Keep Connected Special Edition 2

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KEEP CONNECTED Special Edition Local volunteers show us how to give back  P6 Learn how to cut down on food waste  P8 Hanan Dover (pictured) talks about her role with Hayat Line  P10 We chat to an artist about her role in the Biennale  P12

Mayoral message

Dear Resident I am excited to be able to share another special edition of the City of Canterbury Bankstown’s newsletter, Keep Connected. It wasn’t that long ago we delivered our first edition in the midst of a pandemic, but since July a lot has happened. No matter how many people I speak with, they all say the same thing and that is how quickly the year has gone. Many will be happy to see it end but I think we will all agree 2020 will be a year we will never forget. This edition is about new beginnings, new opportunities and new ways of life. I have taken this period to try some different things. For the last three months I’ve been travelling across the city on a listening tour and meeting many residents. Thanks to everyone who came along to say g’day and voice their concerns.

Vietnamese Quý vị thân mến; Đại dịch siêu vi Corona (Coronavirus) đã gây ảnh hưởng lớn lao đến chúng ta. Đại dịch này đã ngăn cản chúng ta không Kính vị cư điều dân,mà chúng ta yêu thích, và ngay cả thể gửi làmquý rất nhiều trở chúng gặp gỡsẻ những thân của mình. Vì Tôingăn rất vui khi có ta thể chia một người ấn bản đặcyêu biệt khác vậy, chúng tôi quyết định rằng đã đến lúc đừng nên nghĩ đến của bản tin Thành phố Canterbury Bankstown, những gì mà chúng ta không thể làm, mà hãy bắt đầu nghĩ Vietnamese Keep đếnConnected. những gì đang được thực hiện trong cộng đồng chúng vàthân cách thức màsự Hội đồng thành đang hoạt Quý vị Ấntabản nàymến; nói về khởi đầu mới,phố cơ hội mới vàđộng cách nhằm hỗ trợ cư dân. Đại dịch siêu vi Corona (Coronavirus) đã gây ảnh hưởng lớn sống mới. Hội Thành Canter-bury Bankstown vẫn laoNhớ đếnrằng, chúng ta.đồng Đại dịch nàyphố đã ngăn cản chúng ta không cung ứngđiều các dịch vụđể vàthử sẵn sàng giúp đỡngay quý cả vị. Nếu Tôiđang đã dành thời gian này một số điều khác nhau. thể làm rất nhiều mà chúng ta yêu thích, và quýtrở vịbacó bất cứ quangỡ ngại quan đếnyêu siêucủa vi Corona, ngăn chúng taqua, gặp những người thân mình. Vì Trong tháng tôi đãgìđiliên khắp thành phố trong vui lòng gọi đến số điện thoại của chúng tôi dành riêng cho vậy, chúng tôi quyết đãvà đến lúcgỡ đừng nêncư nghĩ đến chuyến tham quanđịnh lắngrằng nghe gặp nhiều dân. việc này, đóchúng là 13 Corona (13thể 26làm, 76 62). những gì mà ta không mà hãy bắt đầu nghĩ Tôi đã rất phấn khích trước sự đáp ứng của tất cả những đến những gì đang được thực hiện trong cộng đồng chúng Viếng người đãtrang đến mạng chào hỏi và nêu lênphố mối quan tâm của họ. ta và cách thức mà Hội đồng thành đang hoạt động nhằm hỗ trợ cư dân. Tôi xin chúc quý vị và gia đình những điều tốt đẹp nhất Nhớ rằng, Hội Thành Canter-bury vẫn khi chúng ta đồng sửa soạn kếtphố thúc một nămBankstown bận rộn. Chúng đang cung ứng các dịch vụ và sẵn sàng giúp đỡ quý vị. Nếu ta hãy giữ mối liên hệ với nhau! quý vị có bất cứ quan ngại gì liên quan đến siêu vi Corona, vui gọi Khal đến số điện thoại của chúng tôi dành riêng cho Thịlòng trưởng Asfour việc này, đó là 13 Corona (13 26 76 62).


