]P> R.][ N C][ JP>A]L f § ]~]E JP> 0) ]R.lr 1996 was the special year of Edmund Rice. It was a time to acknowledge the difference that the life of one man made to his own country of Ireland and to the world - the life of a man who was husband, father, widower, businessman, educator, rei igious brother and founder. Undoubtedly the highlight of the year was the beatification of Edmund on October 6 by Pope John Paul II in Rome, an event attended by two of our staff members. Our local celebration on August 29 at the Entertainment Centre involving students from CBC, Aquinas and Trinity College, Bindoon, Tardun and Clontarf was also of great significance.
Technology When parents visit a secondary school before making decisions about their child's education, a common question is 'What about computers?' Most parents are satisfied if the Principal is able to show them a room or two which is occupied by banks of computers. However 'computers' are only the visible sign of deeper changes taking place in the world of education as technology impacts on it. Over the last century the frontiers of knowledge have been extended at ever-increasing rates in the world of science, and this knowledge has impacted on human living as never before. Discoveries in the world of matter and energy represented by Physics took us into the Nuclear Age. After World War II, it was the study of materials in Chemistry which led to new synthetics becoming part of everyday life. Now the world of knowledge and the processing of information is sweeping over us. The next impact will come from Biology and will challenge our taken-forgranted understanding of the nature of the human species.
The change taking place now is as deep and as significant as the impact of the Industrial Revolution on previously established patterns ofliving and is to do with the way we organise knowledge, the way we understand it, and the way we apply it. These deeper changes are about the fundamental ways in which a school operates.
In this changing world, what do we want for our students?One suggestion is that schools will want to produce students who show that they: - are able to critically appreciate the world around them - are able to fit easily into a knowledge based society
- are highly literate and numerate - understand and are comfortable with all aspects of technology
What about the boys? Two years ago I wrote about this ¡question which now is often being raised in the daily papers. Somehow in these days education for boys has become the loser. The experience of co-educational schools - by far the majority of schools in Australia - is that boys are being left behind. Much of the discussion around the education of boys has focused on the negatives: youth suicides, truancy and discipline problems, violence and aggression, risktaking behaviours of all kinds, academic failure and under-achievement. Overwhelmingly, it's boys! Yet here at CBC, boys take part enthusiastically in music and art as well as sport, showing great talent and enjoyment of these different opportunities. As our boys leave school at the end of Year 12 or earlier (and our current retention rates are above the national average), almost all move to something worthwhile whether it is in the area of further study, employment, traineeships or apprenticeship. And almost all express their appreciation for having been at this school.
Perhaps in an environment where girls are absent there is no need for boys to be embarrassed about the shame ofloss offace, nor to be driven by the urge to impress. Here teachers express what is good about educating and teaching boys. Last year a study of science teaching in WA Government high schools looked at the levels of achievements from combined class and single gender groups. Were there any differences? Yes, there were, but the researchers were puzzled by a lack of consistency in their results. What the study did show is that where teachers allowed for differences in ways of learning, varied their teaching strategies and made use of the energy of boys, then good results were achieved for all groups. The study concluded that competent, enthusiastic teaching - and understanding the differences between boys and girls - does make a difference.
Catholic schools exist for many purposes. A common and fundamental purpose is to educate people not only in academic fields but also as spiritual beings, aware of their own and others' dignity, alive to God in others, and respectful of our world and their time in it.
This work with boys does not stop with boys, we know, but affects the education of girls, families and future communities.
- Brother Alan Wedd PRINCIPAL
1996 was the special year Edmund Rice. It was a tim acknowledge the diffl: that the life of one man
- rc hIghly literate and numerate 'lnd and are comfortable with all a
fll.: hn I
are above the national avera!!cl. Imost al whether it is in tl ! a a ffurth neeships or apprenticeship. And almo atlOn for having been at thl hoo!.
Technology Whcn P' r i it a secondary chool h"l·".~"lI..· i~~~%i~-:~::~~~r.~~ about Ih Ir hIlI' ducahl n. mm n comput "I M t parents are sausHed I h th III room or two which is occupied Perhaps in an where girls are absent there I no need r • omputers' are only the visl sign of deeper cr . Ii \\ for boys to be embarrassed about the shame ofloss offace. nor til ta mg plaee in the world of education as technology imbe dnven by the urge to impress. Here teachers expr what i good about educating and teaching boys. Last ycar a tudy 0 science teaching in WA Government high schools 100 d at th levels of achievements from combined class and in I gende Over the last century the frontiers of knowledge have been exgroups. Were there any differences? Yes, there were, b the re tcnded at ever-increasing rates in the world of science, and this knowledge has impacted on human living as never before. Dissearchers were puzzled by a lack of consistency in th I 'esults What the study did show is that where teachers allo\\cd 'or difcovcries in the world of matter and energy represented by PhysI took II mto the Nuclear Age. After World War II, it was the ferences in ways of learning. varied their teaching strat gies ana 1\ d I n Ch mistry which led to new synthetics bemade use of the energy of boys, then good results were achieved for all groups. The study concluded that competent. enthusiastiL I '1 1of knowledge and f teaching - and understanding the differences between b ys and Irl d 111 li rence. pact Will co TIl.. 1ft. rgranted understanding of the nature CatholIc schools ext:! 101 Ij n purpo e~. A common and fun mental purpose is to educate people not only in academ l" fi I but also as spiritual beings, aware of their own and others' d. J d fhers. and respectful of our world and their
In this changing world, suggcstl0n is that schools will \ t knts who show that th') : - are able to critica lly appreciate the wol' roun th m - are able to fit I) into a knowledge based i 1)
n t top with boys, we know, but afIr) , families and future communities.
- Brother Alan Wedd PRINCIPAL
~ef)icatef) to
]B> ll<e§§<e<dl ]E<dboDllLJ[]nt<dl ][ glm<clutlL1LJ[§ ]Rice in the year: 06 his ciJJeati6ication. (!}ctooer: 6th, 1996
Br. J. Murray, Mr. M. Oxenham, Mr. B. Mulvey, Mr. M. laiacci, Mr. P. Magaraggia, Mr. B. Tognolini, Mr. D. McNamee, Mr. F. Williams, Mr. C. Pres haw.
Ms. D. Morison, Mr. U. Stengel, Mr. W. Woodruff, Mr. J. Hortense, Mr. A. Murphy, Mr. R. Barron, Mr. S. Stack, Mr. P. McAuley, Mr. J. Purcell, Mrs. S. Emslie.
SECOND ROW:· Mr. R. Rose'Meyer, Mrs. J. Barton, Mr. W. Cuthburt, Mrs. J. D'Ascanio, Ms. M. Whitney, Ms. T. Cooper, Mrs. M. Faria, Mrs. R. Shotch, Mrs. A. Danker, Ms. K. O'Brien, Mrs. N. Cooney. FRONT ROW:· Mrs. S. Carter, Ms. G. O'Neill, Mrs. A. Flexman, Mrs. M. Dimasi, Mr. G. Theseira, Br. A. Wedd (Principal), Mr. S. Sandri (Deputy Principal), Ms. A. Jayamaha, Mrs. S. Posner, Ms. E. Harrison, Mrs. B. Gavin. ABSENT:
Mrs. J. Watton, Mr. K. Anning, Mr. C. Cole, Mrs. J. De Vos, Mrs. M. Forzatti, Br. A. Hackett, Mrs. N. Mc Cann, Mr. N. Niyazov, Mr. R. Searle, Mr. H. Clements-Shepherd, Mr. R. Wenn.
(C 0) lL lL lE (Or lE § 1['AlP lP
Mr. D. Masterson, Mr. S. Stack, Mr. V. Niyazov, Mr. K. Allliing, Mr. M. Oxenham, Mr. G. Holtham, Mr. U. Stengel.
MIDDLE ROW.· Mrs. M. Cole, Ms. O. Kania, Mrs. J. Corcoran, Mrs. R. Hanratty, Mrs. I. Jarvis, Ms. R. Daly, Mrs. N. Cooney, Mrs. B. Worner. FRONT ROW:
Mrs. N. McCann, Mr. T. Pass (Junior Campus Co-ordinator), Br. A. Wedd (Principal), Mrs. F. Peterson, Ms. E. Harrison.
Mr. R. Barron, Mr. C. Pres haw, Br. A. Hackett, Mrs. A. Danker.
lPJR.Ollo/1[ lLJH[JE (COl]LJLJEGJE lBolAJR.JQ) As I write this report on behalf ofthe College Board, builders are actively involved in renovating the Ellen Street Campus.
The re-estilblishment of the College on to the Ellen St. site and the associated refurbishment of the premises was announced to the College community at a meeting on 26 June in the Fremantle Town Hall. Two hundred parents were introduced to the planning by a representative from architects Silver Thomas Hanley, Br. Tony Shanahan representing the College trustees and the Principal Br. Alan Wedd who outlined the educational program to be supported by capital development.
was brought forward one year to accommodate the requests of parents who did not wish their sons to be isolated from the rest of the College during 1997.
On 7 October 1996 the Beatification of Edmund Rice was held in Rome and I am pleased that the Board was able to support the Deputy Principal, Mr. Sandro Sandri in being at the ceremony and also having the opportunity to visit Edmund's birth place in Waterford.
At the commencement of 1996, the Board lost the services ofBr. Shanahan who took up duties as leader of the Holy Spirit Province of the Christian Brothers. On the positive side we welcomed to the Board Br. John Marks a trustee of the Christian Brothers, Mr. Martin Lowry who is a life member of the Old Boys Football Club and Dr. Roland Bovell formerly of the Education Department, WA, and Edith Cowan University; Inspector Pat O'Connell will be retiring from the Board after many years of valuable service and on behalf of other board members I thank him for his contribution particularly as Secretary to the Board.
Parents viewing the Redevelopment Plans at the Launch.
The current renovations will see major changes to the Administration Block, the Brothers' Residence and the White Building, in particular, the extension to the Library. These renovations should provide first class facilities for our secondary classes.
Prof Lawrence congratulates College Dux James Delides.
I was pleased to attend the graduation ceremony for Yr. 12 students held just prior to their Tertiary Entrance Examinations. Those in attendance were assured that the College continued to achieve its objectives and that with the refurbishment ofthe Ellen St. Campus and focus on the secondary program, the College will be well placed to proceed successfully into the 21st Century to celebrate its Centenary in 2001. Work underway to extend the Library.
1996 sees the closure of the Tuckfield Street Campus which for some 15 years has provided the primary education component of the College's educational program. The closure of Tuckfield St.
- Professor Brian Lawrence Board Chairperson
(O)]LlD) ]B)<OY§~
JP>R1E§l[D1ENT § ]~lEIP'ORT t
It is my pleasure to report that the CBC Fremantle Old Boys'
A§§<OC][Al[,][<ON 3000 ex-students Arranged reunions of past pupils
Association has been operational over the last four years, has met regularly and has assisted the school in several areas.
One of the roles of the Association has been to provide support to the College in whatever form it is able to and your Committee is pleased to be able to represent all Old Boys in this endeavour. We personally invite all past students, regardless of the length of time they attended CBC Fremantle, to join the current financial members in helping to support both spiritually and materially the Associations aims and goals.
As President, I have been fortunate to have a great Committee consisting of the following Old Boys: Kevin 0 'Brien, Kevin Cant, George Ayres, Graham Taylor, Jerry Gerovich, Ken Doherty and Peter Christie. Thank you for all your hard work and enthusiasm.
At present we are looking to the Centenary of the school in 2001 and planning various activities that will provide the opportunity for Old Boys to catch up with former classmates.
Old Boy's Kevin O'Brien, Jim McGinty, Jerry Gerovich & Nathan Fitzgerald at the Sundowner.
On behalf of the Association, J would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Brothers on the Beatification of their founder, Edmund Rice. We wish the School every success in the true Green and Gold tradition of the Fremantle Old Boys who have molded their morals and standards on the sound basics taught at our great school.
Old Boy and former Olympian John Baguley addressing students at the Junior School campus.
Over the last four years, and in particular this year, the Association has provided the following:
A bursary each year for a student Assisted in sending a staff member to the Beatification of Edmund Rice Assisted in the launch of the 2000 & Beyond Redevelop ment Plans
Old Boys reminicing about their past music days during the Old Boys' Sundowner.
Participated in the College's Family Day Fair Embarked on a membership drive Mr. Jim McGowan
Established and maintained a data bank of approximately
Another year at CBC has drawn to a close. With the New Year dawning, one is reminded of a beginning, so why not start this report from Genesis?
When Paradise was closed down God was devastated. So distressed was the Creator that that evening, while listening to the music of the spheres, the Almighty decided to bestow a gift upon Earth. From that solemn moment on, to alleviate humanity from labour and pains and whatever difficulties the human race would , impose on itself throughout the centuries, the Giver of Life gave us that which makes everything more bearable - Music.
the generous donations offoods by the music parents'were melodious contentment to our mouths and stomachs.
... The Music Festival, at the Fremantle Town Hall once again revealed the dedication of the Committee and the Music teachers. The Hurle's brought an instant garden from their nursery and fairy lights added a magic touch. The kindness of the parents who provided the foods made the supper splendid. Mrs. Jenssen arranged donations of drink (especially for the performers) for which we are very gratefuL
"Some will master and create the art", said God, "all will have the chance to rejoice and be glad in it".
At CBC it is clear to see that spark of the divine gift. Among other equally important subjects, the sound of Music makes itself heard and listened to.
Unlike the previous years, 1996 started with no Music Committee, except our Treasurer Mr. Bovell, who had bravely been chosen and volunteered in December. But at the first meeting in February, all of a sudden, Mr. Jerry Harvey became Vice-President, Mrs. Maria Arandiga the Secretary and I the President. Several extremely reliable supporters volunteered: Mrs. Dunne, Mrs. Barlow, Mrs. Antony, Mr. & Mrs. Dutton, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Pounder, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Clapsis, Mrs. Jeffery and Mrs. Wade ... people without whose help our musical activities would not have been possible. I would also like to thank Mr. Sandri for his friendly support.
We are grateful to Ms. Emma Harrison, Mr. Uwe Stengel, Mr. Kim Anning, Mr. Valery Niyazov and Mrs. June Corcoran, our dedicated Music teachers who guide our sons in their music path and make our musical moments worthwhile.
... The Music Luncheon, which was held at Tuckfield St., was unforgettable. The not-so-wellappointed hall was transformed by the bleu-blancrouge decorations vro vided by the imagination and work of Ms. O'Neill and Ms. Kania. The music was ajoy to our hearts and
Students performing at the CBC Music Festival.
... An important event was the Workshop given by Ernie Watts, the famous saxophone player. It allowed the boys an insight into a musician's experience and methods of work.
... At very reasonable prices, three instruments have been purchased: an euphonium, a vibraphone and a baritone saxophone.
The last musical event for '96, is the Christmas Carols Night which will be held at the historical Fremantle Arts Centre. We will be gathered for singing and listening to the narration of the Nativity mystery play by the new CBC Dramatic Arts Society. On the night we shall praise and thank God immensely for the gift of Music and also for guidance and inspiration to the new Music Committee, our beloved Music teachers and our sons (our joys!).
Jesus, please lead our actions in melodious harmony.
- Mrs. Stela Rock President
][ N ยง ][ ]0) ]E 1[' ]H[]E Painting, printing, T-shirt printing, graphic design, sculpture, textiles, ceramics ... These are some of the diverse activities on offer in the art room at CBC.
This year, as in the past years, students have been encouraged to draw from life in a variety of media, work at the design process and produce work from the above studio areas. This work had its culmination in our well-received and attended Family Day Art Exhibition.
A ]R.1[, ]R..<0 <0 M[ " " " periences outside the classroom. This included many drawing visits to Fremantle, with Yr. 1O's in particular enjoying a drawing excursion to Bathers Beach (with McDonald's!). Further a field, Years II's and 12's visited the Art Gallery ofWA to view the Brett Whiteley and the Year 12 Perspectives Exhibitions. The Yr. 7's also went to the Gallery on a general tour.
New acquisitions this year were the snazzy enlarger and stand as
Parents viewing the Art Display Oil Family Day.
well as blinds, fans and tinted windows for added comfort.
