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Repo r t to the Communi ty 路 2009

w w w. c b c f. o r g / p r a i r ie s n w t

LINKED Report to the Community • 2009

ta b le o f c o n t en t s A Record Year How a Dollar is Raised How Funds Raised are Utilized Funding Streams Decision Making Process Breast Cancer: Then, Now and in the Future Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Tumor Bank Research Grant Recipients Breaking Down Barriers Pink is the Word. Pass it On. Breast Health & Education Grant Recipients Fundraising Initiatives Fundraising: Fun and Easy You are Linked Champions for the Cause Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 26

2 0 0 8 /0 9 b o a r d o f di r e c t o r s Chair

Barbara McGregor

Brian Crookes


Ravi Bakshi

Secretary of the Board

Dr. Ralph Strother

Chief Executive Officer


The 2008/09 fiscal year was one of milestones for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Prairies/NWT Region. The leadership of our Board of Directors, staff, partners and donors allowed the Region to continue to make significant inroads in creating a future without breast cancer, including: • A new record being set with the funding of more than $5.5 million in research and community projects across the Region. • T he first ever Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Prairies/NWT Region TELUS Tour for the Cure reaching more than 3 million individuals in Alberta. • The Prairies/NWT Region funding, in part, the World Conference on Breast Cancer in Winnipeg, including lead sponsorship of the Conference’s Youth Day.

Calgary, AB

Vice Chair


a record year

Calgary, AB

Edmonton, AB

• O ver 28,000 people in 10 Run sites across the Region raising $5.75 million during the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure®. his report profiles the great work being made possible in T the Region as a result of monetary and volunteer support. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Prairies/NWT Region.

Calgary, AB

Dr. Margaret Clarke Calgary, AB

Hal Danchilla Edmonton, AB

At the Prairies/NWT Region, we recognize that LINKS symbolize what we believe is the key to a future without breast cancer; that volunteers, fundraisers, corporate partners, researchers, educators, donors and survivors are all linked together by common purpose and vision.

Shirley Forrest Edmonton, AB

Martin Kratz Calgary, AB

Dale Linn Saskatoon, SK

David Shaw Calgary, AB

Barbara Shumeley Winnipeg, MB

Gretchen Thompson Okotoks, AB

Trish Bronsch

Trish Bronsch Chief Executive Officer

Barbara McGregor Chair, Prairies/NWT Board of Directors 2008/09 3

h o w a d o ll a r i s r a i s ed

H o w F u nd s R a i s ed a r e U t ili z ed

The Prairies/NWT Region strives to be responsive to the needs of our donors, working diligently to find ways to make giving the most efficient and effective for each donor. Supporting the Prairies/NWT Region is as easy as sending in a cheque, participating in an employee giving program, hosting a fundraising event with friends and family, or taking part in our signature events - the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure® or Batting Against Breast Cancer®.

As a charitable organization, the work of the Prairies/NWT Region is legislated and regulated by policies and practices outlined by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). In fiscal 2008/09, over $5.5 million dollars was distributed through the Region’s designated funding streams to 30 research and breast health & education grant recipients, as well as the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Tumor Bank to support innovative work addressing all aspects of breast cancer.

The Region also relies on the commitment and generosity of community and corporate partners who donate funds, and enable their employees, consumers and associates to do the same.

Recognizing the need for increased public awareness of breast cancer, breast health, risk reduction practices and early detection methods, the Prairies/NWT Region invested in programs spearheaded by staff to support these goals. These initiatives included the development and delivery of the Prairies/NWT Region TELUS Tour for Cure, production of brochures and videos about breast health, and hosting education sessions in select cities.

Other (Product) 0.22%

Government Partnerships 1.32%

Third Party Events 16.00%

Special Events 2.39%

CRA sets an evaluation grid that ranks the ratio of fundraising cost to fundraising revenue for the fiscal period (http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/chrts/cnslttns/fndrsng-eng.html). The Prairies/NWT Region ranks within the generally acceptable level, with fundraising costs measuring 28%. Our fundraising costs are on par with most other organizations of the same size.

Other (Gaming/Investment) 3.67%

Individual Programs 1.69%

Direct Response

The Region’s cost of fundraising is low because of the support of partners, and volunteers, and because we host our major event instead of hiring a third party organizer.

How Funds Raised are Utilized


Corporate Programs 18.73%


Run for the Cure 49.13%





Fiscal 2008/09

Research, Breast Health & Education, and Tumor Bank CBCF Health Promotion


Cause Related Programs and Stakeholder Relations Fundraising Costs Operations Expenses

CIBC Run for the Cure

Other (Product)

Special Events

Other (Gaming/Investment)


f u ndin g s t r e a m s


Guided by principles of rigour, accountability, fairness and transparency, the Prairies/ NWT Region is committed to ensuring that the grant investments made on behalf of its donors and supporters are focused on making an impact on the lives of those most affected by breast cancer. Major funding priorities are projects supporting an improved quality of life for those diagnosed with breast cancer, and increasing knowledge with regard to risk reduction practices and the benefits of early detection.

