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Vol. 11 No. 3
ECIP 5-18, Tackles February 2007
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IP Education System
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Marriage: A Bond Which is Unique and Definitive
Message for the World Day of Leprosy
THE Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has called for free and credible elections. The prelates urged the faithful for a massive effort and put necessary measures that would guarantee “clean, honest and peaceful” elections in May this year. CBCP Calls / P4
The Dignity of the Rural Poor—A Gospel Concern
CBCP Calls for Free, Credible Polls
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CBCP Monitor Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace Februar y 5-18, 2007
Php 20. 00
Vol. 11 No. 3
Bishop of Melo Commission Resigns A BISHOP member of a commission formed by Arroyo last year to investigate the spate of killings in the country has resigned his post recently. Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos cited the long preparation for the 40th Jubilee year of his diocese as reason for his resignation. Bishop / P4
Rural Poor, Victims of Unjust Economic Order, says CBCP By Pinky Barrientos, FSP IN a strongly worded pastoral statement on the dignity of the rural poor read to the media at the end of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) plenary assembly last January 28, the bishops called on the government for a full implementation of the comprehensive agrarian reform program (CARP) aimed at alleviating rural poverty. Saying that the rural poor remain the greatest victims of the country’s unjust social structures and inequitable distribution of the nation’s wealth, the bishops called on government officials to put the common good above selfish interests. “We ask (the government) that the CARP, defective as it is, be finally completed next year as it has been targeted. And if it is not sufficiently implemented by then, the program should be further extended and funded more seriously and generously,” the statement said. CBCP also assailed the government’s lack of grit to fully implement the law on agrarian reform, saying that the government’s inability “mirrors the still over-powering opposition of the landed classes, the traditional political and economic elite of our country.” Addressing the problem of rural poverty will reduce urban poverty since rural folk migrate to the cities simply to escape poverty in the province, the statement read. As the bishops called on those who have the official responsibilities to act on behalf of the people they Rural Poor / P4
Bishop Camiña Dies; Leaves a Legacy RETIRED B i s h o p Generoso Camiña, who was bishop of the Diocese of Digos from 1980 to 2003, died after battling an illness for several months. Camiña, who came from the Foreign Mission Society of Quebec (PME), died morning of February 1 at the San Pedro Hospital in Digos City of liver cancer and diabetes. He was 75. The bishop was at the hospital since January 23 afBishop Camiña / P4
Less Talk, More Action on Political Killings
The 94th Bishops’ Plenary Assembly. Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo, CBCP President, presides over the bishops’ meeting that heard 16 commission reports, issued 4 pastoral statements and deliberated on various pastoral concerns of the day.
THE Catholic bishops are not satisfied with the progress of the government’s efforts to stop the sharp escalation of political killings in the countryside. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) in a statement after a three-day meeting said the Arroyo administration’s actions including the creation of fact-finding body are clearly not enough. “The government and military’s response to the shameful extra-judicial killings of unarmed crusaders for justice and equality is most unLess Talk / P4
Human Suffering Inspired Prayer for Christian Unity THE Catholic Church and the National Council for Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) are jointly calling Christian faithful to unite in prayer in the face of human misery as the country celebrates Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. With the theme of “He even makes the deaf to hear and the mute to speak” (Mk 7:37), the celebration called the faithful to express their growing unity by “breaking the silence” which oppresses and isolates people in their afflictions. The Pontifical Council for Christian Unity said that this year’s ob-
servance is designed to respond to two challenges to the faithful: “to pray and strive together for Christian unity, and to join together in responding to human suffering.” An annual event, the Week of Prayer is a significant time during which Churches around the world express their longing for and commitment to Christian unity. It is traditionally celebrated in other countries in the week of 18 to 20 January, but the CBCP- Episcopal Commission on Ecumenical Affairs had an agreement with the NCCP to celebrate it from Jan.27 to Feb. 3 to
Voters’ Forum Forges Covenant for Life CHURCH leaders and prolife advocates met for a voter’s forum to forge a “covenant for life” with pro-life candidates running in the May elections. Organized by the CBCP-Episcopal Commission on Family and Life (ECFL) and Pro-Life Philippines, the gathering was held at the Gymnasium of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), Sta. Mesa, Manila on February 3. “The objective of this forum is to encourage senatorial and party-list candidates to sign a covenant for life that is prolife and pro-family,” said Archbishop Paciano Aniceto, ECFL chairman. Aniceto said that with almost two decades after
the Constitution was ratified, the country is yet to see any legislative proposal aimed at enhancing and advancing the cause of the natural family planning as a way of enriching and propagating the basic principles stated in the Constitution. He underscored the urgent need “to deliberately articulate the faithbased guiding philosophy of defending life and the family.” Aside from Aniceto, guests and speakers of the event were: Novaliches Bishop Antonio Tobias, CBCP Legal Office Secretary Atty. Jo Imbong and other pro-life and pro-family candidates. Numerous pro-life and Voter’s Forum / P4
give way to the CBCP plenary assembly held last week. Christian Churches in other nations also observe the event at various times of the year with many observing the Week during Pentecost. This year’s Week of Prayer has its origins in the experience of Christian communities in the realm of Umlazi in South Africa, a region devastated by HIV/AIDS along with unemployment and poverty. It is estimated that 50 percent of the Umlazi residents are infected with the virus. A legacy of racism, unemploy-
ment and poverty continues to raise formidable challenges for Africans, where there is still a shortage of schools, medical clinics and housing. Since 1968, the Catholic Church and the Faith and Order Commission of the Word Council of Churches (WCC) have begun celebrating the Week of Prayer. Each year the theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is initially prepared by an international group whose members are appointed by the WCC and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. (CBCPNews)
Our Lady of Fatima Image Visits RP A statue standing around 4 feet tall brought many in high spirit with its message of peace and hope into Catholic churches around the country. For two weeks, the Interna-
tional Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, a traveling statue that’s believed to have brought miracles to people around the globe drew the attention of the pubic, both believer and non-believer. Our Lady / P4