CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 7 term 1 2015

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College Newsletter Week 7 Term 1 Friday 20 March 2015

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1 | Page 1

Cover: The Jazz Orchestra entertained visitors at the College’s Open Day.

From the Principal Open Day

drawn more to the outstanding quality

The College Open Day was conducted

of the students whom they encountered

on Tuesday of this week and it was

at the school. The boys made a positive

tremendous to again see the high level of

impression upon our visitors whether they

interest in the school as demonstrated by

were acting as tour guides, playing in the

the number of people who attended. More

band or involved in presenting activities.

than 400 visitors were welcomed to our

Many of the comments made by the

campus with the potential students ranging

parents reflect my own thoughts on the

significantly in age. There is no doubt that

strengths of our College. The predominant

CBC Fremantle continues to establish itself

impression created by the boys at CBC is

as a school of choice and this is reflected

that they are engaged in their education,

in our waiting lists for enrolment which are

have a strong sense of belonging and are

lengthening annually.

proud of their school.

51 Ellen Street

Many of the quality programmes and

There is little doubt that the quality of

Fremantle WA 6160

facilities that we have at CBC were on

our students is the strongest indicator

T 08 9336 2700

CBC Fremantle

display this week but it was not these that

of our success as a College. I thank

E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

primarily attracted the attention or the

and congratulate all of those boys who


praise of the prospective parents who

contributed to Open Day – many of whom

undertook the tours. Their attention was

voluntarily stayed at school until well after

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“There is little doubt that the quality of our students is the strongest indicator of our success as a College.”

6.00pm. I also thank the many members of

The preparatory meeting for dads took

staff and the current parents who willingly

place at the College last evening and was

provided their time and talents to ensure

very well attended. The walk is on this

that an accurate picture of our sense

Sunday 22 March and is sure to be an

of community was evident for all of our

invaluable and rewarding experience.


Swimming Carnival Share the Journey

We wish all of our swimmers well for their

This innovative programme is conducted

participation in the A Division of the ACC

by a group of dads from the College

Swimming Carnival next Wednesday.

through the Parent Auxiliary. It provides a

After a long and thorough training season

tremendous opportunity to enhance the

the boys can derive strength from the fact

relationship between fathers and their

that they are well-prepared as they seek

sons. An advertisement for this programme

to emulate last year’s winning team.

appears in this newsletter and I draw your

Good luck, boys!

attention to it for further details. While all fathers of the College are invited to attend

Mr Shaun Kenny

we do extend a particular invitation to


Year 7 dads.

William Welsh displaying woodworking skills in Design & Technology on Open Day

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1 | Page 3

In the Newsroom


Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side. 18 March

Community welcomed at Open Day CBC Fremantle’s annual Open Day is an opportunity for the College to showcase... Read more...

Congratulations to Kai Thomas (Year 7) who achieved Bronze in Board Rescue at the State

16 March

Surf Club Championships in Scarborough.

House Cross Country

Congratulations also to Nick Dart and Finn Hussey

Humid conditions prevailed for this year’s

(both Year 7) who represented Fremantle Surf

House Cross Country competition but...

Life Saving Club won medals at the State Surf Club


Championships in difficult conditions.

12 March

CBC rises to the Debating challenge On Tuesday night five CBC debating teams opened their Western Australian Debating... Read more...

12 March

Close result in Mock Trial After a three year hiatus from the Western Australian Law Society’s Mock Trial... Read more...

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Well done Josh Bertold who won the zone finals in the Lions Youth of the Year 2015.

College Information

College Calendar

Donate a swag

CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking

CBC’s Indigenous Immersion programme is seeking

on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You

donations of swags. If you or anyone you know has a

can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal

swag that is no longer used, contact Peter Baldry at

or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the


Calendar page.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours

Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details

Term 1 Tuesday 24 March – 3.00pm to 4.30pm

Sunday 22 March

Thursday 26 March – 3.00pm to 4.30pm

Share the Journey

Tuesday 31 March – 3.00pm to 4.30pm

Saturday 28 March Senior Ball


Friday 8 May

Wednesday 8 April – 9.00am to 3.00pm

Mother’s Day Liturgy and Morning Tea

Wednesday 15 April – 10.00am to 3.00pm

at 8am until 9.30am

Friday 17 April – 10.00am to 3.00pm.

Important notice re West Coast Blues ‘n’ Roots West Coast Blues ‘n’ Roots Festival is taking place at Fremantle Park opposite the College on Sunday 29 March. Bump in will commence on Tuesday 24 March and bump out will conclude by Wednesday 1 April. Deliveries of equipment are scheduled to occur outside of drop off and pick up times, however please be aware that Ellen Street may have limited access during other times and will be closed between Parry and Ord Streets for the event on 29 March from 6.30am to 11.00pm.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1 | Page 5

College Senior Ball A celebration of the ‘Journey of Commitment’

As I am wont to do in my articles, a trip

where the school feels it is best placed.

the attribute of commitment; that is, when

down memory lane is reflective of my

I have watched the introduction of

he says he will do something, he does. This

age, and that more years lie behind me

limousines, pre-balls, after-balls and the

is a key element in determining the success

now than ahead. It is with this perspective

$3,000 gown. School Balls have become

of an adult life, because if we, as adults,

that my mind started wandering while I

‘Ben Hur’ events, where, in many of the

cannot commit, many aspects of our lives

was watching our Year 12 gentlemen at

schools I have taught, parents could find

will result in disappointment for us and

dancing lessons with their partners in the

hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars

for others.

gymnasium on Monday. I started to think

to appease their child, but couldn’t pay the

of my own school Ball in 1977, an elegant

government school fee of around $200.

affair at the Fremantle Exhibition Centre,

At every boy’s enrolment interview, the boy and his parents are asked to sign a

complete with 12 inch flares, big hair,

CBC Fremantle is a school where we

‘Code of Conduct’. It is an agreement. It

sausage rolls, EH Holdens and platform

seek to give context and meaning to

is a challenge to the commitment of the


everything we do. Our recently released

boy, and his parents. What you commit to

Journey document provides an explicit

is irrelevant, if you have issue with any of

Over the last 40 years I have watched

explanation of what we, in partnership

the rules, the enrolment interview is the

as the school Ball has moved from the

with the parents, seek to achieve with our

place to voice that concern. When I joined

traditional debutante season in late June,

graduating gentlemen. One of the main

Royal Fremantle Golf Club in 1987, it was

to all manner of dates depending on

attributes we seek to instil in your sons is

made clear to me what the expectations

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were. I couldn’t agree on Tuesday night to

supervising them, or not, they have missed

gentleman’ there are consequences.

a set of rules (and golfers will know, some

the point of an education at CBC. The

The consequences for not showing

golf culture can be arcane and archaic),

College Ball is also a privilege. No-one has

commitment are that privileges such as

and then put my own spin on dress code

a right to receive an invitation. The Ball

social events and College representation

and etiquette once the ink had dried on my

is a celebration of your son’s ‘journey of

may not be forthcoming.

membership approval. Life does not work

commitment’, and in the future, invitations

like that.

will only be issued to Year 12s who have

The staff at CBC believe strongly that

demonstrated that over the course of their

when we are moving lockstep with the

The CBC Senior Ball that will be held on

time with us, they meet their obligations to

parents, there can only be one result … the

Saturday 28 March is a College event.

the College, to you, and to each other.

formation of a wonderful young man who

As such, the College, and we assume

is prepared to make the world his oyster.

the parents, will take every effort

For parents of boys in Years 7 to 11, please

The College Senior Ball held each year is a

to ensure the event and all ancillary

take the time to digest this message. If your

celebration of that success, and I wish all

functions are conducted according to

son is repeatedly in the shops before and

the Year 12s a wonderful evening.

our agreed set of values. Failure to do so

after school, if your son is often having to

will only confuse your sons, for if they

be chased about his uniform and grooming,

Mr Domenic Burgio

think certain behaviour and expectations

if your son is not moving incrementally

Vice Principal

can be sidelined depending on who is

towards the attributes of ‘tomorrow’s

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1 | Page 7

Mr Kenny addressing a group of visitors on Open Day

Open Day 2015 The good weather prevailed and the sun shone brightly on

run by Mr Moss. Then there was the Maths classroom with

our pristine campus for Open Day. The the hotdogs were

books displayed everywhere and a poker table.

made, the teachers chatted, the students guided and our amazing school was displayed.

The Religious Education department exhibited a fantastic display and the elective classrooms had students working

During the day I was impressed by the professionalism of

hard and explaining what they were doing.

the students who were doing the tours, and by the teachers

A petting zoo was available for the littler ones whose

and the exhibits they curated; it created a great sense of

interest in the College curriculum and facilities waned and

community spirit all around the school.

after the tour was over the kids received a goodie bag, a tasty hot dog and a juice box.