O NE Call for Proposals

The Prairies/NWT Region believes the key to creating a future without breast cancer rests in taking educated risks based on evidence-based science, which leads to supporting research containing a high degree of innovation or novelty, as well as projects designed to establish high quality preliminary data to be used to support these research initiatives. While the Prairies/NWT Region is dedicated to funding research, the Region is also working to increase awareness of breast cancer. By partnering with diverse community organizations, the Region is reaching out to women and men where they live and work, with information impacting perceptions of the disease, and changing how we live our lives. The Prairies/NWT Region supports work being done in the area of breast cancer by way of the following grant streams:





I ncludes Basic Biomedical (laboratory science), Clinical (patient oriented), Health Science and Policy (health delivery system), and Psychosocial, Cultural and Environmental (population health)


Projects designed specifically to address breast health needs, awareness and breast cancer education in the community


One time events and / or support for the production of materials


Organizations that have proven to be innovators in the community, addressing breast health needs, awareness and breast cancer education are invited to submit an application for funding

A service for the research community where they can access human tissue samples and related clinical information to broaden their investigation of breast cancer

Once a year the Region issues a call for proposals in both the Research (July) and Breast Health & Education (November) grant streams across Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Applicants are encouraged to submit their funding proposals for consideration.

TWO Peer Reviewed Evaluation Impartial, expert peer reviewers are secured to thoroughly evaluate, rate and rank the proposals against a set of standardized criteria including, importance and originality of the proposed project, quality and feasibility of the project design, adherence to ethical principles, and fit with the purpose and requirements of the Region. Through a series of internal and external reviews, funding recommendations are put forth to the Region’s Board of Directors for final funding decisions.

TH R E E Funding Awarded Approved grant recipients in all funding streams receive their funding in annual installments. They also participate in a thorough progress program. Annually, the results of the Region’s funding decisions are communicated via media, the website and regional print publications.

FO UR Showing Results Grant recipients are required to share their findings with the Region through the submission of formal written reports.


Breast Cancer Then, Now and in the Future 35 years ago

c a n a di a n b r e a s t c a n c e r f o u nd at i o n t u m o r b a nk

Outcome: Approximately 75% of women diagnosed with breast cancer survived their disease at least 5 years.

Therapeutic: Chemotherapy – the use of multiple drugs and of post-surgical hormonal therapy was in the early stages of investigation.

Surgery: Mastectomy (removal of the breast) was the only accepted surgical treatment.

Genetics: Genes associated with an increased risk of breast cancer had not yet been identified.

Screening: Mammography for breast cancer screening was in a trial stage.

Diagnostics: Conclusive diagnosis based on surgery and pathology.

T o d ay


Outcome: 87% of women diagnosed with breast cancer will survive their disease at least 5 years.

Personalized medicine: Not everyone responds the same to treatment. Each year, as more is learned about genetics, molecular biology and immunology, more effective and less toxic treatments can be developed for individuals. This knowledge can also be used to target indicators for breast cancer development, thereby preventing cells from becoming cancerous. We have come a long way in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, but we still have some distance to travel.

Surgery: Lumpectomy (removal of the cancer/ lump) followed by local radiation therapy has replaced removal of the breast for early stage cancers. Screening: Regular mammography is accepted practice for the early detection of breast cancer and has shown to reduce mortality from the disease. Therapeutics: Combination chemotherapy for systemic therapies, treatments to reduce the size of tumors pre-surgery, hormonal therapies (ex. Tamoxifin and aromatase inhibitors) are used as adjuvant therapy and in treatment of advanced cancers. Tamoxifin and raloxifene are used to prevent breast cancer in women at high risk of developing the disease. Hercepton is used for lowering the risk of certain types of reoccurrence. Genetics: Identification of several breast cancer susceptibility genes, including BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 and PTEN/MMAC1. Diagnostics: Digital mammography, needle biopsies and sentinel node biopsies are examples of technologies that have been introduced to improve breast cancer diagnosis.


It’s staggering to think, but breast cancer will affect 1 in 9 Canadian women sometime during their lifetime. An estimated 23,000 women and men will be diagnosed with the disease annually in Canada. But the impact of the disease will be felt by many more. As a result, finding a cure, learning new ways to prevent the disease and improving outcomes for patient recovery have been in the hearts of every researcher and community group behind these advances over the last 35 years.

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Tumor Bank provides expertise and infrastructure in the collection, storage and distribution of high quality human tissue samples and clinical information to researchers focusing on translational research, whereby initial pure research leads to evidencebased clinical applications in areas such as prevention, diagnosis and the cure of breast and other cancers. In 2005, Prairies/NWT Region entered into a three year, $2 million funding agreement with The Alberta Cancer Board to support the development of this valuable resource. To date over 2,000 tissue samples have been accrued, of which 60% are breast cancer samples and are available to researchers today. While the Region’s initial investment in the Tumor Bank was instrumental in establishing a solid operational and quality controlled infrastructure, continued support is key for increasing tissue sample accruals and their usage by the research community. Therefore, the Region renewed its commitment to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Tumor Bank for $2.2 million over three years, ending 2011. Over the next three years, the Tumor Bank’s goals include:

• A dvancing research in the prevention, early diagnosis and cure of breast and other cancers. • I ncreasing awareness of opportunities in breast cancer research with human samples. • B uilding awareness amongst professionals and persons living with cancer about the benefits of tumor banking and cancer research programs. • I ncreasing participation of patients with breast and other cancers in research. • I ncreasing the quality of specimens available for cancer research. The Prairies/NWT Region will continue to measure the success of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Tumor Bank along these key goal lines. The Prairies/NWT Region is committed to supporting a research tool with a priority role in cancer research, and in doing so, helping to achieve a future without breast cancer. Information gained regionally and globally through the use of the Tumor Bank’s breast cancer tissue samples will lead to major advances in cancer control, just as the resources of other Tumor Banks have played pivotal roles in the development of diagnostic tools and therapeutics (e.g. PSA tests for prostate cancer, antigen tests for ovarian cancer, Herceptin treatment for breast cancers, and Rituximab for treatment of cell malignancies).


