College Newsletter Week 7 Term 3 Friday 4 September 2015
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3 | Page 1
Cover: Andrew Armstrong (Year 10) performing with the Jazz Orchestra at ViPA.
From the Principal Technology and the Teenager
school administrator dealing with mobile
The appropriate use of technology
phone issues. The student, equipped by
assumes particular importance from time
well-meaning parents, keeps fronting
to time in the life of a school. The following
up with the latest and greatest phone,
article was written by the College Vice
complete with gadgetry well beyond
Principal, Domenic Burgio, in 2009 to
normal needs. I feel it seems to be getting
discuss whether students were actually
us all into an area that is grey, risky and
safer in possession of mobile phones. It
fraught with danger. The majority of
is remarkable how the issues discussed
parents cite that safety is the reason
therein remain equally pertinent these
for supplying their child with a mobile
six years later and I invite you to consider
phone. This is most understandable. The
them now as you read on.
world is a different place to that in which my generation lived, and I can plainly
CBC Fremantle
Does my son need a mobile phone
see that parents would like to be able to
51 Ellen Street
at school?
communicate with their children at all
Fremantle WA 6160
My experience in schools over recent
times. However, there is a great irony in
T 08 9336 2700
years has led me to conclude that the
providing this safety. A mobile phone that
mobile phone is the single most disruptive
comes with all the latest ‘bells and whistles’
element in our secondary schools. I have
can actually put your son at greater risk.
spent hundreds of hours of my time as a Page 2 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3
The most current model phones are
laws governing their use of social media,
other related technology for such purposes
definitely the most attractive to potential
Facebook and YouTube do not reconcile
at school, the consequences will be very serious.
thieves, be they a fellow student or a
with the laws of the land and are often in
complete stranger. Many of our boys
contrast to the expectations of parents.
travel home on buses and walk through
They certainly do not reconcile with CBC
Young adolescent boys have not changed
Fremantle and they are best advised
Fremantle’s Code of Conduct. The students
much in terms of their main issues since I
to keep their mobiles concealed unless
of CBC are not allowed to photograph
was 13. What has changed is access and
absolutely necessary. I am sure that
and/or film any school activity without
opportunity to material that may be too
parents would not like boys waving a
the permission of the Principal, and any
tempting for an immature mind to deal
wallet full of money around, and this is
student who breaks this rule risks their
with. By providing our children with the
how expensive mobile phones are seen by
enrolment at our College. What seems an
opportunity and temptation, without
some in our wider community. Yet each
innocent action, may in fact breach laws
empowering them to deal with such issues,
day, as soon as the siren goes and the boys
relating to the photographing and filming
the whole notion of providing a mobile for
walk out through the College gates, the
of minors - laws which few students are
their safety may be lost. I would strongly
phones pop out from everywhere. I doubt
aware of.
advise all parents of our boys to speak to
that 3.15pm signals a significant safety risk
their sons about the issues raised in this
for our boys! Rather, I suspect that social
Another matter of equal concern is the
article and make sure that in providing the
networking is at play and phones are on
ability of these phones to access the
boys with a mobile for their safety, you are
display for all to view. I have actually seen a
internet and receive and make images
not in fact doing the opposite. If parents
boy walk into a street sign because he was
and videos. The latest technology allows
are truly worried about their child’s safety,
busy talking to someone instead of paying
students to receive and exchange photos
the technological ability of modern mobile
attention to where he was walking and
and videos that can be inappropriate, and
phones should only add to that concern. If
what was going on around him.
then view them surreptitiously at their
only someone would invent a mobile that
leisure. This makes a mockery of family-
simply allows the user to make and receive
That said, the theft of a mobile, provided
based internet and computer use rules
phone calls!
there is no injury, is not the end of the
that may determine the positioning of
world. What is of greater concern to me is
a computer in an open area. Recently, I
Mr Shaun Kenny
that as parents, we are giving our children
was made aware of several boys who
a very sophisticated piece of technology
have been doing this at school. When I
with little or no rules associated with its
contacted the boys’ parents, they were
responsible use. Mobile phones that can
completely shocked about the ability of
take photographs, videos and connect to
the boys and their phones. This serves as
the internet are very common and very,
a timely warning for all boys. Should any
very dangerous. For Generation Y, the
student be found using their phones and CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3 | Page 3
CBC snippets The view from a rocket launched over Fremantle Oval as part of Science Week.