Viếng trang mạng


Chinese 您好



尊敬的居民, 法做很多我们爱做的事情,甚至让我们远离我们

我很高兴能够与大家分享坎特伯雷-邦士顿 的人。 因此,我们决定不再考虑不能做什么,而是 (Canterbury Bankstown)的另一期特别通讯 Chinese 考虑我们的社区正在做什么、 市政府如何发挥自 Keep Connected 《保持联系》 ( )。

作用了。 您好

这一期特别通讯的内容是新的开始、新的机会、新的 冠状病毒大流行给人们带来了巨大的影响, 使我们无 请记住,Canterbury Bankstown市仍然在提供 生活方式。 法做很多我们爱做的事情,甚至让我们远离我们所爱

随时为大家提供帮助。 如果您有任何跟冠状病毒 利用这段时间, 我试着进行一些不同的工作。 最近三 的人。 因此,我们决定不再考虑不能做什么, 而是开始 个月来, 我一直在全市范围走访许多居民, 倾听他们 考虑我们的社区正在做什么、 市政府如何发挥自己的 的问题,请拨打我们的专用电话13 Corona (13 267 的意见。 大家向我问好, 把他们关注的问题告诉我, 每 作用了。 跟我们联系。 个人的回应都让我深受鼓舞。 请记住,Canterbury Bankstown市仍然在提供服务,

随时为大家提供帮助。 如果您有任何跟冠状病毒相关 我祝愿您和家人在繁忙的一年中一切顺利。 让我们保 持联系! 的问题,请拨打我们的专用电话13 Corona (13 267 662)



市长Khal Asfour 网址

In this edition, you will find more stories from our community that I hope will catch your interest. This is a momentous time for one of our city centres, Bankstown, and you can read more about why on page 4. We have continued to change over the last 100 years and we will continue to change as a modern city of opportunity. There are also some great features on local residents and how they are cementing new life routines and pitching in to help the community. If gardening is more your interest, we have a double-spread on keeping your garden green and keeping food waste out of the red bin. Finally, I was delighted to see talented local artists and businesses showcased, so please enjoy reading about some of these familiar faces. I’ve greatly enjoyed reading this edition and as always, I enjoy getting to know more of you as Mayor of this great City. I wish you and your families the best as we round out a busy year. Let’s keep connected! Mayor Khal Asfour



