College Newsletter Week 5 Term 3 Friday 21 August 2015
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 3 | Page 1
Cover: Yusef Hourani (Year 11) received first prize in the Upper School Drawing Category at the 2015 Catholic Art Angelico Exhibition Photo by Ms Zoe Francis.
From the Principal Oblate Cup and Sport at CBC
interesting perspective on the day, being
The Oblates of Mary Immaculate have
an Oblate priest while having a strong
had a long-standing association with the
attachment to CBC. His robust barracking
parish of St Patrick’s, CBC Fremantle and
for our College left no doubt about where
Mazenod College. In 2008, the decision
his loyalties lay. After CBC retained the
was made to bring these two very similar
cup, he has not missed the opportunity to
schools together for a sporting challenge.
exercise his bragging rights over his clerical
This year’s contest across a range of winter
confreres from Lesmurdie!
sports was conducted on Tuesday of this
CBC Fremantle
week and it was great to see such a large
A special thank you is due to all of the
number of boys involved and enjoying the
staff coaches and to Mr Hunter and Mr
day. Thank you to the parents and former
Matthews for their work in the preparation
students who attended as supporters or
and smooth running of the event. The
assisted as officials.
main focus of the day is the promotion of
51 Ellen Street
positive relationships between these two
Fremantle WA 6160
The trophies presented in each of the
schools of similar size and values and this
T 08 9336 2700
sports are named after either Christian
was certainly accomplished.
Brothers or Oblate Priests who have been
instrumental in the history of one or both
Our school is frequently acknowledged
Colleges. Our own Father Tony has an
for its achievements in a broad range of
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sports. It seems that the spirit and talent of our sports teams is widely recognised. In previous newsletters I have regularly commented about the importance of a balanced and holistic education and it is appropriate to ask where sport stands in the priorities of the school and why significant emphasis is placed upon it. In addition to the obvious reasons surrounding the benefits of physical activity and good health, there are two others which I consider most pertinent. The first pertains to the fact that research continually asserts that boys learn best when they identify strongly with their school and develop a sense of belonging. There is little doubt that involvement in sport engenders a sense of spirit and identity. This spirit then leads to increased enjoyment of the overall school experience and a heightened sense of pride in the College. The positive energy that is thus generated can then be channelled into other dimensions of the school such as the faith formation, academic or cultural programmes. The second significant reason for encouraging sporting involvement concerns some of the very positive attributes that we wish all of the boys at CBC to acquire. Leadership, discipline and teamwork are qualities which can be taught in a number of settings but are Bill Orr (Year 8) receiving the Br John Murray medal for Year 8/9 Soccer from Fr John Sherman
most effectively learned in an environment where the boys are enjoying themselves. CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 3 | Page 3
When sport is played in the right manner,
for his beautifully detailed set of seven
Our first Family Mass in June was very
these transferrable attributes are
pencil drawings. His teachers, Mrs Zoe
well attended and I’m sure the same will
internalised and practised.
Francis and Mrs Steph Hantzis, are also to
be true for our second and final mass for
be congratulated for their guidance and
the year to be held tomorrow, Saturday 22
Our sporting programme is centred upon
encouragement of Yusef and all of the boys
August at 6.00pm at St Patrick’s Basilica.
participation and engagement. It is an
who work in the Visual Arts area. I warmly invite all families and friends of
important part of the total offering of the College and I applaud all of the boys who
One of the central philosophies of the style
CBC to this liturgy. I’m sure that regular
accept the available opportunities and
of education offered at CBC Fremantle
churchgoers will be granted an exemption
represent the school with great skill and
is that no single aspect of an individual’s
from their usual parishes on this occasion.
development should be fostered in
Those who are not Catholic or are
isolation. An essential characteristic of
infrequent churchgoers are also
Angelico Art Exhibition
a Catholic education in the tradition
very welcome. As a College that prides
The Angelico Art Exhibition is conducted
of Edmund Rice is the harmonious
itself on being inclusive, I would hope
each year as part of the Catholic Schools
development of the spiritual, emotional,
that everyone would experience the
Performing Arts Festival. It provides
intellectual, cultural (artistic) and physical
same sense of greeting and belonging
a broad public forum through which
dimensions of each person. The school
at our Mass.
