Week 7 term 3

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College Newsletter Week 7 Term 3 Friday 06 September 2013

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3

Front page: CBC Radio and AEP Media and Literature students visited Sport FM. The full story is on page 13 and for more photos visit the newsroom at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

From the Vice Principal New Chapel for CBC

Before I make some comments about

This weekend marks a very special

why this is such an important feature

moment in the history of our College. On Sunday we will celebrate the opening of Blessed Edmund Chapel in the original school building on the High Street side of

of a Catholic school, I would like to acknowledge the community of Tardun and the foresight of Peter Baldry. Since 2011, when the establishment of a

the campus.

Chapel moved from ideal to reality,

To my knowledge, for the first time

completing this wonderful amenity for

since 1882, the entire CBC Fremantle Community will have access to a sacred space on campus. The previous sacred space was the Brothers’ Chapel, now our Boardroom, directly above the Principal’s CBC Fremantle

office. Since its decommissioning, there

51 Ellen Street

has not been a designated replacement,

Fremantle WA 6160

and this has long been recognised as a

T 08 9336 2700

missing link in our otherwise complete

E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

faith community.

many, many people have contributed to our College, but without the generosity of the Tardun community in donating the pews, altar, stations of the cross, stained glass windows and many other remnants of their Chapel, and the vision and hard work of Mr Peter Baldry, who organised the donation and then physically transported (with Mr Louis Miller) all the Chapel fixtures, Sunday’s celebration may have remained a pipedream.


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3







Unfortunately, in our radically secularised

importance of prayer and a sense of the

years, enjoying the Chapel for its beauty,

society, the question of God is often not

sacred, in helping them deal with their

history and liturgical ceremonies, but

central in most people’s lives. This is

issues and in seeking guidance about the

above all, finding in our Chapel a sense

especially so for many young people, for

way forward as a developing gentleman.

of the sacred from where good decisions

whom God is missing, but not missed.

emerge from deep prayer.

I often share the aphorism, “There are no

Our first House Mass in Blessed Edmund

atheists in foxholes” with my classes. It is

Chapel will be held next Thursday. I look

Mr Domenic Burgio

a saying used to describe the fact that in

forward to seeing many of you and your

Vice Principal

times of extreme stress or fear, such as

sons over the course of the next few

in war, all people will believe in, or hope for, a higher power. It is at these times that prayer, contemplation and reflection have greatest meaning. As adults, we understand how painful certain moments

Below: The Brothers’ Chapel circa 1939 in what is now the College Boardroom (from CBC Annual 1939)

can be, moments when we may have an extremely ill child, parent or friend; times waiting for medical test results; periods in our lives where we are faced with momentous financial, or personal, decisions. To be able to withdraw into a place that provides us with a sense of the sacred is such an advantage in seeking to find reconciliation to whatever dilemma we face. Our new Chapel is a blessing we would like to extend to you, either by your participation in our House Masses held most Thursdays, or at any time you feel the need. More importantly, it is an opportunity for you to assist your sons in gaining an understanding of the

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3

In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side. 4 September

Junior Football brings home the cup After heartbreaking losses in 2010 and 2011 to Trinity College, CBC Fremantle Junior Football team were victorious in the 2013 Year 8/9 WAFC School Boys Cup. Read more...

2 September

Breakfast for Father’s Day More than 150 dads, grandads and male mentors were up at the crack of dawn to celebrate Father’s Day at CBC Fremantle. Read more...

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3





College Information Students speaking up against social injustice Edmund Rice Productions is a new project championing the rights of those in need of social justice. To listen to student interviews on social issues that affect our community, visit soundcloud.com/#edmund-rice-productions.

Help Old Boys help others Three CBC Old Boys are planning on walking 100km in 24 hours to raise money for charity. From 18 to 20 October Connor Orrells (‘12), Patrick Tunnicliff (‘11) and Sam Leahy (‘10) will be participating in the Oxfam Trailwalk to team up against poverty. Registered under the name Team Zezima, the intrepid trio hope to raise $1,500.



Calendar Week 8 Term 3

Monday 9 September Years 9 -12 Youth Literature Day Tuesday 10 September Yr 8/9 Basketball final Year 10 Try-a-Trade Wednesday 11 September Year 10 Try-a-Trade Thursday 12 September Mass 8.15am Patrick 5, 6, 7 Year 10 Try-a-Trade Friday 13 September Patrick House Fundraiser Day

If you would like to assist the boys in reaching their target you can donate via the website https://trailwalker.oxfam.org.au/team/home/15243. All donations are tax deductible and go towards investing in long-term projects, responding to emergencies and campaigning for change in areas of need.

Canteen The Canteen Roster is available to download on the Parent Notices section on the website.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours Open every Wednesday from 8.30am – 4.00pm. No appointments are necessary.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3

Years 7 to 11 parents are invited to an

ICT wine and cheese night What do I get for the ICT levy I pay? Computers are cheaper at Harvey Norman!

on 24 September at 6pm in the Arts Learning Area at the College CBC Fremantle has a progressive Information Communication Technology programme. At CBC, laptops are issued in Year 7 and integrated into the curriculum until Year 12. Access to current technologies encourages active

How do I know what my son is doing on his laptop at home?

and creative learning, and our ICT policies guide and protect students while achieving their academic goals. While our children are keeping up to date with the latest technology, keeping up to date with our children can be a daunting task. Head of ICT Mr John Rear understands the concerns of parents. Come along to an informal Q&A evening, enjoy a glass of wine and learn how CBC is prepared for the challenges of ICT in the hands of our children. Register your interest in attending by emailing events@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au by Friday 20 September

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3







VIPA visual and performing arts festival




CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3

Last Saturday evening our College community joined with the Parish of St Patrick’s to celebrate our Family Mass. It was very pleasing to see 600 people from the two communities gathered together to share in the celebration of the Eucharist. Our tradition of holding two Family Masses each year is a wonderful sign of the very close relationship we hold with our local Parish. Fr Tony Maher is generous in his support of the College and is always willing to help us celebrate key College events. When we see students, their parents and teachers gathered together, it reinforces the essential three-way partnership that must be nurtured in order to educate and form good young men who have a spiritual dimension that can shine forth in our secular world. Our community celebration of liturgy, especially the Mass, gives a powerful witness to a God who is active in our lives and seeks to deepen His relationship with us. At the conclusion of the Mass, Fr Tony commissioned the 10 students and two teachers who are soon to depart for the Philippines to undertake an

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3







immersion experience working with the Christian Brothers. These young men have volunteered to take themselves considerably out of their comfort zone and to stand side by side with the poor who live on the margins. The participants were presented with a simple wooden crucifix and College tee-shirt, and they were instructed by Fr Tony to wear them as a symbol of their faith in Jesus Christ and as a sign of their membership of the CBC Fremantle community. Fr Tony concluding the commissioning with the following prayer: All-powerful and merciful God, you reign from your throne of service. Help these, students and teachers, to continue their pilgrimage as they journey from their homes. Show them the way of service to each other and those they meet. Help them understand and appreciate all they encounter. Under your protection let them reach their destination and come home at last, to a welcoming and loving community. Mr Craig Dowsett Director of Religious Education and Identity

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3

More glory for lower school football After Year 7 Soccer bringing home the

at Patersons Stadium, after heartbreaking

For the full story and more photos of

Glory Cup for the first time in CBC history,

losses to Trinity for the past two years.

the Year 7 Soccer and Year 8/9 Football

lower school football has more silverware to add to the cabinet.

victories, visit the newsroom at The Glory Cup win for Year 7 Soccer was


CBC’s third year of participating in the Last Saturday, Year 8/9 Australian Rules

10 year competition, and the result of an

Football won the WAFC School Boys Cup

outstanding season for the boys in black.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3







Above left: Year 7 Soccer with the Stan Lazaridis Glory Cup after the game Above right: Year 8/9 Football boys with the WAFC Schoolboys Cup at Patersons Stadium Read the full reports and see more photos at the Newsroom www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3

Year 12 Geography field trip To assist in their 3A/3B Geography course,

The group then headed to the far

At Beenyup, the boys were given an

the Year 12 class visited a number of

northern boundary of the city where a

excellent tour showing how the trial

sites around Perth to gain some first-

new housing area, Brighton Estate, is

system of turning wastewater into clean

hand knowledge they can use in their

being built. The Development Officer for

drinking water operates.

upcoming exams.

Satterley Homes provided a tour of the area to highlight the sustainable housing

Mr Joel Moss

Firstly, the students visited the new

and designs being incorporated, including

Society and Environment Teacher

Perry Lakes estate, that is replacing the

a new train station due to be finished by

old Athletics track, a good example of

the end of the year.

how Perth is infilling spaces rather than building all new housing on the city

After a lunch stop in Joondalup, itself


a good case study of an outer business district, we headed to the Water

The boys then headed north and stopped

Corporation Beenyup wastewater

for a view of the coastline near North

treatment plant.

Beach and to observe some sandbagging against sea level rises.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3







CBC take on the microphones at Sport FM On Wednesday 4 September the AEP

The visit began with Ben showing the

given the chance to record interviews

Literature and Media Group and select

group around the main studio during

with each other and Paul Jardine-Clarke

CBC Radio 89.2 students went on an

a live broadcast and how they use the

and Will Power interviewed Ben about

excursion to 91.3 Sports FM where the

Foxtel Live Sports channel for updates.

how he came to be at 91.3FM.

boys were hosted by announcer of the

At Sport FM, two announcers usually

Sports Breakfast Show, Ben Cameron.

broadcast per segment.

