Back row Luke Christmas, Tyler Hellmrich, Christopher Di Sabato, Damon Sutton, Alexander Burt, Fraser Hayward, Isaac Rowe, Julian Konle, Michael Cronan, Zeus Greget O’Dea, James Shave, Austin Main, Jesse Mirco, Kevin Murtagh, Liam McMahon, Brandon Sollis Fifth row Matthew Vinci, Jordan Johnson, Liam Romano, Connor Potts, Solomon Wright, Aaron Senzio, Lewis Grant, John Ahern, Sean Duncanson, Riley Naughton, Sean Frewin, Amos Jones, Jack Swainson, Samuel Grosse, Matthew Cooper, Daniel Nocciolino, Joel McComb Fourth row James Geaney, Adam Stretton, Luca Zindani, Matthew Grose, Thomas Kestel, Charlie Bird, James McVey, Matthew Brennan, Reece Redworth-Maley, Andre Rebelo, Trey Moloney, Timothy Magry, Jordan Silvera, William Foster, Kurtis Gray, Benjamin Green, Darcy Wilson, Griffyn Waters Third row Aron Surjan, Jason Phillips, Liam Cicirello, Stephen Cuccovia, Declan Creighan, Konrad Nadilo, Alec Sorgiovanni, Mathew Thomas, Adam Lomma, David Grubisin, Connor Fordham, Marcus Di Biase, D’arcy O’Hara, Zachary Carton, Callum Williams, Declan McLeod, Steven Clarke, David Gaynor, Henri du Cladier de Curac Second row Broden Olivieri, Leighton Short, Aidan McDonald, Toby Clark, Mitchell Norman, Mitchell Hinton, Jacob Cross, Anthony Pecotic, Thomas Mansfield, Zane Farmer, Laurence Macri, Travis Mitchell, Aki Primmer, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Christopher Martin, Jordan Green, Dakoda Holman, James Maddeford, Thomas Martens Front row Luca Lomma, Zakaria Hourani, Adam De Gennaro, Matthew Costello, Oliver Parish, Connor Spencer, Mr Domenic Burgio, Anthony Iannantuoni, Mr Shaun Kenny, Nick Menegola, Ms Marriann O’Neill, Liam Rogan, Cameron Nugent, Joshua Kestel, Jacob Guidone, Cody Kennington-Birch, Sammuel Low Absent Rhian Bore, Justin Brooker, Adam Gavranic, Coen Greaney, Jake Harris, Solomon Holliday, Nathan King, Jake Leach, Jake Leavy, Jack Norman
51 Ellen Street Fremantle Western Australia 6160 PO Box 1345 Fremantle Western Australia 6959 T 08 9336 2700
Ahern, John Bird, Charlie Bore, Rhian Brennan, Matthew Brooker, Justin Burt, Alexander Carton, Zachary Christmas, Luke Cicirello, Liam Clark, Toby Clarke, Steven Cooper, Matthew Costello, Matthew Creighan, Declan Cronan, Michael Cross, Jacob Cuccovia, Stephen De Gennaro, Adam Di Biase, Marcus Di Sabato, Christopher du Cladier de Curac, Henri Duncanson, Sean Farmer, Zane Fitzpatrick, Daniel Fordham, Connor Foster, William Frewin, Sean Gavranic, Adam Gaynor, David Geaney, James Grant, Lewis Gray, Kurtis Greaney, Coen Green, Benjamin Green, Jordan Greget O’Dea, Zeus Grose, Matthew Grosse, Samuel Grubisin, David Guidone, Jacob Harris, Jake Hayward, Fraser Hellmrich, Tyler Hinton, Mitchell Holliday, Solomon Holman, Dakoda Hourani, Zakaria Iannantuoni, Anthony
Cover Samuel Sanginiti (Year 8) This page At Kiwirrkurra
S2 R1 P7 S1 P1 M2 M4 M1 P7 P6 S4 M3 S3 R1 R3 P2 S2 M4 S4 M1 M5 M1 P6 M7 M4 P5 R3 R2 P4 R6 S1 P3 R4 M2 M6 P5 S6 M2 P4 P1 R2 P5 R1 M7 S2 S7 M3 P2
Johnson, Jordan Jones, Amos Kennington-Birch, Cody Kestel, Joshua Kestel, Thomas King, Nathan Konle, Julian Leach, Jake Leavy, Jake Lomma, Adam Lomma, Luca Low, Sammuel Macri, Laurence Maddeford, James Magry, Timothy Main, Austin Mansfield, Thomas Martens, Thomas Martin, Christopher McComb, Joel McDonald, Aidan McLeod, Declan McMahon, Liam McVey, James Menegola, Nick Mirco, Jesse Mitchell, Travis Moloney, Trey Murtagh, Kevin Nadilo, Konrad Naughton, Riley Nocciolino, Daniel Norman, Jack Norman, Mitchell Nugent, Cameron O’Hara, D’arcy Olivieri, Broden Parish, Oliver Pecotic, Anthony Phillips, Jason Potts, Connor Primmer, Aki Rebelo, Andre Redworth-Maley, Reece Rogan, Liam Romano, Liam Rowe, Isaac Senzio, Aaron Shave, James
R5 P6 S4 M4 R5 S5 S3 R1 S4 M5 S6 R3 P1 S4 R3 S3 P7 P5 M3 R5 R5 S2 S5 S3 M3 R4 P4 M6 R4 P6 P1 S5 M6 R6 P2 R6 S6 R5 R7 M4 M2 R7 P7 M4 R7 P2 M7 S3 P3
Short, Leighton Silvera, Jordan Sollis, Brandon Sorgiovanni, Alec Spencer, Connor Stretton, Adam Surjan, Aron Sutton, Damon Swainson, Jack Thomas, Mathew Vinci, Matthew Waters, Griffyn Williams, Callum Wilson, Darcy Wright, Solomon Zindani, Luca
P3 S7 P3 R5 M7 S6 S4 R2 S7 R4 R3 R3 S1 R7 R1 R7
Thank you to the Academic Excellence Programme Literature & Media Group who assisted in editing and photographing this publication. Year 7 Peter Hudson Year 8 Ari Brierley-Figueiredo, James Younge Year 9 Jacob Fitzpatrick, Ned Marshall, Toby Tomlinson Year 10 Keane Bourke, Jack Bowater, Lachlan Hinton, Yusef Hourani, Ryan Pace, Gianni Rifici, Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Paul Jardine-Clark, Thomas Brewster-Jones Year 12 Joshua Kestel Editor and Designer Cherie Butcher Proofreaders AEP Literature & Media Group, Michelle Ainsworth and Shaun Kenny
Above back row Ari Brierley-Figueiredo, Peter Hudson, Ned Marshall, Joshua Duffy, Toby Tomlinson, Gianni Rifici, Mrs Dodsworth Front Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Paul Jardine-Clarke, Keane Bourke, Thomas Brewster-Jones, Yusef Hourani Right top Big Band performing at a College assembly Middle Aidan Edwards and Julian Amara in the Glory Cup Below Samuel Sheridan, Mrs Schmidt and Henry Rogerson in Maths
Foreword | Principal | Vice Principal | Deputy Principal Board | Business Manager | College Captain
The CBC Journey | Old Boys’ Association Parent Council | Music Parent Group
Salvete and Valete
Morgan | Patrick | Rice | Samson
Honours and Colours | Awards
Religious Education | Academic Excellence Programme | The Arts English | Humanities & Social Sciences | Italian | Library | Mathematics Outdoor Education | Physical & Health Education | Science Technologies | Workplace Learning & VET
Canberra and Sydney Tour | Kiwirrkurra Melbourne AFL Tour | Parnngurr | Philippines | Turkey
AFL Football | Athletics | Basketball | Cricket | Cross Country Hockey | Rowing | Rugby | Soccer | Surfing Swimming | Tennis | Water Polo
Symbols of our Journey | Senior Ball | Class of 2014
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12
FOREWORD Executive Director EREA Mr Wayne Tinsey
Edmund Rice Education Australia, now in its seventh year, continues to celebrate the heritage, legacy and mission passed on to us by the Christian Brothers in our 50 schools throughout Australia. Catholic schools in the Edmund Rice tradition are challenged and privileged to embrace a common Charter and the Four Touchstones or markers of our fidelity to a common mission: Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and Spirituality. We applaud your community and its wonderful efforts to guide and educate our young people according to the priorities of our Gospel and common Charter. We are thrilled that you continue to offer the extraordinary opportunities to our young people that are necessary for them to grow and flourish as human beings committed to the making of a better world.
great achievements. You do your best to embody authentic Christian community with the highs and lows that we experience in our humanity. Always be mindful that our Gospel calls us to be people of hope. Our hope is in the future, a future created by an emerging generation educated and formed according to our vision for a just world where all should have the opportunity for the fullness of life. It is with a deep sense of gratitude and thanks that we congratulate you on another year of great commitment and effort towards the best of what our vision inspires us to be. In my conversations with the Christian Brothers around Australia they consistently ask me to thank you for the way in which our schools are continuing the best of their tradition. Well done! My best wishes and deepest thanks to all.
Never underestimate the contribution of your school community to the future and continue to celebrate your
Below Fr Maher with students in Blessed Edmund wChapel
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Principal Mr Shaun Kenny
This has been another year characterised by significant activity and attainment at the College. As you read on through this yearbook I am sure that you will be impressed by the magnitude and scope of the school’s many achievements. Rather than preface what you are about to read, I will take the opportunity to reflect on a dimension of our school which is of critical importance.
Obama, in third place was the Chinese president Xi Jinping, and completing the top five was Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, making her the most powerful woman in the world according to this survey. In fact, the entire list was dominated by political and business leaders and Pope Francis was quite conspicuous by his lofty presence.
Some readers may remember my report last year about Finland which focussed upon CBC Fremantle as an educational community. On this occasion I would like to discuss our school as a faith community. In order to do so, I will commence with some statistics and quickly move on to making my point.
While we normally consider finishing in the top five of anything somewhat desirable, I suspect the Pope may have been less impressed when the criteria used to determine the award are considered. There were four such measures and they were: •
The most recent estimate puts the population of the world at 7.2 billion people. It was this number which led the American business magazine, Forbes, to publish a list of the 72 most powerful people in the world – one for every 100 million people on this planet. At number four on that list was Pope Francis. It is leadership, power, the pontiff, and the relationship between them which I wish to discuss in this report. Before going on, I suppose I should satisfy your curiosity. The number one position on the Forbes list went to Russian president Vladimir Putin, second was Barack
Left Lachlan Allen-Moore, Calogero Martelli, William Higginson, Mr Kenny and Indy Greget O’Dea
• • •
the number of people over whom the candidate has power; the financial resources of the candidate; whether the candidate is powerful in different domains or spheres; and the extent to which power is actively exercised.
To a man who has publicly stated earlier this year that the only power one really possesses is the power to serve others, these criteria would hardly feature in his own definition. Far from considering the extent to which he can exercise power, the Pope has called for the Vatican to surrender some of its control. In his first
encyclical towards the end of last year, he called for the Church to be less concerned with its own status, more compassionate and people-centred. He sought a move from an attitude of power and control to one of being a servant. Of course, he also modelled what he was asking from others – rejecting the papal palace for a small apartment, carrying his own luggage and paying his own hotel bills. Previously, as the Archbishop of Buenos Aries, he was known for catching public transport and doing his own cooking. The fourth most powerful man in the world has introduced a terminology including ‘soft power’ and ‘a revolution of tenderness’. In May this year he asked the question, “How many proud and powerful people have ended up in anonymity, in poverty and in prison?” He added, “The hearts of the powerful can only be free if they seek the treasures of heaven – love, patience and service of others.” This does not mean that leadership or being committed to faith development requires constant acquiescence. When Pope Francis decided to confront the evil of the Mafiosi in Italy he did not do so from behind the safety of the Vatican walls. He travelled to a church in Southern Calabria, and with members of the Ndragheta sitting in the pews, effectively excommunicated them all. As Elizabeth Dias commented in her article in Time magazine, “This is a Pope who understands the power of his position, and knows how to wield it with disarming humility.” Our school has emphasised the development of leadership in its students for many generations, but it is a form of leadership that is not particularly prevalent or popular in our society. We are trying to foster an understanding of the fact that, despite the assertion of a thousand Hollywood movies, the greatest power of all is not in retribution but in forgiveness.
We must acknowledge that the real power that our privilege provides us with is the capacity to empower others through our care for them. If we are to be an authentic faith community we must be characterised by compassion, forgiveness and a strong inclination towards serving others – particularly those in most need. The messages and modelling provided by our current Pope are liberating for our faith community. They provide us with a different and better way to express our understanding of power, leadership, forgiveness and the relationship between each of them. I would also like to offer thanks and acknowledgement to the many people who deserve them. I would like to first recognise the contribution of Mr Terry Roberts, who is the Director of Regional Support for Edmund Rice Education Australia. Mr Roberts is a strong supporter of our College and a believer in the vision which we hold for it. We value his advice and friendship greatly. Each year I spend at CBC leads me to a greater appreciation of the quality and industry of our staff. The diversity of experience which is available to our students as a result of their discretionary effort is quite remarkable. On behalf of everyone in our community, I wish to acknowledge the diligence and commitment of each one of the teaching and non-teaching staff who go beyond their job description in the interests of the young men at the College. I state on a regular basis that parents are the primary educators of their sons; that the home is the first school. At this College we are blessed to have parents who are engaged in the education of their sons and supportive of our objectives. While expressing our general gratitude,
I would like to give special mention to those who perform formal roles in the school. Thank you to Mr Rob Leicester and the members of the College Board, Mr Tim Allen and the Parent Auxiliary, Mr George Ayres and the CBC Old Boys’ Association, Mrs Nancy Hourani and the Music Parents Group, and all of the others who work in a volunteer capacity in support of our College. Your efforts are greatly valued. Father Tony Maher continues to be an outstanding Chaplain and a special friend of our College. I wrote earlier that Pope Francis has called for us all to be more compassionate and people-centred. In Fr Tony he has a leader who understands and reflects this call. We are very grateful for his presence and service. Thank you also to the members of the Christian Brothers. We know that whatever we achieve today is done so as a result of the vision and diligence of those who have preceded us. Their ongoing interest, involvement and inspiration are greatly appreciated. And finally a special thank you to our students. While many are formally recognised for a variety of achievements throughout the year, it is their ongoing commitment to their formation as young gentlemen which makes their families and their school justifiably proud of them. We have much to celebrate at CBC Fremantle – a long and proud history, an appetite for change and an exciting future. I look forward to sharing it with each of you.
Right Opening Mass at St Patrick’s Basilica
VICE PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Vice Principal Mr Domenic Burgio
2014 has been a very exciting year for CBC Fremantle on many fronts, none more so than the opening of our new staff and student facility. This addition will be appropriately blessed at next year’s Opening Mass, as it is a building intended for the improved amenity of all our community. The building, and changed practices around it, ushers in a host of Pastoral opportunities for both staff and students. Much thought has gone into ensuring the new building, along with the College’s Pastoral Care policies, delivers better outcomes for students, staff and parents. Accountability, resilience and independence will be enhanced in our boys due to the processes associated with the new facility, albeit in a graduated way as they develop from boy to gentleman. The Heads of House and Year 7 Transition Coordinator staff the Pastoral Care office from 8.00am to 4.00pm. This means boys coming to Student Services have an immediate response from an appropriate member of staff. Accountability for how they present to school continues to be a priority, but the excuse of blaming mum for not being in correct uniform will soon become extinct at CBC Fremantle, as we also have new laundry facilities. Many more boys will be learning the art of washing, drying and ironing, as well as how to sew on a button using the crow’s feet stitch common in all high-end tailoring!
Left Mr Burgio Above Staff at the Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Our Principal has been quoted as saying it is not the buildings that count, it is the quality of the people who reside in them. I am confident that this new facility, combined with the dedicated and passionate staff who work there, will provide a great fillip to the already outstanding delivery of Pastoral Care in our school. In 2014, the Heads of House have used the opportunity to become even better acquainted with their students, initiating House/Year afternoon teas in the College Boardroom. The aim of the Pastoral team is to make every boy feel special and worthy of their time. Boys have been engaged in conversations about themselves, their interests, how they feel about the school or any other topic they choose. Some of those topics have already been acted upon, and as a result, new and deeper relationships formed between the boys and the Pastoral leader, and between the students themselves. At our Pastoral planning day we will be reviewing all our Pastoral processes, and there are already some exciting ideas to enhance the positive engagement our boys feel with their College. We look forward to rolling them out at next year’s parent information evenings, and working with you and your sons in furthering CBC Fremantle’s reputation as a pastorally excellent school that enhances every field of endeavour, be it academic, cultural, sporting and, most importantly, service and faith development.
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Deputy Principal Ms Marriann O’Neill
2014 started with the College community celebrating the achievements of the Class of 2013 and those who received WACE Academic Awards. Each one of these young gentlemen exhibited a commitment to personal excellence. Inducted into the 95+ ATAR Club and recipients of awards were: Ben Anandappa 95+ ATAR Club Certificate of Commendation (20 A grades) Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry (top 0.5%) General Exhibition (top 40 students in the state) Harrison Carmody
95+ ATAR Club
Thomas Godsall
95+ ATAR Club
Rohan Grant
95+ ATAR Club
John Hayes
95+ ATAR Club
Riley Howell
95+ ATAR Club
Kale Miller
95+ ATAR Club
Alessandro Monaco 95+ ATAR Club Certificate of Distinction for Mathematics (top 0.5%) Joel Pita Certificate of Commendation (20 A grades) Luke Prendergast 95+ ATAR Club Certificate of Commendation (20 A grades) Simon Smith 95+ ATAR Club Certificate of Commendation (20 A grades) Luke Thompson Certificate of Commendation (20 A grades)
Left Ms O’Neill
The College continued to be in the top performers in the state for Chemistry, Mathematics, Mathematics Specialist and Physics. This year students from all Year groups excelled in external competitions in Chemistry, English, Geography and Mathematics, and they are recognised later in the Annual. New opportunities were developed for students to demonstrate their skills including the Year 11 Business, Management & Enterprise Market Days and the Integrated Science Cosmetics Market Testing. Never have so many BLTs been consumed or hands nourished! Giving students the ability to compete are invaluable moments of learning for our boys, however, it is the everyday things that are the core of all our academic endeavours. It is evident in the student who comes to class prepared, gives his best and continues to strive for his own personal excellence. It is the parent who supports, encourages and, when necessary, makes their young man accountable, resilient and independent. It is the staff who develop classes to meet all students’ needs and talents, who offer the extra help, who work in the Academic Excellence Programme or in the Learning Support Team, assisting students to be their best. The number of co-curricular offerings that exist to enable students to develop are always expanding. The Literature & Media group, Radio and Debating encourage students to engage with the world through words and images. Robotics and the Technology & Enterprise workshop enable students to make concrete ideas and visions. Add the Arts, Sport and Service opportunities and we see a myriad of ways students can add to their classroom experiences. Thank you to all of our hard working students, parents and teachers who contribute to the journey.
BOARD REPORT Chairman of the Board Mr Rob Leicester
2014 has been another very successful year for CBC Fremantle. Among the many achievements, I want to very briefly mention a few. Firstly, the new building was completed during the year and is a wonderful addition to the College infrastructure, providing excellent facilities for the College community.
in EREA schools is a life-giving process in which the school community is helped to critically reflect on its nature as a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition. The process takes place every five years and involves interviews with staff, parents and students.
The next achievement I wish to pay tribute to is the College’s focus on personal excellence, which is a key part of the College’s message to all students. Personal excellence at CBC means that the individual is performing to the best of his ability; while not all boys can be the best, they can and should always do their best. The young men at this College are encouraged and supported to achieve their own personal excellence.
The 2014 EREA Renewal report was very complimentary, highlighting the many strengths of CBC Fremantle. These included faithfulness to our Catholic character, the authenticity of the College as a school in the Edmund Rice tradition, the level and quality of Pastoral Care, the strong academic profile of the school and our commitment to social justice activities. The report also commented on the strong sense of community and the importance placed on relationships within and beyond the College.
The other highlight in 2014 was the College review by Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA), known as a School Renewal. EREA is the governing body for all former Christian Brother schools in Australia. Renewal
The Renewal team’s Chair noted the sense of energy coming from the focus on helping all CBC Fremantle boys achieve their best, as the College guides their development from boys to gentlemen.
The College’s continuing positive achievements are the result of the wonderful community that is CBC Fremantle. We are blessed to have great students, parents, staff, Christian Brothers and many other supporters of the College, who collectively contribute so much.
I want to also acknowledge and thank my fellow Board members. It is an honour to work with these wonderful people. Thank you to Sandra Seman-Bourke, Greg Bruce, Angie Emanuele, Frank Iannantuoni, Anthony Sutton, Debbie Waddell and Paul Ziegelaar.
I would like to thank the Christian Brothers for the invaluable support and guidance they provide to the students and staff at CBC Fremantle. Their mentoring and influence is significant as they help to keep the charism of Edmund Rice alive and well at our College.
Finally, I want to acknowledge the College’s teaching and support staff. The EREA Renewal report was particularly complimentary about the excellent work of the College staff in providing a caring and quality school experience. The review team spoke highly of the dedication and determination of staff to ensure the best for all CBC students. It is very pleasing to see that parents and students feel that the boys are safe at CBC Fremantle, are welcomed and respected, and that they know the staff want them to achieve their best.
We are very fortunate to have Shaun Kenny as the leader of our College. It is a privilege to work with Shaun and to watch the way he leads his staff and the College community. Vice Principal Mr Domenic Burgio acted as Principal during Mr Kenny’s absence in Term 3. Dom had some unique challenges during this period and he can be proud of the difference he makes to CBC Fremantle.
Above Mr Leicester
The young men at CBC Fremantle are in good hands. I am proud to be a part of this College.
BUSINESS REPORT Business Manager Mr Tony Pitos
Instrumental to the good financial management of CBC Fremantle as with any other organisation is the formulation of an annual budget with forward projections nominally two years plus the immediate budget period.
This enables CBC to not only resource the physical site but also continue to resource the educational requirements, keeping the College at the forefront of new developments in education to provide optimum opportunities for the students.
These forecasts provide for different influences such as student population and other data relating to anticipated revenue and costs providing a gauge for stewardship and what is needed to provide the resourcing to enable future sustainability for the College. Estimates based on strong data sources are made for revenue and expenditure and provide the framework for the development of the calendar year operating budget.
Expenditure within the College is associated with three main areas: salaries and wages, debt servicing and operations, and maintenance expenses. Salaries and wages are the largest cost area, with teaching salaries the most significant component. Other expenditure relevant to the efficient operation of the College includes that related to utilities and maintenance and professional development of staff.
CBC Fremantle develops an operating budget in order to formulate a model that generates the fiscal capacity to accommodate the requirements associated with the College Strategic Plan which incorporates the efficient delivery of education and the physical environment. Actual revenue and expense is compared with that budgeted and variance analysis provides a measure of control which allows an alignment with, or better than, budget expectations.
In 2014 tuition fees and charges were increased six percent. This increase was deemed necessary due to continuing financial pressures on the College, including increases in teaching salaries and other general expenses.
Revenue is derived from tuition fees, facilities income and state and federal government grants. Income streams are applied to the expenditure in the College and in broad application the revenue derived from grant income would match the wages and salaries expense. Tuition fees are vital to the operation of the College as these provide the fiscal capacity to debt service loans and also fund the general operations of the College.
Ensuring that all tuition fees are received in the academic year of billing is imperative as the reliance on these funds is becoming greater due to movements in the pattern and level of government funding. In a similar manner, expenditure must be monitored to ensure the best utilisation of resources. Continued measurement and control in these areas means that CBC will remain an affordable College with fees and charges significantly lower than other metropolitan boys’ schools. The College continues to offer a one-to-one laptop computer programme for students allowing a uniform
platform for educational delivery. Two computer laboratories continue to be maintained for more sophisticated software programs. Desktops in Technology & Enterprise and the Music classroom provide additional computer access. The Laptop Centre provides the support for necessary repairs and services the one-toone programme in the College.
Continual review of existing structures of both hardware and software within the College plus the necessary fund allocations through the budgeting process ensures that the ICT remains current and at the forefront of technology. April 2014 saw the completion of the Student Services and Staff facility and it has been well received and successfully used by all facets of the College community.
Grants 54%
Capital works planned for late 2014 include the redevelopment of the Canteen and the renovation of classrooms into a new Chemistry laboratory.
CBC Fremantle has undertaken a significant transformation to its physical site. Together with developed cultural and community ties and strong academic and vocational programmes, this provides a sound platform to optimise holistic and inclusive education for students.
Recurrent debt servicing 4%
Salaries & wages 71%
Operations & maintenance 25%
A lot can change in six years. We have experienced two principals, two vice principals, teachers have come and gone and we have seen buildings rise and fall. Despite all the changes, one thing that has been a constant throughout that time is the great group of people who have made the journey together. While some have left and others have arrived, the notion that we are a band of brothers journeying together has not changed since day one; while we walk across this stage as individuals, we’ll stand together as the Class of 2014. Our year group represents the first time that Year 7 students arrived at CBC as part of high school. It made the experience that much more daunting being even smaller than the Year 8s, wearing uniforms a few sizes too big and walking amongst senior students who towered over us. Nevertheless those Year 7s were welcomed with open arms into the College. We were very lucky to have Mr Ryan and Mr Miller who took on the difficult job of inducting those Year 7 boys and starting them along the path that led to where we are this evening. When the other half of the year group joined in 2010, our year seamlessly transitioned into the unified cohort you see this evening. But tonight represents the end of an era. As Albert Einstein said, “Life is like riding a bicycle; to keep your balance you
Left College Captain 2014 Anthony Iannantuoni is the last of his year group to leave the final Year 12 assembly through the Year 7 guard of honour
must keep moving,” and, yes, to move on is the way of life, but it is also important to pause and take the opportunity to look back and see just how far we have come. It is with mixed emotions that we walk across the stage this evening. There is the obvious excitement at the thought of the freedom and myriad of opportunities that leaving school represents, but at the same time there is some hesitation associated with leaving behind the known for the unknown. The gentlemen seated here this evening are very different from the hesitant boys who entered this gym five or six years ago. Back then this evening seemed a long way off; just a speck on the distant horizon. It seems that time has flown fast, particularly in this last year. As I look around this evening I see young men who are a credit, not only to the College, but to their families and to themselves – gentlemen who I am proud to have shared this journey with. There have been a lot of great memories in those six years. Memories like the Duke of Edinburgh camp, walking for what felt like ages and climbing hills only to see another looming just as large as the first. Recent memories like the Year 12 Ball with its dazzling array of penguin suits and stunning gowns. Our dancing lessons in Year 10 and the Iona Social where the piercing eyes of the Iona dads reinforced our prior intentions to act as perfect gentlemen. We recall fondly the sporting Carnivals, all times that we have shared as a cohort. The various
College tours will also be treasured memories for many of us; being able to spend some great times with some great people interstate or overseas, playing sport and visiting cultural and historical landmarks. And, of course, the many Edmund Rice Days, taking a break from classes to eat, win some prizes and watch teachers take a dip in the dunk tank. Those are all memories that will remain. While in two years’ time we will have forgotten the ‘C’ for indefinite integration or the difference between a practice and a structure, those memories are the times that we can look back on for the rest of our lives. Tonight represents the start of the next phase in our lives, to put into practice the lessons we have learned in our time here. It is at this moment that our paths diverge, as we pursue our hopes and our dreams and try to make best use of our God-given gifts and talents. We will all be faced with many choices and opportunities in the next few years as we move into university, into TAFE or into the workforce and we determine what we want to do with our lives. We will at times, both succeed and fail on that journey, but tonight every one of us have succeeded. Tonight we stand at the edge of the unknown as we leave the security and stability of high school to head out into the big wide world. We do so with confidence that as CBC Fremantle graduates we
possess attitudes and actions that are based on Gospel values; we are accountable and resilient; we are selfless and form positive relationships and we value the other in our lives. These are the qualities of a CBC Fremantle gentlemen. You have to look no further than this year group to understand what the CBC journey is all about. There are many people who have been instrumental in bringing us to this point. Chief among them are the hardworking staff of CBC Fremantle. Every teacher we have had in our time here has left their mark on us as individuals, and as a cohort and we would not be the gentlemen we are today without their input. On behalf of the cohort, I sincerely thank you all for the time and effort you have put into ensuring that we were fully prepared for life. Thanks for enduring the dumb questions, the homework excuses and thanks most of all for believing in the Year 7 and 8 boys who arrived all those years ago. It is only with maturity that we begin to realise that you were our friend, rather than our adversary, and only wanted the best from each of us. In these last few years we have engaged in some good banter and formed strong relationships that continued long after the class had ended. Thanks must also go to the office staff and the groundskeepers who work behind the scenes to ensure
Left to right Zakaria Hourani performing at ViPA, the Year 12 Ensemble performing at Graduation and Oliver Parish at the 1st VIII Football grand final
that the logistics of our education have run smoothly and without incident. They are an invaluable part of the College and a part that is often overlooked. Father Tony is also a valuable part of the CBC Fremantle community and serves as an important link to the Fremantle parish. He has conducted Masses and Sacraments that have formed part of our spiritual journey over the past six years. We are very grateful for his involvement in our year group and the wider school community and it is fitting that he be with us this evening. Mr Kenny and the leadership team also deserve our gratitude for their guidance. They have had a major impact on our formation and the development of the College into an environment that produces gentleman of such high calibre as those present tonight. Our greatest thanks however, must be reserved for our parents, people who have stood by us throughout everything. Often as teenagers we tend to forget the selfless sacrifices they have made in raising us and ensuring we got the best education possible. They are the ones who encouraged us, congratulated us and helped us to realise our full potential. The letters that they receive this evening hopefully demonstrate our
appreciation, but words alone cannot adequately express our thankfulness that they are a part of our lives. Finally, to my fellow students. Six years is far too short a time to live amongst such admirable friends and peers, and I know half of you half as well as I should like, but what I do know is that each of you will go on to explore many careers and jobs and will go far. We can’t all play football like Michael Cronan, jump like Julian Konle, shred the bass like Connor Spencer, nor can we sit a chemistry test quite like Liam Romano and we can’t all get stuff off the top shelf like Zeus Greget O’Dea, but each of you possess intangible qualities that set you apart from every other so called ‘man’ in society. You understand the notions of servant leadership, personal excellence and respect. Never be afraid to demonstrate what you believe in and to stay true to your ideals. I am immensely proud and honoured to stand up here and represent the Class of 2014. Thank you for the great times. I wish each of you the very best of luck with your exams and life beyond. And never forget, though the distance may be great, we are still a part of the CBC Fremantle community.
This page The Rite Journey Homecoming ceremony at Point Walter
THE CBC JOURNEY Vice Principal Mr Domenic Burgio
Left and above Images from Share the Journey 2014
This year the College has been developing a document with the working title ‘The Journey Document’. It will be officially launched in 2015, but enough has been leaked for it to already have gained traction and understanding in our community. In a nutshell, it aims to explicitly describe the attributes we wish all our graduates to exhibit and value by the time they leave us.
is a key event for our Year 7 boys, and has been held in Term 1 each year since 2009. It was developed by CBC fathers with the aim of helping CBC boys become happy, mature and responsible adults through the fostering of the relationship between fathers and sons in the College environment.
Share the Journey is the first signpost along a path that includes The Rite Journey and the Year 12 Servant Leadership programme. The morning has grown from humble beginnings, and this year saw about 200 boys, dads, grandads and males who play a significant role in the young man’s life, congregate at Point Walter, share some special moments walking along the Swan River, and listen to the experiences of a former student leader of the College and his father. Dads and sons then retreated to a quiet spot and shared a poignant moment during the affirmation of their son by the fathers. Many tears were shed during this part of the day, but spirits quickly picked up during the final part of the morning as boys and their dads gathered around the barbecue for a sausage sizzle.
The development of this CBC gentleman begins symbolically with Share the Journey. This initiative
The key messages of Share the Journey remain with the boys throughout their time at the College. The
Those attributes are: • The CBC gentleman is one who forms attitudes and actions based on Gospel values. • The CBC gentleman always gives of his best, and understands the inherent value of doing so. • The CBC gentleman is accountable and resilient and able to face challenges. • The CBC gentleman is selfless by nature and able to form positive, mutually beneficial relationships, especially with, and towards, women. • The CBC gentleman recognises and values the ‘other’ in his life.
Top right The Calling ceremony at Monument Hill Top left At The Homecoming ceremony Middle Mr Testa and Kane Grant at The Homecoming Below Experiencing The Abyss
relationship boys have with their dad, or significant male, and the modelling those adults display, is critical to the development of CBC boys into responsible young men with a healthy outlook and the key characteristics needed for success in life. A new group of dads have now taken on the baton, and Share the Journey’s key message and future looks bright.
