The Gathering of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina
Bringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for Christ-Centered Ministry Volume 11, Issue 9
December 2006/ January 2007
If you believe the unique Baptist approach keeping workers on the mission field spreading the gospel through words and works
Give Generously to the Offering for Global Missions of CBF CBF Global Missions field personnel impart the love of the Great Physician as they attend to the emotional and physical needs of those who are living with disease and who hunger for compassion. In that same moment, they express the power of the Good News that Christ’s healing brings spiritual transformation. North Carolina Baptists gave $879,353 from 241 churches to the 2005-2006 Offering for Global Missions. Your support of missions is evident in many ways but none more than your contributions to the Offering for Global Missions.
Making Up for Lost Time
by Larry Hovis, Coordinator
CBF General Assembly Washington, DC June 28-29, 2007 Washington DC Convention Center “Free to Be the Presence of Christ” A focus on religious liberty and how it enables ministry around the world
Pre-register online: and find hotel and transportation information. Please make hotel reservations by May 30, 2007.
It’s been a little more than two years since I made the transition from local church pastor to CBFNC Coordinator. Though I felt I was already knowledgeable about Cooperative Baptist Fellowship ministries, I must admit that these two years have been quite a learning experience. One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is how blessed we Baptists are, and how blessed the world is, because of the Offering for CBF Global Missions. Through field personnel and other expressions of CBF Global Missions, you and I are being the presence of Christ and sharing the love of God in significant and profound ways. As I have learned more about the Offering for CBF Global Missions, I have also been convicted for my lack of knowledge and lukewarm support for CBF Global Missions in the past. I’m afraid I simply did not do enough, as a church leader, to help others learn about and become involved in Global Missions. Now, I’m trying to make up for lost time. In that regard, let me offer a confession and a challenge. Continued on page 7
December 2006/ January 2007
The Gathering of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina
phone: 888.822.1944 • phone: 336.759.3456 • fax: 336.759.3459 • •
Larry Hovis........... Coordinator
Nancy Parks.......... Office Manager
Gail McAlister....... Financial Assistant
Rick Jordan.......... Church Resources Coordinator
Natalie Aho.......... Communications Assistant
Beth McGinley...... Office Assistant
Linda Jones.......... Missions Coordinator Coordinating Council Don Horton, Zebulon, Moderator Gail Coulter, Hendersonville, Moderator-Elect Carolyn Dickens, Raleigh, Recorder Roger Gilbert, Mount Airy, Past-Moderator Boyce Wilson, Winston-Salem, Treasurer Glenda Currin, Wilmington Katie Ethridge, Beaufort Kathryn Hamrick, Shelby Larry Harper, Raleigh David Hood, Hickory Steve Little, Marion Greg Rogers, Greenville Roy Smith, Raleigh CBF Council Members from NC Sheri Adams, Boiling Springs Jack Glasgow, Zebulon Scott Hagaman, Marion Bill Ireland, Winston-Salem Crystal Leathers, Hickory Mickie Norman, Leland Guy Sayles, Asheville
All email: Faith Development Ministry Council Randy Barrington, Winnabow Jennifer Baxley, Henderson Elizabeth Edwards, Nashville Bruce Hartgrove, High Point Cindy Joy, Oxford Karen Metcalf, Raleigh Kristen Muse, Raleigh Jeff Pethel, Rolesville Blythe Taylor, Charlotte Tim Wilson, Candler Leadership Development Ministry Council Kitty Amos, Winston-Salem Rhonda Gailes, Blowing Rock Kheresa Harmon, Erwin Burke Holland, Belhaven Ken Massey, Greensboro Pam Riley, Durham Wayne Wike, Matthews Larry Williams, Louisburg Steve Zimmerman, Mebane
Missions Ministry Council Cecelia Beck, Forest City Kendell Cameron, Whiteville Jim Everette, Wilmington David Hailey, Raleigh Carolyn Hopkins, Cary Christopher Ingram, Smithfield Bill Jones, Newland Shirley Kool, Sylva Judy LeCroy, Lexington Jack Watson, Apex
Financial Report October 2006 Contributions CBFNC Budget - $79, 895 Other - $42,577 2006-2007 Monthly Budget Goal: $65,417
Antiphony (an - tif’ o - ne) Conference
Youth Choir Festival February 16-17, 2007 First Baptist Church, Greensboro Daniel Bara, Director East Carolina University Director of Choral Activities
Ever wanted to have a real conversation about things that matter with other people who care about the issues you care about? Antiphony is a conference for university students and young adults devoted to this very purpose, held in Atlanta, GA, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, December 29-January 2, 2007. Sponsored by CBF Global Missions and The Samuel Project, Antiphony challenges students to consider God’s call and their response in a global climate of need, change, conflict, and disparity. In addition to the serious side, having
Cost: $10 per singer, $125 max. per choir Food - $5 per singer and chaperone Deadline - January 15, 2007 Vist for registration and repertoire.