2008/09 Research Grant Recipients S a s k at c h e wa n C a n c e r A g en c y Saskatoon Dr. Keith Bonham Post-transcriptional regulation of p21waf1 gene expression by HDAC inhibitors in breast cancer cells

Uni v e r s i t y o f S a s k at c h e wa n Saskatoon Dr. Wendy Duggleby Living with Hope: Developing a Psychosocial Supportive Program for Male Spouses of Women with Breast Cancer

Histone Deacetylase inhibitors (HDIs) are an exciting new class of drug that targets many cancer types including those of the breast. Generally it is thought HDIs turn some genes on, and turn others off and, it is this change in gene expression that leads to cell death. In liver and breast cancer cells, it has been found that HDIs turn p21waf1 (a gene product that stops cancer cells from growing) on by an unexpected method of which, the research will study this in detail. Uncovering the mechanism could lead to greater understanding as to how these drugs work and may uncover another level by which HDIs contribute to breast cancer cell death.

The purpose of this study is to develop and test a Living with Hope program - designed to improve quality of life for male spouses of women with recurrent breast cancer. The study will include interviews with spouses, a film capturing interview content, and a pilot study of the Living with Hope program’s impact on spouses (program consists of viewing film and a hope exercise – journal entries over a period of time).

Uni v e r s i t y o f S a s k at c h e wa n Saskatoon Dr. Peter Bretscher Exploring in mouse models the role of Th2-immune deviation in breast cancer progression The immune system of cancer patients recognizes cancer cells. Cells of the immune system recognize, bind with, and kill cancer cells, called catatonic T lymphocytes (CTL). There are also antibodies in blood which bind to cancer cells, but still the immune system cannot eliminate the cancer through CTL and antibodies. The research aims to provide an understanding of why an individual’s immune system fails against breast cancer, thereby opening new avenues. S a s k at c h e wa n C a n c e r A g en c y Saskatoon The Role of MS-1 in Breast Cancer Metastasis

Dr. Svein Carlsen

The spread of tumor cells to distant organs, in a process called metastasis, makes cancer difficult to treat and is the cause of most cancer related deaths. A gene has been identified which appears to be highly expressed in non-metastatic breast cancer cell lines but not in metastatic breast cancer cell lines. The effects of the gene on metastasis will be investigated including migration, invasion and survival. Preliminary evidence suggests the gene may help to regulate the ability of the cell to deal with stresses and in preventing cancer metastasis which if confirmed, could become an important marker for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Uni v e r s i t y o f Al b e r ta Edmonton Dr. Christopher Cheeseman Evaluation of Fluorinated Hexose Analogues for use with PET imaging of Breast Tumors This project will test some new sugar analogues which are being developed for use with Positron Emission Tomography (PET) for the non-invasive imaging of breast cancer. The team of chemists, physiologists, oncologists and radiopharmacists has recently identified some new promising molecules which could improve the ability, using PET, to detect and diagnose tumors in breast tissue, at an earlier stage. C a n c e r C a r e M a ni t o b a Winnipeg Dr. James Davie Role of MSK in breast cancer cells over expressing epidermal growth factor receptors EGFR or HER2 Breast tumors frequently over express epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR or HER2), which promote growth of breast cancer cells. Over expression receptors increases the activity of MSK (nitrogenstress activated kinase), an enzyme which modifies proteins involved in gene expression, including those involved in cancer development and malignancy. The research will use breast cancer cells over expressing EGFR or HER2 to learn the role of MSK in breast cancer development and potentially reveal new therapeutic avenues in the treatment of breast cancer.


Uni v e r s i t y o f C a l g a r y Calgary Dr. Donald Fujita Src-mediated destabilization of the pVHL tumor suppressor protein in breast cancer A master cellular regulatory protein called Src can cause the development and progression of breast cancer, and certain other cancers, when its activity is raised to an abnormally high level. High levels can cause uncontrolled tumor cell growth and tumor metastasis. Src has since been discovered to have the ability to chemically alter and cause destruction of a tumor suppressor protein (von HippelLindau), which is a protein that normally can regulate and prevent the synthesis of a powerful growth factor (vasoendothelial) for cancer. This study is designed to determine the exact molecular events and pathways that Src uses to inactivate the tumor suppressor hormone and to increase the effect of the growth factor which leads to cancer metastasis. Such knowledge could lead to the development of effective new therapies for breast cancer. Uni v e r s i t y o f S a s k at c h e wa n Saskatoon Dr. Troy Harkness The influence of DNA methyltransferase inhibitors on ABC drug transporters in multiple drug resistant breast cancer Doxorubicin is a drug that is used (often in drug combinations) to shrink a tumor prior to surgery and to prevent tumor recurrence after surgery. However, patients can become resistant to the action of doxorubicin, necessitating the addition of multiple drugs to overcome resistance. Dr. Harkness’s laboratory has recently shown that a class of drugs called PPAR gamma agonists can overcome this resistance in certain cancer cells by potentially altering chromosome function and structure. Another class of drugs will be investigated to determine whether their influence on DNA structure would be useful in the treatment of doxorubicin resistance in breast cancer. Uni v e r s i t y o f S a s k at c h e wa n Saskatoon Dr. Rani Kanthan The Stromal /Epithelial Cross Talk – A reversed novel approach to understanding breast carcinogenesis Increased knowledge regarding the epithelial-stromal interactions comprising the individual cellular environment are key factors in normal breast development and cancer transformation – “cross talk” between a cancer and its host environment can transform normal (epithelial) cells into cancer cells. This research will study the expression of key proteins that initiate/promote cell growth/differentiation in the stromal and epithelial components in benign, premalignant and malignant male/female breast lesions. An improved understanding of stromal contributions to the development and progression of breast cancer will result in the identification of unique stromal signatures providing new therapeutic targets for the future, and opportunities for future breast cancer prevention.


