College Newsletter Week 1 Term 2 Friday 29 April 2016
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 2 | Page 1
Cover: Italian Tour students being instructed how to make pasta at a farm-stay in Italy during the term break.
From the Principal Student Tours There has been much activity associated with our College during the recent term break. Three distinct and different tours, each designed to support significant programmes at CBC Fremantle, were undertaken by a large cross-section of students.
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Page 2 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 2
Twenty boys and two staff travelled to Canberra as part of our Academic Excellence Programme. This tour was developed to provide some of our academically talented students with an opportunity to experience the institutions that are at the core of our legal, political and economic systems in Australia. The excursions and presentations they undertook provided the boys with important learning experiences which will assist them in their studies and support
the school’s curriculum. The pursuit of personal excellence which is such a pivotal aspiration at our College was undoubtedly assisted by their holiday activity. A larger group of 37 boys and four staff travelled to Melbourne to enjoy a variety of experiences centred on their involvement in our AFL programme. In addition to playing against other schools and attending games at the MCG and Etihad stadiums, they were also given an inside look at a number of AFL clubs. This tour gave the students an opportunity to further enhance their skills and served as a reward for their prior commitment to the football programme at the College. The diverse opportunities offered by such a tour are sure to have provided the boys with an invaluable learning experience.
“Our young men received many accolades for their conduct and participation on these tours and I commend them for their willingness to accept the challenges inherent in each of them.”
Our largest tour contingent of 60 students and six staff spent the holidays in Italy. They visited places such as the Vatican Museums in Rome and the ruins in Pompeii while also attending school in Florence. While linguistic development was clearly the focus of this tour, the overall experience is sure to have expanded the minds of our young participants in many other ways. A contemporary education is often characterised by experiences and opportunities which were not available to previous generations – much to our regret. Our young men received many accolades for their conduct and participation on these tours and I commend them for their willingness to accept the challenges inherent in each of them.
Anzac Day Service Our first act upon returning to school
for the new term was to conduct our College Anzac ceremony on Tuesday morning. The poignancy of such an occasion is always apparent and was embellished this year by the broad participation of students ranging from our musicians to Army and Air Force cadets. The reverence which our boys typically display on such occasions was again apparent. It was also obvious that the celebrated values of service and sacrifice were well understood and clearly appreciated by all of those present. The servicemen and women of all countries are remembered as part of our Anzac tribute. We acknowledge the sacrifices made by each of them in the interests of ensuring that current generations enjoy freedoms that we often take for granted. As is so often emphasised as part of any commemorative ceremony, we must never forget the real cost of our current lifestyles.
Student Achievement After progressing through a number of qualifying phases, Year 12 student Riley Faulds was recently involved in the Lions Youth of the Year state final. At the conclusion of the public speaking and interview sections, Riley was awarded the title of Lions Youth of the Year for Western Australia. This is an outstanding achievement by a young man who possesses many admirable personal qualities and a sense of humility to match. Riley now progresses to the National finals to be held in Echuca, Victoria in mid-May and we wish him every success at that level. I would like to remind parents that on this Tuesday 3 May students will be released early at 1.05 to facilitate our Parent/Teacher interviews. Mr Shaun Kenny Principal CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 2 | Page 3
Student achievements Raphael McCrackan (Year 7) won gold in the State Fencing championships in sabre. Raphael also won bronze in the under 15 division.
Samuel McPhail (Year 10) represented WA At the National Youth Archery Championships in NSW and brought home two bronze medals. Well done, Sam.
Riley Faulds (Year 12) was awarded the title of Lions Youth of the Year for Western Australia. Riley heads to the National finals to be held in Victoria in mid-May.