2 • The Gathering – December 2006/ January 2007
fun is an integral part of the Antiphony experience. Plans include a square dance, concert with Kate Campbell, film festival, The New Year’s Eve Gala which includes a sit-down dinner and formal dance, and a night of Recess complete with moon bounce, jump rope and more. Visit www.
Youth Ministers’ Retreat for Rest and Renewal February 26 - March 1, 2007 North Myrtle Beach, SC, Beach Cove Resort How about a little R&R? Beach front lodging, flexible schedule, area golf courses, fellowship with peers, sleep, a variety of seminars, and excellent worship services. Cost of $265 (2 people per suite), $315 for private room includes lodging, some meals, and programming. Deadline January 24. Visit for details and registration form.
CBFNC General Assembly
Inside Out
March 16 - 17, 2007 First Baptist Church Hickory, NC
From Spiritual Formation to Missional Engagement Visit for updates. Schedule Friday, March 16 11:00 a.m. Registration & Exhibits Open 12:30 p.m. Welcome & Orientation 1:00 p.m. Ministry Workshop Session I 2:30 p.m. Ministry Workshop Session II 4:00 p.m. Ministry Workshop Session III 4:30 p.m. Supper Line Opens 7:00 p.m. Worship Begins Bo Prosser preaching
Schedule Saturday, March 17 9:00 a.m. Ministry Workshop Session IV 10:15 a.m. Business Session 11:00 a.m. Closing Worship Rob Nash preaching
Dinner - $10 per person Free Childcare for Grades 6 and under
Discounted Hotel Rooms For a list of hotels near the church in Hickory with discounted rates, please see our website www.cbfnc. org/comingevents. Inform the hotel that you will be attending the CBF of North Carolina General Assembly. Discounts expire in late February for most hotels.
Reservations required for Friday Night Dinner ($10 per person) or Free Childcare (grades 6 and under). Please complete and return with payment by February 19 for childcare or March 5 for dinner to: CBFNC, 8025 North Point Blvd, Suite 205, Winston-Salem, NC, 27106 or fax to (336) 759-3459. Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Church, City you attend: _____________________________________ Ministerial Position (if applicable):______________________ Names ofAdditional Reservations:________________________________________________________________________________ Number of Dinner reservations: __________ @ $10 each. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $____________ made payable to CBFNC OR Charge my: ____Visa ____ Mastercard Card No.: ___________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________ Name on credit card: _____________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________ Childcare Needed: Name of child: ___________________________________________________________ Birthdate: ______________ Grade: _______ Name of child: ___________________________________________________________ Birthdate: ______________ Grade: _______
2nd Annual CBFNC Children’s Choir Festival Saturday, January 27, 2007 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Temple Baptist Church, Durham For Children in Grades 4-6
Tom Shelton will be directing. Mr. Shelton is a music specialist in Forsyth County, where he was selected “Teacher of the Year” for both Atkins Middle School and Kernersville Middle School. He is an active clinician having led choruses and festivals in many states. He serves as the Director of Music at First Christian Church in Greensboro. The cost is $10 per singer with $125 maximum per choir and an additional $4 per singer and chaperone for a provided lunch. Don’t forget the registration deadline is December 4, 2006. See for registration and repertoire. Each choir is to purchase and learn music prior to the festival. Music is available from J.W. Pepper Music Company. The children will perform at a 3:30 closing concert. For questions, contact Cindy Joy (919) 693-5181 or CBFNC (888) 822-1944. The Gathering – December 2006/ January 2007 • 3
2006 - An Amazing Year! With the end of the year approaching, it’s appropriate to glance back to see how CBFNC has provided resources for our churches. This has been an amazing year. Just look at what the Faith Development Ministry Council and task groups working through them have done! One of the joys and challenges of my role is the ability and responsibility to react quickly to events as they happen. For example, early in the year, with very short notice, Smyth and Helwys, a provider of Sunday School literature for many CBF oriented churches, announced that they would no longer be producing literature for children or preschoolers. I got a call about this from a minister, called the publisher to get all the facts, called or emailed several children’s ministers around the state, and planned a conference call on January 11 to plan a literature selection workshop held on February 6-7! There were 114 persons from 63 churches (including one from Texas!) in attendance as well as the editors of the Biblical Recorder and Baptists Today. We got national publicity before and after this event and provided a compilation of our research to our website and to the national CBF website. In other areas, a group of music
by Rick Jordan, Church Resources Coordinator
