamesbatesllp.com

Whalen J. Kuller of counsel

(404) 997-7505



Court Ruling Provides Banks Glimmer of Hope in Recovering Costs from Retailer Data Breaches by Whalen J. Kuller and Michael N. White A December 2014 ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Paul A. Magnuson1 has opened the door, albeit only a crack, for the possibility that banks could recover their costs associated with a retailer’s data breach of customers’ credit and debit card information. In December 2013, Target Corporation had announced that computer hackers stole credit and debit card information for approximately 110 million Target customers over a three-week period. In this case, card issuing banks brought claims against Target, a Minnesota company, alleging that Target: (1) was negligent in failing to have sufficient security in place to prevent hacking of customer data; (2) negligently misrepresented by failing to advise the card issuing banks of the insufficient security measures; and (3) was negligent per se based on violations of Minnesota’s Plastic Security Card Act.2 Target asked the court to dismiss all of the card issuing banks’ claims. Target sought dismissal of the common law negligence claims arguing that one generally does not have a duty to protect third parties from the criminal activity of others. According to the brief filed by Target’s attorneys, there have been only a handful of rulings in the past few years on merchants’ liability to payment card issuers, all small actions by individual banks, and all but one of those rulings concluded that retailers do not have a duty to credit card issuers, with the one ruling in favor of the bank being dismissed on other grounds. The court rejected Target’s argument based on the existence of certain affirmative conduct by Target that increased the risk of harm, including disabling aspects of its own security system and ignoring warnings of potential risk. The court found that the banks sufficiently alleged that the harm to the card issuing banks was a foreseeable consequence, whether premised upon the hacker’s conduct or Target’s alleged actions. In addition, the court denied Target’s motion to dismiss as it related to violations of the Plastic Card Security Act, including Target’s assertion that the law applied only to transactions conducted in Minnesota. The court ruled that the law applies to the data retention practices of any person or entity “conducting business in Minnesota”. The court granted Target’s motion to dismiss, as it related to the bank’s claims of negligent misrepresentation by omission, because the banks failed to specifically plead reliance. The result of the court’s order is that the case will proceed and be adjudicated on the merits of the banks’ claims. Massachusetts, Nevada, and Washington have adopted laws similar to the Minnesota Plastic Card Security Act. Those laws provide banks the right to reimbursement for their costs in connection with reasonable actions taken by the banks to protect the information of their cardholders. Georgia, however, has not adopted such a law. Although the unique facts of this case and the existence of the Plastic Security Card Act in Minnesota limit its applicability to other cases, this ruling, if it stands, provides precedent for financial institutions to pursue negligence claims based on damages they suffer as a result of data breaches, regardless of the existence of a specific state law such as the Plastic Card Security Act. n

Michael N. White of counsel

(478) 749-9921


1 2

In re: Target Corporation Customer Data Security Breach Litigation, MDL No. 14-2522 (United States District Court, District of Minnesota, December 2, 2014). Minn. Stat. § 325E.64.

PRESENTED BY GEORGIA’S LAW FIRM: OFFICES 6 | w w w .cbaof ga. com | Sp“General r i n g 2Counsel 0 1 5 Corner,” a recurring column featuring legal news and information of interest to CBA members, is brought to you by James-Bates-Brannan-Groover-LLP. Visit us at GeorgiasLawFirm.com MACON + ATLANTA


Through its 20-year partnership with the Community Bankers Association of Georgia, Travelers has demonstrated its long-term commitment to supporting local community banks and building relationships with community bankers to help further position them to be successful. Travelers offers community bankers the knowledge and expertise of an insurer that has deep ties to the community banking industry and the financial stability necessary to support them through changing economic environments. This cooperative partnership has proven mutually beneficial for both parties.

“Travelers has a long history of supporting community bankers, not only with our products and services, but through sponsorship and support of initiatives and activities that are important to their success.”

“We are very proud of our 20 year partnership with the Community Bankers Association of Georgia. Travelers has a long history of supporting community bankers, not only with our products and services, but through sponsorship and support of initiatives and activities that are important to their success,” said Diana Baker, Managing Director, Financial Institution Management Liability, Bond & Specialty Insurance at Travelers. She continued, “We look forward to building on our partnership with the Community Bankers of Georgia to provide Georgia’s community bankers with an insurance carrier that is financially stable, and provides a vast array of products and services tailored to their needs.”

through its Travelers SelectOne® insurance program offering coverage options to address a variety of exposures. This flexible product line includes crime (financial institution bond), directors and officers liability, bankers professional liability and a variety of e-business and property/ casualty exposures. We are extremely appreciative of our longstanding partnership and for their participation over the years.” With offices in Alpharetta, Travelers offers a partnership with experienced, local representatives that have a comprehensive understanding of the Georgia banking environment, but also the backing of a national insurer with broad capabilities. As in the past, Travelers remains committed to meeting the needs of community bankers over time. The program is available through local independent agents and offers community banks a dividend program, education and risk management. The comprehensive suite of insurance products available, include property and casualty, directors and officers liability, financial institution bonds, professional liability, kidnap and ransom, fiduciary liability, employment practices liability, lender liability, trust errors and omissions liability, cyber liability, computer property protection, identity fraud expense reimbursement, general liability, workers compensation and auto liability. To learn more, contact Diana Baker at (678) 317-7882 or dcbaker@travelers.com.

“With more than 100 years of experience serving financial institutions, Travelers is in sync with our member banks' insurance needs,” said Rob Braswell, President & CEO of Community Bankers Association of Georgia. “Travelers supports community banks

Pictured left to right: Rob Braswell, President & CEO, CBA of Georgia; Amy Barnes, Account Executive Officer, Diana Baker, Managing Director Megan Raines, Account Executive, Hailey Scott, Account Executive S p r in g 2 0 1 5 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 7

Mark Your Calendars and Get Ready for C Luncheon Meetings and PAC/PR Golf Tourn Each Spring Regional Luncheon will begin at 10:30am with the ever-beneficial Legislative Update, Accounting Update & Bankers Only Peer Group Meeting, during which bankers may openly discuss hot topics important to them and receive feedback from their peers. Also during this time, learn from a Legislative Update presented by Dan Brannan, Partner, James-Bates-Brannan-Groover, LLP (CBA Associate Member & General Counsel) and an Accounting Update from Tim Veal, Partner, Nichols Cauley & Associates, LLC (CBA Associate Member). All bankers are kindly encouraged to attend this intimate yet open peer group exchange. There is no additional cost to attend. Immediately following the Peer Group Meetings will be Registration/Networking for all Luncheon and Golf participants. Promptly at 11:45am, the buffet lines will open and we’ll kick-off the informative luncheon program. This year’s program will educate you on “10 Products that Your Bank Should Consider to Boost Engagement and Profitability” presented by Ed Kofman and Chris Nichols, both with CenterState Bank (San Francisco, CA), and “The Future of Payments” presented by Mark Fucci with SHAZAM (Birmingham). The program will adjourn at approximately 1:00pm. At Chateau Elan and Doublegate Country Club, the Golf Tournament will have a shotgun start at 1:45 pm. Cash prizes will be awarded during the post-tournament cookout featuring burgers, hot dogs, all the fixins and assorted beverages. The Golf Tournaments benefit CBA’s PAC/PR Funds, so make plans now to play and network! The CBA of Georgia maintains the only state PAC working exclusively for Georgia’s community banks.

A special thanks to our exclusive sponsor! 8 | w w w .cbaof ga. com | Sp r i n g 2 0 1 5

Tuesday, April 21 Hilton Atlanta/Marietta

Tuesday, May 5 Forest Heights Country Club Statesboro

Wednesday, May 6 Doublegate Country Club Albany

with Golf and post-tournament cookout

CBA's Annual Spring Regional naments! Meet the Speakers!


