CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 3 term 3 2015

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College Newsletter Week 3 Term 3 Friday 7 August 2015

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 3 | Page 1

Cover: Riley Burke (Year 11) marks the football in the 1st XVIII Grand Final. For the full story and photos, visit the Newsroom.

From the Principal

Photo by Keane Bourke (Year 11).

During my recent hospitalisation, it

of the world. Each day I am immersed in

became apparent to me that I have come

a world that inspires, nourishes, comforts,

to rely on Foxtel to a very great extent.

cooperates and educates. On the occasion

From my perspective, watching re-runs

that differences of opinion occur, they

of Seinfeld, B Grade Westerns starring

happen in a climate of mutual respect,

Audie Murphy on TCM and the staples of

maintaining the dignity of each other,

the 1960s like Gilligan’s Island, Bonanza

and focusing on the behaviour or issue,

and Hogan’s Heroes is certainly superior

without getting personal. Underpinning all

viewing to the reality shows that litter the

of these interactions is the importance of

free-to-air entertainment landscape at

relationships, and the attributes we as a

the moment. In the end it came down to

community seek to develop in our boys.

either a blank screen, or ABC News 24.

First and foremost we seek to instil in the

My release from hospital did not come

boys, and model as adults, that all our

CBC Fremantle

too soon, because after a few days of

attitudes and actions should be formed on

51 Ellen Street

nothing but bad news, I was desperate

Gospel values. Our College Chaplain Father

Fremantle WA 6160

to get back to ‘my reality’.

Tony Maher recently delivered a formation

T 08 9336 2700

PD on Gospel values to the staff, in which

E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

Working at CBC Fremantle is largely to

he quoted scripture written by St Paul to


blame for my jaundiced view of the rest

the Colossians:

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“The reaction to attack those who hold different views should not, however, be the immediate default, and in disagreeing with others, grace and dignity still have a role.”

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy

A few years ago, a film called Crash

and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with

surprised everyone by winning the best

order to promote a movie that sought to

compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness

picture gong at the 78th Academy Awards.

address the moral quandary of racism. The

their financial interests secondary in

and patience. Bear with each other and

Whilst all the talk was about Brokeback

message for me was that leaders should

forgive one another if any of you has a

Mountain that year, Crash snuck through

always seek to nourish the ‘goodness’ in us,

grievance against someone. Forgive as the

to most pundits’ surprise. The film stars

before they seek to exploit the differences.

Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues

Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon,

Their first reaction should be to try and

put on love, which binds them all together

Jennifer Esposito, Michael Peña, Brendan

unite, modelling and developing respect

in perfect unity.

Fraser, Terrence Howard, Chris Bridges,

for those with opposing views, whilst

Thandie Newton and Ryan Phillippe.

assertively maintaining their own beliefs.

This, as much as any other definition I have

Despite the fact that each of these actors

seen, encapsulates what Gospel values

command multi-million dollar fees, the film

An attribute of the CBC gentleman is to

are. It is these virtues we, as adults, seek

was made for $6.5 million. Crash is about

recognise the ‘other’ in his life. This does

to model, and as a result, hope our boys

racial and social tensions in Los Angeles,

not mean one should ‘roll over’ to views

develop and eventually demonstrate.

and the premise that each of us has

that are diametrically opposed to what

Without trying to ignite a firestorm, I ask

the potential to act for good, or for bad,

is reasonably acceptable, or give up on

myself how much of the Adam Goodes

depending on our circumstances. The fact

values or opinions that are fervently held,

debate, regardless of which side of the

that such a cultured nation as Germany

or submit to views that are at complete

fence one sits, would have taken the route

was led into the atrocities of WWII is

odds to the fabric of decency. Even Pope

it did had everyone adopted a dose of

testament to that theory. The reason that

Francis drew the line recently when he

Gospel values?

this movie was made was that the ‘leaders’

indicated acceptance does have its limits.

who starred in it placed themselves and

The reaction to attack those who hold

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Showing good will and sportsmanship in defeat, the XVIII receive their medals after the Grand Final against Darling Range Sports College. Photo by Keane Bourke (Year 11).

different views should not, however, be the

cohesiveness of society, which by definition,

their constituents, and could well do the

immediate default, and in disagreeing with

should be a federation of brother and

country a favour if they liberally adopted

others, grace and dignity still have a role.

sisterhood. Instead it breeds division and

Gospel values. As Mr Kenny always tell

marginalisation, giving no hope to the

our boys, Gospel values are immutable.

