CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 7 term 2 2015

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College Newsletter Week 7 Term 2 Friday 5 June 2015

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 2 | Page 1

Cover: Year 9 Lightning Carnival

From the Vice Principal The other morning my son mentioned at

our interactions, planning, policies

the breakfast table that he had noticed my

and events.

improved countenance and demeanour over the past five years or so. For some

Inclusive Community is one of the four

who may disagree with his assessment,

EREA Touchstones. It is, in my opinion,

you would have had to know me then

the Touchstone that can cause greatest

to have perspective now. It is not a

challenge, because it is entirely about

coincidence that this new-found bonhomie

the potential improved amenity of

has bloomed since I became a part of the

others, sometimes at our own personal

CBC Fremantle community.

expense. Inclusive Community requires discernment, judgment, selflessness and

Over and over again, reference is made

almost always means that many suffer

about CBC Fremantle being more than

some inconvenience for the potential

CBC Fremantle

just a place of education, or place of work.

improvements in a few. Inclusive

51 Ellen Street

Students, parents, staff and locals all report

Community is not about algorithmic

Fremantle WA 6160

a sense of belonging and attachment. It

consequences, rather it requires

T 08 9336 2700

is an intangible quality that we are very

differentiated pastoral and academic care.

E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

proud of, and seek to foster and grow in all

On the other hand, exclusive community


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is much easier to manage. All you need

to work at Domino’s will grasp the concept

is a check list, and if the boxes are ticked,

of equality very quickly. Slicing up a pizza

those in Year 7. After five years in our

you’re in, and if they’re not ticked, you’re

into eight portions is a rudimentary task.

College, a young man should be showing a

out. All you need to administer exclusive

Producing a pizza that reflects the taste

dividend from the home/school education

community policy is to be able to read

and hunger of eight people is a much more

partnership, and continuing absolution

criteria. In my life, both as student and

difficult construct. The first task is equality,

of inappropriate behaviour may not be in

teacher, the great pastoral and academic

the second is equity. When asked how

anyone’s best interest.

leaders were the ones who consistently

they would like to be treated, most people

made good calls; who managed to achieve

would prefer equity over equality. In an

in Year 12 are viewed more dimly than

CBC Fremantle is an Inclusive Community

the biggest gains with those in need whilst

inclusive community, we champion the

we can all be proud of. I hope your

minimising the effect on those who were

notion that everyone should be treated as

understanding of the concept enables

in a position to give. The art required to

we would want to be treated.

you to guide your son throughout his life’s

manage an Inclusive Community is far

journey. If one ever needs reminding of

greater than an exclusive community, and

Before I am inundated by emails from

the importance of Inclusive Community, a

its success is gauged when the benefit/loss

Inclusive Community advocates about the

quick read of the Gospels will help explain.

quotient is as high as possible.

rare occasion where a student is asked to leave an Edmund Rice school, what

When the scribes and the Pharisees saw

For many of us, especially in a world

Inclusive Community doesn’t mean is that

that He was eating with the sinners and tax

that is dominated by statistics and data,

any child can do what they wish, and be

collectors, they said to His disciples, “Why

this concept is difficult. People in first

continually forgiven. The expense to the

is He eating and drinking with tax collectors

world countries are time poor and, as

entire community of an ongoing enrolment

and sinners?” And hearing this, Jesus said

a result, look for certainty. Certainty of

can, in some instances, be deemed too

to them, “It is not those who are healthy

results, certainty of outcomes, certainty of

great to warrant its continuation, and

who need a physician, but those who are

consequences. This is the same mindset

these decisions are always accompanied

sick; I did not come to call the righteous,

that has turned societies into economies,

with sadness. In the case of our College,

but sinners.” Gospel of Mark 2.16, 17

passengers into customers, and patients

and our concept of ‘Today’s boys…

into clients. This is the mindset that

tomorrow’s gentlemen’, the benefit/loss

Mr Domenic Burgio Vice Principal

understands equality, but struggles with

quotient I referred to earlier in this article

coming to grips with equity. The most

moves closer to equilibrium as a boy

mathematically challenged youth ever

becomes a young adult, and transgressions

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 2 | Page 3

In the Newsroom Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

26 May

Integrated Science behind the wheel This year Year 12 Integrated Science has been learning about the physics behind driving. ‘Vehicle and Driver’ has included topics such as designing road safety barriers... Read more... 22 May

Radio interview with local news legend The boys of CBC’s 89.2FM Radio were privileged to have a special guest on Thursday, Channel 7 newsreader, Rick Ardon. Read more...

