12/13 BC/Yukon Annual Report

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Creating a Future Without Breast Cancer



Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2012 Medal Recipients

The Grand Finale René Syler Inspires at the 20th annual Awareness Day

Get Pink’d! Fundraising gains momentum as the program launches nationwide

Dragon Boat Grant Recipients

Passion for Paddling Beyond the Lab An interactive evening of conversation

Breast Health on the Go Bringing breast health education to your community

Faces of Tomorrow


Inspiring the next generation of researchers




Creating a future without breast cancer. MISSION

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation is Canada’s leading community-driven breast cancer charity dedicated to: • funding relevant and innovative research and • supporting and advocating for the breast cancer community. VALUES

EDITOR Janet Mitchell WRITER Sydney Nusbaum DESIGNER Manna Wescott CONTRIBUTOR Marieke van der Velden REGIONAL OFFICE

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation is committed to advancing its vision and undertaking its work with: Passion


We are passionate about the work we do and the role we play in advocating for the breast cancer community. Our dedication to the cause inspires us to work effectively and continuously evolve to achieve the greatest impact.

We are committed to serving as a trusted leader in the breast cancer community. As a resource in the areas of breast health and breast cancer, our positions will always be informed, evidence-based and forward-thinking.



We are ethical, accountable and transparent in the work we do. We are continually striving to ensure that donors and the public can remain confident that their dollars are used wisely in carrying out our vision.

We recognize the invaluable contribution of our volunteers whose dedication, support and commitment make our work possible. Founded by a group of dedicated volunteers, we remain community-driven to this day.



We promote trust, collaboration and open communication to help create a positive community that maximizes the potential of all individuals. We strive to create an environment where problem solving and feedback are encouraged and valued.

We fund research and undertake initiatives that have the greatest impact and benefit for the breast cancer community. We are dedicated to leading the way in support of our vision of creating a future without breast cancer.

300-1090 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2N7 direct 604.683.2873 toll free 1.800.561.6111 fax 604.683.2860 email cbcfbc@cbcf.org www.cbcf.org/bcyukon Charitable Registration No. 12799 3608 RR0001 The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF) respects your privacy. We never sell, trade or loan your information to any other organization. We will use your information only for follow-up contact, statistical purposes and to process and recognize your donations. We disclose your information only to our own employees and agents and only to accomplish these purposes. If at any time you no longer wish to be contacted by CBCF, please call us at 1.800.561.6111 or email our privacy officer at BC_YKprivacy@ cbcf.org and we will be happy to remove you from our lists.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Message From the CEO & Board Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Research Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Community Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Small Initiative Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Donor Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2012 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipients . . . . . . . . . . 11 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The Grand Finale: René Syler inspires at the 20th annual Awareness Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



National Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Message from CIBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Cover Story: Faces of Tomorrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Bringing You the Experts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Research Highlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Dragon Boat Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Breast Health on the Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Volunteer Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Volunteer Award Winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Year of Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Community Event Highlights

Wine, Women & Woods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Pink Ribbon Charity Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Get Pink’d! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Champions for the Cause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Corporate Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Financial Information 2012/2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Our Generous Supporters

Individual & Corporate Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Community Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Planned Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Top BC Team Fundraisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

BC Volunteer Run Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

BC Determination Award Winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





PIVOTAL DEVELOPMENTS BC/Yukon at the forefront of game-changing research

Dear Friends,

On the subject of education and community initiatives, again in this report you’ll find out about Breast Health on the Go, Breast Health 101 It’s our great pleasure to reflect on the pivotal sessions and discover the work that’s being done in developments over the past year as we’ve made Haida Gwaii, on the Downtown East Side and in progress in a number of areas. From major develother communities across the province. opments in research, to focusing our education Given these developments, you may ask, what initiatives on prevention and early detection, it’s does a future without breast cancer mean to us? been a significant year for the Canadian Breast Looking back on how we have evolved over Cancer Foundation – BC/Yukon Region (CBCF). the past 20 years, we’ve made leaps and bounds As leaders in the cause, we have a responsiin early detection through the bility to our stakeholders and development and implemencommunity to continue to learn tation of digital technology. and evolve. We also place high “ADVANCES ARE NOW importance on making informed, HAPPENING QUICKLY, AND Significant progress has been achieved on lessening the burden thoughtful decisions in order to WE ARE PROUD, EACH of breast cancer treatment with remain relevant, and to deliver YEAR, TO BE MAKING the advent of personalized medithe best information about breast SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS cine and great strides have been cancer and breast health. In TOWARDS OUR VISION” taken in educating the commudoing so, we’re proud to focus nity on breast cancer prevention our efforts not only on research, and risk reduction. but also to commit ourselves to programs in Looking ahead, we see a future where targeted education and community initiatives. therapies will allow for different women to On the research front, here in the BC/Yukon receive individualized treatment regimens Region, we are extremely privileged to be at specific to their diagnoses. We also see our young the forefront of game-changing breast cancer scientists and clinicians of today who are leading research developments on an international scale. the charge as experts in their disciplines while This year alone, we were thrilled to share multiple mentoring the next generation of researchers. announcements regarding the groundbreaking We see a future where we can lessen the strain research of several leading CBCF medical research on our health care system by focusing efforts grantees. You’ll read about them (Dr. Sandra on prevention and risk reduction. Dunn and her lab, and Dr. Samuel Aparicio) and Advances are now happening quickly, and we their work in the pages of this report.


are proud, each year, to be making significant progress towards our vision of creating a future without breast cancer. Whether you are a partner, sponsor, donor, volunteer or participant in the CIBC Run for the Cure, your contributions are indeed making all the difference. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely,

Wendy Slavin, CEO, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – BC/Yukon Region

Joan Chambers, Board Chair, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – BC/Yukon Region

TOP: CEO, Wendy Slavin addresses the crowd; MIDDLE: left to right, Board Chair, Joan Chambers, Past Chair, Susan Ewanick and board member Wendi Campbell; BOTTOM: Dr. Sandra Dunn with Joan Chambers.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 3



Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300,000 PROJECT: The role of retinoblastoma protein in HIF1-mediated breast cancer progression GOAL: To understand how low oxygen affects the progression of breast cancer tumours into metastatic or lethal variations.


University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200,000 PROJECT: Molecular targeting of BRCA1- mediated aberrant human mammary cell differentiation as a new therapeutic strategy in basal breast cancers GOAL: To develop safer, more specific therapies for breast cancers in young women by understanding and targeting differences in cell division between normal cells and cancer cells.


BC Cancer Agency, Victoria, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300,000 PROJECT: Targeting the breast cancer genome with personalized therapeutic vaccines GOAL: To develop personalized vaccines that will trigger a potent immune response against the mutations found in a patient’s tumour.


BC Cancer Agency, Victoria, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $185,230 PROJECT: Prospective evaluation of breast conserving surgery without adjuvant radiotherapy in Luminal A breast cancer: a personalized approach to defining low-risk patient subsets GOAL: To identify women with a very low risk of local recurrence after breast conserving surgery who could safely avoid breast radiotherapy, thus providing a more personalized approach to the local management for women with breast cancer.


BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $151,214 PROJECT: Long-term income and employment among breast cancer survivors in British Columbia GOAL: To use linked populationbased registries, clinical datasets and administrative tax data to measure and describe the effects of breast cancer on women’s income and employment, and to determine what patient, tumour and treatment characteristics predict variations in income and employment for these women.



University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus, Kelowna, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $96,235 PROJECT: Vascular-ventricular coupling following anthracycline-containing chemotherapy in operable breast cancer GOAL: To better understand the development of cardiovascular disease after chemotherapy treatment, and identify early signs of dysfunction.


BC Cancer Agency, Victoria, BC AWARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $87,946 PROJECT: Symptomatic brachial plexopathy in patients treated with hypofractionated, compared to conventional fractionated, nodal radiation therapy in the modern era of CT based RT planning


BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, BC AWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $43,053 PROJECT: Targeting breast cancer metastasis and premetastatic niche development through Carbonic Anhydrase IX inhibition These CBCF Fellowships are presented by Nite of Hope™


University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC AWARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $104,000 PROJECT: Role of pCav1 and PKM2 in breast cancer progression


University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC AWARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $87,946 PROJECT: Breast reconstruction in the young BRCA Mutation + Patient: Does wait time to mastectomy with breast reconstruction increase the incidence of breast cancer?


University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus, Kelowna, BC AWARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 PROJECT: Utilizing consumer graphics hardware to improve the performance of breast cancer microsimulations SUPERVISOR: Dr. Rasika Rajapakshe, BC Cancer Agency Center for the Southern Interior





University of British Columbia (4th year undergraduate) Vancouver, BC AWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 SUPERVISOR: Dr. Kevin Bennewith, Integrative Oncology, BCCA Research Centre

University of Victoria (3rd year undergraduate), Victoria, BC AWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 SUPERVISOR: Dr. Pauline Truong, Radiation Oncology, BCCA Vancouver Island

University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus (4th year undergraduate), Kelowna, BC AWARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 SUPERVISOR: Dr. Rasika Rajapakshe, Medical Physics, BCCA Southern Interior

University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus (4th year undergraduate), Kelowna, BC AWARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 SUPERVISOR: Dr. Cynthia Araujo, Medical Physics, BCCA Southern Interior

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 5

COMMUNITY GRANTS This program provides seed funding for small communitybased health projects and initiatives that respond to local and provincial breast cancer needs. Requests for up to $50,000 for one or two years are accepted annually. Congratulations to this year’s recipients!

PROJECTS Investigating Bottlenecks and Barriers to Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Service Delivery and Survivorship Care in Rural Aboriginal Communities

University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC (& Haida Gwaii community) FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,982 This project will evaluate the coordination of cancer diagnosis and care in Haida Gwaii, as well as explore potential barriers to early detection, treatment and survivor care. It is a collaboration between the BC Cancer Agency, the Northern Health Authority, the University of British Columbia’s Northern Medical Program, the University of Northern British Columbia, the Skidegate Health Centre and Haida Gwaii Cancer Care.

Mobile Mammogram Clinic for Women in the Downtown Eastside

Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre Association, Vancouver, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,452 The Mobile Mammogram Clinic provides support for vulnerable low-income women in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. In coordination with the BC Cancer Agency Mobile Mammography Program, two sessions are scheduled over the next two years. The funds from CBCF will assist in the promotion of the program, providing

meals and transportation for participants, providing training for peer facilitators, supporting participants identified for follow up appointments and preparing and delivering specific healthrelated educational materials, workshops and training.

The Encore Breast Cancer Exercise Recovery Program (ENCORE)

YMCA-YWCA of Greater Victoria FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,318 Encore Breast Cancer Exercise Recovery is a gentle exercise program created by medical specialists for women who have experienced breast cancer. Encore is an eight-week program of specifically-designed land and hydrotherapy exercise intended to improve movement and flexibility. Offered in a supportive, non-medical environment, all sessions include exercise, discussion led by guest speakers, as well as time for relaxation and information sharing over light refreshments.