Michael Kempton (Yr. 12), Brett Carter (Yr. 12) and Wayne Carter (Yr. 11) had the priviledge of having their work on display at the Angelico Exhibition in the BankWest Tower in August. This exhibition highlights exemplary art work from Catholic schools in WA. Some examples of art on display during Family Day.
During the year, students had opportunities to increase their ex-
Michael Kempton, Brett Carter alld WaYlie Carter with their work.
- Ms. Sheila Posner Drawing outside the classroom.
Teacher of Art
JO)lEJPlA1R.lfM[lENlf O)lF lLANG1U[AG1Eยง ANlD) (CO)l\\1[M[lU[Nl[CAlfl[O)N 1996 was a year in which the Languages and Communications Department began to consolidate upon many of the changes that have been made to it in the previous two years. This did not mean all was ' steady as she goes '; it was as hectic as we could wish it to be, though it left us well satisfied with ajob well done at the end of the year.
In February, Mr. Declan Masterson joined us as Year Eight English and Special Needs teacher following the departure of Mrs. Lynn Rose. Mr. Tim Parish left us to teach Japanese at Hale School and was replaced by Mrs. Akiko Danker. The temporary absences of Mrs. McCann, Mrs. Dimasi and Mr. Purcell on Long Service Leave were covered by the appointment of Mrs. Rose Hanratty to teach Italian in Terms 2 and 3, and Ms. Rosa Hajduk to teach English and Social Studies in Term 4. All of these people have, I believe, contributed very strongly to the work of the Department and I thank them for their efforts.
The demands of the syllabi in upper-school courses meant that teachers had to make special efforts to keep themselves abreast of developments in these areas. A programme of Professional Development opportunities was presented to them and many made use of this to upgrade their skills.
Yr. 8 Award Winners.
I extend my grateful thanks to everybody who has worked as a member of the Languages and Communications Department this year. Despite the large marking load that is characteristic of the subject English and the fast pace of change within the curriculum area generally, there has been a willingness to accept changes and a commitment to improving the level of literacy within the school. I am going to be absent in first term next year but I am confident that the Department's staff will continue to provide the highest standards of professionalism to the boys and to the schools in 1997.
- Mr. Bredan Mulvey During the year, there were opportunities for students to enjoy special activities and excursions. Yr. Twelve Literature students attended productions of Hamlet and Checkov's Three Sisters. The Yr. Eleven group went with Mr. Purcell to see Educating Rita. A writers' workshop with children's author Glynn Parry was offered to students as part of the Edmund Rice Beatification celebrations. Participants from CBC joined with others from Christian Brothers schools on the day at Aquinas College for this event.
Special mention must be made of the English Speaking Board Examinations which were organised and directed in Yr. 8 by Mr. Masterson and in Yr. 10 by Ms. Morison. Both exams revealed students who had confidence and flair in public speaking. They also provided all of the students involved with a chance to speak to a real and critical audience. I am grateful to all class teachers who helped to prepare students for this event and I am especially thankful to Ms. Morison and Mr. Masterson for their organisation and enthusiasm in the preparation which made these events possible.
In August, students sat for the National English Competition. This event has become a traditional one in this school and one which reveals strong talent which is latent in many students.
Head of Department
There has been a great deal of activity in the Italian area this year. During the Italian Festival Week, a competition was held for all schools for students to design bookmarks, bumper stickers and posters to promote the learning of the Italian language. Many of our students were highly recommended for their entries while James Foley and Simon Raspa (Yr. 9) were the 3rd Prize winners in their category of designing a bumper sticker.
In August, Year 9 and 10 students participated in the National Australia Bank Languages Certificates which tested their reading and aural comprehension. All students received a certificate. Excellent results in both reading and listening tasks were achieved by Yr. 9's F. Fusari, D. Liberatore, M . Monzu, Q. Speca, S. Santoro and Yr. 10 's R. Guerra, J. Paratore and A. Spano.
Also in August, all Yr. 10, 11 and 12 Italian students participated in the Dante Alighieri Examinations. This exam is an annual event which has been running for over 20 years. Results were pleasing and Yr. 12 student Alessandro Lucioli achieved a wonderful re-
suIt of 93% gaining overall First Place in the exam.
Once again, food was a feature of our program to incorporate the culture with the language. All classes celebrated Easter with the traditional Italian Easter Cake (Colomba) and other pastries. At the conclusion of the topic on "Food and Restaurants", the Yr. 8 students were treated to sampling some antipasto style foods while the Yr. 9 boys were taken to Caesar's Restaurant for lunch.
The Italian Connection Expo at the Fremantle Passenger Terminal was enjoyed very much by the Yr. 8 students who sampled some delightful food and saw some classy Italian goods on display. However, most agreed that the models in the fashion parade were the classiest.
]LP\..1P'AN1EยงlE From March to April of this yea!;, a group from Torei High School in Japan visited CBC. Two teachers and nineteen students had home-stay with some CBC Families. Their visit consisted of
mainly sight-seeing and interacting with our students so as to improve their English. From all reports, our Japanese visitors enjoyed experiencing the nature, the education system and life style here in Australia. A strong friendship was exchanged as a result of their visit.
The most exciting event this year is the beginning of a student exchange program to Italy for Yr. 11 Italian students.
On Friday November 29th at 8.40am, six Yr. 11 students will fly to Italy. On arrival in Rome, they will spend 4 days touring and seeing the sights of this wonderful city. On the last day in Rome
Exchange students performing at their Farewell Dinner.
the students will have the honour of having an audience with the Pope. From Rome, the students will travel to Florence and onto Figline (approx. 30 minutes away by train). In Figline, the students will attend school, go on excursions and be billeted to families. It is hoped to establish a sister school relationship between CBC and the Instituto Tecnico Statale Commerciale e Per Geometric "G. Vasari" and possibly host students from this school here in VIA in the future.
This exchange will be the first in what we hope will become an annual event for Yr. 11 Italian students. Best wishes for your trip to Paolo Chiappini, Joseph Merlino, Ricardo Raffa, David Raffaele, Frank Raguseo and Adrian Tranchita.
Presently, we are planning to send a group of students from Yr. 10 and Yr. 12 to Japan during the April school holidays in 1997. They will visit Torei High School in Fujisawa-city, Kanagawaprefecture, which locates two hours by bus from Narita airport. They intend to experience the culture, education system and life style of Japan.
- Mrs. Marianna Dimasi & Mrs. Nella McCrann
- Mrs. Akiko Danker
Teachers of Italian
Teacher of Japanese
]0) lE JP>A1Rllf1\1[ JE Nlf 0) IF ][ N IF 0) lRl1'v1[AIf l[ OfN
lr lE C lH[ NO) lL(OG Y
1996 has been a "different" year. No new computers, but the inclusion of adults into the student body. Canning College have been conducting evening classes using the schools PC Lab for adult learners after school hours. A cost effective and efficient use of school resources and a definite outreach program that has been generally well received.
The school 's Kornputer Klub has spent most of the year designing an Internet Web Page for the school. This small group of boys ably led by Matthew Brown have achieved a very professional result and the only hold up from actual Web Publishing is the final choice of some photographs depicting school life. Yr. 12 students visited the Telstra Fremantle exchange as part of their digital communications learning and found it a very worthwhile visit. Especially when understanding better the benefits accruing from the move by Telstra to a digital phone networ
- Mr. Harry Clements-Shepherd Head of Department
]0)lEJP>A1Rllf1Y1[JENlf (OlF M[AlflH[lE1'v1[Alfl[Cยง During 1996, gifted Mathematics students took advantage of many opportunities to display their abilities.
of students who received Distinctions for being in the top 15% of the State:
Australian Mathematics Awards
(Yr. 12) Alex Lyon, Jonathon Woolfrey; (Yr. 11) Russell Honeybun, Travis Woodward; (Yr. 10) Kenshi Wakamatsu, James Paratore; (Yr. 9) Stewart Bovell, Paul Carruthers, Simon Raspa, Lee Eaton, Benjamin Khoo, Elis Smedley, Aston Ladzinski, Shoichi Ueda; (Yr. 8) Thomas Giovannetti, Neil Tennant.
In the 1996 Australian Maths Awards (previously Westpac), CBC produced some very distinguished efforts. James Mulvey (Yr. 8) received a prize when he produced results that show that he is in the top 1% of the State. James Delides (Yr. 12) received a High Distinction for being in the top 1% of the State. Following is a list
Have Sum Fun Competition Throughout the State, the Mathematics Association runs a North and South of the River Mathematics Competition for Upper Secondary and Lower Secondary students. The night consists of a series of puzzles on which students ~ork with each other to solve. CBC was placed 11 th out of35 in the Lower Secondary and 15th out of 25 in Upper Secondary. The following is a list of representatives:
Upper Secondary - James Delides, Grant Watton, Jonathon Woolfrey, Russell Honeybun, Ric Raffa, Travis Woodward. Lower Secondary - Michael Clapsis, Paul Giovannetti, James Foley.
- Mr. Barry Tognolini Yr. 8 Australian Maths Awards recipients.
Head of Department
]D)lEPA1~lrM[lENlr (Q)lF M[lU[ยงl[C 1996 has been a time of settling for the Music Department. Much hard work has been put in by staff, students and parents - the fruit of which will be evident as we embark on the new school. year in 1997.
Term One saw the commencement of instrumental lessons on a rotational basis from lower secondary up through to Yr. 10.
The beginning of Term Two saw the occasion of our first official performance: the Music Luncheon at Tuckfield St. The perform-
the Beatification of Edmund Rice. The Trinity Pipes and Drums and a piano soloist from Aquinas were guest items at our Music Festival. Early in Term 3, the junior students at the three schools joined together for a cultural day. The jazz repertoire of our Junior Concert Band and the sound ofthe Yr. 6 Rock Band were very popular with the Trinity and Aquinas students.
Tri1lity Pipes & Drums at our Music Festival.
Once again our efforts and talents were combined for the Edmund Rice Celebration Mass which was held at the Entertainment Centre. A combined band of 60 musicians and a combined choir of over one hundred singers led the music for this special liturgy. In our final celebration of Blessed Edmund Rice, CBC provided the trumpet player for a Special Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral in Term 4.
Music LU1lcheo1l.
ance by the Jazz Orchestra made the day a great success. This paved the way for the CBC Mass at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Hilton; the annual College Music Festival, which involved. all
In Term 3, the choir combined with other regional schools to form the Catholic Performing Arts Choir, performing at the Festival Concert in the Perth Concert Hall. Performing in this venue to such a large audience was a very exciting and valuable experience for our students.
music students, in the Fremantle Town Hall; another Jazz Orchestra performance in the Town Hall for the 2000 & Beyond Redevelopment Plans Launch; and guest performance by the Senior Guitar Ensemble and Jazz Orchestra at the Aquinas and Trinity Music Festivals.
These links with Trinity and Aquinas were formed in honour of
Term 4 has been a short but very busy term, beginning with a performance by the junior ensembles for Grandparents Day which was quickly followed by Family Day, where the choir and music staff led the music for Mass, and all bands and ensembles provided entertainment throughout the day. Some junior musicians put on a small concert at Fremantle Nursing Home, the choir sang for the Canteen Helpers' Mass, and the choir and Jazz Orchestra
lO)JEJP>lr" (Q)JF M[lU[ยง][C C(ONlrJ[N1U[]E]Q)",,~ performed at the Farewell to Tuckfield St. Function. Also, there
With funds raised by the Music Department through the year, the Music Committee has purchased three new instruments - a euphonium, a vibraphone and a baritone saxophone. The Committee also organised a special workshop for the students with renowned jazz musician Ernie Watts, which further enhanced the music education offered to CBC students.
Class music has been taught in Years 6 to 11. At different year levels subjects studied have included Rock, Jazz, 19th Century Programmatic music and Avante Garde 20th Century music. Activities have included composition and performance, sightsinging, instrument demonstrations for the class, and even dancing, with Farewell to Tuckfield St. Function.
has been much activity at various year group levels, with Yr. 12, Yr. 9 and Yr. 10 musicians leading the music at their year level graduation masses, and the Yr. 10 group offering their services again for the Tuckfield St. Final Mass.
Celebrating St. Patrick's Day.
the Yr. 7 class learning an Irish jig for St. Patrick's Day and the Macarena and Hucklebuck to let off steam in Semester 2. In 1997, the Department hopes to include keyboard work in class music as well as further develop the music technology already utilised in instrumental lessons.
Carols in the Courtyard.
The Music Department finished the year with one final combined performance at our Carols in the Courtyard, held in the lovely surroundings of the Fremantle Arts Centre. The reading of the Nativity by the Dramatic Arts Society added a very special element to the night.
Throughout the year, all events that have been put on by the Music Department have been done so with the strong support and help of the Music Committee. The support and enthusiasm of all Committee members, especially the President Mrs. Stela Rock, has certainly added atmosphere to each event and is much appreciated.
Overall this has been a very full year. I sincerely thank and congratulate all of the music students for their dedication, enthusiasm and achievements over this year - you should be very proud of yourselves.
A very special thank you to Mr. Uwe Stengel, Mr. KimAnning, Mr. Valery Niyazov and Mrs. June Corcoran, the music staff who work so hard and are so supportive and encouraging. Also another special thank you to Mr. Sandro Sandri for his support of the music program at CBC.
- Ms. Emma Harrison Co-ordinator of Music
lO)lEPA1R.l[,M[lEN1[, O)lF lP)]R.AC1[,1[CA1L Al~l[,ยง AN1D ll1EC1H[N(OL(OGY During 1996, there have been some major changes in the physical appearance of the Bill Hughes Practical Arts Centre. The snakelike tubular extensions protruding out ofthe metalwork room are dust and fume extractors that have improved the air and the atmosphere in these rooms.
to make it home. The Food Production classes have also been busy catering and serving at functions such as The 2000 & Beyond Redevelopment Launch, the CBC Old Boys' Function and
Students studying technical drawing have produced some very
Yr. 11 Food Production class enjoying their cooking.
good work this year. Many fine items have been manufactured in
the practical arts rooms and are now taking pride of place in students bedrooms and homes. Well done to the Yr. 9's whose work was entered in the TAPE Bridge Building Competition. The Food Production & Catering Studies classes have been very busy over the year producing many edible items which never seem
the Farewell to Tuckfield St. Function. Guests at these functions have made many positive comments about the tastiness of the food served and the professionalism of the boys who served the food .
This years Work Studies Group have taken part in two work experiences. The success of this program can be Serving food at the CBC Redevelopment Launch. seen in the fact that some students gained part-time or full-time work as a result of their placement.
- Mr. Don McNamee Head of Practical Arts & Technology
JO)lEPA1R-l[,M[lEN1[, O)lF JR.1E1L1[G l[O)lU[ยง JED)lU[CA1[,1[0)N Religious Education provides an important dimension in the spiritual development of each student. A sacramental program from Yr. 6 to Yr. 12 gives each student the opportunity to participate in a class Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the year.
After the tour we had spare time to kick a footy or play soccer and we then went back to the dormitory to have showers.
The next morning we were woken up at 6.30am and for some people it was just a bit too much to handle and they had to have a second shower to wake them up. We then walked to the Abbey to have Mass at 7.30am to be followed by breakfast at 8.00am. Yr. 11 Christian Service.
Retreats playa significant role in the life of each student because it provides the time for students to reflect upon their life journey. An innovation of the Yr. 10 Retreat program was to invite students to spend their Retreat at New Norcia, a Benedictine Monastery 160kms north east of Perth.
- Mr. Gerard Theseira
Co-ordinator of Religious Education
After arriving at New Norcia's Old Convent, six boys from a group of 12 were split up and sent off to lunch. The first 6 had lunch with the Monks. I happened to be one of the first lot of six who had a "monk" lunch and it was a totally different experience. Noone was allowed to talk in the eating room except a Monk who was standing behind a lectern reading scripture during our meal.
Not long after lunch, all of us went on a tour of New Norcia taking in all of the historic sites; some artifacts dated back to 1500AD.
From 9.15 onwards we had free time and we went down to the Monastery Chapel for Midday Prayers. Prayers were said in Latin and Mr. Rose'Meyer was the only "civilian" who could speak the lingo!
At 1.15pm we got on the bus for the two hour journey that would take us back to Freo.