Time and time again, any metaphorical

disaffected. From a personal perspective,

They apply equally to all religions, and to

biopsy of the national debate on any

in so many facets of my life, gone is the

people of no religion. The values promote

topic sees many of our leaders, be they

sodality of the Fremantle community I

cohesion, respect and love. They are sadly

political, radio and television personalities

grew up in in the 1960s ‌ gone except at

lacking in the national debate, and it is my

or sometimes sporting stars, seek to

CBC Fremantle.

hope that our leaders of the future, the

denigrate their opponents with slurs, innuendo, fear and bully tactics. Question

CBC gentlemen, through the guidance you Many leaders of our communities need

provide, supported by their school, help

time in the Federal parliament is hardly

to lift their game. Their prognostications

re-build that community that some of us

an endorsement of Gospel values, and

should not be about the retaining of power,

feel has passed us by.

any wit or repartee is rarely seen or heard.

populist rants or ratings. Altruism should

This development of divide and conquer

be at the root of everything they do. They

Mr Domenic Burgio

does not assist, in my humble opinion, the

are placed in these positions to serve


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College Information

College Calendar CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.

Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details. Monday 10 August

CBC Family Mass

Year 7 Father/Son Loving for Life evening, ALA at 5.00pm

You and your family are invited to join us in a

Wednesday 12 August

celebration of the warmth and friendship

Year 8/9 Basketball Carnival

of the CBC community.

Year 8 Rugby 4.00pm at LaSalle College

Saturday 22 August at 6pm at St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle

Year 10 RAC Keys for Life, ALA at 5.45pm

Year 10 Rugby 4:45pm at La Salle College Athletics Training, 12, 19, 26 August and 2 September. Friday 14 August Mid term – no classes

We look forward to seeing you there.

Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 August Mums Raising Teenage Boys Seminars Book online on the College website.

The 22nd Angelico Exhibition

Saturday 22 August

Catholic Arts invites you to attend the Angelico Exhibition from

CBC Family Mass at St Patrick’s Basilica at 6.00pm

Monday 10 to Friday 21 August 9am to 5pm daily, at Forrest Centre,

Thursday 27 August

221 St George’s Terrace, Perth.

ICT Wine and Cheese Cybersafety Evening

Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers The College is collecting Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers so please don’t forget to grab yours when you do the shopping.

Friday 28 August ViPA at Fremantle Town Hall Friday 4 September Father’s Day Breakfast

Students can put the stickers in the box in Student Services.

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In the Newsroom Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

30 July

1sts show team spirit in Football final CBC Fremantle 1st XVIII AFL Football finished off an excellent season with a hard loss against traditional rivals, Darling Range Sports Club. Read more...

21 July

Jazz in Singapore Keeping in line with CBC’s tradition of immersing students in other cultures, 19 musicians and two teachers spent the first half of the July holidays in Singapore, soaking up the music, the food, and of course, the culture. Read more... 30 June

Athletics hat-trick for Morgan Morgan House once again held aloft the House Athletics shield at the close of the Carnival at Challenge Stadium last Friday. Read more...

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FELLAS IN FILM THURSDAY 13th AUGUST 2015 LUNCH time in the amphitheatre $10 per pizza $2 per slice

featuring... Phillip Gwynne

Author Deadly, Unna? Screenwriter Australian Rules

Shane McCarthy

Stuart Morrice

Comic book writer DC Comics Creator Transformer 'Drift'

Assistant Director Chronicles of Narnia Production Assistant Ghost Rider

CBC snippets Nothing like a bit of inspiration: a message of support on the front of the Rowing shell at the All School’s Rowing Regatta on the weekend.

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What CBC boys like about books... Next week, the English department is thrilled to host several exciting events as part of their ‘Fellas in Film’ focus, including a visit from critically acclaimed Australian author and screenwriter, Phillip Gwynne, whose novel Deadly, Unna? was subsequently produced as the thought-provoking movie, Australian Rules. Six Year 10 English Extension boys took the time to share their thoughts on the experience of the novel to film process, and their favourite book of all time.

Keegan Di Prinzio

Ned Marshall

Christian Mazzone

Year 10

Year 10

Year 10

What did you think of Deadly, Unna??

What did you think of Deadly, Unna??

What did you think of Deadly, Unna??