Keeping Abreast of Cancer Knowledge: Promoting Breast Health in the Musqueam Community

Musqueam Indian Band, Vancouver, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $48,570 Keeping Abreast of Cancer Knowledge is a communitybased, culturally appropriate project designed to promote breast health awareness and the importance of early detection


and screening. The project seeks to empower First Nations women with the knowledge and skills they need to pursue a future without breast cancer.

Improving the Patient Experience

Screening Mammography Program of BC, Vancouver, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,250 The patient experience at the time of the examination is a key component of retention for the Screening Mammography Program (SMP). This project will engage SMP technologists by participating in a working group to assess their delivery of this important service. The patient experience at the time of the examination will also be surveyed so all aspects of it can be addressed to help improve retention at each centre.

Northern BioBank

Business Plan Writer, Prince George, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,200 The Northern BioBank Initiative (NBI) is a platform that intends to bridge a persistent and enlarging gap in access to genomic research for cancer patients in the northern, rural and Aboriginal populations in British Columbia. With the opportunity to participate in the NBI, a patient’s malignant tumour that is biopsied and/or excised within the Northern Health Authority will now be able to be processed, stored in conjunction with annotated clinical data, and subsequently provided to researchers who request access. This will enable researchers to further their knowledge and understanding of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of malignancies. While this may seem to be standard protocol for

SMALL INITIATIVE FUND This program provides funding for small scale community initiatives in breast cancer and breast health education and awareness. Requests for up to $5,000 are accepted on an ongoing basis. Volunteer/Champion Engagement and Recognition

Screening Mammography Program of BC, Vancouver, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 The Screening Mammography Program of BC relies each year upon hundreds of volunteers and community champions to support the visits of the mobile mammography unit as it travels to rural and underserved communities around the province. This funding will enable the development of a working group to determine the best way to engage and recognize this critical group of screening supporters and implement a recognition program.

those treated in metropolitan sites, such opportunities are not provided to our northern populations in Canada.

The Miles Between Us: Breast Cancer Screening for Aboriginal Communities in Northern British Columbia

Prince George, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,700 This project is intended to identify the barriers to participating in breast cancer screening initiatives for Aboriginal people living in rural, remote and northern communities. Recommendations will be provided to help inform policy makers and stakeholders in increasing the uptake of breast cancer screening initiatives.

Screening Mammography Program of BC Forum

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,240 The Screening Mammography Program of BC provides a oneday annual learning forum for professional development and team building opportunities to affiliated radiologists, mammography technologists, and other interested medical professionals and researchers. CBCF offered Gold Level sponsorship to the forum, which included exhibitor opportunities, workshop attendance and overall conference support.

Breast Fest 2012 Rethink Breast Cancer

BC Participant FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,950 Breast Fest is the world’s first film and arts festival dedicated to breast cancer education and awareness. The annual three-day event was held in Toronto in November 2012 and showcased film, arts and comedy that spanned the emotional spectrum and provided a forum for discussing the many issues related to breast cancer. CBCF funded one young breast cancer survivor from British Columbia to attend the event through the travel subsidy program.

The Team Shan Breast Cancer Awareness for Young Women in British Columbia - College and University Campus Visits Project

Various locations across BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 Team Shan is a national charity dedicated to raising awareness that breast cancer is not just a disease of older women. Team Shan’s purpose is to educate the public, health care professionals and young women about early detection, risk reduction and prevention of breast cancer. This project provided the opportunity for Team Shan to meet with student health services staff and share Team Shan print materials on thirteen post-secondary school campuses across Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland.

Building Capacity for Breast Cancer Research with Marginalized Populations

University of Northern British Columbia - Prince George, BC FUNDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,000 The project provided three students who work with breast cancer researchers in BC the opportunity to attend the Summer Institute course at the Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for American Indian Health in July 2012. The funding gave the students access to this world-renowned program, teaching research fundamentals through an Indigenous lens – a perspective missing all too often in cancer research in Canada.

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MartinDonner LEADERSHIP GIVING “The more I give, the more I have” is the philosophy that has fueled Martin Donner’s philanthropic passion throughout his adult life. As a father of four, brother to two, grandparent of four

passing of his mother from cancer 15 years later. “I wish I could have spent more time with them,” says Martin. Martin is one of eleven first cousins, six of whom have had cancer. Three of those six had breast cancer, including one of his sisters. One of Martin’s first cousins died of cancer. Martin himself is a ten year cancer survivor. While Martin has always helped various cancer causes, it



and loving husband, Martin is devoted to his family in every way. Although his thoroughly positive outlook may suggest a charmed and worry-free life for Martin, a lawyer and native Vancouverite, in reality, Martin has experienced considerable loss and hardship. Cancer struck early and often in Martin’s life. At 53, his father died of cancer, followed by the

was his sister’s breast cancer in 1998 that lead to his commitment to the breast cancer cause, to which he has contributed significantly in addition to many other valuable philanthropic initiatives. Martin’s initial involvement with CBCF was through the Nite of Hope™ Richmond gala, where his “asks” have so far brought in over $200,000. He says, “I try to inspire people to donate.” The first time Martin did his “ask,” he asked the audience to merely match the


$2,000 he and a friend had put up. His powerful “ask” moved one woman to give the $2,000 herself. After 12 years of involvement with Nite of Hope™, Martin continues to assist with fundraising for CBCF. He also believes that in order to successfully fundraise, you need a fresh approach from time to time. Thus was born Martin’s Request – a new initiative in support of CBCF. Martin, with the help of friends and colleagues, is raising $50,000 to help create a world where mothers, sisters, daughters and wives will no longer fear being told “you have breast cancer.” You can learn about his new campaign at martinsrequest.com. For those considering taking a leadership role in fundraising, Martin offers these words of wisdom: “It is an honour to help raise money for CBCF and other worthy causes. By giving of our time and money, we are helping the world become a better place, not just for ourselves, but also for future generations.” To find out more about leadership giving, please email cbcfbc@ cbcf.org or call 1.800.561.6111.

Judi Miller Knapp Judi Miller Knapp was only 25 years old when she lost her mother to breast cancer. After experiencing a loss of that magnitude, Judi knew her life would never be the same. “Even simple things, like picking up the phone and

ABOVE: Judi Miller Knapp with her husband, Don Knapp.

asking my mother for a recipe – I just wasn’t able to do that,” comments Judi. Judi moved to Vancouver a few years later, hoping for a fresh start. But within a year, she


was struck with the devastating news that her dear sister-in-law, Debbie, was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer at the age of 30. A Summer Games athlete and outdoor enthusiast, Debbie was the picture of health. It wasn’t long after her diagnosis that Debbie tragically passed away from the disease. “The shock of losing Debbie on the heels of my mother’s passing reinforced the fact that I hadn’t properly grieved the loss of my mom. As it all sunk in, it hit me with a double-whammy.” To get through the difficult grieving process, it became clear that Judi had to do something. Thus was born Nite of Hope™ Richmond. Turn to page 26 to read more about this tremendously successful event. “If you’ve been lucky in life, it’s important to be able to give what you can, when you can,” says Miller Knapp.

The process of re-writing her will after her recent marriage allowed Judi to consider legacy giving in support of the Foundation. “Legacy giving in support of CBCF filled me with a sense of hope. I dream that my legacy will provide a sense of purpose as to why I lost two beautiful people in my life. I encourage others to take the time to realize what is important to them, and to consider legacy giving in support of a future without breast cancer.” We would like to thank all those who have had the foresight to make a bequest in their will. See page 41 for a list of those generous supporters. For more information on legacy giving, please email bclegacygiving@ cbcf.org or call 1.800.561.6111.

THE IMPORTANCE OF ESTATE PLANNING Are you considering including CBCF in your will? Don Knapp, a partner with Fulton & Company LLP, who specializes in estate planning and administration, shares why he recommends leaving a will that includes charitable giving.

“Leaving a will ensures that what is left of the result of a lifetime’s labour goes where you would like it to go. Without a will, the government will dictate how your estate will be divided. There is great personal reward in the simple act of giving to

charity, but there are also income tax advantages to making charitable gifts in a will. Charitable tax credits can be useful in easing the income tax burden, and with decreased or eliminated income tax payable, the gift giver’s charity of choice will benefit.”

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Barbara Hershberg MONTHLY GIVING

When asked what a future without breast cancer would mean to her, monthly donor Barbara Hershberg replied with a smile. “It would mean a lot of dancing in the streets.” Barbara has been passionate about giving back to the breast cancer cause since losing her mother to the disease when she was only 13 years old. Her experience was indeed life-changing, fuelling her drive to help change the face of the disease. Barbara’s mother, Betty, was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy at only 38 years old. Following the procedure Betty began to recover, and the test results indicated she was cancer-free. The celebrations didn’t last long when she fell ill once again, and was unable to care for her family; however the tests still indicated no trace of cancer. Betty was admitted to a mental institution and given shock treatments – the only solution the doctors could determine at that time. When the tests finally indicated cancer, it was too late. It had spread throughout her body. “In those days, the attitude was to shield young kids from

the tragedy,” says Barbara. “However I was able to see [my mother] at the end, and will never forget the experience. I got to say goodbye.” Barbara is now married with two daughters, two step daughters and five grandchildren. “As a grandparent,” comments

“FOR ME, SUPPORTING CBCF AS A MONTHLY DONOR WAS A NO-BRAINER.” Hershberg, “I realize the importance of spending as much time with family as possible. Time is precious.” Since she first moved to Vancouver from Seattle, Barbara has supported the work of CBCF as a monthly donor, as she is a strong believer in funding local initiatives.


“For me, supporting CBCF as a monthly donor was a no-brainer. Not only is it costefficient for the organization, but it’s simple and easy to set up automatic monthly donations.” Barbara’s generosity continues to support valuable research, prevention, and breast cancer education initiatives throughout the BC/Yukon Region. “Find a way to get involved,” says Barbara, “every little bit counts.” For more information on monthly giving, please email cbcfbc@cbcf.org or call 1.800.561.6111. ABOVE: Barbara Hersherg (pictured left) with photographs of her mother, Betty.



Judy, Paula& Debi What do CBCF BC/Yukon Region Founder Judy Caldwell, Clinical Professor of Radiology Dr. Paula Gordon, and Nite of Hope™ White Rock/South Surrey Co-Chair Debi Rumley all have in common? Aside from being highly accomplished women in their own right, they’re also the recipients of the 2012 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. The medals were awarded in recognition of their contributions, within BC communities, in the area of health care. Almost 80 other worthy recipients and their contributions were also recognized with this award in an inspiring ceremony led by Premier Christy Clark.

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal was created to mark the 2012 celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty’s accession to the throne. Recipients of the medal have played an important role in his/her province, territory, region or community within Canada, or have made significant achievements abroad that bring credit to Canada. Like Her Majesty, those recognized have dedicated themselves in service to their fellow citizens, communities and country. Congratulations to Judy, Paula and Debi on your inspiring achievements.

JUDY CALDWELL In 1992, a team of dedicated women gathered around the kitchen table in the home of Judy Caldwell. Judy had recently completed her treatment for breast cancer and saw the growing need for awareness, education and advocacy. She brought a group of volunteers together and around

that table the BC/Yukon Region of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation was born. Judy served as the BC/ Yukon Region’s first president and chaired its first Advocacy and Education committees. As vice-chair and chair of the CBCF National Communication Committee, she was a crucial force in establishing the organization’s nationwide profile and success.