Catholic secondary students from across
continues to ensure that opportunities
Western Australia are able to exhibit their
are offered in each of these domains and I
outstanding artistic talents. The official
commend all of the boys who engage with
opening of this exhibition took place at
these challenges.
the Forrest Centre on St Georges Terrace
Mr Shaun Kenny Principal
last week and the work of some of our
CBC Family Mass
students was on display.
Among the many significant liturgies that occur at the College each year, the two
A number of pieces by Year 7 students
Family Masses provide the opportunity
featured at the exhibition along with
for our community to come together on a
individual artworks provided by Flynn
voluntary basis to celebrate our common
Brown (Year 9), Christian Edwards and Toby
sense of purpose. The celebration of the
Tomlinson (Year 10) and Michael Norman
Mass is at the heart of our existence as a
(Year 12). Special congratulations is due to
faith community and provides impetus to
Yusef Hourani, who was awarded first prize
the challenge we face daily to conduct our
in the Year 11 and 12 Drawing category
lives according to gospel values.
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All generations of your family are welcome!
College Information
College Calendar CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.
Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details. Thursday 27 August
CBC Family Mass You and your family are invited to join us in a
ICT Wine and Cheese Cybersafety Evening Friday 28 August ViPA at Fremantle Town Hall
celebration of the warmth and friendship
Friday 4 September
of the CBC community.
Father’s Day Breakfast
Saturday 22 August at 6pm at St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle We look forward to seeing you there.
Year 9 movie night Mr Moss’s Rite Journey class is holding a movie night for Year 9 students, parents and Rite Journey mentors.
Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers
Stand By Me will be screened in the ALA at 7pm on
The College is collecting Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers so
Wednesday 2 September. Tickets are $2 which includes soft
please don’t forget to grab yours when you do the shopping.
drink, popcorn and entry and can be purchased from Jordan Bevilacqua, Flinn Brown, Luca Brun, Angus Christie,
Students can put the stickers in the box in Student Services.
Francesco Di Mento, Joshua Goodwin, Benjamin Hamilton, Samuel McPhail, Tristan Nardi, Matthew Read, Austen Rees, Zachary Stedman, Spencer Stevenson, Theodore Terzoudis-Lumsden, Nicholas Veletta, James Younge and Tiago de Souza.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 3 | Page 5
In the Newsroom Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
20 August
Oblate Cup win CBC Fremantle returned home with the Oblate Cup for the second year in a row, with Soccer being particularly strong in the all-day carnival. Read more...
20 August
Fellas in Film at CBC As part of English week, CBC Fremantle was treated to a fascinating panel discussion on ‘Fellas in Film’, with three experienced creators providing insights into the world of film-making. Read more... 19 August
Food for thought on the journey A major component of The Rite Journey’s powerful programme is reinforcing respect and value for women, and 18 young men proved this point at a recent evening at the College. Read more...
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CBC snippets Staff at CBC Fremantle took the opportunity during the mid-term pupil free day to volunteer to help in the community. Pictured is Mr Ryan with Mr Jordan and Mr Hale assisting in the rehabilitation of Holls Park in South Fremantle.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 3 | Page 7
What CBC boys like about the Oblate Cup...
Rain clouds surrounded Trinity Playing
Charlie Bell
Brodie Clark
Fields for the 2015 Oblate Cup, but the
Year 7
Year 10
What did you think of the Oblate Cup?
What did you think of the Oblate Cup?
Pretty good – it was quite exciting.
A lot of fun; all the teams are evenly
weather held out to assist CBC in producing some excellent results and bringing home the trophy again this year. The annual sporting carnival against Mazenod College celebrates the two schools’ relationship with the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, including our own Parish Priest Father Tony Maher. More information and photos can be found on the College website.
matched so it’s a good, clean game. What did you play and how did you go?
What did you play and how did
I played Hockey and we won, 3-2.
you go? I played Rugby and we won 38-15. I got
Who do you think will take home
a couple of good tackles and a couple
the Cup?
of try-stoppers.
I think we will go pretty well – we had a pretty good start. Most of the CBC
Who do you think will take home
teams have won so far so I’m confident
the Cup?
we’ll win.
We’ll come out top. For Rugby, we’ll do well.
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Zachary Evans
Tom Nolan
Nick Page
Year 7
Year 10
Year 11
What did you think of the Oblate Cup?