THE RITE JOURNEY The Rite Journey (TRJ) was introduced into the College in 2012. In three short years it has become a signature programme for CBC Fremantle, and during a recent visit TRJ founder Andrew Lines described CBC Fremantle as the flagship TRJ school across Australia. The Rite Journey aims to deliver our boys messages about becoming a man that are counter-cultural; that challenge contemporary rites of passage behaviours such as drinking, risk-taking,
violence, drug use and unflattering perceptions of women. Each week, for an hour, each TRJ teacher leads a discussion as the programme moves from ‘Who am I?’ through to ‘How do I get along with others?’, ‘Is there anything more?’ and ‘What is my purpose?’ Each of the landmark ceremonies during the year-long programme is poignant and emotional, from the opening ceremony at Monument Hill, where parents ‘release’ their sons into our care and the boys ‘farewell’ their childhood, to the Return and Homecoming ceremony held on the Attadale foreshore, where boys are returned to their parents and receive affirmation. During the year the boys are set challenges, and these range in type and difficulty. Since 2013, one of the group challenges is for a class to prepare a four course meal for the ladies of the CBC staff, and the success of this night is universally acknowledged for both its quality
and symbolism. For many boys (and mums), the biggest hurdle for the year is The Abyss, where boys combine a week’s hiking, sailing, the Year 9 Retreat and The Amazing Race with a reflective period in a tent with nothing other than their thoughts. It is during this time the boys write a letter to themselves, confirming their commitment to the College, and detailing a set of promises to themselves, by themselves, that becomes the roadmap for their next three years. This letter serves as a powerful guide for all the boys, and should they stray in Years 10, 11 or 12, it is their own words that they are reminded. The Rite Journey is not just a programme that is delivered for 60 minutes a week; it is a culture that is built-in, not bolted-on, to the CBC life. Andrew Lines summed up its success at our College when he wrote these words to the Principal: ‌ my most heartfelt gratitude and congratulations goes to the Rite Journey crew at CBC Fremantle for taking hold of the vision I had for The Rite Journey and ultimately becoming the flagship school for the programme in Australia. I have a firm belief that the programme can become an integral part of developing our students into respectful, responsible and resilient adults and that it can transform the culture of a school (rather than it simply being an add-on/isolated programme at Year 9). At your College it is such a pleasure to see that vision being strongly lived out ... on more than a number of occasions I felt overwhelmed at the magnificent way that TRJ is being implemented at CBC.
Right Experiencing The Abyss at Bindoon
OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION President Old Boys’ Association Mr George Ayres
This year has produced a remarkable shift in perception of the Old Boys of CBC Fremantle. As the baby boomers grow older, and our younger alumni become fathers, and indeed grandfathers, the urge to reignite the relationship with our College increases.
This year the Old Boys’ Association once again hosted the 10 and 20 year reunions and they were a huge success. It was such a pleasure to look around the College Staffroom, a perfect venue for our community gatherings, and see the calibre of men who have graduated from our school.
Capitalising on the nostalgia, the strategy of the Old Boys’ Association committee has been to concentrate on events that highlight the brotherhood of our unique school. Reunions have been the backbone of our drive to encourage Old Boys to return, and to remain in touch, and word-of-mouth combined with social network champions have resulted in a boom of attendance to our events.
One of the most important functions on our calendar is the Over 60s Morning Tea, which was once again sponsored by Old Boy John Hughes (’52). More than 100 Old Boys and their wives took over the Staffroom, and we thank the good people of CBC for allowing us the use of their facilities during term time. College Captain, Anthony Iannantuoni, was our guest speaker, and a team of young men from Years 11 and 12 kept the refreshments rolling.
At the beginning of the year we welcomed our new Old Boys to the Year 13 breakfast, which was held for the first time in the College. As the major advocate for grooming at CBC, Vice Principal Domenic Burgio is fond of saying, the graduates’ relaxation of the College regulations on uniform and personal grooming highlights the commitment the young men made during their time at their school. They certainly looked comfortable and happy as they caught up with their peers and ex-teachers at such an exciting stage of their lives.
The Old Boys’ Association committee continues to raise funds for the provision of the James McGowan Bursary to a student who would otherwise not be able to attend the College due to financial reasons. The anonymous recipient of the Bursary remains at the discretion of the Principal and we are reassured that the Association fees are going a long way towards assisting a young man with a valuable start in life. Michelle Ainsworth, Des Baccini, Cherie Butcher, Terry Iannello, Br Pat Kelly, Shaun Kenny, Frank Lo Presti, Kevin O’Brien, John Parker and Graham Taylor join me in working towards ensuring the Old Boys’ Association’s activities are successful and I thank my committee colleagues for their dedication. God bless the gentlemen of CBC Fremantle.
Left Mr Ayres
PARENT AUXILIARY President Parent Auxiliary Mr Tim Allan
The strong sense of community and belonging has certainly been palpable during the academic year of 2014 at CBC Fremantle. As the year draws to a close I would like to reflect on some of the key events that have been facilitated by the Parent Auxiliary.
gymnasium after some very heartfelt and moving words by the boys and Principal Mr Shaun Kenny. Fathers’ Day in September was also very well attended with dads and boys enjoying each others’ company with a bacon and egg burger in hand.
We started the year with a morning tea for the incoming Year 7 parents, which was a fabulous chance for new CBC parents to get to know the community. This was followed by the annual Year 7 parent wine and cheese evening which provided a chance to enjoy the company of new friends in an informal and relaxed environment.
In a fast-paced world it is always important to offer parents the chance to focus on issues affecting our sons. With this in mind, Relationships Australia again presented a workshop on mums raising sons and also dealing with the challenges presented with fathers participating in FIFO work. The evenings were well received and the Parent Auxiliary is keen to continue providing such information sessions into the future. A heartfelt thanks to Sophie Benson for initiating and growing this event.
Share the Journey is a unique initiative developed by some of the Parent Auxiliary members around five years ago. This morning allows fathers and sons to spend some quality time together and reflect on their relationship as the boys embark on their own journey to becoming a man. I have seen this event grow during my time with CBC, and this year we had around 200 dads and sons attend. I thank Michael O’Connor for his work over the years in developing this wonderful opportunity for both fathers and sons. In May we hosted the Mother’s Day Morning Tea and I am positive there wasn’t a dry eye in the College
Above Annie Hayes, Greg Hayes, Tim Allan, John Atkinson And Lachlan Yurak at the Year 7 parents’ wine and cheese evening
Thank you to the new members of the Auxiliary – Barry Bourne, John Atkinson, Brenda Munro, Judy McShane and Leon Yurak – and also to existing members and staff at CBC for all the time and effort put into supporting the College events throughout the year. I wish the graduating class of 2014 every success. As you walk out the gates for the last time, know you will always be CBC men and carry CBC in your hearts.
MUSIC PARENTS’ GROUP REPORT President Music Parents’ Group Mrs Nancy Hourani
It was another amazing year of music at CBC! The Jazz Orchestra, Big Band, Guitar Ensembles and College Choir delighted the CBC school community with their performances throughout the year. Many events gave our boys an opportunity to showcase their skills to their families. The Music Camp was thoroughly enjoyed by the boys who attended with lots of ‘jamming’ and bonding. This would not have been possible without the support of the teachers and staff of CBC and parent helpers. We appreciate teachers giving up their personal time, showing great passion and commitment towards their love of music and instilling this in our boys. Jazz at the Club was another fun night held at the South Fremantle Football Club. The musical performances throughout the evening were thoroughly enjoyed by all. The Music Parents’ Group was a huge help with door sales and raffles. Laurie Quintiliani and the fundraising committee organised an extremely successful auction. ViPA at the Fremantle Town Hall was another night displaying the many talents of our boys. The staff of CBC assisted greatly with logistics, as did Music Parents’
Group. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Williams for providing supper for the evening. Their generosity is appreciated by all who attend the evening, especially the boys. The Fundraising Committee was another outstanding success this year with the guidance and support of Laurie Quintiliani assisted by Katrina Davies, Charlie Fowler, Tania Quintiliani, Jo Read and Michelle Romano. Thank you also to Stephen Everett who took care of the finances as Treasurer, Laurie Quintiliani who was Vice President and headed the Fundraising Committee, Moya Foxwell who diligently worked as Secretary, and all other committee members who assisted as needed, attended and contributed to our meetings. Committee members included Angela Natale, Lucy Blakiston, Marian Walter, Susanne Sutton and Kylie Read. Thank you to Mr Shane Mancuso who supports our boys’ musical experiences at the school. Thank you also to all the Music teachers for supporting our boys throughout the school year: Mr Kim Anning, Mr Alex Borthwick, Mr Carl Harper Ms Melissa Skinner, Mrs Emma Tandy, Mr Luciano Trebse, Mr Tim Woolley and Mr Manoli Vouyoucalos.
Left Mrs Hourani
This page Miss Bowran in the Philippines
STAFF SALVETE AND VALETE STAFF ARRIVALS Michelle Carey Veronica Carter Lana De Palma Emma Douglas Sharni Duthie Maria Garbin Jennifer Giancaspro Carl Harper Craig Jordan Justin Leech Arnaud Marion Shelley Nodwell Leanne Ogden
Accounts Receivable PA to the Principal Teacher Receptionist Accounts Teacher Student Services Secretary Music Tutor Teacher Teacher Assistant Business Manager Teacher Teacher
Emelia Blake Music Tutor Margaret Crommy Teacher Craig Dowsett Teacher Andrea Fitzpatrick Teacher Troy Foote Teacher Violet Gohr Student Services Secretary Jody Lee Teacher Noeleen McDowell PA to the Principal Sally Northeast Finance Officer Brittany Price Receptionist Simon Schmidberger Teacher Zoe Thompson Finance Lisa Wolfe Teacher
Above Mrs D’Ascanio and Mr Moss Centre Ms Nodwell at Parnngurr Below Ms Tognolini, Mr Leicester, Mr Tognolini and Ms Schmidt
Back row Anthony Rawnsley, Glen Lacey, Jason Matthews, Paul Woodhouse, Brenton Butcher, Matthew Stockton, Craig Jones, Stephen Hunter, Zachary Preston, Simon Schmidberger, Adrian Correia, Craig Carter Fourth row John Hortense, Vanessa Ricciardi, Stephanie Hantzis, Troy Foote, Jennifer Giancaspro, Garry Hart, Frank Williams, Marius Van Dongen, Patrick Ryan, Carol Denny, Marilyn Schmidt, Trevanna Cooper, Clinton Testa Third row John Rear, Samantha Emslie, Nirmala Narayanan, Karen Spence, Lisa Tognolini, Lachlan Byrd, Geoff Buss, Craig Jordan, Aidan Holohan, Justin Leech, Peter Baldry, Jenny Wilson, Shayni Nelson, Sarah Quin, Peter Hale Second row Andrea Fitzpatrick, Candice Brown, Lisa Wolfe, Veronica Carter, Cherie Butcher, Meagan Musson, Darlene McGoorty, Joel Moss, Robert Kestel, Jennifer D’Ascanio, Louis Miller, Pauline Van Lohuizen, CJ Griffin, Emily Bowran, Andre Leicester, Rosalba Jeffreys, Valma Granich, Angela Calanni, Vera Moura Front row Petrina Brewer, Elizabeth Ashcroft, Br John Murray, Sonya Gaffney, Jennifer Lawlor, Maria Garbin, Marriann O’Neill, Shaun Kenny, Domenic Burgio, Sally Northeast, Shelley Nodwell, Michelle Carey, Emma Douglas, Di Ilich, Margaret Crommy Absent Michelle Ainsworth, Scott Barron, John Black, Brent Butcher, Eric Clarke, John Coules, Larrisa Dodsworth, Michelle Eades, Falda Forzatti, Zoe Francis, Rose Lenzo, Shane Mancuso, Nirmala Narayanann, Leanne Ogden, Jessica Oxley, Sharni Rowland, Michael Pasajlic, Tony Pitos, James Schubert, Emma Tandy, Barry Tognolini
At the Inter-House Athletics Carnival Lachlan Fox, Brodee Knight, Kyle Mirco and Nathaniel Bond-Williams
Above 2014 Morgan House Councillors
Head of Morgan House Mrs Samantha Emslie
I am truly grateful for the calibre of the Morgan Mentor teachers and thank them for their care and dedication to the students in Morgan House. Ms Petrina Brewer, Mrs Candice Brown, Mr Geoff Buss, Ms Angela Calanni, Mr Adrian Correia, Mrs Carol Denny and Mr Justin Leech are at the heart of Morgan House, and the relationships they develop with their boys is the key to the Pastoral Care we deliver. On the sporting field we had many successes this year. After finishing third in the House Swimming Carnival, we performed brilliantly in the House Cross Country in scorching conditions. The determination of the Morgan boys secured our finish in first place. In June at the annual Athletics Carnival, after being in the lead all day, Morgan House finished first for the second year in a row. The future looks very strong with all Year 7 champion boy places being awarded to students from Morgan. The level of attendance and participation by Morgan boys in our Thursday morning House Masses has been exceptional. The senior boys have led the way ensuring their own punctuality and reverence. It was certainly a highlight to me having our House Prefect, Mitchell Hinton, leading Morgan House in ceremony and prayer.
Morgan House Councillors and Prefects met regularly in the lead up to our Morgan House fundraising day to ensure another successful outcome. Their initiatives included several raffles, a popular cupcake stall and a sausage sizzle. This day is always a highlight of the year for Morgan House and the support of the boys’ families was overwhelming. Thanks to the generous donations we were able to raise almost $4,000 to donate to Edmund Rice Charities. I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to my Morgan House Prefects, Matthew Cooper and Mitchell Hinton. They have been unfailingly supportive and have carried out all duties asked of them willingly and cheerfully. They have shown remarkable levels of initiative and ensured that Morgan events have always run exceptionally smoothly. Saying farewell to our Year 12s, the first group of students to have been with us for six years, was a challenge. I wish them all the very best for their future endeavours, and I hope that in years to come they will visit often to let us know where life has taken them.
In loving memory of my dear friend Bob Rose’Meyer, first appointed Head of Morgan House.
MORGAN 1 Back row Jacob Donnelly, Lucas Fleming, Luke Christmas, Sean Duncanson, Christopher Di Sabato, Jonathon Nolan, Joshua Pereira, Joshua Mascarenhas, Philippe Albano Middle row Christian Benson, Scott Urbano, Fraser Russell, Ryan Pace, Jayden Di Lazzaro, Daniel Lomma, Jaidyn Atkinson, Rupert Fellman, Nicholas Fellman, Miss Petrina Brewer Front row Jake Abreu, Luke Lobban, Lachlan Allen-Moore, Joel Abreu, Andrew Albano, Cody Dixon, Joshua Harris-Walker, Alex Di Lazzaro, Mitchell Pace Absent Charles Babalola, Blake Millward
MORGAN 2 Back row Kennedy Sorrell, Harry Burt, Connor Potts, Jack Marshall, Alexander Burt, Samuel Grosse, Lucas Pacheco, Benjamin Green, Henry Scurry Middle row Kaleb Milsom, Benjamin Parker, Jack Garbellini, Matthew Moore, Jordan Filippin, Tyler Sorrell, Stephen Bacelic, Samuel Sanginiti, Nathan Standley, Mr Adrian Correia Front row Liam Kennedy, Adam Correia, Brodie Telling, Kyle Kennedy, Jake Bacelic, Thomas Bailey, Sam Garbellini, Jack Owen, Max Cronin Absent Ryan Abreu
MORGAN 3 Back row Matthew Cooper, Sean Henry, Finbar Gaffney, Benjamin Pendergast, Patrick Nicholson, Samuel Harlick, Joe Harding, Renaud De St Pern, Nick Menegola Middle row Yusef Hourani, Keane Bourke, Zakaria Hourani, Daniel Stone, Luke Pirozzi, Harry Golding, Adam Shoeib, Christopher Martin, Jackson McReady, Mr Justin Leech Front row Benjamin Gray, Marius Harman, Yordanos Yehualashet, Thomas Barnett, Julian Nardi, Kye Mitchell-Bathgate, Jacob Shales, Noah Ferguson, Flynn Hislop Absent Anthony Romeri
MORGAN 4 Back row Cameron Jaques, Matthew Burd, Joseph Caputi, Nicholas Harris, Reece Redworth-Maley, Jack Masters, Jason Phillips Third row Joshua Kestel, Brodee Knight, Mark Zoiti, Connor Fordham, Zachary Carton, Isaac Mitchell, Gianni Rifici Second row Spencer Stevenson, Luka Mancini, Ryan De Gennaro, Adam De Gennaro, Jason De Gennaro, Luca Rifici, Cooper Hagan, Mrs Candice Brown Front row Caleb Nixon, Hamish Thomson, Justin Oliveri, Jordan Bevilacqua, Adrian Ciampini, David Oliveri, Finlay Vogler Absent Conor Hars, Zachary Maddy-Irvine
MORGAN 5 Back row Lorcan O’Sullivan, Andre Carozza, Jayden Thomas, Nathan Rowe, Max De Campi, Darcy Sunter, Kimberley Forrest, Alexander Winner Middle row Samuel Sheridan, Christian Edwards, Adrian Hunter, James Crevald, Adam Lomma, Nicholas Hayes, Henri du Cladier de Curac, Charlie Regan, Mr Geoff Buss Front row Aidan Edwards, Aidan McKenna, Benjamin Hamilton, Ethan Licari, Benjamin Cocksey, Ashley Humphreys, James Ferguson, Oskar Spiers, Timothy Hall Absent Rufus Buchanan, Joel Pangiarella, Harrison Stewart
MORGAN 6 Back row Michael French, Alexander Natale, Jack Norman, Christian Richards, Trey Moloney, Brodie Soltoggio, Callum Cosgriff, Marcus McIntyre Middle row Luke Turley, James Covich, Jordan Green, Harrison Read, Isaac Richards, Hugo Salvage, Jayden Ramos, Joshua Baker, Austin Keyte, Ms Angela Calanni Front row Dylan Mulcahy, Conor Larranaga-Boyle, Lincoln Turley, Timothy McClelland, Yosh Utama, Isaac Moloney, Jordan Culin, Jai Cosgriff, Lorcan Pearson Absent Reece Jaschke, Eddie Watkins, Ryan Watson
MORGAN 7 Back row Ryan Pratt, William David, Scott Russell, Isaac Rowe, Alexander Stapleton, Thomas David, Jordan Correia Third row Jacob Toomath, Damiano De Gennaro, Lachlan Hinton, Benjamin Lombardo, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Mitchell Hinton, Jacob Fitzpatrick Second row Preston Hinton, Nicholas Monzu, Alexander McGuffin, Connor Spencer, Matthew Read, Anthony Lomma, Keegan Di Prinzio, Mrs Carol Denny Front row Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Fletcher Kerspien, Alban Rees, Nicholas Veletta, Ethan Contera, Ari Brierley Figueiredo, Luke Phillips Absent Damon Miles
MORGAN HOUSE COUNCILLORS 2014 Year 8 Jaidyn Atkinson Matthew Burd Ari Brierley Figueiredo Preston Hinton Ben Lombardo Justin Oliveri Mitchell Pace Benjamin Parker Matthew Read Year 9 Adrian Ciampini Jason De Gennaro Ryan De Gennaro Christian Edwards Jacob Fitzpatrick Brodee Knight David Oliveri Samuel Sheridan Alexander Stapleton Darcy Sunter Brodie Telling Luke Turley
M1 M4 M7 M7 M7 M4 M1 M2 M7
M4 M4 M4 M5 M7 M4 M4 M5 M7 M5 M2 M6
Year 10 Keane Bourke Andre Carozza Conor Hars Lachlan Hinton Yusef Hourani Adrian Hunter Reece Jaschke Zac Maddy-Irvine Joshua Mascarenhas Damon Miles Alexander Natale Ryan Pace Gianni Rifici Luca Rifici Nathan Rowe Kennedy Sorrell
M3 M5 M4 M7 M3 M5 M6 M4 M1 M7 M6 M1 M4 M4 M5 M2
Year 11 Charles Babalola Joshua Baker Christian Benson Joseph Caputi James Crevald Max De Campi Jordan Filippin Lucas Flemming Kimberley Forrest Finbar Gaffney Nicholas Harris Nicholas Hayes Jack Marshall Jack Masters Jackson McReady Luke Pirozzi Scott Russell Tyler Sorrell Mark Zoiti
M1 M6 M1 M4 M6 M5 M2 M1 M5 M3 M4 M5 M2 M4 M3 M3 M7 M2 M4
Year 12 Prefects Matthew Cooper Mitchell Hinton
M3 M7
Above 2014 Patrick House Councillors
Head of Patrick House Mr Brenton Butcher
“When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it – but all that had gone before.” Jacob Riis Like the stonecutter, Patrick House has reaped the rewards that determination and persistence deliver. Often a student’s success is not always evident to the outside world, but within each Patrick man there is a determination to reach his personal goals and ambitions. The young men have excelled at the opportunities presented to them; service to others is central to our vision and Patrick House has been a strong supporter of a number of events and activities throughout the year. Edmund Rice Day and the House fundraiser were exceptional days when the support of the students and their families was outstanding. The House has been unified in its support and celebration of the Eucharist this year; the House Masses have been well attended and the messages from Father Tony were well received. The Gospel values inherent to our College and faith are witnessed and exhibited by the young men of Patrick House every day.
Academically our House has produced many outstanding results. It is not only the gifted students who have inspired me with their diligent and focussed approach but equally the young men who, like the stonecutter, chip away and do their personal best every day. The sporting arena has rewarded the Patrick athletes with many successes; a very close second in the swimming was a highlight for many students. The effort and readiness to work hard at every level have allowed Patrick House to succeed. The House is only as strong as its foundations; the strength lies in our parents, staff and students. I would like to acknowledge Miss Emily Bowran, Dr Aidan Holohan, Mr Stephen Hunter, Mr Louis Miller, Ms Leanne Ogden, Ms Marilyn Schmidt, Mr Marius Van Dongen and Mr Paul Woodhouse for their continued outstanding care of the gentlemen of Patrick House. I would like to especially thank Mr Adrian Correia who served as Head of House during Term 3 and made a positive difference in his time with us. Congratulations to all members of the Patrick House community; may our determined approach to all aspects of personal excellence and success allow us to rise to the challenges and continue to be a band of brothers unified in the Edmund Rice tradition.
PATRICK 1 Back row Cody Palmer, Nicholas Allan, Thomas Eastaugh, Riley Naughton, Tim Peterson, Jackson Sidery, Yassin Albarri, Laurence Macri Middle row Julian Bacich, Daniel McShane, Joshua Hardbottle, Ethan Pope, Jared Salis, Kyle Mirco, Matthew Banks, Jacob Guidone, Benjamin Scullin, Dr Aidan Holohan Front row Hudson Lillis, Taj Ryan, Cooper Naughton, John Tormay, Lachlan Yurak, Harrison Scullin, Leon Viti, Broc Stokes Absent Dylan Allen, Justin Brooker, Nicholas Fox, Sebastian McCrackan
PATRICK 2 Back row Jacob Cross, Matthew Sear, William Welsh, Liam Romano, Anthony Iannantuoni, Joshua Berthold, Ben Edmonds, Callan Howe-Robinson, Thomas Baker Middle row Peter Hudson, Connor McMurtrie, Matthew Patroni, Christopher Bawden, William Power, Cameron Nugent, Hamish Macpherson, Thomas Gleeson, Jacob Toledo, Mrs Marilyn Schmidt Front row Bill Orr, Stefan Bormolini, Fletcher Evans, Quinn Wilkinson, Alex Crowe, Oakley Monument, Lachlan Gleeson, Anton La Macchia Absent Alexander Faccin, Caiden Guidi, Kai Morgan
PATRICK 3 Back row Leighton Short, Michael Hosking, Liam Godsall, Luke Mertens, James Shave, Brandon Sollis, Kurtis Gray, Alexander Dimanopoulos, Jakob Sciaresa Middle row Mrs Vera Moura, Gabriel Newman, Jack Camarda, Fraser Reid, Harrison Branley, Aaron Lees, Alessandro Monaco, Harrison Ramsay, Jacob Hosking, Miss Emily Bowran Front row Daniel Bowater, Flinn Brown, Joel Blazevic, Zachary Earl, Caleb Mitchell, Elijah Ramsay, Sean Ferreira, Zavier Sciaresa Absent Jack Bowater, Harrison Brown, Harry Caniglia, Max Foxwell
PATRICK 4 Back row Mitchell Redmond, Jake Pomery, Maxwell Collett, David Grubisin, Harrison Rowley, Elliott Tinley, Thomas Pinkerton Third row Hayden Redmond, Bailey Brown, David Gaynor, Tom Monaghan, Joshua Lacey, Sam Timewell, Travis Mitchell, Joshua Caruso Second row Samuel Collett, Nicholas Pelliccione, Nicholas Caruso, Cameron Sardelic, Angus Grant, Austin Cawley, Steffan Nero, Jack Lynn, Mr Paul Woodhouse Front row Riley Traill, Daniel Ivester, Mitchell Pelliccione, Riley Burden, Adam Pinkerton, Shadyn De Alvis, Jordyn Penheiro
PATRICK 5 Back row Martin Bradley, Jack Muskarovsky, Michael Palmiotti, Zeus Greget O’Dea, Fraser Hayward, Millen Sjerp, D’Arcy Foster Third row Kaiden Cookson, Samuel Buccini, Bryan Nonis, Bradyn Iannello, William Foster, Ambrose Ryan, Brett Coldrey, Christopher Logan Second row Ryan Clark, Thomas Martens, Julian Phillips, William Coggin, Edward Swan, Edward Tydeman, Tex Sjerp, Tom Muskarovsky, Mr Marius Van Dongen Front row Robert Hoy, Max Woodcock, David Charles, Michael Chalmers, Christopher Clark, Isaiah Sabljic, Cooper Iannello, Indy Greget O’Dea
PATRICK 6 Back row Zane Farmer, Konrad Nadilo, Ben De Kusel, Amos Jones, Jaedyn Stumbles, Carlo Principe, Alec Da Silva Third row Toby Clark, Finn Stumbles, Eli Morris, Adam Turner, Lee Imbuldeniya, Dennis Joseph, Jasper Benthien Second row Lachlan Fay, Christopher Coombs, Timothy Davie, Brodie Ray, Harry Clark, Harrison de San Miguel, Jack Crilly, Mr Stephen Hunter Front row Mitchell Davis, Pearce Bradshaw, Lachlan McManus, James Mooney, Gabriel Simich, Jack Clark, Jonathan Davis Absent James de San Miguel
PATRICK 7 Back row Matthew Demiroski, Patrick Cinquina, Andre Rebelo, Marcus Sutton, Samuel Rivers, Jack Johnson, Matthew Dennis, Marcus Demiroski Middle row Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Theodore Terzoudis-Lumsden, Nicholas Page, Liam Cicirello, Thomas Mansfield, Tyson Pittard, Harry O’Neill, Joshua Duffy, Mr Louis Miller Front row Samuel Ryan, Daniel Page, Jacob Cicirello, Jonah Marsh, Beau Ward, Salvatore Mavica, Alec Petkovic, Moss Monsoon, Thomas Stanbury Absent Rhian Bore, Jacob Cicirello, Thomas McKell, Riley Rees-Turner
PATRICK HOUSE COUNCILLORS Year 8 Robert Hoy Year 9 Nicholas Caruso Austin Cawley Jacob Cicirello Joshua Duffy Jacob Hosking Lee Imbuldeniya Thomas McKell Tom Monaghan Gabriel Newman Millen Sjerp Broc Stokes
P4 P4 P7 P7 P3 P6 P7 P4 P3 P5 P1
Year 10 Nicholas Allan Jack Bowater Joshua Caruso Michael Hosking James Mooney Jaedyn Stumbles
P1 P3 P4 P3 P6 P6
Year 11 Julian Bacich Joshua Berthold William Coggin Max Foxwell Liam Godsall Jack Johnson Matthew Patroni Thomas Pinkerton Elliott Tinley
P1 P2 P5 P3 P3 P7 P2 P4 P4
Year 12 Prefects Toby Clark Zane Farmer David Gaynor Kurtis Gray Jacob Guidone Anthony Iannantuoni Amos Jones Travis Mitchell Liam Romano
P6 P6 P4 P3 P1 P2 P6 P4 P2
Above 2014 Rice House Councillors
Head of Rice House Mr Troy Foote
This was the first year under the new structure where the Wedd Cup is based on overall House points from just three categories: Academic, Arts and Sport. The boys in yellow rose to the challenge, and the Cup once again returned to Rice House.
gentlemen had excellent final years at CBC, and all three made significant contributions to the College. As well, an additional congratulations is extended to Mathew Thomas – a very worthy recipient of the Rice House Award for 2014
The Year 12 Rice House graduates of 2014 played a significant role in steering their House in the right direction in each of the three areas that make up the Wedd Cup. In the field of Academics we finished a strong second; in the Arts we finished first, and in Sport, which is based on Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming, we finished third.
I would like to thank the wonderfully dedicated and caring House Mentors: Ms Trevanna Cooper, Mr John Coules, Ms Zoe Francis, Mrs Stephanie Hantzis, Mrs Meagan Musson, Mr Matthew Stockton, Miss Lisa Tognolini, Mr Frank Williams and Mrs Lisa Wolfe.
Over the past few years my challenge for the year to all students in Rice House has been the same, and it is a challenge they have heard at every College assembly: to try their very best in all school endeavours. With this challenge in mind I hope all Year 12 Rice students graduating in 2014 are doing so with a great deal of personal pride, knowing in their hearts they have given their very best during their journey at the College. I would like to make special mention of the three Rice House Prefects for 2014: Alec Sorgiovanni, Mathew Thomas and Solomon Wright. Each of these fine young
This year is my final year as Head of Rice House, a position I have held since our current House system was introduced back in 2001. I would like to take this opportunity to say a sincere thank you to all of the staff, students and parents who have assisted me and I wish to extend my ongoing support to the Rice House community for 2015 and beyond. On behalf of all the Rice House staff and students who will be returning to CBC Fremantle next year, I say this year’s graduating ‘Rice Bubbles’ it has been a pleasure. In the years that follow I look forward to hearing how you’re progressing through life. Gentlemen, goodbye, good luck and God bless.