DR. PAULA GORDON Dr. Gordon has been practicing advanced breast imaging and intervention in Vancouver for over 25 years. Currently Clinical Professor of Radiology at the University of British Columbia, Medical Director of the Breast Program at BC Women’s Hospital, Chair of the Academic Committee of the Screening Mammography Program of BC and a recognized international speaker on the subject of early detection, Dr. Gordon devotes her career to making a significant difference in the lives of women.

DEBI RUMLEY An 11 year breast cancer survivor, Debi Rumley is devoted to changing the face of the disease. As Founder and Co-Chair of the annual breast cancer fundraiser, Nite of Hope™ White Rock/ South Surrey, Debi has proudly raised over $1.25 million over the past seven years with the support of many community partners. When she isn’t fundraising for CBCF, Debi is busy lending support to women in her community who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer.

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Thousands cross the finish line with purpose On the morning of Sunday, September 30th, breast cancer survivors, their families, friends and supporters ran for a future without breast cancer by participating in the annual Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure. In the eight Run sites across BC, the 21st annual event saw 22,000 participants who walked or ran the 5 km or 1 km route. The day brought a sense of hope, inspiration and camaraderie to the participants, who contributed to a fundraising total of $3.15 million in BC as of Run day 2012. All funds raised support initiatives in prevention, early detection, treatment, research and emerging issues in the health care workforce. “The countless hours spent organizing this event and the funds raised show the passion that unites our supporters to not only change the face of breast cancer, but further our understanding of it. We are so extremely grateful to all of our supporters and participants,” said Joan Chambers, Board Chair, CBCF BC/ Yukon Region. Nationwide, participants in 60 communities raised a total of over $30 million. Director of the CIBC Run for the Cure, Talea Pecora, commended the


volunteers who made the event possible. “The ongoing success of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is attributed to thousands of dedicated volunteers who commit time, energy and resources to the cause. For them, this isn’t about a one-day event with thousands of participants. This is one step in the journey towards a future when no one need fear a diagnosis of breast cancer.” For the first time, each Run site in BC hosted a survivor parade to celebrate and honour those diagnosed, living with breast cancer, going through treatment, and to remember those who have died from the disease. It didn’t matter which site in BC you attended, the procession of survivors ignited an emotionally powerful atmosphere, reminding all in attendance of the value of their participation and support for the cause. For many participants, it’s the emotional connection brought out by the event that inspires participation each year. One runner commented, “Interacting with other runners, walkers, and supporters makes me realize that each individual has a story, a reason for being there on Run day. This disease affects so many, yet the tens of thousands here today haven’t lost hope for a future without breast cancer. We won’t stop running until we get there.” Fundraising for the 2013 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure on October 6, 2013 will continue until October 31st at www.runforthecure.com. Save the date: Sunday, October 5, 2014.


René Syler inspires at the 20th annual Awareness Day The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver was aglow in silver and white on May 3rd, 2012, as CBCF celebrated its 20th annual Awareness Day Luncheon. The stage was set for a beautiful event, with the BC Ballroom attracting over 500 corporate and community supporters from across the Lower Mainland. As guests took their seats, they were welcomed by the angelic vocal talents of local singersongwriter Will Blunderfield, who opened the luncheon by performing his “Pink Ribbon Remix” rendition of “Amazing Grace,” featuring recorded duet vocals by Bif Naked. In true Awareness Day tradition, the event was emceed by the highly recognized duo, CTV’s Tamara Taggart and The Vancouver Sun’s Valerie Casselton. The program also featured guest health speaker, BC Cancer Agency Oncologist, Dr. Stephen Chia, who serves as Chair of the BC Cancer Agency Breast Tumour Group,

Assistant Professor of Medicine at UBC and chair of the Treatment Working Group as part of CBCF’s 2020 Task Force. Keynote speaker René Syler captured the hearts and spirits of the audience with her inspiring address, themed “The ten things I gained by losing my breasts.” Former CBS Morning Show news anchor, author and mother, René believes passionately in finding your voice and living by your own standards. As the daughter of two breast cancer survivors, she underwent a highly-publicized, preventive mastectomy in 2007. René now works tirelessly to promote early detection and travels the country speaking about health issues, modern parenting and the importance of putting yourself first. Awareness Day was proudly presented by CIBC and sponsored by Silver Sponsors, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Hoffmann-La Roche; Bronze Sponsors, AstraZeneca, Certified General Accountants

Association of British Columbia, Dianes Lingerie, GlaxoSmithKline, UMC Charity; and Media Sponsors, CTV and The Vancouver Sun. In its 20th and final year, the event was a great success, with a fundraising total of over $145,000 raised in support of breast cancer research, awareness and education programs in BC. CBCF extends many thanks to Event Chair and Board Member Lenora Gates and volunteer committee members Catherine Mackenzie (décor) and Roshanac Heed (marketplace). Thank you to all who attended and supported the event this year and throughout its twenty-year history. It’s your support that has moved us forward, beyond awareness. We will now shift our focus to realizing the key projects identified by our 2020 Task Force and we want you onboard to help reach our vision of creating a future without breast cancer.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 13


NATIONAL GRANTS PROGRAM The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation transforms the passion and commitment of our community into meaningful change. We’re proud to be the largest non-government funder of breast cancer research, thanks to your support. We hope you share that pride. Our research grants fund safe, portable and cost effective high-impact research at both imaging technique. the national and regional On these pages, you can also level. In 2012, the Foundasee highlights of recent regional tion provided research grants. $3.2 million in Together, through national grant the funding of “YOUR SUPPORT funding to eight research projIS BRINGING US innovative projCLOSER TO REALIZING ects at both the ects focused on national and OUR VISION” advancing new regional level, technologies for we are able to detecting cancer at its earliest support the best and brightest stages, — everything from researchers from across the exploring the potential of 3D country. We also fund health digital tomosynthesis as a more education and advocacy precise screening tool, to examprograms at the community ining “spintronic” microwave level to meet the distinct needs image sensing as a comfortable, of the diverse country we serve.


As you can see from these stories, your support is bringing us closer to realizing our vision of creating a future without breast cancer. Deborah Dubenofsky Chair, National Board of Directors, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation


Dr. François Bénard 2012 National Grants Competition on Earlier Detection - Research Grantee BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver Centre, Vancouver, BC PROJECT TITLE Somatostatin Receptor Antagonists for Early Detection of Breast Cancer with Positron Emission Mammography



Dr. Raymond Reilly 2012 Ontario Region Grant Competition – Research Grantee University of Toronto, Toronto, ON PROJECT TITLE New Therapy for LocallyAdvanced Breast Cancer Using Gold Nanobombs

Dr. François Bénard’s research has been instrumental in applying a new process of making radioactive medicine without using aged nuclear reactors. For Canadian scientists, this development could go a long way toward solving the world’s shortage of medical isotopes, as it uses hospital cyclotrons to make the compounds and bypasses the need for reactors. Dr. Bénard’s research focuses on studying a new generation of radiotracers that target somatostatin receptors, molecules that are present in almost all breast cancers. Positron emission mammography (PEM) is a promising technology for detecting smaller breast cancers

at an early stage, but is limited by the imaging markers, or radiotracers, that currently miss up to 20 percent of tumours. This research holds promise for improving the early detection rate of breast cancer in women who are at high personal risk. Dr. François Bénard completed his MD and residency training at the Université de Sherbrooke, and a Research Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the Head of Nuclear Medicine and Professor in the Department of Radiology at the University of British Columbia (UBC), and holds the BC Leadership Chair in Functional Cancer Imaging at UBC and the BC Cancer Agency.

Dr. Reilly’s research aims to develop a new radiation treatment for patients whose breast cancer is locally advanced and has spread from the breast to nearby tissue or lymph nodes, also known as Stage III breast cancer. Women with Stage III breast cancer have a lower survival rate (60-70%) than the 90% of women who survive when diagnosed before the cancer has spread. Currently, most Stage III breast cancer patients receive chemotherapy to reduce the tumour size, followed by surgery, radiation and additional treatments. Dr. Reilly is collaborating with

Dr. Jean-Philippe Pignol, a radiation oncologist at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre. Their goal is to develop a better method for post-surgery radiation using “gold nanobombs” — small particles of gold that target the tumour in three different ways, through antibodies, radiation treatment and chemotherapy — which would be injected at the surgery site to target and eradicate any residual cancer cells. If successful, this new radiation treatment could be a highly effective option, having little-to-no impact on healthy tissues, resulting in few side effects.

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Dr. Sambasivarao Damaraju University of Alberta and Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, AB PROJECT TITLE The Role of DNA Repair Genes in Breast Cancer Susceptibility in Populations: Discovery and Validation of Markers of Prognostic and Predictive Value from Genome Association Studies

Discovering a genetic marker for breast cancer recurrence could renew hope for patients and families. You’ve survived breast cancer only to have it come back, and now the disease is more aggressive and may be resistant to treatment. This frightening scenario is faced by numerous women. But the discovery of a genetic marker that predicts the risk of recurrence is a beacon of hope for the future. Dr. Sambasivarao Damaraju, a professor with the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta and the Cross Cancer Institute, and his team tested the DNA of 369

women in Alberta diagnosed with good prognosis breast cancer (called Luminal A) and discovered the marker. Because Luminal A breast cancers tend to have a good survival rate, they are not treated with the aggressive treatments used for other types of breast cancer. For 15 to 20 percent, however, the cancer recurs and is fatal. Dr. Damaraju is conducting a second study with a sample of 2,000 patients to reconfirm the findings. His team is also researching if markers identified for good prognosis breast cancer also serve as prognostic markers for other more aggressive forms.

Dr. David Hoskin, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Atlantic Region Endowed Chair in Breast Cancer Research, based at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS, recently discovered that piperine — from the spice black pepper — is able to trigger cell death in breast cancer cells, while not harming healthy cells. Together with his team, Dr. Hoskin is now

working to determine how piperine kills triple-negative breast cancer cells and prevents their spread. Triple-negative breast cancers are an aggressive and difficult-to-treat form of the disease. Ultimately, Dr. Hoskin’s work will provide a basis for the possible use of piperine in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer caused by triple-negative breast cancer cells.