“The Future of Payments” Mark Fucci, SHAZAM

April 15, Macon; April 21, Marietta; April 23, Braselton; May 5, Statesboro; May 6, Albany Longest Drive/Closest to the Pin Braselton/Albany

Mark is a native of Alabama and has worked in the banking industry for 25 years. During that time he has provided numerous products and services to improve bank profitability and enhance customer satisfaction. Working closely with payment systems his entire career, the last 8 years have been spent specializing in debit cards and electronic transactions. Since 2007, he’s worked as a Senior Account Executive with SHAZAM and is dedicated to bringing knowledge and value to community banks and their customers. Mark graduated from Auburn University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Marketing.

Beverage Cart Braselton/Albany

“10 Products that Your Bank Should Consider to Boost Engagement and Profitability”

Hole Sponsor/PostTournament Cookout Braselton/Albany

Ed Kofman, CenterState Bank April 15, Macon; April 21, Marietta; April 23, Braselton

Ed is the Managing Director and Head of Loan Trading and Hedging at CenterState Bank of Florida N.A. He has over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. He has banking experience and practiced corporate/commercial law. He holds FINRA certifications including a Series 7 and 63. Mr. Kofman has Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto and has joint MBA/JD from York University. He holds a CFA designation. Chris Nichols, CenterState Bank

Hole Sponsor Braselton & Albany

May 5, Statesboro; May 6, Albany

Luncheon Meeting & Presentations 11:15 am - 11:45 am – Networking & Registration 11:45 am - 1:00 pm – Luncheon Meeting/Presentations Golf Tournament, followed by Post-tournament Cookout 1:45 pm – Shotgun Start (Braselton and Albany Only) 6:00 pm (approx.) Post-tournament Cookout (Braselton & Albany)



Chris Nichols is the Chief Strategy Officer for CenterState Bank and has over 25 years of banking experience. He is an active bank investor, small business owner, entrepreneur and a frequent speaker and author on a multitude of banking topics. Chris holds a degree in economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Bankers Only Peer Group Meeting 10:30 - 11:15 am – Legislative Update & Bankers Only Peer Group Meeting

Hole Sponsor Albany

Hole Sponsor Braselton & Albany

Member Prices Lunch Only at All Five Locations $55 per person Lunch & Golf at Chateau Elan $165 per person/$140 per person for a foursome* Lunch & Golf at Doublegate $150 per person/$125 per person for a foursome* Non-Member Prices Lunch Only at any of the Five Locations – $85 per person Lunch & Golf at either Tournament – $200 per person*

GOLF Information: Registration is now open! We encourage you to invite your clients and potential clients to join in the fun and register a team of four. Visit http://www.cbaofga.com to learn more and to register. Also, be on the lookout for the event flyer to arrive at your business. For registration and general information, you may also contact Peake Wilson at peake@cbaofga.com or (770) 541-0379; for PAC/PR Golf sponsorship opportunities, please contact, Lindsay Greene at lindsay@cbaofga.com or (770) 541-0376. *Mulligans: $12 each for both tournaments; each player allowed up to two mulligans per tournament S p r in g 2 0 1 5 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 9

Highlights from Macon's Successful Banker Regulatory Forum! On February 5, the CBA kicked off its 2015 quarterly Banker Regulatory Forums in Macon at the Brickyard Golf Course. A passionate and inquisitive crowd came out to support the Forum and the industry. "The open-discussion format between bankers and regulators remains extremely popular,” noted CBA President & CEO Rob Braswell. “In February, there were many topical questions asked during the Forum which allowed for some detailed conversations among the participants and panel. This is what we want as an Association…to open up the lines of communication, and we strongly encourage it.” Topics discussed at the February event included emerging payments and virtual currencies, the recently updated federal BSA Compliance Guide, contingency funding plans, and appropriate regulatory expectations of

community banks in several areas such as cybersecurity, vendor management and money service businesses. In the Bankers Only session after lunch, Dan Brannan, Partner, James-Bates-Brannan-Groover, LLP, CBA’s General Counsel and Associate Member, gave an update on legislative issues of particular concern to community banks across the state. He informed the attendees the firm is on-hand to discuss any serious legislation concerning the industry with Director of Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Steven Rigdon. To learn more about the bills CBA is tracking this session, please visit the CBA’s website (www. cbaofga.com) and click on the Legislative tab.

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The next Banker Regulatory Forum will be held Thursday, May 7, 2015, at CBA’s Headquarters/ Julian Hester Training Center. We hope to see you there! 1 0 | w w w . cbaof ga. com |Sp r i n g 2 0 1 5

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CBA's Newly-Reformatted Day at the Capitol a Huge Success! And, that’s putting it mildly! Not only did we avoid snow and ice, but we were blessed with a gorgeous, sunny day with a high around 60° along with phenomenal support from Georgia Legislators and CBA Members! The morning started off with the Legislative Meeting in room 216 of the Capitol promptly at 9:00 am. During the next two hours, Community Bankers Association of Georgia’s (CBA) Board Members and Leadership Division Executives were visited and informed by various Georgia Legislators holding leadership positions: House Speaker David Ralston; Lt. Governor Casey Cagle; Rep. Larry O’Neal, Majority Leader; Rep. Allen Peake, Majority Caucus Secretary & Treasurer and Vice Chairman, Ways & Means Committee; Sen. Hunter Hill, Majority Caucus Vice Chairman; Rep. Wendell Willard, Chairman, Judiciary Committee; Sen. John Kennedy, Administration Floor Leader, Member, Banking & Financial Institutions Committee; and Sen. David Shafer, President Pro-Tempore, Ex-Officio, Banking & Financial Institutions Committee. At noon, the CBA delegation enjoyed a wonderful lunch in the Georgia Room of the Sloppy Floyd Building across the street from the Capitol. Sen. Burt Jones, Chairman, Banking & Financial Institutions Committee, Senator Jesse Stone, Vice Chairman, Banking & Financial Institutions Committee, Rep. Greg Morris, Chairman, Banks & Banking Committee and Bruce Williamson, Vice Chairman, Banks & Banking Committee came by to thank the attendees and to offer words of encouragement regarding the industry and their support of it. Following CBA’s annual winter Board of Directors Meeting, members attended a briefing hosted by CBA President & CEO Rob Braswell. Attendees heard an update on banking related legislation from Kevin Hagler, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Banking & Finance and a legislative update from CBA Counsel Dan Brannan of James-Bates-Brannan-Groover LLP.

Special Thanks to Our Exclusive Sponsor


Steve Bridges, was presented with a resolution recognizing him for his many years of service to the banking industry and to the Association and its members. The Legislative Reception began immediately following the briefing. Over 150 members and legislators attended the networking event held in the Empire Room of the Sloppy Floyd Building boasting spectacular views of the Capitol and Atlanta’s impressive skyline. Attendees enjoyed heavy hors d’oeuvres, assorted beverages, networking and fellowship. The CBA is very grateful for the support of and participation in its 2015 Day at the Capitol and looks forward to seeing you there next year!

1 2 | w w w . cbaof ga. com |Sp r i n g 2 0 1 5

CBA's Leadership Division Plans for Semi-Annual Clay Shoot Thursday, March 26, Wynfield Plantation, Albany – 9:00am-4:30pm

Last year’s Inaugural Spring Clay Shoot boasted an impressive 52 shooters at Wynfield Plantation in Albany, Ga. Let’s AIM even higher this year!!! Join your colleagues and peers for an incredible spring day in South Georgia shooting clays on a beautiful course winding through the woods of Wynfield while also supporting CBA’s PAC/PR Funds. Hosted by CBA’s very active and successful Leadership Division, this event will prove to be fun and enjoyable for everyone – from novices to experts…even to those who’ve never picked up a shotgun before. So please contact Peake Wilson at peake@cbaofga.com or (770) 541-0379 to register today! For sponsorship opportunities, contact Lindsay Greene at lindsay@ cbaofga.com or (770) 541-0376. Registration Fees – all packages include lunch and cash prizes $125 per shooter (morning or afternoon flight) $450 per team of four at registration (morning or afternoon flight) $45 Green Bullet only (receive instruction on shooting and gun safety in the morning)

Overall Highest Scoring Team will be awarded $400; Second Highest Scoring Team will be awarded $200 – both will be onsite at the conclusion of the afternoon flight. We kindly encourage you to invite your clients and potential clients to join in the fun and register a team of four. WAIT! There’s more! Would you like a chance at winning a brand new Stoeger M3000 12g Shotgun in “duck” camo and a Boyt carrying case??? Then purchase your raffle tickets today! They are on sale now for only $20 each and all proceeds benefit CBA’s PAC/PR Funds. The drawing will be held during the event’s lunch on Thursday, March 26th. Tickets will be on sale until the conclusion of the morning flight. You do not have to be present to win. Contact Peake Wilson for more information and to purchase your tickets.