RICE 1 Back row Luke Barratt, Charlie Bird, Solomon Wright, Jack McGrath, Nicholas Watson, Mitchell McGrath, Tyler Hellmrich, Declan Creighan Middle row Harry Rosenthal, Lloyd Jacob-Keenan, Harry Bird, Antonino Marceca, Patrick Sell, Byron Jacob-Keenan, Mitchell Boult, Timothy Bayley, Julian Amara, Mr Frank Williams Front row Maxwell Kohlen, Ryan Creighan, William Green, Jake Anderson, Charlie Kohlen, Luke Carbonaro, Joseph Bird, Matthew Gaschk, Henry Kohlen Absent Jack Carroll, Jake Leach, Patrick Skipworth
RICE 2 Back row Jordan Biondillo, Connor Whitt, Julian Tapper, Joel Tapper, Damon Sutton, Lachlan Blakiston, Zachary Harris, Braydon Wilson Middle row Reagan Wilson, Seth Nylund, John Barbera, Joshua Valerio, Jordan Handcock, Cameron Allen, Lachlan Gill, Alexander Gray, Mrs Lisa Wolfe Front row Thomas Mollica, Mason Bourne, James Allen, Cameron Handcock, Angus Christie, Thomas Palmiero, Nicholas Gavranic, Harry Dark, Joshua Palmiero Absent Adam Gavranic, Jake Harris, Thomas Moulin, Alexander Webb
RICE 3 Back row Timothy Magry, Luke Cowlam, Matthew Vinci, Michael Cronan, Patrick Cronan, Sean Frewin, Sebastian Kendrick Third row Harry Kalogirou, Jake Weller, Jack Cowlam, Cameron De Luca, Griffyn Waters, Damian Bozanic, Thomas Nolan, Matthew Quinn Second row Lawson Micale, Caleb Reid, Ben Bockman, Kyle Reid, Sammuel Low, Timothy Bockman, Zac Stanley, Mrs Meagan Musson Front row Thomas Richards, Luke Munro, Patrick Bows, Sebastian Everett, Anthony Cammarano, Liam Fico, Jack Brennan
RICE 4 Back row Oliver Kon, Thomas Burfoot, Lachlan Fox, Dillon O’Reilly, Jesse Mirco, Coen Greaney, Kevin Murtagh, Liam Fox, Mathew Thomas Middle row Brendan Mirco, Tyler Davies, Kelsey Truscello, Jason Cecchi, Christopher Tranchita, David Cecchi, Joshua Barnett, Adam Leavy, Joshua Sinis, Ms Trevanna Cooper Front row Joel Ithier, Daniel Leavy, Bradley Dowie, Sean Henley, Thomas Hamdorf, Patrick Fox, Liam Burke, Xavier Truscello Absent Zachary Henley, Matthew Moreno
RICE 5 Back row Carl Schelling, Joel McComb, Thomas Kestel, Jordan Giancaspro, Luke Jakovcevic, Jordan Johnson, Loughlan Di-Meo Third row Armani Cicchini, Isaac Pollard, Aidan McDonald, Cian Hussey, Dylan Clifford, Alec Sorgiovanni, Thomas Weston, Benjamin Small Second row Samuel McDonald, Jason Jakovcevic, Joe Maguire, Mitchell Cattalini, Oliver Parish, Domenic Mann, Parsa Kasiri-Arabi, Jake Walter, Mr Matthew Stockton Front row Callum Irwin, Jason Quintiliani, Tom Corrie, Joshua Jackson, Marcus Gleeson, Ethan McDowell, Rory Maguire
RICE 6 Back row Mitchell Norman, Jordan Nesic-Halapio, Thomas Duncan, Jordon Rutigliano, Matthew Geaney, Rafael Cipriano, Thomas Cummins, Calogero Martelli, James Geaney Middle row Austen Rees, Angus McDonald, Danny Ngo, Michael Cipriano, D’arcy O’Hara, Jack Fenton, Jai Mehra, Harrison McKeown, Joachim O’Hara, Mrs Stephanie Hantzis Front row Pascal Rodet, Adam Le Roux, Jamie Sharp, Jess Davie, Christian Puca, Jacob Piggott, Alexander Geaney, James Morris Absent Ms Zoe Francis, Joseph Eardley, Jonathan Frampton
RICE 7 Back row Aki Primmer, Douglas Preston, Liam Rogan, Luke Pellegrini, Jiles Denham, Oliver Martin, Anthony Pecotic Third row Aiden Zindani, Thomas Sapienza, Luca Zindani, Darcy Wilson, Benjamin McFadden, Luca Lutzu, Henry Rogerson Second row Mason Zindani, Francesco Di Mento, Michael Norman, Finlay Martin, Lucas Norman, Samuel Preston, Michael Sapienza, Miss Lisa Tognolini Front row Max Anson, Fraser Knight, Nicholas Parker, Liam Solar, Zachary McCormack, Joshua Dujmovic, Andrew Dujmovic, Anthony Cutri Absent Mitchell Parker
RICE HOUSE COUNCILLORS Year 8 Angus Christie Dylan Clifford Liam Fox Callum Irwin Jason Jakovcevic Thomas Palmiero Year 9 John Barbera Anthony Cammarano Alexander Gray Finlay Martin Henry Rogerson Nicholas Watson
R2 R5 R4 R5 R5 R2
R2 R3 R2 R7 R7 R2
Year 10 Tyler Davies Jordan Handcock Cian Hussey Matthew Quinn
R4 R2 R5 R3
Year 11 David Cecchi Jason Cecchi Jordan Giancaspro Calogero Martelli Luke Pellegrini
R4 R4 R5 R6 R7
Year 12 Prefects Alec Sorgiovanni Mathew Thomas Solomon Wright
R5 R4 R1
Above 2014 Samson House Councillors
Head of Samson House Mr Craig Jones
This year the new building was opened at CBC Fremantle which made way for positive changes in our Pastoral Care procedures.
we have been able to address the latter over the last few years with the boys being able to wear their House shirts on fundraising days.
The boys in Samson House were offered the opportunity to attend afternoon tea with myself and various members of the teaching staff. These sessions allowed the boys to get to know staff and each other, and to become acquainted with the new facilities. While they were enjoying refreshments, I asked the boys three questions and their input was invaluable in assisting us to work on improving the College.
At the beginning of the year, the boys in Samson House had a great start to the sporting calendar with another win at the House Swimming Carnival. Well done to every boy who participated in one or several events, and those who assisted on the day.
I first asked the boys what they would tell people in the wider community if they were thinking about sending their son to CBC. The responses were broad and covered everything from sport, subject selection, facilities, canteen food and staff. The second question, ‘What are some of the things you don’t enjoy about CBC?’, elicited some thoughtful responses that raised issues the College has already sought to address in the near future with the building of new toilets and canteen facilities. Asking the boys to pretend to be Mr Kenny for a day of course meant more holidays and free dress days for the College! While we can’t do anything about the former,
During the end of term assemblies I have been praising the boys who continually commit to being tomorrow’s gentlemen. These boys take up the challenge every day to ensure they are in full uniform, arrive on time, have all of their school work in order, take pride in their College and participate in all College events including carnivals and Mass. Samson House has run extremely well this year with the thanks of the Mentor teachers and the relationship that exists between all members of the community. Thank you to the House Councillors and Prefects who have provided valuable support for our House activities, and to the Samson House parents who have helped enormously with our fundraising efforts. Good bye and good luck to our Year 12s; I look forward to another successful year in 2015!
SAMSON 1 Back row Matthew Brennan, Bevan Grant, Lewis Grant, Lucas Pensini, Nicholas Thuys, Samuel McPhail, Jake Stainton, Riley Faulds, Callum Williams Middle row John Belmonte, Ryan Thuys, Thomas Marlow, Andrew Armstrong, Rory Orrells, Nicholas Tucker, Nicholas Funga, Henry Moffitt, Pryce Gordon, Mr Simon Schmidberger Front row Alex Pietroniro, Jamie Rossi, Neven Williams, Bradley Gaglia, Zachary Coubrough, Tate Driessen, Sam Dixon, Adriano Sgro, Benjamin Funga Absent David Auriemma, Mark Ducali, Nathan Scott
SAMSON 2 Back row Chad Foster, Hjalmar Dressel, Nathaniel Bond-Williams, Mitchell Ferris, Mitchell Hughes, James Ahern, John Ahern Third row Sean Phipps, Connor Bowler, Declan McLeod, Stephen Cuccovia, Matthew Hallows, Ryan Kelly, Gabriel Leone Second row Jayden Brimson, Jack Schmidt, Jake Goncalves, Isaac Da Luz, Jack Murphy, Jenkyn Morgan, Riley Bowler, Mr Anthony Rawnsley Front row Zach Dawson, Reno Boladian, Jayden Goncalves, Michael Boladian, Blake Hughes, Jasper Miller, Nathan Rullo Absent Solomon Holliday
SAMSON 3 Back row Thomas Bourne, Jordy Raffaele, Aaron Senzio, Julian Konle, Austin Main, Mitchell Grimes, James McVey Third row Tiago de Souza, Toby Tomlinson, Victor Burnett, Julian Garces, Brandon Campbell, Juan Vivas, John Hardwick, Joel Tomlinson Second row Rahul D’Cruz, Luca Brun, Tyler Olds, Joshua Goodwin, Zachary Stedman, Matthew Costello, Stephen Simpson, Mr Joel Moss Front row Jarred Read, Noah Gregg, Tony Ziegelaar, Jack Prigg, Mitchell Costello, Tristan Nardi, James Younge Absent Thomas Brewster-Jones
SAMSON 4 Back row Robert Holmes, Aron Surjan, Adam Capozzi, Riley Burton, Riley Burke, Marcus Di Biase, Steven Clarke, James Maddeford, Michael Letizia Middle row James Farmer, Flynn Hamilton, Brodie Clark, Thomas Ryan, Aiden Grant, Conor Cameron, Edward Pezet, Kane Grant, Cody Kennington-Birch, Mr James Schubert Front row Seth Lawson, Hayden Symington, Benjamin Otto, Adam Di Biase, Harrison Maddeford, Noah Stronach, Jordan Fury, William Higginson, Jake Grbavac Absent Jake Leavy, Alec Radonich, Benjamin Radonich
SAMSON 5 Back row Jack Crawford, Stephen Jaeger, Liam McMahon, Jack Smith, Daniel Nocciolino, Nicholas McMahon, Liam Minervini Middle row Benjamin Kullack, Daniel Conti, Paul Jardine-Clarke, Nicholas De Castro, Lachlan Lavery, Ned Marshall, Luke Vegvary, Mrs Rosalba Jeffreys Front row Thomas Harris, James Coletta, Digby Marshall, Dante Squassoni, Ross Collier, Aldrin Thomas, Mark Mandic, Keldon Wain Absent Riley Hay, Daniel King, Nathan King, Sebastian Manning, Jacob Sax
SAMSON 6 Back row Matthew Grose, Jamie Nella, Nicholas Deluca, Zane Sumich, Ben Stretton, Jarrod Crowley, Adam Stretton Third row James Warren, Owen Ready, James Linn, Daniel Rhoding, Alexander-Thomas Nolan, Kane Santaromita, Broden Olivieri, Finn Leen Second row Joshua Mazzone, Benjamin Lye, Baeley Amalfi, Robert Olivieri, Thomas Olivieri, Daniele Monaco, Luca Lomma, Mrs Pauline Van Lohuizen Front row Alex Kelly, Marcus Lomma, Sebastian Da Silva, Christian Mazzone, Jacob Da Silva, Zachary Dixon, Marcos Da Silva Absent Brady Santaromita
SAMSON 7 Back row Luke Sheehan, Jack Swainson, Benjamin Elsbury, Joshua Ogden, Lucas Perich, Kyle Hemmings, Jordan Silvera Third row Mark Ogden, Tyler Dionisio, Jack Meakins, Nathan Prendergast, Dakoda Holman, Troy Violanti, Julian Silvera, Ryan Sheehan Second row Matthew Lomma, Benjamin Swindells, Daniel Pittorini, Anthony Di Stefano, Benjamin Johns, Max Violanti, Hamish Mariotti, Ms Shelley Nodwell Front row Lochlan Hemmings, Darcy Cronin, Adam Pittorini, Matthew Mocerino, Bayley Holman, Liam Page, Joshua Koleszko
SAMSON HOUSE COUNCILLORS Year 8 Ben Funga Samuel McPhail Rory Orrells Jack Schmidt
S1 S1 S1 S2
Year 9 Benjamin Elsbury Bradley Gaglia Jayden Goncalves Ned Marshall Daniele Monaco Jack Murphy Tyler Olds Benjamin Otto Stephen Simpson Ryan Thuys Toby Tomlinson
S7 S1 S2 S5 S6 S2 S3 S4 S3 S1 S3
Year 10 Baeley Amalfi Riley Burke Riley Faulds Paul Jardine -Clarke Joel Tomlinson Tony Ziegelaar
S6 S4 S1 S5 S3 S3
Year 11 Conor Cameron Jarrod Crowley Jake Goncalves Lachlan Lavery Thomas Marlow Jordy Raffaele Aldrin Thomas Nicholas Thuys James Warren
S4 S6 S2 S5 S1 S3 S5 S1 S6
Year 12 Prefects Matthew Brennan Matthew Costello Marcus Di Biase Jake Leavy Liam McMahon Jack Swainson
S1 S3 S4 S4 S5 S7
In the lab Kurtis Gray, Mitchell Hinton (back) and Matthew Costello
HONOURS CHRISTIAN SERVICE Sammuel Low Mathew Thomas ACADEMIC Matthew Costello Marcus Di Biase Anthony Iannantuoni Liam Romano Mathew Thomas Solomon Wright ARTS Drama Zakaria Hourani Damon Sutton Music Anthony Iannantuoni Thomas Mansfield Liam Romano Alec Sorgiovanni Connor Spencer Damon Sutton Mathew Thomas HOUSE Morgan Matthew Cooper Adam De Gennaro Mitchell Hinton Zakaria Hourani Nick Menegola Patrick Zane Farmer David Gaynor Kurtis Gray
Anthony Iannantuoni Amos Jones Travis Mitchell Liam Romano Rice Mathew Thomas Solomon Wright Samson Matthew Costello SPORT Athletics Julian Konle Trey Moloney Basketball Jake Harris Cricket Oliver Parish Cross Country Joel McComb Oliver Parish Football 1st XVIII John Ahern Matthew Grose Joel McComb Nick Menegola Jesse Mirco Oliver Parish Rowing Solomon Holliday Rugby Alexander Burt Leighton Short Swimming Liam McMahon Solomon Wright Tennis Fraser Hayward
Right Mathew Thomas receives an Honours certificate at assembly from Mr Burgio
Water Polo Jake Leavy Liam McMahon
COLOURS CHRISTIAN SERVICE Mitchell Hinton Jake Leavy Sammuel Low Thomas Mansfield Mathew Thomas ACADEMIC Jordan Silvera Damon Sutton ARTS Drama Justin Brooker Cody Kennington-Birch Visual Art D’arcy O’Hara Broden Olivieri HOUSE Morgan Daniel Fitzpatrick Jordan Green Isaac Rowe Rice Alec Sorgiovanni SPORT Basketball Nick Menegola Matthew Vinci
Bodyboard/Surfing Jordan Johnson Thomas Martens Cricket Sean Duncanson Jesse Mirco Cross Country Nick Menegola Football 1st XVIII James Geaney Thomas Martens Brandon Sollis Rugby Trey Moloney James Shave Soccer Liam Cicirello Declan Creighan Swimming Jake Leavy Jack Swainson
Matthew Costello Kurtis Gray Jordan Green Mitchell Hinton Anthony Iannantuoni Sammuel Low Nick Menegola Oliver Parish Mathew Thomas Solomon Wright
VISUAL ART AWARD Michael Norman DRAMA AWARD Riley Faulds
ROTARY AWARDS FOR HOUSE Morgan House Mitchell Hinton Patrick House Kurtis Gray Rice House Mathew Thomas Samson House Matthew Costello
YEAR 12 AWARDS CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Liam Cicirello Declan Creighan Stephen Cuccovia Marcus Di Biase Sean Duncanson Daniel Fitzpatrick Sean Frewin Benjamin Green Jordan Green Mitchell Hinton Jordan Johnson Amos Jones Austin Main Aidan McDonald Nick Menegola Kevin Murtagh D’arcy O’Hara Oliver Parish Aki Primmer Liam Rogan Alec Sorgiovanni Solomon Wright
CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE Justin Brooker Luke Christmas Matthew Costello Adam De Gennaro David Gaynor Kurtis Gray Coen Greaney Anthony Iannantuoni Joshua Kestel Trey Moloney Mathew Thomas SUBJECT PRIZES Applied Information Technology 1C/D Damon Sutton Applied Information Technology 3A/B James Maddeford Biological Science 3A/B Joshua Kestel Careers & Enterprise 1C/D Aki Primmer Chemistry 3A/B Liam Romano Design: Technical Graphics 1C/D Jordan Silvera Drama Damon Sutton Economics 3A/B Sean Duncanson
Clockwise from top left Sammuel Low and President of the Fremantle Circle of the Catenian Association Ministry, Mr Peter Golding; Edmund Rice Awards winners; Jake Leavy and Mr Kenny; Coen Greaney; James Maddeford
English 1C/D Aki Primmer English 3A/B Riley Naughton Geography 3A/B D’arcy O’Hara History: Modern 3A/B Damon Sutton Human Biology 3A/B Oliver Parish Integrated Science 1C/D Sean Frewin Italian 1A/B Stephen Cuccovia Italian 3A/B Jake Leavy Literature 3A/B D’arcy O’Hara Materials Design Technology: Metal 1C/D David Grubisin Materials Design Technology: Wood 1C/D Jordan Green Mathematics 1D/E Aron Surjan Mathematics 2C/D Zane Farmer Mathematics 3A/B Kevin Murtagh
Mathematics 3C/D Liam Romano Mathematics Specialist 3C/D Mathew Thomas Music Connor Spencer Outdoor Education 1C/D Henri du Cladier de Curac Physical Education Studies 1C/D Zane Farmer Physical Education Studies 3A/B David Gaynor Physical Education Studies 3A/B Oliver Parish Physics 3A/B Liam Romano Politics & Law 3A/B Solomon Wright Religion & Life 1C/D Matthew Costello Religion & Life 3A/B D’arcy O’Hara Visual Art 1C/D Matthew Vinci Visual Art 3A/B Zachary Carton VET Award Henri du Cladier de Curac
At Awards Night left to right Aki Primmer, Jordan Silvera, Anthony Iannantuoni and Liam Romano; Mr Kenny and Zachary Carton; Calogero Martelli,Matthew Patroni, Jordy Raffaele and Luke Pellegrini; Nicholas Harris and Mr Burgio
YEAR 11 AWARDS CERTIFICATE OF MERIT John Belmonte Christian Benson Victor Burnett James Covich Luke Cowlam Jarrod Crowley Alexander Dimanopoulos Mark Ducali Max Foxwell Julian Garces Jack Johnson Michael Letizia Jack Marshall Benjamin McFadden Michael Norman Lucas Pacheco Harrison Rowley Kane Santaromita Luke Sheehan Edward Swan Nicholas Thuys
CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE Julian Bacich Luke Barratt Joshua Berthold Patrick Cinquina Parsa Kasiri-Arabi Calogero Martelli Jamie Nella Matthew Patroni Luke Pellegrini Jordy Raffaele Mitchell Redmond Joel Tapper Aldrin Thomas James Warren SUBJECT PRIZES Accounting & Finance 2A/B Jack Marshall Applied Information Technology 1A/B Cameron De Luca Applied Information Technology 2A/B Jordan Giancaspro Biological Science 2A/B Conor Cameron Business Management & Enterprise 1A/B Jordy Raffaelle
Chemistry 2A/B James Warren Design: Technical Graphics 1A/B Jack Johnson Economics 2A/B Jake Goncalves English 1A/B Jordy Raffaele English 2A/B Max Foxwell Geography 2A/B Nicholas Harris Human Biology 2A/B Scott Russell Integrated Science 1A/B Jordy Raffaele Italian 2A/B Christopher Tranchita Literature 2A/B Nicholas Thuys Materials Design Technology: Metal 1A/B Michael Letizia Materials Design Technology: Wood 1A/B Cameron Jaques Mathematics 1B/C Jordy Raffaele
Mathematics 2A/B Cody Palmer Mathematics 2C/D Jarrod Crowley Mathematics 3A/B Calogero Martelli Mathematics Specialist 3A/B Matthew Patroni Music 1A/B Ryan Clark Outdoor Education 1A/B Kane Santaromita Physical Education Studies 1A/B Kimberley Forrest Physical Education Studies 2A/B Jordan Giancaspro Physics 2A/B James Warren Politics & Law 2A/B Edward Swan Religion & Life 1A/B Jordan Giancaspro Religion & Life 2A/B Calogero Martelli Visual Art 1A/B Benjamin Pendergast Visual Art 2A/B Jack Johnson
At Awards Night left to right Year 11 students; Calogero Martelli and Mr Burgio; Year 10 students; Riley Faulds with Mrs Emslie
YEAR 10 AWARDS CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Cameron Allen Stephen Bacelic Jack Bowater Riley Burke Adam Capozzi Andre Carozza Alec Da Silva Jordan Handcock Conor Hars Yusef Hourani Cian Hussey Reece Jaschke Gabriel Leone Luca Lutzu Zachary Maddy-Irvine Damon Miles Liam Minervini Isaac Mitchell Ryan Pace Nicholas Page Ethan Pope Matthew Quinn Nathan Rowe Carl Schelling Brodie Soltoggio Kennedy Sorrell
Jaedyn Stumbles Joel Tomlinson John Tormay Tony Ziegelaar CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE Keane Bourke Mitchell Costello Riley Faulds Paul Jardine-Clarke Alexander Natale Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden SUBJECT PRIZES Drama Riley Faulds English Riley Faulds Food Technology Keane Bourke Health Education Riley Faulds Information Communication & Technology Keane Bourke Italian Riley Faulds Mathematics Ryan Pace
Metalwork Callum Cosgriff Music Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden Outdoor Education Riley Faulds Physical Education Kennedy Sorrell Religious Education Reece Jaschke Science Riley Faulds Society & Environment Riley Faulds Sport Science Ryan Pace Technical Graphics Joshua Caruso Visual Art Jaedyn Stumbles Woodwork Nicholas Pelliccione PROXIME ACCESSIT Ryan Pace DUX Riley Faulds
YEAR 9 AWARDS CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Joel Abreu Anthony Cammarano Luke Carbonaro Jason De Gennaro James de San Miguel Hjalmar Dressel Joshua Dujmovic Benjamin Elsbury Alexander Gray Matthew Hallows Joshua Lacey Adam Leavy Harrison Maddeford Ned Marshall Daniele Monaco Tyler Olds David Oliveri Julian Phillips Jake Pomery Henry Rogerson Fraser Russell Benjamin Small Darcy Sunter Brodie Telling Ryan Thuys Toby Tomlinson
CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE Keegan Di Prinzio Christian Edwards Jayden Goncalves Samuel Sheridan Nicholas Watson SUBJECT PRIZES Drama Jacob Fitzpatrick English Christian Edwards Food Technology Samuel Sheridan Information Communication & Technology Toby Tomlinson Italian David Oliveri Mathematics Samuel Sheridan Metalwork Lucas Norman Music Thomas Gleeson
At Awards Night left to right Year 9 students; Christian Edwards with Old Boys’ Association committee member Mr Graham Taylor; Year 8 students; Harry O’Neill and President of the Music Parents’ Group Mrs Nancy Hourani
Outdoor Education Nicholas Watson Physical Education Brodee Knight Religious Education Anthony Cammarano Science Christian Edwards Society & Environment Christian Edwards Sport Science Christian Edwards Technical Graphics Samuel Sheridan Visual Art Luke Mertens Woodwork David Oliveri PROXIME ACCESSIT Samuel Sheridan DUX Christian Edwards
YEAR 8 AWARDS CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Matthew Banks Stefan Bormolini Riley Bowler Flinn Brown Matthew Burd David Charles Angus Christie Dylan Clifford James Coletta Sebastian Da Silva Jess Davie Fletcher Evans Alexander Faccin Sean Ferreira Alexander Geaney Angus Grant Joshua Hardbottle Zachary Harris Preston Hinton Callan Howe-Robinson Robert Hoy Stephen Jaeger Jason Jakovcevic Alex Kelly Jack Lynn Jonah Marsh Marcus McIntyre Samuel McPhail Daniel McShane Oakley Monument Jenkyn Morgan Tristan Nardi
Mark Ogden Mitchell Pace Thomas Palmiero Christian Puca Hayden Redmond Austen Rees Riley Rees-Turner Harry Rosenthal Jack Schmidt Jacob Shales Zachary Stedman Noah Stronach Finn Stumbles James Younge CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE Timothy Bayley Michael Chalmers Adam Le Roux Harry O’Neill Benjamin Parker Ryan Sheehan Theodore Terzoudis-Lumsden Edward Tydeman Alexander Winner Lachlan Yurak SUBJECT PRIZES Creative Literacy Ryan Sheehan Drama Jess Davie English Lachlan Yurak Food Technology Joshua Hardbottle
Health Education Samuel McPhail Information Communication & Technology Nicholas Veletta Italian Angus Grant Mathematics Stefan Bormolini Metalwork Kaleb Milsom Music Timothy Bayley Physical Education Riley Rees-Turner Religious Education Thomas Palmiero Science Angus Grant Society & Environment Harry O’Neill Sport Science Matthew Burd Technical Graphics Flinn Brown Visual Art Flinn Brown Woodwork Timothy Davie PROXIME ACCESSIT Jack Schmidt DUX Harry O’Neill
YEAR 7 AWARDS CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Joel Blazevic Mitchell Cattalini Ross Collier Zachary Coubrough Anthony Cutri Marcos Da Silva Mitchell Davis Shadyn De Alvis Harrison de San Miguel Andrew Dujmovic Zachary Earl Sebastian Everett Benjamin Fitzpatrick Sam Garbellini Lachlan Gleeson Benjamin Gray Jake Grbavac Indy Greget O’Dea Marius Harman Peter Hudson Daniel Ivester Seth Lawson Benjamin Lye Luka Mancini Mark Mandic Angus McDonald Ethan McDowell Aidan McKenna
Lawson Micale Jasper Miller Caleb Mitchell Thomas Mollica Nicholas Monzu James Morris Seth Nylund Jack Owen Daniel Page Lorcan Pearson Mitchell Pelliccione Jack Prigg Samuel Ryan Benjamin Scullin Gabriel Simich Zac Stanley Hamish Thomson Xavier Truscello Neven Williams
SUBJECT PRIZES English Blake Hughes Health Education Jasper Miller Italian Rahul D’Cruz Mathematics Shadyn De Alvis Instrumental Music Angus McDonald Physical Education Aidan Edwards Religious Education Aidan Edwards Science Indy Greget O’Dea Society & Environment Daniel Ivester
CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE Bradley Dowie Aidan Edwards Matthew Gaschk Joshua Jackson Alex Pietroniro Jacob Piggott Jamie Rossi Adriano Sgro Hayden Symington Finlay Vogler
At Awards Night left to right Year 7 students; Indy Greget O’Dea with Fr Tony Maher; Jazz Orchestra
DUX Indy Greget O’Dea
Year 9 Food Technology Anthony Cammarano, Jacob Toledo and Tom Corrie in Food Technology
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Head of Religious Education Ms Sarah Quin
It has been a busy year for Religious Education. We said goodbye and thank you to Mr Craig Dowsett, who has headed up the department for the last three years, and welcomed Ms Quin as Head of Religious Education and Campus Ministry. We also welcomed three new staff members, Miss Maria Garbin, Mrs Darlene McGoorty and Miss Leanne Ogden into the department. This year, more than 20 staff at CBC Fremantle contributed to the teaching of RE, supporting students to achieve success in this important aspect of the College’s curriculum. As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition the Religious Education curriculum brings together the essential components of knowledge, understanding, appreciation and celebration of our rich tradition for the students in our care. We follow the syllabus developed by the Bishops through the Catholic Education Office (CEO) and ensure that the core touchstones and traditions of the Edmund Rice story are embedded within this. In Year 7 the boys looked at the following units: Belonging to Community; Discovering God’s presence; Celebrating the Liturgical Cycle, and Jesus as Human and Divine. In Year 8 they examined these units: Belonging and Acceptance in Catholic Communities; The Universal Need for God, Creation: God’s original Plan, and Growing in the Image of God.
Right College Mass for Edmund Rice Day
In Year 9 the students studied these topics: The Human Search for Truth, People Grow Stronger Spiritually, People can Achieve Emotional Peace, and Christian Love and Sexuality. All Year 9 students participated in the Bishops’ Religious Literacy Testing in Term 3 with some pleasing results. In Year 10 the units studied included: Vocations: Called to be and Become; The Search for Freedom; Recognising God’s Call Through Conscience, and Restoring God’s Justice in the World. All the lower school courses build on the knowledge and understanding to allow students to select from two options in Year 11. This year Religion and Life 1A/B was designed for the student not heading to university. It examined the experiences that lead people to search for meaning and purpose in their lives and also at what is offered by religion and why it is important to some people. This is done through exploring the Catholic faith and its scripture, practices and beliefs. Second semester focussed on people and religion. Students examined important issues that all people are
exposed to in their lives and their solutions or responses to these problems. Students used the skills of research and analysis to look at areas like justice and social justice in the world today. This unit showed students the positive role of religion in the world today. Those students who chose to develop their writing and analysis skills in the hope of gaining a place in university have been studying Religion and Life 2AB. This course has examined the influence of religion on people’s search for personal identity and purpose in life. It investigated the structures and traditions of religion in order to understand how the identity of a religion is shaped. Students looked at contemporary issues and learned about the Catholic understanding of how a free and responsible person can live and act in the world.
Finally, the Year 12 cohort chose between Religion and Life 1C/D, which focussed on religion, lifestyles and decision-making, and Religion and Life 3 A/B, where the students developed their research and analysis skills to explore the historical context of religion and the interplay between religion and life. As the year progressed, students looked at how the search for personal identity and purpose in life is linked to their personal and religious identity. I would like to thank all the boys for their hard work in Religious Education this year and I look forward to a busy and rewarding 2015 for this department.
LITURGIES AND RETREATS “The music, the prayers, the bowing and rising, the incense – all of it was breaking down my defences. That’s what good liturgy does. It breaks your heart open and turns you toward God.” This quote reminds us of the power of liturgy, to not only connect us to the ‘sacred’ but to give expression to our journey together as a faith community. Staff, students and families have the opportunity to gather together during the College year to mark many significant events in the faith life of this community. To gather, to share our stories, to listen to the Word of God and most importantly to ‘break bread’ together, as the people of God, are all key elements of any liturgical celebration. The CBC community gathers together to celebrate the beginning of the school year with the Opening Mass. Each year a number of Year 12 boys are inducted as Student Special Ministers of the Eucharist. It has been a pleasure to work with this group of boys during the year and I was struck by not only their strong commitment to serving the College community as Special Ministers but also their very real and genuine love of this sacrament. Every week the beautiful Blessed Edmund Chapel becomes the focal point of our weekly Eucharistic celebrations. We are blessed to have our College Chaplain, Fr Tony Maher, lead these celebrations and to always give us ‘food for thought’ with his gentle and instructive homilies. I would like to also acknowledge the wonderful boys who faithfully serve at each of these weekly Masses. We are also blessed to have a strong devotional practice at CBC with our weekly Tuesday Rosary led by Mr John Hortense. It is wonderful to know that as we go about our daily tasks, we are sustained and nurtured by the faithful members of our community who place our needs before Jesus through the intercession of Our Lady. CBC life is also enriched by the strong connection between staff, students and their families. Two family Masses during the year were celebrated at St Patrick’s Basilica. The CBC College community, along with the St Patrick’s parish, had the opportunity to gather as a single faith community and to give thanks for all the blessings in our lives.
Left Graduation Mass Right Year 7 Retreat
The Liturgical year culminated in a series of farewell Masses. Our Year 12 graduates were farewelled at the Graduation Mass celebrated on 24 October. It was an emotional moment to see our Year 12s gathered for one last time surrounding the Basilica altar singing the Edmund Rice Anthem. It is then that one realises what six years of Catholic education at CBC Fremantle has really been about.
programme for Special Ministers of the Eucharist at the Redemptorist Monastery in North Perth. The highlight of the Retreat programme for the year was Kairos. ‘Kairos’, the Greek word meaning the ‘right or opportune time’, explores the theme of God breaking into our lives and our willingness to see this in every moment of our lives. My thanks to Ms Trevanna Cooper and all the Kairos staff for the love and commitment they bring to this programme.
Students at CBC also have the opportunity for growth in faith through the various retreat days on offer throughout the year. During Term 3, as part of The Rite Journey Week, the Year 9 students learned of Jesus’ three year ministry along the Sea of Galilee in a practical setting along the shores of the Swan River. Students listened to the many stories and parables of Jesus, told by Retreat facilitator, Mr Sandro Sandri. These stories of Jesus’ life ministry were woven together with the heartfelt stories of personal witness by the TRJ staff.
And finally, I would like to thank and acknowledge my predecessor, Mrs Vera Moura. I am grateful for the love, time and effort she has put into both the Retreat programme and the liturgies at CBC Fremantle. Her untiring devotion to the students and assistance to the staff has been invaluable.
In preparation for their new roles as Student Leaders in 2015, our Year 11 students participated in the training
It has been both a pleasure and an honour to be involved in the liturgical life at the College this year. Liturgies and Retreats Coordinator Mrs Darlene McGoorty
Above left to right Kairos participants; Mentor group R6 with their hampers for the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
CHRISTIAN SERVICE LEARNING In 2014 the students at CBC Fremantle once again demonstrated their commitment to serving the wider community, seeking to emulate the values of Blessed Edmund Rice and stand in solidarity with those at the margins of our society. The year began with the M68 Challenge for Project Compassion which raised $10,455.30, over $1,300 more than the previous year. The funds were donated to those who reside in some of the world’s poorest communities to assist with their health, wellbeing and self-reliance. Boys across all year groups also maintained the College’s commitment to the local community in tangible ways by volunteering for a number of Red Cross initiatives, namely Good Start Breakfast at a local primary school and Soup Patrol in Perth on Saturday nights. The boys also lent a hand to local projects including All Things Techno at the One Stop Shop in Fremantle, the Surf’n’Turf Festival in support of Surf Aid, and the Ocean Ride for Multiple Sclerosis. One of the biggest Service events
for the College this year was City to Surf, with 51 boys spending six hours distributing water and giving words of encouragement to more than 50,000 thirsty competitors as they ran in support of the Activ Foundation. The final Service project for the busy year was the Saint Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Students, parents, staff and the wider community demonstrated their giving spirit and selfless nature with 61 hampers, countless new toys and $500 worth of vouchers being donated on behalf of CBC Fremantle. All of these programmes, along with the many others that students organised and participated in on their own initiative, demonstrated the willingness that CBC boys have to live the message of Christian Service, recognising the ‘other’ in our lives and reaching out in solidarity with those who need our help. Service Learning Coordinator Ms Emily Bowran
ABORIGINAL RECONCILIATION The Indigenous education programme at CBC Fremantle continues to expand, providing more opportunities for students to understand, appreciate and celebrate Indigenous culture. This year, two camps and two immersions were organised for boys in Years 8 to 12. The remote inland community of Parnngurr in the Pilbara and closer to home the coastal location of Wedge Island north of Lancelin were added to current annual destinations, Kiwirrkurra and Boyagin Rock, to encourage more students to take an active role in experiencing natural history, native wildlife and the unique circumstances of isolated habitation. CBC also had the opportunity to reciprocate the generous hospitality of the Parnngurr community school when 14 students in Years 5 to 8 visited Perth and bunked in the College gymnasium for a few days. The students breakfasted in the staffroom, greeting early arriving students and staff with cheery grins and excited waves before heading off into the city for their daily activities. NAIDOC Week Year 7s were not neglected in the programme, with the annual NAIDOC week offering the junior students activities to increase respect and awareness of local Indigenous culture. Visiting Noongar elders spoke to the boys about the stolen generation, traditional storytelling, and aboriginal history, and assisted the boys with crafts to highlight the traditions of Australia’s first people. AIME Programme This year the College participated in the Aboriginal Mentoring programme offered by Notre Dame University. The boys were offered mentoring throughout the year and attended a number of activity days where they mingled with Indigenous students from other schools. The programme encouraged them to speak publically and to gain confidence in their own culture.