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College Information

College Calendar

Secondhand blazers wanted

CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking

The Uniform Shop is desperately seeking size 9 and 10 secondhand blazers. Please see Falda in the Uniform Shop on Wednesdays if you can help.

on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.

Canteen hours The Canteen is open from 8.30am in the morning for 10 minutes to allow boys to purchase drinks only. Food and drink purchases can of course be made during recess and lunch breaks.

Donations of clothing The Kiwirrkurra Immersion Group is seeking donations to take with them to two remote Indigenous communities. If you have items of winter clothing or blankets that are still in good condition but are being unused, please donate them and drop

Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details. Sunday 21 June Jazz on the Swan Monday 22 to Wednesday 24 June Animal Farm Performed by Year 10 and 11 Drama students Tickets already on sale

them in to Mr Baldry at the RE Office. Thank you.

CBC Family Mass You and your family are invited to join us in a celebration of the warmth and friendship of the CBC community.

Saturday 6 June at 6pm at St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle We look forward to seeing you there.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 2 | Page 5



4pm - 7pm



JAZZ SWAN An evening of entertainment

At the Swan Yacht Club, Riverside Rd, Preston Point, East Fremantle Tickets available at the door: $10 adults, $5 school age children, $30 family 2+4 Page 6 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter Week 7 Term Drinks| available from2 the bar, BYO nibbles

CBC Fremantle Year 10 and 11 Drama presents

Directed by Rosalba Jeffreys

22, 23 and 24 June 2015 at 7pm CBC Fremantle Arts Learning Area Tickets Adult $15 | Child $10 Family $40 2 + 2 | $45 2 + 3 www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 2 | Page 7

What CBC boys think about Metal Technology...

James Young

Marcus McIntyre

Kaleb Milsom

Year 9

Year 9

Year 9

What do you think of

What do you think of

What do you think of

Metal Technology?

Metal Technology?

Metal Technology?

I love it. It’s really fun creating stuff.

Fun. I really like it.

It’s fun.

What are you making at the moment?

What are you making at the moment?

What are you making at the moment?

A truck.

A truck out of sheet metal.

A truck.

What is your favourite machine?

What is your favourite machine?

What is your favourite machine?

The guillotine – it’s really useful.

Metal lathe – it’s fun to use.

The welders – you can do so much with them.

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Ben Funga

Saad Fallah

Jai Cosgriff

Year 9

Year 9

Year 12

What do you think of

What do you think of

What do you think of

Metal Technology?

Metal Technology?

Metal Technology?

It’s great. Good chance for boys to use

We can make products.

It’s fun.

What are you making at the moment?

What are you making at the moment?

What are you making at the moment?

A truck – it’s quite complex but easy at

A truck – it’s quite challenging.

A truck – we’ve been using lots of

the same time.

their imaginations.

What is your favourite machine?

different tools and it’s really exciting. I look forward to Tuesday and Thursday

What is your favourite machine?

to finish my truck.

The Magnabend.


What is your favourite machine? Electric guillotine – it’s massive!

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 2 | Page 9

Community cookbook: a call for recipes You are invited to contribute to our community cookbook and help us acknowledge the traditions of our College, the love and support of our families, and the journey of today’s boys…tomorrow’s gentlemen.

CBC Fremantle is proud to be a part of raising good young men

How you can help

of our community, who have the skills and courage to face and

• Submit your favourite family recipe to us with specific quantities

overcome challenges and to form positive, mutually beneficial

(eg millilitres, grams, tablespoons, cups, etc, and in Australian

relationships. The gentlemen of CBC are the guardians of the

standard measuring) and easy to follow instructions. Your recipes

future, and their positive male contribution to our society

will need to be tried and tested prior to submission to ascertain the

provides us all with hope and faith in a better world.

correct quantities. • Please specify how many people the recipe will feed.