Dr. David Hoskin Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS PROJECT TITLE Cellular and Molecular Effects of the Dietary Photochemical Piperine on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells




Message from

The community of support for breast cancer is multi-faceted, consisting of individuals, families, extended groups of friends and caring corporate sponsors. For the last 20 years, CIBC has been a leader in this community and represents the gold standard for corporate support and employee volunteerism. As title sponsor of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure, CIBC has been a key partner in the success of the cause. It’s a relationship that dates back to 1992, when a small group of employees participated in the Run for the Cure, in support of a colleague who was experiencing breast cancer. That grassroots support led CIBC to become a national sponsor, and for the past 17 years, as title sponsor for the event. “Our involvement started because CIBC employees, passionate about creating a

future without breast cancer, rallied our company around the cause. Their leadership has served as an inspiration to all of us,” said Christina Kramer, Executive Vice-President of CIBC. “The CIBC Run for the Cure is now an important part of the fabric of our company, with 1 in 3 employees either participating or volunteering.” Since 1992, CIBC employees and volunteers have raised more than $33 million for CBCF. Team CIBC is led by a group of volunteer “Run Champions” who are responsible for team registration and fundraising promotion of the CIBC Pink CollectionTM CIBC ‘pink products’, training branch employees on donation procedures, and contributing to Run planning for each of the Run sites across the country. In mid September, CIBC declares “Think Pink Week” to create that final push for employee and customer registration and

fundraising. Special Think Pink events engage employees, provide a forum to share information regarding breast cancer, and celebrate the community that comes together to support those living with the disease. In 2012, an estimated 13,000 employees took part in the Run, along with their families and friends. This includes thousands of employees across Canada who volunteered their time to help make sure the event went off without a hitch. Team CIBC contributed more than $3 million to the cause in 2012. “We’re very proud that CIBC employees have helped build the largest single day event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer in Canada and providing hope and support to those living with breast cancer and their families,” said Ms. Kramer. “And, we are honoured to support CBCF in realizing its vision of creating a future without breast cancer.”

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 17


FacesOF TOMORROW Dr. Sandra Dunn inspires the next generation of researchers The future of breast cancer research in BC is full of promise and momentum, thanks to the budding talent of our province’s scientists. Here in BC, CBCF is proud to support young researchers through both the Fellowship and Studentship Grants

Programs to assist in propelling their professional development at the outset of their careers. Dr. Sandra Dunn, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia, co-chair of the BC/Yukon Research and Health Care


Advisory Committee and a member of the National Grants Committee is a shining example of the critical role leadership and mentorship play in the development of the next generation of researchers. CBCF Fellowship recipient, Kristen Reipas, began working

under Dr. Dunn’s leadership this year. “Sandi is truly an exceptional mentor and role model. For me, the most inspiring aspect of her mentorship is that she truly embodies what it means to be a compassionate researcher who is also a passionate patient advocate. She encourages all her trainees to engage in volunteer and outreach initiatives for breast cancer patients and families, and I think that really motivates us to keep our research goals patient-focused and full of impact.” Not only is the duo of CBCF-funded trainees Dr. Anna Stratford and Ms. Kristen

Reipas – grantees from two different research competitions – benefiting from the valuable leadership of Dr. Dunn, but their lab was also at the forefront of a groundbreaking research announcement this past year that will change the face of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) on an international scale.

Diagnosed in approximately 400,000 women worldwide, TNBC is considered the most difficult breast cancer subtype to treat due to a lack of effective therapies. The breakthrough research out of Dr. Dunn’s lab has identified a protein critical to the survival of TNBC patients. This has the potential to cure TNBC by targeting a protein called RSK2, which eliminates TNBC cells completely. The study, published June 5, 2012 in Stem Cells medical journal, reports that RSK2 inhibitors have the ability to kill all of the cells including cancer stem cells which give

research, Dr. Sandra Dunn feels that a future without breast cancer is well within our reach. “I can already see the changes that have come into play – everything from getting the word out regarding early detection, to diagnosis and treatment. When we look back in the rear-view mirror to reflect on where we’ve come in the past five to ten years, it’s a dream, really.” Dr. Sandra Dunn’s vast experience, coupled with her exceptional leadership of a bright and energetic team, reinforces the promise that BC will continue to foster the growth of leading science and scientists

OPPOSITE (L-R): Ms. Kristen Reipas, Dr. Sandra Dunn and Dr. Anna Stratford; ABOVE LEFT: Elaine Webb, CBCF’s Senior Director of Health Promotion and Communication with Dr. Dunn; ABOVE: Ms. Reipas and Dr. Stratford.

rise to cancer recurrence. This cutting-edge discovery will potentially personalize the treatment of TNBC around the world. Reflecting on this recent discovery and on her years of commitment to breast cancer

who will initiate a new wave of personalized medicine. “The next chapter of breast cancer research makes me believe anything is possible.”

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 19



VICTORIA Held in Victoria, this past October’s Ask an Expert event connected the public with Vancouver Island’s leading professionals in the fields of breast cancer and breast health, encouraging interactive discussion.

The event’s panel featured world-renowned researcher Dr. Peter Watson from the Trev and Joyce Deeley Research Centre/ BC Cancer Agency, who shared the latest information on breast cancer research; Dorothy Yada, Breast Health Patient Navigator from Victoria General Hospital, who covered the basics of breast health and cancer; and Jules Sesia, a breast cancer

survivor and stand-up comic, who concluded the evening by sharing her personal story. Following the presentations, the floor was opened to a question-and-answer period and discussion, providing the opportunity for attendees to gain clarity on breast cancer research, health, and to share their own personal experiences.


AN INTERACTIVE EVENING OF CONVERSATION Vancouver’s Waterfall Building was abuzz with conversation on the evening of March 13, 2013, as CBCF hosted the first-ever Beyond the Lab event. Special guests, researchers, CBCF board members and staff enjoyed an interactive format that brought to life the exceptional work that is currently being undertaken in BC’s breast cancer research community. Inside the unique venue were five stations, each facilitated by a CBCF-funded researcher and hosted by CBCF staff members.

Guests were invited to ask questions and engage in conversation directly with the researchers. Throughout the evening groups moved between stations learning about a variety of projects, from the development of more targeted therapies, to analyzing the effects of breast cancer on a woman’s future income and employment. CBCF was honoured to celebrate the research of the 2012-2013 CBCF-funded Research and Fellowship Grant recipients, to whom the


Foundation has awarded over $1,500,000 this year. Following the evening’s program, a special plaque was presented to these medical research grantees, as well as to the 2012 Research Fellows and Studentship recipients and to Dr. François Bénard, a BC-based researcher who was a recipient of CBCF’s National Grant Competition. Since 1993, the BC/Yukon Region has invested over $16 million in research and community-based initiatives through its many grants awarded across the Region.


DR. SAMUEL APARICIO MAKES WAVES IN GENETIC DECODING Dr. Samuel Aparicio is a name many may recognize from scientific publications or even from the news of late. This has been a significant year for the CBCF-funded researcher, whose lab has made two considerable discoveries in breast cancer genetics. In April 2012, a breakthrough was announced that involved decoding the genetic makeup of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). The study, published in the international journal, Nature, shares the research led by Dr. Samuel Aparicio of the BC Cancer Agency, and Dr. Marco Marra, director of the Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre at the BC Cancer Agency. Also on the team was CBCF-funded fellow, Dr. Sohrab Shah. Triple-negative breast cancer is currently treated as a single disease, yet it’s clear from this study that patients’ tumours vary drastically in the cancer’s development. Currently, triplenegative breast cancer accounts for 16 per cent of all breast cancer diagnoses and approximately 25 per cent of breast cancer deaths. The research results could lead to more effective treatment of the disease. “What’s extremely motivating

with these findings,” comments Dr. Aparicio, “is the opportunity to design clinical trials for patients with triple-negative breast cancer so we can explore patient responses to treatment at the genetic level and look at ways to improve therapies and outcomes for patients.” Only one week following this discovery, Dr. Aparicio published a landmark global study that reclassified breast cancer into 10 completely new categories based on the genetic fingerprint of a tumour. Many

“THE SHEER NUMBER OF TUMOURS MAPPED ALLOWED RESEARCHERS TO SPOT NEW PATTERNS” of these genes could offer much-needed insight into breast cancer biology, allowing doctors to predict whether a tumour will respond to a particular treatment, whether the tumour is likely to spread to other parts of the body or if it is likely to return following treatment. The team at the BC Cancer Agency, in collaboration with Cancer Research UK’s Cambridge Research Institute and the Manitoba Institute of

Cell Biology at the University of Manitoba, analyzed the DNA and RNA of 2,000 tumour samples taken from women diagnosed with breast cancer between five and 10 years ago. The sheer number of tumours mapped allowed researchers to spot new patterns in the data and make the important discoveries detailed in the study. “The size of this study is unprecedented and provides insights into the disease such as the role of immune response, which will stimulate other avenues of research,” comments Dr. Aparicio. Dr. Samuel Aparicio is the Nan & Lorraine Robertson Chair in Breast Cancer Research and a Canada Research Chair in Molecular Oncology at the University of British Columbia and the BC Cancer Agency in Vancouver. He is also Head of the BCCA’s Department of Breast and Molecular Oncology, and a Professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UBC.

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PASSION FOR PADDLING Survivors find strength, support & friendship on the water To celebrate that women can lead healthy and active lives after breast cancer, CBCF’s BC/ Yukon Region awarded a total of $58,000 to 23 dragon boat breast cancer survivor teams in BC for the 2012 season. The region has supported dragon boat teams for 15 years. The dragon boat movement for breast cancer survivors began in 1996 as the result of a study led by Dr. Don McKenzie, Professor of Sports Medicine at the University of British Columbia. Dr. McKenzie set out to investigate the link between upper body exercise and the development of lymphedema in women with breast cancer. Lymphedema is the significant swelling some women experience due to accumulation of fluid in the arm and chest after the removal of lymph nodes for the treatment of breast cancer. Twenty-four women, all with a history of breast cancer, volunteered for Dr. McKenzie’s research project and began training as dragon boaters. At the conclusion of the study, Dr. McKenzie found that despite

rigorous repetitive upper-body exercise, which dragon boating requires, no new cases of lymphedema occurred and none of the existing cases progressed. In addition, the women who participated showed a marked

improvement in both physical and mental health. From this initial project in Vancouver, an international movement of breast cancer survivor dragon boat teams has evolved.

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – BC/Yukon Region is proud to announce the 2012 Dragon Boat Grants: Abreast In A Boat (7 boats) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lower Mainland Abreast in the Rockies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cranbrook Abreast of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Central Vancouver Island Angels Abreast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nanaimo BraveHearts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Campbell River Buoyant Buddies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vernon Bust’n Loose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelowna Dragon Divas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cowichan Valley Friends Abreast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shuswap Hope Afloat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comox Valley Island Breaststrokers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Victoria Kootenay Rhythm Dragons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nelson Kootenay Robusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Castlegar NorthBreast Passage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prince George North Shore Dragon Busters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Vancouver Paddling For Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Powell River Pink Pistons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shuswap Rainbow Warriors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prince Rupert River Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Campbell River Spirit Abreast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fraser Valley Sunshine Dragons Abreast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunshine Coast Spirit Warriors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kamloops Survivorship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South Okanagan


BRINGING BREAST HEALTH EDUCATION TO YOUR COMMUNITY Breast Health on the Go is a program designed to provide breast health information, with the intention of educating the public about breast cancer and risk factors for the disease. Two primary initiatives, Breast Health 101 and Dragon Boat Health Ambassadors, make up the program along with CBCF’s regular attendance at health fairs and community events.

DRAGON BOAT HEALTH AMBASSADORS Breast cancer survivor dragon boat teams across BC are proudly joining forces with CBCF to share valuable breast health information by acting as ambassadors in their local communities. CBCF has been a strong supporter from the inception of the first breast cancer survivor dragon boat team. Now the teams, across BC, are doing their part, where they live and compete by providing breast health information at events that they attend. The Breast Health on the Go program provides them with a breast health toolkit containing information and hand-outs to use at fairs, festivals and other community events. These breast health ambassadors are working hard to deliver important health information in this pilot project. And, of course, who could be better ambassadors for the cause than breast cancer survivors themselves?