Help Austin raise money for the kids of Maasin By running in City to Surf last weekend, Austin Keyte aimed to raise money to purchase first aid kits for the students of Maasin in the Philippines. The enterprising Year 12 participated in the 2014 CBC Philippines Tour and recognised the need for basic medical equipment in the schools he visited. To help Austin with his goal please visit
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Year 12 Non-ATAR Students for 2016 (Recommended for 2 or less ATAR subject students) Applications are now open for Certificate IV in Business, Certificate IV Education Support, Certificate IV Leadership & Management and Certificate IV Community Service. These certificate courses are on Fridays in 2016 replacing work experience, with enrolment numbers determining course viability. If you have already discussed the future pathway of your son and university is his goal, this may be another avenue for success. This Certificate IV pathway will offer a high probability of acceptance into any university bridging programme. There is also
College Calendar CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.
Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details. Tuesday 8 September
an opportunity with good College marks for them to progress
Music groups photo day
straight into their preferred university degree. The bridging
Thursday 17 September
programme takes approximately six months at the selected
Sport groups photo day
university and the process engages the students with aspects of study including programmes, essay writing and focussing on necessary literacy and numeracy skills. To achieve University Indirect Entry
College Information
Step 1: WACE Graduation = Pass OLNA + >C+ Certificate II
Music Photo Day 8 September
Step 2: ATAR English or high marks in General English Step 3: Certificate IV VET Step 4: Apply directly to the university If pursuing the Indirect Entry Pathway (Step 3) The Fremantle Education Centre (FEC) can assist you with the Certificate IV courses. Please feel free to contact the FEC directly if you have any questions about the courses and all application and payments go directly to them, not CBC Fremantle. The College monitors all students closely, as they are still enrolled
Bands and ensembles will have their formal photos taken on 8 September from Period 4. The schedule has been sent out to Music students and is also available from Mr Mancuso.
Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers The College is collecting Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers so please don’t forget to grab yours when you do the shopping. Students can put the stickers in the box in Student Services.
as full members of CBC Fremantle. Mr Garry Hart Head of VET CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3 | Page 5
In the Newsroom Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
31 August
ViPA showcases the Arts At the College’s annual ViPA festival, CBC Fremantle showcased students’ talent with dynamic visual art displays, intriguing drama performances and tight musical numbers. Read more... 31 August
Special guests celebrate Technologies Week To celebrate Technologies week, CBC Fremantle students welcomed some special visitors to the Metalwork, Woodwork and Technical Graphics workshops, with parents and grandparents joining in on a lesson... Read more... 27 August
Music awards at Performing Arts Festival CBC Fremantle’s Guitar Ensemble No I received an Honourable Mention in the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic Schools. Read more...
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20 August
Yusef wins first prize at Angelico Yusef Hourani (Year 11) received first prize in the Upper School Drawing Category at the 2015 Catholic Art Angelico Exhibition with his beautifully detailed set of seven drawings titled Momentos. Read more... 27 August
Surfing duo third in Seniors CBC Fremantle surfing duo, Tom Corrie and Alex McGuffin (both in Year 10) finished third in wild and wet conditions in the Senior Boys division of the 2015 Sunsmart WA School Surfing Titles final. Read more... 20 August
Fellas in Film at CBC As part of English week, CBC Fremantle was treated to a fascinating panel discussion on ‘Fellas in Film’, with three experienced creators providing insights into the world of film-making. Read more...
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3 | Page 7
What CBC boys like about Integrated Science ...
Tyler Davies
Harry Burt
Harrison Panizza
Year 11
Year 11
Year 11
What do you think of Integrated
What do you think of Integrated
What do you think of Integrated
Really fun. One of those classes where
I’ve enjoyed it very much.
It’s a good class. We learn new skills.
What are you getting out of the
What are you getting out of the
What are you getting out of the
Learning new things every lesson.