- Nathan 0' Brien (lOC)
JO)]EPA]Rl[,MllEN1[, This year has been one of achievement and consolidation. Students took advantage of the many opportunities offered to them. Throughout the year they have been involved in many different areas; competitions, study groups, excursions and field trips.
the larger lower school classes-as well as Upper School classes. The new design separates experimental areas from work space allowing for a safer, space effective and up-to-date environment.
Finally, I wish to thank all the Science staff for their contribution to the Department throughout the year. A sad farewell to Mr. Paul McAuley and Ms. Kerry O'Brien who will be leaving CBC at the end of 1996 and we wish them every success in their new endeavours.
Ms. O'Brien & Yr. 10 Science.
Excursions were a feature of the Science Department in 1996. They took place at all year levels. For example, Yr. 8's searched the Perth Zoo in answer to such puzzling questions as "Why does the giraffe have such high blood pressure?". This informative excursion was highly complimented by CBC and Zoo staff alike. The excursion was organised by Ms. Daly.
Science Labs at the end of Term Four '96...
In Upper School, the Senior Science students experienced a breathtaking night field trip which was organised and run by Mr. McAuley, Ms. 0' Brien and Mr. Hortense. As part of their Astronomy topic, students were taken to a property in Chittering Brook where they used telescopes to watch the night sky under the supervision and guidance of David Nicholson.
Students from Years 8 - 12 voluntarily took part in the National Science competition. This competition produced some excellent results in all year levels. Particular mention must be given to John Giovanetti in Yr. 8 who achieved a high distinction award. This result places John in the top 1% of the state, which is an outstanding result. Well done John.
As the students school year came to an end, the real work began in the Science Department. In late November, the upper science laboratories were gutted in preparation for a complete overhaul.
... Science Labs at the beginning of Term One, '97.
- Ms. Rachel Shotch The two upper labs will be refitted to comfortably accommodate
Head of Department
lO)lEJP>A1R.1D,\1UENlr (OlF ยงO)(Cl[lElrY AN1D lENV1[1R.OlNM[]ENlr The Department of Society & Environment has undergone some major changes this year. The first being a name change. No longer are we known as Social Studies but the m'ore relevant Society & Environment.
1996 has also involved reorganising the Department. Old stocks of books will gradually be phased out to be replaced with new and appropriate books in the next few years.
In upper school, History students have completed the new Yr. 11 History syllabus. The emphasis of history will no longer concentrate on learning facts and dates but endeavours to use an inquiry approach. This will better prepare students who plan to go to university.
In lower school, students
in Yr. 9 had the opportunity to visit the Fremantle Maritime Museum. This excursion related to their work in the unit Australian Society which looks at Australian History from 1788 to 1960 'so Students enjoyed discovering what life was like bac.k then. Fremantle Maritime Museum.
Next year promises to be a busy and exciting year for the Department. Computers, CD ROM's, more excursions and camps are just some examples of what is install for students and teachers of Society & Environment.
It has been a busy year for Geography students. The Yr. 12 students had a busy and full year, including two excursions. The first, in Term 1, was to the J arrahdale Minesite to see how ALCOA mined bauxite. The second involved an excursion through Perth and the outlying suburbs, to understand the different land uses and functions that a city has.
The Yr. 11 Geography students concentrated on the physical environment. They also had two excursions. The first was to Point Peron and Penguin Island to study the coastal landscape. In Term 4, students enjoyed a three day camp at the Jarrahda1e Environmental Studies Centre. Here in the cold and wet of winter students studied in detail the Jarrah Forest Ecosystem.
Yr. 8 excursion to Wireless HilL
Finally, I wish to make mention of the members of my Department whose efforts have made my first year here at CBC Fremantle such a good one. To Mrs. Annette Flexman, Mrs. Jenny D' Ascanio, Mr. Gary Holtham, Mr. Joe Purcell and Mr. Sylvester Stack, so many thanks for the outstandIng work you have done. I must also thank Ms. Rosa Hajduk and Mr. Maurice Van Dogen who filled in for Mr. Purcell while he was on long service leave in Term 4. It has been an enjoyable year here and I look forward to meeting and working with you again in 1997.
- Mr. Michael lalacci Yr. 9 Excursion to Fremantle Maritime Museum.
Head of Department
]O)lEPA1RllrMUENlr O)lF ]P>lH[Yยง1[CA1L ]E1D1U[CAlrl[(ON AND) ยงpO)lRllr 1996 has been a year of considerable change and consolidation to previous changes in' CBC Sports and Physical Education.
ments coming from students. A'S a result, all sport will be run the same in 1997.
This year was the second year of the redevelopment of Year 11/ 12 Sport. The changes implemented included a widening of options available to the students thus providing the opportunity for
Yr. 11112 Sport.
students to choose a sport of interest. During the course we had 24 students gain their open water SCUBA ticket as well as other
Once again we had strong representation by over 26 teams who competed in diverse sports such as: Swimming, Athletics, Cross Rugby, Country, Hockey, Soccer, Football, Tennis, Cricket, Canoeing, Triathlons. These teams have completed with distinction and many thanks should go to the staff who spend many hours training and coaching.
The school has supplied numerous State Representation to over eight different sports. Congratulations to all of our students who have represented the school, state and in some cases, Australia, in 1996. Well Done. Yr. 11112 Sport.
students gain umpiring or coaching accreditation in Rugby, Hockey, Football and Cricket.
Once again thank you to all the staff who assisted the CBC Sport Department to run smoothly in 1996. A big 'thank you' to all the students in our school who competed at or for CBC this year.
This year also saw a change in the way our year sport and sport carnivals were run. The events were run in a House competition basis. This method worked very well with many positive com-
- Mr. Ross Barron
Head of Department
]P> AT1H[\\VAY
lr<O ]EM[P1L<OYM[]ENlr
The Innovative Skills Training and Education Program - INSTEP for short, is a structured learning program that combines school learning with experience in industry/commercial work placements. It is the first school based industry placement program which incorporates assessment by employers. INSTEP is a unique joint industry/school venture which benefits students, the industry and in general the wider community.
Essentially the INSTEP program entails students being involved in interviews, work place agreements, attending trainer workshops and then undertaking 1 to 2 days per week for 12 plus weeks at their work placement. The other 3 to 4 days, INSTEP students continue with their school subjects plus school workplace assessment tasks.
The benefits of this program are numerous with the main ones being: the program provides a strategy for a greater number of students to successfully work towards Secondary Graduation; assists in the development of responsible student work skills and career planning; increases student self-esteem, confidence and develops broader interpersonal skills; provides students with a recognised' Skills Profile" which ensures greater access to employment, further education and training and builds an understanding of employer expectations.
This year 16 CBC senior students were involved in the program. Their work placements were varied and ranged from Scavolini's Cafe to East Victoria Park Recreation Centre.
Yr. 12 Student, Jason Fuller whose work placement was at Sports Locker, Bullcreek states that he benefited from the program because he was able to get a deeper understanding of the retail and sporting goods industry. He states that his biggest achievement during the placement was showing his employer that he was a cable and reliable employee - so much so that he was offered employment.
Another Yr. 12 student, Ryan Morgan gained a placement with Timms Furniture. Towards the end of November, Ryan was offered an apprenticeship with the company.
Ryan Morgan, Ben Zuideveld, Laurance Briggs, Daren Savy, Br. Murray, Jason Pivac, Paul Tinker, Jon Brady, Michael Salvador.
FRONT ROW: John Antunovich, Dominic Bird, Brodie Crockett, Neil Vaughan, Jason Fuller, Damien Garces, Emmanuel De Aguiar.
lL1H[lE §1[,lU[lD1EN1[, ]R..1EP1~lE§lEN1[,Al[,1[V1E (C<0l1U[NC1[lL lEuLlEN §llR1E1Ell §llUlDllENll COUNC1[lL
Clifton Pratt, Jeremy De Ceglie, Robert Sheehan, Tim Galvin, Jon Temby, Nick Bowater, Gary Child, Ben Khoo.
FRONT ROW: Paolo Chiappini, Alex Lucioli, Alex Lyon (Head Boy), Br. Murray, Ivo Da Silva (Deputy Head Boy), Jamie Paganoni, John Marolo.
SRC stands for the Student Representative Council. It is made up of boys nominated by their classmates and staff to be their spokesperson. We are also expected to help staff and students, and to be a good example to our peers. Every second Friday, the Council would hold a meeting to discuss complaints, inquiries and ideas brought up by students or a member of the Council. Some of the things we have accomplished this year was a free dress day to raise money for Edmund Rice Camps and a Yr. 11 student who had been injured in a car accident. Due to reduced days of the canteen, we saw that there was a need for a drink machine on campus and so the Coke machine was installed in the undercroft area. We were also involved in the Multicultural Food Day at Tuckfield St. The return of basketball cards, with the help of the teachers guiding the trading and sharing of collector cards was trialed with great success.
Shane Bell, Roby La Roche, Paul Migro, Daniel Russell, Thomas Knopke.
This position has taught me many things such as responsibility, leadership qualities and has helped in my public speaking. I thank the members of the Council for a very successful year, their friendship and co-operation. Thank you also to Ms . Womer for her continuous support and guidance.
FRONT ROW: Nelson Serrao (Heiulboy), Ms. Worner, Brett Regan (Deputy Headboy).
- Robert La Roche (Yr. 7)
"The world only exists in your own eyes - your conception of it. Only you, and you alone, can make it as big or as small as you want."
through their words and actions. Academically, as we have seen tonight, some students have strived to keep CBC's strong academic tradition alive.
The year was 1993 and assembled in the school hall was a unique collection of Yr. 9 students, who had collectively, survived their first year on the Senior Campus. However, the words ofBr. Wedd echoed through the many minds at that awards ceremony, echoing -the school's disappointment at the lack of maturity, lack of leadership and lack of responsibility that they had shown during the year.
Our proud sporting tradition has been kept alive by a majority of the students here tonight. Regardless of ability, several students have represented the school in Football, Athletics, Swimming, Soccer, Rugby, Hockey, Cross-country and Basketball.
It is now 1996 and three years later, many of those students are
sitting before me. In amongst them, we have the elite group of students who have been at CBC Fremantle for 8 years; those who have been here since Yr. 8; and those who have joined the school since then. It is hard to believe that the same "ruffians" three years ago are on the verge of graduating from twelve years of school; twelve years of waking up five days a week to attend a learning facility; a true display of dedication.
Our Yr. 12's have displayed more than just dedication. In several different ways they have displayed maturity, responsibility and leadership.
At this point I would like to thank Ivo Da Silva, Alex Lucioli and Jamie Paganoni, fellow SRC members, along with Fawaz Melder, who has carried out SRC duties for his Form Class. Thank you also to the Yr. 12's who have merged as unproclaimed leaders within the College.
Although the Yr. 12's have set a high standard, a personal disappointment for myselfhas be'en the lack of students attending school during intra-school swimming and athletics carnivals. I would like to challenge next years Student Council to try and reverse this trend.
Others have not competed in sports, but participated in such groups as Amnesty, ERYG, Spectrum and the Law Society. Tradition.
On behalf of the Yr. 12 student body, I would like to thank our Form Teachers Ms. Cooper, Mrs. Flexman and Mr. Searle. Also thank you to those teachers who have given us their spare time to help us with any problems that we have faced academically or otherwise.
I would like to wish you all a safe and prosperous career. Never forget your time at CBC, the good and the bad times, the joyous and frustrating times.
I will leave you with the words of Nixon Waterman.
You are my friends, for you have smiled with me, My help and hope in fair and stormy weather; Friends in the joys you have whiled with me, Friends in the griefs we've wept together. Old friends are scarce New friends are few, Here's hoping I've found one in each and everyone of you. Yr. 12 SRC: Jamie Paganoni, Alex Lyon, Ivo Da Silva & Alex Lucioli.
Tradition. Tradition at our school is reflected through the students,
-Alex Lyon
YJEA]RL ll~v]ElLV]E (Gr]R.A]D1ULAJr][(QlN (C1E]R.lEM[(QiNY
Ampol Best-All-Rounder Grant Watton
Christian Leadership Awards Ivo Da Silva Alessandro Lucioli Alexander Lyon Gregory O'Connell
Amnesty International Awards Ivo Da Silva James Jobey Alexander Lyon Matthew Patroni Asanka Gunasekera Fawaz Melder
INSTEP Award Ben Zuideveld
Sports Service Award Ivo Da Silva
Sportsman of the Year John Neesham
Dante Alighieri Award Alessandro Lucioli - 1st in the State.
Australian Mathematics Competition Awards Eugene Khoo Grant Watton (Credits) Alexander Lyon Jonathon Woolfrey (Distinction) James Delides (High Distinction)
Runner up to Dux Phillip Norman
Dux of the College James Delides
Nickname: Min
Involvement & Achievements while at CBe: State U18 1st XV Rugby Squad Jazz Orchestra Cross Country 1st XV Rugby (Captain) Red Cross Doorknock Appeal
Involvement & Achievements while at CBe: 1995 Quit Cup Premier Football Team 1995 UI8's (South of the River) Tennis Champion Winner 1996 INSTEP 1996 Christian Service
Ambition: To be successful.
Ambition: Get a decent job and have a secure future.
DOMINIC BIRD JAMES BENTLEY Nickname: Bentley Involvement & Achievements while at CBe: 1994 Quit Cup Football 1995 Christian Service 1995 ACC Cross Country 1996ACC Swimming Ambition: To earn lots of money and end up living in a mansion with a gorgeous blonde.
SIMON BOSNICH Nickname: Boz Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: Quit Cup Football ACC Cross Country Special Minister of the Eucharist Credit in English Speaking Board Exams ACC Tennis (Captain) Ambition: To achieve highly in life and to live life to the fullest.
Nickname: Gigs
Nickname: Burrows
Involvement & Achievements while at CBe: ACC Athletics First XV Rugby Red Cross Doorknock Appeal 1996 INSTEP
Involvement & Achievements while at CBe: '92 - '96 ACC Swimming '92 - '96 ACC Athletics 1993 Student Representative Council 1995 ACC State Hockey Team 1996 First XI Hockey
Ambition: To be happy and not to get caught.
Ambition: To be successful and enjoy life.
Nickname: G
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '89 & '90 Champion Swimmer '89 - '9/ & '93 ACC Swimming '89- '91 & '93ACCAthletics '90 - '9/ Junior Band and Ensemble 1994 Senior Ensemble
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '92 - '94 ACC Soccer '95 - '96 Senior Soccer '93 - '94 ACC Tennis Red Cross Door Knock Appeal Ambition: To live happily, hold a respectable position in society, earn lots of money, travel the world and own a collection of classic cars.
Ambition: Get into university, study music and become a music teacher.
Nickname: Rich
Nickname: Boof
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: 1994 ACC Athletics 1994 Quit Cup Football '95 - '96 Spectrum '95 - '96 Senior Soccer 1996 Law Society
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC:
Ambition: Earn large quantities of money to satisfy my every desire.
'93 - '94 ACC Athletics /994 ACC Soccer 1994 Consistent Effortfor Science '94 - '96 State Go Kart Representative 1996 Australian Go Kart Representative
Ambition: Become a top engine builder and race either 1ndycars, Formula 3 or Formula 1 cars in Europe.
Nickname: Woof Nickname: Yuppie Involvements & Achievements while at CBC: 1994 Art Competition 1996 Quit Cup football Ambition: To get trade and professional skills that will further my future career.
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '89 - '95 Hockey 1996 Special Minister of the Eucharist Ambition: To become a chef and travel the world.
Nickname: Boobie Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '94 - '96 Student Representative Council 1995 Second in Human Biology, Economics & History 1996 Deputy Head Boy 1996 ACC Athletics 1996 WA Rep. in Politics, Canberra Ambition: To become the next Labor Prime Minister/President of Australia. (Like everyone doesn't already know!)
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: 1995 Edmund Rice Youth Group 1995 Consistent Effort in Economics 1996 INSTEP
Involvements & Achievements while at CBe: '93 - '94 Rugby IstXV Rugby Red Cross Door Knock Appeal Salvation Army Door Knock Appeal Basketball
Ambition: To own and operate my own business.
Ambition: Keep enjoying life.