Left Ben Edmonds at Kiwirrkurra
Boyagin Rock Year 8 and 9 students travelled to a significant aboriginal landmark just outside of Brookton called Boyagin Rock to camp overnight. The boys were welcomed by Mr Nev Collard and told stories of the natural history and local wildlife. They were treated to some traditional aboriginal fare, enjoying kangaroo and damper cooked on the campfire. The highlight for the boys was the evening and morning walk up to the top of the Rock. Finally as part of their service requirement they cleaned up along the road going into the park. Wedge Island With the permission from Department of Parks and Wildlife (DePaW) and the local aboriginals, Year 10, 11 and 12 students were offered the chance to experience a weekend immersion at Wedge Island. The students travelled to the community and spent the weekend cleaning up the beach and surrounds, collecting more than 100 bags of rubbish. It was a great effort. The boys were also treated to a talk by the Kwelena Mambakort people, Maggie and Charlie Shaw. They were told about district trading habits, local water holes and some general history of the area. Thanks to Bluey Timewell and Marco De Campi for the use of their shacks, and to Mr Jason Matthews, Miss Emily Bowran, Mrs Margaret Crommy, Miss Shelley Nodwell and Miss Lisa Tognolini for their help over the weekend. You can read more about the remote community immersions in Kiwirrkurra and Parnngurr on pages 130 and 135. Aboriginal Reconciliation Coordinator Mr Peter Baldry
Our Academic Excellence Programme (AEP) continues to grow and evolve to fulfil the intellectual needs of our gifted and talented students. The year began with 91 students representing 16 percent of the lower and middle school population; 47 students were selected and 44 voluntarily joined the programme. Consequently, the activities on offer were restructured to cater for the growing number of AEP members and their collective and varied interests. Each student chose one or more of the five activities on offer: Maths & Engineering, Science & Technology, Literature & Media, Debating and Robotics.
MATHS & ENGINEERING This is the most popular activity chosen by the selected AEP students. Run by Mrs Marilyn Schmidt and Mr Geoff Buss, 36 members regularly attended the Tuesday afternoon sessions, which alternated with the newly formed Science & Technology group. The Maths & Engineering boys participate in several state, national and international maths competitions, including Mathematical Association of Western Australia’s popular Left top to bottom Nathan Rowe, Joshua Mascarenhas and Riley Faulds debating Iona during S&E Week; Benjamin Fitzpatrick and Jack Clark in Robotics Club; Ms Schmidt with Samuel Sheridan, Henry Rogerson, Darcy Sunter and Anthony Cammarano
maths competition in Term 1, Have Sum Fun; the Australasian Mathematics Competition (AMC) during Term 3, and UWA’s WAYJO Mathematics competition in Term 4. We were very proud to see the boys achieve excellent results in all of these, placing in the top five percent of the population. The Maths & Engineering Group also hosted several guest speakers throughout the year, representing different branches of the engineering Industry.
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Science & Technology Group has been a very successful activity, which replaced both Tournament of Minds (TOMs) and Future Problem Solving (FPS) competitions. Mr Simon Schmidberger created interactive and hands-on activities that captivated student interest in the sciences and experimental processes. Twenty-two students enjoyed the Tuesday afternoon session at the beginning of the year, and the numbers of students attending increased significantly by Term 3 when several non-selected students signed into the AEP just to participate in the Science & Technology activities. All of the experiments
created and selected by Mr Schmidberger were carefully chosen so they are not repeated or interfere with the experiments that are performed in Science class.
DEBATING The AEP Debating group continues to attract a large number of students; many of them without any previous debating experience. Our more experienced debating boys offer guidance and mentoring to our novices, which is a clear example of the team spirit present at CBC Fremantle. The inclusive nature of the Academic Excellence Programme has seen students of all abilities join the Debating group with a contagious enthusiasm and commitment. This year CBC entered novice and junior teams into the Western Australian Debating League (WADL) held at Aquinas College and Christ Church Grammar School. More than 20 students competed against some strong teams.
ROBOTICS This year the Robotics Club worked on the Lego Mindstorms equipment that mainly attracts Years 7 and 8. The students participated in the Junior Robocup competition held in August at Sacred Heart College in Sorrento, where students did so well they were invited to the state finals on the following day. Academic Excellence Coordinator Mr Andre Leicester
LITERATURE & MEDIA The second year of the Literature & Media Group at CBC has been eventful and busy with a steady stream of new members, several big projects and two excursions. The boys have put their writing skills to the test this year with entries into the Young Travel Writers competition, Tim Winton Awards and the The West Australian’s GenZ opinionative writing initiative. This year Emmanuel Terozoudis-Lumsden became a finalist in the GenZ competition with an article titled “Why homework is bad for students” and earned a place on the editorial committee of The West for the edition printed on 20 October. Manos joined several other successful students deciding on content, photos and layout for the newspaper as well as having his opinion piece published. In addition to all this writing, the boys embarked on two excursions during the year. In Term 2 we visited the Subiaco studios of 92.9fm ,where Old Boy Tyrone Thwaites (2008) discussed the ins and outs of the radio industry and dazzled us with the hi-tech equipment and facilities. In Term 3 the focus shifted to photography with two seminars with renowned professional shutterbug, Chris Rowett, and an excursion into Fremantle to hone our skills. The boys created a range of images that captured the history, culture and diversity of our city in a two hour walking tour from CBC through the Cappuccino Strip and Esplanade to the Harbour. The expert visitor was suitably impressed with the skill and creativity of our boys.
The AEP Lit & Media boys contributed to the editing of the Annual articles and used their newly sharpened photography skills to assist in providing photography for the College’s media requirements. In Term 4, the students visited Daniels printing factory to view the College magazine on the press, learning about the process of four colour print and how the publication is bound and distributed. As the year drew to a close the boys took on the daunting challenge of producing the Year 12 Graduation and Awards Night videos. All members of the group contributed to the photos used in these presentations and their compilation, but Paul Jardine-Clarke,
Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden and Toby Tomlinson are commended and congratulated for taking the leading roles in these productions and spending many hours in the holidays to ensure the projects were completed. So what does 2015 have in store? The enthusiasm and thirst for learning of this group of boys continues to grow with an increasing presence in capturing life at CBC in various media forms. Thanks to all the boys for their commitment throughout 2014; you have been delightful and inspiring! Literature & Media Group Coordinator Mrs Larrisa Dodsworth
Above AEP Literature & Media students with Mrs Dodsworth and Alan O’Neill at Daniels Printing Left Science & Technology AEP group
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Back row Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Ryan Pace, Julian Phillips, Henry Rogerson, Samuel Sheridan, Jacob Piggott Middle row Mr Andre Leicester, Anthony Cammarano, Zachary Coubrough, Ross Collier, Digby Marshall, Mr Simon Schmidberger Front row Indy Greget O’Dea, Jack Owen, Mark Mandic, Neven Williams, Hayden Symington, Alex Pietroniro
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE MATHS & ENGINEERING Back row Joshua Hardbottle, Matthew Banks, Ned Marshall, Joshua Lacey, Henry Rogerson, Ryan Pace, Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Ryan Sheehan Third row Samuel Sheridan, Christian Puca, Thomas Palmiero, Keane Bourke, Julian Phillips, Benjamin Kullack, Jack Prigg, Preston Hinton, Ross Collier Second row Jack Owen, Joel Blazevic, Digby Marshall, Jack Schmidt, Zachary Coubrough, Joshua Jackson, Tony Ziegelaar, Luke Carbonaro, Mark Mandic, Lachlan Gleeson, Hayden Symington, Anthony Cammarano Front row Alex Pietroniro, Daniel Ivester, Alex Kelly, Mr Andre Leicester, Mrs Marilyn Schmidt, Mr Geoff Buss, Shadyn De Alvis, Indy Greget O’Dea, Xavier Truscello
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE DEBATING Back row Samuel Sheridan, Ned Marshall, Joshua Mascarenhas, Nathan Rowe, Riley Faulds, Paul Jardine-Clarke, Harry O’Neill Middle row Daniel Page, Zachary Coubrough, Jack Schmidt, Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Ryan Sheehan, Preston Hinton, Jack Prigg, Joshua Jackson Front row Matthew Gaschk, Lawson Micale, Leon Viti, Mrs Andrea Fitzpatrick, Digby Marshall, Darcy Cronin, Benjamin Fitzpatrick Absent Jacob Fitzpatrick, Moss Monsoon, Jack Clark, Thomas Olivieri, Cooper Hagan, Marcus Lomma, Christopher Clark
Head of Arts Mr Shane Mancuso
It is 7.30am on a Wednesday morning; the Arts Learning Area is open for students to place their musical instruments in the storeroom for the day. At 8am students from Years 10 to 12 begin setting up for the Guitar Ensemble rehearsal while other students begin having piano and brass lessons. The siren sounds at 9am and the ensemble has completed a productive rehearsal. During the College day, Mrs Jeffreys’ Drama students continue working on their production of Lord of the Flies, which was so successful that it was recognised as the best submission in the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic schools.
Meanwhile, Ms Francis escorts students across to the Fremantle Arts Centre to view a vibrant snapshot of quality contemporary prints and artists’ books. With CBC housed in Fremantle, the students have many opportunities to view art in galleries around the Port city, giving students a further sense of community and an awareness of local achievements. Year 7s attend their music class and create their own songs using computer software. They are able to convert and play their own compositions on their iPods or even upload as a ringtone on their mobile phones. Upper schools students from Music, Drama and Visual Arts, study the history of their art form and look at ways the world has changed and
Left to right Cameron Handcock; Baeley Amalfi and Seth Nylund peforming at Jazz at the Club
developed around them. It is now 3.25pm and more than 30 students have completed an instrumental lesson with their teacher. It also is now time for the Jazz Orchestra to begin rehearsal until 4:45pm. This snapshot of College life viewed through the Arts Learning Area captures the many challenges and opportunities available to them. All of this could not happen without the expertise of Ms Zoe Francis, Mrs Stephanie Hantzis, Mrs Rosalba Jeffreys, Mrs Emma Tandy and, who give so much of themselves in the pursuit of engaging and developing the young minds of the students here at CBC Fremantle.
DRAMA 2014 has been a whirlwind of activities and successes in Drama. As well as the very active and vibrant classes we had many special events. We began with an extensive Theatresports programme, with workshops over four weeks for Years 8, 9 and 10 Drama students learning the finer points of improvisation. Their skills were then displayed in a competition for an audience of Year 7s, staff, parents and friends. This has now become an annual event in Term 1, and is very entertaining for everyone involved. At the end of Term 1, students in Year 9 Drama enhanced the College’s Easter Liturgy with a reverent enactment of the Stations of the Cross. The performance was well received and highlighted the talents of this dedicated group of students. Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, was rehearsed for the full semester one and culminated in a three night season in the Arts Learning Area at the end of Term 2. This powerful play produced much emotion, food for thought and discussion. As a testament to the boys’ hard work, the adjudicator for the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic Schools and Colleges, was moved to tears. The boys involved were thrilled to receive an Honourable Mention from her report and even more excited when the production won the 2014 perpetual trophy of the
Left to right Damon Sutton performing at ViPA; Theatresports workshop; Shakespeare Shenanigans incursion in the ALA
Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund in the Drama (Full Production) section. Two of our Year 12 drama students Zakaria Hourani, Damon Sutton and also excelled in the festival, achieving Honourable Mentions for their performances of their Original Scripted Play and Monologue. The students had the opportunity to showcase their talents once again in Term 3 at the College’s annual Visual and Performing Arts Festival (ViPA) in the Fremantle Town Hall. Damon and Zakaria acted their original pieces, the cast of Lord of the Flies performed an excerpt from the play and Year 9 Drama students also performed a Dreamtime story. Over the year, all of the Drama students enjoyed attending professional productions, as well as experiencing incursions in the ALA by travelling groups. These events highlight the levels of excellence possible in performances and are inspiring for the viewers. I am so thrilled with the Drama students’ achievements in 2014 and I look forward to 2015. Drama Teacher Mrs Rosalba Jeffreys
MUSIC 2014 has been a busy time in the music department at CBC. Our students involved in the various bands, ensembles and choir have represented the College in many performances throughout the year and have been outstanding gentlemen who have continued our great reputation for music in the local community. Our wonderful peripatetic staff are our department’s biggest asset and I thank them for all of their hard work and dedication to see the boys do their very best: Mr Kim Anning (Guitar and Guitar Ensemble 1), Mr Alex Borthwick (Guitar and Guitar Ensemble 2), Mr Carl Harper (Trombone), Ms Melissa Skinner (Saxophone, Piano and Big Band), Mrs Emma Tandy (Classroom and Trumpet), Mr Luciano Trebse (Piano), Mr Tim Woolley (Drums) and Mr Manoli Vouyoucalos (Bass Guitar). In no particular order, some of the highlights for this year have been: • College Choir continues to develop in numbers and in strength; • Great results in the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic Schools; • Jazz Orchestra performing at Jazz Fremantle; • CBC Fremantle Visual and Performing Arts Festival (ViPA) at the Fremantle Town Hall; • Jazz at the Club fundraiser; • Singapore Music Tour planning for 2015; • Music Camp at Woodman’s Point; and • Year 12 students forming their own band and representing our College with pride. I would like to thank our hard working Music Parents’ Group under the leadership of Mrs Nancy Hourani. We have had a new influx of very supportive parents and with her guidance, our MPG continues to be a wonderful support to myself and the Music department. Head of Arts Learning Area Mr Shane Mancuso
Left Jason Quintiliani during Big Band rehearsal
JAZZ ORCHESTRA Back row Thomas Mansfield, Damon Miles, Anthony Iannantuoni, Damon Sutton, Mathew Thomas, Finn Leen Middle row Tony Ziegelaar, James Covich, Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Mr Shane Mancuso, Alexander Natale, Austin Keyte, Yusef Hourani Front row Tyler Davies, Max Foxwell, Connor Spencer, Liam Romano, James Crevald, Alec Sorgiovanni, Ryan Clark Absent Marcus Demiroski, Nicholas Watson
BIG BAND Back row Timothy Bayley, Theodore Terzoudis-Lumsden, Jacob Fitzpatrick, Dylan Clifford, Connor Whitt, Toby Tomlinson, Jack Murphy, Thomas Gleeson Middle row Daniel Bowater, Liam Fico, Adam Pinkerton, Angus McDonald, Ms Melissa Skinner, Matthew Read, Zachary McCormack, Jason Quintiliani, Marcus Lomma Front row Seth Nylund, Sebastian Everett, Joel Tomlinson, Finn Stumbles, Jiles Denham, Lachlan Blakiston, Cian Hussey, Jake Walter, Baeley Amalfi
CHOIR Back row Connor Spencer, Henry Moffitt, Cian Hussey, Matthew Hallows, Anthony Iannantuoni, Connor Whitt, Dylan Clifford, Mathew Thomas Third row Timothy McClelland, Tyler Davies, Jacob Fitzpatrick, Alexander Natale, Toby Tomlinson, Joel Tomlinson, Finn Leen, Theodore Terzoudis-Lumsden, Seth Nylund Second row Ethan McDowell, Jason Quintiliani, Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Max Violanti, Peter Hudson, Michael Chalmers, Sammuel Low, Thomas Olivieri, Jayden Brimson Front row Dylan Mulcahy, Thomas Richards, Fraser Knight, Tony Ziegelaar, Mrs Emma Tandy, Harry Dark, Liam Fico, Matthew Gaschk, Jarred Read
GUITAR ENSEMBLE 2 Back row Liam Solar, Alexander Faccin, Matthew Hallows, Alexander Stapleton, Dylan Clifford, Jack Murphy Front row Matthew Gaschk, Mitchell Pelliccione, Beau Ward, Adam Leavy, Jarred Read
MUSIC MINISTRY Back row Luka Mancini, Theodore TerzoudisLumsden, Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Mr Shane Mancuso Front row Tyler Davies, Finn Stumbles, Lachlan Blakiston Absent Marcus Demiroski
GUITAR ENSEMBLE 1 Back row Connor Whitt, Lachlan Blakiston, Mr Kim Anning, Samuel Harlick, Liam Romano Front row Jake Walter, Joel Tomlinson, James Crevald, Cian Hussey, Tyler Davies
YEAR 12 ENSEMBLE Back row Thomas Mansfield, Damon Miles, Damon Sutton, Anthony Iannantuoni, Mathew Thomas Front row Alec Sorgiovanni, Connor Spencer, Liam Romano
VISUAL ARTS This year in Visual Art has been a year of excitement and challenge. Art students from Years 7 to 12 have worked hard to develop a diverse range of visual inspirations from the studio areas of painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, photography and mixed media artworks. The CBC and Fremantle community supported the public viewing of these showcases at ViPA, the Angelico Exhibition and the College’s Visual Art Exhibition. This year our Year 7 students achieved an outstanding award at the annual Catholic Arts ‘Angelico Exhibition’. The exhibition is an opportunity for all Catholic schools from around the state to exhibit six works of art completed in Semester 1 from Years 7 to 12, including group entries. We are very proud of our Year 7 boys whose collaborative piece was based on the Austrian artist Hundertwasser, and won first prize in the Two
Dimensional Years 7 to 10 category. Congratulations to Marcos Da Silva, Aidan Edwards, Patrick Fox, Thomas Harris, Mark Mandic and Jamie Rossi. On the evening of Tuesday 28 October the CBC community attended the official opening of the annual Visual Art Exhibition. The Arts Learning Area was filled with captivating and inspirational project work from 2014. The Year 7s shined with their quirky Hundertwasser canvases, Music Mad Rock posters and oil pastel cubist portraits. The Year 8 groups created large scale movie posters and lino prints inspired by Eric Abel, with the Semester 2 boys experimentations with printing on plywood. Year 9 boys took a journey under the ocean by creating their own sea sculptures using wire, skate deck designs based on themselves and an inspirational or iconic figure, and organic line illustrations on plywood
based on the techniques of artist Del Kathryn Barton. Year 10s wowed with their drawing and painting case study appropriations of Australian artist Brett Whiteley and Patricia Piccinini derived clay works. This year’s senior students were a definite exhibition stand out, pushing the boundaries with themes of Urban Tribalism, Fun and Games and Sumptuous Indulgence. Year 12 student Zachary Carton’s conscription inspired piece received the Principal’s Award, and a large number of boys from Years 7 to 12 received Excellence in Art awards on the night for their commitment and dedication to the programme in 2014.
the National Photography Gallery. We will also see Brett Whiteley’s studio and participate in a half-day workshop there. A variety of other exhilarating workshops will be experienced as a part of this tour, including a set design and theatre makeup workshop at NIDA, the epicentre for the Arts, as well as a night tour observing the many sculptures adorning the city streets of Sydney.
In 2015 we are looking forward to our first Visual Art tour to Sydney for boys in Years 10 to 12. We will be visiting a number of galleries, providing students with the opportunity to see the Archibald prize entrants as well as
Visual Art Teachers Ms Zoe Francis Mrs Stephanie Hantzis
Congratulations to all the students who participated enthusiastically in the Visual Arts; your work and attitude was outstanding, and it allowed us to provide a rich and engaging programme for everyone.
Left to right at the Visual Art Exhibition Liam Fox, Nicholas Veletta and Noah Ferguson; Jacob Donnelly, James Ahern and Luca Rifici
ENGLISH Head of English Mr Clinton Testa
The English department began the year amidst some exciting changes, with the return of Mrs Candice Brown from maternity leave, and the addition of new staff member Miss Shelley Nodwell from Nagle College in Geraldton.
We were also greeted at the beginning of the school year with the news that Mrs Vera Moura would be expecting her first child in the second half of the year. Her imminent absence meant that we were able to add Miss Lana De Palma, a former journalist, to the English department.
In 2014, our Years 11 and 12 Literature students ventured back to the State Theatre Centre of Western Australia to take in two very accomplished Black Swan Productions. A Streetcar Named Desire starred Sigrid Thornton, and exposed our students to some classic stage drama set in the tough times of New Orleans during the mid-20th century. As You Like It is one of Shakepeare’s most enduring romantic comedies, and this year’s performance did not disappoint.
National Literacy Week
Excursions and Incursions
This year’s National Literacy Week stepped up the entertainment stakes, playing host to two key events involving the wider community. First of all, CBC was involved in the nation-wide Read for Australia initiative, with schools across the country taking part in a simultaneous reading of the same picture book. This year’s selection was Sunday Chutney by Aaron Blabey, and our Year 8 Creative Literacy students invited the Year 1 and 2 classes from St Patrick’s Primary School to watch the live stream of the reading in our library. The Year 12s shared some of their favourite picture books from their own childhoods with groups of the younger students. The morning was topped off with a delicious morning tea provided by some of our finest English department chefs.
Our Year 11 Stage 2 students attended a conference at Fremantle Town Hall featuring a survivor of the 1945 bombing of Hiroshima. Having studied both John Hersey’s expository text Hiroshima, and the BBC documentary of the same name, the conference gave our students valuable insight into the context of both texts as we heard a first-hand account of the horrific events that ultimately brought the second World War to an end.
The second major event of the week was a panel show titled Books, Blokes and Burgers. Hosted by former College Captain, Tyrone Thwaites, our three panellists discussed the impact reading has had on their lives, and how it continues to influence them in their day-to-day living. Special guest, Xavier Ellis of the West Coast Eagles, joined Year 12 Literature student, Zeus Greget-O’Dea, and Science teacher, Dr Aidan Holohan, in a conversation proving that reading is not reserved just for the book worms, but can also be of great value to sportsmen, scientists and developing young men of all descriptions.
Left Nick Menegola, Joshua Kestel and Amos Jones reading to children from St Patrick’s Primary School
Year 8 Creative Literacies students visited the Fremantle Literature Centre for two workshops to further their poetry and narrative writing skills. These excursions complemented the Youth Literature Days that were attended by a select group of students from Years 9 to 12, and were hosted by four different published authors. I would like to thank the entire English department for the continued commitment and enthusiasm they show towards our Learning Area and the students. I am regularly inspired by the passion and vibrancy of our department, and am proud to be able to help guide our staff in educating the young men of CBC. Together, we will continue to provide our students with the best opportunity to achieve success in the English and Literature classrooms for many years to come. Good luck to all graduating students of 2014.
This year had so many highlights in the Humanities & Social Sciences (HASS), including tours to Gallipoli, Canberra and Sydney, and numerous outstanding excursions and competitions. We have also been heavily involved in providing the students with enriching activities to complement their classroom learning. The department has had a great deal of success this year including: •
A fantastic performance in the National Geography Competition; a significant number of students received Distinctions and High Distinctions and are to be congratulated for their performance.
CBC also competed in the State Debating Competition and had a number of victories against highly rated opposition.
A highlight of 2014 was HASS week at CBC where we had many activities and competitions for students, including the popular World Fair; a fun competition involving teachers wearing historical hats and students matching the appropriate famous person; and a debate between Iona and CBC on the subject ‘Men have achieved more throughout history than women’ with a controversial win to the visitors.
Students in lower school have been involved in a variety of learning experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. The Year 7 students studied Ancient China and Greece, World Environments, Active Citizenship and skills such
Top to bottom Timothy Davie, Riley Burden and Callum Irwin at the World Fair; Year 8s on an excursion in Fremantle; Year 9 S&E students at the Anzac centenary celebrations
as mapping. To complement this learning, they visited Perth Zoo and completed an S&E Amazing Race around Fremantle. Year 8 students looked at Planet Earth, and Medieval Europe and Japan. The highlight of the Year 8 programme was the World Fair where students actively demonstrated their learning about different countries. Year 9 students were involved in a number of learning experiences in units including Law & Government, Natural Disasters and Australian History. Classroom activities were enhanced with a trip to the Francis Burt Law Centre in Perth and the Fremantle Prison, observing the criminal justice system both past and present. The Year 10 students have been involved in a rotation of teachers and subjects where they have experienced Law & Government, International Conflicts, World Environmental Issues and Economics. They were also actively involved in selecting Year 11 subjects. Year 11 and 12 students have been primarily involved in their particular learning pursuits. In particular, the Geography students have been involved in a number of excursions and camps including the Amazing Race around the City of Perth. The Year 12 students prepared for their WACE exams in anticipation of being accepted into their desired course in 2015. Sincere thanks to all of the HASS team who have worked tirelessly with outstanding pedagogy and dedication to their profession.
ITALIAN Italian Teachers Ms Angela Calanni and Ms Vanessa Ricciardi
What a spectacular year it has been for Italian! Still inspired by the 2013 Italian Tour, students and teachers experienced another exciting year of keen appreciation of all things Italian.
famous landmarks in our own Gita d’Italia (a tour of Italy) and created a diorama on their favourite Italian wonder with enthusiasm. Could there be a budding Michelangelo hiding amidst our Year 7 group?
As teachers of Italian we are passionate about imparting and developing in our students a love for Italy and the rich culture that permeates through Italy and also of the connection with Fremantle’s heritage. As an inner city school we feel it is very important that our students develop an awareness of the Italo-Australian influence at their back door and are encouraged to develop an understanding of and a love for all things Italian in their pursuit to learn the language.
At the end of Terms 1 and 2 students were fortunate to reacquaint themselves with the sight and taste of the best Gelato this side of Rome. Each year group visited La Dolce Vita in Fremantle to tantalise their tastebuds and delight their stomachs with the many flavours that the Gelateria has to offer. What a vision to see our CBC students walk back to CBC from Fremantle with enormous smiles, sated appetites and a willingness to return next term.
The students have been exposed to many diverse language activities. The Year 7s have been studying
Many recipes have been passed on to our Year 8, 9 and 10 boys from making bruschetta to a tiramisu better than
Jamie Oliver’s. They also participated in the scrumptious creation of their own Italian dish to share with the class. The boys embraced these cooking lessons with great gusto; hopefully they added to this experience by repeating the recipes at home with their families. The Years 11 and 12 Italian students were invited to Santa Maria College for an afternoon of Italian quizzes and gourmet pizza and dolci. The afternoon was fun and the boys had an opportunity to share their love affair with all things Italian with other language students. The Year 11 students were blessed with an Italian exchange student, Andrea, who shared his linguistic skills and cultural knowledge with the class. The bond between the boys was evident and proved invaluable to the general learning in the classroom.
Above left to right Mrs Jeffreys with James Morris and Daniel Page enjoying an Italian feast; Ferraris in the cloisters
Language Week provided Italian students plus many others at CBC with an opportunity to experience the delights of Italy first hand. Our students learned how to play traditional Italian card games like ‘Scopa’ and the ever popular ‘Tombola’. They experienced the Italian music scene with popular and traditional artists like Jovanotti, Fabri Fibra and world renowned Andrea Bocelli. They were thrilled and in awe at the craftsmenship of the Ferraris and Ducatis that visited the College, and all tastebuds were tantalised at the lunchtime cooking demonstrations. The Azzura Gelati van was parked at CBC for two days and after devouring more than 200 litres of ice-cream we can safely say this activity was a success! We look forward to another exciting year in 2015.
LIBRARY Head of Library Ms Trevanna Cooper
It was a busy year for the Ideas Shop. We had 30 teams enter the annual Codebreaker challenge, we ran our first digital portrait competition, and we had a robot versus student competition to see who could solve the Rubik’s Cube faster. Mr Andre Leicester demonstrated his new electronically controlled model railway and we hid a gnome in various places around the school to promote Missing Persons Week. Our intrepid Library Assistants keep coming up with fresh ideas, with Ms Michelle Eades running a green screen information session and Mrs CJ Griffin hosting an iClone 3D animation workshop and helping students to produce newspapers. The radio station is still very popular with almost 30 students on the team, and three shows airing each week.
Some highlights have been the sports quiz with Mr Adrian Correia and Mr John Hortense competing against each other, and some excellent interviews including Year 7’s Daniel Page speaking with Mr Moffitt about the situation in Iraq. The new digital mixing desk challenged the radio students when we upgraded equipment, but they still managed to showcase their skills on Open Day. Keane Bourke (Year 10) as our Radio Senior Producer is a fine mentor to the younger crew. Fiction borrowing is still very popular and such is the demand that Ms Cooper has to make an almost weekly shopping trip to obtain the latest releases. There has been a noticeable difference in how the library is used now the students have their own laptops. One of the most significant changes is that students and teachers are requesting more digital and creative assistance from
library staff. They are either looking for ideas or have their own, but need help to realise them. This is an exciting development; hence the workshops. In July, Ms Cooper was asked to present at the WA School Libraries Conference about the ingredients to attract students to the Library. She spoke about the necessity of having light, colour, sensible rules, persistence, innovation, ownership, a few popular gadgets and, most importantly, creative staff. In August, Ms Cooper visited Bindoon Agricultural College to strengthen ties between the Libraries and offer support. In November, the CBC Library will be visited by the Librarian from the Christmas Island District High School to further strengthen our community ties and knowledge.
Clockwise from top Mr Leicester with his model railway; Boy versus Robot; Mr Hortense and Mr Correia competing in the Sports Quiz; Daniel Page interviewing a man who served in Iraq
89.2FM CBC RADIO Back row Keane Bourke, Alexander Natale, William Power, Marcus Sutton, Paul Jardine-Clarke, Theodore Terzoudis-Lumsden, Michael Sapienza Middle row Andrew Dujmovic, Gabriel Simich, Gabriel Newman, Kye Mitchell-Bathgate, Peter Hudson, Daniel Page, Lawson Micale, Darcy Cronin Front row Adriano Sgro, Anton La Macchia, Zachary Dixon, Ms Trevanna Cooper, Neven Williams, Riley Hay, Anthony Cutri Absent Thomas Brewster-Jones, Martin Bradley, Yassin Albarri, Jack Owen, Samuel Collett, Oskar Spiers, Cameron Handcock, Seth Nylund, Harry Dark, Christopher Bawden
Right top to bottom Ms Eades teaches green screen techniques; Mrs Griffin demonstrates newspaper templates; Christian Benson using the QR reader
MATHEMATICS Head of Mathematics Mr Barry Tognolini
As always 2014 was another energetic year in the Mathematics area at CBC Fremantle. Laptops, overhead projectors and new smartboard technologies were incorporated into the curriculum, enabling the staff to integrate a variety of learning experiences into the boys’ Maths classes. Year 8 students enjoyed a busy and challenging year while Mr Jones and Ms Tognolini encouraged a talented group of Mathematicians in their extension classes. Meanwhile, Year 10 students enjoyed exploring and getting to know their new Casio Classpad calculators as they prepared themselves for entering upper school.
Year 11 Luke Barratt Calogero Martelli Jamie Nella Matthew Patroni Aldrin Thomas Nick Thuys
Year 12 Zeus Greget O’Dea Mitchell Hinton Anthony Iannantouni Liam Romano Isaac Rowe Mathew Thomas
In the lower school competition four boys were selected from Years 8, 9 and 10 and competed against 40 other teams. In the lower school team the following boys were selected.
Maths club was well attended with an average of 25 to 35 boys attending Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Assisted by Mr Craig Jones, Mr Andre Leicester, Ms Marilyn Schmidt, Ms Lisa Tognolini and Mr Barry Tognolini, the students made the most of the opportunity, either seeking extra help or challenging themselves in small group activities.
Year 8 Stefan Bormolini Joshua Hardbottle Harry O’Neill Jack Schmidt
Rising to the challenge, many of our gifted Mathematics students took advantage of opportunities to display their abilities through a variety of competitions.