BREAST HEALTH 101 CBCF provides a free, informative one-hour educational opportunity delivered by a CBCF representative to groups of women, men or both called Breast Health 101. Not only does the program, proudly supported by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Certified General Accountants of BC, inform one about and encourage proactive breast cancer risk reduction, it’s also a chance to talk about breast health, early detection, mammograms, as well as dispel common myths about breast cancer and its causes. Each session is straightforward and informative, while at the same time light-hearted. By combining engaging subject matter with stories of personal experience, the presentations are always well-received by their audiences. One participant commented, “This session was not embarrassing, offensive or lecturing. In fact, it was the exact opposite; it was motivating. I would absolutely recommend this session as a value-add to employees at any company.” For more information or to schedule a Breast Health 101 session, email bchealthinfo@cbcf.org.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 23


Celebrating OUR VOLUNTEERS At CBCF, our volunteers make up the fabric of our organization. We’re proud to recognize all of the incredible volunteers in the BC/Yukon Region who demonstrate exceptional commitment, service, creativity and leadership in their work with us. Learn about what our volunteers do behind the scenes… Caroline Dunn

Maureen Gales

Audrey Braithwaite

Board Member

Office Volunteer

Survivor Speaker

As a CBCF Board Member of three years, Caroline Dunn is the Chair of the BC/Yukon Region’s Audit, Finance and Investment Committee and also represents CBCF on this committee at the national level. In addition, Caroline is a member of the CBCF Governance and Nominating Committee and has made significant contributions to the Foundation’s bylaws and governance documents. On Run day, Caroline is always present as a representative of the Foundation’s Board. We are very lucky to benefit from her talent and commitment.

Maureen Gales has been volunteering in the BC/ Yukon office since 2009, where she comes in each week to support a variety of work. On top of being a fabulous people person with a perpetual smile on her face, Maureen is willing to help out anywhere. The role of an office volunteer can range from telephone support, to facilitating mail outs, data entry, and inventory management. We are thrilled to have Maureen volunteer with us, as her passion for the cause shines through in everything she does.


A four-year breast cancer survivor, Audrey Braithwaite is an exceptional volunteer who contributes her time and energy to CBCF through many forms of involvement. Since her treatment, Audrey has volunteered at health fairs, at the Survivor Tent on Run day in Abbotsford and also represents CBCF as a survivor speaker for various events in the community.

Health Fair Volunteers

Many fantastic volunteers like Celia Xu, pictured above, dedicate their time to representing CBCF at health fairs across the province. Highlights of such a role include meeting survivors and those affected by breast cancer, educating people on breast health and risk reduction, and connecting with First Nations communities. One of the most significant rewards of being a health fair volunteer is experiencing how the information we share helps people to better understand their breast health and what they can do to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.


Introducing this year’s


New Committee Member

For her first year volunteering for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure, Jane took on the role of Site Coordinator in Kelowna. Run day went off without a hitch, thanks in part to the fabulous job Jane did of preparing her site plan. A positive and productive member of the committee, she encouraged input from all committee members. Jane also planned and decorated the Survivor Tent with a beautiful theme “A Moment in Time,” in addition to decorating the Wall of Hope. Thanks to her significant efforts, the Kelowna Committee won the Survivor Tent Challenge for the BC/Yukon Region this year. Congratulations, Jane.


Returning Committee Member

Elena Chue has been involved with the Vancouver Run Committee for the past two years and is returning for her third year in 2013. An outstanding volunteer, Elena takes initiative and contributes tremendously to all Vancouver Run Committee activities. The Vancouver committee has benefited from Elena’s positive attitude and helpful nature, as she continually goes above and beyond at all times and consistently applies a professional work ethic. A well deserved award, Elena. Congratulations!

If you’re interested in volunteering for CBCF, please visit www.cbcf.org to learn how to get involved.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 25


COMMUNITY PARTNERS SET FUNDRAISING RECORD Our sincerest appreciation and congratulations go out to all of our community fundraisers, whose energy and commitment resulted in a collective total of over $1.3 million raised in 2012/2013 – a new record for the Foundation! Each year, this community support is showcased through a variety of creative, collaborative and awe-inspiring events throughout the region. Thank you to all involved for helping to bring us closer to a future without breast cancer. To plan your own fundraising event in support of CBCF, please email cbcfbc@cbcf.org or call 1.800.561.6111.

NITE OF HOPE™ RICHMOND & NORTH SHORE Richmond: April 4, 2012 & North Shore: October 12, 2012 :: The success of the Nite of Hope™ events this past year once again reinforces the incredible magnitude of support these fundraising galas bring to CBCF each year. Last year, both the Richmond and North Shore events collectively raised an impressive $317,000. We are lucky to have the support of such dedicated committees and thank each and every supporter who has helped make the Nite of Hope™ events such a tremendous success. Over the past 14 years, these galas have raised a cumulative total of over $2 million in support of the CBCF – BC/Yukon Region Fellowship Program. The Richmond event, held at the River Rock Casino Resort, was founded by Judi Miller Knapp and chaired by Shelley Leonhardt, and featured celebrity couple Gene Simmons of the band KISS and his wife, Shannon Tweed. The North Shore event, chaired by Pamela Buck, was held at the Pinnacle Hotel at the Pier and had a Phantom of the Opera theme.


LEDGEVIEW GOLF TOURNAMENT October 4, 2012 :: Last year marked the 10th anniversary of the Ledgeview Golf & Country Club’s annual Breast Cancer Golf Tournament in Abbotsford, BC. The 9-hole, shotgun-start golf tournament was followed by dinner featuring inspirational speaker and breast cancer survivor, Audrey Brathwaite, who shared her personal story. This event raised a total of $5,127 in support of the Foundation, with a 10-year cumulative fundraising total of over $55,000.

HIVE BOULDERING’S “WE LOVE JUGS” EVENT October 19, 2012 :: Vancouver’s Hive Bouldering Centre celebrated breasts this past October by holding a Ladies Night in support of CBCF. With two female DJs spinning some energizing beats, the evening was filled with plenty of fun activities including the indoor climbing wall. This first-time event raised $7,600 for CBCF. Kudos to all of those involved.

ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF STYLE October 14, 2012 :: This past October, the Alchemy Charitable Association in partnership with Alchemy Hair Design & Spa hosted the Essential Elements of Style fashion show and fundraiser at Victoria’s luxurious Atrium building. Emceed by CTV Two’s Louise Hartland and Andrew Johnson, the elegant evening featured local designers who showcased their work, as well as delicious food prepared by Zambri’s Restaurant. This first-time event raised $10,500. CBCF extends its gratitude to co-Chairs Louise Denis and Christopher Castle and everyone at Alchemy Hair Design & Spa and the Alchemy Charitable Association for their commitment to the breast cancer cause.

ZIPZONE NAKED ZIPLINE June 10, 2012 :: It was the first day of summer when 84 adventurous ladies plunged down two ziplines at ZipZone Adventure Park in Peachland, BC. With the warm wind on their faces, the rush of ziplining naked in support of CBCF proved to be a truly unique experience for those participating. Thank you to all involved and to ZipZone Adventure Park for your support in raising over $15,000 for the cause.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 27


JOURNEYS WITH HEART Fall 2012 :: Journeys with Heart collaborates with the best in local travel agencies, tour operators and local celebrities to package unique and unforgettable travel experiences for intimate-sized groups. Each escorted tour is paired with a worthwhile charity that benefits from each booking. CBCF was honored to be the beneficiary of an amazing French Riviera River Cruise this past October, where travelers took the journey with special guest host Chef John Bishop. This epicurean dream odyssey began in Paris and made its way through such cities as Lyon, Vienne, Avignon and Viviers, raising $11,000 for the Foundation.

LÛXE CHAIR-ITY GALA October 2012 :: This past October, Victoria’s Lûxe Home Interiors invited members of the local design community to create chairs in honour of someone who has been affected by breast cancer. These creative designs were auctioned live at Lûxe’s showroom gala on October 26th, with all proceeds, including those from an additional silent auction, benefitting CBCF. The evening’s guests enjoyed a presentation by breast cancer survivor and stand-up comic, Jules Sesia and music by Maureen Washington. In total, the event raised an outstanding $40,000. CBCF would like to extend its thanks to Tracy Squance, Darren Ausmus and Scott Elias for their exceptional leadership.


NITE OF HOPE™ WHITE ROCK/ SOUTH SURREY April 12, 2012 :: Seven years ago, Debi Rumley and Lori Ishikawa founded and co-chaired what became one of the most established community fundraising events in support of CBCF, Nite of Hope™ White Rock/South Surrey. Tamra Ritchie joined them as co-Chair shortly thereafter and in 2012 the event raised $300,000 for the Foundation, bringing them to a collective total of over $1.2 million raised. The success of this event was built upon the exceptional leadership and commitment of the event chairs who engaged the entire community that in turn embraced the cause. The committee would like to recognize Coast Capital Savings for its commitment as Founding Sponsor and for being a Double Platinum Sponsor over the past seven years, as well as Potters garden centre who not only hosted five galas, but has also donated over $50,000 to date. Lastly, the committee would like to recognize the Ritchie family, who helped raise over $100,000 by donating trips to their private fishing lodge. A sincere thank you to all involved in the seven wonderful years of Nite of Hope™ White Rock/South Surrey.

THE “BIG BUZZ” EVENT October 8, 2012 :: Christine Bowles is one incredible, selfless woman with many cheerleaders. In support of her breast cancer journey as she underwent chemotherapy, thirty of Christine’s colleagues at Victoria’s JEA Pension Solutions Head Office participated in a “Shave your Head for Breast Cancer” fundraiser to benefit CBCF. To Christine’s amazement, there were more than just heads shaved at the event – JEA staff even bid farewell to eyebrows and a 45 year-old moustache! The fundraiser raised an unbelievable $21,898 for the Foundation. Congratulations JEA and Christine.

CURVES FOR A CURE October 2012 :: In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, 26 Curves clubs across BC participated in Curves for a Cure. The fitness facility’s dedicated members showed their support for CBCF’s vision of creating a future without breast cancer by decorating bras, holding healthy bake sales, collecting pledges and even dying their hair pink! Together, Curves raised over $18,000 for CBCF this past year; not to mention the cumulative total of over $390,000 raised since 2005. Thank you, Curves, for your continued commitment.

