College Newsletter Week 3 Term 2 Friday 8 May 2015
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2 | Page 1
Cover: Brother John Murray sits in the background as boys take off for the Murray Mile on Edmund Rice Day. See more photos and read more about the celebration in the Newsroom. Photo by Keane Bourke (Year 11).
From the Principal The Quality of Mercy
who are most vociferous or extreme in
In recent weeks there has been
their views. As Christian people who
much discussion and media coverage surrounding the execution of the two unfortunate young Australian men in Indonesia. Among the nine who received the death penalty on that night, their particular stories have understandably filled the airwaves and print media in this country. It would also be fair to say that the diversity and extremity of opinion which has abounded has provided an incisive
CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E
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look into the mindset and character of our nation. While Australia has been seen at its very best and worst during this time, it is essential that our young men at CBC Fremantle are not influenced by those
believe strongly in the sanctity of life we can never support the death penalty. To do so would be to abandon belief in principles such as redemption, the capacity to reform and the innate dignity which accompanies every human life. It is more than 400 years since William Shakespeare wrote one of his memorable speeches about the power of forgiveness but it retains great resonance for us at this time. Taken from The Merchant of Venice, a modern interpretation might be: No one shows mercy because they have to. It just happens, the way gentle rain falls from Heaven.
A perfect day for Blessed Edmund Rice Day
Mercy is a double blessing. It blesses
activities and competitions at school
young people in our schools. We share
the one who gives it and the one who
throughout the afternoon. I know that the
that task with our sibling schools in this
receives it.
staff and students had tremendous fun
state (Aquinas College, CAC Bindoon and
It is strongest in the strongest people.
celebrating our founder’s feast day and
Trinity College), with the dozens of other
that a significant amount of money was
schools in this country under the guidance
The decision to proceed with an execution
raised for donation towards the various
of Edmund Rice Education Australia and
is the easy option for any country, judicial
charitable works undertaken in the name
with schools around the world that share
system or world leader. Despite what
of Edmund Rice throughout the world.
our heritage.
might be portrayed in the latest Hollywood
This year, the focus of our contribution
movies, there is always far more power in
will be on re-building schools in Sierra
Blessed Edmund Rice was a remarkable
forgiveness than there is in retribution.
Leone after that country was devastated
man who worked tirelessly throughout
by the Ebola virus.
his life for the good of others, particularly
The Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice
It is always fitting to remember that the
result of poverty and a lack of access to
On Friday of last week the College
work we are engaged in at CBC Fremantle
education. We gratefully acknowledge
celebrated the feast day of Blessed
is part of a much broader mission to
his sacrifice and that of all of those who
Edmund Rice. We commemorated this
continue the work of our founder and
have followed him. We recognise their
occasion by celebrating Mass at the
specifically to provide opportunities for
contribution to the blessings we currently
Basilica and engaging in a variety of
the holistic development of all of the
enjoy at CBC.
those cast to the margins of society as a
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2 | Page 3
Mother’s Day
two greatest gifts we receive from our
This morning saw many mothers and
mums; the wisdom to discern what is right
grandmothers attend the College to begin the celebration of what we all hope will be a wonderful weekend for them. The special Mother’s Day liturgy gave each of the boys a special opportunity to acknowledge their mum and to let them know the essential part they play in their lives. The morning tea that followed gave the mums a chance to re-acquaint themselves with old friends and to make some new ones. In the lives of young men, the role of mother is a very complex one. The beautiful hymn, Hail Mary: Gentle Woman is part of our Catholic faith tradition and contains the line, ‘teach us wisdom, teach us love.’ Perhaps these teachings are the
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and the ability to love as we have been loved by them. At least for this Sunday, I hope all of our mums get suitably spoilt and are reminded of how much they are needed and loved by their families. Shaun Kenny Principal
College Information
College Calendar
Photo Day
CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking
Monday 11 May is the College photo day for Mentor Groups and family photos. Order forms will be distributed to boys on the day so please look out for them on Monday afternoon and return them by Monday 18 May. The day’s schedule is posted up around the campus.
on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You
Please make sure your son’s clothing is labelled, particularly his blazer. We have many blazers handed in after Photo Day and owners of unlabelled items are extremely difficult to locate.
can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.
Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details. Monday 11 May College Photo Day
Secondhand blazers wanted
Saturday 6 June
The Uniform Shop is desperately seeking size 9 and 10 secondhand blazers. Please see Falda in the Uniform Shop on Wednesdays if you can help.
CBC Family Mass – 6pm, St Patrick’s Basilica
Canteen hours The Canteen is open from 8.30am in the morning for 10 minutes to allow boys to purchase drinks only. Food and drink purchases can of course be made during recess and lunch breaks.
Donations of clothing The Kiwirrkurra Immersion Group is seeking donations to take with them to two remote Indigenous communities. If you have items of winter clothing or blankets that are still in good condition but are being unused, please donate them and drop them in to Mr Baldry at the RE Office. Thank you.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2 | Page 5
In the Newsroom Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
7 May
Edmund Rice Day CBC Fremantle acknowledged the hope and charism of a remarkable man and the founder of the Christian Brothers at a special day of festivities and celebration on Edmund Rice Day. Read more... 7 May
Visual Art Excursion On Thursday 30 April CBC Fremantle’s Year 11 and 12 ATAR and General Classes caught the train to the Art Gallery of WA to view the 2014 Year 12’s Perspectives Exhibition. Read more... 7 May
Rockets, roller coasters and relics At the end of 2011, Mr Leicester was tasked with creating an Academic Excellence Programme (AEP) for CBC, and was told to dream big for the future. Read more... Page 6 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2
6 May
ABC of broadcasting On Wednesday morning, 20 of CBC Fremantle’s Literature and Media group students were privileged to be taken on a tour of the nation’s public broadcaster... Read more... 6 May
Bell Shakespeare undoes Macbeth On the first day back at school this term, Mrs Jeffreys organised Bell Shakespeare to perform Macbeth: Undone to our Drama and English students. Read more... 30 April
Turkey Tour Reunion Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings on the weekend... Read more...
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2 | Page 7
1st XVIII Football update Tough game for round one
every opportunity to overrun a well-drilled
Round one of the First XVIII football
Darling Range, but unfortunately we didn’t
competition, the Schoolboys Redimed
make full use of all our chances. There
Jonathon Frampton, Zane Sumich,
Cup, started with an away game to Darling
were solid contributors all over the ground
Range SHS. The game was always going
with Jordan Biondillo, Joseph Eardley, Tyler
to have a big build up as it was the grand
Sorrell and Liam Minervini providing the
final rematch from 2014, and it definitely
run through the midfield and working hard
didn’t disappoint. Our First XVIII had a very
to win first use in contested situations. Up
different look to the one in 2014 with
forward Mitchell Hughes and Sam Timewell
12 students making their debut and two
competed well, while Jonathon Frampton’s
boys playing just their second game in
work rate at CHF was exceptional, including
the top side.
a big pack mark and goal deep in the forward 50. The back six worked hard all
Congratulations to the following boys on
game with Isaac Mitchell, Kyle Mirco, Riley
making their debut: Riley Burke, Kennedy
Burke and Kennedy Sorrell winning their
Sorrell, Jordan Fillipin, Sam Timewell,
contests and providing some solid run
Nicholas Hayes, Matthew Geaney, Victor
and rebound out of the back half. Zane
Burnett, Jonathon Frampton, Thomas
Sumich and Joseph Caupti were excellent,
Eastaugh, Thomas David, Mitchell Hughes
playing key roles at CHB and FB on quality
and Liam Minervini.
opposition, with Zane sneaking forward and slotting a goal on the run.
Led by Captains Jordan Biondillo and Tyler Sorrell, the boys played an exciting and
The final score from the game was
physical brand of football giving themselves
Darling Range 3.8.26 def CBC 3.0.18.