Γεια σας




Η πανδημία του Κορωνοϊού έχει προκαλέσει τεράστιο ‫ فقد‬،‫لقد كان تأثير جائحة فيروس كورونا كبيرا ً على الجميع‬ αντίκτυπο στους ανθρώπους. Μας έχει σταματήσει να Αγαπητέ δημότη, ‫ وأبعدتنا حتى‬،‫من القيام بالكثير من األشياء التي نحبها‬،‫املقيم‬ ‫حرضةمنعتنا‬ Greek κάνουμε πολλά από αυτά που αγαπάμε και μας έχει Είμαι ενθουσιασμένος που μπορώ να μοιραστώ άλλη ‫ لذلك قررنا أنه حان األوان لكي‬.‫عن األشخاص الذين نحبهم‬ Arabic κρατήσει μακριά ακόμη και από τα πρόσωπα που αγαπάμε. ‫بانكستاون‬ ‫يسعدني إعالمك بصدور عدد خاص جديد من مجلة كنرتبري‬ Γεια σας έκδοση του ενημερωτικού δελτίου του Δήμου μια ειδική ‫بما‬ ‫ والبدء بالتفكير‬،‫نتوقف عن التفكير بما ليس بإمكاننا عمله‬ Έτσι, αποφασίσαμε ότι ήρθε η ώρα να σταματήσουμε να .Keep Connected ً‫مرحبا‬ Canterbury Bankstown, Keep Connected. Η πανδημία του Κορωνοϊού έχει προκαλέσει τεράστιο σκεφτόμαστε το τι δεν μπορεί να γίνει και να αρχίσουμε να.‫يتم عمله في مجتمعنا وبالدور الذي تلعبه البلدية لهذه الناحية‬ αντίκτυπο στους έχει σταματήσει να ο Δήμος ‫يتضمن هذا العدد مقاالت عن انطالقات جديدة ًوفرص جديدة وأساليب‬ Αυτή η έκδοση αφορά νέες αρχές, νέες ευκαιρίες σκεφτόμαστε τιανθρώπους. γίνεται στηνΜας κοινότητά μας και και πώς ‫ فقد‬،‫لقد كان ّتأثير جائحة فيروس كورونا كبيرا على الجميع‬ ‫تقدم الخدمات‬ ‫ر؛ إن بلدية كنتربري بانكستاون ال تزال‬ ‫حياة وتذك‬ νέους τρόπους κάνουμε πολλάζωής. από αγαπάμε και μας έχει ّ .‫جديدة‬ διαδραματίζει τοναυτά δικό που του ρόλο. ‫حتى‬ ‫وأبعدتنا‬ ،‫نحبها‬ ‫التي‬ ‫األشياء‬ ‫من‬ ‫بالكثير‬ ‫القيام‬ ‫من‬ κρατήσει μακριά ακόμηαυτήν και από τα πρόσωπα που αγαπάμε. ‫ إذا كانت لديك أية مخاوف تتعلق‬.‫منعتناوهي موجودة للمساعدة‬ Πήρα πρωτοβουλία την περίοδο να δοκιμάσω Νατην θυμάστε, ο Δήμος Canterbury Bankstown εξακολουθεί ‫بعض األشياء‬ ‫ألجرب‬ ‫الذين هذه‬ ‫الفرصة يف‬ ‫لقد اغتنمت‬ ‫ لكي‬،‫املختلفة‬ ‫األوان‬ ‫قررنا‬ ‫الفرتةلذلك‬ .‫نحبهم‬ ‫األشخاص‬ Έτσι, αποφασίσαμε ότι ήρθε ηΤους ώρατελευταίους να σταματήσουμε να κάποια διαφορετικά πράγματα. τρεις ‫بشؤون‬ ‫حانالخاص‬ ‫أنهرقمنا‬ ‫على‬ ‫االتصال بنا‬ ‫ يرجى‬،‫كورونا‬ ‫عن بفيروس‬ να παρέχει υπηρεσίες και είναι εδώ για να σας βοηθήσει. ‫كنرتبري‬ ‫مدينة‬ ‫أنحاء‬ ‫يف‬ ‫بجولة‬ ‫املاضية‬ ‫الثالثة‬ ‫األشهر‬ ‫خالل‬ ‫فقد قمت‬ σκεφτόμαστε τοπεριοδεία τι δεν μπορεί και αρχίσουμε να μήνες έχω κάνει σεανησυχίες όλονα τογίνει δήμο γιανα ναμε ακούσω ‫بإمكاننا‬ ‫كورونا التفكير‬ ‫نتوقف عن‬ Αν έχετε οποιεσδήποτε σχετικά τον Κορωνοϊό,‫ والبدء بالتفكير بما‬،‫عمله‬.(13 26 76‫ليس‬ 62) ‫بما‬ 13 Corona σκεφτόμαστε τι γίνεται στην κοινότητά καιαριθμό πώςηο Δήμος ‫ وقد‬.‫بانكستاون التقيت خاللها بالعديد من املقيمين وأصغيت إىل آرائهم‬ και να συναντήσω πολλούς κατοίκους. Με μας ενθουσίασε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στον αποκλειστικό .‫يتم عمله ً في مجتمعنا وبالدور الذي تلعبه البلدية لهذه الناحية‬ ‫رسني كثيرا استجابة جميع الذين أقبلوا لتحيتي والتعبير عن شؤونهم‬ ανταπόκριση όλων όσοι ήρθαν να πουν μια καλημέρα και διαδραματίζει τον26 δικό του ρόλο. ّ 13 Corona (13 76 62). να εκφράσουν ανησυχίες τους. Bankstown εξακολουθεί Να θυμάστε, οτις Δήμος Canterbury Εύχομαι σε εσάς και τις οικογένειές σαςγια ό,τινακαλύτερο να παρέχει υπηρεσίες και είναι εδώ σας βοηθήσει. Επισκεφτείτε καθώς ολοκληρώνουμε πολυάσχολη χρονιά. Αν έχετε οποιεσδήποτεμια ανησυχίες σχετικά με Ας τον Κορωνοϊό, μείνουμε σε επαφή! επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στον αποκλειστικό αριθμό Δήμαρχος Asfour 13 CoronaKhal (13 26 76 62).