ministers planned, promoted and provided our second Youth Choir Festival. In 2005, we had 225 youth from 15 different churches registered. This year, we had 407 youth from 26 churches. Music ministers also headed up a new event for 2006, a Children’s Choir Festival. We had 169 children and 52 adult leaders from 16 churches registered for this event. We will hold both of these events again in 2007. Our youth ministry team added our first ever youth ski retreat in Boone in January. Over 330 skiers from 16 churches registered. So far, we have 550 skiers registered for the 2007 ski retreat in West Virginia and will add a second weekend in February. We had two youth spring retreats in March 2006. Both were filled completely with 141 campers from 7 churches at the first camp and 170 campers from 10 churches the second weekend. In the summer, we had a fun day at Emerald Point Water Park with 230 youth from 13 churches (compared to last year’s 187 from 13 churches). We expanded our fall retreat in Myrtle Beach to two September weekends. We did this so the youth would have a better experience on our Saturday morning mission site ministries. Continued on page 7
Iglesia de la Comunidad - Loving Their Neighbors
Additional Youth Ski Retreat!
An additional youth winter ski retreat will be offered February 2-4, 2007, due to complete booking of the January 19-21, 2007, Youth Ski Retreat! We’ve maxed out our space with 550 persons registered for the January 19-21 trip to Winterplace, WV. If you have not registered yet, but would like to, you still have a chance to come to a February trip also to Winterplace, WV. Prices will be the same as the first retreat: estimated cost of $149 includes one day ski lift ticket and rentals, two nights’ lodging, four meals, a t-shirt, conference fee, and worship. Other skiing options and an added day option is available. Over 100 persons have expressed interest in this retreat so far. We can only accommodate 300 people, so if you think you might be interested, contact CTI Group Adventures at (800) 285-7273 or email asap!
by Mark Mofield, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Elon
How do we follow Jesus’ command to love our neighbor as we love ourselves when our neighbor speaks a different language than we do? Recent census reports show the Hispanic population of Alamance County grew by the third largest percentage of all counties in the state of North Carolina. Several churches in that area are seeking to do all they can to meet their new neighbors in the love of Christ. Iglesia de la Comunidad (Community Church) is a church start sponsored by four different churches: First Baptist Churches of Burlington, Elon, Graham, and Mebane. The vision was to start a church that would minister directly to the growing Hispanic population in their own language with a sensitivity to the uniqueness of the Hispanic culture. The ultimate goal was to fulfill the great commission of Christ to reach all the world with the gospel and, in loving our neighbors as ourselves, inviting all people to know Him as Lord and Savior. In 2005 after much prayer, the steering committee called Rev. Miguel Gomez, originally from Mexico, as pastor of the new church. Rev. Gomez has experience with Hispanic church starts and networks. What started in January 2006 as a series of small group Bible studies has now become a mission meeting in its own building for worship on Sunday mornings and Bible studies on Wednesday nights. About 30 gather for worship each Sunday morning, and new faces continue to appear. Iglesia de la Comunidad has even started offering ESL classes on Thursday nights. Throughout it all, the four sponsoring churches, with the help of CBFNC, continue to partner together to provide for the physical, spiritual, and financial resources of Iglesia de la Comunidad. In doing so, these four churches have found new neighbors: each other. Although the neighborhood is changing, the result need not be decline. Indeed, when we can follow the command to love our neighbors, all our neighbors, as ourselves, the result can be growth in the eternal Kingdom of God. 4 • The Gathering – December 2006/ January 2007
Updates from CBFNC Missions Partners Village of Hope “I will praise you forever for what you have done, in your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of your saints.” Psalm 52:9 I traveled to the Ukraine in late October for the yearly board meeting for the Village of Hope. CBF of North Carolina partners with the Ukrainian Baptists, German Baptists, CBF National, and Littlejohn of the Netherlands. I was amazed at what had been accomplished this summer in the Village of Hope! The teams have done excellent work: the “Lighthouse” was beautifully landscaped, the grass was growing, the guardhouse was finished and handsome, and the driveway and sidewalk presented as fine as any home here. The cottage was BIG and still being worked on – hopefully it will be finished by spring. However, the real joy was visiting with the families, hearing the laughter of the children and seeing the genuine sincerity in the parents’ eyes as they thanked the
Graham Hall with some of the new students relaxing at the end of a long day of classes.