I quite liked it. The relationship

Interesting, more light with humour

It kept you excited and wanting to know

between characters was interesting

than the movie.

what happens next. It brings out the

because you don’t see that very often

What message did you get from it?

best of the characters.

It’s a good take on racial segregation,

What message did you get from it?

What message did you get from it?

division of society and how that effects

Treat others how you want to be

I enjoyed the book; I thought the

the younger generations, and how the

treated; and your family are the people

characters were really well developed.

older generation’s thoughts don’t gel

who are the most important.

Did you prefer the book or the movie?

with ours.

Did you prefer the book or the movie?

The book. The movie left out details

Did you prefer the book or the movie?

The book – you get more of an idea of

that I thought were important.

The book was more humorous; the

what the characters are thinking.

What is your favourite book?

movie was more dark.

What is your favourite book?

Probably Inheritance by

What is your favourite book?

The Hunger Games.

Christopher Paolini.


living in the city.

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Henry Scurry

Darcy Sunter

Nic Watson

Year 10

Year 10

Year 10

What did you think of Deadly, Unna??

What did you think of Deadly, Unna??

What did you think of Deadly, Unna??

I really enjoyed it. Reading it went really

Pretty interesting ideas about how our

I could really relate to it because I play

quickly. It’s quite funny, very Australian,

society treats other cultures.

footy and I’m a ruckman like the main

so the humour is suited to us.

What message did you get from it?

character. Also, my grandparents have a

What message did you get from it?

That we should respect other cultures.

Mateship; two people who are so

Did you prefer the book or the movie?

farm in Beverley so I could relate to the country town.

The book because you could

What message did you get from it?

Did you prefer the book or the movie?

understand the message more clearly.

Father/son relationships are really

The book – the movie had to have a few

Thoughts from the characters that

important. I have a good relationship


didn’t come out in the movie explained

with my dad. Also, accepting other

What is your favourite book?

things a little more.


The Hobbit.

What is your favourite book?

Did you prefer the book or the movie?

different end up becoming great mates.

Probably Harry Potter and the Deathly

The book – you could understand what


they were thinking. What is your favourite book? The autobiography of Kurt Fearnley. He is paralysed and he crawled the Kokoda Trail. It was really inspirational.

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ADULT $15 | CHILD/CONC $10 | FAMiLY $45


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A taste of things to come... To encourage your contributions to the CBC cookbook, every fortnight we will provide you with a tasty recipe from the CBC community that your boys are bound to love.

Mussels in Chilli Tomato Sauce from Greg Hayes My son, who completed his schooling at CBC in 2013, and I love sharing chilli mussels. Below is one of recipes we like to use. Ingredients for 4 people 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1 brown onion, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 small red chillies, finely chopped, de-seeded if you don’t want to much heat. 1 tablespoon tomato paste 4 400g tins of diced tomatoes 1 lemon, rind finely grated, juiced 2 teaspoons of sugar ½ bottle of dry white wine 1.5kg mussels, beards removed ½ cup parsley leaves, roughly chopped Crusty bread to serve Method 1. Heat oil in a large, deep saucepan over medium heat. Add onion, garlic and chilli. Cook, stirring, for 3 minutes or until onion is soft. Add tomato paste and cook for 1 minute. 2. Add diced tomato tins, lemon rind, lemon juice, sugar and wine to pan. Stir until well combined. Increase heat to high. Bring sauce to the boil. Reduce heat to medium. Simmer, uncovered, for 8 to 10 minutes or until thick. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Add mussels to sauce. Cover and cook, shaking pan occasionally, for 3 to 5 minutes or until mussel shells open. Discard unopened shells. Ladle sauce and mussels into bowls. Sprinkle with parsley. Serve with bread.

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Mums raising teenage boys The Parent Auxiliary is again running the

in the development of their son’s identity

parenting teenage boys from a more

Mums Raising Teenage Boys seminars

including their ability to be nurturing.

‘solo’ perspective and gives mums useful

which have been very successful for the last

This in turn affects how they relate to

and supportive strategies to help them

two years.

others, particularly to girls and women.

meet challenges more effectively.

Mums Raising Teenage Boys

The cost of each event is $10 with the

Monday 17 August, 6.30pm – 9.00pm

Mums Raising Boys In A Solo Parent Or Fly In, Fly Out Family

Cost: $10.00

Tuesday 18 August, 6.00pm – 8.30pm.