Sam Garbellini and Mark Mandic (both Year 9 pictured on the right) braved the shave and raised a fantastic amount of $4,500 for cancer research. Page 4 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 2
College Calendar More achievements At the State Junior Surf Life Saving Championships the following CBC boys won
CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.
medals representing Fremantle SLSC:
Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for details. Patrick Dart (Year 7) U12 Silver in Board Relay, Bronze in Surf Teams Roan O’Hehir (Year 7) U12 Silver in Board Relay
Monday 2 May
College Photo Day (see below)
Tuesday 3 May
Early closing 1.05 for Parent/Teacher interviews
Thursday 5 May
Mother’s Day Liturgy and Morning Tea
Nick Dart and Finn Hussey (Year 8) U13 Bronze in Board Rescue Noah Masters and Matt Winner (Year 8)
College Information
U13 Bronze in Beach Relay At the National U14 Water Polo Championships held over Easter on the Gold Coast, Melville finished fourth out of 27 teams. They were undefeated through the pool matches and went down to the Hunter Hurricanes by a goal in the semi-final. In the Bronze Medal play off, the team lost by three goals to Cronulla. The following CBC boys were in the team: Tex Sjerp (Year 9) Sam Ryan (Year 9) Keldon Wain (Year 9) Dylan Parker (Year 8) Craig Pittson (Year 8) Oliver Edmonds (Year 8)
College Photo Day College Photo Day is on Monday 2 May. Students need to have their photo order form completed to present to the photographer on Monday. All students are required to wear full winter uniform, including blazer and polished shoes.
Early Leave Reminder Students who need to leave the College early are required to have a Parent Note signed, which can be found on page 173 of the College Diary. Students need to have this note signed by their Mentor Teacher and Class Teacher before presenting it to Student Services in order to be collected by their parent. Students should bring their Diary home with them and take it to school every day.
Label Student Property All of your son’s items need to be labelled, including shoes, lunch boxes, water bottles etc. If an item is unlabelled, it can be assumed that it will not be returned to the rightful owner if it is misplaced. Please make sure every item is labelled.
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In the Newsroom Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
29 April
We will remember them On the first day of Term 2, the College gathered in the gym for a poignant Anzac Day ceremony to remember all those who served and died in war. Read more...
29 April
AEP visits the nation’s capital The formality of five Appeal Court judges starting the day’s proceedings, the remarkable Blue Poles by Jackson Pollock, the surprise meeting of the Governor General, Sir Peter Cosgrove... Read more... 28 April
Outdoor Education adventure At the end of Term 1 the Year 12 Outdoor Education students completed a three day expedition exploring the wonders of nature between Yallingup and Margaret River. Read more...
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Edmund Rice Day information The College will celebrate Edmund Rice
The Festival will commence at 12noon,
The cost of the day will be $10.00 per
Day on Friday 6 May (Week 2 of Term 2).
and consist of a number of activities
student. Money will be collected in Mentor
This is a significant day on the College
and stalls coordinated by the respective
Group during the week.
calendar, focussing on the life of Blessed
Mentor Groups that will sell food or drinks,
Edmund Rice and the tradition of Christian
organise raffles and competitions, and
Each Mentor Group has finalised the
Brothers’ education, both at our College
provide other fun activities that add to the
organisation of their particular activity/stall
and throughout the world.
celebration of this special College day.
and will be advised of the specific details by their respective Mentor Teacher. On the
This year, the boys will begin the day at
This year will feature Sumo Suits,
day itself, the boys will be asked to bring
8.45am with Mentor Period and then the
Strongman Hammer, Duelling Gladiators,
along plenty of money in order to fully
whole College will gather at St Patrick’s
the perennial Dunking Machine, various
participate by purchasing food and drinks,
Basilica to celebrate our Edmund Rice
skills tests, pizza, burgers, chips, a food
participating in events and raffles, etc.