Nickname: Beetle
Nickname: Snr Eddo
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: 1995 Dux of College Captain of Willet/on Tigers U1S State Basketball League Team 1996 Most Valuable Player for Western Aust. Basketball League U1S's 1996 High Distinction in Westpac Maths 1996 Distinction in Aust. English
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC 1992 Swim Team 1992 Student Representative Council 1992 Swim Team Yr. 9 Camp Leader 1996 Swim Team
Ambition: To lead a good life and to enjoy myself.
Ambition: To get to Uni, get a well paying job, retire early and hassle young girls in my old age.
Nickname: Wooly
Nickname: Coco
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '93 & '94 Consistent Effort in Metal Work '94 & '95 First in Furniture Wood Work 1995 Consistent Effort in Foundations of Mathematics 1995 Second in Technical Drawing 1995 Solar Car Challenge
Involvement & Achievements while at CBe: Community Service Award Senior Soccer Quit Cup Football Australian Westpac Mathematics Competition Credit Western Australian Schoolboys Soccer Team
Ambition: To get into TAFE and then get an apprenticeship.
Ambition: To be a professional soccer player.
SAL FAZZINO JAMES FARRAR Nickname: Mustang Nickname: Faz Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: 1990 Soccer 1991 Swimming Champion '92, '94 & '95 Australian Westpac Mathematics Competition Credit 1993 ACC Tennis 1995 Quit Cup Football
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: Junior Hockey English Speaking Board Examinations Credit Coca Cola & ACC Basketball ACC & Quit Cup Football ACC Rugby Ambition: To play pro basketball.
Ambition: To instigate a hostile takeover of the world's leading powers.
ADAM GANDOSSI Nickname: Gando Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '95 - '96 State Sprint Kart Championships - 3rd 1995 First in Applied Computing 1996 2nd in Applied Computing Law Society 1996 Grand Prix Sprint Kart Champion Ambition: To be the best at whatever I do.
Nickname: Gherkin
Nickname: Papa Smuif
Involvement & Achievements while at CBe: '93 - '94 9110 Rugby 1994 Red Cross Door Knock Appeal TaeKwonDo 1996 1st XV Rugby 1996 XV Rugby Tour of Mel bourne
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '84 - '96 Fremantle United Soccer Club '95 - '96 Senior Soccer ACCTennis Member of U.M.A.
Ambition: Get rich, gamble it all, then die poor.
Ambition: To experience everything life has to offer and never look back.
Nickname: Winger
Nickname: Safari by Ralph Lauren
In volvement & Achievements while at CBC: '94 & '96 ACC Swimming 1996 A CC Athletics 1996 Quit Cup Football ACC Hockey State Team, First VI Hockey 1996 Second in Cross Country
Involvement & Achievements while at CBe: 1994 English Speaking Board Examinations Distinction 1994 St. Vincent de Paul Society 1995 First in Economics & Accounting Amnesty International - Vice President 1996 Law Society - President
Ambition: To work in the area of structural engineering drafting and play hockey at a high level.
Ambition: To be a lawyer; be appointed
Nickname: Huxy
Nickname: Freddie
In volvement & Achievements while at CBC: Quit Cup Football Rugby Edmund Rice Mass Official
In volvement & Achievements while at CBC: '93 - '96 Amnesty International '93 - '95 St. Vincent de Paul '94 - '96 Edmund Rice Youth Group 1994 Red Cross Door Knock Appeal 1996 Salvation Army Door Knock Appeal
Ambition: To go and never return.
QC, then State Director of Public Prosecutions, Attorney General and die as the Chief Ju stice of the Supreme Court.
Ambition: To achieve the highest position in Customs Law and Procedure.
Nickname: Custard Ambition: Live life to the fullest - the 90's is a great time to be young. Study media at Uni and teach.
Nickname: Kenji
Nickname: Lindsay
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '94 - '96 Salvation Army Door Knock Appeal '94 - '95 Red Cross Door Knock Appeal Ball Committee
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: 819 Cricket ACCCricket ACC Football Quit Cup Football
Ambition: To succeed in life.
Ambition: To retire at 30.
Nickname: Ale
Nickname: Barge
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: 1991 Peer Award '91 - '94 ACC Tennis '9 1 & '93 - '96 Student Representative Council 1995 Runner Up Dux '94 & '96 First in Dante Alighieri State Examinations
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '91 - '96 Westpan Mathematics Competition Distinction '93 - '96 Amnesty International '94 - '96 Student Representative Council '94 & '96 ACC Athletics 1996 Head Boy
Ambitions: To be a respected member of society who is known for his achievements andfor his Ferrari.
Ambition: "Stars, hide your fires, light not my deep & dark desires" MACBETH
Nickname: Fish
Nickname: Pip
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: 1994 ACC Athletics 1995 ACC Swimming 1995 Solar Car Challenge First XI Rugby Quit Cup Football
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: 1993 Awardfor Service to the School . Community 1995 First in Human Biology 1995 Consistent Effort in Introductory Calculus 1996 Edmund Rice Youth Group
Ambition: To be successful in life and to enjoy it as I go.
Ambition: To receive a good TEE mark and attend University. In the future to be a well established young gentleman.
Nickname: Mr. Richard Cranium
Nickname: Vault
Ambition: To work with people. Learn more communicating skills and aquire a greater underslanding of social illleraction
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '92 & '94 English Speaking Board Examinations Distinction 1992 Student Representative Council '93 - '95 Award for Service to the School Community Edmund Rice Youth Group Amnesty - President Ambition: To pursue a career in hospitality management in the travel industry as an Executive.
Nickname: J
Nickname: Funky
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '91 - '96 Cockburn Cougars '92 - '95 Coca Cola Basketball '95 - '96 Spectrum Production Manager 1996 U18's USA State Basketball Tour Member of UMA
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: English Speaking Board Examinations Credit Second in Furniture Wood Work Community Service INSTEP
Ambition: To be happy and healthy and to live life without regrets.
Ambition: To get a secure job and to get the most out of life and money. Then settle down, buy a home and maybe get married.
Nickname: Houdini
Nickname: Grego
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '90 - '93 Senior Guitar Ensemble '92 - '93 Hockey '95 & '96 First in English Literature 1996 SCUBA Diving
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: Coca Cola Basketball ACC Athletics Quit Cup Football Special Minister
Ambition: Study philosophy at University.
Ambition: Get a well paid job; get married and have kids and live comfortably for the rest of my life.
Nickname: Monk
Nickname: Tigger
In volvement & Achievements while at CBC: '90 - '95 ACC Hockey Quit Cup Football Spectrum Special Minister 1996 Student Representative Council
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '94 - '96 National English Competition Distinction 1995 First in History 1995 Westpac Mathematics Competition Credit Amnesty International ACCTellllis
Ambition: Make ino University.
Ambition: To achieve world peace and harmony.
Nickname: All Rounder
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: ACC Football Christian Service INSTEP
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: Quit Cup Football (Vice Captain) Westpac Mathematics Distinction Senior Soccer Cross Country ACC Cricket
Ambition: To be successful in life.
Ambition: Be happy.
Nickname: Spud
Nickname: Herbie
In volvement & Achievements while at CBC: 1994 ACC Athletics 1995 Solar Car Challenge 1996 First XV Rugby Tae Kwon Do State Representative
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: 1995 First in Senior English ACC Swimming INSTEP Christian Service
Ambition: To own a 65Ft game fishing boat and have a big home building company.
Ambition: To live on a tropical island and be extremely rich.
Nickname: Bush
Nickname: Hot Dog
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '93 - '95 Coca Cola Basketball Quit Cup Football State School Boys Soccer Squad
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '89 - '90 Junior Band & Choir '89 - '95 ACC Hockey & Basketball 1989 ACC Swimming & Athletics 1993 Red Cross Door Knock Appeal 1994 Quadriplegidparaplegic Can Shake
Ambition: Live life to the fullest and die a happy man.
Ambition: To see the world and have a job that 1 will be happy in and pays
Nickname: Mutt
Nickname: Kramer
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '93 - '94 ACC Football '95 Christian Service INSTEP
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: Jazz Orchestra Concert Band
Ambition: To be successful and rich in life.
Ambition: To join the Peace Corps and travel to Eastern Lapland where I live my days as a missionary teaching natives to make wicker baskets.
· .·~ · .· .· ·
...... . ".
Involvements & Achievements while at eBC: '93 - '94 & '96 ACC Athletics '92 First in Maths 9/10 Rugby Red Cross Door Knock Appeal
Nickname: Norman
Involvement & Achievements while at CBe: '91 - '93 ACC Swimming '93 - '95 ACC Basketball (Coaching) '94 - '95 ACC Soccer J994 First in Physical Education 1995 Christian Service Ambition: To be the successful Manager of a Five-Star hotel overseas.
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '93 & '94 Australian National Chemistry Quiz Credit Edmund Rice Youth Group 1995 Solar Car Challenge Applicant of 1997 Murdoch University Scholarship in Engineering St. Vincent de Paul Society Volunteer
Nickname: Spitch
Ambition: To study physics at UWA and then become a researcher.
Involvement 4< Achievements while at CBe: '91 & '94 English Speaking Board Examinations Distinction '94 - '96 Quit Cup Football Willetton Football Club - Ul7's Premiers Law Society ACCRugby Ambition: A career in Podiatry, to travel the world and to live life to the fullest.
Nickname: Wedge
Nickname: Sunny
Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '93 - '94 ACC Soccer Community Service 1994 Quadriplegic/paraplegic Can Shake
Involvement & Achievements while at CBe: Christian Service ACC Hockey Golf Cricket Westpac Mathematics Competition Credit
Ambition: To be a successful architect.
Ambition: To be successful.
GRANT WATTON Nickname: Rapper Involvement & Achievements while at CBC: '92 - '96 ACC Athletics '93 - '96 Edmund Rice Youth Group ACCHockey Spectrum 1996 Amnesty International Ambition: Study at Murdoch and et!ler the workforce with a well paying job.
Nickname: Wolf
Nickname: Zuidy
In volvement & Achievements while at CBC: '93 - '94 ACC Basketball '94 & '96 Westpac Mathematics Competition Distinction 1994 Basketball 1994 Science Competition Distinction
Involvement & Achievements while at CEC: '92 - '96 ACC Swimming ACC Athletics ACC Football Christian Service INSTEP
Ambition: To be the best at what I do no â&#x20AC;˘ matter how much effort it takes.
Ambition: To work hard to earn a living and have a great caring family and a beautiful wife.
Salvatore Fazzino, Grant Watton, Darren Cramer, James Delides, Greg O'Connell, Jonathon Woolfrey, Anthony Sergeant, Michael Kempton, Benjamin Etchells.
Blake Burrows, Michael Sammut, Paul Tinker, Matthew Patroni, Jason Pivac, James Farrar, Laurence Briggs, Brett Carter, Eugene Khoo, Leighton Stone.
FOURTH ROW: James Bentley, Jon Brady, Matthew Cybula, John Edmunds, James Jobey, Luke Lindsay, Darren Savy, Cameron Maher, David Cocciolone, Ben Zuideveld, Ben Huxtable. THIRD ROW:
Brodie Crockett, Chris De Jesus, Jason Monzu, John Antunovich, Eamonn Arandiga, Michael Salvadore, Con Sapienza, Ryan Morgan, Alessatldro Lucioli, Jeffrey Ryan, Asanka Gunasekera, Jamie Paganoni.
SECOND ROW: Gary Faria, Paul Ranallo, Richard Cavilli, Paul Pitaro, Mario Peca,Adam Gandossi, Fawaz Melder, Ken Jason Fuller, Dominic Bird, Gennaro Cammarano, John Neesham.
FRONT ROW: Kim McDonald, Adam Grinsel~ Damien Garces, Simon Bomich, Frank Squadrito, Alex Lyon (Head Boy), Ivo Da Silva (Deputy Head Boy), Emmanu·e l De Aguiar, Phillip Masella, Phillip Norman, Joe Gentile.
Paul Spiccia,
---_._-----_. YJEAR. JEJLJEVJEN
Rian Day-Jones, Kit Lau, Gavin Aylmore, Nicholas Cunningham, Bradley Cox, Johnathon Holmes, David Merendino, Tim Lancaster, Bradley Poore.
MIDDLE ROW: Brad Towes, Brett Wilkins, Rafael Moreno, AndreW Etchelis, Chun-Kwok (Andy) Lau, Matthew Brown, Paolo Chiappini, Francesco Raguseo, Neil Vaughan. FRONT ROW: Glen Vinci, Edilson Redondo, Daniel Grover, Br. J. Murray, Ben Grose, Ryan Perry, Benjamin Brooker.
Adam Iriks, James Moore, Blazenko Kurilj, Andrew Donaldson, Wayne Carter, Ben Pedersen, Scott Eastman.
MIDDLf ROW: Dion Laney, Robert Morgan, Gregory Taylor, Beau Waters, Jason Connolly, Michael Nunn, Carl Carcione, Cristobal Moreno. FRONT ROW: David Raffaele, Emmanuel Arandiga, Adam Hall, Mr. D. McNamee, Adrian Tranchita, Garry Child, Simon Angell. ABSENT:
Benjamin Lawlor, Leigh Russell.
Steve1I Carter, Anthony Chiovitti, Glenn Nicholson, Benjamin Arnold, Ross Lamkin, Graeme Antczak, Adam Prestage.
MIDDLE ROW: Benjamin Cassin, Ian Ferreira, Christopher Sergeant, Alistair Usher, Dermod Deasy, Alfonso Della Maddalena, Giuseppe Merlino. FRONT ROW: Geoffrey Sibon, Shaun Stevenson, john Murolo, Mr. M. Ialacci, Matthew Powers, Mark Sorensen, Dale Alfrevich. ABSENT:
Matthew Capone, Michael Edmonds, Nelson Faria.
Brett jansen, Glen Nicholson, Anthony Kirkwood, Paul Schaper, Chris Graham, Brendan Kane, jared Brown, Christopher Holding, David De Freitas.
MIDDLE ROW: Luke Caputi, Maurice Moran, Robert Sheehan, Mark Massara, Phillip Hadley, jonathon Buis, Paul OliO/Oro, Ricardo Raffa, Alldrew Carruthers. FRONT ROW: Ross Forzatti, Dalliel Martillez, Russell Honeybun, Mr. F. Williams, Travis Woodward, Vincenzo Triventi, James Broome.
]r "lL
This year's Senior Ball
was once again held
at the FremantIe
Sailing Club.
Looking glamorous in
their formal wear,
many students arrived
in limousines and
cadillacs while others
arrived on the
Fremantle Tram.
Having had lessons
on etiquette earlier
in the week, our
students certainly did
the College proud and
not only looked like
refined gentleman, but
behaved accordingly.
lr JE N
Kristian Nolan, Jon Temby, John De Brito, Sinisa Semper, David Germinario, Steven Erceg, Glen Harris, Daniel O'Hara, Tyson Beattie, Tim Angell, Marc Home.
MIDDLE ROW: Damien Allen, Hing Fung (Anthony) Tang, Michael Clapsis, Neal Hobson, Craig Gianoli, Steven Delides, Nick Obradovic, Joseph Sainsbury, Luke Vernon, Huei-Ming (Dennis) Wang, David Onoforo. FRONT ROW: Jose Calzada, Aaron Rebelo, David Di Tullio, Aaron Dyball, Mr. R. Rose'Meyer, Daniel Ford, Duane Partridge, John McGunnigle, Tim Buckner.
Adam Pivac, John Austin, Mark Henwood, Daniel Davidson, Vivian Oldfield, Tim Casey, Tim Galvin,Andrew Lang, Kyle Wade.
MIDDLE ROW: MaUhew Stingemore, David Edmunds, Peter Murula, Tim Allen, Adrian Spano, Peter Forzatti, Andrew Howes, Jae Dornan, Matthew Henwood, Frank Rodriguez. . FRONT ROW: David Paratore, Stuart Biggs, Michael Robert Guerra. ABSENT:
Brendon Gilmour.
Rick Wilkins, Ms. R. Shotch, Michael Di Blas~ Mark Ladeira, Luke Jeffery,
Y1EA1R. ll1EN
james Paratore, Kin Onn Lam, Robert Calder, Rory Halliwell, Christopher Sheridan, James Garwood, Shane Sands, Rory Elliot, Tsun Wang Ip, jeremy De Ceglie.