2008/09 Research Grant Recipients


Uni v e r s i t y o f C a l g a r y Calgary Dr. Ebba Kurz Antioxidant Modulation of Doxorubicin Function in Human Breast Cancer Cells Currently, chemotherapy plays a prominent role in breast cancer treatment. The success of chemotherapy can be affected by a number of factors including the consumption of health supplements, such as antioxidants. Experiments demonstrate that the effects of doxorubicin, a drug widely used in breast cancer therapy, can be diminished by the intake of antioxidants. This research will look at the mechanisms underlying this observation (why this occurs) and if this is a common side effect. If antioxidant supplements prove to reduce the benefits of doxorubicin, this could prompt the development of new guidelines for cautioning patients against antioxidant supplementation during treatment. C a n c e r C a r e M a ni t o b a Winnipeg Dr. Leigh Murphy The Role of the Long and Short Isoforms of Estrogen Receptors Beta in Inflammation in Breast Cancer Identification of two estrogen receptors (ER) has led to rethinking how estrogen works in breast cancer. Data suggests that the second ER, ERbeta, has a different role when expressed alone as compared to when expressed with the other ER, ERalpha. Changes in ER expression may in part cause changes in estrogen and tamoxifen responsiveness that occurs during breast cancer development and progression. Measuring both these ERs in breast tumors will provide more accurate information than current clinical assays about how tumors will respond to various treatments, allowing the best treatment to be chosen upfront. C a n c e r C a r e M a ni t o b a Winnipeg Dr. Leigh Murphy The Role of Phosphorylated Estrogen Receptors(ER) in Human Breast Cancer Targeting Estrogen Receptors (ER), using drugs like tamoxifen, is successful in treating and preventing breast cancer. Nevertheless, such therapies are limited by the development of resistance, as is the likelihood of newer such therapies. Understanding the mechanisms of ER action can lead to increased treatment options for ER+ breast cancer. The development of more precise biomarkers of therapy response is valuable, so that the most appropriate therapies can be used quickly with minimal sideeffects. This study is investigating such markers and may offer more specific targets and alternative approaches in the development of new therapies for treating breast cancer. Uni v e r s i t y o f M a ni t o b a Winnipeg Role of claudin 1 in breast tumorigenesis

Dr. Yvonne Myal

Uni v e r s i t y o f Al b e r ta Edmonton Dr. Jack Tuszynski Design of Nucleotide Excision Repair Inhibitors for the Treatment of Triple Negative Breast Carcinomas At the molecular level, breast cancer is not a single type of disease, but is composed of many different cancer subtypes generally diagnosed based upon the expression of three cellular receptors known as the estrogen, progesterone and HER2 receptors. The most successful treatments for breast cancer target these three receptors. However, a triple negative breast cancer diagnosis means that the disease is estrogen, progesterone and HER2 receptor-negative and hence will most likely appear to be not responsive to these standard treatments. Cisplatin, a drug for treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer, is one such drug overcome by resistance mechanisms which is correlated to the over-expression of a protein known as ERCC1. This research will investigate protein interactions with ERCC1 to test a pharmacophore that can be used in optimizing the molecular design of specific inhibitors for ERCC1, with the possibility of drug design to treat cases of the triple negative breast cancer. S a s k at c h e wa n C a n c e r A g en c y Saskatoon Dr. Jim Xiang Breaking HER-2/neu-specific tolerance by vaccination of engineered DC vaccine expressing HER-2/neu with linked foreign helper T epitope P30 HER-2/neu is a breast cancer antigen and an ideal immunogenic target for vaccine. Dendritic cells (DCs) representing the most powerful antigen-presenting cells have been used for cancer vaccines. This study proposes to construct an adenoviral vector expressing HER-2/neu antigen with a linked foreign tetanus toxoid helper epitope p30. DCs will be engineered to express HER-2/neu containing p30 by transfection of DC with this vector. Engineered DCs can be used as a vaccine to break the immune suppression in patients resulting in possible immunotherapy of HER-2/neu-positive breast cancers in the future. Uni v e r s i t y o f M a ni t o b a Winnipeg Dr. Jiuyong Xie Regulation of alternative splicing of genes controlling cell growth/death in breast cancer cells Many cases of breast cancers are resistant to traditional hormonal or chemotherapies. This makes it imperative to explore alternative approaches and understand the underlying mechanisms of how cancer cells die. This study will screen for chemicals which produce death- promoting product and determine how this occurs. A better understanding of how cells are instructed by the chemical to generate the death-promoting product will lead to improved treatment of breast cancers.

Metastatic relapses (disease recurrence at distal sites) remain a major challenge for breast cancer patients. Mounting evidence suggests that claudin 1 (a tight junction protein) contributes distinctly to breast cancer development and progression. The study objective is to demonstrate a causal role for claudin 1 in breast cancer. By changing levels of claudin 1 within the cell, its affect on cell growth, cell mortality and ability to invade surrounding tissues can be determined.

For full abstracts of these projects, please visit our website www.cbcf.org/prairiesnwt



p ink i s t h e w o r d . pa s s i t o n From May to September 2008, “Pink was the Word” and Albertans were encouraged to “Pass it On” during the firstever Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Prairies/NWT Region TELUS Tour for the Cure.