JAZZERCISE VICTORIA October 2012 :: October 2012 marked the 16th anniversary of Jazzercise Victoria raising funds for the Foundation. Jazzercise is a 60-minute total body workout. Every Jazzercise group dance fitness class combines dance-based cardio with strength training and stretching to sculpt, tone and lengthen muscles for maximum fat burning while being choreographed to today’s hottest music. Organizers Brenda Richardson and Vicki Waters held a Get Pink’d! Jazzercise class that inspired pledges, an auction, online fundraising and matching of funds. In 2012, this marvellous event raised $15,889, bringing the 16-year fundraising total to $237,263. Truly remarkable! Thank you to Brenda, Vicki and all the wonderful Jazzercise participants for bringing CBCF closer to its vision of creating a future without breast cancer.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 29


Photo: Brenda Hala

WINE, WOMEN & WOODS The passionate women behind Vernon’s ever-popular Wine, Women and Woods Golf Tournament teed off last September in celebration of their most significant milestone to date. To ring in its 10th anniversary, this unique and sold-out event saw an all-time record of $101,000 raised on September 7 and 8, 2012 at the Vernon Golf & Country Club. Rajapakshe’s lab, was selected complex, so research such as Wine, Women and Woods as the recipient of the $25,000 Stephen’s provides a crucial is no ordinary golf tournaWine, Women and Woods layer of groundwork that can ment. Defined by its themed Studentship. The research be further expanded upon. We cocktail reception, caddy will focus on developing a are excited about the possibiliauction, and parade of decofaster breast cancer care model ties this research can provide, rated golf carts, this event has utilizing graphic processing units not only in breast cancer, but been hugely successful since used in video game systems. also for its future applications its inception. Over the past “Modeling is quickly in many related aspects of ten years, the tournament has cancer care.” raised over $597,000 in The event that provided support of CBCF and the the funds for the equip“WE ARE EXCITED ABOUT THE Vernon Jubilee Hospital ment and Okanagan-based POSSIBILITIES THIS RESEARCH CAN Foundation. researchers would not PROVIDE, NOT ONLY IN BREAST This year, the orgabe possible without the CANCER, BUT ALSO FOR ITS FUTURE nizing committee directed dedication of the talented APPLICATIONS IN MANY RELATED fundraising efforts from volunteer committee, led ASPECTS OF CANCER CARE.” the event to support the in 2012 by Chair Deb purchase of a high resoluMacPherson and pasttion film scanner for the becoming a very important Chair Cathie Cookson, as well mammography clinic at Vernon tool for the Canadian health as the committed sponsors, Jubilee Hospital as well as care system by improving donors and participants from supported local research initiaefficiencies to provide a high the City of Vernon. Thank you tives in the Okanagan region. level of care to cancer patients,” for your amazing contributions Vernon resident and UBC comments Dr. Rajapakshe. and congratulations on 10 years Okanagan student Stephen “These models are very of success. Smithbower, of Dr. Rasika


Photos: Harley Salmond & Susie Ruso

PINK RIBBON CHARITY BALL Known as the “event of the year” in Kamloops, the Pink Ribbon Charity Ball is an unforgettable, truly meaningful evening for all in attendance. An “Enchanted Forest” theme created a glamorous backdrop in Kamloops’ Colombo Lodge, where over 400 guests celebrated the 15th anniversary of the event on September 29, 2012. An all-time fundraising record was set at this year’s event, where guests raised $100,000 in support of CBCF.

Perhaps even more impressive is the fundraising total of over $616,000 over the 15-year history of the event. Today’s gala is indeed a far cry from the $3,400 and 140 people who took part in the event’s humble beginnings. The Foundation is indebted to the Pink Ribbon Charity Ball’s visionary, Anthony Salituro (who was awarded a

Distinguished Service Award from the City of Kamloops), and his devoted aunt, Josephine Bruno (both pictured below left), for their tireless commitment to this event over the last 15 years. We are grateful for their generosity, the hard work of their volunteer committee and the support of the City of Kamloops. Thank you.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 31


Participants set fundraising records as the program launches nationally On March 7, 2013, CBCF challenged individuals, businesses, schools, and community groups across Canada to Get Pink’d! in support of a future without breast cancer. What began as a regional program in BC in 2010 took off to new heights this year as participants from coast to coast embraced the opportunity to Get Pink’d! for the cause. Both a team building opportunity and a fundraising initiative, Get Pink’d! is a chance for participants to break away from everyday attire by simply wearing pink

and dressing casually. For a suggested minimum $5 donation, participants received a Get Pink’d! button to wear proudly in support of the event. “A highlight of Get Pink’d! for many is the mere pleasure of dressing casually on a Thursday in addition to casual Friday,” says Wendy Slavin, CEO, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – BC/ Yukon Region. “The initiative provides a fun, interactive way for co-workers, teams or friends to come together in support of a common goal. Together, they will be bringing CBCF closer


to our vision of creating a future without breast cancer.” Thanks to the enthusiasm and support of our community, the BC/Yukon Region was able to celebrate a record year of Get Pink’d! with 100 participant groups and over $32,000 raised. Congratulations on helping us reach this milestone. For information on how you can participate in Get Pink’d!, please visit www.cbcf.org/getpinkd and save the date for March 13, 2014!

GET PINK’D! PARTICIPATING GROUPS AC&D Insurance Services Ltd. ACMe Food Company ACTIVE Network Ames Tile & Stone Annex Consulting Group BC Assessment Office - North Fraser BC Assessment Office - Victoria BC Egg Marketing Board BC Milk Marketing Board BioteQ Environmental Technologies BMO Nesbitt Burns - Vancouver Park Place BMO Nesbitt Burns - Vancouver Petticrew BMO Nesbitt Burns - White Rock Bull, Housser & Tupper LLP Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Cardero’s Restaurant Carlson Omega Travel City of Vancouver CMW Insurance Services Ltd. Comox Valley Seniors Village Cowichan Valley Regional District Custom Protect Ear Inc. DARE Vancouver Degan Management EPR - Maple Ridge e-Women Network Vancouver Metro Flying Fish Foster Walker Gifts of Distinction Freddie Marsh Travel Marketing Fulton & Company LLP Goway Travel Grouse Mountain Resorts Harris & Company LLP

Helijet International Hello Titties HP Advanced Solutions ICBC Head Office Interior Savings Credit Union Jawl & Bundon Barristers and Solicitors Jillybean’s Friends and Family Kelowna Capital News Kelowna Flightcraft King George College - Granville Campus King George College - Robson Campus KPMG - Abbotsford KPMG - Burnaby KPMG - Chilliwack KPMG - Kamloops KPMG - Vancouver Kwantlen Park Secondary School Macdonald Realty Ltd. Manning Elliott LLP McCullough O’Connor Irwin LLP Morelli Chertkow LLP Nixon Wenger LLP Pacific Business Brokers Inc. Pacific Newspaper Group Pembrook Mining Corporation Prestige Hotel and Conference Centre - Vernon Prestige Inn - Kelowna Prestige Inn - Nelson Purdy’s Chocolates RHN Metro Vancouver Ricoh Canada

River Rock Casino Resort Rocket Networks School District 73 ScotiaMcLeod SENSUS Communication Solutions Inc. SKEANS Engineering & Machinery Ltd. Spa Boutique Spanish Banks Contracting SpinTech IT Steveston Dental Group Sun Rivers Golf Resort Community Taseko Mines Ltd. Team Maureen Team Natasha Team Rishma Teck Resources Ltd. TELUS - Prince George The Asante Centre The Commodore Grand Cafe & Lounge TigerTel Communications Tourism Vancouver TRG Group Benefits UNBC Health Sciences Student Society United World Transportation Ventyx (an ABB Company) ViRTUS WestJet - YVR InFlight WestJet - YVR WestJet - YXX Westminster Savings Credit Union Willingdon Care Centre WorkSafeBC - across the province YOU FIRST Financial & Benefits Consultants

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 33



CANADA SAFEWAY Canada Safeway is one of our Champions for the Cause. This leading organization continues to demonstrate its commitment through involvement in the following initiatives: October Campaign/Corporate Donations

The Champions for the Cause program is designed to recognize CBCF’s corporate partners who participate in multiple Foundation activities throughout the year as ambassadors for the cause. CBCF recognizes and congratulates the following 11 champions who, in the program’s inaugural year, are together helping to create a future without breast cancer. Canada Safeway Ltd. CIBC Dianes Lingerie Harris & Company LLP Health Sciences Association of BC PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP TELUS United World Transportation WestJet Windset Farms WorkSafeBC

For more information on Champions for the Cause, email cbcfbc@cbcf.org or call 1.800.561.6111.

During the month of October, all Canada Safeway stores across the country host an annual campaign in support of CBCF. Dedicated Safeway staff are committed to collecting donations at the till, and support various other in-store fundraising activities such as breast cancer research and awareness days, when volunteers hand out breast health information to customers. The retailer was also the exclusive partner and production sponsor of Kaitlyn Regehr’s ‘Pink Ribbon Pink Ups’ 2013 calendar, which was sold in stores across Western Canada in support of the Foundation. In total, the organization raised over $675,000 in BC and over $1.74 million across the country in 2012. Since the partnership began in 2001, over $11 million across the country has been raised in support of the Foundation. This year also saw a $100,000 donation from the Canada Safeway Foundation to support national CBCF initiatives. Volunteering

One of the ways Canada Safeway’s staff have demonstrated volunteerism was when in one day, 34 members of Canada Safeway’s Women’s Network Group dedicated over 150 hours of time as volunteers at CBCF’s Awareness Day luncheon. Donations

Canada Safeway also demonstrated in-kind support by donating flowers for CBCF’s Awareness Day 2012, as well as refreshments for various other events throughout the year; and through corporate team participation in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure, Canada Safeway raised an impressive $27,000 across Canada.



THAT’S THE SPIRIT! Our Corporate Partners in Action

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation is privileged to partner with many corporations and retail stores on our journey towards creating a future without breast cancer. Staff, customers and suppliers continue to unite for the cause, raising money and providing breast health information for so many people across the province. Here is a highlight of some of the many organizations that have donated time, enthusiasm and dollars to the Foundation this year.

SUPERIOR PROPANE Have you ever driven past the pink and white propane truck and done a double-take? Superior Propane’s CBCF-emblazoned truck sure is hard to miss. What might not be so obvious to the naked eye is that each year, this dedicated organization donates 1/3 of a cent from every litre pumped by this truck. This translates to a contribution of $19,490 this year to CBCF, and a total donation of almost $60,000 in three short years. In addition, their driver hands out breast health information to customers. Thank you to Trevor Todd and all of the committed staff at Superior Propane. We love seeing the pink and white truck out there on the road.

UNITED WORLD TRANSPORTATION Local logistics freightforwarding company United World Transportation is a true supporter of the breast cancer cause. A CBCF partner since 2010, this organization has raised over $27,000 to date with its involvement in many Foundation initiatives. Considering the combination of its cause marketing involvement, its 2012 Run team, and participation in this year’s Get Pink’d! event, United World Transportation is a CBCF Champion for the Cause through and through.