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Ambrose Ryan
Best Tyler Sorrell, Jordan Biondillo, Joseph Caputi, Joseph Eardley, Zane Sumich, Isaac Mitchell, Kyle Mirco, Kennedy Sorrell. Future fixtures are as follows and we encourage anyone who wants to support the boys to come along to games. For such a young group, they play an exciting brand of football. 6 May – CBC v Clontarf @ Clontarf 13 May – CBC v Comet Bay @Fremantle 20 May – CBC v Corpus Christi @ Fremantle 17 June – CBC v Mandurah @ Fremantle For regular updates on all sporting events at CBC Fremantle you can like our Facebook page CBC Fremantle Sport.
Round two victory
providing some run out of the back half.
1 Nathan Scott, Zane Sumich, Tom David,
Round two of the 1st XVIII football
Once again we had some midfielders stand
Jonathon Frampton, Timothy Bockman
up and really stamp their presence on
and Christian Richards.
competition was against Clontarf Aboriginal College and debuted four more talented
the game. Jordan Biondillo was strong in tight, Liam Minervini was clever around
stoppages and Joseph Eardley provided
Zane Sumich, Sam Timewell, Joseph
some muscle and run where needed.
Eardley, Jordan Biondillo, Liam Minervini,
Monaghan on making the 1st XVIII.
Up forward the boys were getting some
Jonathon Frampton, Jordan Fillipin,
good supply but still had to work hard
Kyle Mirco
Traditionally, games between CBC and
for their opportunities. Jordan Fillipin
footballers in the CBC Fremantle top team. Congratulations to Nathan Scott, Christian Richards, Timothy Bockman and Tom
Clontarf are always fast paced, physical and exciting to watch, and this game was no exception. To our boys’ credit, they came out firing, playing a tight and disciplined style of football. The tackling was fierce from both sides with Jordan Biondillo and Joseph Eardley leading the way with their physical presence. The back six stood tall again this week with Zane Sumich holding down centre halfback
was lively and very dangerous early while
Future fixtures
Jonathon Frampton’s work rate and
13 May – CBC v Comet Bay @ Fremantle
contested marking continues to improve. Mitchell Hughes made full use of his short stint up forward kicking three goals, and Timothy Bockman did not look out of place for his first game. The final score from the game was CBC
20 May – CBC v Corpus Christi @ Fremantle 17 June – CBC v Mandurah @ Fremantle For regular updates on all sporting events at CBC Fremantle you can like our Facebook page CBC Fremantle Sport.
11.5.71 def Clontarf 5.3.33.
and Sam Timewell playing a blinder off
halfback. Kyle Mirco and Riley Burke were
3 Mitchell Hughes
good again winning their contests and
2 Tom Eastaugh CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2 | Page 9
What CBC boys like about Edmund Rice Day...
Jayden Brimson
Axel Damitz
Tomas Holohan
Year 10
Year 7
Year 7
What do you think of Edmund Rice Day?
What do you think of Edmund Rice Day?
What do you think of Edmund Rice Day?
It was good to do it again. I look forward
It was really cool.
It was really fun and the activities were a lot better than I thought they would be.
to it. What was your favourite activity? What was your favourite activity?
Sumo Suits.
What was your favourite activity? Zorb Soccer.
I liked the challenges – my friend and I did the M&M challenge and we lost
What do you know about Edmund Rice?
by two.
He never actually came to Australia. He
What do you know about Edmund Rice?
was pretty rich and he invested in helping
He was born in Ireland and we have a hall
What do you know about Edmund Rice?
kids get off the streets and teaching them
named after him which is our Chapel.
He funded schools to help the needy.
to live good lives.
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Ben Johns
Henry Rogerson
Hamish Thompson
Year 12
Year 10
Year 8
What do you think of Edmund Rice Day?
What do you think of Edmund Rice Day?
What do you think of Edmund Rice Day?
Pretty good day.
Pretty good.
Good activities.
What was your favourite activity?
What was your favourite activity?
What was your favourite activity?
The festivities – all the stalls and stuff.
Chilled out and enjoyed being out
The Dunk Tank.
of class. What do you know about Edmund Rice?
What do you know about Edmund Rice? He started a school for disadvantaged kids
What do you know about Edmund Rice?
