Christian Brothers College Newsletter
Senior Campus 214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4200 F 08 8400 4299 Junior Campus 324 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4222 F 08 8400 4220 CBC Community 178 East Terrace, Children’s Centre Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8223 5469 F 08 8223 7803
A Birth-12 Catholic College for boys in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Email Website
Term 1, Week 11
Friday 11 April, 2014
The Easter Bunny visits the Junior School.
From The Principal Dear Parents, Friends and Caregivers,
Happy Easter Last week the Receptions were excited by the birth of their first chick aptly named Christian! Since then, 8 other chicks were born causing great excitement. Watching the faces of our children absolutely awestruck at the mystery of the birth provided a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the meaning of Easter. At the Junior Campus liturgy on Monday our Reception students shared with staff, parents and grandparents how Easter reminds us to be the best we can be. The Easter challenge is to be ‘born again’ into a life of love and courage.
Old Collegians News
EREA Student Exchange
Recently our Deputy Shaun Clarke, Student Leaders, College Archivist Michael Moran and I hosted 13 of our Old Collegians who are now priests or Brothers in the Archdiocese of Adelaide. Our guests toured the archive museum and newly completed CBC Trade Training Centre.
In the first week on next term four of our Year 10 students will be travelling to St Patrick’s College, Shorncliff – Brisbane. This is part of an EREA exchange with other schools around Australia. Our students will be billeted during the week and the St Patrick’s students will be here in August and will also be billeted by our students. The students attending are:
This week we were saddened by the news of the death of Old Collegian Fr Bill Modystack. May he rest in God’s gentle care.
Student News Congratulations to all coaches and competitors who participated in the State Rowing Championships held on Saturday. Jack Good won a state title in the 1km single scull event and many of our teams made the finals. Congratulations to George Wong who has been selected in the Secondary Schools Sport SA Tennis Championships in Perth WA from the 3rd to 11th May 2014. If you have news of success about your child which you would like included in the Principal’s section of Insight please feel free to email me.
Justice and Solidarity
We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself.
Faith Excellence Community Compassion
• Adrian Niscioli • Aden Zafino • Justin Krieg • Lachlan Brock Thank you to Mr Matthew Crisanti who organised the exchange with St Patrick’s College.
College Resumes Please note that Term 2 begins for all students on Tuesday 29 April 2014. Students are requested to be in full in winter uniform. Please feel free to contact teachers via the diary if you experience any difficulty in ensuring your child is appropriately dressed. Students have had a term’s notice in regards to inappropriate hairstyles. Any student with inappropriate hair (ie: short sided or patterned cuts etc.) will be counselled and ma y be precluded from College attendance.