There’s more to the environment than
Always finding something new and
you think.
A lot of skills working in a lab and using
you do experiments and not just stuck in a classroom.
What do you like most about it?
different chemicals, which is enjoyable. What do you like most about it? What do you like most about it?
The forensic excursion to the Chem
Probably being able to do all the tests
Centre was pretty interesting.
and collect samples and help each other out.
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It’s fun. You learn things.
Ben Swindells
Mitchell Hughes
Jasper Benthien
Year 11
Year 11
Year 11
What do you think of Integrated
What do you think of Integrated
What do you think of Integrated
It’s very educational – brings a new
It’s pretty good.
Pretty good. Everyone knows each
experience to Science.
other well. What are you getting out of the
What are you getting out of the
What are you getting out of the
Certficate II in Measuring and Sampling.
Certificate II in Measuring and Sampling.
Certificate in Measuring and Sampling. What do you like most about it?
What do you like most about it?
Get to go outside, hands-on, not stuck
What do you like most about it?
It’s hands-on – not just in the classroom
inside all the time.
How we all work together. It’s hand-on
with pen and paper.
rather than just written work.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3 | Page 9
2 0 1 5 0 0 0 2 1995 Back to
5, 10 and 20 Year Reunions The Old Boys’ Association invites the Classes of 2010, 2005 and 1995 to return to CBC Fremantle for a reunion sundowner.
Class of 2010 5 Year Reunion Saturday 10 October – lunch from 1pm to 3pm
Class of 2005 10 Year Reunion Friday 9 October – College tour at 5.30pm followed by drinks and cocktail food at 6pm to 8pm
Class of 1995 20 Year Reunion
Saturday 10 October – College tour at 5.30pm followed by drinks and cocktail food at 6pm to 8pm The evening is compliments of your OBA but RSVP is essential for catering purposes. Please contact or telephone 9430 2001 for further information, or visit to secure your ticket back to CBC.
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A taste of things to come... To encourage your contributions to the CBC cookbook, every fortnight we will provide you with a tasty recipe from the CBC community that your boys are bound to love. To contribute to the cookbook, send recipes to
Mexican Antipasto Layered Dip from Ben Funga Passed on from my Mother’s Group which formed when Nic was one month old. A favourite amongst everyone – there’s never enough forks to go around! Feeds a group of about 12 but only as a snack. Ingredients First Layer Second Layer 250g cream cheese
1 large ripe avocado, mashed
1 dash garlic salt
¼ tsp lemon juice
½ cup sour cream
1 tomato, finely chopped and drained
1 tsp fresh red chilli chopped
Third Layer Fourth Layer 5 rashers of bacon,
250ml bottle taco or nacho sauce
finely chopped and cooked
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
until lightly browned 3-4 spring onions, finely chopped ¼ cup black olives, chopped ¼ cup stuffed green olives, finely chopped Method 1. Combine the ingredients of the first layer and pour evenly into a shallow casserole dish or serving plate. 2. Combine the ingredients of the second layer and spoon evenly into the serving dish over the first layer. 3. Combine ingredients of the third layer and spread evenly over the second layer. 4. Spoon sauce and then cheese over the top of the layered dip. 5. Serve with thick corn chips and a fork!
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3 | Page 11
CBC Parent Auxiliary
Golf Day
The CBC Fremantle community is invited to a fun morning of golf at the Point Walter Golf Course on Saturday 17 October. Cost of $35.00 per player includes 9 holes of golf, followed by an open grill lunch. Players must provide their own clubs or hire at the course. Beverages can be purchased on the day. Format: Ambrose (4 ball). There will be nine teams of 4 (expandable if people register early). If required, some shuffling of teams will be made to suit ability. Pairs will be honoured where possible. Registration is at 8.30am and tee-off at 9.00am. The aim is to finish around midday and then head into the club rooms for lunch and refreshments. Please RSVP by Tuesday 13 October by emailing Barry Bourne, cash payment to be made on the day. Include the following details: • Your name and name of pair preference • Telephone and email • Golf Handicap (use 27 if you don’t have a handicap) • Any dietary requirements More Information: Contact Barry Bourne on 0409493485 or or Point Walter Golf Course.