COOPER’S FOODS Cooper’s Foods isn’t your average grocery store. As shoppers check out, they cannot help but recognize the organization’s partnership with CBCF as they are encouraged to support its initiatives. Part of the Overwaitea Food Group, Cooper’s Foods’ 14 locations across BC collaborate each year to raise funds for a valuable cause. Since its partnership with CBCF began in 2000, Cooper’s Foods has proudly contributed over $174,000 to date. Their primary fundraising initiative is the My Gift of Hope campaign, which takes place every October in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In 2012, $13,033 was raised through this initiative – a 275% increase from 2011. Staff also signed up for a Breast Health 101 presentation, where they heard from a CBCF representative who led a breast health education seminar for staff. To our friends at Cooper’s Foods, thank you for your continued support. For more information on how to develop a retail partnership in support of CBCF, please email cbcfbc@cbcf.org or call 1.800.561.6111.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012/2013 35

NATIONAL SOURCES OF REVENUE The success of the Foundation is a direct result of the generosity of our donors, supporters, sponsors and volunteers. Every dollar makes a real difference. The BC/Yukon Region is grateful to all who continue to make the breast cancer cause a priority by committing to monthly or annual donations, hosting fundraising events or taking part in our signature event, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure. This page illustrates national sources of revenue for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013. SOURCES OF REVENUE*

APRIL 1, 2012 - MARCH 31, 2013


Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure



Corporate/ Individual Gifts



Fundraising Events







* These reports reflect the revenue, allocations and expenses for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation across Canada. For a complete audited financial statement, please contact Finance & Operations at 1.800.561.6111 or download a copy online at www.cbcf.org.


1,400 generous volunteers donated their time

Did you know?


contributing over

10,000 hours of work to the Foundation

$1.3 M was raised by community fundraising events That’s an




in BC

$3.15 M was raised through the CIBC Run for the Cure (as of September 30, 2012)

NATIONAL ALLOCATIONS & EXPENSES The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation funds important and innovative initiatives in breast cancer research, and education programs. Funds raised in the BC/Yukon Region stay within the region to help countless BC and Yukon women, men and families affected by breast cancer. This page illustrates national allocations and expenses for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013. ALLOCATIONS & EXPENSES*

APRIL 1, 2012 – MARCH 31, 2013

Grant Allocations & Charitable Initiatives Public Education & Community Services


Grant Allocations



Total Grant Allocations & Charitable Initiatives



Total Fund Development






$4 million from regional and national reserves were allocated to grants in the 2013 fiscal year.

we delivered

69 we funded

$2,052,355 through our grants program

we invested


breast health presentations across the province

and reached over

35,000 people

in public education and community programs



$200,000+ Canada Safeway Ltd. CIBC CTV

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

Kamloops Blazers Hockey Club Inc.

All Stars Management Group

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Kamloops Honda-Bayfield Place Holdings Ltd.

Amanda & Mike Girling

Karyn Chopik

Andrew Mclaren

Robert A. Bruno & Fatima Di Biase Russ & Ellen Cmolik

Kelowna Capital News

Star FM 98.3

Ledgeview Golf & Country Club

Superior Propane Times Colonist

London Drugs Foundation


West Coast Sightseeing Ltd.

Machuca Photography

CTV Vancouver Island


Michele Cupit

TELUS Corporation Health Sciences Association of British Columbia

101.3 The River 103.1 Jack FM 107.5 KISS FM


Abbotsford News

101.5 EZ Rock/Astral Media

Argo Road Maintenance (Thompson) Inc.

103.5 QM/FM

Mary Waring Auto West BMW Mylyne Santos Ocean 98.5 OncoGenex Technologies Polygon Homes Ltd. Prince George Fire Fighters Local 1372

Andrea Felix Anneliese Giesbrecht Anthem Properties Group Ltd. Apex FoodSource Astral Media Radio Atul Shah AutoNerve Comunications Inc. Bank of Montreal Barbara Goodwin Bare Basics Lingerie Boutique Ltd. Barry & Laurie Cavanaugh BC Biomedical Laboratories Ltd. BCB Beauty Inc.

British Columbia Nurses’ Union

AstraZeneca Canada Inc.

Canada Safeway Foundation

Buy-Low Foods

CIBC Head Office

Carats Investments Inc.

Provincial Employees Community Services Fund

Concord Pacific Developments Inc.

Castanet Media Ltd.

Radio NL 610 AM

Bhupatrai Kothary

Certified General Accountants Association of BC

RE/MAX of Western Canada - Sold on a Cure

Blair Massie Blair Sportswear

Chris Tidd


Blundell Centre


Teck Resources Limited

Bob McDonell

The Beat 94.5 FM

Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group


Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

The Kronier Family

Country 103 CJKC-FM

Teryl Resources Corporation

Boston Pizza Foundation

The Vancouver Sun

Custom Protect Ear Inc.

The Jim Pattison Auto Group

Brad Sakich

Windset Farms Inc.

Dan Howe

The River 97.5 FM

Brant French


David Bissett & Catherine Cookson

Thomas A. & Ida Tait

British Columbia Maritime Employers Association

Djavad Mowafaghian Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Inc. Roslyn Ritchie-Derrien

Anibal Valente Canterbury Coffee Corporation Coast Capital Savings Credit Union Cooper’s Foods

Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

David Herman & Son Ltd. Wine & Spirit Merchants De Dutch Pannekoek House Restaurants Delta Vancouver Suites

Country 107.1

Donald Knapp & Judi Miller Knapp

Darren Ausmus

Doug & Catherine Johnson

David Ritchie

Echo Bay Foundation

Donald Chalmers

Geoff Burns

Federated Co-operatives / Van Houtte Coffee Frank Mcfadden Hoffman-La Roche Matthew Wubs

Honeycomb Climbing Insurance Centres Vancouver Island James Evans and Associates Ltd.


Prince George Free Press

United World Transportation University of Victoria Vancouver Foundation

Beachcomber Hot Tubs Group Bette Kyle Bev Downing

Brown Bros. Agencies Ltd. Bruce Graham Contracting Ltd.

Vernon on Sunday

Budget Car & Truck Rental


Butterley Family Foundation Inc.

Anonymous (9) 102.3 The Wave 106.9 The Wolf

Burgoo Bistro Ltd. Caitlin Hungerford Caldor Foundation

A & W Seafair Centre

Canadian Cancer Society, BC & Yukon Division

Aberdeen Mall

Capstone Mining Corp.

Ada Haines

Carol Lai Man Shun Leong

Alan & Wendy Schill

Caroline Dunn

All Occasions Party & Event Rentals Ltd.

Caroline Fraser Carol-Lynn Hughes Carolyn Convey

The Cattermole Group

Dr. David V. Ciriani Inc. Drew Maternick

H.L. Demolition & Waste Management Ltd.

Kalmash Rai

Chandler Associates Architecture Inc.

Hartway Holdings Limited

Cheryl Kaminsky

Dupuis Langen Financial Management

Heather Angel

Kamloops Dance Academy

Chris Stewart

Dwayne Loeb

Heather Southam

Christine McBride

Dyck’s Pharmacists Remedy’s Rx

Henry & Marsha Salonga

City of Kamloops

Dynamic Funds

Highgate Lodge

City of Victoria

Eagle Ridge Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltd.

Highland Valley Foods

Edward Sims

Hubert Smith

City Square Shopping Centre Clearwater Elks

Kenneth Ziebart

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) 213

Kerianne Hamelin

Investors Group Financial Services Inc.

Kevin Zimka

Elizabeth Stone

Colliers Macaulay Nicolls Inc. Conway Richmond Ltd.

Elks Club Of New Wesminster

Costco Wholesale - Downtown

Eminence Organic Skin Care Empire Tattoo

Country Grocer

Erin Reimer-Meyzes

Cowboy Stitches

Ethical Bean Coffee

Craig McLaren

Excel Industries Ltd.

Crockett Enterprises Ltd.

Exhibitree Display Services

Jacki Andersen

Cundari Seibel LLP Lawyers

Fairview Mountain Golf Course

Jackie Morrison Jagdip Purewal

Finning Campbell River

James Bromley

Dan Samson

Flip Flop Shops - Canada

Jane Ambrose

David & Wendy Fitzpatrick

Janet Lebrun

David Clements

Focus Audio Visual Services Ltd.

Dawson Creek Exhibition Association

Ford Motor Company Francis Law

Janet Slade

Deborah & Robert D’Ovidio

Frank J. Flaman Foundation

Deborah Rasiuk

Fraser Valley Cresting

Deborah Sullens

Fresh Point Vancouver

Devon Hemsworth

Gail MacKenzie

Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association

Gary Holowaychuk

Diana Endean

Gee N’ Gee Importers Ltd.

Dianes Lingerie District of Saanich

Georgina Lau

Dominos Pizza

Gerald K. Watson Law Corporation

Don Erhardt Photography

Gerry & Nancy Gray

Don Walden

Gertrud Duller

Donald & Marlene Allen

Glen & Karen Harrison

Donald Chamberlain

Glo Restaurant & Lounge

Donna Finch

Glover Prescriptions Ltd.

Doug & Jackie Olive

Gordon Hogg

Douglas Johnson & Tammy Charles

Grant Andersen

Douglas Whitehead

Greg Lidstone

Greenscape Design & Decor

Kelly Hall

Kenneth Shields

Cohen Buchan Edwards

George Petropoulos

Katie Johannson

Immediate Images

Elephant Storage

Diana Wilson

Kathleen Barnett

IBEW 213

Edwin & Lenore Van Oene

Lakeshore Place

Karin Spigelman

Kelowna Professional Fire Fighters Charitable Society

Coca Cola Classic Hockey Committee

Diana Lam

Kang Lifestyles Inc.

Ian Stewart

Edward Zacharuk

Gary Mayzes

Kamloops Imaging Inc.

HSBC Bank Canada

Coast Environmental

D.J. Bilkey Personal Law Corporation

Kamloops Daily News

Island Farms Island Tents & Events Jack Cola

Janet McDougall Janice Butchard Jean Bingham Joan Chambers Joan Donaldson Joan Jackson Joe Phelan John & Susan Sim John Arbanas John Bartram John Dang John Gulley John Penner John Racich Jolene Lindsey Jolly Mac’s Pub Jonathan Candy & Dale Fitzpatrick Joseph Ribkoff Inc. Judith Kropp Judson Beaumont K. Ernesti

Kevin Smyth & Rebecca Matthews Kian Sound Kim Lapshinoff Kim Streit Kitch Design Ltd. KPMG La Dolcevita Day Spa & Salon Larry Harrison Laughing Stock Vineyards Ltd. Lawson Chow Lebarn Investments Inc. Ledford Lilley Lee’s Music Lenny Moy Lenora Gates Leonard Schein Liberty Wine Merchants Lincoln Schreiner Linda Chrystal Linda Gordon Linda McDonnell Lisa Gostling Lois Reimer Lonsdale Event Rentals Lorene Yonemura Lorna Mochinski Lorraine Hebert Lorrie Jackson Louie Hachey Luisa & Domenic Di Palma Lynda Terborg Lynn Maartman Lynne Corea MacLaren Momentum



MacNeil Financial & Insurance Brokerage Corp Madeleine Upton

Pacific Rim Industrial Insulation Ltd.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 25

TD Waterhouse Private Banking

Pacific Silica & Rock Quarry Ltd.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 88

Terra International Food Inc.

Pamela Badams

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 240

Tharane Masilamani

Pandora’s Box Hospitality Group Inc. Milestones Crossroads

Royal City Jewellers & Loans Ltd.

Terry Leggat The HYDRECS Fund The Mega Hair Group Inc.

Royal LePage Downtown Realty Ltd.

Tina & Scott Lenz

Patrick Julian

Royal LePage Vernon

Patti Martin Personal Real Estate Corp.

