Christian Brothers College Newsletter
Senior Campus 214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4200 F 08 8400 4299 Junior Campus 324 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4222 F 08 8400 4220 CBC Community 178 East Terrace, Children’s Centre Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8223 5469 F 08 8223 7803
A Birth-12 Catholic College for boys in the Edmund Rice Tradition
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Term 1, Week 4
Friday 21 February, 2014
Br Michael’s Corner Forgiveness and Inner Peace Fr James Valladares blesses the “Spirit of our Brothers” quad scull.
at CBC has there been such a formulated program designed to ensure the very best results of each and every individual rower. We must also acknowledge the dedicated work of a small group of parents who form the Water Sports Auxiliary. The determination shown by these individuals to ensure the ongoing success of rowing at the school can be highlighted by their hard work, dedication and fundraising activities at weekly regattas from pizzas to coffee and drinks to cakes and gelato at every regatta. Welcome dignitaries, guests, teachers and fellow students. My name is Joseph De Donatis and I am the 2013-2014 College Rowing Captain. Rowing was introduced to the college in 1909 by the then brother -- it was the same year as Adelaide’s first electric tram line opening. Since 1909 the college has enjoyed enormous successes and has been widely acknowledged for its on-water prowess. Recently, success on the water has been hard to come by, and the ongoing future of rowing at the college has also come under question. Our community can be grateful for the commitment to rowing shown by the school Board, the principal Mr Noel Mifsud, and from our deputy Mr Shaun Clarke. Their commitment to ensure that the CBC heritage in rowing continues has been unwavering. We must also acknowledge the commitment of the student rowers, coaches and the Water Sports Auxiliary, success on the a water would be unattainable without the unified commitment of these groups. I am also of the strong belief that the effort that has been shown by the Director of Water Sports and Head Coach Mr Jarrad Schar will yield positive results in the years to come; I am only sad that I will not be here to witness those future successes. Never in my time in rowing
Recognition of the work of the auxiliary is one of the reasons we are here today -- their tireless endeavour has allowed for the purchase of a new Sykes quad scull boat to be aptly named the “Spirit of Our Brothers”. We welcome Father Valladares who will bless our boat shortly.
Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past and is a means for correcting our mis-perceptions. Forgiveness comes through letting go of whatever we think other people have done to us or whatever we have done to them. Through true forgiveness we can stop the endless recycling of guilt and going over past hurts. Forgiveness releases thoughts that seem to separate us from others and we can accept our own healing and extend healing love to those around us. Healing comes with unity. If we want inner peace then forgiveness is essential. We are released from inner guilt and turmoil as we forgive others and join with them in unity and love. Peace of mind occurs when we extend forgiveness to others and have no desire to get anything from them or to change them in any way. Forgiveness and inner peace of mind go hand in hand. Br Michael Flaherty
I would like to take this opportunity to invite students to come and try rowing. It’s not easy especially those early morning Winter starts but the friendship and mateship you will enjoy will be remembered for years to come... remember the ongoing success of rowing at the college starts with the students. On a final note, the Head of The River Regatta (The Grand Final of Rowing if you will) is due to be held on Saturday 15th March 2014 at the West Lakes. The event is the culmination of the 2013/2014 Rowing Season and attracts up to 15,000 participants and supporters. I would like to formally invite one and all to this event to show the CBC communities’ united support of rowing.
Feel all the excitement of Clipsal 500 27 February – 2 March 2014
Rowers… can do it all, and they can do it well. Joining the rowing team will be the greatest decision you will ever make if you choose to accept the harsh realities of the sport. By doing so, you will understand the incalculable value of an indomitable spirit, and you will learn, above all, that your achievements in life are limited only by the magnitude of your drive to achieve them. Joseph De Donatis 2013-14 Rowing Captain
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We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community.
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