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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Stronger Teens Camp 2 to 4 October 2015 at Fairbridge Village Pinjarra An amazing weekend with huge games and activities, inspiring talks about faith and life, prayer and worship, and time to chill with friends. Cost $150.00 incluces all accommodation, meals, adventure activities and bus transport to and from Perth. Open to all high school aged teenagers. For more info visit or contact Catholic Youth Ministry 9422 7912 or
WA Young Salesian Quiz Night Friday 25 September Join us for a memorable night filled with fun, laughter and trivia. Starting at 7:30pm sharp and held in the multi-purpose area at Our Lady of Grace School in North Beach. Tickets are $10 each (Tables of 8). For more information, email, contact Graham on 0418 979 600 or visit our website at
From Backyard to Baggy Green! Register with your local Junior Cricket Club – with exciting new games and styles for girls and boys, you could be the next Perth Scorcher! Head to to find your local team and register.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3 | Page 13
Note Dame University Academic Enabling and Support Centre Year 10 Preparation for Upper School English This course will assist students to develop the skills needed for academic success in Years 11 and 12 , and beyond. Tuesday 29 September to Friday 2 October 2015 from 9.00am to 12.00pm Cost $130.00, registrations close on Friday 25 September 2015 Year 11 Academic Reading & Writing Course This course is ideal for students currently in Year 11 Stage 2 English courses and wanting to improve their English skills. Tuesday 29 September to Friday 2 October 2015 from 1.00pm to 4.00pm Cost $130, registrations close on Friday 25 September 2015 If you have any questions, please contact the Academic Enabling and Support Centre on 9433 0168.
Register for Summer Junior Pennants Junior pennants is available for children aged between 8 to 16 years of age with all matches being played on Sunday mornings starting at 8.30am and finishing approximately 12 noon. The season commences 25 October and consists of 10 matches plus semis and final. Players are put into teams of 4 to 6 who represent Fremantle Tennis Club on a home and away playing schedule. There are many divisions available from more advanced players in Division 1 to first season players in Division 12. The cost to play Junior Pennants for the summer season is as follows: • Current Financial Junior Club Members $95.00 (pennant registration fee) • Non club members - $135.00 or $175.00 ( club membership fee) + $95.00 (pennant registration fee) To be eligible to play pennants, players must be financial members of the club. The club membership is $135.00 (primary school) and $175.00 (high school). The pennant registration fee includes ball fees, Tennis West team registration, administration and a supervisor being present from 8.30am to 12.30pm for home games and entering of score cards. Registration and payment needs to be made to Fremantle Tennis Club no later than Friday 21 August. Tennis West deadlines need to be met therefore late registrations will not be accepted. Contact Brendan Malarkey at Fremantle Topspin Tennis, Fremantle Lawn Tennis Club, Parry Street Fremantle. Mobile: 0401565051 Email:
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Any enquires please contact
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3 | Page 15
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Planning for Success The Abilities Careers Expo provides an opportunity for families, schools and students living with disability to explore post-school options and employment information from over 30 exhibitors.
Celebrating Successful Career Stories and Industry Presentations - Botanical 1 Session One 10:00am - 10:40am Career Story One followed by Transperth and Centrelink Presentations
Session Two 10:50am - 11:30am Career Story Two followed by National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and WA NDIS My Way
Session Three 11:40am - 12:20pm Career Story Three followed by Transperth and Centrelink Presentations
Interactive Industry Demonstrations - Grand Ballroom 1 For the first time ever, students are invited to engage with Schools/ Trade Training Centres and Institutions to gain hands on practical experience across, leisure, art, volunteering, bike rescue, hospitality, and building and construction to name a few.
Date: Tuesday, 15 September 2015 Venue: Crown Perth - Grand Ballroom Address: Great Eastern Highway, Burswood Opening Ceremony: 9.15am – 9.45am Exhibition Booths Open: 9.45am – 1.30pm
For further information, contact Paul Jones on 9378 2722 or email,
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 3 | Page 17