Part 1 – Objectives and Intended Outcomes The objectives of this Planning Proposal are to: • • • • • • • • • •
Support the growth of Bankstown City Centre into a health, academic, research and training precinct and fulfil its role as a regionally significant CBD and Strategic Centre Increase employment generating uses and floor space and retain existing employment land uses to support Council’s higher LSPS target of 25,000 jobs by 2036 (an additional 14,000 jobs) Provide additional capacity in planning controls to support Council’s LSPS target to deliver an additional 12,500 dwellings by 2036 Achieve a higher benchmark for development in relation to energy and water efficiency to meet Council’s target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 Ensure development in Bankstown City Centre commits to design excellence Encourage a high quality and activated public domain with good solar access Increase active and public transport use and reduce car dependence Increase longer term affordable housing provision to accommodate more very low, low and moderate-income households in the CBD Provide a diverse range of sizes and types of community infrastructure to promote community health, cohesion and well-being and make Bankstown an attractive place to work Unlock underutilised public land holdings within the City Centre for redevelopment, delivering new housing and employment floor space.
The intended outcomes of this Planning Proposal are: •
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Protect existing employment floorspace by maintaining a minimum required FSR for employment uses, or equivalent to the existing employment use on the site, whichever is greater Establish building envelope controls that maintain adequate solar access to significant parks and public spaces in winter Require a proportion of new residential developments above a certain yield to deliver affordable housing Set controls which incentivise new developments to achieve energy and water efficiency performance over legislated targets Provide incentive height and FSR to deliver community facilities on certain sites, 3% affordable housing in the B4 Mixed Use Zone or 4% in the R4 High Density Residential Zone (phased in over three years) or more than 50% of employment generating uses Facilitate employment growth by requiring certain B4 Mixed Use Zoned sites to deliver a minimum of 50% employment generating uses and introduce a B3 Commercial Core zone. Provide an FSR bonus of 0.25-0.5:1 to deliver higher performance residential and commercial buildings in relation to water and energy. Facilitate and regulate the delivery of underground floor space in the City Centre core.
Planning Proposal – Bankstown City Centre March 2022
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