Breaking down barriers yo u r d o ll a r s in t h e c o mm u ni t y The dollars donated to the Prairies/NWT Region are making a significant impact on the lives of women and men in the community. Through the Region’s Breast Health & Education Grant Stream, community leaders and knowledge experts are providing important breast health and breast cancer related information in a variety of formats that are respectful of cultural and religious sensitivities, available in a number of different languages, and provided to networks of all socio-economic circumstances. Information materials, seminars and one-on-one sessions about breast cancer, risk reduction practices, and early detection methods are now available to new immigrant women and those of First Nations decent, who, for a number of reasons, were not aware of this information before. Support also allows women living in communities that do not have breast cancer screening facilities to gain access to this critical service, when age and risk appropriate. The Region’s Breast Health & Education Grant Stream is also taking strides to empower young adults, both female and male, to take ownership of their overall health, and become aware of how they can reduce their risk of breast cancer. By advancing projects that encourage youth to take their breast health into their own hands, and supporting the production of information materials suitable for use in school curriculum, the Prairies/NWT Region is investing in the health of future generations.

In partnership with TELUS, the Government of Alberta, and supporting sponsor Canada Safeway, the Tour reached a near 1.3 million people with the exhibit itself and another 1.7 million through media tactics, for a total of 3 million people throughout the province. An educational exhibit staffed by five enthusiastic young women, the Tour for the Cure brought an original and engaging Tour to Albertans, educating them about risk reduction practices, early detection methods and overall breast health. With multiple messages and a large general audience to reach, the Tour offered something for everyone, not just words on a panel. “Pink is the word. Pass it on.” invoked the spirit of communication. Pink represented not only the color of the cause, but the information one gained on the Tour. Visitors were empowered with “pink” knowledge, encouraged to take action and influence their loved ones to do the same. A giant pink ribbon structure grabbed attention, and was often the focal point of the Tour, with support from a big-screen TV, doubledsided information panels, an information table and interactive kiosk. A great way to engage passersby, two computers encouraged people to take action by making a “Pink Promise,” a personal commitment to take action for the cause, and take a Mythbusters quiz, a series of True or False questions challenging people’s knowledge of breast health and breast cancer. Along with two branded vehicles, the Tour travelled to 17 events in 16 communities across Alberta for a total exposure to 1.3 million Albertans. A customized website also brought the Tour to Albertans who weren’t able to see the exhibit in person.


Giveaways and information items were also met with success. Visitors of the Tour could walk away with tangible items, such as collectible buttons, t-shirts, megaphones, and information handouts – including a specially designed Tour handout and screening locations pamphlet. Almost 10,000 Tour handouts and 6,500 pamphlets, outlining screening locations throughout the province were distributed by the Team. Media and community relations were vital elements to the Tour. A major launch, attended by over 200 people, kicked off the Tour in Edmonton with style! Smaller launches were conducted at each stop, in each community on the Tour. Along with representatives from the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and its partners, a local representative from each community attended each launch to help garner support, encourage visitation and gain profile for each of the organizations. The media coverage of these events was outstanding reaching a near 1.7 million people. A produced Public Service Announcement specific to each community also ran on local stations during each Tour stop. 62 radio stations participated providing the Tour with extra leverage and community outreach opportunities. Thank you to all corporate and community supporters of the Tour!


2008/09 Breast Health & Education Grant Recipients ASSIST Community Services Centre Edmonton · Josephine Lai Multicultural Breast Health Peer Educator Project (Phase VIII)

Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association Calgary · Beba Svigir Collaborative Breast Health Initiative

Designed to reach out to women in ethnic immigrant communities and provide the opportunity to learn about breast health. Peer educators conduct workshops and information sessions, do displays and coordinate mammogram services in the target languages of the community they are serving.

The goal of the initiative is to reach and educate underserved Calgary immigrant women between the ages of 20 and 40 years, and ensure they are able to connect with appropriate health services. The program will create educational materials linguistically and culturally sensitive for new immigrant women, expand the community health educator volunteer program, and enhance collaborations with health care providers.

Breast Cancer Supportive Care Foundation Calgary · Diane Klatzel Healthy Living After Breast Cancer Developing a structured and individualized wellness program for breast cancer patients who have completed active treatment. This program will assist patients to identify their recovery issues and empower them to prepare a feasible and well-defined strategy to optimize their health, effectively manage the impacts on various aspects of their lives, and actively implement risk reduction strategies in a systematic and measurable way. Data on recovery issues, as identified by breast cancer patients, will be collected and analyzed. Calgary Chinese Community Service Association Calgary · Lily Kwok Community Breast Health / Cancer Awareness Program The objective is to increase breast health awareness and mammographic screening in the Chinese community. The goals are to provide health education and resources, raise awareness about breast health, facilitate easy access to screening for early diagnosis of breast cancer, and provide services and supports to service users having cultural and language barriers.

C a n c e r C a r e M a ni t o b a B r e a s t C a n c e r Cen t r e o f H o p e Winnipeg · Jill Taylor-Brown Be Pink: Adolescent Breast Health Promotion Phase III A school and community educational resource for adolescent girls that addresses breast health, including breast cancer, by providing ready-to-use, interactive, age appropriate activities, educational materials and lessons for both male and female high school students. CancerCare Manitoba Breast Cancer Centre of Hope Winnipeg · Jill Taylor-Brown Growing and Sustaining the Manitoba Breast and Women's Cancer Network This project is an expanding network of local, regional and provincial stakeholders including health care professionals, survivors and community representatives. The operational function of the Network is to plan health education events, partner with existing groups/initiatives, share resources and best practice methodologies, and collaborate to identify priorities for those who reside in the province of Manitoba.