To highlight the journey from today’s boy to tomorrow’s gentleman, CBC is planning to produce a community cookbook celebrating all that is nurturing and resilient about our young men and their families. A timeless collection of recipes that encourages

• We are specifically seeking dishes that hold a place in your heart, and are particularly enjoyed by your son. If your contribution is included, your family will be acknowledged in the final publication. • Degree of difficulty is from zero to hero, but tasty dishes with

our young men to be culinary heroes from their first foray in the

a focus on classic simplicity appealing to all ages would be

kitchen, whether it is coping with a simple breakfast for Mother’s

particularly suitable.

Day, wooing a romantic interest (it will happen!), or providing hearty meals for their children when the time comes.

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• Recipes will need to be in a ‘cut and paste’ format, for example included in the body of an email or in a Word document.

• Your submission may not make the final book – but don’t let that hold you back. The sooner you send in your fabulous family recipe, the better the chance that it will be included. • Stories about the dish are also happily accepted, for example who passed on the recipe, which cuts of meat are best, or perhaps a particular occasion when you served the dish. CBC has a long and proud association with the Fremantle community, so please feel free to mention particular landmarks or places you shop if appropriate to your tale. The publication will sell for cost price and be available to purchase for members of the CBC community and extended families and friends.Please address any enquiries to Cherie Butcher at events@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au or 9430 2001.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 2 | Page 11

A taste of things to come... To encourage your contributions to the CBC cookbook, every fortnight we will provide you with a tasty recipe from the CBC community that your boys are bound to love.

Pasta al Forno from Domenic Burgio This is a dish my mum used to prepare for every major occasion, or as a special treat. It can be made as rich, or spicy as one wishes, simply by adding more dried meats or chili. Makes enough for a 40cm x 40 cm baking tray – a single serve is about 10cm x 10cm.

Ingredients 150-250g diced coppa (1 slice) 1 cacciatore sausage (as spicy as you like) 200-300g ham (1 slice) 100-200g prosciutto di Parma (1 slice) 150-200g provolone piccante 6 eggs 200g grated Parmegiano Reggiano 1.5 kg premium beef mince 5 bottles homemade tomato sauce (can use generic brands – about 3-4 litres) 1 large clove garlic, sliced Extra virgin olive oil – enough to fry the garlic 1.0 kg rigatoni 200g shredded mozzarella Method Making the mixture My mum used to dice the meats into 1cm cubes, but with modern technology, my dad likes to mince the meats and provolone. This requires you to buy them in a single slice. Once all the meats and provolone are put through the mincer try and work the mixture by hand so that all the ingredients are evenly spread. If you are dicing the ingredients, keep them separate until you spread them on each layer. Separate the egg yellow from the whites. Cook the yolks and add to the mixture. Add half of the grated Parmigiano Reggiano. Page 12 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 2

To prepare the ragu In a large pot lightly sauté the sliced garlic. Add the beef mince, and fry it until the moisture dissipates, stirring continually so it doesn’t stick. Once the mince appears dry, add the tomato sauce. Cook slowly for about an hour, and add some basil for taste. Once the ragu sauce is ready, pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees. Putting it all together Cook the rigatoni until a little al’dente – the pasta will cook more in the oven. Beat the egg whites until very stiff, this will be the topping of the pasta. Drain the rigatoni and layer the bottom of a 40cm x 40cm baking tray with the ragu, just enough to cover the base. Add a layer of rigatoni, and then a layer of the mixture of meats, provolone, grated Parmigiano and eggs. This is followed by a layer of mozzarella. Repeat the process, layering in order the ragu, rigatoni, mixture and mozzarella until the baking tray is full. Finish with a layer of ragu, as well as the rest of the grated Parmigiano. Spread the stiff egg whites evenly over the dish. Bake for about 25 minutes until the egg whites turn a golden brown. Remove from oven and leave for about 15-20 minutes as the cooling mozzarella will bind the other ingredients. Enjoy!

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 2 | Page 13

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

High Tea at St Patrick’s To celebrate the birth of Princess Charlotte we are having a high tea on Wednesday 10 June at 1pm in the St Patrick’s Parish Centre. All proceeds to Pregnancy Assistance, a Catholic charity providing compassionate care to women irrespective of religion or race. A small donation of newborn babies’ clothing, maternity wear (new or excellent secondhand) or baby and mum toiletries would be greatly appreciated. Tickets $10 each available from the Parish Office and Piety Stall.

Academic Enabling and Support Centre of the University of Notre Dame Australia Study less and achieve more – prepare now for success in Year 12 Study skills programmes offered by the Academic Enabling and Support Centre of the University of Notre Dame Australia to Year 11 and 12 students on Wednesday 15 July and Thursday 16 July during the mid-year school holidays. Wednesday 15 & Thursday 16 July 2015, 1.00pm to 4.00pm (attend both sessions). Both courses provide real benefits to Year 12s in the lead up to examinations and beyond and to Year 11s seeking to enhance their overall study skills. Cost $60.00 Further information at: http://www.nd.edu.au/outreach-programs

Help the Homeless Art Auction Saturday 6 June 2015 Venue: Fremantle Town Hall Parking: Henderson St Carpark. Performance by The Starlight Hotel Choir at 5pm with Auction commencing at 5.30pm. Refreshments provided. Open for viewing on Friday 5 June from 3pm to 5pm, and Saturday 6 June from 12 noon - 5pm with Auction at 5.30pm. Registration is from 3pm. See attached flyer for more details.

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Drug Awareness Forum You may have heard of Jade. A former international junior athlete, her dreams of success were destroyed by drug addiction. Since she was able to turn her life around again, Jade has dedicated herself to helping others through her books, her talks to schools and seminars for parents, and special personal development programmes. You can learn more about Jade on her website, www.jadelewis.com. We have invited Jade to be our major speaker at a public forum on Tuesday June 23 at Corpus Christi College in Bateman from 7 to 8.30pm. Jade will be joined on stage by panel members drawn from the health, education and sporting fields to tell us more about their experiences and knowledge. WHERE Corpus Christi College Hall, Murdoch Drive, Bateman WHEN

Tuesday June 23. 7pm to 8.30pm




forum@rcbooragoon.com or phone 0432 298 325 for catering purposes

If you would like more information, email forum@rcbooragoon.com or phone 0432 298 325.

Bibbulmun Track Teen Trek Monday 13 July 2015 at 9:00am to Wednesday 15 July 2015 at 3:00pm This is a three-day expedition for teenagers, camping out and experiencing the fun and camaraderie of being in, and connecting with, the bush and with others their age. Along the way, guides will present them with some mental and physical challenges. Stimulate their minds and bodies, get them away from the X-Box and PlayStation and tackle Nature Deficit Disorder. Participants have the opportunity to qualify for the bronze or silver Duke of Edinburgh Award programme as part of this event. Includes return transport ex Murdoch Park’n’Ride, Track map, comprehensive planning night, trip preparation manual, equipment hire and experienced guides. BYO food (advice given). Ages 13+. For more information and bookings: www.bibbulmuntrack.org.au/walk-the-track/events-calendar/teen-trek-july-2015

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 2 | Page 15

Veritas is coming to Perth VERITAS Youth Festival is a must attend event, the first ever time in Perth. It will be held on 10 to 12 July at Santa Maria College. All young people aged 16 to 30 years are invited to experience three days of festivities with live bands, dynamic speakers, engaging workshops, stalls, prayer and much more. Organised by Catholic Youth Ministry Perth and the Catholic Youth Network, VERITAS will encourage young people to seek the truth, discover their purpose in life and develop a deeper relationship with God. Come with your youth group, friends, school or on your own and be part of this not to be missed event. Entry is $50 for a three-day pass; Friday night is free for everyone to attend. Purchase your tickets at www.veritasperth.com or for general enquiries contact CYM Perth at admin@cym.com.au or 9422 7912.

Curtin University parent information sessions Curtin University has two upcoming events for parents of Year 10 and 12 students who may be faced with questions about high school subject selection, the TISC process, and course and university selection. They will have the opportunity to talk one-on-one with faculty representatives about specific courses and with current students about their university experiences. Event:

Year 10 Parent Information Session


Monday 8 June


Expo and refreshments on arrival at 5.00pm

Formal presentations from 5.45pm - 7.00pm


Elizabeth Jolley Lecture Theatre

Curtin Bentley Campus


Year 12 Parent Information Session


Sunday 2 August 2015


Further information will be provided closer to the event.

Confirm your place now! It is important that parents register to attend, so that we can send them information about the venue and where to park on the day. To find out more about these events and to register, please visit our webpage or contact us on (08) 9266 1000.

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