MIDDLE ROW.· justin Rose, Michael Digney, james Stone, Luke Oliver, Joel Lawrance, Andrew Musulin, Shane Forzatti, Michael Howes, Clarke Barlow, joao Soares, Thomas Trolio. FRONT ROW.· David Pond, Andrew Chin, Antonio Zagari, Glenn Hollands, Mrs. S. Emslie, Paul Giovannetti, Timothy Dunne, Kenshi Wakamatsu, Gabriel Andrade. ABSENT:
Nathan O'Brien.
ONIE t Two ...... C1H[A
Every Friday from 3.4Spm to 4.4Spm the Yr. 10 boys from Christian Brothers' College, Fremantle participated in dancing lessons with IONA. Our lessons were conducted by David Gilkison Dance Studios. From our first tentative steps until our final dance, we thoroughly enjoyed our dancing lessons.
Before our lessons we prettied ourselves up, sprayed ourselves with heaps of deodorant and boarded the buses for IONA. When we arrived, we hurried off and entered the hall. In the weeks to follow we learnt some Old Time Dancing (Bam Dance, Pride of Erin), Modem Dancing (Waltz, Quick Step, Slow Rhythm), Latin American (Jive, Cha-Cha-Cha, Samba) and also some novelty
Gilkison, Jamie and our own special teacher, Mr. Rose' Meyer. The last week came and we spruced ourselves up for the social: collars and slacks for the boys and dresses and skirts (no stomachs visible) for the girls. We arrived at approximately 7.00pm and talked to the girls about trivial things before the main event began. The night raged on as did we until the finish which arrived all too quickly. Jon Temby and Alison Brown were selected as the most improved dancers during the lessons.
Overall the social was a brilliant success and on behalf of all the boys we would like to thank Winners of the "Most Improved" Award. Mr. Rose' Meyer and all the other teachers who helped with the driving, supervising and organisation.
dances (Pat a Cake Polka, Mexican Shuffie, Bus Stop and Huckle Buck). We practiced these steps under the watchful eyes of Mr.
- Jon Temby, Craig Gianoli, Luke Vernon & Glen Harris (lOA)
Until 1996, all our Yr. 10 boys went out on work experience. Because of the change of emphasis in the workplace in this regard, this year we limited the number of Yr. lO's to go on Work Experience, which was conducted from the 1st - Sth July. The Yr. 11 students who do work studies and the Yr. 12 students involved in the INSTEP Program, also go on work experience during the year.
Each Yr. 10 found his own work experience placement. It was interesting to discover the variety of interest amongst our boys.
A detailed preparation program was done with the boys, culminating in 'Practice Interviews' which was conducted by members of the community who are experienced in interviewing.
The boys enjoyed their week in the workforce and the written reports they received from their employers were very pleasing.
- Mrs. Cooney
Escaping the winter chills of the mid-year holidays, a group of29 Year lO students and 5 teachers and supervisors from CBC, left on a tour of West em Australia's North West region. Seeking adventure as usual, Mr. Bob Rose'Meyer organised the trip for his year group, and managed to persuade Mr. Sandri, Ms. Harrison, Ms. Daly and Mr. Wade to join the expedition.
in a pool at the bottom of one 'of the ravines. The swim was well worth the cuts and bruises sustained on this outing!
The first few days of the trip was taken up by long hours on the coach, stopping only to stretch the legs and have something to eat and drink. No five star hotels on this trip - just the stars of the night sky, where students pitched tents and slept "bush style". The evening lantern stalks kept the students occupied, and as a credit to Mr. Rose'Meyer's organisation, everyone found their way back to the bus.
Camavon was the next place on the agenda. Here the group visited the local fruit research centre, satellite dish and the "one mile jetty". At Coral Bay, the spectacular sights of the offshore reef were enjoyed. Luckily, the bus tour just missed the floods at Camavon which left the area a metre under water.
Next stop - the magnificant gorges of the North West. After a rugged climb over some rocky outcrops, the party enjoyed a swim
Mr. 'Indian Jones' Rose'Meyer has plans to do it all again next year, if enough students show interest.
This years English Speaking Board Examinations were the most successful to date. The results were outstanding and the students behaviour exemplary.
The Exam comprised of four sections. The first was a talk on a hobby or topic of interest. They varied from snakes (live in the classroom) to Judo (complete with uniform and demonstration). The second section involved reciting a poem. They ranged from Shakespeare to Lawson. The third section was an oral reading of from a novel. Tim Winton and Steven King were popular. The fourth and final element of the Exam was a discussion with the Examiner and audience about the presentation . .
The fmal results were 4 Satisfactory, 28 Highly Satisfactory, 45 Credit and II Distinctions. The following students gained the Distinctions. Well done to Joe Calzada, Paul Giovannetti, Viv Oldfield, Kyle Wade, Kenshi Wakamatsu, David Paratore, Glen Harris, Craig Gianoli, Steven Delides, Ip Tsun Wang and Andrew Chin. Congratulations to all 98 students and their English teachers: Mr. Rose'Meyer, Mr. Searle, Ms. Hajduk and Mr. Mulvey.
Kellshi Wakamatsu demonstratillg a Judo move 011 Joe Saillsbury.
- Ms. Morison Yr. lO English teacher and ESB Co-ordinator
Y1EA1R. Nl[N1E
Daniel Moreschi, Steven Tucker, Grant Perry, Nathan Quealy, Stewart Bovell, John Tholhuysen, Ben Sheridan, Ben Bright, Justin Chauveau, Scott Tate, Jonathon Paradede.
MIDDLE ROW: Joseph Lester, Luke Preston, Aston Ladzinski, Jeremy Yates, Troy De Jesus, Robert Antony, Damien Liberatore, Ronan Cassin, Clifton Pratt, Brendan John, Tristan Woodward, Hugo Franco. FRONT ROW: Warren Hill, Jamie Jones, Daniel Gresley, Nick D'Adamo, Ms. D. Morison, Laurie Raguseo, Bryan Toms, Robert Tesoriero, Tommy Obradovic. ABSENT: Matthew Symons.
Roberto Townsend, Sebastian Grenda, Bradley Pritchard, Paul McGuckin, Bell Champion, Andrew Twiss, Ricky Nodari, Aaron Kershaw, Nicholas Bowater, Elis Smedley, Ryan Anthony.
MIDDLE ROW: Joseph Tassone, Ricardo Leiria, Andrew Howe, Paul Carruthers, Kris Quinlan, Garth Hur/e, Michael De Aguiar, Lee Eaton, . Jayden O'Brien, Lucas Thomas, Lukian Poleschtschuk, Bradley Merendino, Michael Chok. FRONT ROW: Francois Ferreira, Simon Raspa, Aiden Doherty, Troy Foster, Mr. A. Murphy, Ian Wall, David Townsend, James Foley, Graeme Ball.
Y1EA1R. Nl[W1E
David Occhiuto, Adrian Chiappini, Scott Powell, Daniel Pratt, Jed Coonan, Tim Hampson, Malcolm Rock, Simon Coelho, Nathall Gerovich, Liam Ivandich, Salvatore Santoro.
MIDDLE ROW: AnthollY Papas, Derek Novak, Mark De Corti, David De Felice, Ben Meakins, Paul Dutton, Marc Monzu, Leigh Doherty, laill Hazell, Fabio Fusari, Barry Jessen. FRONT ROW: Ciall Davis, Dane Yeomans, Jayden Saunders, Steven Moore, Mrs. M. Whitney, Shoichi Ueda, Dalliel Howe, Ben Khoo, David Yukich. ABSENT:
AlltOllio Garces, Christiall Thompsoll.
On Tuesday the 21 st of March, a group of anxious students were sat waiting on the oval after last minute arrangements had to be made because the school bus had broken down. To pass the time, we all ate our packed lunches at around 9.30am and played some sport on the oval.
A few hours later we arrived at FairbridgeVillage. On first impressions, it looked very, very old and we felt like we'djust gone back in time to 1905 or something along those lines. We were put into three separate houses while the teachers got a really good two storey house. In most houses the water system ran on a very basic principle rule of science and to use this principle, we were given an axe, a few logs and some matches. One of the houses had gas heating but with the log fire heating, you had about two minutes to get in and out before the water turned solid on you. The food was very nice and served in a sort of buffet style mess hall (and mess hall it soon became!).
it or not, Mr. Saridri and Mr. McAuley were almost as gun-ho as us!); horse riding (on some aggressive horses i.e. mine!); water skiing; biscuiting (where you sit in a tube with a material bottom and you get towed behind the boat at a speed of 30 - 40mph). A few kids fell out and Mr. McAuley was untied in the middle of the dam by some revenge-craving students. Other activties included: a bush walk, canoeing and raft building and a cowpat frisbee game (NOTE: Bit messy. Don't try this game at home.). There were a few different night activities including: a games night, a quiz night and a couple of video nights. After four days we went home and what better way to end the week than to finish school at 12.15pm.
Overall the camp was lots of fun and I give it a 811 0 as being a good camp.
- Ian Wall (9B) Although the night time pranks and jokes went on for hours, some of us did manage to get some sleep and came back wide awake. The campus activities were great and included abseiling (believe
lBh~ooK CAM1P'§][TlE
For 9A and half of 9B, the camp at Logue Brook (just out of Harvey) was a complete success. The camp was held from 19th 22nd of March, and Mr. Murphy, Mrs. Cooney, Mr. Purcell and Ms. Morison together with Madeline Morison attended.
The activities included Abseiling, horse-riding, a low-ropes (obstacle) course, archery, canoeing and water-skiing. Abseiling down the 13m tower was fairly easy, but free-falling through the centre of the tower required courage, a few prayers, a lot of trust and a still tongue (the supervisors said we'd get into trouble if we swore). As well as canoeing, water-skiing and sea-biscuiting at Logue Brook Dam, we had fights in knee-deep sludge, and quite a few students went back to camp covered in dried-up mud. Horse-riding was also fun, except when the horses got grumpy and nearly threw us off. The low-ropes and the archery tested our skills and the most anticipated activity was Mr. Murphy's 6am jogs. NOT!
We also visited the Harvey Agriculture School, and saw the chicken sheds, piggery, slaughterhouse, calf shed, shearing shed and the milk shed, but the best place there, was the vineyard. The
red globe grapes were of export quality, and were absolutely delicious.
We watched several videos during the camp - "Ace Ventura", "Cool Runnings" and "Drop Dead Fred" were laughs a minute. Games Night was excellent, except for a few races that made us look very silly (i.e. rolling potatoes across the floor with our noses???) and the skits - which made us look pathetic - were clever and hilarious.
Special thanks to all the teachers and supervisors, especially the owners of the excellent campsite for all their time and hard work. Overall everyone had a really good time and enjoyed it thoroughly. It was great!
- James Foley (9B)
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Jonathon Ford, Michal Kurdziel, Liam Darby, Daniel Goncalves, Matthew Nicholson, John Pica, Lucas Oldfield, Cail GrijJiths, Erik Surjan.
MIDDLE ROW.· Luke Cockram, Brian Backshell, Paul Serafini, Eden Bellem, Daniel Russell, Daniel Howell, Simon Tranchita, Anthony Moore, Danilo La Pegna, Mr. G. Holtham. FRONT ROW.· Glen Bierberg, Russell Bell, Adam Day, Christopher Clithero, William Andrade, Jamie Kershaw, Nathan MacDonald, Peter Vaughan. ABSENT: Tony Law Yui Wan.
Nelson Serrao, James Mulvey, Chris Ferreira, Andrew Oreb, Marcus Maher, Scott Connor, Peter Phillipson, Sergio Galvao, Paul Migro.
MIDDLE ROW.· Adam Kennelly, Paul Smith, Kwan Fong, ShaUll NUII/I,Rodrigo Funes, Jason Burton, Geordie Thuijs, Adam Harvey, Lachlan Bell, Ms. R. Daly. FRONT ROW: Ryan Baker, Bruno Pracas, Brodie McCulloch, Glenn Sheldon, Liam Parkinson, Raymond Chui, Jesse Correia, Neil Tennant. ABSENT:
Cyril Yarran.
YEA]R. ]E][G1H[lr
Bell Cameroll, Thomas Giovalilletti, Luke Dixoll, Luke Russ, Ryall Etchells, Johll Vermollt, Bell Travia, Matthew Kelly, Aaroll Newhill.
MIDDLE ROW: Joel Fernalldez, Stephell Dealle, Davide Raffa, Simoll Armstrollg, Joseph Prillci, Bell Mears, Paulo Rocha, Luca Lucioli, Mr. D. Mastersoll. FRONT ROW: Nicholas Maxwell, Thomas Kllopke, Jacob Koch, Simoll Cameroll-BrowlI, Mathew De Brito, Dalliel Massara, Kalle Willis, Zalle Reghellzalli. Martyll Davisoll.
...~ Iii. ".! '.11l ~
JEXCUR§][ON TO '\V][][~. ElLlE§§ JH[][lLlL
The first excursion of the year was on September 4th to Wireless Hill Park and Cinema City.
The first stop of the excursion was Wireless Hill Park which was a new experience for many. At the park we were met by the Bush
Tucker man who showed us around the Bush area of the Park. We did activities such as rope making, Aboriginal landscape drawings and drawings of plants that vaguely resembled vegies. We also learnt survival skills that would prevent us from starving if we got lost in bushland.
We later found out that this excursion was based on Aboriginal Studies for Social Studies.
- Paul Migro, Tom Knopke and Nelson Serrao (Yr. 8)
On Monday the 18th of November all of the Yr. 8's went to Adventure World. We departed Tuckfield St. at 8.45am and arrived at Adventure World but were too early and had to wait. Finally it opened and everyone went to put their bags down and line up to go on all the different rides.
metres deep. The High Divers said that they reached up to 83 kph.
At 2.30pm everyone was rounded up to go back to school. I would like to thank Mr. MastersoI? for organising the day and all the teachers and parents who accompanied us. The High Dive Spectacular was on at 11.30am and 1.30pm and they did 'flip horsies' and rode little bikes off the diving board. Then they did 25 metre jumps into a pool that was only three
- Daniel Russell (8A)
MvFriend Yesterday my friend died. Well, he's dead to me. He closed his heart and left my circle, blinded by the light, the light of evil in disguise. The lure of evil in the form of the High Flyers. He followed the light in exchange for sex and drugs. The academic is more important, but I was classed as square, socially I'm empty, But I believe a reward is waiting for me soon. 15 years later, I have a BA of stuff, I met afriend, drunk, on the footpath carrying around his paper bag. I asked him what he had for breakfast, raw fish heads. Then he stumbled off, the light dimmed, my reward had been taken.
As the title suggests, yes we went to the Zoo on October 29th. The whole of Yr. 8 piled on the buses thinking about rest and relaxation, but no, it was not to be. We had several Zoo questions for Science to do. So we all paired up and drove off for Zoo Day.
A while later we reached our destination and walked around. The butterfly house and the Savannah were the hotspots. Eventhough we had to do work, all in all it was a good day.
- Paul Migro & Tom Knopke (Yr. 8)
By Tom Knopke (8C)
Recently the English Speaking Board assessed nearly all our Yr. 8 students. (Several students are still to be assessed later this term as they were away representing the College at a Junior Athletics Carnival.)
Congratulations to all who performed so well.
- Mr. Masterson
Sixty-four students took part in this competition which assessed their competence and confidence in oral communication. The results we received were very pleasing with 9 Distinctions, 21 Credits, 32 Highly Satisfactory and 2 Satisfactory grades awarded.
Students who gained Distinctions were as follows: Glen Bierberg, Lachlan Bell, John Giovannetti, Ben Cameron, Tom Knopke, Jacob Koch, Daniel Massara, Nick Maxwell, and Davide Raffa.
The College was delighted to be informed by the assessors that they were impressed with the high standard of presentation and that they gained great pleasure from their visit to the Tuckfield St. campus.
English Award winners.
YlEAl~ ยงlEVEN
Richard Sapienza, Peter Sullivan, Nick Dunne, Rodney Encamacao, Albert Santoro, Ben Caputi, Duncan Rock, Justin Macarlino, Andrew Bass, Jonathon Courtis, Stefano Santacaterina.