Announcing the 2015 Lifetime Service Awards The CBA is proud to recognize bankers who have devoted 30 or more years of service to the banking industry with the Lifetime Service Award. The Association is extremely grateful to these individuals who have served as role models to the banking community. Honoring them is a small token of the CBA’s appreciation for their efforts to the banking industry. As part of the recognition, honorees receive a commemorative plaque, and the CBA will feature the honorees in various CBA publications, as well as in the local media. Honorees with 50 or more years of service also receive a customized gold and diamond lapel pin. All of the year’s honorees are invited to receive their plaque at the CBA’s Annual Meeting & Trade Show during the event’s Chairman’s Banquet. If you or someone in your bank is celebrating 30 or more years of service as a banker, please let the CBA know in order for us to recognize you and/or your staff at future events and in our publications. For more information contact Peake Wilson at peake@cbaofga.com or (770) 541-0379/(800) 648-8215.

Please see below for a listing of the 2014 Recipients: Edgar Chapman, The Talbot State Bank, Fayetteville, 50 years Faith Danforth, Farmers & Merchants Bank, Lakeland, 50 years Eddie Selph, Merchants & Citizens Bank, McRae, 40 years Olivia Bennett, Alma, Georgia community banker, over 70 years (posthumous); son, Paul Bennett, Alma Exchange Bank & Trust, accepted on her behalf. For bios and photos of the 2014 recipients, please visit CBA’s website (www.cbaofga.com) and click on the Communications tab, then Lifetime Service Awards.

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An opportunity for your bank and community... Bankers, here's an opportunity to support your community by helping CBA award deserving students! The Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship is a tremendous opportunity for your bank to help a deserving high school student in your area. This scholarship is offered to Georgia high school seniors planning on entering a Georgia college, university or technical school in the 2015 fall semester. The J. Steven Walraven Scholarship is designed for full-time community bank employees continuing their education at a Georgia college or university. The goal of the scholarship is to assist those employees interested in furthering their education to enhance their career in community banking. To compete, employees must write a short essay on how community banking has impacted their life and how it will enable them to give back to their community.

The deadline for all banks to submit their applications to cba is

April 10, 2015

A judging will be held and a winner will be announced in May 2015. For more information on either of these scholarships, please contact Shera Banks (shera@cbaofga.com) or (770) 541-0380.

Introducing the Leadership Division's New Annual Initiative: Scholarship Challenge! Calling all CBA Leadership Division Representatives (LDRs)! Please spread the word in your communities about this wonderful initiative and program, and encourage ALL our members to submit at least one application. We’re advertising this on our webpage, in our eNewsletters, our quarterly magazines and through emails; but with your help on this new initiative, we’re sure to see more students in your communities apply for this helpful scholarship. This is a true “win-win” situation in which four deserving students will receive a $1,000 scholarship to assist them with the costs of higher education, while giving your bank yet another opportunity to communicate its positive impact on the community. The Scholarship Application Packets are already in the bankers’ and

high schools’ hands. Please inquire within your bank to familiarize yourself with the Program. Upon request, the CBA will gladly provide you with a list of banks and LDRs in your division. We look forward to working with all of you on this new Leadership Division Initiative. Please contact Peake Wilson for more information: peake@cbaofga.com or (770) 541-0379 / (800) 648-8215.

Is your bank hosting a fun event or honoring someone in your community? Send us your news and you could be featured in a future issue of the Georgia Communities First magazine or the CBA Today eNewsletter! 1 4 | w w w . cbaof ga. com |Sp r i n g 2 0 1 5

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Join your colleagues and peers as CBA’s Leadership Division brings the

Emerald City to the Emerald Coast hosting its

37 Annual Leadership Division Convention & Mini-Trade Show th

Friday-Monday, June 12-15, 2015 | Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort, Destin, FL Follow the yellow brick road straight to the Emerald City…er… the Emerald Coast…and attend the Community Bankers Association of Georgia’s (CBA) 37th Annual Leadership Division Convention & Mini-Trade Show being held Friday – Monday, June 12-15, 2015! This year’s convention theme will center around Dorothy and gang traveling to the Emerald City for some answers and help – you know the classic story! Emceed by David Peterson, i7Strategies, Hahira, the 37th Annual Leadership Division Convention will offer professional yet entertaining training for a successful future for you, your bank and your community. Both community bankers and financial services providers will benefit greatly from attending. In addition to great speakers and a fabulous location, attendees will hear from colleagues about the CBA Leadership Division (LD) initiatives, such as Children’s Healthcare fundraising, PAC/PR fundraising, and the newest initiative, the Scholarship Challenge. Enter the enchanting Emerald City for the Sunday evening Chairman’s Family Dinner which will feature activities for the kids and the announcement of the Big Bucks Bonanza Winner – it could be YOU! Again this year, we will host a 5K Run for adults and a Kids’ Fun Run for children of all ages, an Emcee and hilarious Sunday night entertainment for the whole family! And, NEW this year, ATM Response, a CBA Endorsed Member Company, will have a 7-minute presentation, at the end of which a banker or bank director will win ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS in cold, hard cash! Watch the mail for the brochure full of amazing details that await you and your family!

Come to Oz and hear from these amazing speakers! Saturday, June 13 - Banker/Regulator Point-Counterpoint

Popular Discussion Panel moderated by Michael White, of Counsel, James-Bates-Brannan-Groover- LLP, Macon Regulators - TBD Debra Weil, City President, PlantersFIRST, Fitzgerald Chuck Harwell, Executive Vice President/Chief Credit Officer, Community Bank of Dublin-Laurens County

Saturday, June 13 Lee Wetherington, AAP, Director of Strategic Insight for Jack Henry & Associates, a CBA Associate Member Company. “Future Freak: Techs Transforming Financial Services” The future is always already here…if you know where to look. How might sarcastic gestures replace user names and passwords? Why might your kid’s allowance redefine the expectations of a new generation of customers? How might electromagnetic loops make $8B worth of POS terminal upgrades unnecessary in 2015? What if you could snap a picture of your gift card to know its balance instantly? What if mobile payments could be done without a mobile device? And what exactly does all of this mean for banks and their customers? Join your colleagues and peers June 13, 2015 at Sandestin to get your future freak on!

Sunday, June 14

Pam Perdue, Executive Vice President of Regulatory Insight for Continuity Control, a CBA Endorsed Member Company. We're Not in Kansas Anymore: How Community Financial Institutions are Surviving the Compliance Burden This presentation is a high-level view of the compliance challenge for community financial institutions and the big disadvantage they have (resources and scale) to keep up and compete with megabanks. We will present some hot topics and real success stories – for community financial institutions of all sizes – and discuss the critical steps that an institution can take immediately to alleviate the weight of compliance management so they can focus on the business of banking.

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Sunday, June 14

Dan Harbison, Staff, LSU Graduate School of Banking. The Wizard May Grant Your Wish! Sources of Non-Interest Income Pressure on a bank’s traditional source of profit—the spread between interest income and interest expenses—have encouraged bank management to look to non-traditional sources of revenue and profits. Dan’s session will focus on some of these sources and address the managerial issues involved in entering into these areas. Among the areas discussed are brokerage services, insurance services, service charges, overdraft protection and mortgage banking.