He had a child who was handicapped.
who didn’t get an opportunity to go to
He set up schools for kids who couldn’t
He thought heaps about religion. He
school. He funded it with his own money.
afford education.
built schools and welcomed all kids.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2 | Page 11
Community cookbook: a call for recipes You are invited to contribute to our community cookbook and help us acknowledge the traditions of our College, the love and support of our families, and the journey of today’s boys…tomorrow’s gentlemen.
CBC Fremantle is proud to be a part of raising good young men
How you can help
of our community, who have the skills and courage to face and
• Submit your favourite family recipe to us with specific quantities
overcome challenges and to form positive, mutually beneficial
(eg millilitres, grams, tablespoons, cups, etc, and in Australian
relationships. The gentlemen of CBC are the guardians of the
standard measuring) and easy to follow instructions. Your recipes
future, and their positive male contribution to our society
will need to be tried and tested prior to submission to ascertain the
provides us all with hope and faith in a better world.
correct quantities. • Please specify how many people the recipe will feed.
To highlight the journey from today’s boy to tomorrow’s gentleman, CBC is planning to produce a community cookbook celebrating all that is nurturing and resilient about our young men and their families. A timeless collection of recipes that encourages
• We are specifically seeking dishes that hold a place in your heart, and are particularly enjoyed by your son. If your contribution is included, your family will be acknowledged in the final publication. • Degree of difficulty is from zero to hero, but tasty dishes with
our young men to be culinary heroes from their first foray in the
a focus on classic simplicity appealing to all ages would be
kitchen, whether it is coping with a simple breakfast for Mother’s
particularly suitable.
Day, wooing a romantic interest (it will happen!), or providing hearty meals for their children when the time comes.
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• Recipes will need to be in a ‘cut and paste’ format, for example included in the body of an email or in a Word document.
• Your submission may not make the final book – but don’t let
The publication will sell for cost price and be available to purchase
that hold you back. The sooner you send in your fabulous family
for members of the CBC community and extended families and
recipe, the better the chance that it will be included.
friends.Please address any enquiries to Cherie Butcher at
• Stories about the dish are also happily accepted, for example or 9430 2001.
who passed on the recipe, which cuts of meat are best, or perhaps a particular occasion when you served the dish. CBC has a long and proud association with the Fremantle community, so please feel free to mention particular landmarks or places you shop if appropriate to your tale.
Timeline and other details It is hoped to produce the CBC cookbook in time for your Christmas shopping, therefore the deadline for submitting your recipes is 8 May 2015.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2 | Page 13
A taste of things to come... To encourage your contributions to the CBC cookbook, every fortnight we will provide you with a tasty recipe from the CBC community that your boys are bound to love.
Rod’s Baked Beans from Brenda Munro My late husband and Luke’s dad developed this recipe and used to make it frequently, especially when settling down to watch a football game. He never had the chance to enjoy it with his son, but maybe other fathers and sons could enjoy making this very simple, starter’s recipe together! Ingredients 1 medium brown onion, finely diced 425g can baked beans in tomato sauce ¼ cup BBQ sauce 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon HP sauce Sliced bread, toasted Cheese, small amount, grated Olive oil Method Heat a small amount of oil in a pan, and gently fry the onion on medium heat until golden and tender. Add the baked beans to the pan, mix with the onions, then add the sauces and blend well. Continue to stir over medium heat until thoroughly mixed and heated through. Serve poured over toast, and top with grated cheese.
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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Relay for Life On 10 October 2015, Fremantle will be hosting their second Relay for Life event at East Fremantle ATOM Stadium. This year we have made a huge goal to donate $100,000 to the Cancer Council and we need your help to get us there! The aim of the event is to get a team of 10-15 people and fundraise before the Relay – all ages are welcome. The money is donated, and the team then relay walks or runs for 24 hours. Cancer doesn’t sleep, so why should we? Help us fight cancer and give back to our beautiful Fremantle community. Go to our Fremantle Relay for Life website to sign up a team.
