College Newsletter Week 1 Term 3 Friday 24 July 2015
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 3 | Page 1
Cover: Read about the the Singapore Music tour in the Newsroom.
From the Principal As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice
liberate individuals and indeed to free his
Tradition, much information about the
society from oppression.
raison d’être of our school, and schools like ours, is found in our Newsletters,
From these humble beginnings the
curriculum, culture, practices and
Christian Brothers’ Congregation was
interactions. To quote from the EREA
formed, and until 2007 this order
administered their schools around the globe, as well as seeking opportunities
In 1802 he (Edmund Rice) set up a free
to improve the lives of the marginalised
school for boys living in poverty. His
in third world and developing countries.
aim was to promote an education that
The work and charism of the Brothers is
recognised the dignity of each individual
exemplified in our College’s early history.
and thus he sought to liberate them from
After reviving the fortunes of the original
their ignorance of God and their Catholic
Catholic school founded on the site in 1882,
51 Ellen Street
faith, while at the same time empowering
in 1901 the Brothers built an addition to
Fremantle WA 6160
them with an education which would
the existing school, the purpose of which
T 08 9336 2700
enable them to rise from the demeaning
was to raise fees from those who could
poverty and sense of hopelessness in which
afford an outstanding education (boys
they were trapped. Thus Edmund sought to
from this era were prepared for entry to
CBC Fremantle
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the nearest University, the University of
these appropriate links. On behalf of the
of Sport. We welcome Darlene McGoorty
Adelaide), in order to provide for those
Foundation, congregation of Christian
back; Darlene will be taking a combination
boys for whom an education was out of
Brothers and EREA, I wholeheartedly add
of Religion and Life classes, and her
financial reach.
my thanks for the support you offer our
experience in this area is highly valued.
community, both within and without. In 2007, the Brothers passed the
Finally, as the final piece in the jigsaw, Joseph Hanratty has joined the College
management of their schools in Australia
Term 3 has started smoothly, with Parent/
teaching staff for the remainder of the
to Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA),
Teacher/Student interviews being held on
year, replacing Brother Kevin Paull, who
a lay organisation dedicated to maintaining
Wednesday. Once again, this important
has been elected Provincial Leader of the
the work of Edmund and the Brothers, and
aspect of the education partnership
Congregation of Christian Brothers. We
more recently also transferred the assets.
celebrates the results of the boys who do
wish all these staff members the very best
Whilst this is great news for the families
their best, and challenges the gentlemen
in their roles.
and communities of those schools, the
of tomorrow if they have used their talents
gesture by the Brothers, in acknowledging
more sparingly than we would like.
that their diminishing membership in Australia could not manage the schools,
Before signing off, I alert you to a couple of other articles in this Newsletter. You
As I write to you our Principal Mr Kenny
should have all received an email from
also reduced the Brothers’ ability to
is convalescing after his second shoulder
me about the changed arrangements with
generate funds to continue their mission
operation. He suggests this is a result of
regard to the Ellen Street crossing. I have
carrying me for the past four plus years,
taken the liberty of repeating that message
whereas my take is that he has early onset
in case some of you did not receive it.
As a member of the family of schools in
of old age. Shaun sends his best wishes to
Please contact me with any suggestions if
EREA, CBC Fremantle has readily accepted
all our community for the Term, and will re-
you feel the need. There is also a change
the offer to support the ongoing work
join us in Week 5. In his absence, and due
of arrangements for the Parry Street
of the Brothers through the Edmund
to a couple of other leave arrangements,
crossing. It is important you reinforce to
Rice Foundation. Each family at CBC
we have a few new staff members this
your sons that their safety is of paramount
Fremantle is asked for a small contribution
importance, and the way they conduct
Lisa Parkinson and Jenny Beddoes have
needs to be judicious and thoughtful.
generously. I urge you to learn more
replaced Adrian Correia, who is on Long
Enjoy the Term!
about this fantastic initiative by reading
Service Leave. Ms Pauline van Lohuizen
to the Foundation, and our community has responded positively and most
themselves when interacting with traffic
the letter of thanks from the Foundation
will be Head of Rice House during this time.