Mass. On returning to school, the boys will
eating contest (sure to be popular amongst
have a recess break as normal. Following
the boys!), raffles, lasagne, ice-cream, a
This day allows our boys to gather as a
this, whilst each Mentor Group begins
sausage sizzle and many other activities.
community and reflect on our Edmund Rice
preparation for the Edmund Rice Festival,
tradition, and all money raised will assist
the rest of the College will gather on
The day will conclude with an assembly in
the worthy work of the Brothers in needy
Fremantle Park for the annual running of
the Gymnasium, from where the students
the Murray Mile.
will be dismissed at 2.30pm.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 2 | Page 7
AEP visit the nation’s capital The formality of five Appeal Court judges
the first week of the holidays in Canberra
The boys were excellent ambassadors for
starting the day’s proceedings, the
visiting places of excellence and historical
the College and their families. We trust
remarkable Blue Poles by Jackson Pollock,
and national importance.
that this tour contributed to each boy’s
the surprise meeting of the Governor
learning journey to develop his gifts and
General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, at Government
The tour consisted of a very full itinerary
talents in the service of humanity at the
House, the innovations and experiments
and the boys engaged in every opportunity
highest level.
at the CSIRO, the night time view from
that was made available to them. They
the Telstra Tower, the solemnity of the
debated in Old Parliament House, built
More photos of the tour can be found in
Australian War Memorial … the list of
prototype robots at the Ian Potter
the Newsroom.
amazing experiences goes on and on.
Foundation, explored Anzac parade, minted their own souvenir coins at the
Mrs Marilyn Schmidt
Twenty Academic Excellence Programme
National Mint and, for fun, they sped
AEP Coordinator
(AEP) boys and two teachers, Mr Andre
around the F1 style circuit on electric go-
Leicester and Mrs Marilyn Schmidt, spent
karts at the Power Kart Raceway.
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Outdoor Education adventure At the end of Term 1 the Year 12 Outdoor
produced excellent conditions for our
Education students completed a three
bodyboarding sessions. There were some
day expedition exploring the wonders of
big waves for the proficient surfers, and
nature between Yallingup and Margaret
big white wash for those happy to splash
River. The expedition gave the students the
around and enjoy the outdoors.
opportunity to walk sections of the famous Cape to Cape trail and camp overnight at
On the last day, before making our way
the secluded Moses Rock campsite which is
home, we completed a self-guided audio
situated on a crest overlooking the ocean.
tour of Mammoth Cave where boys were
Although the night was cold, the view from
free to explore at their own pace. Situated
the tents in the morning was breathtaking
among the marri forests, the cave is a
and something many students had not
natural time capsule and home to ancient
experienced before.
fossils of extinct giant animals of Australia. With so much to see and the audio player
After another short walk on the trail,
leading the boys, it was a wonderful
students had the opportunity to abseil
learning experience for all students.
and rock climb at the Wilyabrup Sea Cliffs. There were a number of challenging climbs
Overall, the expedition was a huge success
set up for the boys to rotate through, and
with boys getting the opportunity to
a 25m abseil to help them find their feet
participate in a variety of outdoor activities
before the 50m abseil was set up after
in the beautiful surrounding of the South
lunch. The 50m abseil was one of the
West. A huge thank you to Mr Leech who
biggest challenges on the camp, with windy
came on the camp and Mr Black who
conditions at the top and a long straight
returned to help out over the three days.
drop onto rocks at the bottom. For many boys, this was the highest abseil they had
The Year 12 students will now work
attempted and by far the scariest.
towards building their sailing knowledge
Popular surf spots, Injidup and Prevelly
for a sea trek in Term 3.
Scaling the cliffs at Wilyabrup. More photos of the camp can be found in the Newsroom.
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CBC Fremantle invites all mums to join us for a
Mother’s Day Morning Tea on Thursday 5 May 2016 at 8am in the College Gymnasium. The celebration will commence with a Liturgy promptly at 8am followed by morning tea. All guests are asked to be seated by 7.50am to avoid interrupting this special service. The morning will conclude at approximately 9.30am. Boys will attend the liturgy with their mothers. RSVP by 2 May is vital for catering. Register online at the College website by clicking on the Events Quick Link.