MIDDLE ROW: Stephen Pratt, Roby La Roche, Blair Hurle, Gavin Carter, Giall Jaramillo, Ms. B. Womer, Nick De 'Ceglie, Adrian Pou1lder, Leigh Marti1l, Danny Drommer, Brett Rega1l. FRONT ROW: Nuno Leiria, Luke Collins, Robert Salvador, Chris Lawry, Mathew Savy, Matthew Last, Adam Jeffery, A1ldrew Mice1lko, James Eggleston. ABSENT:
Michael Harris, Marc Sheehan, Paul Maisano.
During Science, the Yr. 7's were learning about parts of plants and their scientific names. Then Ms. Womer had the idea of visiting the Rolling Stones Nursery which is owned by Blair Hurle's parents.
As we were leaving, Mr. Hurle gave us each a plastic bag that contained a variety of seeds, bulbs and fertiliser.
At the nursery, Mr. Hurle taught us how to pot seedling s. He then gave us agapanthus to plant and take home to grow. After that Mr. Hurle gave us a tour of the Nursery. We saw a large variety of plants.
I'm sure that the class enjoyed the day. On behalf of the class, I would like to thank Ms. Womer for organising such a wonderful day, Mr. and Mrs. Hurle for the tour and for all that they taught us, Mr. Caputi for driving the bus and Ms. Jayamaha for coming along and helping as well as taking photos.
After the tour, we feasted on some cakes, biscuits and orange juice which Mrs. Hurle had prepared for us. - Rodney Encamacao (Yr. 7)
lEA1R. § lE VlE N (Gr lR.A1D lULA,lrl[ OlN
Mr. Santa Maria was our Gr. 5 teacher and we grew very quickly in our awareness of the true gentleman, committed teacher and carer that we had been given. Mr. Santa Maria had the ability to
Good Evening Br. Wedd, Mr. Pass, parents and fellow students. My name is Robert La Roche and tonight I have been asked to reflect on the last three years I have spent at CBC.
I can remember way back at the end of Gr. 4 when I came to the CBC Orientation Day and was completely amazed by the school band, the variety and different subjects offered and the fact there was not a girl in sight!
still a class of thirty-three with stem discipline and get straight to the point. It saddened us all when Mr. Santa Maria retired at the end of that year, as he really did introduce us to the meaning of a Christian Brothers' school.
Ms. Womer was to be our Yr. 6 and 7 teacher. Boy is she a glutton for punishment! Here we again met a strong, disciplined teacher, one who is always organised, with plenty of work for us . She is always willing to listen, advise and help us. I know we all have gained alot, and are now ready to face Yr. 8. My first impressions have not changed. I have loved the time that I have spent in the band feeling very honoured to have had the talents and patience of Mr. Stengel always as my encouragement. This feeling is one I know that is shared by all that have any association with music at CBC.
Our three years at CBC have flown but I know the memories, loyalties and friendships that we have made will stay with us for ever. CBC has a special power or bond that it weaves over its students. This I feel certain is shared by all the boys as well as several of their fathers and grandfathers here tonight that also went to CBC Fremantle.
Finally I would like to say thank you to all that have shared and helped make our time at Tuckfield St. so wonderful. I know that we all look forward to a future that is richer due to our time together at CBC.
- Robert La Roche
When the class found out that we were going on a camp to Northam, the room was filled with excitement because for many of us, this was our first camp ever. Ms. Womer had given us a timetable explaining what we would be doing. Wednesday 11 th September arrived and immediately I saw that everyone was as excited as I was.
We loaded our gear onto the bus and were on our way by about 8.30am. We headed straight for Mundaring Weir and were lucky enough to be filmed by Channel Seven. At the Weir we saw the c.y. O'Connor Museum and had a tour of the Weir. After lunch we went on a bush walk. That night we had Mass and a Quiz Night. Lights were out by 1O.OOpm.
We were woken by teachers at 7.30am and after breakfast we headed for Connor's Mill in Toodyay and learnt how the Mill worked. We then were bussed to Old Toodyay Goal, one of three still remaining. After lunch we ventured t? Archery and Camel riding, a first for most. That night we watched a movie and went to bed. On the third day we packed up our luggage and headed home at 1O.30am.
The camp was a great success and we would like to thank Ms. Womer for organising everything and to Mr. Caputi for driving the bus and to all the parents who helped at the camp.
Rory Pettigrew, Patrick Davis, Mark Blinco, John Hazell, Daniel Plaisted, Robert Binc;;yk, Eduardo Farate, Eduardo Fernandes, Timothy Truphet.
MIDDLE ROW: Daniel Quealy, Shane Bell, Luke Burwood, Miguel Pais, Christopher Tomich, Gino D'Orazio, Paul Ryan, Joshua Mettam. FRONT ROW:
Xavier Tuohey, Timothy Pearce, Cale McCulloch, Mr. T. Pass, Daniel Roberts, Sean Collins, Ian Vaughan.
Ben Antony, Peter Harvey.
In Tenn 1, the Yr. 6 class designed and made kites in art. It was a lot of fun and some of the designs were very imaginative.
with the Fremantle Gazette taking pictures of the kites.
At first we had minor design probelms but in the end we got them flying. Ms. Kania, our art teacher, came to watch as well as Ms. O'Neill and Ms. Jayamaha. It was a most enjoyable day.
Towards the end oftenn, on Kite Day, we flew them on the oval
- Paul Ryan (Yr. 6)
lL][V][NG (O)lU[]R lFA][lr][1[
Confirmation Class BACK ROW: Joel Femandez, Adam Harvey, Limn Darby, Mrs. Hanratty, John Pica, Daniel Goncalves, Nelson Serrao. FRONT ROW: Michael Kurdziel, Jason Burton, William Andrade, Mathew De Brito, Davide Raffa. ABSENT: Luca Lucioli.
Every Yr. 11 student participates in the Christian Service Program. It runs for a period of 10 weeks four times during the year. Twenty students each term, spend one hour every Tuesday afternoon at either Braema (nursing home) or Foley Village. The students are an integral part of the recreational program in both ven-
§lP'lEC1[A1L M[1[Nl[§T1ER§ OlF THE lEUC1H[ARlI§T
ues, and their interaction with the elderly is invaluable. Many of the elderly suffer from some form of dementia, the students of CBC provide the stimulus and activity for these patients to react with them.
Thank you to Br. Hackett and Mr. Purcell who co-ordinated the program throughout 1996. They have provided the leadership and training needed to prepare the students to work with the elderly.
- Mr. Theseira
LEFT TO RIGHT: Ivo Da Silva, Jamie Paganon;, Simon Bosnich, Greg O'Connell, John Neeslzam, Matthew Cybula; Grant Watton.
lL][ V][ N
(0) lU[]~ IF A ][1[' ]H[
St. Vincent De Paul LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Theseira, Jeremy Yates, Aston Ladzinski, Brendan John, Clifton Pratt, Justin Chauveau.
Amnesty International BACK ROW: Alex LYall, Beau Waters, Bell Cassin, Mr. Purcell, Adam Iriks, Glenn Powers, James Jobey. FRONT ROW: Grallt Watton, Asallka Gunasekera (Finance Director), Fawaz Melder (Chairman), Iva Da Silva (CLO), Matthew Patrolli.
Edmund Rice Youth Group FRONT ROW: Alex Lyon, Jamie Paganolli, Iva Da Silva, Phillip Masella, Michael Kempton. BACK ROW: Grallt Wattoll, Fawaz Melder, Mrs. Flexmall, Asanka Gunasekera, James Jobey.
This year went well for the CBC St. Vincent de Paul Society, although the number of students involved was disappointing. However, the Society, led by Mr. Gerard Theseira, was able to function due to the involvement of the following Yr. 9A boys: Justin Chauveau, Aston Ladzinski, Clifton Pratt, Jeremy Yates and myself.
We held meetings generally every fortnight on a Friday. The So-
countries know that there are people throughout the world who are aware of their human rights violations against their people. In Sri Lanka, these violations include the disappearance, torture, arbitrary arrest and senseless wounding of innocent people.
As Amnesty International is not politically motivated, we do not normally send letters to the government in our own country. Rather, people from other countries write to Australia. In September, the President, Fawaz Melder along with the Head Boy, Alex Lyon and the Deputy Head Boy, Ivo Da Silva had the opportunity to attend a Youth Conference run by the A.LE.S.E.e. university group. The purpose of this conference was to see how we as indiâ&#x20AC;˘ viduals can make. a difference as we approach the 21st century. Issues such as Multiculturalism and Racial Intolerance were discussed. The conference allowed us to see how important groups such as Amnesty International are, in that they fight for Human Rights and really make a difference.
Our Yearly Cake stall was once again a success with over $100 raised. We also attended an excursion with the E.R.Y.G. and St. Vincent de Paul groups in September for lunch and a movie. This excursion provided us with an opportunity to reflect on our goals
ciety organised a few events during the year. One was a Cake Stall in First Term, in which we raised $114. We also managed to organise a clothing bin and held an evening for "Kids at Risk" children in the Fremantle area whose parent(s) didn't come home till late in the evening.
On behalf of the Society, I would like to thank Mr. Theseira for giving us a hand (and as he said, only slight) and to everybody who contributed to the course.
- Brendan John (9A)
and directions, as well as time to relax and enjoy each others company.
Fighting for Freedom
The main aim of Amnesty International is to pressure certain foreign governments to analyse their human rights record. Under the guidance of Mr. Purcell, our small yet dedicated group of students from Years 10 to 12 has focused attention on a number of countries, including Sri Lanka, China, Colombia and Turkey. The purpose of writing these letters is to let the governments of these
As Chairman, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Mr. Purcell, Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Gavin, Ms. Jayamaha, our Vice-President Asanka Gunasekera and all the members of Amnesty '96 for all their efforts. I wish the new President: Beau Waters and Vice President: Ben Cassin best of luck next year with running this worthwhile society.
- Fawaz Melder (president: 1994 - 1996)
In the early morning of Friday 19th March, a group of young men gathered at CBC. What seemed to be out of place was the lack of uniforms but the faces were familiar. It was the day of the Annual Year 13 Breakfast.
who attended it. Everybody relaxed and enjoyed good food, good music, an exchange of the latest news, old jokes, and of course the vital ingredient to make the perfect breakfast: GOSSIP.
Special thanks go to the organisers of the function: Mrs. Cooney, Br. Wedd and especially Mr. Williams and his Yr. 11 Catering class for the variety of wonderful food they provided.
- Dario Della Costa, Claude Stmadica and Tim Odgers
1'v1[ lEGA 96 During the second week ofthe July Term holidays, Anthony Tang and I had the opportunity to attend the MEGA (Maths Enrichment Games Activities) Camp held at Mazenod College.
Most of the ex-students arrived on time and were informally greeted by Br. Wedd, Mrs. Cooney and Br. Hackett. It was good to catch up with the teachers that we had not seen since school
At MEGA we got to explore some things that we never thought existed in Mathematics. We had the opportunity to use a graphics calculator for the duration of the camp. We were also able to explore the Internet, use computers to construct fractals and create 3D shapes on computers. One of the speakers showed us how to multiply two three digit numbers in our heads. On the camp we mainly used technology and applied it to mathematics. I would like to thank Mr. Tognolini for giving us the opportunity to go on the camp.
- Michael Clapsis (lOA)
~VR1[T1ERยงr ~VORKยงH01P'
As an event to celebrate the Beatification of Edmund Rice, a writing workshop was held at Aquinas College.
finished last year. Interesting also were the changes that had occured in such a short time; some teachers had left CBC ' and new teachers had arrived, but all in all not a lot had changed with the school itself. The changes with the ex students were more intense; some were working, others going to Uni, Tech or job hunting, all of us had something to tell.
Following this came the breakfast itself. To say it was delicious would be an understatement, and it certainly was enjoyed by all
The workshop involveJ students from the three Christian Brothers' schools - CBC, Aquinas and Trinity - and was led by the author, Glynn Parry. In what turned out to be an interesting seminar, Glynn Parry explained to us his methods of generating ideas and putting a novel together.
The workshop was a valuable experience because we learnt some of the techniques employed by an experienced writer and this will help enhance our own writing abilities.
- Malcolm Rock (9C)
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BACK ROW: Richard Cavilli, Beau Waters, Glen Harris, Andrew Donaldson, Ben Cassin, Asanka Gunasekera. MIDDLE ROW: Jamie Paganoni, Brendan John, Lukian Poleschtschuk, Ms. Cooper, Ian Wall, Luke Jeffery, Tim Allen. FRONT ROW: Alexander Lyon, Fawaz Melder, Jason Monzu, Ivo Da Silva, Grant Watton, Michael Kempton.
This year was the second year of Spectrum's revival in the '90's. With an even bigger editorial team, the three issues produced this year were of the highest standard yet, with much clearer photographs, skillful interviews, well written reports and creative layout.
In particular, the Yr. 12's on the team: Alex, Grant, Richard, Fawaz, Ivo and Production Manager, Jason Monzu, responded generously to the demands on their time despite heavy TEE commitments. (It takes Jason nine hours per issue to put it all together.)
Our senior students were ably supported by our younger members of whom, Andrew, Glen, Brendan and Ian were regular contributors.
I would like to thank all the boys for doing a fine job. I know it has inspired some to pursue journalism as a career and Richard Cavilli has been approached by the Old Boys' Association to interview our oldest "boy" Mr. Percy Stokes.
- Ms. Cooper
Around the School...
Year Ten Can Shake - Some On Friday, 3rd May, our class (lOA) went down to Fremantle to do a can-shake for Advocacy. This is a Parish based programme which helps promote the value and dignity of people who are intellectually disabled and enables them' to particiapte in the life and work of the local Prish community. (Michael Clapsis)
ยงOM1E lR.lE1FlLlECT][ONยง
while the younger people were tight with their money and quite rude. One young 'lady' told me to get stuffed. I ignored this and said "Thank you anyway, have a good day." I wonder ifshe did! (Kris Nolan)
I did not really feel comfortable about asking people to donate money, but it was a good cause so I didn't mind. (Steven Erceg)
I felt strange collecting for people I did not know, but it was worthwhile. It was extremely interesting to see that people dressed ordinarily gave so generously. The elderly proved to be the most generous and overall women gave more than men. (Tyson Beattie)
I noticed that the rich gave little or nothing, the poor were generous. I enjoyed what I did and learnt a lot. From now on when someone asks for a donation, I will give because I've experienced the situation. (Jon Temby)
I found that the elderly and the tourists were the most generous
What do you know! I got a donation from the Hon. Dr. Carmen Lawrence. (Glen Harris)
Although at first I was a little apprehensive to go can shaking, the thought of helping intellectually and physically disabled people made me feel a little better and more positive. (Neal Hobson)
The people who were dressed more upper-class, indicating they were better off, gave nothing or on most occasions simply ignored us or smirked at us. The less well-to-do gave quite generously. (Luke Vernon)
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A full house was the result of a few months of hard work rehearsing, organising, advertising and believing in the stage production of Don Quixote Revisited.
The cast consisted of four lona Presentation College students: Kate McRae, Emma Fullerton, Analisa Bell and Georgia Adams; five CBC Yr. 9 students: Malcolm Rock, Christian Thompson, Justin Chauveau, Rick Nodari, Robert Antony and one Yr. 7 student, Duncan Rock. The technical support was provided by Clifton Pratt, Ben Khoo and Derek Novak (all in Yr. 9 students)
For some years, CBC had not had a play performed on its stage (or anywhere else). But finally... what a praiseworthy performance! Incorporating damsels, death, puppetry, sword fights, musical effects and even some fireworks, the play did not let the audience go home disappointed.
With unlimited support from some parents, teachers and friends, Malcolm Rock's script was brought to life in an unforgettable way.
The success ofthe performances has brought about action to form the much needed CBC DRAMATIC ARTS SOCIETY which in time will be a full part of school life with many more students from all years participating.
Stay tuned for next year's performance ...
- Malcolm Rock (9C)
Junior Choir BACK ROW: Be1l Camer01l, Scott C01l1l0r, Geordie Thuijs, Ms. Harrison, Bria1l Backshell, Duncan Rock, Paul Serafi1li. FRONT ROW: Robby La Roche, John Hazell, Za1le Reghe1lzani, Eduardo Farate, Adam Jeffery.