Mr Domenic Burgio
Chair, Mr Anthony Ryan, as well as the
Brent Butcher will be Deputy Principal
flyer about the great work being done
Pastoral for the first five weeks of Term,
by the Brothers in the name of Edmund
and Jason Matthews will be Head of
throughout the world. The letter and
Patrick House during this period. Stephen
flyer can be downloaded by clicking on
Hunter will replace Jason as Coordinator
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 3 | Page 3
New Traffic Wardens on Ellen Street Recently there have been several
that assist the Traffic Wardens in drawing
paramount in determining the future, but
disturbing incidents of drivers paying
attention to their operation are all required
for the time being, can you please dig deep
little, or no attention, to the 40km speed
by law. The College has requested that
into the patience basket.
restrictions that apply outside the College
their placement reduce any inconvenience
on Ellen Street, or to the attempts to stop
to parents attempting to park. For the
Vice Principal Mr Domenic Burgio can
traffic by teaching staff who are supervising
rest, suggestions from parents about how
be contacted on 0400 880 861 regarding
the students crossing. This has potentially
the pick-up zone can be improved are
this or any other issue. The College is
placed both staff, and students in harm’s
welcome. All suggestions that are able to
confident that once bedded down, the new
be applied legally will be considered.
arrangements will provide an even safer amenity for our most prized possessions.
After meeting with the City of Fremantle
As you all know, one thing the College is
Traffic and Civil Design personnel, the
particularly proud of is the way we, as a
Parry Street Crossing
College has taken advice to engage Traffic
community, interact in the best interests
The Police Department have informed
Wardens who are trained and authorised
of each other. The Traffic Wardens are
the College that the traffic warden on
to perform the task, as well as follow up
not yet part of our community, but over
Parry Street near Ellen St is on leave until
with infringement notices for members
time will be unable to resist the charm
2 November. A relief warden will cover
of the public who put the safety of our
and engagement of your sons. In the
the morning shifts Monday to Thursday,
students at risk. The wardens began this
meantime, they may revert to black and
but there will not be an attendant at the
week, and some teething problems arose.
white, sometimes bordering on officious,
crossing on Friday morning and afternoons.
until they too become immersed in the
Police will attempt to be in attendance, but
We apologise for any inconvenience caused
CBC way. Already they have commented on
parents are urged to make sure their sons
during the implementation of the new
the quality of the boys they have met.
to continue to use the crossing on Fridays
routine, and over the next few weeks as we
The arrangement is being trialled for six
with extra care.
all get used to the new arrangements. The
months and will be reviewed after that
traffic cones, signs, types of signage etc
time. Your input and suggestions will be
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College Information
College Calendar
English and Literacy assistance
CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking
From Term 3, the English and Literacy support group will be
on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You
meeting on Tuesday afternoons from 3.20pm to 4.20pm in Room 101 (previously Tuesday mornings from 8am). All ages and abilities are welcome to attend every Tuesday afternoon, every week during term time. Areas covered are class work, essay writing, assessments, grammar skills and more.
Year 10 Dancing Lessons Parents of Year 10 students should have received information regarding the Term 3 Friday afternoon Ballroom Dancing. The letter can be downloaded here.
can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.
Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details. Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 August Mums Raising Teenage Boys Seminars Book online on the College website. Saturday 22 August CBC Family Mass at St Patrick’s Basilica at 6.00pm
Orchestral Mass at St Mary’s For the first time at St Mary’s Cathedral, more than 100 young West Australian musicians form an orchestra and choir and will lead the music at the Solemn Sung Mass at 11.00 am on Sunday 26 July at St Mary’s Cathedral in Victoria Square, Perth. Yusef Hourani (Year 11 Trumpet) and Theodore TerzoudisLumsden (Year 9 Flute) will be representing CBC as part of the orchestra. The feature piece at the Mass is the World Youth Day Mass (Missa Benedictus Qui Venit) written by George Palmer for World Youth Day (Sydney) in 2008. All are welcome.
CBC at the Ellington Inspired by the Singapore Tour, CBC will be performing at Perth’s premier jazz club, the Ellington, on Tuesday 1 September. The Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Combo, Guitar Ensemble 1 and Saxophone Ensemble will be playing Jazz Standards, Classic Big Band Swing and Funk numbers. The gentlemen of CBC will be joined by three exceptional voices from Iona Presentation College, providing an evening of entertainment. The venue is not very large with only 60 seated and 60 standing tickets available so get in quick. Tickets are available at the Ellington Jazz Club’s website.
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In the Newsroom Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
21 July
Jazz in Singapore Keeping in line with CBC’s tradition of immersing students in other cultures, 19 musicians and two teachers spent the first half of the July holidays in Singapore, soaking up the music, the food, and of course, the culture. Read more... 30 June
Athletics hat-trick for Morgan Morgan House once again held aloft the House Athletics shield at the close of the Carnival at Challenge Stadium last Friday. Read more...
30 June
Social evening for Year 9 As part of their journey from today’s boys into tomorrow’s gentlemen, CBC Fremantle Rite Journey students hosted an evening of dance and fun in the College gymnasium for their Year 9 friends at Iona Presentation College. Read more...