Central Alberta Immigrant Women's Association (CAIWA) Red Deer · Halima Ali Breast Health Awareness: Empowering Immigrant Women in Central Alberta Designed to address the breast health needs of the hard to reach immigrant women living in Red Deer and surrounding area. The expected outcome is to increase breast health awareness within this community and to eliminate the barriers faced in addressing breast health needs. Indo-Canadian Women's Association Edmonton · Dr. Gita Das Breast Health Awareness in Hard to Reach Women in South Asian Community This grant aims to educate targeted women, in their own language, on breast health issues and early detection methods for breast cancer. It will also encourage breast cancer screening, and reduce language barriers and cultural and social isolation, as well as create a support group for breast cancer patients, spread knowledge, and encourage leadership in educating women about breast cancer. INterlake Reserves Tribal Council Fairford · Elva McCorrister IRTC Breast Cancer Awareness Project Promote breast cancer prevention and awareness in the seven Interlake Reserve Tribal Council member communities via strategies and promotional activities such as: local community bulletin board displays, general mail outs, and workshop planning and delivery.

Sahtu Health & Social Services Authority Norman Wells · Melody Cottam Breast Health Awareness Will deliver presentations on breast health awareness to young women in the five Sahtu communities. It also provide resources/materials with information, which could change behaviours regarding breast health, breast cancer prevention and early detection. University of Manitoba Winnipeg · C.Ellen Lee Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) Program Level 1 Provide participants with the necessary practical knowledge and skills to establish an individualized home-based healthy eating and exercise program, and self-management strategies to overcome barriers to lifestyle modification for short and long-term treatment side effects. Yellowhead Tribal Development Foundation Enoch · Arleen Thomas Women’s Health – Breast Care Will provide community-based breast cancer education to women aged 45 to 65 years residing in the five member First Nations. Will develop education and awareness programs on healthy choices to reduce breast cancer risk, educate women on the importance of early diagnosis and effective treatment, and obtain the required resource materials for use.

Markaz-ul-Islam Fort McMurray · Farah Ahmad Breast Health Education for New Immigrant Women

Yellowknife Health and Social Services Authority (YHSSA) Yellowknife · Jo Russell Northern Teen Breast Health Education Project

Will address the need for breast health information for the new immigrant population with access barriers. The project provides monthly workshops with meaningful education regarding breast health, offers clinical breast examinations after workshops; and refers to appropriate mammographic screening services.

Will develop a breast health information package for educators in the North relevant to the teenage population. The package focuses on the promotion of healthy living practices, which can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, and screening practices for identifying the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. For full abstracts of these projects, please visit our website www.cbcf.org/prairiesnwt




Fundraising Initiatives C a n a di a n B r e a s t C a n c e r F o u nd at i o n C I BC R u n f o r t h e C u r e ®

Fundraising for the Prairies/NWT Region can be easy and fun. In an effort to better assist individuals and organizations hoping to raise funds for the breast cancer cause, the Prairies/NWT Region offers a number of Programs in a Box, providing ideas, materials and staff support to their fundraising efforts. On Sunday October 5th, 2008 the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation announced a new fundraising record: the 17th annual Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure raised over $28.5 million across the country! As the largest single day fundraising event for the breast cancer cause and the Foundation, the Run takes place in over 55 communities each year, uniting more than 170,000 individuals in the quest to create a future without breast cancer. Within the Prairies/NWT Region, 28,878 people in 10 Run sites connected with one another to raise an astonishing $5,755,705; a record to date.

The Run would not be possible if it were not for the generous support of hundreds of national, regional and local sponsors who help in a magnitude of different ways such as donating t-shirts, food, water, venue space, entertainment, supplies, media support, etc. Every dollar that the Foundation saves by receiving goods or services either free or at a reduced cost allows more money to be directed towards breast cancer research, education and awareness.

Site Total Participants*

Dollars raised †

Brandon Calgary Edmonton Fort McMurray Iqaluit Lethbridge Red Deer Regina Saskatoon Winnipeg

524 7939 8918 730 97 765 1118 1915 1427 5445

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $



$ 5,755,705

Dollars raised as of March 31, 2009


112,735 1,804,091 1,627,470 194,105 45,621 180,722 254,849 395,361 321,215 819,536

Estimated on Run Day

The Foundation takes pride in being a volunteerbased organization and every year, approximately 10,000 volunteers across Canada dedicate countless hours to the planning and execution of the Run. Volunteer roles and responsibilities range from organizing events leading up the Run, to lending a hand on Run day, to being a member of a local organizing committee. In the Prairies/NWT Region an estimated 10,542 volunteer hours were spent in our 10 Run sites overseeing a number of key responsibilities including marketing, media, site, route, volunteers, event day program, registration, teams, sponsorship and stewardship.

P r o g r a m s in a b o x

b r av e t h e s h av e ™ A pledge-based program, individuals, community groups, corporations and schools are encouraged to nominate one or many individuals to brave the razor or wax, and collect pledges from friends and family in order to raise funds for the Prairies/NWT Region.

fore the cure






Fore the Cure is a simple and exciting means to contribute to the goal of a future without breast cancer while playing a round of golf or hitting a bucket of balls at the driving range. Participants can choose to create a new fundraising golf tournament/event, or add a fundraising component to an existing tournament.


ki s s f o r a c u r e ® The Prairies/NWT Region’s wedding program, Kiss for a Cure encourages couples to accept donations on behalf of the Region in order to initiate their first kiss on their special day. Couples participating in this program have helped it to grow by accepting donations from their guests in lieu of wedding and shower gifts, as well as making their own donation to the Region instead of providing their guests with wedding favours.

p ink ni g h t ’ s s lee p b at t in g a g a in s t b r e a s t c a n c e r ® A pledge-based event, teams of 15 (with a minimum of three women) are encouraged to fundraise to cover their registration fee and collect additional funds to support the work of the Region. During the event, teams, staff, volunteers, families and friends enjoy the action of round robin play, warm breakfasts, BBQs, silent auctions, live entertainment and much more. In 2008, 61 teams in Edmonton and Winnipeg raised over $255,000 for breast cancer research and education programs in the Region. Thank you to all event sponsors, volunteers, participants and donors for your contributions. 18

Pink Night’s Sleep is a program designed exclusively for the hospitality industry whereby a portion of proceeds from the rental of the Hotels’ “Pink Room” is donated to the Prairies/NWT Region.

p r o je c t p ink “Project PINK” is the perfect opportunity for workplaces to partake in fundraising for Prairies/NWT Region. Companies of all sizes and in all industries can select from a variety of fundraising options to participate in or create.