Junior Guitar Ensemble BACK ROW: Jonathon COltrtis, Scott Connor, Matthew Last, Duncan Rock, Mr. Anning, Michal Kurdziel. FRONT ROW: Daniel Roberts, Albert Sa1ltoro.
Year 6 Band BACK ROW: Daniel Roberts, Luke Burwood, Timothy Truphet, Xavier Toohey, Dalliel Pmisted, Cale McCulloch. FRONT ROW: Joshua Mettam, Patrick Davis, Johll Hazell, Shalle Bell, Christopher Tomich. ABSENT: Bell AlltollY, Peter Harvey.
1\\1[ lU[ ยง ][ C Junior Concert Band BACK ROW: Jonathon Courtis, Duncan Rock, Joseph Princi, Stephen Pratt, Mr. Anning, Stephano Salltacaterilla, Bell Caputi, Mathew Last, Scott Connor. FRONT ROW: Robert La Roche, Chris Lawry, Patrick Davis, Brett Regan, Neil Tellnant, Gian Jaramillo. ABSENT: Michael Harris, Paul Maisano, Luca Lucioli.
Saxophone Ensemble BACK ROW: Luke Vemon, Clarke Barlow, Mr. Uwe Stengel, Kyle Wade, Clifton Pratt. FRONT ROW: Adrian Poullder, Adam Harvey, Paul Dutton, Steven Moore.
Jazz Orchestra BACK ROW: Paul Dutton, Clarke Barlow, Glen Harris, Eamonll Arandiga,Adam Hall, Michael Claps is, Adam Harvey. MIDDLE ROW: Russell Bell, Steven Moore, Phillip Norman, Stewart Bovell, Adrian Tranchita, Emmalluel Arandiga, Peter Harvey. FRONT ROW: Johll Hazell, Andrew Howe, Paul Schaper, Mr. Uwe Stellgel, Michael Sammut, Andrew Micenko, Luke Vemoll.
Senior Guitar Ensemble BACK ROW: Tim Allen, Scott COIIIIOr, Paul Schaper, Tim Lancaster, Ronan Cassin. FRONT ROW: Kenshi Wakamatsu, Justin Rose, Sebastian Grenda, Luke Caputi, Kristoffer Quinlan. ABSENT: Mr. Anning, Christian Thompson, Kim McDonald, DionLaney.
Senior Concert Band BACK ROW: Adrian Pounder, Shoichi Veda, Michael Clapsis, Stewart Bovell, Glen Harris, Liam Parkinson, Barry Jessell. MIDDLE ROW: Steven Moore, Mark De Corti, Paul Dutton, Kyle Wade, Dermod Deasy, Grant Watton, Clifton Pratt, Michael Harris, James Foley. FRONT ROW: Neil Tennant, Andrew Micenko, Thomas Trolio, Ms. Harrison, Michael Sammut, Andrew Howe, John Hazell. ABSENT: Luca Lucioli, James Broome, Russell Bell, Edilson Redondo.
Primary Chess LEFT TO RIGHT: Duncan Rock (Captain), Blair Hurle, Mr. Pass, Daniel Quealy, Andrew Micenko.
Yr. 8 Chess SITTING (L • R): Danilo La Pegna, Lucas Oldfield, Brodie McCulloch, Daniel Howell, Cail Grifflihs, Paul Smith, Paul Serafini. STANDING (L· R): Luke Cockram, Matthew Kelly, Mr. Holtham, Ben Travia. ABSENT: Russell Bell.
YlEAR lE][GHT C][-l[lE§§
The 1996 Inter School Chess Competition has not been an interesting one as we have only won a few individual games.
Over the last two terms, the Yr. 8 Chess Team has played games every Tuesday afternoon after school. Four players representing CBC went to every game and played for about 30 minutes to an hour. The schools we played against included Mazenod, Scotch, Ursula Frayne and Servite College.
There were many good players including Russell Bell, Paul Smith and Lucas Oldfield - just to name a few.
I would like to thank Mr. Holtham for his efforts because without him it would not have been possible to participate in the competition.
]P]H[Yยง][CAJL ]ED)lU[CAlf][<ON
][NTRA ยงW][l\\1[M][NG CARN][VAL
On a hot summers day the College once again made the journey to Fremantle Aquatic Center for our Intra Swimming Carnival. This years event was different from previous years in that the whole school (Years 6 - 12) competed in one Carnival. This added a great atmosphere to the event and made for a busy program with two pools running simultaneously.
The House System was resurrected from previous years which gave a competitive edge to the events.
Intra Swimming Results First Second Third Fourth
- Red (596) - Gold (414) - Blue (408) - Green (289)
Year Champions Apart from some outstanding personal times from many students, the highlights of the day were: 1. The support from all students of the younger swimmers. 2. Enthusiasm of the so called 'weak' swimmers who gave their best. 3. Mr. Rose'Myer's face when he knew Red House had won the day.
- Mr. Barron
Yr. 6 1st 2nd 3rd
Daniel Plaisted Shane Bell Cale McCulloch
Yr. 7 1st 2nd 3rd
Ben Caputi Chris Lowry Gavin Carter
Yr. 8 1st 2nd 3rd
Russell Bell Paul Migro Luke Cockram Lachlan Bell
Yr. 9 1st 2nd
Ian Hazell David Townsend Nick Bowater
Yr. 10 1st 2nd 3rd
Carlos Foster Kenshi Wakamatsu Luke Jefferey
Yr. 11 1st 1st 3rd
Brad Towes Glen Nicholson Luke Caputi
Yr. 12 1st 2nd 3rd
John Neesham Blake Burrows Ben Zuideveld
]P]H[Yยง][CAL ]ElD)lU[CAlr][OlN
ACC ยงWJ[M[1\'v1[][NG CARNl[VAlL
On Wednesday March 13th a squad of 46 CBC students combined with Santa Maria for an assault on the ever elusive A Division crown.
The depth of commitment was very strong and training attendance was very high - even at 7.00am. The Fremantle Aquatic Center was packed with a sea of green caps pushing out the laps.
The highlight ofthe day was the record set by John Neesham in the SOm freestyle. The other great individual effort was by Glen Nicholson who won two events and placed in two events.
Unfortunately competing against the larger schools remained our nemesis and when combined with Santa Maria we finished 7th overall. Next year we will be competing in B division which will allow us to compete with schools of similar sIze. - Mr. Barron
ACC Swimming Team BACK ROW:
John Edmonds, Jason Pivac, Tim Casey, Blake Burrows, Ben Zuideveld, Ben Sheridan.
FOURTH ROW: John Neesham, Nick Bowater, Glen Nicholson, Glen Harris, Matthew Cybula, Jamie Bentley. THIRD ROW:
Clarke Barlow, Carl Carcione, Adam Grinsell, Tyson Beattie, Matthew Powers, Craig Gianoli, Brad Towes, Luke Caputi.
SECOND ROW: Luke Jeffery, Kenshi Wakamatsu, John Pica, Garth Hurle, Jae Dornan, Matthew Stingemore, Paul Dutton, Lucas Thomas, lain Hazell. FRONT ROW: Russell Bell, Adam Day, Anthony Moore, Mr. Barron, Mr. Preshaw, David Townsend, Paul Migro, Aaron Newhill.
]P]H[Yยง1[CA1L ]E1D1U[CAlrl[O)N
Primary Swimming Team BACK ROW: Peter Sullivan, JUStili Macarlille, Mr. Pass, Bell Caputi (Captaill), Jonathon Courtis. FRONT ROW: Daniel Plaisted, Luke Burwood, Blair Hurle, Leigh Martin, Chris Lowry, Robert La Roche. ABSENT: Bell Antony, Peter Harvey.
9110 ACC Tennis Team BACK ROW: Nathall Quealey, Luke Jeffery, Matthew Henwood, Michael Tripi, David Germinario. FRONT ROW: Rory Halliwell, Kyle Wade, Mr. Tognolini, Peter Forzatti, Shane Forzatti. ABSENT: Nathan O'Brien.
Y1EAR 9/1lO
During Term 1, Mr. Tognolini coached the ACC Tennis team to an inspirational victory. Firstly the boys won the Southern Region Competition with some exhilarating tennis, beating Mazenod, Seton and Lumen Christi. In the State Final the boys outplayed themselves to beat a very competitive St. Stephen's team.
During Term 4, the ACC Tennis team was very unlucky and finished a close second behind Mazenod College. Previously the boys, again coached by Mr. Tognolini, produced annihilations of Seton and Lumen Christi.
The members of the victorious side were: The members of the victorious side were: Kyle Wade, Peter Forzatti, David Germinario, Shane Forzatti, Michael Tripi, Rory Halliwell, Nathan O'Brien, Luke Jeffery, Nathan Quealey and Matthew Henwood.
Matthew Symrnons, Nathan Quealey, Paul Dutton, Luke Preston, Shoichi Ueda, Francois Ferreira, Jamie Jones, Nick D' Adamo and Brendon John.
9110 Cricket BACK ROW: Mrs. Whitney, Aston Ladzinski, James Stone, James Paratore, Sebastian Grenda, Nathan Gerovich, Joel Lawrance, Mr. Theseira. FRONT ROW: Dane Yeomans, Joseph Lester, Craig Gianoli, Tysoll Beattie, Paul Carruthers, Lee Eatoll.
The cricket season was hopefully a fun time. There are some talented players at CBC, Fremantle. Paul Carruthers and Tyson Beattie provided the "openers" who could stay at the crease all day but often sacrificed their wicket in the chase for runs.
Scott Tate, Matthew Symons, Dale Yeoman, Joel Lawrance, Nathan Jerovich and myself provided the bowlers during the season.
Game Two against Lumen Christi was a shortened game, but excellent running between wickets saw a comfortable win CBC 2/ 74; Lumen Christi 3/33.
Game Three against Mazenod was the Grand Final. We bowled well against an excellent team. Unfortunately, our fielding was sub-standard and eventually was to cost us dearly. Chasing 64 rutlS, we started well but began to panic and fell 3 runs short in an exciting finish.
Congratulations to all players - you played with great spirit and really enjoyed yourselves. As the season progressed, we also improved as a team in our fielding, batting and especially our catching. An indication in our improvement was our final game where we won by 60 runs. I would like to thank Mr. Theseira and Mrs. Whitney for coaching us during the season. - Craig Gianoli (lOA)
ยง / 9) <CllUCKlET
This year was quite successful considering the number of inexperienced players. We also travelled to distant fields for every game.
Game One was against Seton. This was an easy victory in a rainrestricted game. CBC 2/107; Seton 6/42.
Best performers: Dane Yeomans 36 and 23 runs and terrific leadership. Andrew Oreb 50 runs. - Mr. Pass
]P)]H[Yยง1[CA1L ]E1D1U[CA1[,1[O)N
ACC Basketball (Teams A & B) BACK ROW: Timothy Hampson, Kristian Nolan, Daniel Moreschi, Mrs. Emslie, Kenshi Wakamatsu, John De Brito, Andrew Lang. FRONT ROW: Steven Delides, John Soares, Duane Partridge, Marc Monzu, Jon Temby, Mark Henwood, Michael Dig/ley.
Inside CBC Sport...
'96 Sports Service Award Winner - Ivo Da Silva and '96 Sportsman of the Year - John Neesham.
Intra Athletics Carnival Results First Second Third Fourth
- Gold (18 638) - Blue (15 689) - Red (15 440) - Green (14 845)
Year Champions
Yr. 6 1st Daniel Roberts 2nd Shane Bell 3rd Daniel Plaisted Yr. 7 1st Gavin Carter 2nd Nicholas Dunne 3rd Ben Caputi Yr. 8 1st Eric Surjan 2nd Kwan Fong 3rd Aaron Newhill Yr. 9 1st Tristian Woodward 2nd Paul Dutton Roberto Tome Yr. 10 1st Sinisa Semper 2nd Matthew Henwood 3rd Tim Casey Yr. 11 1st Steven Carter 2nd Glenn Nicholson 3rd Rian Day-Jones Yr. 12 1st John Neesham 2nd Grant Watton 3rd Blake Burrows
]P>]H[Yยง][CAlL lED)lUCAlrl[O)N . & . ยงJP>(Q)]R.lr ACC A THlLlETlICยง Overall this years ACC Athletics Carnival was a good day with many fine individual performances from CBC students.
In 1997, CBC will be competing in B Division rather then A Division. The move from A to B Division is by choice as this move will enable us to compete against schools of similar size.
Although many Team members found it disappointing that the CBC Athletics Team seemed to be bigger in size then the number of CBC students who came as supporters, they appreciated the many chants of encouragement.
Congratulations to all members of the CBC Athletics Team for performing so credibly.
- Mr. Preshaw
Inside CBC Sports ...
]P)]H[Yยง][CAlL ]ElD)lU[CAlf][OlN
Cross Country Results
The team took part in three championships - Catholic Schools, Junior Schools and State. To compete well entailed hard work. This meant one or two runs per week for three months.
Apart from competition, I observed the growth in fitness, confidence, maturity and most of all, friendship.
All boys improved their performances during the year. Brett Regan demonstrated magnificent endurance and ability and ran 6th in the State.
First Second Third Fourth
- Blue ;- Green - Red - Gold
Year Champions Yr. 6
1st Daniel Plaisted 2nd Daniel Roberts 3rd Ian Vaughan
Yr. 7
1st Brett Regan 2nd Gavin Carter 3rd Leigh Martin
Yr. 8
1st William Andrade 2nd Peter Phillipson 3rd Peter Vaughan
Yr. 9
1st Tim Hampson 2nd Luke Preston 3rd Tristan Woodward
Yr. 10
1st Tim Galvin 2nd Tim Dunne 3rd John De Brito
Yr. 11
1st Glenn Nicholson 2nd Matthew Powers 3rd Luke Caputi
Yr. 12
1st Gary Faria 2nd Adam Grinsell 3rd Simon Bosnich
Other runners to show form were Patrick Davis and Daniel Roberts.
- Mr. Pass
Primary Cross Country Team BACK ROW:
Gino D'Orazio, Mark Blinco, Daniel Plaisted, Mr. Pass, Leigh Martin, Brett Regan (Captain), Patrick Davis.
FRONT ROW.' Daniel Roberts, Luke Burwood, Ben Ian Vaughan. ABSENT:
Sean Collins,
Rory Pettigrew, Paul Maisano, Rodney Encarnacao.
]p]H[Yยง][CA]L ]EDHU[CAlr][O)N
The 1996 Senior School Hockey has been very successful. The side played in two different competitions. The first being the Senior Schools B grade competition and the second being the Aranmore Cup.
The Senior Schools competition was the harder of the two but this didn't stop us from winning. We played five regular season games and an additional two finals competition. We won all of our games including the finals. Our main goal scorers in this competition were Blake Burrows and Chris Sheridan. Our hardest opponent was Como, who is supposed to be the number one school for hockey. Against them in our normal season game we won by 1 goal in a 2 - 1 victory. The win can be accounted to great saves by goalkeeper, Ben Sheridan, who also saved a penalty flick.
Our grand final win of 4 - 2 against Como was our best victory. The whole team played well in this and it was a great team effort. The sole goal scorer was Chris Sheridan. Some of the stand outs in this game were Blake Burrows, Adam Grinsell and Grant Watton.
We also won the Aranmore Cup. This competition was easy for the first game but the second game was a very close 1 - 0 victory.
We would like to thank our coach, Mr. Barron, for the great effort in coaching and running us around. Our supporters are also appreciated.
- Chris Sheridan (1 OC)
Senior Hockey BACK ROW:
Viviall Oldfield, Grallt Watton, Nick Bowater, Garth Hurle, Blake Burrows, Ben Sheridan, Paul Schaper.
FRONT ROW: Elis Smedley, Adam Grinsell, Mr. Barroll, Bradley Pritchard, Stewart Bovell.
]P>lH[Yยง][CA1L ]E1D>lU[CA1[,l[OlN . & . ยงJP><OlRl[,
9110 ACC Hockey BACK ROW:
Ms. Shotch, Elis Smedley, Stewart Bovell, Shane Sands, Ben Sheridan, Kyle Wade, Nick Bowater, David Edmunds.
FRONT ROW: David Ponds, Luke Jeffery, Justin Rose, Jae Dornan, Brad Pritchard, Garth Hurle, MaUhew Stingemore. ABSENT:
Chris Sheridan.