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Winter morning at CBC: Mr Geoff Buss captured this double rainbow over the campus at 7.30am on Wednesday morning from the Design and Technology building.
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What CBC boys like about holidays...
Stephen Bacelic
Mitchell Costello
Axel Damitz
Year 11
Year 11
Year 7
What did you do during the holidays?
What did you do during the holidays?
What did you do during the holidays?
Not much.
Went to Rottnest. Played putt-putt,
How did you go in your first semester
How did you go in your first semester
Not bad, pretty good.
Alright. Not bad; not good.
What do you have planned for the
What do you have planned for the
It was pretty good; I was pretty happy
next semester?
next semester?
with it.
Try a bit harder with Maths, but other
Just go with the flow.
went to the movies, played Uno, had lots of fun. How did you go in your first semester report?
than that just carry on.
What do you have planned for the next semester? I got a good report for English but I’d like to do better.
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Christian Edwards
Joshua Portelli
Oskar Spiers
Year 10
Year 7
Year 8
What did you do during the holidays?
What did you do during the holidays?
What did you do during the holidays?
Went to Malaysia – my Dad’s a soccer
Went to Bali. We went the day before
I got a little puppy; a boxer called Banjo. I
coach over there and my brother plays.
the volcanic ash stopped flights so we
taught him how to sit.
were lucky. How did you go in your first semester
How did you go in your first semester
How did you go in your first semester
It was good; I got all As and a couple of
My parents were happy.
Bs in electives.
It was good.
What do you have planned for the
What do you have planned for the
next semester?
next semester?
next semester?
Just knuckle down and get through it.
This semester is all about trialling some
Probably focus on S&E and RE.
What do you have planned for the
subjects for next year and keeping my grades up.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 3 | Page 9
Community cookbook: a call for recipes You are invited to contribute to our community cookbook and help us acknowledge the traditions of our College, the love and support of our families, and the journey of today’s boys…tomorrow’s gentlemen.
CBC Fremantle is proud to be a part of raising good young men
How you can help
of our community, who have the skills and courage to face and
• Submit your favourite family recipe to us with specific quantities
overcome challenges and to form positive, mutually beneficial
(eg millilitres, grams, tablespoons, cups, etc, and in Australian
relationships. The gentlemen of CBC are the guardians of the
standard measuring) and easy to follow instructions. Your recipes
future, and their positive male contribution to our society
will need to be tried and tested prior to submission to ascertain the
provides us all with hope and faith in a better world.
correct quantities. • Please specify how many people the recipe will feed.
To highlight the journey from today’s boy to tomorrow’s gentleman, CBC is planning to produce a community cookbook celebrating all that is nurturing and resilient about our young men and their families. A timeless collection of recipes that encourages
• We are specifically seeking dishes that hold a place in your heart, and are particularly enjoyed by your son. If your contribution is included, your family will be acknowledged in the final publication. • Degree of difficulty is from zero to hero, but tasty dishes with
our young men to be culinary heroes from their first foray in the
a focus on classic simplicity appealing to all ages would be
kitchen, whether it is coping with a simple breakfast for Mother’s
particularly suitable.
Day, wooing a romantic interest (it will happen!), or providing hearty meals for their children when the time comes.
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• Recipes will need to be in a ‘cut and paste’ format, for example included in the body of an email or in a Word document.
• Your submission may not make the final book – but don’t let that hold you back. The sooner you send in your fabulous family recipe, the better the chance that it will be included. • Stories about the dish are also happily accepted, for example who passed on the recipe, which cuts of meat are best, or perhaps a particular occasion when you served the dish. CBC has a long and proud association with the Fremantle community, so please feel free to mention particular landmarks or places you shop if appropriate to your tale. The publication will sell for cost price and be available to purchase for members of the CBC community and extended families and friends.Please address any enquiries to Cherie Butcher at or 9430 2001.
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A taste of things to come... To encourage your contributions to the CBC cookbook, every fortnight we will provide you with a tasty recipe from the CBC community that your boys are bound to love.
Minty lamb shanks from Bev Funga Another easy family favourite handed down from a good friend. A great winter warmer Ingredients 6 lamb shanks
2 bay leaves
1Tbsp olive oil
425g can crushed tomatoes
1 spanish onion, finely chopped
500mls vegetable stock
2 garlic cloves, crushed
60ml white wine
35g (¾ cup) chopped mint leaves
1 sprig fresh thyme
Method 1. Preheat oven to 200ºC. 2. Place the shanks into a baking dish in a single layer, close together.