Year 10 Keane Bourke Bradyn Iannello Ryan Pace Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden
Year 9 Anthony Cammarano Ned Marshall Henry Rogerson Samuel Sheridan
Have Sum Fun Competition Hotmaths Have Sum Fun is organised by the Mathematical Association of WA (MAWA) and involves four teams of six boys representing the College. In the upper school division, six Year 11 and six Year 12 boys competed against other schools south of the river, coming 11th and 23rd out of 42.
This year the boys were given access to an excellent resource; Hotmaths is a technology based package that students use to revise, consolidate and do their homework. Australian Mathematics Awards
Congratulatons to all boys involved. The upper school teams comprised the following students.
During August the Australian Mathematics Awards were held at the school with 238 students from Years 7 to 12
sitting for the test. There were some excellent results achieved by the following students: High Distinction – top 5% in the state Year 11 Year 12 Hamish Macpherson Mitchell Hinton Aldrin Thomas Liam Romano Mathew Thomas Distinctions – top 15% in the state Year 8 Year 7 Lachlan Yurak Jack Prigg Gabriel Simich Hayden Symington Year 9 Joseph Eardley Matthew Hallows Thomas McKell Samuel Sheridan
Year 10 Riley Faulds Conor Hars Alexander-Thomas Nolan Ryan Pace
Year 11 Luke Barratt Matthew Patroni Mitchell Redmond Joel Tapper James Warren
Year 12 Matthew Costello Michael Cronan Marcus Di Biase Connor Fordham Benjamin Green Anthony Iannantuoni Sammuel Low Alec Sorgiovanni
WAJO University Competition In November Ms Marilyn Schmidt and Mr Barry Tognolini accompanied eight Year 9 students to UWA for the annual Junior Maths competition. The boys spent all day doing Maths problem solving questions, and enjoyed the experience. Well done to the following boys. Anthony Cammarano Luke Carbonaro Joshua Lacey Ned Marshall Finlay Martin
Julian Phillips Henry Rogerson Samuel Sheridan
Right Bradyn Iannello in Maths
OUTDOOR EDUCATION Coordinator of Outdoor Education Mr Stephen Hunter
Outdoor Education at CBC Fremantle seeks to offer students experiences in a variety of outdoor activities. This allows them to develop teamwork and organisational abilities, raise environmental awareness and nurture many lifelong skills. The Year 9 students were challenged with units in surf rescue, bodyboarding, mountain biking, navigation and roping. In Year 10 students developed their skills and knowledge in snorkelling, fishing and rock climbing, while also completing their Bronze Medallion during Term 1. In lower school there was a focus on the participation and enjoyment of activities as well as education in risk management, sustainability, minimal impact practises and general knowledge.
The boys in Year 10 were given the chance to demonstrate their skills at the Outdoor Recreation camp, which was held at Woodman Point at the end of Term 3. The boys employed their fishing, snorkelling, orienteering and climbing skills, as well as completing a variety of group activities and challenges. The weather was not always on our side, but the boys had a great time displaying teamwork and mateship. In Year 11, 1A/B students started working towards their Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation. During the first term the boys further developed their snorkelling skills and completed a day excursion to Point Peron where they had the opportunity to snorkel, fish and dive for crabs. Early in Term 2 the class departed for an overnight camp
Above Brett Coldrey, Tyler Davies and Stefan Nero at the Year 10 camp Left Year 11 canoeing on the Blackwood River
at Rottnest Island; unfortunately the weather didn’t allow for as much snorkelling and fishing activity as we would have liked. In Term 3 the students completed a canoeing unit at the Marine Education Boatshed, which culminated in a three day camp on the Blackwood River in Nannup. In preparation for next year the boys obtained a Recreational Skipper’s Ticket from the Marine Education Boatshed and completed all the relevant units for their Certificate II. The Year 12 1C/D course is marine-based with fishing and snorkelling the main focus in Semester 1. Students completed an excursion to Point Peron where they snorkelled, fished and caught plenty of crabs. At the end of Term 1 the boys took the ferry over to Rottnest for a
three day exploration of the island. The three days were full of snorkelling and fishing, as well as a full day fishing charter where all the boys were happy with their catch. The students went on to complete their Recreational Skipper’s Ticket which allows them to begin a sailing unit with the Marine Education Boatshed. After many hours of sailing the boys went on a three day sea voyage visiting Carnac Island and Garden Island, before heading up the Swan River to set up camp at Pelican Point.
PHYSICAL & HEALTH EDUCATION Head of Physical and Health Education Mr Zachary Preston
Once again the Physical and Health Education department has had a fantastic year in developing CBC students in a wide range of activities across many different areas. Within the department we have offered Physical Education, Health, Sport Science and Outdoor Education, providing students with a holistic education into lifelong learning for a healthy and active lifestyle. These subjects also develop students academically and prepare them for their chosen pathway, either ATAR or non-ATAR bound, which includes a Certificate II in Sport and Recreation. Interpersonal and self-management skills are an important aspect in the development of students in Physical and Health Education and this has been a major focus area this year. Practical subjects also embrace these skills along with developing teamwork, game strategies and understanding the intricacies of the various sports. The lower school students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 have been involved in a wide range of sports including Cricket, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Touch, Badminton and Tennis.
HEALTH Health in 2014 has covered a wide range of topics that have developed students’ understanding of their bodies, environment and challenges they might face in the future. We have looked at topics that include puberty,
bullying, relationships, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, drug education, mental health and driver education. Driver education consisted of several guest speakers coming into the College to discuss responsible driving attitudes. One of the guest speakers from the Paraplegic Benefit Fund spoke about how important drivers’ choices are when it comes to safe driving and how his bad choices resulted in him being in a wheelchair. This was confronting for the students and gave them a more personal understanding of the unit. During the Mental Health unit students listened to sports commentator Glen Mitchell speak of his struggles with mental illness and how they should never be embarrassed to seek help for themselves or their mates.
SPORTS SCIENCE Year 8, 9 and 10 Sport Science has been a great introduction into senior school Physical Education studies. Students have looked into the theoretical aspects of sport including coaching, functional anatomy and sports psychology. Students have also learned the skills and rules of Gridiron, Gaelic Football, European Handball, Water Polo, Netball, Volleyball and Squash.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDIES Stage 1 Year 11 and 12 Physical Education students have been busy completing their Certificate II in Sports and Recreation with a focus on the sports industry.
At the same time students have been studying sports psychology and coaching methods in class and during practical sessions of Volleyball, Squash and Badminton. The Year 12 Stage 1 students have successfully completed their Senior First Aid Certificate and enjoyed learning about Basketball, using weights, and finished off the year learning how to surf at Leighton Beach. The Stage 2 and 3 ATAR students have been learning the principles of biomechanics and exercise physiology in sport with particular emphasis on Volleyball and Basketball. These particular units form an excellent building block for their studies in Year 12. The year ended with a tour of the Perth Wildcats facilities with talks delivered by Strength and Conditioning coach Josh Cavanagh and Assistant Coach Paul Woolpert. A special thanks to Coordinator of Sport Mr Jason Matthews and the rest of the Physical and Health Education team: Mr John Black, Ms Petrina Brewer, Mr Brent Butcher, Mr Adrian Correia, Mrs Carol Denny, Mrs Samantha Emslie, Mr Stephen Hunter, Mrs Rosalba Jeffreys, Mr Justin Leech, Mr Matthew Stockton, Ms Lisa Tognolini and Mr Ross Websdale.
Clockwise from top Surfing at Leighton Beach; Year 7 Gaelic football; Jason Cecchi trying out the bat
SCIENCE Head of Science Mrs Jennifer Lawlor
In 2014 we expect to see, and have already seen, strong results in Science across both ATAR and nonATAR subjects. Each year the boys continue to impress as they eagerly embrace new learning opportunities, show a substantial work ethic and seek answers through curiosity. Our new course, Integrated Science, has been a particular highlight for the boys. It is a non-ATAR course that in Year 11 focuses on forensics and cosmetics and in Year 12 concentrates on water analysis and driver education. The practical experience in this unit is extensive. In looking at forensics the boys test out ‘CSI’ procedures or collect techniques, DNA analysis and entomology. The cosmetics unit was weighted heavily on experimental work where they could be creative in making new products to market. Excursions and incursions are a fun and vital part of the learning process. In 2014 lower school students had excursions and incursions from Scitech, and a spectacular rocket show from the Gravity Discovery Centre. Some of the excursions for our senior boys included the Australian Chemistry Centre, Perth Zoo, Rottnest Island, Alcoa, and beach and river site visits.
The department is always keen to find opportunities for our boys to compete outside the College and see how they fare compared to state, national and international Science standards. For this reason we encouraged boys to participate in the prestigious Chemistry Olympiad, ICAS competition, and the International Chemistry Quiz. Some outstanding results were achieved by the following boys: International Competition and Assessment for Science Year 7: Ethan Contera and Angus McDonald Year 8: Fletcher Evans, Angus Grant and Mark Ogden Year 9: Jake Weller Year 10: Riley Faulds, Ryan Pace and Emmanuel TerzoudisLumsden International Chemistry Quiz Year 11: Luke Barratt, Calogero Martelli, Hamish Macpherson, Lucas Pensini, Joel Tapper, Aldrin Thomas, Nicholas Thuys and James Warren. Year 12: Matthew Costello, Sean Duncanson, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Kurtis Gray, Coen Greaney, Benjamin Green, Mitchell Hinton, Anthony Iannantuoni, Austin Main, Riley Naughton, Daniel Nocciolino, Liam Romano, Isaac Rowe,
Alec Sorgiovanni, Connor Spencer, Mathew Thomas and Solomon Wright. The Science department also likes to extend boys outside of College and provides boys with the option to attend Science experiences during the holidays. Several students have achieved scholarships through Rotary to attend these events. Harrison Rowley from Year 11 will attend the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra in January 2015. Samuel Sheridan, Millen Sjerp and Daniele Monaco, all from Year 9 Extension Science, have been awarded scholarships for the ConocoPhillips Science Experience, which runs in Perth universities over the summer holidays. A huge event for the Science department was the 2014 National Science Week with exciting events planned every day. Students had the opportunity to observe a rat and toad being dissected in Drastic Dissections, there was an Open House for Physics, thermo chemistry explosions, fluorescent chemistry experiments and a liquid nitrogen display. Mentor groups competed in a Science quiz, with Patrick 7 taking out the winning prize. Year 7 and 8 students had a visit from Roaming Reptiles, becoming better acquainted with pythons, tiger snakes, blue tongue lizards and many more. Thank you to Miss Petrina Brewer, Dr Aidan Holohan, Mr John Hortense, Mr Louis Miller, Mrs Meagan Musson, Mrs Nirmala Narayanann Mr Anthony Rawnsley, Mr Simon Schmidberger, Ms Lisa Tognolini and Mr Paul Woodhouse for your knowledge and collegiality which makes it easy to enjoy our work. Finally, our thanks also to our boys, who continue to impress us with their enthusiasm and involvement in Science.
Left Daniel Page, Caleb Nixon and Zach Dawson Right Rocket Show on Fremantle Oval
Technologies at CBC Fremantle provides students with powerful tools that expand and enhance learning opportunities. The programmes are practical and valuable and challenge our students to become effective 21st century learners. Keeping abreast of the constantly changing digital and design market is the challenge that Technologies thrives on, and 2014 has been no exception in our aim to keep our students trained in the latest industry recognised equipment.
forming an integral part of the educational programme across the College, meeting one of the broad aims of the programme when it was introduced in 2011. The emergence of technology that allows boys to write on a screen with a pen-like device and still maintain the full functionality of a laptop has now caught our attention. Research shows that this type of technology further enhances the value of technology within the curriculum. We believe the technology is now viable for large scale implementation into high schools and we will test and evaluate devices of this type in 2015 with a view to a roll-out in 2016.
This year has seen the ICT department consolidate the one to one (1:1) laptop programme. Over the four years of implementation, there has been a steep learning curve and a rapid change in the technology available, and the College now has a stable fleet of reliable and powerful laptops.
The students continue to excel in their ICT studies and in 2014 there has seen some amazing samples of their talents. The Year 7 boys have honed their typing skills and created animations and games using various software packages. The Year 8 boys have become film makers and used their video editing skills to produce some very entertaining short films.
The period has seen a refinement in warranty and accidental damage cover to now be at a level that causes minimal disruption to the students when servicing of their device is required. This means the laptops are
In preparation for upper school, the Year 9 and 10 boys have become animators, special effects creators, ePublishers and sound engineers in addition to learning many other digital skills. The Year 11 and 12 boys
have taken their extensive grounding in multimedia to produce first class media products worthy of commercial recognition. Some of these young men possess the skills to have a successful future in the multimedia industry. For 2015, we hope to further develop our laptop programme and develop ICT into an intrinsic part of the learning environment at CBC.
DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY The Design and Technology subjects have continued to be very popular amongst the students in 2014 and it has been a year of growth and improvement. This year we have begun a considerable capital investment in new equipment and machinery to boost our ability to make new and exciting projects. Both the woodwork and metalwork rooms have received new equipment including a new thicknesser, mitre saws, a magnetic sheet metal bender, a 2.8m sliding panel saw, and four new 3D printers. The new equipment expands our ability to make projects previously impossible, and also creates the potential for superior work quality. This investment will continue into 2015 with the addition of many more pieces of equipment. The focus for the year has been on excellence and pride in one’s work, and it is wonderful to see the sense of achievement that a student gets when they complete a project to the best of their ability. Students in Graphics classes have made use of the new 3D printers for design and prototyping, while workshop classes have made projects including Eskys, bar stools, coffee tables and more with some outstanding results. The students taking Catering courses have continued to learn vital cooking skills, with the added benefit of getting to eat it after the class is finished! Students completing Woodwork, Metalwork, and Technical Graphics in Year 11 and 12 are provided the opportunity to receive a Certificate II in the individual disciplines to complement their WACE course, which gives them a head start for post-school destinations such as TAFE, employment, or apprenticeships. It has been a successful year, and I would like to thank all of the Design and Technology staff for their efforts throughout the course of the year.
Left Mr Stockton with Michael Letizia
This year the College had numerous programmes running internally and externally to promote industry life skills to the students before entering the workforce. With the advent of today’s students being required to stay at school longer, trade qualifications and work experience for our boys is of utmost importance to mature into the impending workforce and become ‘work ready’. There were 89 Certificate II, six Certificate III and 11 Certificate IV courses successfully completed at the College this year by students in Engineering, Technical Graphics, Woodwork, Sampling & Measurement, Business, Italian, Information, Communication & Technology, Sport & Recreation and Outdoor Education. I wish to thank an amazing group of teachers who have worked above and beyond their normal teachingload to integrate these VET certificates into WACE courses, and thereby greatly enhance our students’ employment prospects. Work experience and training within the workplace begins when students are of a suitable employment age and is available to all students at CBC Fremantle. The students are afforded the opportunity to complete work experience in a supportive and safety conscious environment with the support of the College. After completing some basic paperwork and finding their own work experience, numerous boys from all years were able to experience what it feels like in the real world.
environment to demonstrate their expertise within the trades, further guiding their career paths or passion. The students chose tiling, plastering or bricklaying for three days. The programme resulted in the success of a small number of Year 10 students gaining work placements and the intention is to expand the opportunities in 2015. At CBC Fremantle, we are currently offering the INSTEP programme or school-based apprenticeships for Years 11 and 12 students. INSTEP involves students working in business and industry once per week, learning and understanding the everyday requirements within their chosen trade. Some of the chosen businesses included plumbing, automotive, marine, veterinary, electrical, building construction and teacher assistants. By Year 12, the student works with their employer to complete their TAFE Certificate courses. This joint opportunity between the College, TAFE and local businesses afforded the students the opportunity to be provided with traineeships or ongoing full-time employment. As the Year 12 students enter the workforce, the staff at the College looks forward to the many successes and employment opportunities our students obtain. I wish to extend my gratitude to all businesses, families and staff that have assisted in preparing our students for the workforce. With your continued support these opportunities will continue to assist them in pursuing their chosen careers.
This year the ‘Try-a-Trade’ programme gave 20 students in Year 10 the opportunity to work in a simulated
Top to bottom Oliver Martin, Jack Crilly and Thomas Cummins
Exploring Kiwirrkurra country
CANBERRA AND SYDNEY TOUR Year 12 Economics Student Travis Mitchell
At the commencement of the second week of the Lenten term holidays, students from Stage 2 and 3 Economics and Geography at CBC Fremantle participated in a tour of the nation’s capital and the beautiful city of Sydney. The tour consisted of a four day programme based in Canberra, before travelling to Sydney for a further three days. The trip was an excellent opportunity for all students involved to gain a unique, understanding of day-to-day political, legal and economic functions on the national stage, while also allowing students to experience and observe some of Australia’s most iconic national establishments. The group were involved in a variety of combined activities whilst also separating to gain scope and perspective relevant to their course content and its practical application in government and independent bodies today. The Economics students participated in formal presentations by chief economists and statisticians of the Treasury, Australian Bureau of Statistics and Reserve Bank of Australia. For many students, a highlight of the tour was a visit to the Australian Mint to see the history of Australian currency and how we integrated the new decimal dollar system and replaced the British system in 1966. The Geography students participated in informal visits to Geoscience where they were able to observe Australia’s only tsunami warning centre and CSIRO. Combined group activities included tours of old and new Parliament House, the US Embassy, Australian War Memorial, Australian Institute of Sport and the National Art Gallery of Australia, all of which gave the students a tremendous insight into Australian identity and our past and present culture.
Along with 35,000 people, including Prince William and Princess Kate, we also participated in the Anzac Day dawn service at the Australian War Memorial. It was a moving experience that will be remembered by all of us for a long time to come. Despite the significant educational component involved in tour proceedings, there was no shortage of opportunities to sample the social and commercial scene on location. In Sydney, boys viewed the city from its peak atop Centrepoint Tower, and enjoyed a night trip to Luna Park and the Harbour Bridge. A twilight walk provided us with an insight into Sydney’s historical Rocks, Circular Quay and Opera House area. As well as group scheduled activities, the tour party was also provided with ample free time as boys took to the streets to explore and partake in some economic stimulation of their own in Sydney’s vast and vibrant shopping district. Including regular nutritious meals at night, the boys had the opportunity to eat at a wonderful restaurant along the waters of Darling Harbour and the Rocks. The tour was an unforgettable experience as students were able to apply classroom studies to society in an enjoyable and captivating environment. All boys involved returned to Perth on 28 April with an abundance of fond memories and renewed enthusiasm for the year ahead. On a parting note, all the boys who participated wish to express their sincere gratitude for the efforts and commitment of Tour leaders Mrs Andrea Fitzpatrick and Mr Joel Moss; it was only through their ongoing dedication and efforts, prior to and during the trip, that such an experience was possible.
Right At the Australian War Memorial
KIWIRRKURRA Year 11 student Jordon Rutigliano
In the company of Mr Van Dongen and Ms Brewer, nine CBC students flew to Telfer gold mine before proceeding on to the remote community of Kiwirrkurra in a minibus. At Telfer we couldn’t have had better hospitality; the virtually infinite ‘all you can eat buffet’ was very welcome for us hungry travellers. The golf course was amazing and we wished we could stay up all night at the driving range. After the second night at the mine, we rose at 6.00am for our long bus trip to Kiwirrkurra. The roads were corrugated and we had only travelled 10km before our bus was bogged in the fine red sand.
We were rescued by a couple of Telfer workers, plus a convoy of local aborigines who were just back from a hunt and had caught a bush turkey. Back on the road and the sights were amazing: camels, kites and the beautiful desert landscape. After a night at the Juniper Well, we were back on the road and finally arrived at Kiwirrkurra after a solid nine hours of travelling. We pulled into the pre-primary, primary and high school compound and noted that it was surprisingly well maintained with a few bits and pieces that we were assigned to work on during our stay. On the day we arrived, we settled in and had a look around, then the next day was hard work from minute one! We hauled rubbish
Left to right Jason Cecchi and Mitchell Boult; Edward Swan; Thomas Pinkerton, Cameron Sardelic, Douglas Preston, Jordon Rutigliano, Mitchell Boult
to the local tip and incinerated the pile to conserve space and keep the site clean. We transformed the library from a dusty heap into a functional learning space. We fixed bicycles, basketball hoops and playing equipment, and a few of us even went to fill in for the communities’ football team, which was definitely the life of the town. Witnessing the Grand Final was a nail-biting scenario.
On the last couple of days we went for a trip to see some lakes and huge granite rocks. We were told dreamtime stories and ate witchetty grubs, kangaroo tail, bush tomatoes and little sultana type fruits on the side of the lake. We met a lot of the locals, and we hosted a barbeque as a final goodbye.
Every night two of us were assigned to make sure we had full bellies; too full sometimes. We supported the community as much as we could, including helping out at the general store by stocktaking. Four of us went to the town centre and painted the doors and a storeroom exotic colours that looked phenomenal in the dusty landscape.
I can’t possibly touch on every detail of what we accomplished and learned about this beautiful part of Australia. Our journey to Kiwirrkurra was the most inspirational and extraordinary experience. I loved all the kids and felt very fulfilled when we left. It changed my perception and understanding of aboriginal culture and life in a remote community.
MELBOURNE AFL TOUR Tour Coordinator and Sport Teacher Mr Adrian Correia
During the April school holidays the CBC senior football squad flew to the homeland of Australian football for a unique opportunity to live and breathe their favourite sport. The squad consisted of 33 boys who had been training extremely hard since the first week of the school year. Over the weekend the boys had the opportunity to watch four games of AFL football, starting on Easter Monday with the blockbuster game between Geelong and Hawthorn in front of 95,000 fans. This was then topped by a sell-out crowd at the MCG for the traditional Anzac Day clash between Collingwood and Essendon. On the following Saturday the boys witnessed a thriller at Etihad Stadium that saw the Eagles lose against Carlton after being in what looked to be an unbeatable position with only a few minutes left in the game. Despite a disappointing loss, the Eagles were still present at the after game function, and the boys were ecstatic to get pictures and signatures from the players. There was no one more excited than Isaac Mitchell who ripped off his Eagle’s jumper in seconds to get as many autographs as possible at the West Coast function. We finished the weekend with another MCG clash that saw Cyril Rioli put on a show as Hawthorn belted Richmond. A major emphasis of the tour was educating the boys on the sport science, training regimes, recovery techniques, nutrition requirements and recruiting policies that AFL clubs all employ to give themselves the edge over their opposition, as well as exploring the history of the great game. To provide this insight the boys were treated to
several AFL tours, starting with the MCG and National Sport’s Museum. Former Eagles premiership player and Collingwood 2014 Best Clubman, Quinten Lynch, showed us around the state of the art facilities at the Westpac Centre, while rookie Jonathan Marsh gave the boys insight into the work rate required to be drafted. Marsh then joined us for our first game against St Bede’s College in Mentone, where he helped coach the forward line. This was a highlight for a number of the boys, no more so than his younger cousin Tyler Sorrell. North Melbourne was our next stop where development manager Ben Dyer gave us great insight regarding the transition from state football to the AFL and discussed the level of commitment and sacrifice required to make it at the top level. At Carlton, boys were taken on a tour by star recruit and number 13 draft pick Patrick Cripps, and were lucky enough to have sport science guru David Buttifant speak to them about the evolution of science in the AFL. Buttifant is famous for his revolutionary work at Collingwood where he was the first to use altitude training and increase the use of interchange to gain an advantage over the rest of the competition. This tied in beautifully with the Year 12 boys’ Physical Education assignment on altitude training but unfortunately the boys could only get a few questions in with a star-struck Mr Butcher taking up most of Mr Buttifant’s time. The boys finished with a guided tour of Essendon’s new facilities and their state of the art gym that includes an indoor football field. While in Melbourne the boys strengthened their link with fellow Edmund Rice Colleges, playing three football
powerhouse Colleges – St Kevin’s in Toorak, St Patrick’s in Ballarat and St Bede’s. CBC played exceptionally well in all three encounters, starting with a convincing win against St Bede’s. The boys then tackled a very strong St Patrick’s side, where they were taught a lesson from the best football school in the country, with 27 old boys on current AFL club lists. We finished up with a fierce contest against St Kevin’s, in which we fell narrowly short, losing by eight points in a thriller in horrendous conditions. Our boys played with great spirit in all matches with some outstanding performances across the board, with many putting their hand up for 1st XVIII selection.
The AFL clubs we toured all put a strong emphasis on recovery, devoting a lot of resources and time in making sure their players pull up well after each and every game. With CBC tackling three games in four days it was important that we applied what we learnt from the best in the business to ensure that all of our boys were ready to play. After every game the boys would do 30 minutes of recovery back at the apartments, including a rotation between ice baths and hot showers. This was often painful for the boys but it ensured they were fit for every game, while giving them a taste of what AFL players go through after every match.
Results Game 1: CBC 20.9 (129) defeated St Bede’s 4.6 (30) Goal scorers: 4 A Main, A Ryan; 2 L Zindani; 1 T Sorrell, N Menegola, Z Sumich, J Biondillo, G Waters, A Gavranic, B Pendergast, T Eastaugh, I Mitchell, J Johnson. Best players: A Zindani, B Sollis, A Main, T Sorrell, I Mitchell, A Ryan, J Ahern, G Waters, J Mirco Game 2: St Patrick’s 13.8 (86) defeated CBC 2.7 (19) Goal scorers: 1 N Menegola, J.Biondillo Best: N Menegola, O Parish, J Biondillo, B Sollis, J Ahern, J Mirco, Z Sumich, G Waters, M Grose Game 3: St Kevin’s 4.16 (40) defeated CBC 4.9 (33) Goal scorers: 1 M Vinci, B Sollis, J Mirco, Z Sumich Best Players: O Parish, B Sollis, N Menegola, J Biondillo, J Ahern, T Sorrell
One of the highlights of the tour was the Anzac Day dawn service at the Melbourne memorial. The squad were up early and braved the freezing conditions to pay respect to the Australian heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. It was an inspiring service in an amazing setting with a beautiful sunrise to top off the occasion. It was a great moment for the boys to pay their respects and to reflect on how privileged we are today.
Congratulations to Brandon Sollis who was awarded best on tour, narrowly edging out Oliver Parish and Nick Menegola, while Jordan Biondillo and Aiden Zindani tied for fourth.
Above Melbourne AFL Tour group
The Melbourne Football Tour was a great success. The boys’ behaviour was outstanding and they conducted themselves professionally throughout. I would like to thank all of the parents who made the trip across; the support we received at every game was sensational. Thank you also to Mr Brent Butcher, Mr Stephen Hunter and Mr Jason Matthews, who all gave up their holidays to ensure that this once in a lifetime experience for the boys was made possible. It was an amazing week and I hope all the boys came home with a great sense of accomplishment, and a desire to work hard to succeed.
PARNNGURR Year 11 student Sebastian Kendrick
Upon arrival at Parnngurr, also known as Cotton Creek, I was unsure of what to expect. As we travelled over the final hills towards the approaching community, many of us spotted smoke clouds rising from the surrounding bush lands. There were mixed reactions of what they were from, and it perhaps shows how anxious we were that one of us offered the unlikely explanation that the inhabitants of Parnngurr were preparing the fires to cook us on arrival. Once we arrived at the community we were all shocked, and maybe a little relieved, to see modern houses and television satellite dishes. On meeting Ben, the community coordinator, we were shown around the facilities, which were basic but better than we had anticipated. That night we received a visit from a young aboriginal boy who quite bravely approached and asked us to play sport with him. After returning from playing a full game of both football and basketball, we set out to allocate the different jobs between us that were given to us by Ben. I was assigned first to stocktake, which involved clearing out the food shed and marking the products in there. Each day we were given new jobs to undertake.
Above Sebastian Kendrick, Ben Johns, Daniel Rhoding and Patrick Skipworth Centre Patrick Skipworth, Nathan Prendergast and Max De Campi Below Oliver Kon
A couple of us were given a unique opportunity to butcher a whole cow, which was very interesting. On the third day we were taken out to the bush to hunt for wild turkeys and find witchetty grubs, a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Not only did we learn from the elders and hunters of the community how to live off the land but we were also able to understand how difficult it is to survive in such a harsh and unrelenting environment. On our final day the community presented us with a meal of kangaroo tails that was thoroughly enjoyed by all. We thanked the community for having us and began the long journey back home. It was an eye-opening experience to travel to such a remote and isolated community. We realised that the people choose to remain in the community because they feel a sense of companionship and self-worth living there. It is about maintaining their culture and ensuring that it does not slip from their grasp, so that they can pass it on and educate future generations of Australians. Thank you to our teachers, Mr Baldry and Miss Nodwell, for all of their patience and time given on the trip.
PHILIPPINES IMMERSION Tour Coordinator Mr Garry Hart
During the October holidays, 10 CBC students and two teachers journeyed to a remote part of the Philippines to work with the Christian Brothers in their mission to provide services to the poor and marginalised. The boys had the opportunity to visit the landmarks of Cebu en route to Maasin, starting with Magellan’s Cross, Magellan’s Fort and Cebu’s Basilica. With the Filipino population being 98% Catholic, the Sunday morning open-air Mass in the Basilica attracted thousands of parishioners flowing out onto the streets. In the afternoon on the eight hour ferry ride, the boys learned some of the local language from Christian, an ERS nurse who was assigned to our group for the entire trip. Our first official day in Maasin started with an orientation session at ERS followed by a trek up the side of a mountain to plant trees. It was a hard day, especially dealing with the humidity and the uphill walking, but it was a great way to meet some locals in the poorer villages. The people were excited and appreciative at seeing foreigners working, and quickly took the boys into their hearts; spirits were extremely high at having such a warm welcome. On the second day, the boys enjoyed a buffet breakfast and set out to Manhilo Elementary School in the hills to help with screening eyes and ears of the local children. The boys quickly become celebrities and worked alongside the ERS nurses doing the screening. To see the children’s faces when the boys of CBC entered their world by attempting to speak the language was priceless. Not wanting to leave, we went to the Maasin City Special Education Centre, which is a school for hearing impaired students. The school greeted us with a big welcome sign
and they put on a concert for us. The children showed us immediate affection and we had the opportunity to learn and use sign language, which was an amazing experience. The day finished with a walk up what felt like a thousand stairs to a massive statue of Mary, affectionately known as Mamma Mary, who watches over and protects Maasin. On day three we visited two high schools, Ibarra and Ichon, where the boys introduced the local students to AFL and they introduced us to the slippery pole and their games. The following day we went into the mountains to a very poor high school in Dongon, where once again we were exposed to a cultural exchange of games, dances and the classroom. We all learned the Philippine national dance using bamboo poles and quickly realised that we are not as nimble as the locals. We awoke early on our fifth day to embark on a four-hour drive to Tacloban where Typhoon Haiyan devastated the community with massive human loss in 2013. Locals are now living back in the area in ramshackle houses made from scrap and the boys experienced the humility of their day-to-day life. We proceeded to Ibarra for a coastal clean up. On went the gloves and the word quickly got around that the Aussie boys were here to work; we could not go anywhere without a wave or a greeting. Even the Governor of Leyte praised our boys. On completion we had lunch at the Christian Brothers’ house. The boys asked many questions and were provided with an interesting insight into the Brothers, their work in the community and the needs of the local people.
After a rest we embarked on another walk that ended in 560 stairs to a cave church. We met two nuns who lived at the top and invited us to Mass the next day, but thinking of facing those stairs again, we declined and opted for the cathedral. This was a mass to remember, with two priests, 15 altar servers, 10 acolytes and a full choir in a beautifully decorated church. After mass we piled into a Jeepney, and clambered down a jetty made of bamboo into a traditional Filipino boat, for a day of snorkelling and beach volleyball at Canigao Island with the ERS staff. On our last day we went up into the hills to build a house for the poor. With Ms Bowran in the lead, we started mixing concrete by hand and laying bricks. The boys quickly picked it up and were rewarded with their achievements. The boys were sad to say goodbye; they had all become attached to the Brothers and staff of the ERS. We had a nice meal and the boys presented gifts to their new friends. Christian had been with us every moment over the last eight days but could not be at the farewell as he had accepted work in Singapore. Christian had been with the boys day and night showing them the local culture. The immersion was a huge success, and it was due to the amazing boys who participated. Ms Emily Bowran and I are extremely proud of this bunch of go-getters who were excellent ambassadors for our school. We all learnt together and our eyes have been opened.