UWA Engineering Information Evenings UWA Engineering Information Evenings will provide high school students with course and prerequisite advice, information on career paths and guidance on the different areas of engineering you can specialise in. We will also have some friendly students on-hand to answer any questions about university life or being a member of one of the faculties exciting student clubs. Attendees will be given a folder of course information and a special gift from the Faculty. Our Engineering Information Evenings will run on the following dates in 2015: • Tuesday 19 May, 6:30 -7:30pm, Weatherburn Lecture Theatre, Room G40, Mathematics Building • Tuesday 16 June, 6:30 -7:30pm, Monadelphous Integrated Learning Centre, (MILC), Monadelphous Design Studio,
Room 1.52, Mathematics Building
• Monday 27 July, 6:30 - 7:30pm, Weatherburn Lecture Theatre, Room G40, Mathematics Building • Sunday 9 August - as part of UWA Open Day • Thursday 3 September, 6:30 -7:30pm, Weatherburn Lecture Theatre, Room G40, Mathematics Building To book onto a session please see our webpage.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2 | Page 15
The University of Notre Dame Australia The University is holding two Course Information Evenings for students and parents which provide an ideal opportunity to speak with academic staff and access the most up-to-date information on your chosen course. Wednesday 20 May
Tuesday 9 June
Course Information Evening & Expo
5.30pm EXPO / 6.00 presentation
Drill Hall (cnr Mouat & Croke Streets)
Course Information Evening & Expo
5.30pm EXPO / 6.00 presentation
Tannock Hall (cnr Cliff & Croke Streets)
We invite Year 10, 11 and 12 students to consider career options and sample opportunities available at university at this free event on the last day of mid-year holidays: Friday 17 June
A Day in the Life of a University Student
9.30am to 2.00pm
Prindiville Hall (cnr Mouat & Croke Streets)
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Get ready for a Leeuwin adventure this year! The Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation has some exciting news which we would like to share with your school community. We have just released our full voyage programme for 2015; another season packed with ocean adventures for 14-25 year olds, aboard the STS Leeuwin II. A unique experiential learning program which is endorsed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. We have two remaining voyages coming up before our annual winter maintenance period and then we recommence in September with a couple of voyages to Bunbury, several school holiday voyages, our second Uni Challenge, a few six-day voyages to accommodate those students who have weekend sporting commitments and our annual Ultimate Challenge voyage for those with a physical, sensory or intellectual disability. Learning to sail a traditional tall ship is a unique and life-changing experience which will challenge participants to step outside their comfort zones and discover their true potential, equipping them with key life skills such as leadership, communication, teamwork and self-confidence. A Leeuwin voyage is not only the ultimate ocean adventure, it also counts as 5 WACE points for students in years 10 to 12 and can now also count as a component of the Duke of Edinburgh Award and the Queen’s Scout Award. We have a range of scholarships available to cover part of the voyage fare for anyone in need of finan-cial assistance. To find out more about our voyages and scholarship program or to download applica-tion form please visit Alternatively you can contact our office on 9340 4105 or email for more information.
Help the Homeless Art Auction Saturday 6 June 2015 Venue: Fremantle Town Hall Parking: Henderson St Carpark. Performance by The Starlight Hotel Choir at 5pm with Auction commencing at 5.30pm. Refreshments provided. Open for viewing on Friday 5 June from 3pm to 5pm, and Saturday 6 June from 12 noon - 5pm with Auction at 5.30pm. Registration is from 3pm. See attached flyer for more details.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2 | Page 17
Edmund rice Camps
Quiz Night Friday 22 May 2015 at 7pM Aquinas College Hall – 58 Mt Henry Road, Salter Point
$250 per table
(maximum of 10 ppl per table. Cost includes 1 free drink pp)
MAjoR FiRSt PRize – 10 tickets to the Bankwest Corporate Box at Domain Stadium for the Fremantle vs North Melbourne game on Saturday 23rd May. Delicious authentic italian wood fired pizza available on the night please pre order your pizza when booking your table. No BYo drinks. Bring along your money for bar, raffles, games, auction and baked goodies. to purchase tables or for more information please visit our website or contact Nicole Mancini at Page 18 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2