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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Relationships Australia Parent-Teen Connection – This course reduces stress and teaches parents how to communicate, negotiate and minimise conflict. Monday 2, 9, 16 and 23 May at 6.30-9pm Cost is $50.00 per person or $75.00 per couple Building Stronger Families – This six week course is for parents and children around 10 years and over to learn about cooperation, relating respectfully and solving problems. Wednesday 11, 18, 25 May, and 1, 8 and 15 June from 6.30-9pm Cost is $80.00 single/family, $120 per couple/family Family Patterns – Many of our adult attitudes/behaviours stem from our formative years. This 6 week course looks at those family patterns and offers skills so that the present and future are not anchored in the past. Thursday 12, 19, 26 May and 2, 9 and 16 June from 6.30-9pm Cost is $100 per person Parent-Child Connection – People with children under ten are invited to this four week course to learn new skills, feel better about their parenting and gain confidence. Monday 30 May 13, 20 and 27 June from 6.30-9pm Cost is $50.00 per person or $75.00 per couple Go to for more information.
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Topspin Tennis Monday 2 May @ Fremantle Tennis Club This includes Hot Shot coaching, Development and High Performance Squads and Before School Tennis at the local primary schools.All programmes run for eight weeks. Adult group coaching for parents : Monday 3.30-4.30pm Wednesday 6.00-7.00pm Perfect opportunity to learn tennis when your children are doing their hot shot lessons.The class which is heaps of fun and a combination of learning all the fundamental technical skills of tennis as well as singles and doubles tactics and matchplay. Special program offer Enrol your child for two Junior Programs a week and receive a 50% discount on the 2nd lesson (Hot Shots or Squads Adults Groups) To enrol or inquire please contact Brendan at or 0401565051 .We look forward to seeing you on the court for a awesome term of tennis!
Grace-filled Parenting The Centre for Faith Enrichment is excited to present Grace-filled Parenting – a series of workshops aimed at giving parents some time for faith growth in a way that nurtures home and family life. Workshops run from Thursdays 19 May to 23 June, 10am to 12.30pm (includes morning tea break) at the Newman Siena Centre, 33 Williamstown Road, Doubleview. Total cost is $45.00 and a free crèche is available onsite. To register, for more information, or to see the full range of Term 2 courses and events, visit, or call 9241 5221. ALL are welcome (you don’t have to be Catholic!).
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UWA Information Evenings Our upcoming UWA ‘Information Evenings’ will provide high school students with course and prerequisite advice, information on career paths and guidance on the different areas of study within Engineering, Computing and Mathematics. We will also have some friendly students on-hand to answer any questions about university life or being a member of one of the faculties exciting student clubs. Attendees will be given a folder of course information and a special gift! Engineering Information Evenings • Monday 16 May, Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm, Venue: Engineering Lecture Theatre 2 • Tuesday 28 June, Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm, Venue: Engineering Lecture Theatre 1 • Thursday 28 July, Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm, Venue: Engineering Lecture Theatre 1 • Sunday 14 August – as part of Open Day • Wednesday 7 September, Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm, Venue: Engineering Lecture Theatre 1 To book onto a session go to Computing Information Evenings • Tuesday 31 May, Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm, Venue: Engineering Lecture Theatre 2 • Sunday 14 August – as part of Open Day • Wednesday 21 September, Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm, Venue: Engineering Lecture Theatre 1 To book onto a session please see our webpage Mathematics Information Evenings • Thursday 2 June, Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm, Venue: Engineering Lecture Theatre 1 • Sunday 14 August – as part of Open Day • Wednesday 14 September, Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm, Venue: Engineering Lecture Theatre 2 To book onto a session please go to
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 2 | Page 13
Enhancing Self Esteem in Adolescents This is a course for teachers and others who work with adolescents Course Aims:
Adolescence can be a difficult path for many young people as they attempt to find their own identity in an ever changing and challenging world. Based on recent research, this course updates participants’ understanding and provides practical and creative ways that teachers and mentors can seamlessly integrate assistance to adolescents within their day- to- day roles. The course focuses on practical application - teachers will learn strategies aimed to help adolescents improve their mental wellbeing and build healthy self-esteem. Although this course aims to empower and up-skill the individual teacher, a number of simple and effective strategies and tools could be adopted by whole of school with a view to healthy self esteem culture. The course covers:
How to assess what’s going on for the adolescent while establishing an alliance with them. How we can roll with the student’s resistance to engaging with us. Ways of working with adolescents who are depressed, angry, disengaged or emotional.