Season and bake for 20 minutes.
3. Heat oil in a frying pan. Cook the onion and garlic for 5 to 8 minutes or until soft.
Stir in ½ cup of the mint, the thyme and bay leaves. Scatter over the meat,
return to the oven and cook for a further 15 minutes.
4. Combine the tomato, stock and wine and pour over the meat. Cover tightly with foil or a lid and bake for 2½ hours. Baste a few times to ensure the meat doesn’t dry out. Turn the shanks over half way through.
If there is too much sauce, remove the covering and cook on a lower temp for a little longer. Garnish with remaining mint and serve with pasta, rice or mash.
5. Best made a day or two in advance and refrigerated. 6. Serves 6.
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Mums raising teenage boys The Parent Auxiliary is again running the
in the development of their son’s identity
parenting teenage boys from a more
Mums Raising Teenage Boys seminars
including their ability to be nurturing.
‘solo’ perspective and gives mums useful
which have been very successful for the
This in turn affects how they relate to
and supportive strategies to help them
last two years.
others, particularly to girls and women.
meet challenges more effectively.
Mums Raising Teenage Boys
The cost of each event is $10 with the
Monday 17 August, 6.30pm – 9.00pm
Mums Raising Boys In A Solo Parent Or Fly In, Fly Out Family
Cost: $10.00
Tuesday 18 August, 6.00pm – 8.30pm.
Places are limited to 25 mums per
Cost: $10.00
workshop. To secure your place,
College again supporting both evenings.
book online at the College website.
However well-prepared mothers are logically, the emotional response to
When your partner is regularly away or
having a boy is often still, “Wow! This
when you are a solo parent different
is unknown territory.” It is true that for
family life challenges can result. Often
many mothers, the idea of raising a son
there are specific emotional and practical
carries its own set of worries.
difficulties to manage such as feeling isolated or lonely, or not having a partner
As the primary female role model in a
available to deal with discipline and other
boy’s life, mothers play an important role
parenting issues. This seminar explores
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 3 | Page 13
Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Murdoch Open Day Murdoch University is excited to announce the date for Open Day 2015 is Sunday 26 July from 10am to 4pm. Students are encouraged to attend with their friends and families to discover a range of course and careers options at Murdoch University. With more than 700 volunteers, students and academics on the ground to assist prospective students with their queries, Open Day is a great day to have all of their questions answered and discover a truly globally connected education. As with previous years, students will be warmly welcomed at the information hub on Bush Court and will be able to find out about the application process and entry requirements including alternative entry pathways at the ‘Central Information Marquee’. Course Guide Volunteers will personally show students to their school of interest for students to be truly inspired at the University’s Course Hotspots. These Hotspots will allow students to get involved, talk to lecturers and current students and find out more about their chosen interest area. Murdoch University will also be running guided tours of our Exercise Science Labs, Engineering Pilot Plant, Vet Hospital, Law Moot Court, TV and Radio Studios and Student Accommodation, to name just a few.
Academic Task Force Enrol now in Academic Task Force Weekend Help Classes in Maths, Science and English for Years 7 to 10, and ATAR and WACE courses for Years 11 and 12. Students receive individual help to strengthen their understanding in areas of need in their courses. Master classes are also available for Year 11 and 12 students seeking higher achievement and mastery of their subjects and wanting to maximise their school and exam results. To enrol visit the Academic Task Force website at or speak with your Year Coordinator for a brochure.
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Peaceful Pathways to Conflict Resolution The Alternatives to Violence Project WA is a non-religious, not for profit organisation which has run workshops in Perth since 1994. This is an international programme based on over 40 years of experience. We conduct workshops for members of the general community to help participants discover new and creative ways of responding to conflict situations and to build community. Participants find strengths and skills within themselves that will enable them to deal with future conflict or potentially violent situations in a more positive manner. In the Basic Workshop guided experiences and exercises focus on: Affirmation, Communication, Co-operation, Community Building and Conflict Resolution. Those who have completed a Basic course are invited to participate in an Advanced level workshop. There is then a third course in which people can train to become facilitators to help with this valuable work in schools, prisons and the community. There is an AVP Basic workshop on 8 to 9 August at 9.00am to 5.30pm. Venue: A Place to Just Be, East Fremantle Contact Mark at or 0400 231151 for registration and further details. For further information visit
The Lowdown on the On-High for Parents This short, user-friendly online course explores with parents questions of life, faith and meaning. You don’t have to be a ‘good’ Catholic (or a Catholic at all!) – and you can take this course individually, or with a group of friends. All you need is an internet connection. The course is on Wednesdays 5 to 19 August, 12.30pm to 1pm and costs $20.00 For more information or to register, visit or call the Maranatha Centre for a brochure on 9241 5221. Maranatha is the adult faith education agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth.
