Insight 2014T1W08

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Christian Brothers College Newsletter

Senior Campus 214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4200 F 08 8400 4299 Junior Campus 324 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4222 F 08 8400 4220 CBC Community 178 East Terrace, Children’s Centre Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8223 5469 F 08 8223 7803

A Birth-12 Catholic College for boys in the Edmund Rice Tradition


Email Website

Term 1, Week 8


Friday 21 March, 2014

Br Michael’s Corner Family Week CBC wins the Head of the River Year 9B Coxed Quad Scull race. (L-R): Matias Flores, Bradley Bastins, Anthony Zito, Yianni Briggs, James Callahan

Uniform Shop - Important Reminder! PE Zip track suit jackets must be collected from the Uniform Shop by all new students to the school. Winter Uniforms All new students to the college are required to make an appointment with the Uniform Shop ASAP.

Support the College by purchasing the 2014 Entertainment Book. To order online, visit

National Family Week is celebrated each year but we can celebrate our family any time. Some possible ways are as follows: - Have a special family meal with candles, favourite dishes, and silver service. Invite another family to join you. Have a family story telling evening when each one tells a favourite family story. Parents may tell how they met and the good times they had. Have a night where everyone swaps ‘roles’ - children cook dinner, parents get tucked into bed and read a story. Arrange with the boss to bring your child(ren) to work to find out about what you do. Organise a family outing - to the shops, cinema, picnic, or to visit a friend or relative in a nursing home or hospital. Do something for a family less fortunate than your own. Plant a tree for each member of the family in your garden. Take a family photo and do so on the same day each year. Arrange a family concert. Make a list of family issues, which are of concern to you. Organise a panel to discuss these. Go to Mass as a family and/or pray together for each other. Br Michael Flaherty

or contact the Finance Office on 8400 4207 for information.

Years 7-10 Drama Production, 2014 intake starts now! This year, the CBC Drama Club is continuing for Years 7-10 students. The exciting news is that the Club may be chosen by your son instead of a winter sport. Workshops will be held Wednesday afternoons in Terms 2 and 3 from 3:30pm until 5pm with the end result being a small production on Thursday 11 September. Family and friends will have the opportunity to see your son tread the boards after having spent some quality time refining his verbal communication skills, confidence and social skills! Drama Club was a huge success in 2013 and we can’t wait to get it under way in 2014. Permission forms can be collected from myself or please email me at I look forward to producing something inspiring with the students! Ms Sarah English

Gospel Spirituality

We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community.

Faith Excellence Community Compassion

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