Above In Cebu Centre Arriving in Maasin Below Tree planting at Hanginan
TURKEY TOUR Year 10 student Keane Bourke
Late in the night on 12 April, 30 CBC students and three teachers flew out of Perth airport, destined for Istanbul, Turkey. After one nights rest, we arrived in Eceabat, the closest major town to Gallipoli. One of the most moving days of the tour was on 17 April when we visited The Nek and Lone Pine. The day began with a walk up to one of the many cemeteries in the area, which not only held special significance to the Australians. The site was the location of a cricket game between the Australians and the Turks during the conflict. After wandering through row after row of graves, we began walking further up the hill towards Lone Pine. Upon reaching Lone Pine, we were overwhelmed by the number of graves signifying the lives lost in such a small area. And the graves only represent a small fraction of the number of men who died, with hundreds more names written on the boards closer to the memorial. Something else I didn’t expect was the hay fever that most of us began to suffer from because there was a bush of flowers between each grave. Given the amount of graves, there was a lot of pollen in the air. After wandering through grave after grave at Lone Pine, we continued walking to The Nek. Once again, it was
overwhelming, but this time from the lack of graves. Despite the fact nearly 400 Anzac soldiers were killed in such a small area in a matter of minutes, many bodies were never recovered or identified. Looking out from the cemetery is one of the most beautiful views along the Gallipoli coastline, and the thought of what happened only a few metres behind you is still there while taking in the breathtaking scenery. In those few days we spent in the Gallipoli area, and especially after walking along the coastline and seeing Anzac Cove from the water, it was clear how much of a suicide mission the landing was. Looking up from the beach, it was obvious how little chance the Australian and New Zealand soldiers had. It was not difficult at all to imagine what it would have been like in that same spot nearly 99 years ago, but what can never be imagined, is how those soldiers felt, seeing their best mates dying all around them, on what they thought would be the best adventure of their lives. In the Anzac tradition, sport was not absent from the tour, with a basketball game played with some locals in Canakkale and a couple of football lessons with some of the local school children in Eceabat. In Turkey Tour
tradition, a caged football match was played amongst teachers and students, which resulted in quite a few moans and groans from the teachers in the following days. Aside from the Anzac area and museums, we also toured some significant historical and cultural sites including the Blue Mosque, the Hippodrome, Troy, Ephesus, the Basilica of St John, Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, Basilica Cistern and Chora Church. There was no lack of opportunities for shopping on the trip, with a visit to a women’s collective where we saw some rugs being made, and a chance to purchase one to take home. Later that day, we visited a pottery store, where we were given a demonstration from one of the artists, before two students and Mr Ryan were given the chance to try their hand at making pottery, with varying degrees of success. We also visited a leather store, where we were treated to a fashion show, before some boys were chosen to model some of the most fashionable leather items around. And of course, who could forget the Grand Bazaar? Nobody left empty handed, with plenty of money being spent on both fake and real products, including headphones, suitcases and other souvenirs.
Above Turkey Tour group
The tour concluded with one last trip to the Grand Bazaar, and a traditional Turkish dance and music show, before bidding goodbye to our excellent tour guide and awesome bus driver, both of whom joined in on some of the games that we played along the way. The trip was like nothing I have ever experienced before and was made even better by the mateship amongst the group, not only between students, but between staff and students. I have returned to Perth with a greater understanding of Muslim and Turkish cultures, and also a new perspective on the Anzac legend, something I will never forget. Long live the Turkey Tour.
Sam Ryan at the Inter-House Swimming Carnival
SPORT Coordinator of Sport Mr Jason Matthews
The Sport programme in 2014 at CBC Fremantle provided students with the opportunity to represent their College, participate in a variety of sports and challenge themselves with new experiences. House Sport for all students in Years 7 to 10 formed the base of our programme, encouraging maximum participation with a variety of sports and allowing students to achieve at their level while building relationships and being physically active. The programme encourages all students to give their best effort and participate at a level they feel comfortable with in both individual and team environments. A highlight for all Year 7 and 8 students was the annual ACC Lightning Carnival. The day involves all students participating in their choice of either Soccer, Hockey, Football or Rugby with a focus on providing every student with an opportunity to play. On the day, Year 11 and 12 students coach the junior teams under guidance from CBC staff and should be commended on their efforts. The day was a huge success, with all students being able to represent their College and continue to build a strong sense of community on the sporting field. After losing the Oblate Cup in 2013 to Mazenod College, the boys were keen to make amends and win back
the Cup. With a large number of boys representing their College we were able to win back the Fr Michael McMahon shield for Soccer, Fr Tony Colbert shield for Hockey, Fr Ian McIntosh shield for Football and the Fr John Sherman Rugby shield. We narrowly missed out on the Fr John Hannah Basketball shield to some strong Mazenod sides. The three biggest sporting events on the CBC calendar are the ACC Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals. These events provide strong competition from the biggest and strongest ACC schools at the time and competition for spots on the teams is fierce. After a successful 2013, we were once again able to win the ‘Big Three’ in 2014 and retain the titles won in the previous year. The key to our success at these carnivals has always been the depth of our squads and the boys’ willingness to strive for personal excellence and give everything they have for the team. With so many boys committing and improving themselves at training, we always do really well in the relay events at Swimming and Athletics, and all our runners perform their best at Cross Country. This level of commitment, attitude and desire to represent the College characterises a typical athlete at CBC Fremantle. The students have built and instilled a culture of hard work, passion and pride in the College that demands excellence and best effort from all students.
All boys involved in sport at CBC do an outstanding job representing the College, but a special mention must go to the following students for their involvement. These boys were recognised at the Awards Night for their commitment and outstanding results this year: Athletics Champion – Julian Konle Cross Country Champion – David Cecchi Sports Service Award – Leighton Short Sportsman of the Year – Oliver Parish Swimming Champion – Solomon Wright Congratulations and well done boys. To all the coaching and support staff, including teachers, parents, Old Boys and current students, I thank you for your contribution this year and for providing our boys with the opportunity to represent their College and showcase their talents in a variety of areas. Your hard work and dedication is appreciated and we look forward to a big 2015 at CBC Fremantle.
Right Samuel Preston and Hjalmar Dressel in the Oblate Cup
Fairest and Best
Runner Up
Junior Basketball
Hugo Salvage
Zachary Harris
Hugo Salvage
Mr Websdale
Senior Basketball
Jake Harris
Nick Menegola
Matthew Vinci
Mr Hunter
1st XI Cricket
Jesse Mirco
Sean Duncanson
Oliver Parish
Mr Preston
Year 7 Football
Luke Phillips
Jack Fenton
Luke Phillips
Mr Hunter
Junior Football
Kyle Mirco
Joseph Eardley
Joseph Eardley
Mr Correia
Brodee Knight
Dillon O’Reilly
Year 10 Football
Kennedy Sorrell
Sam Timewell
Tom Eastaugh
Mr Preston
1st XVIII Football
Jordan Biondillo
Jesse Mirco
Jesse Mirco
Mr Matthews
Oliver Parish
Oliver Parish
Riley Faulds
Ryan Pace
Riley Faulds
Junior Rowing
Theodore Terzoudis-Lumsden Finn Stumbles
Theodore Terzoudis-Lumsden Mr Flynn
Senior Rowing
Solomon Holliday
Aaron Senzio
Solomon Holliday
Mr Flynn
Year 8 Rugby
Samuel McDonald
Harry Rosenthal
Ben Funga
Mr Matthews
Year 9 Rugby
Nathaniel Bond-Williams
Hjalmar Dressel
Hjalmar Dressel
Mr Woodhouse
Year 10 Rugby
Joshua Caruso
Joel Tomlinson
Ben Swindells
Mr Woodhouse
1st XV Rugby
James Shave
Lucas Fleming
Alexander Burt
Mr Woodhouse
Year 7 Soccer
Aidan Edwards
Timothy Hall
Jason Quintiliani
Ms Brewer
Ms Nelson
Ms Denny
Junior Soccer
Mr Hortense
Edward Pezet
Tiago de Souza
Jason De Gennaro
Ryan De Gennaro
Senior Soccer
Liam Cicirello
Declan Creighan
Ms Brewer
Surfing/Bodyboarding Alex McGuffin
Tom Corrie
Jordan Johnson
Mr Matthews
Year 7 Tennis
Adam Correia
Blake Hughes
Blake Hughes
Ms Tognolini
Junior Tennis
Riley Rees-Turner
Alex Gray
Riley Rees-Turner
Mr Tognolini
Senior Tennis
Alec Radonich
William Power
Fraser Hayward
Mr Moss
Daniel Nocciolino
Top to bottom Joel Tomlinson, Benjamin Cocksey, Hjalmar Dressel; Aidan Edwards; Joachim O’Hara, Kane Grant and Alex Winner
AFL FOOTBALL Football Coach Mr Jason Matthews
The Australian Rules Football (AFL) programme grew in 2014 as CBC Fremantle fielded a record seven teams from Years 7 to 12. Captained by Oliver Parish and Jesse Mirco, the 1st XVIII had an outstanding year, finishing on top of the Southern Pool of the Barry Cable Division and progressing through the finals series to meet Darling Range Sports College in the Grand Final at Patersons Stadium.
Leech’s B side, who managed to take out the Grand Final for their pool against a strong opponent, a team who had beaten them convincingly in the home and away season. The A side played a great brand of football all year and stuck to the game plan established by Mr Adrian Correia. Unfortunately in the finals they met a strong and well-drilled Comet Bay College who ended up winning the state-wide competition.
The boys played exceptional football, but Darling Range beat us in a nail-biter. Michael Cronan was named CBC Fremantle’s best player of the match.
This year we fielded three Year 7 teams in the Dockers Shield, a one day carnival with winners progressing on to finals. All teams were competitive with Mr Stephen Hunter’s side progressing through to the finals with Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Colleges. The boys played a good brand of football but just missed out in a strong three-way contest. These Year 7 boys had their first taste of pulling on the CBC football jumper and adding to the football tradition established over the years.
The Year 10 team, coached by Mr Zachary Preston and lead by Thomas Eastaugh, represented the College with distinction, with many young footballers looking to prove themselves for a spot on the 1st XVIII team next year. The competition standard was high with CBC progressing through the first round before being knocked out of the finals. Once again we fielded two Year 8/9 teams this year and the standard of football from both sides was extremely high. A huge effort came from Mr Justin
I would like to thank Mr John Black, Mr Brent Butcher, Mr Adrian Correia, Mr Stephen Hunter, Mr Justin Leech, Mr Zachary Preston and Mr Patrick Ryan for their efforts with coaching this year.
Grand Finals left to right Luke Christmas, Nick Menegola and Joseph Caputi (behind); Tom Corrie; Darcy Sunter, Jonathan Frampton and Luke Vegvary
1ST XVIII FOOTBALL Back row Brandon Sollis, Dillon O’Reilly, Zane Sumich, Michael Cronan, Jack Johnson, Joseph Eardley, Mitchell Grimes Third row Joel McComb, Luke Christmas, Joseph Caputi, Adam Gavranic, Nick Menegola, Matthew Grose, Griffyn Waters, James Geaney Second row Kyle Mirco, Brodee Knight, Zane Farmer, Darcy Wilson, John Ahern, Jake Leach, Aiden Zindani, Tyler Sorrell, Mr Jason Matthews (Coach) Front row Ashley Humphreys, Ambrose Ryan, Thomas Martens, Jesse Mirco (Captain), Oliver Parish (Captain), Isaac Mitchell, Mitchell Norman, Aron Surjan Absent Liam Minervini, Jordan Biondillo, Austin Main
YEAR 10 FOOTBALL Back row Bevan Grant, Mitchell Hughes, Jack Smith, Jack McGrath, Patrick Cronan, Zane Sumich, Ben Stretton Third row Ambrose Ryan, Thomas Burfoot, James Ahern, Mitchell McGrath, Patrick Nicholson, Sam Timewell, Chad Foster, Kennedy Sorrell Second row Isaac Mitchell, Alec Da Silva, Liam Minervini, Riley Burke, Aiden Zindani, Thomas David, Jacob Toomath, Nicholas Tucker Front row Ashley Humphreys, Jordan Handcock, Thomas Eastaugh (Captain), Mr Zachary Preston (Coach), Zachary Henley, Matthew Moreno, Caiden Guidi Absent Michael French, Zachary Maddy-Irvine
YEAR 8/9A FOOTBALL Back row Brandon Campbell, James de San Miguel, Nicholas Watson, Jonathan Frampton, Darcy Sunter, Matthew Geaney, Benjamin Elsbury Third row Connor Bowler, Kyle Mirco, Adam Shoeib, Callan Howe-Robinson, Alexander Winner, Thomas Weston, John Hardwick, Tom Monaghan Second row Kane Grant, Timothy Bockman, Luke Vegvary, Tyson Pittard, Jaidyn Atkinson, Riley Rees-Turner, Jack Camarda, Mason Zindani, Mr Adrian Correia (Coach) Front row Luke Phillips, Benjamin Otto, Brodee Knight (Captain), Joseph Eardley (Captain), Dillon O’Reilly (Captain), Taj Ryan, Bayley Holman
YEAR 8/9B FOOTBALL Back row Jaidyn Atkinson, Adam Shoeib, Rory Orrells, Michael Palmiotti, Nicholas Watson, Alexander Winner, Riley Burton Third row Scott Urbano, Riley Rees-Turner, Joshua Goodwin, Benjamin Lombardo, Kaiden Cookson, Kelsey Truscello, Aaron Lees Second row Nicholas Gavranic, Alexander Geaney, Reagan Wilson, Keegan Di Prinzio, Luke Turley, Mason Zindani, Jack Lynn, Thomas Palmiero Front row Anthony Cammarano, Tom Corrie, Kane Grant, Mr Justin Leech (Coach), Timothy Bockman (Captain), Taj Ryan, Ari Brierley Figueiredo
YEAR 7A FOOTBALL Back row Julian Amara, Quinn Wilkinson, Jacob Piggott, Jack Fenton, Tex Sjerp, Zachary Coubrough, Ross Collier Middle row Xavier Truscello, Bill Orr, Aidan McKenna, Mark Mandic, Blake Hughes, Joshua Harris-Walker, James Allen, Mr Stephen Hunter Front row Adam Correia, Daniel Ivester, Seth Lawson, Luke Phillips (Captain), William Green, Fletcher Kerspien, Keldon Wain Absent Lachlan Fay, Marius Harman
YEAR 7B FOOTBALL Back row Sam Garbellini, Julian Amara, Benjamin Scullin, Pryce Gordon, Joshua Harris-Walker, Patrick Bows Middle row Adriano Sgro, Liam Kennedy, Lachlan McManus, Ethan McDowell, Dylan Allen, Bill Orr, Mr Justin Leech (Coach) Front row Joel Ithier, Riley Traill, Noah Gregg (Captain), Jarred Read, Samuel Ryan, Zavier Sciaresa Absent Darcy Cronin, William Higginson, Harrison Scullin
YEAR 7C FOOTBALL Back row Alex Crowe, Mitchell Cattalini, Tom Muskarovsky, Harrison de San Miguel, Isaiah Sabljic, Nicholas Monzu Middle row Zach Dawson, Adam Pittorini, Lachlan Allen-Moore, Digby Marshall, Gabriel Simich, Lachlan Gleeson, Mr Patrick Ryan (Coach) Front row Hamish Thomson, Luke Lobban, Jason Quintiliani, Thomas Harris, Jack Owen, Nathan Rullo Absent Flynn Hamilton, Rory Maguire
Right Michael Cronan (front) and Joel McComb in the 1st XVIII Grand Final
ATHLETICS Coordinator of Sport Mr Jason Matthews
The 2014 CBC Fremantle Athletics team entered the season with the challenge of retaining the Overall Boys’ Aggregate Shield at the ACC A Division Carnival this year. Our athletes trained well in the lead up to the event, with a focus on all competitors improving and getting themselves in the best possible shape. Lead by captains Julian Konle and Trey Moloney, in a tight battle the team was able to retain the Overall Boys’ Aggregate Shield and also win the Junior Boys’ Shield. The leadership of all our athletes, their selfless attitudes and willingness to support each other was a huge contributing factor to CBC reaching the goals they set out to achieve. As well as experiencing team success, there were a number of athletes who achieved personal glory by winning Overall Age Group Champion Boy awards, or breaking CBC Fremantle athletics records. This was a tremendous effort, with some records standing from 1984, and has put their names into elite company. Once again it was our relay teams that performed well under pressure with relay races worth double points. With our team focus, prior training and desire to work for each other, our relay teams produced excellent results. We were fortunate again this year to have quality staff and coaches make themselves available to train our athletes so they could get the most out of their natural talents. I would like to acknowledge Mr John Black, Mr Brent Butcher, Mr Adrian Correia, Mr Stephen Hunter, Mr Justin Leech, Mr Zachary Preston and Mr Ross Websdale. We were also fortunate enough to receive specialist training from parents Mr Bob Russell and Mr Tony Natale, Old Boy Aaron Minervini and high jump specialist coach Ms Kate Sexton. Their knowledge and commitment were valuable in the lead up to the carnival.
ACC ATHLETICS RESULTS Junior Boys 1 CBC Fremantle 567 2 Chisholm 554 3 Sacred Heart 515 4 John Septimus Roe 500 5 Corpus Christi 459 6 All Saints 447 7 Prendiville 386 8 Newman 385 Senior Boys 1 Corpus Christi 349 2 Sacred Heart 346 3 John Septimus Roe 331 4 Prendiville 327 5 CBC Fremantle 320 6 All Saints 299 7 Newman 283 8 Chisholm 282 Overall Boys 1 CBC Fremantle 887 2 Sacred Heart 861 3 Chisholm 836 4 John Septimus Roe 831 5 Corpus Christi 808 6 All Saints 746 7 Prendiville 713 8 Newman 668
U/13 Open
Marius Harman Julian Konle
61 70
Left Moss Monsoon and Marius Harman at the ACC Athletics Carnival
RELAY RESULTS Relay U/13 U/14 U/15 U/16 Open
Result 2nd 2nd 4th 8th 1st
Team Julian Amara, Conor Larranaga-Boyle, Moss Monsoon, Marius Harman Callan Howe-Robinson, Luke Vegvary, Edward Pezet, Tiago de Souza Nathaniel Bond-Williams, Tom Monaghan, Nicholas Caruso, Lachlan Fox Ryan Pratt, Kennedy Sorrell, Ambrose Ryan, Ashley Humphreys Toby Clark, James Crevald, Zane Farmer, Julian Konle
TRACK 100m U/14 200m U/13 1500m U/13 1500m U/14 1500m Open Relay U/14 Relay Open
Tiago de Souza Marius Harman Aidan Edwards Hayden Redmond David Cecchi Callan Howe-Robinson Luke Vegvary Edward Pezet Tiago de Souza Toby Clark James Crevald Zane Farmer Julian Konle
12.39 (‘13) 26.65 (‘12) 4.59.88 (‘12) 4.40.56 (‘12) 4.17.18 (‘12) 50.16 (‘13)
12.02 25.90 4.58.34 4.37.10 4.16.06 49.81
FIELD Long Jump U/14 High Jump U/14 High Jump U/15
Tiago de Souza Tiago de Souza Lachlan Fox
5.47 (1985) 1.60 (Equal) 1.70 (2008)
Above Nathaniel Bond-Williams
45.06 (1984) 44.97
5.83 1.60 1.75
Back row Patrick Nicholson, Nathaniel Bond-Williams, Joseph Eardley, Patrick Cronan, Samuel McPhail, Samuel Rivers, Jack McGrath, Rafael Cipriano, Zane Sumich, Jordan Giancaspro, Matthew Geaney Fifth row Kennedy Sorrell, Riley Burke, Joel McComb, Nick Menegola, Liam Fox, Lachlan Fox, Callan Howe-Robinson, Benjamin Pendergast, Scott Russell, Solomon Holliday, Riley Faulds, Millen Sjerp Fourth row Thomas Baker, Brodee Knight, Harry Golding, Ryan Pratt, Joseph Caputi, Lucas Fleming, Joshua Lacey, Thomas Burfoot, Ambrose Ryan, Zane Farmer, Tom Monaghan, Kyle Mirco, James Crevald Third row Moss Monsoon, Angus Grant, Luke Vegvary, Edward Pezet, Connor Bowler, Oliver Kon, Philippe Albano, David Cecchi, Tyson Pittard, Toby Clark, Kelsey Truscello, Ashley Humphreys, Nicholas Caruso, Benjamin Lye Second row Jacob Da Silva, Julian Amara, Alexander Winner, Mr Adrian Correia, Mr Zachary Preston, Mr Jason Matthews, Julian Konle (Captain), Trey Moloney (Captain), Mr Stephen Hunter, Mr Ross Websdale, Mr Justin Leech, Tiago de Souza, Gabriel Simich, Conor Larranaga-Boyle Front row Patrick Fox, Keldon Wain, Alex Kelly, Adam Correia, Tate Driessen, Zachary Coubrough, Alex Crowe, Sebastian Da Silva, Noah Gregg, Aidan Edwards, Liam Kennedy, Benjamin Funga Absent Marius Harman, Caleb Mitchell, Joachim O’Hara, Hayden Redmond
BASKETBALL Basketball Coach Mr Brent Butcher
The 2014 Basketball season provided opportunities for many students to display their physical talents but more importantly their dedication and commitment to teamwork and collaboration. The College fielded teams in Year 7, Year 8/9 and the 1st V senior squad. All teams were successful in winning their respective one day carnivals to progress through to the state finals. Despite the hard work and discipline of all the teams, we were not successful in bringing home any major silverware this year. The Year 7 team had us all extremely optimistic of a win throughout their nail-biting final, but were defeated by a point with only a few seconds remaining. All players displayed the characteristics expected of a CBC student, displaying dedication, leadership, and commitment throughout the season, but more importantly they played with great sportsmanship and passion. A special thank you to Matthew Vinci and Jake Harris for all their efforts and success they achieved for the College and also in representing Western Australia again this year. Nick Menegola was also a committed player and coach of the younger students. I also extend a big thank you to Matthew Burd and Zachary Harris who spent many hours coaching and mentoring the Year 7 team; a great display of leadership from these young men. Thank you also to all staff, Mr Stephen Hunter, Mr Craig Jones and Mr Zachary Preston and all the boys who have made 2014 another successful and enjoyable year in Basketball.
Above Anthony Di Stefano Left top to bottom Jordyn Penheiro; Bevan Grant and Mitchell Parker; Matthew Burd and Zachary Harris with the Year 7 team
OPEN A BASKETBALL Back row Nick Menegola, Julian Konle, Michael Cronan, Alexander Burt, Jordan Giancaspro, Mr Stephen Hunter (Coach) Front row Thomas Eastaugh, Matthew Burd, Jake Harris, Matthew Vinci (Captain), Brodee Knight, Hugo Salvage
OPEN B BASKETBALL Back row Luca Zindani, Coen Greaney, Christian Richards, Darcy Wilson, Mr Zachary Preston (Coach) Front row Aidan McDonald, Sean Frewin, Lewis Grant, Oliver Kon Absent Tyler Hellmrich, Luke Pellegrini
8/9A BASKETBALL Back row Jack Cowlam, Joseph Eardley, Samuel Rivers, James de San Miguel, Matthew Burd, Mr Ross Websdale Front row Nicholas Parker, Brodee Knight, Hugo Salvage, Zachary Harris, Adam Shoeib, Timothy Davie Absent Edward Pezet
8/9B BASKETBALL Back row Jack Garbellini, Alexander Winner, Michael Palmiotti, Rory Orrells, Fraser Reid, Mr Zachary Preston Front row Ari Brierley Figueiredo, Taj Ryan, John Barbera, Jayden Ramos, Aaron Lees, Timothy Davie Absent Samuel McPhail
CRICKET Cricket Coach Mr Zachary Preston
It was a topsy-turvy season for the 1st XI Cricket team in 2014. Led by Captain Oliver Parish, in the first round of the Graeme Wood T20 Cricket competition, CBC Fremantle lost to Mandurah Catholic College in a tight encounter. After the disappointment of this loss the boys kept their heads up going into round two against Corpus Christi, and their optimism paid off with an easy win. After winning the third game of the competition, CBC was lucky enough to get through to the next knockout phase due to superior percentage. This bit of luck was taken seriously by the boys who went on to defeat Perth Modern School and Carine Senior High in the quarter finals. These uplifting victories put the 1st XI into the finals carnival that meant the boys were to play the semi-final and final all in one day. The team played good cricket but unfortunately couldn’t score enough runs against Mater Dei College and Esperance Senior High. Congratulations to the season’s Best and Fairest Jesse Mirco and Runner up Sean Duncanson.
Above Jesse Mirco Right Oliver Parish Far right 1st XI Cricket
1ST XI CRICKET Back row Dakoda Holman, Alec Radonich, Sean Duncanson, Zane Sumich, Jarrod Crowley, David Gaynor, Jason Cecchi Front row Edward Swan, Oliver Parish (Captain), Mr Zachary Preston, Jesse Mirco, Adam Gavranic Absent Matthew Brennan, Zachary Carton, Kane Santaromita
CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country Coach Mr Adrian Correia
It was obvious from the first training session that this year’s Cross Country team would accept nothing but success. Claiming back-to-back titles for the first time in CBC Fremantle’s history was all the motivation the boys needed to push their bodies to the limit. Training was not for the faint hearted, as most sessions involved running between six and 10 kilometres, incorporating a variety of endurance, interval and sprint training methods. Training was well attended, especially from our junior boys. With many of the Year 12s having athletic schedules outside of school, it was the strong brigade of Years 10 and 11 students who led the way. David Cecchi, Nicholas Funga, Riley Burke and Jordan Giancaspro developed as strong leaders throughout the season, pushing the group to break-neck speeds, with all students working hard. Our first event was the State All Schools at McGillivray Oval. Our boys performed exceptionally well, finishing a close second to a very strong Trinity team. This continued the College’s amazing consistency over a long period of time in the event, with its seventh consecutive second place finish to five different schools. David Cecchi and Nicholas Funga both finished in fourth place, qualifying them for state selection, while Joachim O’Hara and Riley Faulds also did extremely well to finish in the top 20. The main event for CBC is the ACC Cross Country Carnival at Perry Lakes Stadium. There was a mixture of excitement
and nerves amongst the group as they were united in their goal. The day started well with Aidan Edwards finishing seventh and Zachary Coubrough coming in 21st, placing us third in the Under 13s. Joachim O’Hara then led the way in the Under 14s with a 10th place finish. Christian Edwards and Jonathan Frampton both finished in the top 30 to put CBC in second place overall. Our experienced runners took out the Under 15 age group with Nicholas Funga placing fourth, Riley Faulds 21st and Riley Burke 23rd, giving us a slight lead overall. This left it to the final race of the day to bring home victory. Captain David Cecchi steered the way with an outstanding run in a very competitive race to finish eighth, while Damian Bozanic produced his best run of the year with an impressive 25th placing. In the end we were victorious despite only finishing in the top two in one age group. It was our depth, as always, that got us over the line. Our College boasts a very even and mentally tough team and every CBC boy did his best on the day. It was great to see the hard work the boys put in at training deliver them the result they desired. Thank you to Mr Brent Butcher, who assisted me at training, Mr Jason Matthews, who supported us on the day, and to all the parents who got out of bed early each morning to get their boys to training. It was a great Cross Country season and I look forward to the challenge of next year.
Top At the ACC Cross Country Carnival Centre Jonathan Frampton running the course Below Zavier Sciaresa
At the ACC Cross Country Carnival Damian Bozanic
Back row Finbar Gaffney, Riley Faulds, Bevan Grant, Jordan Giancaspro, Mitchell Hughes, Hjalmar Dressel, Nathaniel Bond-Williams, Luke Mertens, Ambrose Ryan Fourth row Griffyn Waters, Joel McComb, Harry Golding, Alexander Winner, Scott Russell, Joshua Lacey, Millen Sjerp, Nick Menegola, Damian Bozanic, Brett Coldrey Third row Jason De Gennaro, Angus Grant, Aaron Lees, Oliver Parish, Christian Edwards, Brodee Knight, Domenic Mann, Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Tiago de Souza, Julian Nardi, Ryan De Gennaro Second row Conor Larranaga-Boyle, Julian Amara, Quinn Wilkinson, Benjamin Parker, Jacob Da Silva, Preston Hinton, Zachary Maddy-Irvine, Zachary Coubrough, Tom Corrie, Sebastian Da Silva Front row Daniel Ivester, Fletcher Kerspien, Bill Orr, Bayley Holman, David Cecchi (Captain), Mr Adrian Correia (Coach), Riley Burke, Alex Kelly, Aidan Edwards, Jai Cosgriff, Benjamin Funga Absent Zavier Sciaresa, William Higginson, Joachim O’Hara, Hayden Redmond, Ryan Creighan, Jonathan Frampton, Nicholas Funga, Hamish Macpherson, Jordon Rutigliano
HOCKEY Hockey Coach Ms Shayni Nelson
This year we had more than 35 students participate in our Hockey programme from Year 7 to Year 12. Because of the non-contact nature of the game, we were able to mix the students around at times so junior students were able to test their skills and stamina against the senior boys.
2014 ROSS MEADOW CUP The school’s junior hockey team missed the State Sport WA run Ross Meadow Cup final by just one goal. Led by captains Henry Rogerson and Harry Golding, the team went undefeated in their three pool games, beating Bunbury Cathedral Grammar 3-0, St Mark’s 1-0 and Melville Senior High School 4-0. After the pool round, the team moved into the second phase of the carnival where they played the winners of the two other pools. Their first game in this group was against hockey specialist school Como Senior High. In the 20 minute game the team shared about 50 percent of the play but unfortunately lost 2-0. The second goal, which later proved to be very costly, was scored with only five seconds left in the match. CBC’s second game in the super match group quickly became an outright semi-final as Como beat John XXIII College in the other game by one goal. This meant that
CBC Fremantle needed to beat JTC as a draw would not allow them to progress to the final on goal difference. CBC Fremantle controlled most of the 20 minute game but could not get any clear shots on goal because JTC flooded all 11 players back in to their defensive 25. At the end of full time the score was locked at 0-0 which meant JTC progressed to the final to play eventual winners Como. The team was a mixture of Years 7 to 9 students with experienced players Nicholas Deluca, Harry Golding, Finlay Martin, Henry Rogerson and Thomas Moulin leading by example all day. Golding’s outstanding talent was recognised by the umpires and organisers and he received the Trent Mitton medal for Best Player at the Carnival.
ACC HOCKEY CHALLENGE CBC Fremantle again produced a solid performance at the 2014 ACC Hockey Metro Challenge to finish third out of 16 teams. The all-day Hockey Challenge consists of five 30 minute games with only a ten minute break to move fields and rehydrate and refuel. Captained by Year 10 Riley Faulds, CBC began its campaign with a 1-0 victory over Newman College who proved to be their toughest competition in the round matches.
Left Henry Rogerson playing against Austin Cove Baptist College Above The semi-final against John XXIII College
The team then had to scramble to move from the grass fields to the stadium to play their next fixture on turf. This proved a little distracting for the young team and they drew their second game of the day 1 all with St Mark’s Anglican School. CBC bounced back in the third round game of the day to defeat suburban rival Corpus Christi 4 goals to 1. Faulds, Harry Golding and Ryan Pace dominated possession from the first whistle and Pace was particularly impressive at fullback, nullifying Corpus Christi’s attack and throwing accurate overhead passes from defence to release his midfielders and strikers to attack. The team managed to continue this solid form, beating Kingsway and Austin Cove 5-0 each. Harry Golding put on a master class of hockey skills to finish with seven goals out of the two games. At this stage in the day the young CBC Fremantle team was tiring and was looking forward to a short 20 minute lunch break before being called to play the team’s most important game of the day, the cross over semi-final against John XXIII. CBC was shocked by the intensity of JTC and conceded an early goal. They continued to be outplayed by an older, wiser and stronger team, conceding four more goals
before they woke up from the post-lunch lethargy. Late in the match they managed to string some good passages of play together and scored a consolation goal. But it was too late and a worthy John XXIII proceeded through to the final against Geraldton’s Nagle College. Nagle proved too strong for John XXIII in the final beating them 2-0. The semi-final proved to be a valuable learning experience for CBC Fremantle and the young team will be better for the loss next year. CBC Fremantle scored 17 goals for the day which is a great achievement. I would like to thank Captain Riley Faulds and Vice-Captain Thomas Mansfield for leading the young men so well at early morning trainings and on the day of competition.
STATE TEAM REPRESENTATION We are very fortunate to have some very skilful hockey players attend our College. The following gentlemen have represented Western Australia at national championships around the country: Mitchell Pace – State Under 13s Harry Golding – State Under 15s Riley Faulds – State Under 15s Thank you to my team captains this year, Mr Jason Matthews, and to our supportive parents.
