Christian Brothers College Newsletter
Senior Campus 214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4200 F 08 8400 4299 Junior Campus 324 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4222 F 08 8400 4220 CBC Community 178 East Terrace, Children’s Centre Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8223 5469 F 08 8223 7803
A Birth-12 Catholic College for boys in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Email Website
Term 1, Week 10
Thursday April 4, 2013
Junior Campus students learning Chinese calligraphy.
personal leave. We also welcome Ms Lucy Krause who will be replacing EAL staff member Mrs Maria Catalano who is on Long Service Leave in Term 2.
CBC will be conducting PAT-Maths Plus tests for students in Years 3-7 next week to assess students’ Numeracy skills.
Asian Literacy
These tests are online tests, which have the advantage of providing ‘real time’ results to students and teachers, while assessing much the same concepts and skills as pen and paper assessments.
It is a blessing that all of our staff and students returned safely after the Easter break. I encourage any of you who attended Mass after a long absence to know you are most welcome in our parishes to come to Mass weekly as a way of giving thanks to God for this amazing life.
Students in the Junior Campus undertook Chinese calligraphy lessons this week as part of our commitment to the Federal Government’s Asian Literacy Policy. Over the coming weeks two CBC members of staff Mr Shaun Clarke and Mrs Kaylene Barriera will both depart for China representing CBC and Catholic Education. Mr Clarke is participating in a School Leaders’ tour of Chinese schools and universities and will be participating in a range of educational discussion forums, school visits and university tours. Mrs Barriera is travelling with a group of SA educators as part of the Build the Bridge national program which seeks to improve and develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary China, provide opportunities for visits to cultural sites and to collect resources and explore how they can be used in class.
Staffing News
Numeracy and Literacy Testing
This week I wish to farewell Mr Adam Jacobs who has been employed at the College since 2012. Mr Jacobs worked in the EAL (English as an Additional Language) faculty this year and we thank him for his invaluable support of our students from non-English speaking backgrounds. We welcome back Mr Paul Hicks from
As communicated to parents previously, CBC has been selected to participate in the Improving Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership (ILN NP). This program is funded by the Australian Government with the objective of further improving students’ literacy and numeracy outcomes.
From The Principal Dear Parents, Friends and Caregivers,
The Easter Message Continues
Liberating Education
We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences, so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all.
Faith Excellence Community Compassion
It will be necessary to send details of student names and birth dates via the Catholic Education Office to ACER, in order to provide our students with user names and passwords for the assessments, and to assist our analysis of results. Please note that ACER has agreed to keep these details confidential and only use them for the purpose of administering the test and reporting to the school and the Catholic Education Office. Any test results that are reported to the Australian Government will be aggregated so that individual schools and students cannot be identified. Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Nicola Brennan (who is responsible for testing at CBC) at the Junior Campus if you have any questions about this process or the Improving Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership.