CBC Fremantle Week 9 term 1 2016

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College Newsletter Week 9 Term 1 Friday 1 April 2016

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1 | Page 1

Cover: 2014 College Captain Anthony Iannantuoni speaking to assembled Dads and sons at Share the Journey. Read more in the Newsroom.

From the Principal Share the Journey

would wish our own children to develop.

On a recent Sunday morning a group of

One of the important objectives of our

more than 200 boys and their fathers

programme is to remind the boys that

assembled at Point Walter to experience

their dad is someone with a wealth of life

the Share the Journey programme. This

experience who loves them unconditionally.

parent-led undertaking has become a signature event for our College and

Whilst the individual circumstances of

was again enthusiastically embraced

many of the fathers and other male

by our community. As the morning

adults in attendance would have been

unfolded, it was very evident that a

quite diverse, they were united in their

time of great significance was being

desire to enhance their relationships

shared by many of those present.

with the boys and to be strong and positive influences in their development.

CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street

Contemporary society presents many

Research repeatedly shows that strong

Fremantle WA 6160

potential role models for boys in the

male role-modelling is an important

T 08 9336 2700

form of celebrities from all walks of life.

contributor to boys developing a

E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

Unfortunately, very few of them have any

positive self-image, forming mutually


interest in their capacity to influence young

beneficial friendships and having

people or possess the values that we

a healthy respect for women.

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Left and above: Share the Journey at Point Walter

These aims are clearly compatible with

Mr Adam McPhail who addressed the

father points’, the years and the

dads during the preparatory session.

opportunities can quickly pass by.

Mr Frank Iannantuoni and his

the broader objectives of the College as expressed in our tagline, Today’s boys… tomorrow’s gentlemen. I’m sure they

son Anthony (Class of 2014) who

ACC Swimming Carnival

are also outcomes that every family

each delivered poignant and

Congratulations to our swimmers

is working hard to achieve at home. I

thought-provoking talks at different

and their coaches on their admirable

commend all of the fathers who had

times during the morning.

achievements at the ACC ‘A’ Division

The many other staff and senior

Swimming Carnival on Wednesday of

this event and to make this essential

students who contributed to

last week. Ably led by their coaches,

investment of time in their sons.

the day in a variety of ways.

Mr John Rear, Mr Stephen Hunter and

the courage and foresight to attend

Mr Jason Matthews and Captain of I would also like to thank all of those

Perhaps the real power of this programme

Swimming, Rafael Cipriano, the team

who were responsible for the planning

rests in its simplicity and its capacity

performed strongly throughout the

to remind dads about the critical

carnival. Each member of the squad

function they play in the lives of their

prepared thoroughly and gave of their

Dads, Mr John Atkinson,

sons. It emphasises the fact that

best on the day. This is the benchmark

Mr Tim Allan, Mr Barry Bourne and

opportunities to interrelate need

for all of our activity at the College and

Mr Leon Yurak who worked tirelessly

to be consciously arranged. If we

our swimmers certainly achieved this

to ensure the success of the day.

delay the accumulation of ‘frequent


and presentation of this programme: •

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1 | Page 3

Senior Ball The dancing lessons are completed, correct etiquette has been reinforced and the suits are hired in preparation for the Senior Ball this evening. I trust that each of our Year 12 boys and their partners will enjoy a wonderful night and that their parents will manage to take just the right photo to preserve the memories of the occasion.

College Drama production In recent years the College community has been entertained by some wonderful works presented courtesy of our very talented Drama students and staff. Three performances of this year’s production, Twelve Angry Men, will be staged between this Sunday and Tuesday. Further details are contained within this newsletter and I encourage everyone to come along and enjoy this intriguing play while supporting the hard work of those involved. Mr Shaun Kenny Principal

Right: ACC Swimming Carnival

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College Information

College Calendar

Uniform Shop school holiday hours

CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the

The Uniform Shop will operate for general business

Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe

during the school holidays on the following days and

for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link

times only.

at the top right of the Calendar page.

• Wednesday, 13 April from 9.30am to 1.00pm • Wednesday, 20 April from 9.30am to 2.00pm

Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details.

• Tuesday, 26 April from 10.00am to 4.00pm.

Wednesday 27 April

Please note, school term times for the Uniform Shop

Students commence Term 2 – winter uniform

do not apply during school holidays.

times after the holidays from Wednesday, 27 April.

Share the Journey month

For any queries please call Shop Manager, Falda

Celebrate the journey with these fun suggestions to build up your ‘frequent father points’ with your son.

The Uniform Shop will resume normal school term

Forzatti on 0409 904 950.