What did you think of the Oblate Cup?
What did you think of the Oblate Cup?
It’s really fun.
It was pretty good.
Really good experience.
What did you play and how did
What did you play and how did
What did you play and how did
you go?
you go?
you go?
Hockey – we won 3-2. It was pretty
Rugby – we won. I think I didn’t play as
I was umpiring the Year 7 Hockey and
well as I could have.
it was pretty good. I think our Hockey game should be close.
Who do you think will take home
Who do you think will take home
the Cup?
the Cup?
Who do you think will take home
I think we’ll win.
I reckon we’ll win.
the Cup? I think we’ll win.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 3 | Page 9
ADULT $15 | CHILD/CONC $10 | FAMiLY $45
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CBC Fremantle invites all dads to a breakfast to celebrate
Father’s Day at CBC Fremantle on 4 September at 6.45am Join us for a delicious breakfast burger and coffee in the Cloisters before work RSVP by 31 August is essential for catering purposes click on Events in Quick Links
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s CBC Fremantle Newslettergentlemen | Week 5 Term 3 | Page 11
2 0 1 5 0 0 0 2 1995 Back to
5, 10 and 20 Year Reunions The Old Boys’ Association invites the Classes of 2010, 2005 and 1995 to return to CBC Fremantle for a reunion sundowner.
Class of 2010 5 Year Reunion Saturday 10 October – lunch from 1pm to 3pm
Class of 2005 10 Year Reunion Friday 9 October – College tour at 5.30pm followed by drinks and cocktail food at 6pm to 8pm
Class of 1995 20 Year Reunion
Saturday 10 October – College tour at 5.30pm followed by drinks and cocktail food at 6pm to 8pm The evening is compliments of your OBA but RSVP is essential for catering purposes. Please contact or telephone 9430 2001 for further information, or visit to secure your ticket back to CBC.
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A taste of things to come... To encourage your contributions to the CBC cookbook, every fortnight we will provide you with a tasty recipe from the CBC community that your boys are bound to love. To contribute to the cookbook, send recipes to
Aglio, Olio, Pepperoncino from Domenic Burgio I have often said to my family and friends that this would be my preferred last meal. They usually react with a smile… I’m not sure whether it’s because they are thinking of the meal, or they are imagining the circumstances in which I may be eating it. It is so simple to prepare, and the flavours have nowhere to hide. I sometimes add chopped cherry Roma tomatoes and basil, half in the saute, and half wilted through after draining the pasta. Ingredients Serves 2 200-300g spaghetti (no 5) 4 or more (depending on your garlic tolerance and absorption!) garlic cloves, crushed 100ml extra virgin olive oil 2 red chillies chopped (i like them extra hot, but suit your own palate) Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Method 1. In a frying pan over low heat, sauté the garlic in the olive oil until golden
but not browned. Add half the chillies.
2. Cook the spaghetti (al dente) according to packet instructions. 3. Drain the spaghetti and add the olive oil, sautéed garlic and chilli.
Toss so that the spaghetti is coated in the olive oil mixture and everything
is well combined. Add the other half of the chilli for some ‘crunch’, and grind
sea salt and cracked pepper to taste. Serve immediately and enjoy!
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 3 | Page 13
CBC Parent Auxiliary
Golf Day
The CBC Fremantle community is invited to a fun morning of golf at the Point Walter Golf Course on Saturday 17 October. Cost of $35.00 per player includes 9 holes of golf, followed by an open grill lunch. Players must provide their own clubs or hire at the course. Beverages can be purchased on the day. Format: Ambrose (4 ball). There will be nine teams of 4 (expandable if people register early). If required, some shuffling of teams will be made to suit ability. Pairs will be honoured where possible. Registration is at 8.30am and tee-off at 9.00am. The aim is to finish around midday and then head into the club rooms for lunch and refreshments. Please RSVP by Tuesday 13 October by emailing Barry Bourne, cash payment to be made on the day. Include the following details: • Your name and name of pair preference • Telephone and email • Golf Handicap (use 27 if you don’t have a handicap) • Any dietary requirements More Information: Contact Barry Bourne on 0409493485 or or Point Walter Golf Course.