ّ ‫تفقد‬

.‫وشواغلهم‬ ّ ‫تقدم الخدمات‬ ‫إن بلدية كنتربري بانكستاون ال تزال‬ ‫وتذكر؛‬ ّ

‫تتعلق‬ ‫مع كانت‬ ‫ولعائالتكمإذا‬ .‫للمساعدة‬ ‫وهي‬ ‫مخاوفاملفعم‬ ‫أيةهذا العام‬ ‫لديكنهاية‬ ‫اقرتابنا من‬ ‫موجودةلكم‬ ‫أطيب التنميات‬

َ‫بفيروس ولنبق‬ ،‫بالنشاط‬ ‫تواصل!االتصال بنا على رقمنا الخاص بشؤون‬ ‫عىليرجى‬ ،‫كورونا‬ .(13 26 76 Khal 62) 13 Corona Asfour ‫كوروناالبلدية‬ ‫رئيس‬

ّ ‫تفقد‬


Where interesting happens

A place of opportunity Making history

Moving forward

Throughout our rich history, Bankstown has been at the forefront of change, continually building and improving. We’re proud of our City’s history, from the railway’s opening in 1909 to the sheer grit of building the Bankstown District Hospital with limited supplies after World War II.

We are at the start of something major – like the communities of old – it’s history in the making.

Hard work and planning for the future have always been part of Bankstown’s DNA. We’re carrying the torch of those who came before us and built our City, to light the way for future generations. An exciting multi-million dollar transformation of the Bankstown CBD is set to get underway, creating a vibrant metropolis and Sydney’s new place for opportunity.


The Appian Way is transforming into a pedestrianised street lined with shops and restaurants. Streets will radiate from The Appian Way to an interconnected network of places with flavour and character. Everything we need will be in the heart of Bankstown, great food, a new hospital, along with the world-class University, a new look Paul Keating Park and a Metro. The Metro is only the beginning. We’re also lobbying the NSW Government for other improvements, including improved north-south connections joining Kogarah to Bankstown and on to Parramatta and faster bus connections. Images (left to right): Bankstown District Hospital, 1957. Bankstown Railway, 1909. Paul Keating Park, Bankstown (artist impression). Western Sydney University, Bankstown (artist impression).

The future looks bright Future generations of professionals will start their journey right here in our CBD. Western Sydney University will begin work on its world-class campus this year, creating a buzzing centre of education and possibilities by its completion in 2023.

Everything we need will be in the heart of Bankstown

This educational landmark will inject $54 million to the South-West Sydney economy, bringing students and new jobs.

The grass is greener Paul Keating Park is a wonderful place to relax and have fun. The Park will grow along with the rest of Bankstown CBD. There’s a 20-year masterplan in-place to establish Paul Keating Park as a premier community destination. It boasts green spaces that will come alive with activity and be perfect for events and market places — an urban forest, seating perfect for an outdoor library — and a unique play space with water features. Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with the latest news. Amended Design Wholistic review of the design has been @ourcbcity undertaken addressing: •

• • • •

Building form & envelope, including reduction in visual bulk Solar Access Control (Adopted Sept.19) Building Alignment to new Appian Way Right of Way Reduction of basement footprint Public Domain, including Complete Streets principals




July 2020


Get involved

2020 vision 2020 has been a tough year, to say the least. COVID-19 has impacted us all, but how are we coping with these unprecedented times? We reached out to three wonderful people in the community and got some valuable lessons on helping others, keeping busy, and keeping a positive attitude.

When people say thank you, it’s priceless Lynn Quinn, 77, longestserving Meals on Wheels volunteer – Bass Hill Lynn is the City’s longest-serving Meals on Wheels volunteer, serving meals with a smile since 1973. Here’s what we asked Lynn Quinn: What is the greatest thing about volunteering for Meals on Wheels? “ The people are so grateful that you’ve come, it takes away all negativity that you’ll always come out with a positive rather than negative… No one does it for material reward. When people say thank you, it’s priceless. It’s a special feeling.” How do you feel that COVID-19 has affected us as a community? “ Losing that contact with others has affected people that we’ve got to recognise it as something very precious to protect in the future. If you can do something for someone else, the rewards just come back to you.” Meals on Wheels needs more people like Lynn, willing to give back and volunteer. To volunteer, call 9707 9646 or visit