Keynote Address

Tentative schedule

Col. ED Hubbard – Sunday, June 14

Former Vietnam POW and product of the Midwest, Ed Hubbard spent his childhood in the Kansas City area. At age seventeen, he joined the Air Force Reserve and in 1962, entered active duty where he received his navigator wings and commission through the Aviation Cadet program. Ed culminated a twenty-eight-year active duty, military career in August 1990, of which almost 25% (six years, seven months and 12 days) were spent as a prisoner of war. It was an experience that truly changed his life and, as a result, the lives of countless others. Col. Hubbard, author, artist and internationally-known speaker, is dedicated to helping others overcome any obstacle, handle any ordeal and reach any goal by developing the correct state of mind. Building upon his adverse experiences during more than six and a half years of captivity in North Vietnam, Ed conveys a positive message for personal growth. After hearing his presentation, you will feel good about your country, yourself, and your own abilities. “Human Potential: A State of Mind” During this presentation, Ed will relate the valuable lessons learned in captivity to the real world where we must live and work every day. Through examples of what he was able to achieve physically and mentally, with no resources, under the harshest conditions, Col. Hubbard will provide a greater understanding of the true, untapped human potential and create a new attitude so you will become passionately committed to improving your own life - both personally and professionally.

A Beautiful Resor t

Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort is a 2,400-acre premier destination Florida vacation resort located in Northwest Florida, between Pensacola and Panama City, along South Walton. The resort boasts more than seven miles of sugarwhite sand beach and bayfront property, four championship golf courses, 15 world-class tennis courts, 19 swimming pools, a 113-slip marina, water sports, children’s programs, a fitness center and spa and a pedestrian village featuring a host of boutique shops, casual and fine dining restaurants, nightclubs and bars that come alive with strolling musicians, street performers, dancing fountains and lively festivals and events. In this complete vacation world, guests can create their own, one-of-a-kind memorable experience.

Network Along the Way!

FRIDAY, June 12th Afternoon Convention Registration LD Board Meeting Exhibitor Set-up SATURDAY, June 13th Morning Breakfast General Session Mini-Trade Show Refreshment Break with Exhibitors Afternoon Golf Tournament Evening At Your Leisure SUNDAY, June 14th Morning 5K & Kids Fun Run Breakfast General Session LD Reports ICBA Report Keynote Address Afternoon At Your Leisure Evening Chairman’s Family Reception & Dinner Family Entertainment MONDAY, June 15th Departures

The CBA is known for its one-of-a-kind Mini-Trade Show offering bankers and exhibitors the opportunity to network in a time-efficient setting. Bankers can get up to speed on the latest products and services designed for community banks. Breakfast before Friday’s General Session and Mini-Trade Show will be a hot buffet and last approximately 45 minutes – it is for ALL fully-registered bankers and exhibitors. Immediately following the Mini-Trade Show, the CBA will host a 30-minute refreshment break featuring networking and great prizes! The MiniTrade Show is limited to 30 booths, so secure your place now. Contact Lindsay Greene at lindsay@cbaofga.com for more information.

To register, call any CBA team member or go online to www.cbaofga.com. Our block is reserved in the bayside area of the resort (Baytowne Wharf) in four buildings closest to the conference building – Grand Sandestin, Lasata, Bahia and Elation. Grand Complex Studio (this is most similar to a “standard” hotel room) (K or QQ): $219; Grand Complex 1 Bedroom: $239; Grand Complex 2 Bedroom: $359 (limited quantity in the block); all rates are subject to additional tax and fees. The deadline to receive the discounted rate is Monday, May 11, 2015. For reservations, contact Group Reservations at (800) 320-8115 and mention the group name CBA Annual Leadership Division Convention to receive the group rate.

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Thank You to our Sponsors! Platinum Elite Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

5k & Fun Run Premier Sponsor

General Sponsors

5k & Fun Run General Sponsors

Individual Event Sponsors Board Appreciation Reception

Board Appreciation Dinner

Hotel Keys Cards LD Board Meeting



Stokes Lazarus & Carmichael LLP A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W

Convention Signage

Registration Packet Saturday Break

Customized Tote Bags

Golf Tournament Prizes Saturday & Sunday Cash Prizes Welcome Refreshments

Family Entertainment Comedian

Convention Program

In-Room Gifts Name Badges

7-Minute Spotlight

Photo Booth

Thank You to our Exhibitors! ATM Response Clayton Braswell

Crescent Mortgage Ashli Matson

Executive Insurance Ryan & Randy Sower

Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gunn Alex Hager

Atris Technology Scott McElhiney

CRS Data Kirsten Elkins

Federal Reserve Bank Brenda Simpson

SHAZAM Mark Fucci

Auburn University Accounting Online Amy Murphy

CSRA Business Lending ​Randy Griffin

GA Resource Capital, Inc. Tim Souther

TJS Deemer Dana LLP Laura Hipp

Cummins-Allison Corporation Cleve Carlile

Harland Clarke Doyle Baker

Travelers Diana Baker

DeNyse Companies Tim Luther

Investment Professionals, Inc. Steve Ransdell

Ellie Mae, Inc. Cedric Kalvesmaki

PULSE Mark Reda

WebEquity Solutions - A Moody's Analytics Company Chrisane Jarosz

BankSmart Jim Wilkson BASYS Processing Brady Hanna Computer Services, Inc. Laura de Castro

1 8 | w w w . cbaof ga. com |Sp r i n g 2 0 1 5

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At AloStar, we take great pride in Starlink, our online services platform. It’s intuitive, streamlined, and gets great reviews from clients. Having a complete spectrum of correspondent banking services is only part of what it takes to be a strong correspondent banking partner. The way those services are accessed has to be every bit as streamlined as the services themselves. We know the kind of help you need. And we know how you need it delivered. That’s know how.


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CBA of Georgia Endorses Continuity Control The Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) is pleased to announce the endorsement of Continuity, the Compliance Core™ provider for community financial institutions. The Community Bankers Association conducts an extensive duediligence before selecting a company as an Endorsed Member Company (EMC). Continuity, in New Haven, CT has earned the approval of both CBA’s Member Services Committee and the Board of Directors. According to the latest Banking Compliance Index, the average community bank needed to devote more than $147,000 to manage the more than 300 regulatory changes introduced in 2014, a trend that has been steadily increasing over the past several years. Continuity’s Compliance Core is engineered to reduce compliance risk and cost for community banks by bringing together strategic planning, compliance expertise, assurance and technology into a single solution – with a single subscription. Central to the Compliance Core is the Regulatory Operations Center (ROC). World-class regulatory experts review and analyze federal issuances in real time and determine how the changes will affect individual institutions. The ROC then creates customized action plans and delivers them to users of the Compliance Core via the Control Platform. “Georgia was hit harder than any state in the financial crisis and while we’ve built a best-in-class compliance education program, I’ve seen our member banks struggle to manage the day-to-day burden of regulatory compliance,” said Rob Braswell, Community Bankers Association of Georgia President and CEO. “Continuity’s Compliance Core will arm our members with the technology and world-class expertise they need to take control of their compliance processes and re-focus on supporting their communities. Our goal

is to bring our members solutions that help them to be more successful. Continuity’s Compliance Core reduces the burden of compliance dramatically, saving bankers time and money.” “We are incredibly passionate about the fight to reduce the regulatory burden for community banks, and that’s why we created the Compliance Core,” said Andy Greenawalt, Continuity co-founder and CEO. “A core solution is the only way to reduce compliance cost and risk simultaneously, without disrupting a bank’s existing business processes. We are thrilled to be partnering with the Community Bankers Association of Georgia to help their members get back to the business of banking.” Continuity Co-Founder, Jim Kisch, will host a workshop on Building a Compliance Scorecard at ICBA’s national convention, Community Banking Live, at 11:15 A.M., March 2, in Orlando and Continuity representatives will be available throughout the event at Booth #439 to discuss the Compliance Core. About Continuity Control Continuity provides the only Compliance Core™ for community banks and credit unions. The Continuity Compliance Core is engineered to reduce compliance risk and cost for community banks by bringing together strategic planning, technical execution and world-class insight into a single solution, and a single subscription. These services are delivered using a compliance control platform that is continuously updated with the latest regulatory data and best practice compliance processes from other Compliance Core institutions. Built by bankers and former examiners, Continuity’s cutting-edge technology and expert personalized service help community financial institutions quickly adapt to regulatory change, streamline the workload and ensure compliance. Continuity is headquartered in New Haven, CT and serves over 200 institutions in more than 40 states. For more information about Continuity, visit www.continuity.net.