University Open Days These dates are possibly the most important for future students, especially Year 12 to visit the campus of each University and get a sense of what they are like and the courses on offer. All Open Days are on Sundays and usually run from 10am to 3 or 4pm. More details will be on each University web site. Sunday 19 July 19 ECU Joondalup
Sunday 26 July Murdoch University
Sunday 2 August Curtin University
Sunday 9 August UWA
Sunday 9 August ECU Mount Lawley and WAAPA
Sunday 16 August Notre Dame
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Relationships Australia parenting courses Tune Up For Fathers – Commences on Wednesday 29 July for 6 weeks. The course covers: Why Dads Matter To Kids, Developing a Healthy Parenting Style, Improving Family Communication and Closeness, Steering Your Children Through Stressful Stages, Disciplining the Kids Without Losing It, Balancing Life, Work and Family, Working as a Team (Partners’ Evening) Identifying and Implementing Change. For further information please phone 9489 6322. Making Stepfamilies Work – Commences Tuesday 4 August for 6 weeks. Couples with children from previous relationships may need strategies. Strategies on communication, agreement on discipline – who spells out the rules and what the rules are – and on handling competing demands. It is just as important for couples to ensure that in a busy week there is time just for each other. For further information please phone 9489 6322. Family Patterns – Commences on Thursday 6 August for 6 weeks. Many of our adulthood attitudes, values and beliefs and subsequent behaviors can be traced to what was passed on to us in our formative years. This course investigates this link with our first family – whether our biological family or other family system, eg. foster or step family. How we communicate, resolve conflict, use anger effectively or not, and how we show affection – all these can be traced to family patterns passed down from generation to generation. For further information please phone 9489 6322. Rock and Water Programme – Saturday 15 August 8.30am-12.30pm. Physical exercises are constantly linked with mental and social skills. The Rock and Water programme leads from simple self-defence, boundary and communication exercises to a strong notion of self-confidence. The programme offers a framework of exercises and ideas to assist boys and girls to become aware of the purpose and motivation in their life. Topics include: intuition, body language, mental strength, empathic feeling, positive feeling, positive thinking and positive visualising. For further information please phone 9489 6322. Parent Child Connection – Commences Wednesday 26 August for 4 weeks. Raising children should be one of life’s greatest experiences, but as any parent knows, it is not an easy task. People with children under 10 are invited to this four week course to learn new skills, feel better about their parenting and gain confidence. For further information please phone 9489 6322.
Hot Shot Tennis Adult group coaching for parents on Monday and Tuesday 3.30pm-4.30pm; Thursday 9.30am-10.30am; and Wednesday 6.00pm-7.00pm Perfect opportunity to learn tennis when your children are doing their Hot Shot lessons.The class is heaps of fun and a combination of learning all the fundamental technical skills of tennis as well as singles and doubles tactics and matchplay. SPECIAL PROGRAMME OFFER: Enrol your child for 2 junior programmes a week and receive a 50% discount on the second lesson (Hot Shots or Squads Adults Groups). Contact Brendan at or 0401565051 .We look forward to seeing you on the court for a awesome term of tennis!
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Chevron City to Surf 2015 The Chevron City to Surf for Activ is back for 2015! Register the whole class as a weekend activity and benefit from the 15% discount off registration fees! Awesome prizes are available for the largest school team, best school spirit and an additional 10 spot prizes. 100% of the registration fee goes directly to Activ to support people within Western Australia living with disability. For the first time in the history of the event you can fundraise for your own school. For more information about registering your school with the Schoolrun15 discount code check out our website
Fremantle Topspin Tennis Term 3 squad programmes commence 27 July Development squad 10 to 13 years 4.30pm-6.00pm Monday/Wednesday High performance squad 14 to 16 yrs 4.30pm-6.00pm Tuesday To enrol please contact Brendan Malarkey 0401565051 or
Commemorating 80 Years Sunday 9 August
10am – 2pm St Jerome’s Primary School, Munster Mass commences 10am at St Jerome’s Parish Followed by a fun-filled program including: Musical entertainment Games, maths challenges, story time in the library for the kids Art exhibition Guided tours A look back in time at St Jerome’s Sausage sizzle, face painting and a coffee van If you want to be part of the history, purchase a paver, engraved with your family name.
St Jerome’s Primary School, 38 Troode Street (Cnr Rockingham Road), Munster 08 9499 9500 or
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