Alan Homer, 70, new bushcare volunteer – Bankstown Alan is a semi-retired carpenter who recently moved to Canterbury-Bankstown with his wife and has signed up for Council’s Volunteer Bushcare Program. We asked Alan about the Program and what drew him to it: What made you get motivated and join the Program? “ I did this to try and meet new people – It’s a fact I want to keep myself active – and talking to people is very therapeutic.” Have you always had a green thumb? “ When I lived in England and Canada, I used to grow veggies and enjoyed it as a pastime. I think it’s too easy to slip into sitting in front of the telly.” Thanks for being a valued part of the community, Alan. Join Council’s Volunteer Bushcare Program:

Viktor Dapcevski, 18, HSC student – Bankstown Viktor, a keen basketballer who’s completing his HSC this year and attended Councils’ free Twilight Sports basketball program for several seasons. We asked Viktor how he’s kept his focus: The HSC is tough every year, but it must be super hard this year with all of the disruptions. How are you keeping yourself focused during this time? “ During this time, it’s particularly important to find your own way of rewarding yourself. If you’re not able to reward yourself, you’re not going to find a foundation on which you’re willing to do anything. Rewarding yourself is essential to getting stuff done.” So, rewarding yourself is your secret to success? “ A lot of people tend to overlook that… [but] if you balance your working life and hobby side of things, everything will go smoothly.” Thanks, Viktor, wise words. Best of luck to you and the Class of 2020! Get involved in Twilight Sports:


Home | Garden

Cluck, cluck … Bwack?

Oh scrap! Chicks dig food waste

Here’s Julie M uir, one of our ShareWaste gardeners (w ith a feathere d friend!)

We’re all guilty of wasting food. On average, 40% of what we put in our bins is food waste, which ends up in landfill and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. So, what can we do about it? Well, we asked ourselves the same question and found one way of at least cutting down on our food scraps. Chickens. Yep, you read right, chickens. We partnered with City Chicks Sydney and conducted a three month trial, where 20 plucky locals took home two chickens to measure their impact on reducing food waste. We spoke to Alice Carter, from Roselands, who took part in the trial and asked her about the experience: How good were the chickens at eating your family’s food scraps during and after the trial? “ I noticed the chickens at first wouldn’t touch a corn cob, but now they demolish it, so I definitely think they (eat) more food scraps now than during the trial.” You mentioned that the chickens inspired you to reduce your food waste in other ways, like composting. How else have they motivated you? “ I’ve started gardening more thanks to the chooks; I’m growing kale, and I’ve grown four boxes of parsley.” You had the choice of keeping the chickens after the trial or giving them back. What made you keep them? “ We kept them for their antics and the pure entertainment value.” Let’s band together and limit our food waste.

This project was a NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.



of food scraps is what each chicken ate over the 3 months.


More than of food is thrown out by the average household in NSW each year.

Circle of life Feeding bread and rice to native birds will make them sick. We can all play a part in preserving our native wildlife, like planting native plants that provide food for native wildlife and insects. Spring into action and find out what to plant on our Native Plant Selector site: 1. Go to 2. Type in your home address. 3. Get a list of beautiful native plants that will thrive in your garden and benefit local wildlife.

Share and share alike our On average, 40% of what we put in in landfill! up s end h whic te, was food is bins

A compost bin or worm farm is a fantastic way to get rid of food scraps, but not everybody has the room to set one up. So, what’s the alternative? ShareWaste. ShareWaste, is a network of composters, worm farmers, and chicken keepers who want food scraps from their neighbours. We spoke to Julie Muir from Earlwood, an avid gardener with her own fantastic garden system, and asked her about ShareWaste and composting: How does ShareWaste work, and is it convenient? “ I’ve got a bin at the front of my house with ShareWaste written on it, so it’s convenient for anyone to place their food scraps in without having to come into the house.” Why do you like to compost? “ I thought instead of importing soil into my garden, I could improve it with compost. It’s cheaper and I know what is in it!” We can all do our part by cutting down on food waste.

Feeling hot, hot, hot If you grow your own chillies, don’t throw them out when they start to turn, try drying them, and avoid food waste. Spice up your life with these ideas for chilli: Chilli flakes •

Grind dried chillies using a mortar and pestle or food processor.

Chilli salt •

dd 2 Tbps of dried A chillies to half a cup of coarse sea salt.

rind the mixture G using a mortar and pestle or food processor.

Chilli oil •

dd 3 Tbps of A dried chilli flakes to a cup of oil and a dash of salt.

Simmer in a small pot over low-medium heat for 5 minutes. Stir, and don’t allow to smoke.