Places are limited to 25 mums per

Cost: $10.00

workshop. To secure your place, book online at the College website.

However well-prepared mothers are logically, the emotional response to having

When your partner is regularly away or

a boy is often still, “Wow! This is unknown

when you are a solo parent different

territory.” It is true that for many mothers,

family life challenges can result. Often

the idea of raising a son carries its own set

there are specific emotional and practical

of worries.

difficulties to manage such as feeling isolated or lonely, or not having a partner

As the primary female role model in a

available to deal with discipline and other

boy’s life, mothers play an important role

parenting issues. This seminar explores

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College again supporting both evenings.

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Chevron City to Surf 2015 The Chevron City to Surf for Activ is back for 2015! Register the whole class as a weekend activity and benefit from the 15% discount off registration fees! Awesome prizes are available for the largest school team, best school spirit and an additional 10 spot prizes. 100% of the registration fee goes directly to Activ to support people within Western Australia living with disability. For the first time in the history of the event you can fundraise for your own school. For more information about registering your school with the Schoolrun15 discount code check out our website www.chevroncitytosurf.com.au.

Alison Lawson Centre Does your child have any of these problems? • Labelled dyslexic or ADD? • Poor spelling? • Reading difficulties? • Reverses letters? • Is easily distracted? • Low self-esteem? The Alison Lawson Centre Perth provides a simple, safe and non invasive programme for treating visual dyslexia. Make an appointment today! The Alison Lawson Centre Perth, contact Kelly Lacy 0418 594 867, alisonlawsoncentreperth@gmail.com, www.alcperth.com.

Bicton Junior Cricket Club Registration Day 2015/2016 Season Under 9 T20 Blast through to Under 17s, plus Milo in2Cricket programme for five years and older. Sunday 9 August from 11am to 1pm at Troy Park Clubrooms, Burke Drive, Attadale. Register online now at www.bictonjcc.com.au.

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Teen’s Yoga Regular yoga practice helps teenagers to manage stress, become more centred, maintain a healthy body and develop compassion, allowing them to flourish as young adults. Momentum Coaching & Yoga in Melville offers yoga for teens aged between 12 to 16 years on Thursdays from 4.30pm to 5.30pm. To make an enquiry please phone 9330 1988 or email info@momentumcoachyoga.com.au.

Stronger Teens’ Camp 2 to 4 October 2015 at Fairbridge Village Pinjarra. An amazing weekend with huge games and activities, inspiring talks about faith and life, prayer and worship, and time to chill with friends. Cost $150.00 includes all accommodation, meals, adventure activities and bus transport to/from Perth. Open to all high school aged teenagers. For more info visit cym.com.au or contact Catholic Youth Ministry on 9422 7912 or admin@cym.com.au.

Glass Slipper Teens’ Ball, raising funds for the Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation The Teens’ Ball will be held on Saturday 5 September at the Mercure Hotel Perth. Hosted by Hit92.9’s Heidi, Will & Woody, the night will be jam packed full of fun and entertainment for teens aged 12 to 17. There will be a Photo Booth, DJ, Lolly Buffet and much more. Tickets are on sale now from www.glassslipperballwa.com.au for $95.00 which includes a buffet meal and soft drinks. It is a great opportunity for teenagers to get dressed up and experience a night of glitz and glamour as well as supporting such an important cause. Ticket sales close on 16 August, so if you would like to be a part of this event, contact kasey@glassslipperballwa.com.au or phone 0402 346 081.

Note Dame University Academic Enabling and Support Centre Year 10 Preparation for Upper School English This course will assist students to develop the skills needed for academic success in Years 11 and 12 , and beyond. Tuesday 29 September to Friday 2 October 2015 from 9.00am to 12.00pm Cost $130.00, registrations close on Friday 25 September 2015 Year 11 Academic Reading & Writing Course This course is ideal for students currently in Year 11 Stage 2 English courses and wanting to improve their English skills. Tuesday 29 September to Friday 2 October 2015 from 1.00pm to 4.00pm Cost $130, registrations close on Friday 25 September 2015 If you have any questions, please contact the Academic Enabling and Support Centre on 9433 0168. Page 14 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 3

Fremantle Jazz Orchestra Fremantle Jazz Orchestra are performing at the Navy Club on Sunday 9 August from 4pm to 7pm. Tickets available at the door. www.jazzfremantle.com.au

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