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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Stronger Teens Camp 2 to 4 October 2015 at Fairbridge Village Pinjarra An amazing weekend with huge games and activities, inspiring talks about faith and life, prayer and worship, and time to chill with friends. Cost $150.00 incluces all accommodation, meals, adventure activities and bus transport to and from Perth. Open to all high school aged teenagers. For more info visit or contact Catholic Youth Ministry 9422 7912 or
Glass Slipper Teens’ Ball, raising funds for the Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation The Teens’ Ball will be held on Saturday 5 September at the Mercure Hotel Perth. Hosted by Hit92.9’s Heidi, Will & Woody, the night will be jam packed full of fun and entertainment for teens aged 12 to 17. There will be a Photo Booth, DJ, Lolly Buffet and much more. Tickets are on sale now from for $95.00 which includes a buffet meal and soft drinks. It is a great opportunity for teenagers to get dressed up and experience a night of glitz and glamour as well as supporting such an important cause. Ticket sales close on 16 August, so if you would like to be a part of this event, contact or phone 0402 346 081.
WA Young Salesian Quiz Night Friday 25 September Join us for a memorable night filled with fun, laughter and trivia. Starting at 7:30pm sharp and held in the multi-purpose area at Our Lady of Grace School in North Beach. Tickets are $10 each (Tables of 8). For more information, email, contact Graham on 0418 979 600 or visit our website at
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 3 | Page 15
Note Dame University Academic Enabling and Support Centre Year 10 Preparation for Upper School English This course will assist students to develop the skills needed for academic success in Years 11 and 12 , and beyond. Tuesday 29 September to Friday 2 October 2015 from 9.00am to 12.00pm Cost $130.00, registrations close on Friday 25 September 2015 Year 11 Academic Reading & Writing Course This course is ideal for students currently in Year 11 Stage 2 English courses and wanting to improve their English skills. Tuesday 29 September to Friday 2 October 2015 from 1.00pm to 4.00pm Cost $130, registrations close on Friday 25 September 2015 If you have any questions, please contact the Academic Enabling and Support Centre on 9433 0168.
Register for Summer Junior Pennants Junior pennants is available for children aged between 8 to 16 years of age with all matches being played on Sunday mornings starting at 8.30am and finishing approximately 12 noon. The season commences 25 October and consists of 10 matches plus semis and final. Players are put into teams of 4 to 6 who represent Fremantle Tennis Club on a home and away playing schedule. There are many divisions available from more advanced players in Division 1 to first season players in Division 12. The cost to play Junior Pennants for the summer season is as follows: • Current Financial Junior Club Members $95.00 (pennant registration fee) • Non club members - $135.00 or $175.00 ( club membership fee) + $95.00 (pennant registration fee) To be eligible to play pennants, players must be financial members of the club. The club membership is $135.00 (primary school) and $175.00 (high school). The pennant registration fee includes ball fees, Tennis West team registration, administration and a supervisor being present from 8.30am to 12.30pm for home games and entering of score cards. Registration and payment needs to be made to Fremantle Tennis Club no later than Friday 21 August. Tennis West deadlines need to be met therefore late registrations will not be accepted. Contact Brendan Malarkey at Fremantle Topspin Tennis, Fremantle Lawn Tennis Club, Parry Street Fremantle. Mobile: 0401565051 Email:
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Any enquires please contact
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Planning for Success The Abilities Careers Expo provides an opportunity for families, schools and students living with disability to explore post-school options and employment information from over 30 exhibitors.
Celebrating Successful Career Stories and Industry Presentations - Botanical 1 Session One 10:00am - 10:40am Career Story One followed by Transperth and Centrelink Presentations
Session Two 10:50am - 11:30am Career Story Two followed by National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and WA NDIS My Way
Session Three 11:40am - 12:20pm Career Story Three followed by Transperth and Centrelink Presentations
Interactive Industry Demonstrations - Grand Ballroom 1 For the first time ever, students are invited to engage with Schools/ Trade Training Centres and Institutions to gain hands on practical experience across, leisure, art, volunteering, bike rescue, hospitality, and building and construction to name a few.
Date: Tuesday, 15 September 2015 Venue: Crown Perth - Grand Ballroom Address: Great Eastern Highway, Burswood Opening Ceremony: 9.15am – 9.45am Exhibition Booths Open: 9.45am – 1.30pm
For further information, contact Paul Jones on 9378 2722 or email,
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 3 | Page 19