To be a part of the ShareWaste community, visit


Health | Wellness

Taking care of mind and body This year has changed the way we work, live, and play. It’s a different world out there, but we all need to adjust and move forward as best as we can. We’ve put together a few suggestions to help you keep a healthy mind and body.

Staying social It can be hard to stay in touch with people in these times, but we need to try for the benefit of our mental health.

Talking it out We work with many great local community groups and organisations across the City that help our community in times of crisis. One of these organisations is Mission of Hope. One of the 49 organisations to receive a Helping You Help Others Council community grant. Their crisis support line, Hayat Line, is a free and confidential support line that’s for – but not limited to – the Muslim community.

Our Library and Knowledge Centres have created the Care and Connect initiative. We can stay social and help others through our Library sharing resources. There are loads of services that the Library and Knowledge Centres provide, like Home Library and Library Bus service. Find out more:

Director of Hayat Line, Hanan Dover, told us: “ It’s very difficult for people from diverse cultural backgrounds to seek out emotional help… a free and confidential crisis line makes it easier for them to open up to receive the support they need.” Being a mindful listener can make a massive difference to someone going through a tough time. We communicate every day in many different situations, but the best conversations happen when everyone involved feels respected and heard.

Need help? You’re never alone Lifeline 13 11 14

Headspace 1800 650 890

Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

Black Dog Institute 9382 4530


Hayat Line 1300 993 398

Keeping active Exercising is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, clear your head and, improve your health. Staying active in our City is easy, like using an outdoor gym in one of our many parks, joining Twilight Sports, or going for a dip at a Leisure and Aquatic facility. In partnership with NSW Health, we’ve created a step-by-step brochure written by an accredited exercise physiologist and an exercise video that takes us through the ways to stay in shape using the equipment at one of our outdoor gyms. Whatever your age or fitness level, this will help you on your fitness journey. Subscribe to stay up to date on the latest news. Visit:

Exercising is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety… and improve your health Healthy eating

Banana booster smoothie

A poor diet can make us feel sluggish, low, and increase depression and anxiety symptoms. A healthy diet with various fruit, veggies, nuts, and whole grains can improve mental health.

Ingredients •

1 cup milk

2 bananas

We’ve been working closely with Nutrition Australia NSW through initiatives such as our Mighty Bites in-school program. An educational program that teaches young people about the importance of healthy eating and making good choices with food.

3 teaspoons yoghurt

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon LSA mix (linseed, sunflower and almond)

Eating well gives you more energy, helps you sleep better, improves your concentration, and keep a healthy headspace.

1 tablespoon honey


Get started with this Nutrition Australia NSW booster smoothie.

1. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. 2. If smoothie is too thick, add more liquid to reach the desired consistency. 3. Pour into glasses and serve.


Art | Culture

Bankstown Biennale 10 Oct – 21 Nov

Bankstown Arts Centre engaged 20 artists to examine recent crises impacting us locally and globally to find opportunities for change through the theme of Symbiosis. The artists created their works through multiple mediums, including drawing, painting, installation, photography, sculpture, and video. We spoke to Sarah Anstee, a third-year university student, and featured Biennale artist about Symbiosis and how she captured it in her work: The theme for the Biennale is a topical one, Symbiosis. As an artist, what is your take on this?

What does Symbiosis mean to you? “ The way we as humans work with the environment and with other people… understanding on both sides to make something work as a whole.” How did you capture this through your work? “ I contacted a bunch of people [from the City]… a music teacher, he makes programs for other kids, giving them a depth of knowledge. A volunteer nurse in the SES, helping during crises… and others that are environmentally conscious.”

“ I hope to do my own role as a citizen and speak out through my artwork. For me it means the community working together to achieve similar goals, and I’m not sure if it’s happening enough. Especially with people being isolated and things being much harder to connect with others.” What made you participate in the Biennale? “ This was something really new, and it felt close to home for me.”

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We asked a few of the artists what symbiosis meant to them. Nicole Monks


“ The work acknowledges the significance of the Gymea Lily and the Georges River in the local area, with respect to the local mob. The artwork grounds the space and creates a source of energy that ripples and emanates out into the community. It acknowledges the shared history and future we’re part of today.”