You are Linked indi v id u a l s

yo u t h s t r at e g y

Donations made by individuals are enabling the Prairies/NWT Region’s work towards creating a future without breast cancer. Individuals link in to this vision by making a one-time or monthly donation, participating in direct mail programs, or by making a donation in memory or in tribute of a loved one.

In 2004, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - Prairies/NWT Region recognized young people could make a significant contribution to and for the cause of breast cancer. Since then, the Prairies/NWT Region has become the only Region to have a Youth Advisory Council as a volunteer committee. The Council was created to provide a youth perspective on issues pertaining to fundraising, awareness, education and research.

t h i r d pa r t y e v en t s Individuals and community groups also give to the Foundation by offering their time to plan and execute fundraising events. These events are limited only by the imagination of the organizer, but can range from head shaves to fitness events, and golf tournaments to motorcycle trips. Funds are often raised through the collection of a ‘minimum donation’ to participate, by making pledges, or from the proceeds of product or service sales.

The Council is comprised of 16 individuals from Calgary, Edmonton and Winnipeg currently enrolled in school from Grade 9 to post-secondary. The goals of the Youth Advisory Council are to: • Introduce and involve youth by focusing on philanthropy, and increase volunteerism and awareness of the importance of giving back to the community from a young age.

v o l u n t ee r s • Mentor future leaders. Volunteer support is invaluable, and the Prairies/NWT Region relies on their strength and dedication to achieve short and long term goals. They serve on our Board of Directors, give their time in support of fundraising events, contribute their expertise as grant review panelists, provide leadership as committee members, and offer administrative and event support. Each year, the Prairies/NWT Region recognizes a number of outstanding volunteers at special events held in Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg for their exemplary contributions during the past fiscal year. Congratulations to the 2008 recipients:

• Provide members with references for future employment opportunities. • Build relationships with the community and help build potential partnerships & alliances. • P rovide members with an opportunity to learn about a non-profit organization and build public speaking and presentation skills. • Develop new product ideas and procedures.

edm o n t o n • Identify and capitalize on youth fundraising opportunities. Outstanding Leadership Award Outstanding Volunteer Award Outstanding Run for the Cure Volunteer Award Corporate Commitment Award Group Volunteer Award Voice of the Future Award

Ravi Bakshi Rhonda Bedard Andrea Bates Connie Rockafellow

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation welcomed CIBC as a proud sponsor of the Prairies/NWT Region’s Youth Advisory Council. We look forward to fostering this partnership to grow youth involvement throughout the Region.

Mobile Industrial Health Services Charity Gala

Sean and Starr McDowell Nik Sereditch r u r a l pa r t ne r s h i p s p r o g r a m

calgary Outstanding Leadership Award Outstanding Volunteer Award Outstanding Run for the Cure Volunteer Award Corporate Commitment Award Group Volunteer Award

Brian Crookes Brenda Moon Heather Webber Krista Moroz, Southcentre Mall Olds Curves

The Region’s Rural Partnerships Program consists of fundraising events planned and executed by external groups in support of the Region. These fundraising events and initiatives support the Region’s goal of continuously exploring new opportunities to involve rural communities and new demographics in our Foundation’s activities.

w inni p e g Outstanding Leadership Award Outstanding Volunteer Award Corporate Commitment Award Group Volunteer Award Voice of the Future Award


Sue Poole Katherine Langlotz Ace Burpee, Hot 103 Curves for a Cure Day Relay Katrina Mazza


Champions for the Cause

C o r p o r at e Pa r t ne r s Community orientated organizations play an integral role in raising funds for, and increasing awareness of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. Corporations give to the Prairies/NWT Region by making donations,

cibc participating in employee giving and matching programs, hosting fundraising and awareness events, and providing in-kind goods and services. Highlights of the 2008/09 fiscal year include:

c a n a d a s a f e way Canada Safeway is an exemplary corporate partner of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. Through their annual in-store campaign during the month of October, employees, customers and vendors in 222 stores have raised over $4 million for breast cancer research and community projects since 2006. In addition to the significant funds raised, Canada Safeway believes strongly in teaming up with the Foundation to promote breast health awareness to its customers and partners. Part of their commitment each year includes printing health messaging on over 2 million Safeway brand milk cartons each October. Additionally, in the summer of 2008 nearly 200,000 breast health information cards titled “It’s about more than a lump” were mailed to households across western Canada informing recipients of risk reduction practices and signs and symptoms to watch for in an effort to detect breast cancer early. Canada Safeway furthered their support of the Region in the summer of 2008 by becoming a supporting sponsor of the inaugural Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Prairies/NWT Region TELUS Tour for the Cure.