Ben, who has been at 91.3 for about

CBC Radio producer, Keane Bourke,

and the media. We would like to thank

nine months, showed the group all the

says that his confidence in the CBC Radio

Sport FM for allowing the boys to visit,

tips and tricks of the trade. One of the

equipment has been boosted after seeing

and Ben Cameron for giving up his time

most valuable pieces of advice that

the equipment at a professional radio was

to show us around. He certainly gained

Ben provided was to start a contact

very similar to what the College uses.

another 15 listeners as, according to one

Our visit to Sport FM was very informative and a real insight into a career in radio

book for interviewees and make guests

of the boys, Ben was the coolest dude he

comfortable by making the interview

The boys were then taken through the

sound and feel like a conversation.

procedure that producers go through

However, his most important tip was to

to prepare a show and some of the

Paul Jardine-Clarke and Will Power

never, ever blame your producer if you

hardships that they may face when

Photos: Keane Bourke

make an error!

broadcasting. After that, the group was

AEP Literature & Media Group

had ever met!

To see more of Keane’s photos, visit the Newsroom www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3

Keep fit and make friends Parents are invited to join our community social walking/running training groups:

Fitness level required to begin – couch potato:

Don’t miss the fun of the Glow Run ...

New beginners walk/run group on Tuesday and Thursday at 4.45pm.

Join our team in the 5km Glow Run on Saturday

Wednesday 5.30 am for 1 hour – go your own pace Friday

5.30 am for ½ hour run followed by coffee


7am for a long run or walk followed by coffee and breakfast

Any fitness level is welcome, but specifically for beginners who would

21 September at the Supreme Court Gardens at

like to start running or walking on a regular basis.

7.30pm. All the details are at www.glowrun.com.au. Team details:

CBC staff can also participate in the following: Pilates on Tuesday and Thursday from 6.30 am, and Wednesday at

Name: CBC Fremantle Password: Edmund Rice

4.45pm for one hour. Cost varies on how many classes you attend. Please contact Sally at sallyn@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au.

print: The CBC walking/running group is a social and not an official College activity.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3







Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Corpus Christi College 30th Anniversary Corpus Christi College invites you to share a special moment in the College history as we celebrate our 30th anniversary. Please join us for a night of reminiscing, laughing and dancing. Corpus Christi College – David Heath Centre Saturday 5 October at 7pm to 12am Dress: Cocktail Tickets:$75 per head including canapés, something more substantial and roving desserts. Fabulous entertainment provided by Darren Reid and the Soul City Groove. A selection of beer, wine and champagne will be available for purchase. To book your tickets, please go ONLINE to: www.trybooking.com/60153 For more information phone 6332 2517 or email communications@corpus.wa.edu.au

Catholic Agricultural College Bindoon To complement the existing boarding facilities, Catholic Agricultural College Bindoon is looking for: • lounge suites (in good condition) • coffee tables • table tennis tables • pool table • soccer table game Please contact Kylie Worth on (08) 9576 5511 or at Worth.Kylie@cathednet.wa.edu.au.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3

Topspin Tennis information Camps

Monday 30 September to Wednesday 2 October 9.00am – 12.00noon

Monday 7 October to Thursday 10 October

MLC hot shots challenge event

Thursday 3rd october 9.00am -12.00pm

Term 4 summer tennis programme

Saturday 19 October to Friday 13 December (8 week programme)

If you would like to enrol for any of these programmes or have any questions please contact Brendan on 0401565051 or by email fremantletopspintennis@gmail.com.

The University of Notre Dame October Holiday Courses • Year 10 Preparation for Upper School English

• Year 11 Academic Reading and Writing

Due to the July school holiday courses being booked out very quickly, and receiving excellent student feedback, The University of Notre Dame Australia will be offering two October holiday courses. Notre Dame will be offering a Year 10 Preparation for Upper School English course. Full details and enrolment forms can be downloaded from www.nd.edu.au/Yr10English. This academic reading and writing course will help develop the skills needed for academic success in Years 11 and 12, and is designed for students currently in Year 10. The university will also be offering Year 11 Academic Reading and Writing Course. Full details and enrolment forms can be downloaded from www.nd.edu.au/Yr11English. This programme is ideal for Year 11 students currently completing Stage 2 course, who need to revise content and skills. Teaching occurs in small classes, the courses are inexpensive and offered as a community service project, and so places always fill quickly.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3

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