Alessandro Berini & Selina Springett “ Sprouts is part performance piece, part interactive installation, based on the germination and growing of plants. We’re inviting people into the Incubate Studio’s space… to sow seeds and bring new life into the world. The space is transformed through sound and visual projection and the growing of actual plants.”

Your HSC work that made it into Art Express, is a beautiful portrait. In your portraits for Biennale how are you delivering the symbolism of Symbiosis? “ [I’m] showcasing how diverse this area is, with so many different nationalities in my series of portraits… who they were as people and the type of gaze and eye contact they had and what they were showing in their face.”

Alison Clouston & Boyd “ Our work features other artists, such as the Community Choir of Bankstown, and an entire native cypress tree salvaged from last summer’s bushfires with scaley-type wood to form an undulating dragon-like structure.”

What kind of emotion are you hoping to evoke from people when they view your portraits? “ A sense of familiarity, the faces are easily recognisable, people will understand, and the message that goes along with it… is people sharing their own story to make people feel responsible for what they do.” Thanks to all of the artists and people who have made Bankstown Arts Centre’s first Biennale very special. Bankstown Arts Centre is open Tuesday to Saturday, 11am - 4pm. Find out more:

10 Oct – 21 Nov

Bankstown Arts Centre 5 Olympic Pde, Bankstown

Local business

400% increase in the number of people visiting our website

A slice of life Daniel Mari is no stranger to Italy’s flavour – running a successful restaurant in the small city of Ascoli Piceno for a decade – before moving back to Sydney and opening Panania’s Pikkio Pizzeria Trattoria with his wife and two friends. The team at Pikkio Pizzeria Trattoria embrace a passion for the Northern and Southern Italian culture, cooking their delicious pizzas with the same sandstone oven Daniel used in Italy

and warmly welcoming locals, making you feel right at home. Through CBCity’s #EatGlobalVisitLocal campaign and a Smart City Smart Business grant, Daniel has developed a strong online presence with his website that has helped his business throughout this time of social restrictions. Daniel told us that if it wasn’t for the Council’s initiatives, he might not have considered a website to help with sales: “ I never really believed in the website. But just seeing the stats and numbers speaks for itself… 400 per cent increase in the number of people visiting our website and [we] are connecting with a lot of new customers.” Daniel encourages local businesses to reach out to the Council. Well done, Daniel, we’ll see you again soon for a delicious slice at Panania’s Pikkio Pizzeria Trattoria.


We hosted our first virtual jobs and skills fair over two days in September, and more than 3,700 joined the online sessions. Careers+ was a chance for locals to meet local business owners and recruiters while also taking part in workshops and getting insights from industry specialists. The event was very successful. More than 2,000 meetings were held over the two days, giving the attendees a chance to gain valuable insights and find casual to full-time work, traineeships, and apprenticeships opportunities. Thank you to the local business owners, industry professionals, and locals that made Careers+ such an amazing event.

Watch the presentations and search for jobs at:


Clr Khal As​four (ALP) - Mayor khal.asfour@ 9707 9523

Clr George Zakhia (LIB) george.zakhia@ 0439 724 557

Clr Bilal El-Hayek (ALP) bilal.el-hayek@ 0410 111 161


Clr Alex Kuskoff (ALP) alex.kuskoff@ 0403 602 924

Clr Charlie Ishac (LIB) charlie.ishac@ 0498 141 149

Clr Rachelle Harika (ALP) - Deputy Mayor rachelle.harika@ 0418 859 353


Clr Clare Raffan (ALP) clare.raffan@ 0499 790 033

Clr Philip Madirazza (LIB) philip.madirazza@ 0408 983 498

Clr Linda Eisler (GRN) linda.eisler@ 0400 426 424


Clr Linda Downey (ALP) linda.downey@ 0411 462 287

Clr Glen Waud (LIB) glen.waud@ 0434 360 791

Clr Steve Tuntevski (ALP) steve.tuntevski@ 9707 9000 0439 346 894


Contact a councillor

Clr Nadia Saleh (ALP) nadia.saleh@ 0428 457 637

Clr Mohammad Huda (ALP) mohammad.huda@ 9707 9000 0408 425 686

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Telephone Interpreter Service 9707 9000 131 450

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Morris Iemma Indoor Sports Centre (MIISC) 9153 0441 To view this newsletter or past issues online, visit Cover feature Photo: Hanan Dover This publication is printed on Revive 100% recycled paper.

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