CBA of Georgia Welcomes New Associate Members The Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) would like to welcome new Associate Members which were recently approved at the Board of Directors Meeting on February 11, 2015. Throughout the year, CBA’s Board approves quality vendors who provide products and services to CBA members. For more information on becoming an associate member, contact Lindsay Greene at lindsay@cbaofga.com. Auburn University – School of Accountancy Education - Ms. Amy Murphy, Education, Auburn, AL

Quirk & Quirk Legal Firms - Mr. Brendan Parnell, Atlanta, GA

CBSI/Transunion Credit Services – Ms. Emily Patton, Tuscaloosa, AL

Safe Systems Internet Consulting - Mr. Zach Duke, Alpharetta, GA

Continuity Control Compliance - Ms. Marnie Keller, New Haven, CT

Sharenet ATM ATM Services - Mr. Mark Smith, Marietta, GA

Delta Global Staffing Staffing - Mr. Peter DiCarlo, Atlanta, GA

Steve H. Powell & Company Bank Management Services - Mr. Steve H. Powell, Statesboro, GA

Elliott Davis Decosimo CPA Firms - Mr. Jason Caskey, Columbia, SC

WebEquity Solutions Financial Software - Ms. Shannon Buso, Omaha, NE

GFG Strategic Advisors Financial Services - Mr. Matthew Sweat, Financial Services, Milledgeville, GA

Woodforest National Bank Retail Bank - Mr. Andrew Rabuck, Columbia, SC

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MARCH 3/5 3/11 3/12 3/17-19 3/19 3/23 3/24-26

APRIL 4/21 4/22 4/23 4/28

Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses, Atlanta Leadership Academy, Macon Workplace Law & Compliance Program, Atlanta BSA Officer School, Atlanta Workplace Law & Compliance Program, Macon 7th Annual Bank Directors’ Conference, Atlanta Compliance Management School, Atlanta

Deposit Regulations, Atlanta Deposit Regulations, Macon Deposit Regulations, Duluth Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs), Macon

AUGUST 8/5 8/6 8/10-12 8/13 8/19

5th Annual CBA & FDIC Bank Directors’ College, Greensboro Banker Regulatory Forum, Macon BSA Officer School, Atlanta Collections Workshop, Atlanta Leadership Academy, Macon


10/6-9 8th Annual Annual Advanced BSA Officer School, St. Simons 10/15-16 5th Annual Annual Workplace Law & Compliance Program, Atlanta 10/22-23 10th Annual Information Technology Security Conference, Braselton 10/28 Leadership Academy, Macon



5/4 3rd Annual Chairman’s Summit, Atlanta 5/7 Banker Regulatory Forum, Atlanta 5/13 Compliance Program III: GA Deposit Documentation, Macon 5/14 Compliance Program III: GA Deposit Documentation, Duluth 5/19 Compliance Program III: GA Deposit Documentation, Rome 5/20 Compliance Program III: GA Deposit Documentation, Tifton 5/21 Compliance Program III: GA Deposit Documentation, Savannah

11/2-4 11/5

3rd Annual Compliance Lending School, Young Harris Banker Regulatory Forum, Atlanta

DECEMBER 12/8 12/9 12/10 12/15 12/16

Compliance Program IV: BSA/AML, Rome Compliance Program IV: BSA/AML, Macon Compliance Program IV: BSA/AML, Duluth Compliance Program IV: BSA/AML, Tifton Compliance Program IV: BSA/AML, Savannah


7/14 New Integrated Mortgage Disclosures, Macon 7/15 New Integrated Mortgage Disclosures, Albany 7/16 New Integrated Mortgage Disclosures, Atlanta 7/16 Workplace Law & Compliance Program - Workshop II- Atlanta 7/21 New Integrated Mortgage Disclosures, Duluth 7/22 New Integrated Mortgage Disclosures, Macon 7/23 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), Macon 7/23 Workplace Law & Compliance Program- Workshop II, Macon

Not a CBA Compliance Program Member? Join Today! Note: Dates/Locations are subject to change. Additional classes may be scheduled. The CBA also offers over 100 webinars with many topics relating to compliance. To see the webinar schedule, click here. For the most current listing of all CBA events, visit www.cbaofga.com or contact the CBA Education Department.

SUCCESS THROUGH KNOWLEDGE 2 2 | w w w . cbaof ga. com |Sp r i n g 2 0 1 5

CBA of Georgia Endorses ATM Response for ATM Service & Cash Logistics The Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) is pleased to announce the endorsement of ATM Response for armored car cash delivery services and ATM maintenance programs. The Community Bankers Association conducts an extensive duediligence before selecting a company as an Endorsed Member Company (EMC). ATM Response in Suwanee, GA earned the approval of both CBA’s Member Services Committee and the Board of Directors. ATM Response offers a complete range of armored car services, providing a one-stop solution for cash logistics and ATM service needs. Services include cash delivery from the Federal Reserve Bank, first line ATM maintenance, ATM balancing and replenishment, retail cash delivery and deposit retrieval, cash-bonded courier services, and more. Clayton Braswell, the President and CEO of ATM Response was elated by the news: “ATM Response is thrilled to receive the endorsement of the Community Bankers Association. Our business has been built through relationships we established with community banks in Georgia and we’re proud to expand on that relationship by becoming an Endorsed Member Company of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia.”

“We are pleased to announce the endorsement of ATM Response,” stated Rob Braswell (no relation), President & CEO of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia. “The team at ATM Response has been extremely involved with CBA for many years and many of our member banks are already customers. Responsiveness and outstanding customer service are what sets our banks apart and exactly what sets ATM Response apart. Our member banks will enjoy special pricing complimented with the support they need to service their customers. We’re excited to have ATM Response as an Endorsed Member Company,” said Mr. Braswell. About ATM Response ATM Response is an armored car company providing custom cash logistics and ATM maintenance solutions for Financial Institutions throughout the southeast. Founded in 1982 and based in Suwanee, Georgia, ATM Response offers a wide range of service offerings including Cash Delivery from the Federal Reserve, ATM Maintenance Programs and ATM Balancing and Replenishment. ATM Response – Safe. Secure. Reliable. Contact James Pack Jr., Vice President at (770) 744-1795 or jpack@atmresponse.com.

Dell SecureWorks Expands Partnership with CBA Dell SecureWorks, a premier security services provider to the financial industry, has expanded its partnership with Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA).

their bank protect IT assets, comply with regulations and reduce security costs.”

Endorsed by CBA since 2003, Dell SecureWorks was best known to community banks for their managed internet security program. As technology has evolved, so have the needs of Georgia’s community banks.

The Community Bankers Association conducts an extensive due-diligence before selecting a company as an Endorsed Member Company (EMC) and reviews all endorsements on an annual basis.