At the ACC Hockey Challenge Alexander Winner
ACC CHAMPIONSHIP HOCKEY Back row Finlay Martin, Nicholas Page, Harry Golding, Jordon Rutigliano, Nicholas Deluca, Alexander Winner, Bailey Brown, Jackson McReady, Edward Swan Front row Tony Ziegelaar, Joshua Hardbottle, Ryan Pace, Riley Faulds, Thomas Mansfield, Henry Rogerson, Sammuel Low, Mitchell Pace Absent Mrs Shayni Nelson (Coach)
ROSS MEADOWS HOCKEY Back row Thomas Moulin, Finlay Martin, Alexander Winner, Nicholas Deluca, Joshua Hardbottle, Timothy Bockman Middle row Ari Brierley Figueiredo, Bradley Dowie, Daniel Page, Jacob Hosking, Sean Ferreira, Liam Page, Indy Greget O’Dea Front row Thomas Richards, Jasper Miller, Harry Golding, Henry Rogerson, Mitchell Pace Absent Mrs Shayni Nelson
ROWING Rowing Coach Mr Damien Flynn
In the last eight years CBC has had an active rowing team operating in conjunction with the Fremantle Rowing Club. It has had boys represent the College at state and national titles with good results and in 2013 Willis Armstrong represented the school in the Open single sculls making it through to the A final, the only WA schoolboy to do so that year. There is also a number of old boys including Cain Bristow, Mario LoPresti and Max Armstrong, who have gone on from the CBC school programme to represent Western Australia in both youth and senior crews. Over the past two years, the Rowing Association of WA has developed a regatta season for schoolboys and girls who are not involved in a rowing school to compete against others their own age. Last year, our boys won nearly every race entered, with successes in the Open Aged Men’s Coxed Quad, Under 16 Combined (girls and boys) Coxed Quad, Open Men’s Double, Combined Under 16 Eight, Combined Open Coxed Quad, and the Men’s Under 16 Coxed Quad. Aaron Senzio, Willis Armstrong, Solomon Holliday, Scott Russell, Jaedyn Stumbles, Jamie Nella, James McVey, Connor Whitt and Cian Hussey were the backbone of this group.
Rowing at CBC Fremantle goes from strength to strength, and this year, our boys were again successful by winning the State Men’s Open Schoolboys Eight, the equivalent of the PSA Head of the River. This was a huge effort as the crew that came second was from Trinity College, one of the power schools in schoolboy rowing. In a thrilling race against the Trinity Eight, CBC came from half a length behind with 500 metres to go, to win on the last stroke of the race, getting over the line by just a bow. The winning crew was made up of Solomon Holliday, Cian Hussey, Jamie Nella, Scott Russell, Aaron Senzio, Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Connor Whitt, and Stroke James McVey. In other results, Solomon Holliday also won the Men’s Single Scull, establishing himself as the fastest schoolboy sculler at the championships. Theodore TerzoudisLumsden and Connor Whitt also combined with two girls from Iona to win the combined Under 16 coxed quad. CBC has a good squad of Year 9 boys who will be rowing at a more senior grade next year. In 2015 we will be looking to recruit boys from Year 8 and above for the upcoming season to add to our current squad.
Top right All Schools champions 2014 at Champion Lakes
ROWING Back row Finn Stumbles, Jamie Nella, Aaron Senzio, Marcus Sutton, Scott Russell, James McVey Front row Jonah Marsh, Cian Hussey, Solomon Holliday (Captain), Connor Whitt, Theodore Terzoudis-Lumsden, Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden Absent Zachary Stedman
Rugby Coach Mr Paul Woodhouse
Throughout all year groups, the 2014 Rugby season was another promising one at CBC Fremantle. The 1st XV performed exceptionally well against very tough competition. Throughout the season the boys were unsuccessful in making the finals, they showed an enormous amount of spirit and determination. We had a combined Year 9/10 team which played consistently well, only narrowly missing out on the finals. The combined Year 7/8 team started their season off well with a convincing victory against Newman College. They played well throughout the season and are an enthusiastic group of boys, who show great potential to be strong players in the future. This year, three of our students, Trey Moloney, Leighton Short and Jake Stainton were selected to play for the prestigious Junior Gold Cup, as part of the U17 Perth Gold Team. After intense and gruelling training, they played five games over one week in Queensland and were successful in their draw. They then played against Victoria and defeated them 28-19 at McGillivray Oval in Perth. This is a particularly impressive effort as this competition represents the next generation of elite Rugby players in Australia. The season ended with a well-attended breakfast at the Left Bank, where the awards were presented and Mr Donald McNamee was honoured for his contribution to the game. A special award for CBC’s Most Valuable Player this year went to Lucas Fleming, who played for the 1st XV and was also a coach for the Year 7/8 team. We would like to especially thank the parents who have helped us out this year, particularly Kim Short who is ending his time at CBC Fremantle now that his youngest son has graduated. His dedication, drive and willingness to always ‘lend a hand’ has been truly appreciated over the years.
2014 RUGBY AWARDS YEAR 8 Best Forward
Samuel McDonald
Best Back
Harry Rosenthal
Coaches’ Award
Jacob Shales
Managers’ Award
Benjamin Funga
Most Improved
Benjamin Hamilton
YEAR 9 Best Forward
Hjalmar Dressel
Best Back
Nathaniel Bond-Williams
Coaches’ Award
Toby Tomlinson
Managers’ Award
Brodie Clark
Most Improved
Benjamin Cocksey
YEAR 10 Best Forward
Joel Tomlinson
Best Back
Benjamin Swindells
Coaches’ Award
Joshua Caruso
Managers’ Award
Max Violanti
Most Improved
Joshua Caruso
1st XV Best Forward
James Shave
Best Back
Leighton Short
Coaches’ Award
Alexander Burt
Managers’ Award
Joshua Baker
Most Improved
Tom Kestel
Left Benjamin Cocksey and Benjamin Funga Above top Reece Redworth-Maley, Joshua Baker and Zac Carton Below Trey Moloney, Leighton Short and Jake Stainton
1ST XV RUGBY Back row Jake Stainton, Sean Frewin, Max De Campi, James Shave, Reece Redworth-Maley, Lucas Fleming Middle row Leighton Short, Luca Zindani, Thomas Kestel, Finbar Gaffney, Matthew Grose, Mitchell Hinton, Thomas Martens Front row Aron Surjan, Trey Moloney, Mr Jason Matthews (Coach), Mrs Candice Brown (Manager), Mr Paul Woodhouse, Alexander Burt (Captain), Sammuel Low Absent Joshua Baker, Zachary Carton, Brandon Sollis
YEAR 10 RUGBY Back row Finn Leen, Kai Morgan, Nathaniel Bond-Williams, Hjalmar Dressel, Toby Tomlinson, Benjamin Cocksey Middle row Adam Turner, Jack Garbellini, Brodie Clark, Thomas Nolan, Joel Tomlinson, Samuel Preston, Brodie Ray Front row Owen Ready, Fraser Reid, Matthew Hallows, Mr Paul Woodhouse (Coach), Benjamin Swindells, Robert Olivieri, Joshua Caruso
YEAR 9 RUGBY Back row Kai Morgan, Matthew Hallows, Liam Fox, Nathaniel Bond-Williams, Adam Shoeib, Toby Tomlinson, Benjamin Cocksey Middle row Sean Phipps, Jack Garbellini, Adam Turner, Owen Ready, Samuel Preston, Thomas Nolan, Brodie Ray, Fraser Reid, Brodie Clark Front row Samuel McDonald, Robert Olivieri, Mr Justin Leech (Manager), Hjalmar Dressel (Captain), Mr Paul Woodhouse (Coach), Jacob Shales, Benjamin Funga
YEAR 8 RUGBY Back row Jack Carroll, Connor Bowler, Benjamin Lombardo, Liam Fox, Edward Tydeman, Caleb Mitchell, Sean Phipps Middle row Mrs Candice Brown (Manager), Elijah Ramsay, Samuel McDonald, Beau Ward, Benjamin Hamilton, Jacob Shales, Patrick Fox, Pearce Bradshaw, Mr Jason Matthews (Coach) Front row Ross Collier, Mason Zindani, Leighton Short, Benjamin Funga (Captain), Lucas Fleming, Benjamin Kullack, Sam Dixon Absent Harry Rosenthal
SOCCER Soccer Coach Mrs Carol Denny
This year we were lucky enough to have two enthusiastic teams compete for the Glory Cup. Both teams trained throughout Term 2, coached by Ms Petrina Brewer, Mrs Carol Denny and Year 12 student Rhian Bore, with Year 11 student Cameron De Luca assisting on the day. On Friday, 8 August the CBC A and B teams were successful in winning their group matches in the Southern Regional competition. This culminated in the teams meeting for the Southern Regional title. The final game was won by CBC A, 2-0, however both teams qualified for a place in the Glory Cup finals. On the evening of Friday, 15 August both teams were nervous but confident of retaining the title won by our 2013 team. The CBC B team played Meadow Springs first up, with the game ending in a 1-1 draw. After eight attempts at penalties, Meadow Springs took the game by 7-6. The feeling of disappointment was intense; losing by penalty shoot-out is a devastating way to be defeated in a game. CBC A team were victorious in every game they played in the finals run up, as were Meadow Springs. The Grand Final teams were tired but resolute in their desire to take home the title. After two 20 minute halves and extra time the score was frustratingly 0-0. The Glory Cup
Top to bottom Julian Amara and Luka Mancini; Mark Mandic; Jason De Gennaro
winner for 2014 would be decided by a penalty shootout. After the standard five penalties, both teams were locked in at 4-4. Supporters found it difficult to watch, yet were unable to look away. Meadow Springs won the final penalty round 8-7 and was awarded Glory Cup champions for 2014; CBC A team was the runner-up and the boys were awarded medals by Mark Lee. Aidan Edwards was awarded 2014 winner of the inaugural Stan Lazaridis Most Valuable Player. The boys are to be congratulated for supporting one another, being excellent sportsmen and being determined competitors. The many friendships formed on and off the field will no doubt continue for many years to come. Best Players were Aidan Edwards (CBC A) and Bill Orr (CBC B).
SENIOR SOCCER Back row Cameron De Luca, Daniel Nocciolino, Lewis Grant, Christopher Di Sabato, Amos Jones, Rhian Bore, Thomas Bourne Middle row Stephen Cuccovia, Liam Cicirello, Declan Creighan, Anthony Pecotic, Adam Lomma, Benjamin McFadden, Ms Petrina Brewer (Coach) Front row Jason De Gennaro, Ryan De Gennaro, Domenic Mann, Sean Duncanson, Anthony Lomma, Jacob Guidone, James Crevald
JUNIOR SOCCER Back row Tyler Dionisio, Tiago de Souza, Sean Henry, Robert Holmes, Armani Cicchini, Edward Pezet Middle row Benjamin Radonich, Adrian Ciampini, Jacob Da Silva, Angus Grant, Julian Nardi, Ryan De Gennaro, Oakley Monument, Mr John Hortense (Coach) Front row Aidan Edwards, Angus Christie, Alec Petkovic, Jason De Gennaro, Sebastian Da Silva, Marcos Da Silva, Tate Driessen
7A SOCCER Back row Jamie Rossi, Conor Larranaga-Boyle, Joshua Harris-Walker, Julian Amara, Luka Mancini, Lachlan Allen-Moore, Timothy Hall, Shadyn De Alvis, Ms Petrina Brewer (Coach) Front row Alex Pietroniro, Dylan Allen, Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Daniel Leavy, Jason Quintiliani, Aidan Edwards, Joel Blazevic, Marcos Da Silva, Keldon Wain
7B SOCCER Back row Max Anson, Bill Orr, Anthony Romeri, Rahul D’Cruz, Benjamin Lye, Mark Mandic, Reno Boladian, Ms Carol Denny (Coach) Front row Nathan Rullo, Adam Correia, Jack Fenton, Xavier Truscello, Ross Collier, Luke Lobban, Adriano Sgro
SURFING Surfing Coach Mr Jason Matthews
Training for the 2014 State Surfing Titles started at the beginning of Term 3 with early morning sessions at local surf breaks around the metro area. The competition was held at Trigg Beach and the conditions on the day were challenging, but good waves were available for those who were patient and able to read the conditions. For our boys, who had been training hard, this gave them the opportunity to show their skill and chase some larger waves. This year we had a number of our teams progress through their first heat and make their way through the semi-finals of the metro competition. Congratulations to Patrick Cronan and Samuel Harlick who made the semi-final for the senior surfing, and William Green and Samuel Preston who made the semi-final for junior surfing. It was a fantastic effort, with all boys scoring good waves in the team event. Tom Corrie and Alexander McGuffin became the first CBC Fremantle duo to be crowned state champions after progressing through the metro division, then the state titles. Alex and Tom produced some amazing rides in the state titles with near perfect conditions as they competed against the best young surfers in Western Australia. Some monster turns by Tom and an amazing nine point tube by Alex contributed to the boys winning the State Title in the Junior Boys Division. Both Tom and Alex competed in the National Championship in Yallingup at the end of the year and were narrowly beaten by NSW in a fierce competion. Once again, congratulations to all boys who competed on the day; we are all looking forward to getting back to training in 2015 to improve on this year’s performances.
SURFING Back row Samuel Preston, Jack Muskarovsky, Patrick Nicholson, Jack Smith, Patrick Cronan, Joseph Eardley, Samuel Harlick, Mr Jason Matthews (Coach) Front row Tom Corrie, Alexander McGuffin, Sam Timewell, Thomas Martens, Jordan Johnson (Captain), Oliver Martin, Conor Cameron, William Green Absent Robert Holmes, Ben Bockman, Harrison Brown, Thomas Pinkerton
Left to right Alexander McGuffin and Tom Corrie; Alexander McGuffin; Patrick Cronin and Elliott Tinley
SWIMMING Coordinator of Sport Mr Jason Matthews
The 2014 Swim Squad, led by Captain Solomon Wright and a core group of senior boys, put in many hours chasing the black line in an attempt to win the ACC A Division title again in 2014. After the House Swimming Carnival early in the academic year, where all boys pushed themselves and gave their best efforts, the squad was reformed and commenced training with the traditional early morning starts. At the annual Quad Meet, our boys had their first opportunity to challenge themselves against the best students from PSA schools Hale, Aquinas and Guildford. We finished a close third behind Hale and Aquinas, which is a great effort. With all our training and competition practice at the Hale time trial and Quad Meet, we were ready to tackle our main event, the ACC A Division Carnival. There were some outstanding individual performances at the carnival, but once again it was the depth of the squad that made the difference on the day. Our Division I relay teams produced some outstanding results, winning six of the eight Division I races, and finishing third and fourth in the others. Our swimmers in the Division II relays did an outstanding job with one first place, three seconds and two thirds. This depth is a trademark of CBC Fremantle and highlights the outstanding commitment all members of the team make each year and their dedication was rewarded with CBC once again winning the ACC A Division title. Thank you to Mrs Jenny Wilson and Mrs Karen Spence at the College Canteen who ensure our boys have breakfast after training. We are also fortunate enough to have Mr John Rear and Mr Stephen Hunter volunteer their time to coach the swim team. Their knowledge and coaching techniques ensure all boys perform at their peak and develop as swimmers through the programme. Thank you to all these people; the squad is very grateful.
Right Luke Mertens
Old Record
50m Freestyle
Rafael Cipriano
100m Freestyle
Rafael Cipriano
50m Butterfly
Rafael Cipriano
100m Freestyle
Jack Swainson
50m Breaststroke
Solomon Wright
U/15 2nd
Isaac Pollard
U/16 1st
Rafael Cipriano
Open 2nd
Solomon Wright
1 CBC Fremantle 667 2
All Saints’ College
Mazenod College
Sacred Heart College
5 Newman College 516 6
St Mark’s College
St Stephen’s College, Duncraig
Corpus Christi College
Top to bottom Edward Tydeman; Mitchell Hughes; Jack Prigg
Back row Alexander Burt, Joseph Eardley, Rafael Cipriano, Nicholas Watson, Lucas Pensini, Jack Smith, Samuel McPhail, Patrick Cronan, Samuel Harlick Fourth row Nicholas McMahon, Benjamin Elsbury, Jake Pomery, Luke Mertens, Mitchell Hughes, Jack Marshall, Elliott Tinley, Andre Carozza, Rory Orrells, Callan Howe-Robinson Third row Conor Cameron, Luke Sheehan, Ambrose Ryan, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Jack Swainson, Joshua Lacey, Thomas Kestel, Jake Leavy, Cameron Jaques, Mark Zoiti, Brett Coldrey Second row Sammuel Low, Michael Sapienza, Edward Tydeman, Charlie Regan, Tyson Pittard, Michael Cipriano, Isaac Pollard, Connor Bowler, Tex Sjerp, Benjamin Kullack, Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden, Jack Prigg, Ross Collier Front row Fletcher Kerspien, Adam Correia, Tom Corrie, Mr Jason Matthews, Solomon Wright (Captain), Mr John Rear, Liam McMahon, Mr Stephen Hunter, Bradley Dowie, Samuel Ryan, Keldon Wain Absent Angus McDonald, Ethan McDowell, Hayden Redmond, Oliver Martin, Mitchell Redmond, Patrick Sell, Andre Rebelo
TENNIS Year 7 Tennis Coach Ms Lisa Tognolini Junior Tennis Coach Mr Barry Tognolini Senior Tennis Coach Mr Joel Moss
MURSELL SHIELD CBC Fremantle A Team Tennis beat reigning champions John Forrest Senior High School 5-1 to bring home the 2014 Champion Schools Tennis Mursell Shield. The boys were keen to win after a tense semi-final against Shenton College 4-2 sealed their place in the final. CBC last held the Mursell Shield in 2010.
HERBERT EDWARDS CUP TENNIS In March, CBC entered two teams in the State Schools Teams Tennis competition. Team 1 Riley Rees-Turner Alexander Gray Samuel Sheridan Henry Rogerson Ari Brierley Figueiredo
Team 2 Ryan Watson Finlay Martin Jess Davie Mitchell Pace Justin Oliveri
The two teams were placed into Pools and played against four other schools at the State Tennis Centre for places in the finals. Both teams won two matches and narrowly missed out on advancing to the semis. Ari was undefeated on the day in singles in a tough pool.
Left Jacob Toomath
Congratulations to all boys concerned for their tireless efforts on a hot day that started at 7.15am and finished at 3.00pm.
YEAR 7 ACADEMY PLATE TENNIS TOURNAMENT Held in first term at the State Tennis Centre, the Academy Plate Tennis Tournament increases in size every year and the quality of players provides a fantastic challenge for the CBC Fremantle Year 7 A and B teams. Both teams played some great tennis, losing only one match each. However, because they didn’t finish at the top of their pools they did not advance to the finals. Team A was made up of Blake Hughes, Adam Correia, Lachlan Fay, Bill Orr and Indy Greget O’Dea. Team B comprised Jack Owen, Brad Dowie, Joel Ithier, Fletcher Kerspien and William Higginson. The boys represented the College with pride, and are to be congratulated for their hard work and determination against some talented opposition.
OPEN TENNIS A Left to right William Power, Alec Radonich, Fraser Hayward, Tyler Sorrell, Anthony Lomma
OPEN TENNIS B/C Back row Nicholas Tucker, Cameron De Luca, Patrick Nicholson, Lachlan Blakiston, Jacob Toomath Front row Harry Bird, Ambrose Ryan, Thomas Brewster-Jones Absent Zeus Greget O’Dea, Jackson Sidery
YEAR 8/9 TENNIS Back row Alexander Gray, Riley Rees-Turner, Finlay Martin, Henry Rogerson, Ryan Watson, Samuel Sheridan Front row Justin Oliveri, Jess Davie, Mr Barry Tognolini (Coach), Ari Brierley Figueiredo, Mitchell Pace
YEAR 7 TENNIS Back row Adam Correia, Jack Owen, Lachlan Fay, Blake Hughes, Bradley Dowie Front row Fletcher Kerspien, Bill Orr, Miss Lisa Tognolini, Indy Greget O’Dea, Joel Ithier Absent William Higginson
WATER POLO Water Polo Coach Mr Stephen Hunter
The CBC junior Water Polo team had some great results at the School Sport WA Carnival, taking first place overall. In another display of the strength and depth of our boys, they were a step above the competition and show signs for a promising future. The boys’ superior skill and play was highlighted in their their first game against All Saints College B side, winning 16-0. In the second game, CBC was up against a much stronger All Saints College A side. It was an extremely hard fought contest, with Nic McMahon showing why, at his age, he is playing at the highest level. Nic went on to score five of our seven goals, resulting in a draw. The next four games displayed some of our Year 8 talent with Ben Kullack and Rory Orrells scoring 20 goals between them. CBC had a strong win over Churchlands B, Newman College, John XXIII and Corpus Christi College. The boys deserved a well-earned lunch break after playing six competitive games. After the break the boys knew they had to be successful in their next two games to be clear winners for the day. Carine Senior High School was to face CBC after playing a tough game and our boys ran with this bit of luck, with Luke Mertens and Isaac Pollard setting up their forwards with some great scoring opportunities. CBC finished the game winning 17-2, heading into the last round for the day.
Churchlands A was very confident coming into the game knowing that they could possibly finish in second position. It was the hardest and most competitive game of the day, being played in front of a very vocal Churchlands crowd. Again it was a team effort with all the boys pushing hard forward and holding off their defence. Nic Deluca was in goals most of the day, making save after save and keeping us in many of the games; the Churchlands game was no different. The boys went into a drawn second half, with Nic McMahon and Rory Orrells being fouled at every scoring opportunity. This didn’t deter the boys as they both went on to convert in the second half for a CBC win 5-4. The boys played a total of 160 minutes game time and pushed through any pain they were feeling. They were strong, focussed and committed with the hours of swimming training and playing at Bicton evident in their ability to play as a team in a ‘hard but fair’ manner. All the players are to be congratulated for the day; it was great to see a high level of sportsmanship. The team consisted of: Nicholas McMahon (Captain), Nic DeLuca (Vice Captain), Joseph Eardley, Benjamin Kullack, Luke Mertens, Rory Orrells, Isaac Pollard, Jacob Shales and Luke Turley.
SENIOR WATER POLO Back row Oliver Martin, Jack Marshall, Patrick Cronan, Lucas Pensini, Jack Smith, Mitchell Hughes, Patrick Nicholson, Elliott Tinley, Nicholas McMahon Front row Ben Bockman, Cian Hussey, Jackson Sidery, Jake Leavy, Mr Stephen Hunter (Coach), Liam McMahon, Luke Sheehan, Conor Cameron, Matthew Quinn
JUNIOR WATER POLO Back row Connor Bowler, Henry Scurry, Rory Orrells, Luke Mertens, Darcy Sunter, Joseph Eardley, Nicholas Deluca, Benjamin Elsbury, Charlie Regan Front row Luke Turley, Benjamin Kullack, Nicholas McMahon (Captain), Mr Stephen Hunter (Coach), Isaac Pollard, Timothy Bockman, Jacob Shales Absent Matthew Moore, Jacob Fitzpatrick, Jake Pomery
Last day for Year 12s above Thomas Mansfield, Anthony Iannantuoni and Damon Sutton performing at the final Year 12 assembly Left top to bottom Julian Konle receives an ACC letters award for Athletics; Jordan Silvera; Isaac Rowe, Ms Brewer, Nathan King, Christopher Martin and James Maddeford
SYMBOLS OF OUR JOURNEY Year 12 graduates Zachary Carton and Solomon Holliday
A ROLLER COASTER I believe the symbol of a roller coaster best represents not only my time at the College, but also my emotional growth and resilience. Many of you may remember your first roller coaster ride, whether it was the Wild Mouse at the Perth Royal Show, or something more grandiose at a Disney theme Park. We hassle our parents, tug their skirt or trouser leg and point to the ride from which emanates the loudest screams. Despite mum’s protestations that it might be best to wait until next year, we keep up the hassle until we finally find ourselves in the line, ticket in hand. As we jump into the car, we seem reassured, relaxed, even a little bit excited. Just like the first couple of years at the College, things seem easy and go smoothly, just moving from point A to point B, no real hassles, no real worries. Half way up the first climb, our bravado is suddenly tested. Gee it’s pretty high. I wonder how these things stay on the tracks, I hope I don’t have a dodgy car, I wonder if mum was right and I should have waited until next year. Then gravity separates our body from our stomach as we hurtle at supersonic speed down the first descent. When this happened I was no longer so sure of myself, and of my path through the College.