Highlights will include:
Understanding what happens in the adolescent and adult brain that makes changing some of our patterns difficult but not impossible. Ways that people enter change via the ‘Change Triangle’. How to identify 10 Unhelpful Thinking Styles that appear in the language of young people and how to respond supportively. Gaining a deeper understanding of anger and learn 4 strategies that young people use to mismanage their anger that can keep them stuck in feelings of low self worth. Learning fun psychological strategies that help us defuse from the unhelpful ‘stories’ that our minds create that cause us stress and unhappiness. Active listening skills and empathic responding. Experience through activities why these often neglected aspects of communication are vital to connecting with an adolescent.
WEST LEEDERVILLE 22 Southport Street , corner of Cambridge Street
Tuesday 3 May 2016 Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm Fee: $ 165 - includes a light lunch
Places are limited so please book now on 6164 0200
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NATIONAL FAMILY WEEK Developing a Healthy Brain in Kids
Wholefoods on a Budget
Join chiropractor Dr Andrew Smith to learn some simple strategies as well as the dos and don’ts to ensure your child develops a healthy, functioning brain and nervous system for a healthy life. Thursday 19 May 1.30 to 2.30 pm Cost: Free
Join Naturopath Kat Stewart and learn how to make a healthy wholesome diet possible for you and your family. Find out about optimal gluten free and sugar free eating, ways to reduce food costs and increase your intake of nutrients. Leave inspired with some new food goals and tasty recipes to try at home. Saturday 14 May 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Cost: $23
Your Child's Life on Social Media Help your child or teenager to grow confident using social media by building your own knowledge of the internet. Join Claire Stokes of The eFriends Project and learn how to nurture a culture of online safety in your home, privacy and security settings of social networking sites, potential risk of using social media, and where to go for help. If you have a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet, bring it along to use in the workshop. Sunday 15 May 10.00 am to12.00 pm Cost: $23
The Four Corners of Positive Parenting Join Clan WA and understand how strong, nurturing, respectful relationships, effective communication and positive attention assist children's development. Learn more about the four cornerstones of positive parenting and how they could transform your own parenting experience. This introductory workshop is most suitable for parents of children 0 to 12 years. Wednesday 18 May 1.00 to 3.00 pm Cost: $23
A Parent's Guide to Girls’ Sexuality Social media, advertisements and teenage peers highly influence girls’ relationships and attitudes and towards their own sexuality. As a parent or teacher of teenage girls join Jayde Robinson-Clancy and find out about the impact sexualisation of our community is having on young women’s sexual development. Learn the tools to support girls’ positive and healthy development and explore how you can help them define their own sexuality and identity. Saturday 21 May 2.00 to 5.00 pm Cost: $34.50
Door Prizes Silent Auction
Heads N Tails
Auction Items
Who am I
Spot Prizes
Quiz Night Fundraiser Friday 10th June We are raising money for Sock it to Sarcoma. A charity which has been set up to raise money to help those diagnosed with a Sarcoma.
Book your table of 10 Now! When : Friday 10th June Cost : $30 each (BYO food only, drinks available from Bar) Where : East Fremantle Football Club, Moss Street, East Freo Time : 7.00pm for a 7.30 pm start! If you are interested please email and request a reservation form or phone Vic on 0407 654 330.
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