Achievements Congratulations to Nicholas McMahon and Nicholas Deluca (Year 11) who were both selected to represent Western Australia in the 2016 Water Polo team which is competing at the School Sport Australian National Championships in Canberra

Schedule in your diary an early morning start with your son and take him to school via your favourite coffee shop for breakfast. This is a great way to talk to your son without any distractions and find out what’s been happening in his life. Plan a Sunday drive with your son, maybe somewhere you haven’t been before. Aim for a place a few hours away and let him be the navigator. Prepare a meal together. This is a great way to spend time in

in May.

a relaxed environment, talking about what’s happening in each

Edward Astill (Year 7) performed very well at the

the results!

WALA State Championships, receiving a silver medal

Do more things with your son than for him … make the most

in the U12 1500m event, and coming in fourth in the

of those ‘teachable’ moments.

other’s lives while having a bit of fun. You may be surprised at

U12 800m (beating his PB by over five seconds). CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1 | Page 5

In the Newsroom Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

21 March

Celebrating our Alumni CBC Fremantle Old Boys from the Classes of 1939 to 2015 gathered in the College Cloisters for a special sundowner that highlighted the remarkable and diverse accomplishments of its graduates. Read more... 21 March

Dads step up for the journey A leisurely Sunday morning walk along the river took on a bigger significance this weekend when Year 7 boys shared the journey with their dads. Read more...

17 March

Cross Country by the sea With the sparkling Indian Ocean as a backdrop, CBC boys ran with determination and spirit in the House Cross Country carnival along the Cottesloe to Port Beach cycle and pedestrian path. Read more...

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Building robots! The Robotics Club meets every Tuesday afternoon with Mr John Hortense leading and facilitating this interesting and innovative part of the Academic Excellence Programme. The boys are designing robots to enter the National Robotics Competition later in the year. The design process starts with choosing and then programming the software. They then build a robot and test their software programs. Modifications, adjustments and improvements are then made. The members of this club work in teams and the amount of cooperative peer learning and interaction is exciting to watch. This is, after all, what the future is about! Ms Marilyn Schmidt AEP Coordinator

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1 | Page 7

What CBC boys like about end of term...

Harry Caniglia

Joshua Goodwin

Ben Mitchell

Year 12

Year 10

Year 8

What have you planned for

What have you planned for

What have you planned for

the holidays?

the holidays?

the holidays?

Catching up on certifcate work and

Italian tour.

Hanging out with my friends.

How did you go this term?

How did you go this term?

Pretty good, not too bad.


of Distinction and I’m getting Colours in

What was your finest hour?

What was your finest hour?

Visual Art.

Not sure.

Making friends.

What was your finest hour?

Who is your favourite teacher?

Who is your favourite teacher?

Nothing stands out – a couple of awards.

Mr Moss.

Probably Mr Maher and Mr Holohan.

what not. How did you go this term? Alright. I started by picking up a Certificate

Who is your favourite teacher? Miss De Palma.

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Joel Pangiarella

Hugo Salvage

Hudson Taylor-Rees

Year 11

Year 11

Year 8

What have you planned for

What have you planned for

What have you planned for

the holidays?

the holidays?

the holidays?

I’m going on the Italy tour!


Probably going to Melbourne and then

How did you go this term?

How did you go this term?

I tried my hardest, and got pretty

Pretty good.

going to Sydney in a campervan. How did you go this term? Good.

good results. What was your finest hour? What was your finest hour?

Backstroke in the House Swimming.

What was your finest hour? Not sure.

Not really sure. Who is your favourite teacher? Who is your favourite teacher? Mr Leicester.

Mr Leicester.

Who is your favourite teacher? Mr Maher.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1 | Page 9

CBC Fremantle presents



written by Reginald Rose directed by Rosalba Jeffreys

3 to 5 April 2016 Sunday matinee at 3.00pm, evenings at 7.30pm CBC Fremantle Arts Learning Area Tickets Adult $15 | Child $5 at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Relationships Australia Anger Management for Men This course is based on the belief that anger can be our greatest ally – that the power we derive from acknowledging and verbalising our anger appropriately enables us to improve our lives. The eight-week course is not suitable for people in a situation where there is domestic violence. Relationships Australia offer other programmes and services that deal specifically with this issue. WEST LEEDERVILLE: 22 Southport Street (corner of Cambridge Street) on Wednesday 4, 11, 18, 25 May and 1, 8, 15, and 22 June FREMANTLE: 1 Ord Street on Wednesday 4, 11, 18 and 25 May and 1, 8, 15 and 22 June Time:




Register: Places are limited so please phone 6164 0200 to enrol.