Left Zachary Carton speaking at the Year 12 Graduation ceremony about the symbol of his journey at CBC
It’s too late to get off, so I have to make the best of it. Like the ride, some bends were expected, but others seemed to come out of nowhere. Subjects that had seemed easy were all of a sudden more challenging. Situations I thought I had in hand, got out of my control. Sometimes I just wanted to shut my eyes, and hope this wasn’t happening. At various times I even wanted to stop the ride completely. Finally, quickly, the ride is over. I collect my intestines, and put on a brave face in order to greet mum’s ‘I told you so’ look. But as I rise from the car, I am proud. I have completed what I set out to, and some parts of it I wouldn’t mind doing again. But it has occurred to me that the similarities between a roller coaster ride and my journey at CBC are perhaps not as fitting as some of the differences. For example, with a roller coaster ride, one doesn’t really have any choice about the route taken – whereas, I will be the first to admit, that my time here has definitely been shaped by the choices I’ve made. That has taught me accountability and resilience. Also, on a ride the focus is often solely on how much fun and excitement can be had. At school, though, as I’ve matured, I’ve found that there’s a lot more to growing
up than just having a good time. That has taught me about priority. For a long time, I didn’t realise that my peers and I – although seemingly on the same ride – were actually following our own very different paths. And various teachers throughout my years here were guiding us – making sure that we ‘stayed on the tracks’ and finished our journey, in one piece. That has taught me the value of individual difference and brotherhood. Finally, the most important lesson for me, is probably the one I sometimes resisted. Largely overlooked on a ride, I’ve learned the true value of a safety harness – family, friends, my Head of House, my mentor, special teachers, coaches – all helping me along, all keeping me safe, sometimes even when I didn’t think I needed it. The next ride coming up for me is much bigger. But from the journey I’ve had here at CBC, I think I can handle it – the ups, the downs, the unknown. I’ve learned a lot about myself and I’ve come to appreciate the significant role that my time at CBC has played in shaping my past – and my future. Zachary Carton
YEAR 5 LETTER Many years ago, I had written a letter to the then Principal, Mr Henderson, outlining why I would like to come to CBC. It was a letter written in innocence, full of hope and optimism, and with high aspirations. It must have done the trick, because I was offered a position in the first Year 7 cohort at CBC. I quickly forgot about that letter, those promises I had made, and got down to the task of growing up, making friends, testing boundaries, feeling invincible and sometimes applying myself to school! During my journey at the College, from time to time, I played a game of cat and mouse with the staff, seeing how much I could get away with, before being brought back in to line. Although I never felt I was a villain, I never considered how the 10 year-old boy who had written that letter might feel about my progress. My journey that has lead me to stand here in front of you tonight has been, not without some ‘bumps in the road’. My first teacher at CBC was seemingly dumbfounded at the fact that I had made it to Year 12, probably based on the fact that my various visits to the Vice Principal’s
office were proving to be noticed more than I thought. Yet it was in one of these many visits I learned the real lesson I would take away from my time here at the College. Towards the end of Year 11, I was invited in for a ‘chat’. I took my usual attitude to the meeting, prepared with my usual responses. What shocked me, and threw me off balance once I entered the office for the appointment, was who was waiting for me. In the Vice Principal’s office I was reunited with that same boy who had written the letter, and it moved me. I was reacquainted with the words he had written. He spoke of the importance of growing his Christian faith. He wrote with pride and joy about his hobbies, interests and dreams. He had spoken about the importance of getting a good education. He had said, “I think I should go to CBC because I think I will excel.” He signed off with, “Yours faithfully, Solomon Holliday.” In the blink of an eye, I remembered. In the beat of a heart, I realised how quickly time passes, and how easy it is to miss opportunities. At that very moment I realised that not giving of your best cheats only one person. It was within the four walls of the Vice Principal’s office that I learnt the one thing that was trying to be taught to me for all my years here at CBC-- the value of commitment. It was the commitment of the teachers around me that helped me through school; the commitment of my parents who supported me unconditionally and helped me become what I am, and the commitment of my friends is what helped me become an individual. The biggest lesson I learned was that in not being my best, I was failing my own commitment to me. This lesson, the lesson I have learnt, and everyone else here has learnt, is what my journey, our journey, has been all about. The fact that we all see each other here today is a testament to our commitment to our school lives and becoming the gentlemen of the future. Solomon Holliday
Above Solomon Holliday speaking at the Year 12 graduation ceremony
Dressed to the nines, the senior students of CBC Fremantle carried themselves with aplomb on the night of nights at the College Senior Ball. After walking the red carpet and introducing their partners to Mr and Mrs Kenny, and College Captain Anthony Iannantuoni and his partner Sarah Liau, the young men were treated to mocktails in the ballroom, followed by a sit-down buffet dinner. Dancing began immediately dessert was served, with some early revellers enjoying the space on the massive floor before the full cohort joined in. Formal dancing was a frolic, with teacher Ms Emily Bowran calling the moves and helping the boys and their partners remember the steps from their pre-ball lessons. Rhinestones for the young ladies and slim fit suits for the young men were popular fashion choices, and the glitter and elegance sparkled under the lights in the Fremantle Esplanade Hotel’s huge ballroom as they twirled on the dance floor. The evening continued in a festive mood until midnight when the queue of colourful stretch limousines collected their sore-footed charges for the ride home. Right Coen Greaney with his partner Far right top to bottom Jack Norman; Liam McMahon and his partner; Aidan McDonald, Matthew Grose, Dakoda Holman, Aron Surjan and Thomas Martens
John Ahern Samson S2
Charlie Bird Rice R1
Rhian Bore Patrick P7
Matthew Brennan Samson S1
Justin Brooker Patrick P1
Alexander Burt Morgan M2
Zachary Carton Morgan M4
Luke Christmas Morgan M1
Liam Cicirello Patrick P7
Toby Clark Patrick P6
Steven Clarke Samson S4
Matthew Cooper Morgan M3
Matthew Costello Samson S3
Declan Creighan Rice R1
Michael Cronan Rice R3
Jacob Cross Patrick P2
Stephen Cuccovia Samson S2
Adam De Gennaro Morgan M4
Marcus Di Biase Samson S4
Christopher Di Sabato Morgan M1
Henri du Cladier de Curac Morgan M5
Sean Duncanson Morgan M1
Zane Farmer Patrick P6
Daniel Fitzpatrick Morgan M7
Connor Fordham Morgan M4
William Foster Patrick P5
Sean Frewin Rice R3
Adam Gavranic Rice R2
David Gaynor Patrick P4
James Geaney Rice R6
Lewis Grant Samson S1
Kurtis Gray Patrick P3
Coen Greaney Rice R4
Benjamin Green Morgan M2
Jordan Green Morgan M6
Zeus Greget O’Dea Patrick P5
Matthew Grose Samson S6
Samuel Grosse Morgan M2
David Grubisin Patrick P4
Jacob Guidone Patrick P1
Jake Harris Rice R2
Fraser Hayward Patrick P5
Tyler Hellmrich Rice R1
Mitchell Hinton Morgan M7
Solomon Holliday Samson S2
Dakoda Holman Samson S7
Zakaria Hourani Morgan M3
Anthony Iannantuoni Patrick P2
Jordan Johnson Rice R5
Amos Jones Patrick P6
Cody Kennington-Birch Samson S4
Joshua Kestel Morgan M4
Thomas Kestel Rice R5
Nathan King Samson S5
Julian Konle Samson S3
Jake Leach Rice R1
Jake Leavy Samson S4
Adam Lomma Morgan M5
Luca Lomma Samson S6
Sammuel Low Rice R3
Laurence Macri Patrick P1
James Maddeford Samson S4
Timothy Magry Rice R3
Austin Main Samson S3
Thomas Mansfield Patrick P7
Thomas Martens Patrick P5
Christopher Martin Morgan M3
Joel McComb Rice R5
Aidan McDonald Rice R5
Declan McLeod Samson S2
Liam McMahon Samson S5
James McVey Samson S3
Nick Menegola Morgan M3
Jesse Mirco Rice R4
Travis Mitchell Patrick P4
Trey Moloney Morgan M6
Kevin Murtagh Rice R4
Konrad Nadilo Patrick P6
Riley Naughton Patrick P1
Daniel Nocciolino Samson S5
Jack Norman Morgan M6
Mitchell Norman Rice R6
Cameron Nugent Patrick P2
D’arcy O’Hara Rice R6
Broden Olivieri Samson S6
Oliver Parish Rice R5
Anthony Pecotic Rice R7
Jason Phillips Morgan M4
Connor Potts Morgan M2
Aki Primmer Rice R7
Andre Rebelo Patrick P7
Reece Redworth-Maley Morgan M4
Liam Rogan Rice R7
Liam Romano Patrick P2
Isaac Rowe Morgan M7
Aaron Senzio Samson S3
James Shave Patrick P3
Leighton Short Patrick P3
Jordan Silvera Samson S7
Brandon Sollis Patrick P3
Alec Sorgiovanni Rice R5
Connor Spencer Morgan M7
Adam Stretton Samson S6
Aron Surjan Samson S4
Damon Sutton Rice R2
Jack Swainson Samson S7
Mathew Thomas Rice R4
Matthew Vinci Rice R3
Griffyn Waters Rice R3
Callum Williams Samson S1
Darcy Wilson Rice R7
Solomon Wright Rice R1
Luca Zindani Rice R7
Allen, Dylan Allen, James Allen-Moore, Lachlan Amara, Julian Anderson, Jake Anson, Max Blazevic, Joel Boladian, Reno Bows, Patrick Buchanan, Rufus Cattalini, Mitchell Clark, Jack Collett, Samuel Collier, Ross Contera, Ethan Correia, Adam Coubrough, Zachary Cronin, Darcy Cronin, Max Crowe, Alex Cutri, Anthony D’Cruz, Rahul Dark, Harry Da Silva, Marcos Davis, Mitchell Dawson, Zach De Alvis, Shadyn de San Miguel, Harrison Di Lazzaro, Alex Dixon, Zachary Dowie, Bradley Dujmovic, Andrew Earl, Zachary Edwards, Aidan Evans, Nicolas Everett, Sebastian Fay, Lachlan Fellman, Nicholas Fenton, Jack Fitzpatrick, Benjamin Fox, Patrick Fury, Jordan Garbellini, Sam Gaschk, Matthew Gleeson, Lachlan Gordon, Pryce Gray, Benjamin Grbavac, Jake
P1 R2 M1 R1 R1 R7 P3 S2 R3 M5 R5 P6 P4 S5 M7 M2 S1 S7 M2 P2 R7 S3 R2 S6 P6 S2 P4 P6 M1 S6 R4 R7 P3 M5 R7 R3 P6 M1 R6 M7 R4 S4 M2 R1 P2 S1 M3 S4
Green, William Greget O’Dea, Indy Gregg, Noah Hall, Timothy Hamilton, Flynn Handcock, Cameron Harman, Marius Harris, Thomas Harris-Walker, Joshua Hay, Riley Hemmings, Lochlan Higginson, William Hislop, Flynn Hudson, Peter Hughes, Blake Iannello, Cooper Ithier, Joel Ivester, Daniel Jackson, Joshua Jacob-Keenan, Lloyd Kennedy, Liam Kerspien, Fletcher Knight, Fraser Koleszko, Joshua La Macchia, Anton Larranaga-Boyle, Conor Lawson, Seth Leavy, Daniel Lillis, Hudson Lobban, Luke Lye, Benjamin Maguire, Rory Mancini, Luka Mandic, Mark Marshall, Digby McClelland, Timothy McDonald, Angus McDowell, Ethan McKenna, Aidan McManus, Lachlan Micale, Lawson Miller, Jasper Mitchell, Caleb Mitchell-Bathgate, Kye Mocerino, Matthew Mollica, Thomas Monsoon, Moss Monzu, Nicholas Morris, James
R1 P5 S3 M5 S4 R2 M3 S5 M1 S5 S7 S4 M3 P2 S2 P5 R4 P4 R5 R1 M2 M7 R7 S7 P2 M6 S4 R4 P1 M1 S6 R5 M4 S5 S5 M6 R6 R5 M5 P6 R3 S2 P3 M3 S7 R2 P7 M7 R6
Mulcahy, Dylan Muskarovsky, Tom Naughton, Cooper Nixon, Caleb Nylund, Seth Olivieri, Thomas Orr, Bill Owen, Jack Page, Daniel Page, Liam Palmiero, Joshua Pearson, Lorcan Pelliccione, Mitchell Penheiro, Jordyn Petkovic, Alec Phillips, Luke Pietroniro, Alex Piggott, Jacob Pittorini, Adam Prigg, Jack Quintiliani, Jason Read, Jarred Richards, Thomas Rodet, Pascal Romeri, Anthony Rossi, Jamie Rullo, Nathan Ryan, Samuel Sabljic, Isaiah Sciaresa, Zavier Scullin, Benjamin Scullin, Harrison Sgro, Adriano Sharp, Jamie Simich, Gabriel Sjerp, Tex Spiers, Oskar Stanbury, Thomas Stanley, Zac Symington, Hayden Thomson, Hamish Traill, Riley Truscello, Xavier Turley, Lincoln Vogler, Finlay Wain, Keldon Webb, Alexander Wilkinson, Quinn Williams, Neven
M6 P5 P1 M4 R2 S6 P2 M2 P7 S7 R2 M6 P4 P4 P7 M7 S1 R6 S7 S3 R5 S3 R3 R6 M3 S1 S2 P7 P5 P3 P1 P1 S1 R6 P6 P5 M5 P7 R3 S4 M4 P4 R4 M6 M4 S5 R2 P2 S1
Abreu, Jake Atkinson, Jaidyn Bacelic, Jake Banks, Matthew Barnett, Thomas Bayley, Timothy Bevilacqua, Jordan Bird, Joseph Bormolini, Stefan Bourne, Mason Bowater, Daniel Bowler, Connor Bowler, Riley Bradshaw, Pearce Branley, Harrison Brennan, Jack Brierley Figueiredo, Ari Brown, Flinn Brun, Luca Burd, Matthew Burden, Riley Burke, Liam Burton, Riley Carroll, Jack Chalmers, Michael Charles, David Christie, Angus Clifford, Dylan Coletta, James Cosgriff, Jai Cowlam, Jack Creighan, Ryan Culin, Jordan Da Silva, Sebastian Davie, Jess Davie, Timothy Davis, Jonathan De Gennaro, Damiano de Souza, Tiago Di Biase, Adam Di Mento, Francesco Dionisio, Tyler Dixon, Cody Dixon, Sam Driessen, Tate Evans, Fletcher Faccin, Alexander Farmer, James
M1 M1 M2 P1 M3 R1 M4 R1 P2 R2 P3 S2 S2 P6 P3 R3 M7 P3 S3 M4 P4 R4 S4 R1 P5 P5 R2 R5 S5 M6 R3 R1 M6 S6 R6 P6 P6 M7 S3 S4 R7 S7 M1 S1 S1 P2 P2 S4
Ferguson, James Ferguson, Noah Ferreira, Sean Fico, Liam Fox, Liam Funga, Benjamin Gavranic, Nicholas Geaney, Alexander Gleeson, Marcus Goodwin, Joshua Grant, Angus Hagan, Cooper Hamdorf, Thomas Hamilton, Benjamin Hardbottle, Joshua Harris, Zachary Henley, Sean Hinton, Preston Holman, Bayley Howe-Robinson, Callan Hoy, Robert Irwin, Callum Jaeger, Stephen Jakovcevic, Jason Kelly, Alex Kennedy, Kyle Kohlen, Henry Kohlen, Maxwell Kullack, Benjamin Le Roux, Adam Lombardo, Benjamin Lomma, Marcus Lynn, Jack Marsh, Jonah Mazzone, Joshua McCormack, Zachary McDonald, Samuel McIntyre, Marcus McPhail, Samuel McShane, Daniel Milsom, Kaleb Monument, Oakley Morgan, Jenkyn Munro, Luke Nardi, Tristan O’Hara, Joachim O’Neill, Harry Ogden, Mark Oliveri, Justin
M5 M3 P3 R3 R4 S1 R2 R6 R5 S3 P4 M4 R4 M5 P1 R2 R4 M7 S7 P2 P5 R5 S5 R5 S6 M2 R1 R1 S5 R6 M7 S6 P4 P7 S6 R7 R5 M6 S1 P1 M2 P2 S2 R3 S3 R6 P7 S7 M4
Orrells, Rory Pace, Mitchell Palmiero, Thomas Palmiotti, Michael Parker, Benjamin Parker, Nicholas Pezet, Edward Phipps, Sean Pinkerton, Adam Pittard, Tyson Pittorini, Daniel Principe, Carlo Puca, Christian Ramsay, Elijah Read, Harrison Read, Matthew Redmond, Hayden Rees, Austen Rees-Turner, Riley Regan, Charlie Reid, Caleb Richards, Isaac Rosenthal, Harry Ryan, Taj Sanginiti, Samuel Santaromita, Brady Sax, Jacob Schmidt, Jack Shales, Jacob Sheehan, Ryan Solar, Liam Squassoni, Dante Stedman, Zachary Stevenson, Spencer Stronach, Noah Stumbles, Finn Terzoudis-Lumsden, Theodore Tydeman, Edward Urbano, Scott Utama, Yosh Vegvary, Luke Veletta, Nicholas Ward, Beau Winner, Alexander Yehualashet, Yordanos Younge, James Yurak, Lachlan Zindani, Mason
S1 M1 R2 P5 M2 R7 S4 S2 P4 P7 S7 P6 R6 P3 M6 M7 P4 R6 P7 M5 R3 M6 R1 P1 M2 S6 S5 S2 M3 S7 R7 S5 S3 M4 S4 P6 P7 P5 M1 M6 S5 M7 P7 M5 M3 S3 P1 R7
Abreu, Joel Albano, Andrew Albarri, Yassin Armstrong, Andrew Bailey, Thomas Baker, Thomas Barbera, John Bockman, Timothy Bond-Williams, Nathaniel Brimson, Jayden Camarda, Jack Cammarano, Anthony Campbell, Brandon Carbonaro, Luke Caruso, Nicholas Cawley, Austin Ciampini, Adrian Cicchini, Armani Cicirello, Jacob Cipriano, Michael Clark, Brodie Clark, Christopher Clark, Harry Cocksey, Benjamin Cookson, Kaiden Corrie, Tom Da Silva, Jacob De Castro, Nicholas De Gennaro, Jason De Gennaro, Ryan de San Miguel, James Deluca, Nicholas Demiroski, Marcus Di Prinzio, Keegan Dressel, Hjalmar Duffy, Joshua Dujmovic, Joshua Eardley, Joseph Edwards, Christian Elsbury, Benjamin Fellman, Rupert Fitzpatrick, Jacob Fox, Lachlan Fox, Nicholas Frampton, Jonathan Gaglia, Bradley Garbellini, Jack Geaney, Matthew
M1 M1 P1 S1 M2 P2 R2 R3 S2 S2 P3 R3 S3 R1 P4 P4 M4 R5 P7 R6 S4 P5 P6 M5 P5 R5 S6 S5 M4 M4 P6 S6 P7 M7 S2 P7 R7 R6 M5 S7 M1 M7 R4 P1 R6 S1 M2 R6
Gleeson, Thomas Golding, Harry Goncalves, Jayden Grant, Kane Gray, Alexander Hallows, Matthew Hardwick, John Henry, Sean Holmes, Robert Hosking, Jacob Imbuldeniya, Lee Jacob-Keenan, Byron Kalogirou, Harry Knight, Brodee Lacey, Joshua Leavy, Adam Lees, Aaron Licari, Ethan Logan, Christopher Lomma, Matthew Maddeford, Harrison Maguire, Joe Marceca, Antonino Marshall, Ned Martin, Finlay Mazzone, Christian McGuffin, Alexander McKell, Thomas McMahon, Nicholas Meakins, Jack Mertens, Luke Millward, Blake Mirco, Brendan Mirco, Kyle Moffatt, Henry Monaco, Daniele Monaghan, Tom Moore, Matthew Morgan, Kai Moulin, Thomas Murphy, Jack Nardi, Julian Newman, Gabriel Nolan, Thomas Norman, Lucas O’Reilly, Dillon O’Sullivan, Lorcan Olds, Tyler Oliveri, David
P2 M3 S2 S4 R2 S2 S3 M3 S4 P3 P6 R1 R3 M4 P4 R4 P3 M5 P5 S7 S4 R5 R1 S5 R7 S6 M7 P7 S5 S7 P3 M1 R4 P1 S1 S6 P4 M2 P2 R2 S2 M3 P3 R3 R7 R4 M5 S3 M4
Olivieri, Robert Otto, Benjamin Pangiarella, Joel Phillips, Julian Pollard, Isaac Pomery, Jake Preston, Samuel Ramos, Jayden Ray, Brodie Ready, Owen Rees, Alban Reid, Fraser Rivers, Samuel Rogerson, Henry Russell, Fraser Salis, Jared Salvage, Hugo Sapienza, Michael Scott, Nathan Scurry, Henry Sear, Matthew Sheridan, Samuel Shoeib, Adam Silvera, Julian Simpson, Stephen Sinis, Joshua Sjerp, Millen Small, Benjamin Stapleton, Alexander Stokes, Broc Sunter, Darcy Telling, Brodie Thuys, Ryan Toledo, Jacob Tomlinson, Toby Truscello, Kelsey Turley, Luke Turner, Adam Violanti, Max Viti, Leon Watkins, Eddie Watson, Nicholas Watson, Ryan Weller, Jake Weston, Thomas Wilson, Reagan
S6 S4 M5 P5 R5 P4 R7 M6 P6 S6 M7 P3 P7 R7 M1 P1 M6 R7 S1 M2 P2 M5 M3 S7 S3 R4 P5 R5 M7 P1 M5 M2 S1 P2 S3 R4 M6 P6 S7 P1 M6 R1 M6 R3 R5 R2
Abreu, Ryan Ahern, James Allan, Nicholas Allen, Cameron Amalfi, Baeley Auriemma, David Bacelic, Stephen Barnett, Joshua Bawden, Christopher Benthien, Jasper Bird, Harry Blakiston, Lachlan Bockman, Ben Boladian, Michael Bourke, Keane Bowater, Jack Bradley, Martin Brewster-Jones, Thomas Brown, Bailey Burfoot, Thomas Burke, Riley Burt, Harry Caniglia, Harry Capozzi, Adam Carozza, Andre Caruso, Joshua Cipriano, Rafael Coldrey, Brett Conti, Daniel Cosgriff, Callum Costello, Mitchell Cronan, Patrick Da Silva, Alec David, Thomas David, William Davies, Tyler Demiroski, Matthew Denham, Jiles Di Stefano, Anthony Donnelly, Jacob Duncan, Thomas Eastaugh, Thomas Faulds, Riley Foster, Chad Foster, D’Arcy French, Michael Funga, Nicholas Grant, Bevan
M2 S2 P1 R2 S6 S1 M2 R4 P2 P6 R1 R2 R3 S2 M3 P3 P5 S3 P4 R4 S4 M2 P3 S4 M5 P4 R6 P5 S5 M6 S3 R3 P6 M7 M7 R4 P7 R7 S7 M1 R6 P1 S1 S2 P5 M6 S1 S1
Guidi, Caiden Handcock, Jordan Harlick, Samuel Hars, Conor Hemmings, Kyle Henley, Zachary Hinton, Lachlan Hosking, Michael Hourani, Yusef Hughes, Mitchell Humphreys, Ashley Hunter, Adrian Hussey, Cian Iannello, Bradyn Jakovcevic, Luke Jardine-Clarke, Paul Jaschke, Reece Joseph, Dennis King, Daniel Kohlen, Charlie Leen, Finn Leone, Gabriel Linn, James Lomma, Daniel Lutzu, Luca Maddy-Irvine, Zachary Mariotti, Hamish Mascarenhas, Joshua McCrackan, Sebastian McGrath, Jack McGrath, Mitchell McKeown, Harrison McMurtrie, Connor Miles, Damon Minervini, Liam Mitchell, Isaac Moloney, Isaac Monaco, Alessandro Mooney, James Moreno, Matthew Muskarovsky, Jack Natale, Alexander Nero, Steffan Nesic-Halapio, Jordan Ngo, Danny Nicholson, Patrick Nolan, Alexander-Thomas Pace, Ryan Page, Nicholas
P2 R2 M3 M4 S7 R4 M7 P3 M3 S2 M5 M5 R5 P5 R5 S5 M6 P6 S5 R1 S6 S2 S6 M1 R7 M4 S7 M1 P1 R1 R1 R6 P2 M7 S5 M4 M6 P3 P6 R4 P5 M6 P4 R6 R6 M3 S6 M1 P7
Parker, Mitchell Pelliccione, Nicholas Pereira, Joshua Perich, Lucas Pope, Ethan Power, William Pratt, Ryan Quinn, Matthew Radonich, Benjamin Ramsay, Harrison Reid, Kyle Rifici, Gianni Rifici, Luca Rowe, Nathan Ryan, Ambrose Ryan, Thomas Schelling, Carl Smith, Jack Soltoggio, Brodie Sorrell, Kennedy Standley, Nathan Stone, Daniel Stretton, Ben Stumbles, Jaedyn Sumich, Zane Sutton, Marcus Swindells, Benjamin Tapper, Julian Terzoudis-Lumsden, Emmanuel Thomas, Jayden Timewell, Sam Tomlinson, Joel Toomath, Jacob Tormay, John Tucker, Nicholas Vivas, Juan Walter, Jake Welsh, William Whitt, Connor Woodcock, Max Ziegelaar, Tony Zindani, Aiden
R7 P4 M1 S7 P1 P2 M7 R3 S4 P3 R3 M4 M4 M5 P5 S4 R5 S5 M6 M2 M2 M3 S6 P6 S6 P7 S7 R2 P7 M5 P4 S3 M7 P1 S1 S3 R5 P2 R2 P5 S3 R7
Albano, Philippe Babalola, Samuel Bacich, Julian Baker, Joshua Barratt, Luke Belmonte, John Benson, Christian Berthold, Joshua Biondillo, Jordan Boult, Mitchell Bourne, Thomas Bozanic, Damian Brown, Harrison Buccini, Samuel Burnett, Victor Cameron, Conor Caputi, Joseph Cecchi, David Cecchi, Jason Cinquina, Patrick Clark, Ryan Coggin, William Collett, Maxwell Coombs, Christopher Correia, Jordan Covich, James Cowlam, Luke Crawford, Jack Crevald, James Crilly, Jack Crowley, Jarrod Cummins, Thomas Da Luz, Isaac De Campi, Max De Kusel, Ben De Luca, Cameron De St Pern, Renaud Dennis, Matthew Di Lazzaro, Jayden Di-Meo, Loughlan Dimanopoulos, Alexander Ducali, Mark Edmonds, Ben Ferris, Mitchell Filippin, Jordan Fleming, Lucas Forrest, Kimberley Foxwell, Max
M1 M1 P1 M6 R1 S1 M1 P2 R2 R1 S3 R3 P3 P5 S3 S4 M4 R4 R4 P7 P5 P5 P4 P6 M7 M6 R3 S5 M5 P6 S6 R6 S2 M5 P6 R3 M3 P7 M1 R5 P3 S1 P2 S2 M2 M1 M5 P3
Gaffney, Finbar Garces, Julian Giancaspro, Jordan Gill, Lachlan Godsall, Liam Goncalves, Jake Grant, Aiden Grimes, Mitchell Harding, Joe Harris, Nicholas Hayes, Nicholas Jaques, Cameron Johns, Benjamin Johnson, Jack Kasiri-Arabi, Parsa Kelly, Ryan Kendrick, Sebastian Keyte, Austin Kon, Oliver Lavery, Lachlan Letizia, Michael Lomma, Anthony Macpherson, Hamish Mann, Domenic Manning, Sebastian Marlow, Thomas Marshall, Jack Martelli, Calogero Martin, Oliver Masters, Jack Mavica, Salvatore McFadden, Benjamin McReady, Jackson Mehra, Jai Morris, Eli Nella, Jamie Nolan, Jonathon Nonis, Bryan Norman, Michael Ogden, Joshua Pacheco, Lucas Palmer, Cody Patroni, Matthew Pellegrini, Luke Pendergast, Benjamin Pensini, Lucas Peterson, Tim Pinkerton, Thomas Pirozzi, Luke
M3 S3 R5 R2 P3 S2 S4 S3 M3 M4 M5 M4 S7 P7 R5 S2 R3 M6 R4 S5 S4 M7 P2 R5 S5 S1 M2 R6 R7 M4 P7 R7 M3 R6 P6 S6 M1 P5 R7 S7 M2 P1 P2 R7 M3 S1 P1 P4 M3
Prendergast, Nathan Preston, Douglas Radonich, Alec Raffaele, Jordy Redmond, Mitchell Rhoding, Daniel Richards, Christian Rowley, Harrison Russell, Scott Rutigliano, Jordon Santaromita, Kane Sapienza, Thomas Sardelic, Cameron Sciaresa, Jakob Sell, Patrick Sheehan, Luke Sidery, Jackson Skipworth, Patrick Sorrell, Tyler Stainton, Jake Swan, Edward Tapper, Joel Thomas, Aldrin Thuys, Nicholas Tinley, Elliott Tranchita, Christopher Valerio, Joshua Violanti, Troy Warren, James Wilson, Braydon Zoiti, Mark
S7 R7 S4 S3 P4 S6 M6 P4 M7 R6 S6 R7 P4 P3 R1 S7 P1 R1 M2 S1 P5 R2 S5 S1 P4 R4 R2 S7 S6 R2 M4
Ahern, John Bird, Charlie Bore, Rhian Brennan, Matthew Brooker, Justin Burt, Alexander Carton, Zachary Christmas, Luke Cicirello, Liam Clark, Toby Clarke, Steven Cooper, Matthew Costello, Matthew Creighan, Declan Cronan, Michael Cross, Jacob Cuccovia, Stephen De Gennaro, Adam Di Biase, Marcus Di Sabato, Christopher du Cladier de Curac, Henri Duncanson, Sean Farmer, Zane Fitzpatrick, Daniel Fordham, Connor Foster, William Frewin, Sean Gavranic, Adam Gaynor, David Geaney, James Grant, Lewis Gray, Kurtis Greaney, Coen Green, Benjamin Green, Jordan Greget O’Dea, Zeus Grose, Matthew Grosse, Samuel Grubisin, David Guidone, Jacob Harris, Jake Hayward, Fraser Hellmrich, Tyler Hinton, Mitchell Holliday, Solomon Holman, Dakoda Hourani, Zakaria Iannantuoni, Anthony
Cover Samuel Sanginiti (Year 8) This page At Kiwirrkurra
S2 R1 P7 S1 P1 M2 M4 M1 P7 P6 S4 M3 S3 R1 R3 P2 S2 M4 S4 M1 M5 M1 P6 M7 M4 P5 R3 R2 P4 R6 S1 P3 R4 M2 M6 P5 S6 M2 P4 P1 R2 P5 R1 M7 S2 S7 M3 P2
Johnson, Jordan Jones, Amos Kennington-Birch, Cody Kestel, Joshua Kestel, Thomas King, Nathan Konle, Julian Leach, Jake Leavy, Jake Lomma, Adam Lomma, Luca Low, Sammuel Macri, Laurence Maddeford, James Magry, Timothy Main, Austin Mansfield, Thomas Martens, Thomas Martin, Christopher McComb, Joel McDonald, Aidan McLeod, Declan McMahon, Liam McVey, James Menegola, Nick Mirco, Jesse Mitchell, Travis Moloney, Trey Murtagh, Kevin Nadilo, Konrad Naughton, Riley Nocciolino, Daniel Norman, Jack Norman, Mitchell Nugent, Cameron O’Hara, D’arcy Olivieri, Broden Parish, Oliver Pecotic, Anthony Phillips, Jason Potts, Connor Primmer, Aki Rebelo, Andre Redworth-Maley, Reece Rogan, Liam Romano, Liam Rowe, Isaac Senzio, Aaron Shave, James
R5 P6 S4 M4 R5 S5 S3 R1 S4 M5 S6 R3 P1 S4 R3 S3 P7 P5 M3 R5 R5 S2 S5 S3 M3 R4 P4 M6 R4 P6 P1 S5 M6 R6 P2 R6 S6 R5 R7 M4 M2 R7 P7 M4 R7 P2 M7 S3 P3
Short, Leighton Silvera, Jordan Sollis, Brandon Sorgiovanni, Alec Spencer, Connor Stretton, Adam Surjan, Aron Sutton, Damon Swainson, Jack Thomas, Mathew Vinci, Matthew Waters, Griffyn Williams, Callum Wilson, Darcy Wright, Solomon Zindani, Luca
P3 S7 P3 R5 M7 S6 S4 R2 S7 R4 R3 R3 S1 R7 R1 R7
Ahern, John Bird, Charlie Bore, Rhian Brennan, Matthew Brooker, Justin Burt, Alexander Carton, Zachary Christmas, Luke Cicirello, Liam Clark, Toby Clarke, Steven Cooper, Matthew Costello, Matthew Creighan, Declan Cronan, Michael Cross, Jacob Cuccovia, Stephen De Gennaro, Adam Di Biase, Marcus Di Sabato, Christopher du Cladier de Curac, Henri Duncanson, Sean Farmer, Zane Fitzpatrick, Daniel Fordham, Connor Foster, William Frewin, Sean Gavranic, Adam Gaynor, David Geaney, James Grant, Lewis Gray, Kurtis Greaney, Coen Green, Benjamin Green, Jordan Greget O’Dea, Zeus Grose, Matthew Grosse, Samuel Grubisin, David Guidone, Jacob Harris, Jake Hayward, Fraser Hellmrich, Tyler Hinton, Mitchell Holliday, Solomon Holman, Dakoda Hourani, Zakaria Iannantuoni, Anthony
Cover Samuel Sanginiti (Year 8) This page At Kiwirrkurra
S2 R1 P7 S1 P1 M2 M4 M1 P7 P6 S4 M3 S3 R1 R3 P2 S2 M4 S4 M1 M5 M1 P6 M7 M4 P5 R3 R2 P4 R6 S1 P3 R4 M2 M6 P5 S6 M2 P4 P1 R2 P5 R1 M7 S2 S7 M3 P2
Johnson, Jordan Jones, Amos Kennington-Birch, Cody Kestel, Joshua Kestel, Thomas King, Nathan Konle, Julian Leach, Jake Leavy, Jake Lomma, Adam Lomma, Luca Low, Sammuel Macri, Laurence Maddeford, James Magry, Timothy Main, Austin Mansfield, Thomas Martens, Thomas Martin, Christopher McComb, Joel McDonald, Aidan McLeod, Declan McMahon, Liam McVey, James Menegola, Nick Mirco, Jesse Mitchell, Travis Moloney, Trey Murtagh, Kevin Nadilo, Konrad Naughton, Riley Nocciolino, Daniel Norman, Jack Norman, Mitchell Nugent, Cameron O’Hara, D’arcy Olivieri, Broden Parish, Oliver Pecotic, Anthony Phillips, Jason Potts, Connor Primmer, Aki Rebelo, Andre Redworth-Maley, Reece Rogan, Liam Romano, Liam Rowe, Isaac Senzio, Aaron Shave, James
R5 P6 S4 M4 R5 S5 S3 R1 S4 M5 S6 R3 P1 S4 R3 S3 P7 P5 M3 R5 R5 S2 S5 S3 M3 R4 P4 M6 R4 P6 P1 S5 M6 R6 P2 R6 S6 R5 R7 M4 M2 R7 P7 M4 R7 P2 M7 S3 P3
Short, Leighton Silvera, Jordan Sollis, Brandon Sorgiovanni, Alec Spencer, Connor Stretton, Adam Surjan, Aron Sutton, Damon Swainson, Jack Thomas, Mathew Vinci, Matthew Waters, Griffyn Williams, Callum Wilson, Darcy Wright, Solomon Zindani, Luca
P3 S7 P3 R5 M7 S6 S4 R2 S7 R4 R3 R3 S1 R7 R1 R7
Back row Luke Christmas, Tyler Hellmrich, Christopher Di Sabato, Damon Sutton, Alexander Burt, Fraser Hayward, Isaac Rowe, Julian Konle, Michael Cronan, Zeus Greget O’Dea, James Shave, Austin Main, Jesse Mirco, Kevin Murtagh, Liam McMahon, Brandon Sollis Fifth row Matthew Vinci, Jordan Johnson, Liam Romano, Connor Potts, Solomon Wright, Aaron Senzio, Lewis Grant, John Ahern, Sean Duncanson, Riley Naughton, Sean Frewin, Amos Jones, Jack Swainson, Samuel Grosse, Matthew Cooper, Daniel Nocciolino, Joel McComb Fourth row James Geaney, Adam Stretton, Luca Zindani, Matthew Grose, Thomas Kestel, Charlie Bird, James McVey, Matthew Brennan, Reece Redworth-Maley, Andre Rebelo, Trey Moloney, Timothy Magry, Jordan Silvera, William Foster, Kurtis Gray, Benjamin Green, Darcy Wilson, Griffyn Waters Third row Aron Surjan, Jason Phillips, Liam Cicirello, Stephen Cuccovia, Declan Creighan, Konrad Nadilo, Alec Sorgiovanni, Mathew Thomas, Adam Lomma, David Grubisin, Connor Fordham, Marcus Di Biase, D’arcy O’Hara, Zachary Carton, Callum Williams, Declan McLeod, Steven Clarke, David Gaynor, Henri du Cladier de Curac Second row Broden Olivieri, Leighton Short, Aidan McDonald, Toby Clark, Mitchell Norman, Mitchell Hinton, Jacob Cross, Anthony Pecotic, Thomas Mansfield, Zane Farmer, Laurence Macri, Travis Mitchell, Aki Primmer, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Christopher Martin, Jordan Green, Dakoda Holman, James Maddeford, Thomas Martens Front row Luca Lomma, Zakaria Hourani, Adam De Gennaro, Matthew Costello, Oliver Parish, Connor Spencer, Mr Domenic Burgio, Anthony Iannantuoni, Mr Shaun Kenny, Nick Menegola, Ms Marriann O’Neill, Liam Rogan, Cameron Nugent, Joshua Kestel, Jacob Guidone, Cody Kennington-Birch, Sammuel Low Absent Rhian Bore, Justin Brooker, Adam Gavranic, Coen Greaney, Jake Harris, Solomon Holliday, Nathan King, Jake Leach, Jake Leavy, Jack Norman
51 Ellen Street Fremantle Western Australia 6160 PO Box 1345 Fremantle Western Australia 6959 T 08 9336 2700
Back row Luke Christmas, Tyler Hellmrich, Christopher Di Sabato, Damon Sutton, Alexander Burt, Fraser Hayward, Isaac Rowe, Julian Konle, Michael Cronan, Zeus Greget O’Dea, James Shave, Austin Main, Jesse Mirco, Kevin Murtagh, Liam McMahon, Brandon Sollis Fifth row Matthew Vinci, Jordan Johnson, Liam Romano, Connor Potts, Solomon Wright, Aaron Senzio, Lewis Grant, John Ahern, Sean Duncanson, Riley Naughton, Sean Frewin, Amos Jones, Jack Swainson, Samuel Grosse, Matthew Cooper, Daniel Nocciolino, Joel McComb Fourth row James Geaney, Adam Stretton, Luca Zindani, Matthew Grose, Thomas Kestel, Charlie Bird, James McVey, Matthew Brennan, Reece Redworth-Maley, Andre Rebelo, Trey Moloney, Timothy Magry, Jordan Silvera, William Foster, Kurtis Gray, Benjamin Green, Darcy Wilson, Griffyn Waters Third row Aron Surjan, Jason Phillips, Liam Cicirello, Stephen Cuccovia, Declan Creighan, Konrad Nadilo, Alec Sorgiovanni, Mathew Thomas, Adam Lomma, David Grubisin, Connor Fordham, Marcus Di Biase, D’arcy O’Hara, Zachary Carton, Callum Williams, Declan McLeod, Steven Clarke, David Gaynor, Henri du Cladier de Curac Second row Broden Olivieri, Leighton Short, Aidan McDonald, Toby Clark, Mitchell Norman, Mitchell Hinton, Jacob Cross, Anthony Pecotic, Thomas Mansfield, Zane Farmer, Laurence Macri, Travis Mitchell, Aki Primmer, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Christopher Martin, Jordan Green, Dakoda Holman, James Maddeford, Thomas Martens Front row Luca Lomma, Zakaria Hourani, Adam De Gennaro, Matthew Costello, Oliver Parish, Connor Spencer, Mr Domenic Burgio, Anthony Iannantuoni, Mr Shaun Kenny, Nick Menegola, Ms Marriann O’Neill, Liam Rogan, Cameron Nugent, Joshua Kestel, Jacob Guidone, Cody Kennington-Birch, Sammuel Low Absent Rhian Bore, Justin Brooker, Adam Gavranic, Coen Greaney, Jake Harris, Solomon Holliday, Nathan King, Jake Leach, Jake Leavy, Jack Norman
51 Ellen Street Fremantle Western Australia 6160 PO Box 1345 Fremantle Western Australia 6959 T 08 9336 2700