The expanded partnership will include Advanced Endpoint, Threat Detection Services, Compliance Consulting, General Consulting, Governance, Risk and Compliance Consulting, Incident Response, Infrastructure Monitoring, Managed Log Retention, Monitored Firewall, Monitored and Managed/Monitored Integrated Appliance, Monitored Network IPS/IDS, Residency Security Design and Architecture Consulting, Security Training and Programs, Technical Security Consulting, Threat Intelligence and Web Application Firewall. “Dell SecureWorks provides world-class information security services to help community banks of all sizes protect their IT assets, comply with regulations and reduce security costs,” said Rob Braswell, President & CEO of Community Bankers Association of Georgia. “I invite our member banks to learn how Dell SecureWorks can help

Andy Szymendera, Security Channels, North America for Dell SecureWorks commented, “Dell offers a broad and deep assortment of services to help banks manage risk and prepare for FDIC examinations. Dell SecureWorks has tremendous experience helping FDIC regulated banks address their security and compliance needs. Our certified experts work extensively with banks of all sizes, providing security services tailored to their specific needs. Services provided range from helping banks gather information and provide accurate responses, to fulfilling control requirements. Many of our community bank customers have one person trying to manage both network and security functions and they rely on Dell SecureWorks to fully manage their security environment including IPS, firewall and host management.”

Register Today for the CBA/Dell Secureworks 10th Annual Information Technology Conference, October 22-23, 2015, Braselton S p r in g 2 0 1 5 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 23

Join your colleagues and peers mystical city of Savannah in Sep Meet the 2015 convention emcee! David Peterson is the Chief Strategic Officer of i7strategies, an independent strategic planning and consulting firm for financial services and electronic payment initiatives and has spoken for CBA before. This year, he joins us at both conventions as our Emcee. A dynamic and engaging presenter, David has led dozens of strategic planning sessions and workshops for both Financial Institutions and FI service providers. He has been a featured keynote speaker for numerous associations, banking schools, and industry trade groups, including ICBA, NACHA, BAI, FDIC and the Federal Reserve Bank as well as numerous state and regional electronic payments organizations across the country. David has also emceed numerous conferences for organizations such as Goldleaf Technologies, GACHA, and Q2. His extemporaneous style creates an environment where the program moves smoothly with a relaxed, fun atmosphere.

Meet the Keynotes! Mark Mayfield – Friday, September 25th | 11:10am – 12:05pm Known as “The Corporate Comedian,” Mark has merged together his corporate background as a lobbyist and his comedy background as a nightclub performer to create an extremely unique and comedic presentation style. He has received rave reviews sharing the stage with a wide variety of celebrities like Paul Newman, Peter Frampton, Colin Powell, and Bob Newhart and has introduced the President of the United States on a live, nationwide television broadcast. He has spent time as a high school teacher, a corporate lobbyist, was partner of an innovative golf instruction facility, was a professional model and spokesperson in print and television commercials, and owned a top rated nightclub. He obviously struggled with holding

down a job. Mark is author of the popular book, Mom’s Rules, a comedic yet poignant look at those things Mom said to us as kids. He has received two degrees magna cum laude from Kansas State University and is a recipient of the “Certified Speaking Professional” designation from the National Speakers Association. He has also been inducted into their “Speaker Hall of Fame.” He is happily married to Terry, Grandpa to Delaney, Archer, Reid, and Everett, and the proud father of two amazing daughters, Leah and Lindsay. His hobbies are golf, basketball, and music and he was voted one of the top five funniest people in his family. From comedy shows to seminars, Mark’s philosophy is simple... Say it with humor and people will take the message home. A national convention planner recently called Mark “one of the very few, really funny, inspiring men in America today”. Mark’s mom also said that once after a small bribe.

Brad Montgomery – Saturday, September 26th |11:30am - 12:30 pm Brad teaches people how to use happiness to boost productivity, creativity, innovation and sales. He turns typical meetings into transformational events using, the power of happiness. Oh, and he’s pretty funny. Brad has transformed audiences in all 50 states and on four continents. His clients include Microsoft, Verizon, The FBI (yes, that FBI) the CIA (yes, that CIA) and the IRS (where he withheld 30% of his best strategies.) Brad specializes in using humor, interactivity, sound, music and visuals to ignite audiences so they can use happiness as a tool in 2 4 | w w w . cbaof ga. com |Sp r i n g 2 0 1 5

their lives and their jobs. Other speakers TALK about happiness. But Brad will SHOW you how to harness the power of happiness in hands-on experiences that you’ll remember and implement. It’s the difference between a “speech” and an “event.” Brad graduated from Brown University, and has earned his Certified Speaking Professional designation, which is the highest earned award from the National Speakers Association. Brad joined John Gray (of Mars/Venus fame) and Mark Victor Hansen (of Chicken Soup renown) to write Mission Possible. He has also co-authored, produced and published Humor Me: America’s Funniest Humorists on the Power of Laughter, as well as Humor Us: America’s Funniest Humorists on the Power of Laughter. Brad lives in Centennial, Colorado, with his wife and three kids. Although he is proud of his many awards and national credits, he’s convinced that his best accomplishments are his kids.

s in the ptember!

for the

47 Annual Meeting & Trade Show th

Wednesday-Sunday, September 23-27, 2015

Meet the ENTERTAINERS! Back by popular demand, Corbin Hoats will perform for us during the Chairman’s Reception on Saturday evening beginning at 6:15 pm. Corbin performs live consistently in the east Alabama/west Georgia region near where he attends school at Southern Union State Junior College. He plans to major in Managerial Science with a minor in Music Business. He has auditioned for American Idol and made it to the Celebrity Judge round.

Immediately following the Chairman’s Banquet, sit back and plan to enjoy breath-taking magic and hilarious comedy performed by Tim Gabrielson as he teaches us how to Keep it Funny! He was such a huge hit at CBA’s Leadership Division Convention in June 2014 that we just had to have him back to entertain YOU! Tim has two primary goals when he steps on stage: 1) Inspire audiences; and, 2) Keep It Funny. In recent years, physicians have confirmed what we already knew...that laughter is good medicine! Science has rivaled common sense in providing findings that laughter is not only good for the soul, but also proven to be good for our health. Whether it's the release of endorphins or the decrease in stress hormones that provide an overall sense of well-being and improved outlook, the cause isn't as important as the result: A happier, healthier approach to everyday life! We cannot wait to host the 47th Annual Meeting & Trade Show and help you increase your bottom line…by laughing more!

Other sessions include: Banker/Regulator Point-Counterpoint; Changing Bank Analytics: Stress Testing Applications Essential to Strategic Planning and M&A; ICBA Report; Disruptive Innovation in Banking: A Call to Action for Community Banks; two 7-minute spotlights, CBA Board Nominations, Annual Golf Tournament, and more!

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Community Bank Forecasting How to switch from spreadsheetbased forecasting models to instrument-level planning software Today’s increased regulatory scrutiny and tighter margins have community bankers searching for more reliable and quicker methods for budgeting and forecasting. More and more, community bankers are abandoning complex webs of Excel spreadsheets in favor of streamlined planning software. When making this kind of switch, it’s critical for bankers to understand basic data requirements and terminology common to most of today’s planning software. This white paper will help guide community bankers through the conversion process, increasing the likelihood of a smooth transition.


To learn more, contact Julie Jones: Partners@SNL.com; 434.951.4419 2 6 | w w w . cbaof ga. com |Sp r i n g 2 0 1 5

2nd Quarter 2015 CBA Webinars

Affordable, Professional Training, When and Where You Choose!


he CBA is committed to superior webinar customer service and has been a leader in webinar training for over a decade. The CBA webinars are designed for most positions in a community bank from the teller line to the board room. The speakers are industry experts with long-term, real-life, hands-on experience. Benefits of participating in a CBA webinar are: • Easy to Use, Time effective, Cost effective, Convenient, Interactive, • Current Topics delivered by experienced speakers, • Three Registration Options,

• Continuing Professional Education Credits, • Take-Away-Toolkit (consists of an employee training log and a Quiz to measure staff learning), • Webinar series for Bank Directors, Compliance Professionals, Risk Managers, Leaders, and • Much more! Register today for a webinar training option that best meets your training needs! For the most current listing of webinars, visit www.cbaofga.com.