Centre for Faith Enrichment Soul food for Parents Upcoming short courses from the Centre for Faith Enrichment include: Grace-filled Parenting (Thursday mornings, Doubleview); Dive Deeper: Exploring Faith (Wednesday lunchtime, online); Exploring the Mass (Wednesday nights, Como) – and many more! To see the full range of what’s on offer, visit www.cfe.org.au. All are welcome (you don’t have to be Catholic!), there are no exams or assignments, and courses are presented in a relaxed and friendly environment.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1 | Page 11


Sharpen your pencil, bring your creativity and join local artist Holly Maclean to capture your imagination on paper. Children aged 7 to 11 can learn how to draw 3D creatures, plants and people using pencils, watercolours and graphite. Get an understanding of lines, forms, texture and perspective to bring your creations to life. Tuesday 18 April 2.00 to 4.00 pm Cost: $12

Mindfulness for Teens

If you’re between 12 and 16 years of age join this workshop to learn the DNA to mindfulness. Grow your inner resources to cope with life's challenges and achieve your goals. Learn techniques to help with relaxation, relationships and self-awareness. Wednesday 20 April 1.00 to 4.00 pm Cost: $34.50

Mindfulness for Children

Learning how to be in the present: If you’re between 7 and 11 years old join Occupational Therapist Sasha Wray in this nature inspired mindfulness workshop. The mindfulness skills you will learn will help you in a happy and healthy journey through life. Thursday 21 April 2.00 to 4.00 pm Cost: $12

Magical Glass Art

Join Leisa Antonio and get a taste of the magical world of fused and slumped kiln fired art glass. Children aged 7 to 11 can create three pieces of jewellery or a candle plate and make a beautiful gift card too. Monday 18 April 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Cost: $12 + $10 material fee payable to tutor.

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Help the Homeless Art Auction 4.30pm, Saturday 11 June 2016

Fremantle Town Hall. Includes a performance by the Starlight Hotel Choir. Refreshments will be served.

Open for viewing 3pm - 5pm Fri 10 June & 1pm - 4.30pm Saturday 11 June FORWARD ANNOUNCEMENT

Soroptimist International of Fremantle is delighted to announce the seventh annual Help the Homeless Art Auction to be held 4.30pm - 8pm Saturday 11 June 2016 at Fremantle Town Hall, preceded by an afternoon of viewing by the public. In 2015 the Auction benefitted The Sisters’ Place, the Fremantle Street Doctor and the Fremantle Multicultural Centre. Freo Street Doctor mobile health clinic serves the physical and mental needs of homeless, at-risk, marginalised people with low or no income, transients, substance abusers and those with diagnosed and undiagnosed mental illness. The Sisters’ Place is a project of St Patrick’s Community Support Centre, supported by five congregations of religious women and staffed by Sisters and other volunteers drawn from the community. It provides a safe bed at night to homeless women who sleep in the parks and streets of Fremantle. The Fremantle Multicultural Centre crisis and short term accommodation programme assists migrants and refugees who are homeless or about to become homeless. All three beneficiaries of the auction provide an invaluable service to those in need medically and psychologically, who by a combination of circumstances have found their lives devalued and their self-esteem lost. Soroptimist International is a worldwide volunteer organisation for women in management and professions who seek to advance human rights of women. First founded in 1921 in California, its members are committed to supporting local, national and international communities. A major focus for Soroptimist International of Fremantle has been improving the lives of the homeless via its major fundraiser, the Help the Homeless Art Auction. The event has grown with each year and we hope in 2016 it will be bigger and better than ever. Please diarise this event. If you would like to register your attendance early, please email cjohnson@amnet.net.au If you would like to receive a link to the catalogue once released, email art@artistschronicle.com Kind regards Lyn DiCiero Curator Ph 9336 1861 Email art@artistschronicle.com PO Box 1088 Fremantle WA 6959 Ph 08 9336 1861 art@artistschronicle.com www.artistschronicle.com

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1 | Page 13

A day in the life of a Murdoch University student Year 11 & 12 program: 21 April 2016 9.00am – 3.30pm Murdoch University, South Street campus

Register at experience.murdoch.edu.au

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Eluzai Violins

FUNDRAISING for YouthCARE Chaplaincy

Lachlan Glover ‘s Saxophone Tunes

ENTRY by DONATION (Tax Deductible receipts available)

S p o n s o r e d

b y

M o u n t

P l e a s a n t

Kabalevsky Piano Concerto, Piano Duets and Trios

C o l l e

Enquiries: Janelle Anthony Mount Pleasant College 497 Marmion St, Booragoon g e Ph: 9329 1777

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1 | Page 15

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