Christian Brothers College Newsletter
Senior Campus 214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4200 F 08 8400 4299 Junior Campus 324 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4222 F 08 8400 4220 CBC Community 178 East Terrace, Children’s Centre Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8223 5469 F 08 8223 7803
A Birth-12 Catholic College for boys in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Email Website
Term 3, Week 6
First XVIII Football
Open A Soccer
Open Debating
Speed up the processing of refugees Build a culture of support for the protection of refugees
Dear Parents, Friends and Caregivers, Last Sunday at Mass we commemorated the 99th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. This theme was also central in the recent Christian Brothers Oceania newsletter which provided some practical suggestions for action: • Talk to your families and friends about the truth of the refugee situation. • Get to know refugee stories. • Support the actions of Church and community leaders who are working on major concerns. • Write letters to politicians who may respond to the challenge. Ask them to work for a policy that will: Treat asylum seekers and refugees as human beings in need of compassion.
Friday 30 August, 2013
Open A Basketball
Promote bi-partisan policy so that the asylum seeker question becomes a human rather than a political question.
From The Principal
Break the link between the offshore and the onshore Protection Visa Program Seek a true regional solution, which is not simply a way for Australia to abdicate its responsibility for asylum seekers. Source: NetAct - A Coalition of Catholic Social Justice, Welfare and Educational Agencies Phone: 0403 634 534
CBC victorious in Intercol 2013 The final day of Intercollegiate on Saturday was an exciting one with wins in the basketball and football. The carnival atmosphere was accentuated by the presence of a large number of Old Collegian staff and student spectators including former CBC Principal Br Patrick Cronin and Deputy Mr John Lambert. Thank you also to the large number of CBC spectators including parents and students. The sight of so many CBC purple blazers cheering on our sportsmen was inspirational. Congratulations also to our debaters, chess players, table tennis players and soccer players who competed mid-week in Intercol. Our soccer players and spectators need a special vote of thanks for competing in absolutely torrential rainfall.
Gospel Spirituality
We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community.
Faith Excellence Community Compassion
I wish to thank all coaches, parents, referees, umpires, and assistants who participated over the past six days of competition. Our Dolphin mascot Chris Skelton also deserves a vote of appreciation. Mention must also be given to the Blackfriars community and Principal Mr Brian Turner. The Blackfriars boys participated with spirit, sportsmanship and grace. Their assistance and help with umpiring, venue selection and logistics was invaluable. Well done also to the Social Action Group and also our Parents and Friends who conducted fundraisers for our pilgrimages and Gallipoli Tours. Last but not least I wish to thank all students who participated and a special vote of thanks to CBC Co-curricular Coordinator Mr Michael Buttfield. He spent countless hours preceding and during the event ensuring that all would run smoothly.
Parent Teacher Evening Thank you to the very large number of parents and caregivers who attended Parent Information Evening on Monday night in the Senior Campus. If you were not able to complete your discussion due to time constraints then please feel free to phone or email relevant staff. Continued parent teacher contact is essential for student success. Thank you to our Assistant Principal - Learning, Ms Donnon, for organising the evening.