APRIL 2015 4/2/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/14/2015 4/16/2015 4/17/15 4/21/2015 4/22/2015 4/23/2015 4/28/2015 4/30/2015

Branch Transformation: Balancing the Trend Toward Virtual Banking While Enhancing Your Customer’s Experience Current Issues in Physical Security Risk: Regulatory Compliance & Best Practices ACH Rules Update 2015 Advanced Issues in Dormant Accounts, Unclaimed Property & Escheatment CFPB Real Estate Loan Collection Rules for Mortgage Servicers Updating Your Bank’s BSA/AML/OFAC Risk Assessment LE Morning Understanding & Addressing Critical Interest Rate Risk Issues: The Regulator Perspective CPE/Cits Cred le b The TILA/RESPA Integrated Disclosure Line-by-Line Part 2: Closing Disclosure Availa Monitoring Employee Work-Related & Personal Social Media: Should We? How? Is it Legal? Analyzing Credit Risk in Agricultural Lending Register EMV & Debit Cards: Preparing for the October 1, 2015 Liability Shift Current Trends in Cyber Crime & Payments Fraud Today!

MAY 2015 5/5/2015 5/6/2015 5/7/2015 5/12/2015 5/13/2015 5/14/2015 5/19/2015 5/20/2015 5/21/2015 5/27/2015 5/28/2015

Revised Escrow Rules Effective August 1, 2015 From Prospect to Customer: Skills & Tools for Successful Business Development Regulator & Industry Hot Buttons for Directors Duties of the Board Secretary: Fundamentals, Best Practices & E-Package Delivery Home Equity, HELOC & Second Lien Risk Management, Including Maturing HELOC Guidance IRA Death Distributions: Beneficiary Options & Tax Consequences Wire Transfer Compliance: Who is Liable? You’re the New HR Officer, Now What? ACH Death Notification Entries (DNEs) & Reclamations: Your Bank’s Liability The ALLL in Troubled Debt Restructuring: Identifying & Accounting for Impaired Loans Handling Difficult Customers: Effectively Dealing with Intimidation, Negativism & Anger

JUNE 2015 6/2/2015 6/3/2015 6/4/2015 6/9/2015 6/10/2015 6/11/2015 6/16/2015 6/18/2015 6/23/2015 6/24/2015 6/25/2015 6/30/2015

Collection Call Techniques: Compliant Telephone Scripts & Responses Compliance Rules Lenders Must Know Commercial Appraisal Review Part 1: Income Approach Mastering the SBA 7a Loan Part 1: Eligibility & Program Requirements BSA Officer Reports to the Board Countdown to the Integrated Disclosure Deadline: August 1, 2015 Properly Handling Fiduciary Accounts: Authority, Ownership, Access & Liability When a Borrower Dies: Next Steps & Best Practices From Frontline to Teller Supervisor: Developing Skills & Making a Smooth Transition Stress Testing Your Loan Portfolio: Regulations, Risk & Impact on Value Processing IRA Rollovers & Transfers Top 10 Deficiencies in Audit Findings from Regulators & External Auditors

To learn what is covered in the webinar and to register, visit www.cbaofga.com or contact Jodi Swilley at Jodi@cbaofga.com or 770-541-4492.

Note: Dates/Topics subject to change.

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Don't Miss the Remaining 2015 CBA University Schools The CBA University provides a variety of schools led by local and national industry experts designed specifically for community bankers. Please make plans now to attend the school that best meets your training needs. To learn more, visit www.cbaofga.com or contact Jodi Swilley at Jodi@cbaofga.com. BANK SECRECY ACT SCHOOL Tuesday-Thursday, March 17-19, 2015 (3 days) Julian Hester Training Center, CBA Headquarters, Atlanta

4th ANNUAL COMPLIANCE LENDING SCHOOL Monday-Thursday, November 2-5, 2015 (3 ½ days) Brasstown Valley Resort & Spa, Young Harris

INAUGURAL COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT SCHOOL (NEW) Tuesday-Friday, March 24-26, 2015 (3 days) Hyatt Atlanta Perimeter at Villa Christina, Atlanta

GEORGIA COMMUNITY BANK FORUM Co-hosted by Elliot Davis Decosimo Tuesday, December 8, 2015, Georgian Club, Atlanta

INAUGURAL Chief Financial Officer CONFERENCE Co-hosted by Troutman Sanders, LLP Wednesday-Thursday, July 29-30, 2015 (1 ½ day) (Location to be Determined) 8th ANNUAL ADVANCED BSA OFFICER SCHOOL Tuesday-Friday, October 6-9, 2015 (3 ½ days) The King & Prince Beach Resort & Spa, St. Simons Island Dates/locations are subject to change. For most current information, visit the CBA website at www.cbaofga.com or contact the CBA University Education Department at education@cbaofga.com.

Financial solutions. Focused on you. More than 100 banks in the Southeast, large and small, depend on Elliott Davis Decosimo for personal attention, industry experience and services, including external and internal audit, SEC reporting, taxation and compliance. Our financial services practice is 90 professionals strong, with a 60-year reputation for helping banks operate stronger, wiser, better.

Discover how our 360° service can be an asset to your business.

Jason Caskey, CPA Financial Services Practice Leader Alabama

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Te n n e s s e e


North Carolina Virginia





South Carolina


2015 How to Ensure Compliance with Deposit Regulations Tuesday, April 21, 2015 – JHTC at CBA Headquarters, Atlanta Wednesday, April 22, 2015 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon Thursday, April 23, 2015 – Hilton Garden Inn at Sugarloaf, Duluth

A one-day seminar in THREE CITIES covering the latest changes in federal deposit regulations. Eliminate confusion about how to interpret deposit compliance regulations. Register today and come learn how to ensure your Deposit program is in compliance...and learn how to avoid costly penalties!

2015 HELOCs: Start to Finish Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Idle Hour Country Club, Macon

A one-day comprehensive review of lending compliance regulations relating to home equity lines of credit (HELOCs).

This seminar will provide a comprehensive review of how HELOCs are treated under lending regulations; and is a must for those institutions that are establishing HELOC programs or for those institutions that are reviewing its HELOC practices.

Complying with the New Integrated Mortgage Disclosures (Effective Compliance Date: August 1, 2015)

Macon July 14

Albany July 15

Atlanta July 16

Duluth July 21

Macon July 22

This seminar is designed to cover how to transition from existing RESPA's rules for the Good Faith Estimate and the HUD-1/1A Settlement Statements and TILA's rules for the early and final TIL to compliance with the new Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure Statement requirements. The seminar is the most complete training available for consumer loan personnel, compliance officers, and settlement/closing agents. S p r in g 2 0 1 5 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 29

How Scenario Planning Helps You Prepare for CECL Ed Bayer Vice President

Johnathan Williams Account Executive

Sageworks, A CBA Endorsed Member Company Though it may be overlooked, scenario planning can play a pivotal role in a bank’s strategic planning. It enables bankers to assess the outcome of the ALLL calculation under various assumptions or “scenarios.” Bankers can then estimate the impact that ALLLcalculation variables may have on the final reserve without having to perform a new calculation. This process can be challenging, especially for banks that use spreadsheets or struggle to capture and manage loan-level data. However, the benefits of scenario planning far outweigh any inconveniences suffered in implementing the process. One of the many ways in which banks can exercise scenario planning is in preparation for the FASB’s CECL model. This proposed model will require banks to consider expected rather than incurred losses, as is required by today’s guidance. In a February 2014 survey conducted by Sageworks, 50 percent of more than 500 banking professionals believed the proposal would increase reserves between 10 and 50 percent. It is expected that when CECL is enacted, an institution will need to record a one-time capital adjustment to arrive at the appropriate ALLL level under the new methodology. While there are no immediate steps required, it is recommended that institutions proactively review processes, methods and balances now to assess whether they are flexible enough to account for these and other future changes. A bank effectively using scenario planning is able to answer questions surrounding CECL, such as:

• • •

If I needed to adjust my reserve by +50 percent, do I have sufficient capital? If the new model requires a 20 percent increase to the ALLL, how does that affect my Tier 1 ratio? How much of an increase to the ALLL can my bank handle without having capital adequacy issues?