Saanich Police Department

Traction Creative Communications Inc.

Sally Mutis

Mary Beck

Paul & Elizabeth Ann Di Pasquale

Sandman Northland Properties

Maureen Gales

Pauline Kemp

Saunders Investment Ltd.

McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Peggy O’Brien

Scotia McLeod

Medallion Land Services

Peter & Anne-Marie Kains


Michael & Anne Madsen

Philip Perceval

Scotiabank Village Green

Michael & Pam Isman

Pink Ribbon Bakery

Selina Gonzalez

Michael & Shelley Tysoe

Port Moody Fire Fighters IAFF Local 2399

Shadow Group of Companies

Protrans BC Operations Ltd.

Shane King

University of Victoria

Quality Greens

Sharon Lyons

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Queens Cross Neighbourhood Pub

Shean Beardsley

Vega Velerie Agon

Michelle VanDokkumburg

Quota International of Penticton

Sheila Ross Shelly Appleton-Benko

Vic Haraga

Miller Thomson LLP

Ray & Marilyn Rousseau

Victoria Nissan Ltd.

Miriam Wright

Raymond James Ltd.

Shine Lighting Group Inc. (Shine for the Cause)

MJB Mgmt Corp.

RBC Foundation

Shirley Peters

Victorian Epicure Inc.

Mo Ping Tsang

RBC Royal Bank

Mona Trussell

Rebecca Kinney

Municipality of Oak Bay

Rebecca Sherlock

Societa’ Di M.S. Cristoforo Colombo

Muriel Penner

Reed Point Marina Ltd.

Spanner Limited

Nanaimo Daily News

Reel Silks

Specialist Referral Clinic Inc.

Nathan Stephens

Reiter Marketing - ASAP Direct

Spectra Energy

Nature’s Expression

Riaz Mamdani

SPL Sound

Navaz Murji

Richard Sales

Sproing Creative

New Horizons Scientific

Richard Samaroo

Steve Christian

Nored Developments Ltd.

Richmond Centre

Steve Marshall Ford Lincoln

Noel Asmar Design Inc.

Robert & Marianne Eng

Northwest Atlantic (BC) Broker Inc.

Robert Buckley

Steven Figner Management Services Inc.

Robert L. Conconi Foundation

Stikeman Elliott LLP

Oak Bay Police Department

Stogryn Sales Ltd.

Odlum Brown Ltd.

Robin Clarke

Sun Country Toyota

Zimmer Wheaton Pontiac-Buick-GMC Ltd.

Oliver Gilbert

Roland & Elaine Webb

Susan Eldridge

Zomel Holdings Ltd.

On the Fringe Hair Design Ltd.

Ron & Margaret Alto

Susan Walford

Online Business Systems

Rose Lane

Sutton Group - Seafair Realty

Pacific Audio Works

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 289

Sylvia Olsen

Manteo Resorts Waterfront Hotel & Villas

Park Place Foundation

Manulife Financial Marsha & Henry Salonga Martin & Sandra Donner Martin Nadel

Michael Etherington Michael Schaufele Michael Shields Michelle Alpino Michelle Lenglet

Pacific Blue Cross

Pat Baker


Simon Lam SMART Pics Images Inc.

Tamra Ritchie

Tony Hepburn

Tricia Cochran Tricia McLaren Tulipe Noire Active Life Clothing & Skin Care Inc. uniPHARM & Medicine Centre Pharmacies Charitable Foundation University of British Columbia - Department of Athletics & Recreation University of the Fraser Valley

Victoria Transmission Visual Signs & Awards Wacor Holdings Ltd. Walmart Canada Corp. Warehouse One Wendi Campbell Wendy Slavin Wertman Development Corporation West Fraser Mills Ltd. WestJet White Kennedy LLP Woodline Enterprises Ltd. YEW restaurant + bar at Four Seasons Vancouver


$200,000+ Nite of Hope Richmond ™

Nite of Hope™ White Rock/ South Surrey

$50,000-$199,999 Lina’s Dream Nite of Hope™ North Shore Pink Ribbon Charity Ball PwC Pauline Chan Dress Up Challenge Wine, Women and Woods

$25,000-$49,999 Pink Chair-ity Gala - Lûxe Home Interiors Women’s Poker Classic

$10,000-$24,999 Alchemy Charitable Association with Alchemy Hair Design & Spa Big Buzz JEA Curves for a Cure

Jazzercise - Victoria


Jazzercise - Fraser Valley

Journeys with Heart - French River Cruise

1st Annual Alibis Golf Tournament

Jazzercise - Richmond/Ladner

Shoot for the Cure Yard Sale for the Cure

Afternoon Tea with Kate Linder

Looney Tunes Night Club Breast Cancer Fundraiser

ZipZone Naked Zipline

Bald is Beautiful

Milestones Crossroads on Cambie

$5,000-$9,999 10th Annual Ledgeview Golf Tournament for Breast Cancer Craft Sales by Joan Donaldson and Susan Eldridge Hive Bouldering - “We Love Jugs” Fundraiser Par Fore the Cause Pink Ribbon CO-ED Hockey Tournament Pink Ribbon Teas Push for the Cure Rare Investment Breast Cancer Fundraiser Tie the Knot Wedding Program TUBBS Romp to Stomp Snowshoe Series

Lillooet Garden Tours

Bill Kelly Golf Tournament

Pacific Silica & Rock Quarry

Borden Ladner Gervais Charity Volleyball/Casual Day

Pink Up Your Salon Rainbow Warriors Boat

Burger ‘n’ Beer Night Fundraiser Capilano Rugby Football Club

Richmond Animal Hospital Pet Grooming for Pink Fundraiser

Comox Golf Course Breast Cancer Fundraiser

Ride to Beat Breast Cancer

Dawson Creek Rodeo Tough Enough to Wear Pink

Russel Sean Fitness

Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association Event Donate a Car Canada DTM Systems Corp Pinktober Eva’s Garden Party

Rosé Revival Sears Home Services (Burnaby) Breast Cancer Fundraiser Sunshine Coast Regional District Aquafic Fit Fundraiser Valley Toyota Scion

Finning Campbell River Rides and Car Crushing Fitwells’ Cardio Party/Bake Sale

Vancouver Whitecaps FC Soccer Kicks Cancer Virgin Radio - Bras Across BC Place

Garden Party Music Event Jazzercise - Delta



Future gifts, in the form of estate bequests, are our hope for the future. You can provide for a healthy future by planning a gift today that will care for our most precious, the next generation.

Donors who have had the foresight to make a future gift through a bequest in their will include:

Estate of Frances Amelia Lord Estate of Rochelle Seeman in Trust Estate of Rene Alphonse Bouchard

Jennifer & Colin Atkinson

Amanda & Mike Girling

Ledford G. Lilley

Judy Caldwell

Pamela G. Golby

Chris & Amanda McNally

Diane Clarke

Penny Handford

Linda Morris

Nicole Delapierre

Lorna Johnson

James W. Oxton

Shirley Devine

Patricia Karis

Beverly Sinclair

Bill Gilmour

Donald Knapp & Judi Miller Knapp

Lisa Skakun Gail Steiger


Each year the Foundation presents numerous awards to recognize the exceptional fundraising efforts that take place at each BC Run site by teams and individuals. Congratulations to everyone listed below.




Chilliwack Chicks

On the Run from Matsqui Complex




Seeds of Hope

KELOWNA Pepsi Inspires Hope

NANAIMO VIIXENS (Vancouver Island Insurance Centres)



VERNON Timmy’s Team

VICTORIA Health Angels Ministry of Health








Melanie Kalloo

Norcam Knockers



Kristi Boon

Sisters of the Heart

KSS Owls UBCO Nursing




Rosie’s Runners

D.P. Todd Secondary




Team Arlene

The Accelerators



Abreast in a Boat

Double Doog

Brentwood College



Spirit Warriors Bust’n Loose


PRINCE GEORGE NorthBreast Passage Dragon Boat Team




Pink Ladies

Team Wilson



Shimmies for a Cure

Bosom & Buoyant Buddies & Friends

VICTORIA Saving the TaTa’s...one step at a time


Joanna Triscott Tara Da Silva



The continued success of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure depends upon the thousands of volunteers who work tirelessly throughout the year to deliver this signature fundraising event. Each Run site is managed by two volunteer co-run directors who lead logistics and fundraising committee members from the preliminary planning stages to the implementation of the event on Run day. In total, they lead their committees from February to late October. Thank you to all of our exceptional BC Run Directors – your commitment, dedication and energetic leadership is inspirational and greatly appreciated and valued.

The Foundation presents its Determination Awards to the individual who has raised the most money by Run day at each of the nine regular Run sites in BC. Our sincerest thanks and congratulations go out to all of our 2012 winners.



Lucie Bellavance

Shari MacLellan



Jacki Andersen

Hemanshu Mehta



Rosie Allingham

Megan Fofonoff-Huska




Ruth Christmas Michelle Tonn



Susan Johnston Marie Lashley

Lindsay Smith Monica Tiggelaar

Edna McNabb

Christine McBride



Starr Webb Margaret Webber

Shari MacLellan Renee McCloskey




Ann Davis Barb Hoy

Scott Johnson Dana Sebal

Laura Clarke Patrick Howell



Sandra Dunn, PhD

Partner, Blake, Cassels and Graydon LLP

Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Child and Family Research Institute, University of British Columbia

Chair Chair, Regional Governance and Nominating Committee National Board Representative Chair, National Governance and Nominating Committee

Susan Ewanick, BA, MBA P ast Chair M ember, Regional Governance and Nominating Committee Vice Chair, National Board

Valerie Avery, BSR (PT) Physiotherapist, Royal Jubilee Hospital; Vice President, Health Sciences Association of BC

Co-Chair, CBCF Research & Health

Care Advisory Committee Member, National Grants Committee

Ian Gardiner MD, FRCPC Breast Imaging Director, Canada Diagnostic Centres

Lenora Gates Partner, Orange National Retail Group V ice Chair N ational Board Representative

Ledford G. Lilley, CA Wendi Campbell, CA, CHRP Coach, IMPACT Consulting Inc. V ice Chair, Regional Governance & Nominating Committee

Caroline Dunn, CA Chief Financial Officer, DDS Wireless International Inc.

Chair, Regional Audit, Finance

& Investment Committee Member, Regional Governance and Nominating Committee Member, National Audit, Finance & Investment Committee Member, National Governance & Nominating Committee


Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (retired)

Member, Regional Audit, Finance & Investment Committee

Saleema Noon, BA, MA Owner, Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators





S U N D AY, O C T O B E R 6 , 2 0 13



visit the app store on your iPhone or iPad and search for “don’t forget to check”


(†) Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, Run for the Cure and pink ribbon ellipse are trademarks of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. ”CIBC For what matters.” is a TM of CIBC.

All printing costs associated with the 2012/2013 annual report were generously sponsored by Still Creek Press.

REGIONAL OFFICE 300 -1090 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2N7 direct 604.683.2873 toll free 1.800.561.6111 fax 604.683.2860 email cbcfbc@cbcf.org www.cbcf.org/bcyukon


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