As title sponsor of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure since 1997 and the Prairies/NWT Region Youth Strategy Program since 2008, CIBC and its employees take an active role in supporting the work of the Foundation year-round. CIBC’s first involvement with the Run was initiated by a small, but passionate group of employees in Vancouver who came out to support the cause and make a difference for individuals diagnosed with breast cancer. Since 1992, CIBC employees and volunteers have helped raise a significant $19 million across the country for the Foundation through the collection of pledges and the sale of custom made pink products at CIBC branches across the country in the weeks leading up to the Run each year. Team CIBC is led by a group of volunteer “Run Champions” who are responsible for registering their local CIBC team, encouraging fundraising by team members, promoting the sale of CIBC pink products, training branch employees on donation procedures and being a part of the local volunteer Run organizing committee. Committed to the success of the Foundation nationally and regionally, 2008 marked the inaugural year of CIBC’s sponsorship of the Prairies/NWT Region’s Youth Strategy Program, specifically designed to encourage youth to become active participants in fundraising and in their breast health.

t el u s In the fall of 2008, through the generous financial and in-kind support of Canada Safeway, the Prairies/NWT Region was able to host the firstever Breast Cancer “Lunch & Learn” in Winnipeg and “Breast Cancer Spotlight” in Calgary - events dedicated to inform attendees about breast health and breast cancer, as well as advancements in detection, treatment and care of breast cancer over the last 25 years. Canada Safeway continues to grow their partnership by providing the Prairies/NWT Region with in-kind services and goods from their deli and floral departments. These contributions help reduce costs, allowing more funds to be targeted to research and education.


At TELUS the motto is, “We give where we live,” meaning that TELUS believes in making a positive contribution to the communities where their employees and customers live and work by supporting causes that are affecting individuals in significant ways. In 2008, TELUS became the title sponsor of the Region’s first ever Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation — Prairies/NWT TELUS Tour for the Cure. TELUS has also been involved with the Foundation through their Day of Service – a day allocated for TELUS employees to volunteer. Last year, employees in both Edmonton and Calgary spent a whole day making thousands of pink satin ribbons to help raise awareness for the Foundation.


Champions for the Cause


c t v edm o n t o n

G o v e r nmen t o f Al b e r ta In 2008, the Government of Alberta partnered with the Prairies/NWT Region, TELUS and supporting sponsor, Canada Safeway on the Region’s TELUS Tour for the Cure. In addition to providing financial support, subject matter experts from the Ministry of Health & Wellness and the Alberta Breast Cancer Screening Program were available to ensure that accurate and pertinent information was delivered. Through their assistance, thousands of brochures outlining critical information about breast cancer, breast health and breast cancer screening were made available to Albertans in 16 communities across the province.

CTV Edmonton’s dedication and in-kind contributions to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Prairies/NWT Region has been instrumental to the increased public awareness in recent years. CTV Edmonton’s generosity extends to many different avenues of the Region’s work, including the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure, the annual Mother’s Day Luncheon, and third party events such as Soaring with Song. The station’s contributions over the years have included: • P roduction and airing of public service announcements (PSAs) and In Touch segments featuring evening news anchors promoting attendance to fundraising events organized by the Region. • C ountless hours served by CTV Edmonton staff and anchors to emcee Region led events. • L ive broadcasts and tremendous news coverage of Prairies/NWT events through the year.

f ield s Fields has been in partnership with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation since 2003. With a growing number of locations across Canada, Fields is a small format, extreme value retail chain with 195 stores. They have raised over $600,000 for the Foundation through point-of-sale campaigns, staff supported fundraising events and vendor relationships, and have been champions in promoting breast health and breast cancer awareness throughout stores in BC, the Prairies and Ontario.

• T he development of Team Carrie, who in 2008, won the award for Top Fundraising Community Team at the Edmonton Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure.

1 02 . 3

clear fm

/ 92


The family radio station of 102.3 CLEAR FM and 92 CITI in Winnipeg exemplify the meaning of corporate stewardship with their involvement with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Prairies/NWT Region. Some highlights of this partnership include: • P roduction and airing of public service announcements (PSAs), live liners, creative commercials and other promotions related to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure, Batting Against Breast Cancer and the Region’s “What Really Matters” campaign. • T he support and generosity of radio personalities and staff at the stations who have acted as emcees, spokespeople and ambassadors of the Foundation. • C ountless volunteer hours contributed by staff members in leadership positions required to plan and execute the Run in Winnipeg.



The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation

o u r mi s s i o n

o u r va l u e s

As the leading national volunteer-based organization dedicated to creating a future without breast cancer, the Foundation works collaboratively to fund, support and advocate for:

In the realization of our vision and mission, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation will serve as:

• Relevant and innovative research,

• An effective advocate: Demonstrating our commitment to those living with and touched by breast cancer, voicing the need for a positive quality of life, today and in the future.

• Meaningful education and awareness programs, • Early diagnosis and effective treatment; and • A positive quality of life for those living with breast cancer.

• A trusted leader: Promoting the highest values, principles and practices to ensure accountability and effectiveness. • A respectful partner: Collaborating with donors and sponsors, working within a network of organizations involved in the issue of breast cancer, actively engaging volunteers, including survivors, to ensure that we maximize our impact and work effectively together for the cause. • A resourceful catalyst: Promoting innovation and supporting meaningful and relevant work in research and programs, from prevention to palliation.


C o n ta c t U s

Edmonton Office 700, 10665 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 3S9 Tel: 780-452-1166 Fax: 780-451-6554 Toll Free: 1-866-302-2223

Calgary Office 430, 1324 17th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2T 5S8 Tel: 403-209-2233 Fax: 403-209-2366

Winnipeg Office 304, 1 Wesley Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3C 4C6 Tel: 204-231-4885 Fax: 204-231-4910 Toll Free: 1-866-267-3948

w w w. c b c f. o r g / p r a i r ie s n w t

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