The advantages of scenario planning certainly extend beyond CECL preparation. Admittedly, the ability to run scenarios relies on a bank’s ability to not only capture a significant amount of data, but also its ability to aggregate and query that data. Those that collect loan-level detail, store and archive month-end loan files and have access to this data for reporting will be able to run multiple scenarios. They will better know and understand their ALLL and will be well-positioned to both examine the impact of future regulation and explore various possibilities for improving the ALLL calculation. To learn more, contact Billy Burnet at 919-851-7474 or billy. burnet@sageworks.com.

Make plans now to attend a Banker Regulatory Forum! Thursday May 7, 2015 JHTC, CBA Headquarters Atlanta Thursday August 6, 2015 Idle Hour Country Club Macon 3 0 | w w w . cbaof ga. com |Sp r i n g 2 0 1 5

Thursday November 5, 2015 JHTC, CBA Headquarters Atlanta Sponsored by

37th Annual Leadership Division Convention & Mini-Trade Show Friday-Monday | June 12-15, 2015 Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort, Destin, FL

47th Annual Meeting & Trade Show

Wednesday - Sunday | September 23-27, 2015 The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa S p r in g 2 0 1 5 | Ge o r g i a C o mm u n i t i es Fi r s t | 31

Meet CBA's Endorsed Member Companies! Enhance your revenue. Improve your bottom line.

Each of the Endorsed Member Companies below has earned the seal of approval from the CBA Member Services Committee and CBA's Board of Directors. Most offer special pricing to CBA members. Explore the revenue-enhancement opportunities with these vendors and improve your bottom line! ACG | Refurbished ATMs/Currency Counting Phil Winn | phil@acg.us.com | (770) 442-9800

Harland Clarke | Check Program Ryan Busenitz | ryan.busenitz@harlandclarke.com | (787) 923-3402

ATM Response | ATM Service & Cash Logistics James Pack | jpack@atmresponse.com | (770) 744-1795

ICBA Securities | Investment Services Jim Reber | jreber@icbasecurities.com | (901) 762-5884

Bahr Consultants, Inc.| Insurance Review Hank Bahr |hank@bahrconsultantsinc.com | (865) 694-6098

Investment Professionals, Inc. (IPI) | In-Bank Retail Investment Services Steven Ransdell| steven.ransdell@invpro.com| (501) 410-4445

Banc Consulting Partners | Executive Benefits/BOLI Brian Miller | bmiller@yourbankpartner.com | (770) 485-8559

PULSE | Debit Network Program Mark Reda|markreda@pulsenetwork.com | (813) 854-2210

BankersEdge | Online /DVD Training Program Nora Ebersbach | nebersbach@bankersedge.com | (314) 542-6493

Sageworks | Cash Flow Analysis Billy Burnet| billy.burnet@sageworks.com (919) 851-7474 ext. 619

BankSmart | Bank Operations/Vendor Management Jim Wilkson | jwilkson@banksmartusa.com | (813) 774-8000

SHAZAM | Debit Card/EFT Processing Mark Fucci | mfucci@shazam.net | (866) 644-9314

Bank Trends | Peer Analysis Michael Stinson| michael@bank-trends.com| (877) 717-6743

SNL Financial | Financial Data Julie Jones| jjones@snl.com | (434) 951-4419

BASYS Processing | Merchant Services Processing Brady Hanna | bhanna@basyspro.com | (913) 660-6777

Southwest Financial Services, Ltd. | Flood Determination Insurance Program & Residential Appraisal Management Stephanie Bennett | stephanie.bennett@sfsltd.com | (513) 621-6699

Computer Services, Inc. | Secure-Connect for Directors/Employees John Grimes| John.grimes@csiweb.com | (888) 494-8449 ext. 17223 Continuity Control | Compliance Management System Marnie Keller | mkeller@continuity.net | (866) 631-5556 ext. 309 Crescent Mortgage | Secondary Market Mortgage Services Ashli Matson | amatson@crescentmortgage.net | (770) 714-5417 Dell SecureWorks| Managed Internet Security Program Jamie Kirkland | jamie_kirkland@dell.com | (404) 486-4481 The Eversole Group, LLC | Marketing Program Craig Eversole | craig@theeversolegroup.com | (601) 977-5225

Staples | Office Supply Program Janet Clark | janet.cook@staples.com | (404) 664-4543 Travelers | Insurance/D & O/ Bond Program Diana Baker | dcbaker@travelers.com | (678) 317-7882 Triad Financial Services, Inc. | Consumer Loan Program Keith Stayer | kstayer@triadfs.com | (800) 522-2013 UPS | Overnight Delivery Program Monica Sterk | msterk@ups.com | (800) 531-7917 William Mills Agency | Public Relations & Marketing William Mills | william@williammills.com/(678) 781-7200

Executive Insurance Agency, Inc. | VSI Program Randy Sower | info@executiveinsuranceagency.com | (770) 474-2355 Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC Bank Assetpoint/Insured Cash Sweep (ICS) Danny Capitel|dcapitel@promnetwork.com | (770) 630-6796 First Data | Internet Banking & Mobile Banking *Cooperative Marketing Alliance Rodrigo Cazares | rodrigo.cazares@firstdata.com | (512) 627-5343 FIS | Free ATM Network | Credit/Debit Card Program Jamie Moreland | jamiemoreland@fisglobal.com | (888) 323-0310

Give us a call at (770) 541-4490 or (800) 648-8215 or visit CBA online at www.cbaofga.com.

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Stand Out from the Crowd! Nothing like making an impression on a banker when you’re awarding cash! What about introducing a speaker to a group of CEOs at a convention? What’s the best way to stand out? Sponsorships! CBA sponsors gain added exposure before, during and after events! Here are just a few of the many benefits of sponsorship: • Listing in CBA Today e-newsletter as sponsor • Recognition on web site as sponsor with logo and link to company web site • Listing in Georgia Communities First magazine • Signage of sponsorship at various events • Logo on slide during program • Exposure on all event marketing materials • “Sponsor” ribbon denoting level of sponsorship • Exposure on all pre-convention promotional materials such as emails and brochures • List of registrants prior to the event Here are just a few of the many sponsorship options available: • Award the winners of the upcoming PAC/PR Golf Tournaments by sponsoring the prize money - $1,200 or $600 per tournament; or • Sponsor a hole at the PAC/PR Golf Tournament - $150 • Introduce the Keynote Speaker AND have your company’s promotional literature in the seats at the General Session - $2,000 for Leadership Division Convention or $2,500 for Annual Meeting & Convention. • Put your logo on the back of the 5k/1 mile Fun Run t-shirt at the Leadership Division Convention - $250 From high-visibility sponsorships to advertising opportunities, we have something to fit your marketing budget. Customize your sponsorship package today! Contact Lindsay Greene for more information, contact Lindsay Greene at 770.541.0376 or lindsay@cbaofga.com.

Explore CBA in a New Way! Community Bankers Association of Georgia invites you to explore our updated website at www.cbaofga.com. The new website is very interactive and offers numerous benefits to our members. “We are delighted to finally launch the updated website,” commented Rob Braswell, President & CEO of Community Bankers Association of Georgia. “The website offers our members instant access to information on CBA events, networking opportunities, legislative updates and more.” The new website features an online directory for both banks and associate members. CBA staff will be contacting members to assist with updating their listings in the directory. The Career Center offers a much easier way to post both open positions and resumes. If you’re interested in advertising on the website, space is available in several formats on the home page as well as interior pages such as the directory. For more information, contact Lindsay Greene at lindsay@cbaofga.com. Visit www.cbaofga.com today - we look forward to your feedback!

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1900 The Exchange, Suite 600 Atlanta, GA 30339 www.cbaofga.com

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