The English classroom was beautifully displayed with books and posters everywhere, the Science labs very loaded with

Open Day is about gathering our community and

interesting activities such as the can-crushing experiment

showcasing our College. It was my favourite Open Day so far

and exhibition of dry ice.

because it had the crucial ambience of community spirit.

The Society & Environment classrooms were covered in

Jacob Fitzpatrick

pictures of the Gallipoli tour and even had a competition

Year 10

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CBC Fremantle invites all mums to join us for a

Mother’s Day Morning Tea on Friday 8 May at 8am in the College Gymnasium. The celebration will commence with a Liturgy promptly at 8am followed by morning tea. All guests are asked to be seated by 7.50am to avoid interrupting this special service. The morning will conclude at approximately 9.30am. Boys will attend the Liturgy with their mothers. RSVP by 5 May is vital for catering. Register online a t the College website by clicking on the M other’s Day Morning Tea Quick Link.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1 | Page 9

What CBC boys like about the Library...

Charlie Bell

Benjamin Derepas

Joshua Harris-Walker

Year 7

Year 7

Year 8

What do you like about the Library?

What do you like about the Library?

What do you like about the Library?

Books, movies ... everything.

It’s a lot bigger than the one at my

I get to do my homework and study.

primary school. How often do you come to the Library? Every morning.

How often do you come to the Library? How often do you come to the Library?

Not that often – just when I need to do.

Whenever I need to study.

I’m working on my Religion assignment.

Study, read, check out some books

What do you do in the Library?

What do you do in the Library?

... that’s basically it.



What do you do in the Library?

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Michael Hudson

Luka Mancini

Seth Nylund

Year 7

Year 8

Year 8

What do you like about the Library?

What do you like about the Library?

What do you like about the Library?

The café – you can come here and relax.

The facilities, the books and the

I like the books and the Radio room.

cafeteria. How often do you come to the Library?

How often do you come to the Library? Morning, recess and lunch. What do you do in the Library?

How often do you come to the Library?

Usually to do homework in the

When I need a book or to study. On


rainy days I sit in the café. What do you do in the Library?

Relax and do some work. What do you do in the Library?

Homework and study.

Hang out and study.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1 | Page 11

Don’t miss the opportunity to

Share the Journey with your son

me with ti ty li a u q e m so d n Spe alk with w a e k ta – n so r u yo Journey. him and Share the Sunday 22 March at 9.35am for 10.00am start at Point Walter Amphitheatre CBC Fremantle Parent Auxiliary invites dads and their sons to share a unique adventure that will last approximately three hours, and stay with you for a lifetime. All you need to do is put on your walking shoes, a hat and sunscreen, and bring a water bottle. This is a special event for fathers and their sons to enjoy a relaxed walk together, explore some local history and to generally have a chat about a range of issues, including your family’s history. A free sausage sizzle will conclude the event. Members of the College Leadership, Shaun Kenny and Dom Burgio, together with several senior students, will join fathers and sons. A pre-event meeting will be held on Thursday 19 March at 7.30pm in the College’s Arts Learning Area to brief fathers about the walk. Light refreshments will be provided. Please advise of your attendance to the pre-event meeting and to the walk by emailing John Atkinson at parentauxiliary@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au.

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Celebrate the journey with these fun suggestions to build up your ‘frequent father points’ with your son.


Share the Journey month


1. Share in an Xbox gaming activity that he loves. Playing with your son is a good way to monitor the games he plays and control the time he spends on them. You can keep your own hand-eye coordination sharp while teaching him how to play fair. 2. Go camping. Your son will learn self-reliance and appreciation of nature and he’ll probably have more fun at the lake and on the trails than he ever thought possible. 3. Attend a sporting event together. You have to set the example of enthusiasm and team spirit without poor sportsmanship. 4. Go cycling. It’s relaxing to hit a bike trail away from traffic and you can bond with your son as you take in the scenery. 5. Prepare a meal together. You can experiment and learn together. Cooking a meal – a real meal – is something that’s actually fun if you’re patient and willing to practice a little. Your son will soon realise that great-tasting meals are possible with healthy ingredients. 6. Work on your car. Teaching your son the basics of automotive care is valuable on many levels and when he gets his own wheels, he’ll know the basics of car care. 7. Go fishing together. A great way to unwind and relax with plenty of opportunity to talk with your son without any distractions. 8. If you haven’t considered a radio-controlled car, plane or boat, give one a go. Some of the most basic RC toys are really inexpensive and your son’s hand-eye coordination will be tested and improved. 9. Challenge him to a sport. It’s not about winning or losing for either of you, it’s about teaching sportsmanship, coordination, discipline, and teamwork while getting some exercise. Let your son have a say in which sport you choose to play. 10. Share in some house maintenance. Show your son how things work around the house, as well as how they’re maintained and repaired. You’ll obviously do most of the work, but let him watch while you explain the process. He’ll respect you for being able to solve problems, and by the time he’s old enough to take on light tasks by himself, he’ll have learned the responsibility and value of maintaining his home. CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1 | Page 13

Community cookbook: a call for recipes You are invited to contribute to our community cookbook and help us acknowledge the traditions of our College, the love and support of our families, and the journey of today’s boys…tomorrow’s gentlemen.

CBC Fremantle is proud to be a part of raising good young men

How you can help

of our community, who have the skills and courage to face and

• Submit your favourite family recipe to us with specific quantities

overcome challenges and to form positive, mutually beneficial

(eg millilitres, grams, tablespoons, cups, etc, and in Australian

relationships. The gentlemen of CBC are the guardians of the

standard measuring) and easy to follow instructions. Your recipes

future, and their positive male contribution to our society

will need to be tried and tested prior to submission to ascertain the

provides us all with hope and faith in a better world.

correct quantities. • Please specify how many people the recipe will feed.

To highlight the journey from today’s boy to tomorrow’s gentleman, CBC is planning to produce a community cookbook celebrating all that is nurturing and resilient about our young men and their families. A timeless collection of recipes that encourages

• We are specifically seeking dishes that hold a place in your heart, and are particularly enjoyed by your son. If your contribution is included, your family will be acknowledged in the final publication. • Degree of difficulty is from zero to hero, but tasty dishes with

our young men to be culinary heroes from their first foray in the

a focus on classic simplicity appealing to all ages would be

kitchen, whether it is coping with a simple breakfast for Mother’s

particularly suitable.

Day, wooing a romantic interest (it will happen!), or providing hearty meals for their children when the time comes.

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• Recipes will need to be in a ‘cut and paste’ format, for example included in the body of an email or in a Word document.

• Your submission may not make the final book – but don’t let

The publication will sell for cost price and be available to purchase

that hold you back. The sooner you send in your fabulous family

for members of the CBC community and extended families and

recipe, the better the chance that it will be included.

friends.Please address any enquiries to Cherie Butcher at

• Stories about the dish are also happily accepted, for example

events@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au or 9430 2001.

who passed on the recipe, which cuts of meat are best, or perhaps a particular occasion when you served the dish. CBC has a long and proud association with the Fremantle community, so please feel free to mention particular landmarks or places you shop if appropriate to your tale.

Timeline and other details It is hoped to produce the CBC cookbook in time for your Christmas shopping, therefore the deadline for submitting your recipes is 8 May 2015.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1 | Page 15

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Pilates at CBC Pilates is great for flexibility, builds strength and develops control and endurance in the whole human body. The CBC community is invited to early morning Pilates sessions with an experienced instructor from 6.30am to 7.30am twice a week in the Arts Learning Area. Interested people can contact Sonya Gaffney by email.

Dads Raising Teenage Boys Monday 30 March 6.30pm to 9.00pm at 22 Southport Street, West Leederville. Raising teenage boys can be challenging but there can also be exceptional times of fun and closeness. The Dads Raising Teenage Boys workshop is designed to assist fathers and father figures navigate their way through the teen years so as to help build positive relationships and strong positive young men for the future. Tickets are $25.00; for further information please phone 9489 6322.

April WACE and ATAR Revision with Academic Task Force Six hour subject revision at Rossmoyne SHS, Churchlands SHS and Perth Modern School. Enrol now online at www.academictaskforce.com.au or call 9314 9500 or email learn@academictaskforce.com.au. April WACE and ATAR Revision Courses with Academic Associates – 10 hour courses available at the University of Western Australia and the University of Notre Dame. Enrol online at www.academicassociates.com.au or call 9314 9500 or email info@academicassociates.com.au. April Skills Development Programme for Years 7 to 10 with Academic Task Force. English, Essay Writing, Maths, NAPLAN preparation and Learning Skills at Rossmoyne SHS, Churchlands SHS and Perth Modern School. Enrol now online at www.academictaskforce.com.au or call 9314 9500 or email learn@academictaskforce.com.au.

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