YlEAR 9/1lO
The hockey season had a very enthusiastic start, with seventeen students attending the first meeting early in Term 2. Throughout the season, a core of thirteen players worked very well to produce a cohesive team. The more experienced players helped the first-time players to develop good skills and game strategies.
The ACC Hockey season ran for seven weeks in Term Two. During this time, we played schools such as Lumen Christi, Helena and Mazenod. Our home games were played at Steven's Reserve, to which Mr. Barron kindly drove the team and umpired the game.
The team successfully competed through the season undefeated. In a season of seven games, the team scored a total of 48 goals and only conceded 4 goals against. This was quite impressive considering a number of games were played with our goalie, Ben Sheridan, deciding not to pad-up but to have a run on the field instead.
After winning the southern zone we progressed into a final against St. Mark's, who were the winning team of the Northern zone. This game had the added pressure of an audience of the Australian Men's Hockey Team, who watched the final 15 minutes of the game as they waited to use the stadium for their training session. The CBC players stood up to the pressure and won the final 5 to 1.
Thanks must go to Mr. Preshaw for driving the bus to Helena (even though we had a flat battery for the return trip) and to Mr. Sandri for driving and coaching for two away games.
- Ms. Shotch
After dominating the Ross Glendenning Division in 1995, CBC Fremantle were promoted to play in the Graham Farmer Division ofthe Quit Cup Football Competition for the 1996 season. This meant facing larger schools such as Hamilton Hill SHS and Rockingham SHS.
Although CBC failed to reach any finals, the team certainly proved themselves more than capable of the higher level of competition. The highlights included defeating Melville SHS on their own ground and providing regional finalists, Rockingham SHS, with their hardest game of the season.
This year also witnessed the establishment of a new competition, "The Port Cup", an exclusive competition between John Curtin SHS and CBC Fremantle. The inaugural game was played vigorously by both teams with CBC being set the challenge to take out the Cup next year. Congratulations to Glenn Nicholson who as best player for CBC in the Port Cup, received the Brad Rowe Medal.
-Mr. Murphy
Quit Cup Football BACK ROW: Mr. Mulvey, Jared Brown, Glenn Nicholson, Greg O'Connell, Luke Lindsay, Jonathon Holmes, Mr. Murphy. MIDDLE ROW: Simon Bosnich, Ben Grose, Dion Loney, Mario Peca,Adam Grinsell, John Antunovich. FRONT ROW:Neil Vaughan, Greg Taylor, John Neesham, Rian Day-Jones, Brodie Crockett. ABSENT: James Moore, Dale Alfirevich, Alfonso Della Maddalena, Darren Cramer, Salvatore Fazzino, Cameron Maher, Jamie Paganoni, Paul Ranallo, Paul Spicca.
9110 ACC Football BACK ROW: Tyson Beattie, Tim Galvin, Rory Halliwell, Steven Erceg, Andrew Musulin, Daniel O'Hara, Andrew Lang, Mark Henwood. THIRD ROW.· John Soares, Nathan Jerovich, Michael Howes, Nathan Quealy, Mr. McAuley, Jeremy De Ceglie, Craig Gianoli, Kristian Nolan, Clarke Barlow. SECOND ROW: Michael Di Blasi, Matthew Henwood, David Yukich, Tim Casey, Frank Rodriguez, Daniel Gresley, Damien Allen, Troy De Jesus. FRONT ROW: Jamie Jones, Luke Preston, Dane Yeomans, Liam Ivandich, Tim Dunn.
91 llO A CC
1996 was a very successful year for the 9/ 10 ACC Football team. They were undefeated at the end of the home and away games' after defeating teams from Mazenod, Lumen Christi, All Saints and Seton College. The only game that proved to be close was the game against Mazenod College, which saw CBC win by only 2 points.
Our undefeated season saw us top ofthe ACC Southern Division and we now had to play Sacred Heart College in the North Vs South Grand Final. After a hard fought game, CBC succumbed to the pressure applied by Sacred Heart and went down by 4 goals.
The boys are to be congratulated for their excellent season and the spirited way in which they played all their games.
- Mr. McAuley
§TA T E T l[TlLlE§
LEFT to RIGHT: Erik Surjan (Athletics), Cate McCulloch (BMX), Lachlan Bell (Hacking), Daniel Plaisted (Swimming), Ben Mears (Softball).
This has been a very busy year for CBC Rugby. The First XV had a good season with 5 wins and 5 losses. The highlight of the season was the two game tour of Melbourne. Our thanks go to Mr. and Mrs. Emslie and Mrs. Hall for support and assistance during the inaugural tour. On the Melbourne playing field, we performed weIl with Chris Graham taking out the best forward trophy. In the backs, Eamon Arandiga led from the front with some fearless IUns and tackles. Our inaugural trip to Melbourne proved to be a very worthwhile and enjoyable experience for all concerned. For the '97 CBC Rugby Tour, I hope to organise a trip to Queensland where the students will have the opportunity to play against interstate schools, experience family lifestyle in Queensland as well as take in the many tourist destinations. The Yr. 9110 XV, coached by Mr. Gordon Hill, performed well and played with a lot of courage and passion. Thomas Triolli led from the front with some very strong work in the tight and rucks. Rory Elliot could always be relied upon to tackle anybody, anywhere and anytime. New recruit, Kin Onn Lam (prop) showed he could hold his own playing against more experienced players.
The Yr. 8 Rugby Team was full of enthusiasm and with the help of some experienced Yr. 9's, won a couple of games. It was unfortunate that on occasions, we couldn't field a full team. When we did, we were very competitive. Russell Bell showed his courage during the games and hopefully many of his team mates will stay with Rugby next year and build on what they know.
- Mr. McNamee
Rugby 1st XV BACK ROW: Adam Iriks, Andrew Oliver, Graeme Antczak, Chris Graham, Ben Amold, Brendan Kalle, Adam Prestage. SECOND ROW: Chris De Jesus, James Broome, Paul Pitaro, Laurance Briggs,Dermod Deasy, Cameroll Maher, Adam Hall, Mr. McNamee. FRONT ROW: Geoff Sibon, Ivo Da Silva, Michael NUlln, Eamollli Arandiga, Rory Elliot, Brodie Crockett, Damiell Garces.
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9/10 Rugby Union BACK ROW: Mark Ladeira, Joel Lawrance, Rory Elliot, Sinisa Semper, Michael Harris, Johll Austin, Kin 01111 Lam, Aaroll Dyball, Michael Chok. FRONT ROW: Luke Jeffery, James Stolle, Michael Howes, Mr. Hill, Thomas Trolio, Marc Home, Michael Di Blasi. ABSENT: Andrew Chill, Tim Casey, Andrew Howes.
The Senior Soccer team started the season brightly with emphatic wins over Swanboume SHS and South Fremantle SHS. The team was ably led by Captain Cris Moreno and its defense was strengthened by the experienced Gary Faria.
Last year's champions - John Curtin A, proved to be the toughest opponent in our group. Despite losing 1 - 0 to our traditional rivals, I think that our team lifted its standard and had some excellent passages of play.
With easy wins against Lakelands SHS and Melville SHS, CBC eventually qualified for the second round of the competition - the knock-out phase. Our team was plagued with injured players when we went to Leederville to play Aranmore College. With a restructured team, CBC started poorly, however the team didn't panic and won the game comfortably.
This win set up a quarter-final match against Willeton SHS. Despite losing the very reliable Paolo Chjappini through injury, our players were confident and started the game brightly by creating a number of chances. However, due to wasted opportunities and Willeton consolidating its defense, the final whistle saw CBC bowing out of the competition which they and John Curtin had dominated over the last two years.
Needless to say our players were very disappointed. However, I am confident that our talented Yr. 9 and 10 players will be able to blend with our established players to form an exciting and·cohesive team next season.
Finally I wish to thank all the students who have participated in the competition this year, in particular the Yr. 12's. Thanks too to all the students and staff who came to support the team - your presence and cheers were greatly appreciated.
- Mr. Hortense
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Senior Soccer BACK ROW: Paolo Chiappini, Adrian Tranchita, Chris Morello (Captain), Gary Faria, Paul Onoforo, Mark Massara, Rafael Moreno, Ivo Da Silva, Joe Merlino, Mr. Hortense. FRONT ROW: David Raffaele, James Paratore, Michael Tripi, Richard Cavilli, David Onoforo, Joe Gentile, Gennaro Cammarano. ABSENT: Robert Sheehan.
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BACK ROW: Peter Murolo, David Onoforo, Scott Tate, James Paratore, Ricky Nodari, David Di Tullio, Duane Partridge, Mr. lalacci. FRONT ROW: Robert Guerra, Lorenzo Raguseo, Michael Tripi, Jon Temby, David Paratore, Steven Tucker, Francois Ferreira.
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Novemeber and continuing on the Harvey River with the Accacia Schools Slalom Championship. Brett Wilkins and Andrew Etchells gained third place in this event last year.
The winter Slalom kyaking season was slow to start because of the lack of rain and then it was affected by flood conditions. - Mr. Stack Three Yr. 8's Shaun Nunn, Paul Migro, Ryan Etchells and Yr. 11 Andrew Etchells took part in the Slalom coaching series that finished with the Schools Slalom Championships on the Canning River.
Two weekend canoeing camps were held on the Murray River and the Avon River. The CBC Slalom Championship was held at Walyunga on the Avon weekend.
Shaun Nunn was the Junior Champion and Brett Wilkins was the Senior Champion.
The summer Slalom season is beginning on the Canning River in
David Cocciolone (Karting), Jason Monzu (Basketball), Ben Sheridan (Hockey), Eamonn Arandiga (Rugby Union), Chris Graham (Rugby Union), Steven Erceg (Cricket), Blake Burrows (Hockey), Glen Nicholson (Water Polo), Robert Calder (Roller Hockey).
FRONT ROW: Kenshi Wakamatsu (Judo), Gary Faria (Soccer), David On%ro (Soccer), Glen Harris (RAAF), Jose Calzada (RAAF), Adam Grinsell (Hockey), Ivo Da Silva (Politics), John Neesham (Water Polo).
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At the end of September, two staff members, Mr. Bob Rose'Meyer and Mr. Sandro Sandri, left Perth to represent CBC, Fremantle on the Edmund Rice Pilgrimage. The itinerary for the Pilgrimage consisted of travelling to Europe to visit Edmund Rice's birthplace and then onto Rome to be present at the Beatification ceremony celebrated by Pope John Paul.
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St. Patrick's Church, where Edmund worshipped, still operates as a small but functional Church signifying the struggle the Catholics of his time endured in order to attend Mass and receive the Sacraments.
Mr. Sandri has the following memories of the pilgrimage: "Our journey commenced with an air of excitement, 28 strong we gathered at Perth Airport. I wondered if 101 years ago whether the first Christian Brothers who arrived in Perth had the same sense of discovery and excitement.
In Dublin, we went to the O'Connell School which was the first residence of the Brothers, the place where Edmund received visitors and discussed his ideas with eminent figures of the time. The small austere room where Edmund slept, prayed and gave devotion to Our Lady was testimony to the sincerity of his dream to use his wealth for others. The presence of Edmund is evident in very comer of the house giving one a feeling of reverence and peace.
Edmund's Family home, "Westcourt", in Callan, a quiet rural area was the next stop. Here in the Chapel one can see the magnificent original Edmund Rice Icon. The guide for our tour turned out to be a Brother from India who recognised Bob Rose'Meyer as a former student of his. We then went on to Waterford, a place of great beauty now, but once the site of such turmoil and poverty that inspired Edmund in the 18th Century. Mt. Sion, the original Brothers' residence remains as it was in his time.
The first school Edmund taught at.
On to Rome and what a contrast to the peace and gentle beauty of Ireland. However this city of exquisite Churches and breathtaking art and history soon had us emaptured.
On the Saturday before the Beatification we attended a Rosary led by His Holiness. The reciting of the Rosary was a very special moment as it was in keeping with Edmund's devotion to Mother Mary.
On October 8th was the Beatification ceremony and Bob and I were amidst the thousands of people gathered for the ceremony. The arrival of the Pope - "Papa" as the Italians call him, sent a frenzy of cheers through the crowd. The scene was a panorama of red, white and green scarves symbolising Edmund Rice, being waved widely. .
The culmination of the three hour ceremony was when the Pope declared Edmund Rice Blessed and at that moment a huge picture of Edmund was unveiled, draped over the balcony of St. Peters. It was the moment for the purpose of our visit. The huge crowd reverently prayed and celebrated in unison. All too soon it was over and we were left to reflect on a very moving experience " .
Mr. Sandri and Mr. Rose 'Meyer with Br. Hayes who had taught Mr. Rose'Meyer inlndw.
- Mr. Sandri
]FAR_]E~V]E]L]L If(O ll1U[C]f(]P][]ElL]Q) ยงIf -' As part ofCBe's Redevelopment Plans of consolidating onto one campus and phasing out its involvement in primary education, 1996 saw the closure of the Tuckfield St. Junior Campus.
To acknowledge the wonderful times that were had by many at Tuckfield St. and to formally farewell the end of an era as well as celebrate new beginnings, a special Mass and function was held for all the past and present CBC Community.
The following is the speech given by Nelson Serrao, the final Head Boy of Tuckfield St.
"Good afternoon distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. My name is NelMr. McKirdy, ex-Deputy Pricipal. son Serrao and I am honoured to be the [mal Head Boy of Tuckfield St. Campus.
I have been at Tuckfield St. for 3 3/4 years. I would like to tell you a little about how it has been through these years.
In Yr. 5, orientation day was similar to a nightmare. CBC was a different school to most soon-to-be- students because the rules were strict. Homework was new to most students as they had done little or nothing at their previous schools. We were the youngest and shortest of the school and the only thing we did during recess and lunch was play hand tennis.
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sure we had lots of confidence in Qurselves.
Yr. 6 came faster than ever and we weren't the smallest in the school any more. Newer students joined the clan and settled down fairly quickly. We used desks instead of trays and the chairs were bigger than most of us. Yr. 8's were pushy but we now retaliated.
Yr. 6 went and Yr. 7 came. We now had several teachers who prepared the class well for Yr. 8. Most of us found that the rules were less strict but it was only because we had become so accustomed to them that we were pulling up our socks without knowing we were doing it.
In Yr. 8 most of the Yr. 7 graduation class was split up into three Y r. 8 classes. We met new students on orientation day and understood how they felt as we had passed through the same situation in Yr. 5. In Yr. 8 we learnt that to learn the hard things you must understand the basics first.
Now that exams are starting you notice the difference between primary school and high school. I hope every student gets the mark they want and deserve.
These are the years I will remember most. There has been good times and bad times and the teachers helped us get through the bad times.
I would like to thank all the teachers for putting up with us and helping us through the years.
Br. Wedd accepts the commemorative plaque.
The best thing in Yr. 5 was the teacher, followed closely by the Yr. 5 camp. Mr. Santa Maria was very outstanding and he made
On behalf of all the students of CBC Junior Campus, we would like to present this Honour Board in memory of the students at Tuckfield St."
- Nelson Serrao (Junior School Head Boy)
To the following staff who will be leaving at the end of 1996.
Ms. Anne Cole - Reception (mid -late 1996) Mrs. Marianne Cole - Library (Term Three 1996) Mrs. Jan De Vos - Library (1985 - 1996) Ms. Rosa Hadjuk - English (Term Four"1996) Mrs. Irene Jarvis - Tuckfield St. Canteen Manager (1987 - 1996) Ms. Oksana Kania - Yr. 6 and Yr. 6 Art (1996) Mr. Paul McAuley - Science, Yr. 9 Co-ordinator (1990 - 1996) Br. Murphy Ms. Kerry O'Brien - Science (1996) Mrs. Michelle Whitney - Practical Arts & Technology, Computer (1995 - 1996) Mrs. Jackie Watton - Reception, Bursar's Assistant (1992 - 1996) Mr. Bill Woodruff - Mathematics (1996) Mrs. Barbara Worner - Yr. 9, Primary Teacher (1989 - 1996)
Br. Murphy.
Mr. Paul McAuley & Ms. Kerry O'Brien
Mrs. Shirley Carter & Mrs. Irene Jarvis
Mrs. Michelle Whitney & Ms. Oksana Kania
Mrs. Jan De Vos
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