by Linda Jones, Missions Coordinator
Board for their support. They are happy families who love the Lord and work well together. Currently, two families live in the Lighthouse: the Maltsev family and the Moskalenko family; each have two children of their own and two foster children. Eight more children are expected at the Village of Hope before January 1. Please PRAY for the families’ registration process to go smoothly and the zoning issues to be resolved. And PRAY for your involvement. Would you like to help? A foundation is being set up to help with long-term support of the children at
the Village of Hope. Of course, you are welcome to work at the Village of Hope this summer!
The Cottage at the Village of Hope - construction should be finished in the spring!
The families at Village of Hope: Andre, Natasha, Daniel and Dimitry Moskalenko and their foster children, Katia and Tanya, and Yuri, Lena, Jana, and Diana Maltsev and their foster children, Sasha and Misha.
salary for that week and pay his own transportation to the school. These pastors and lay leaders are a committed group and truly enjoy fellowship together. Roy Smith and Randy Carter taught evangelism and exegesis of Isaiah and Romans at this past September session. There are many mission opportunities in Belize: construction teams, medical teams, dental teams, providing a scholarship for a Bible
School student or teaching at the Baptist Bible School of Belize. The enthusiasm of these pastors is heartwarming! Would you join their effort in making a difference in Belize – to all the generations? Contact Linda Jones at Ljones@ or 888-822-1944 for further information on our Belize and Ukraine mission partners.
Baptist Bible School of Belize “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.” Psalm 78:4 The Baptist Bible School of Belize is continuing to provide quality education for pastoral ministry. Belizian pastors are poor, underpaid and very dedicated to be the Lord’s servant in Belize. Each pastor works a secular job and serves his church. In order to attend school, he must go without
Class Picture from September 2006
The Gathering – December 2006/ January 2007 • 5
Highlights of Our Fellowship Dinner during the Baptist State Convention by Larry Hovis CBFNC Introduces New Logo At the CBFNC Fall Fellowship Dinner, held on November 14 at First Baptist Church of Greensboro, a new logo for our fellowship was unveiled. This logo was the result of a “communications makeover” that grew from one of the directional points of the 2004-2007 strategic plan. The Coordinating Council contracted with Vickie Traynum of Charlotte to assist the staff with the communications initiative. Mrs. Traynum, who owns her own marketing business, 720 Designs, is a graduate of Campbell and Gardner-Webb Universities and also works with CBF National in various projects. • The new logo and color scheme will appear on all printed and electronic media. • A new brochure has been produced and was distributed at the dinner. Additional copies may be obtained by contacting the CBFNC office (888-822-1944 or • This issue of The Gathering is the first to utilize the new look. • The website and e-newsletter will soon be updated as well. The logo is built around the primary image of a dogwood flower and was chosen because of a number of important symbolic connections.
The dogwood is the official flower of our state and is a symbol of North Carolina. Its leaves form a cross in the center. In the most basic sense, the dogwood helps communicate the CBFNC mission statement, “Bringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for ChristCentered Ministry.” The fragility of the dogwood flower
reminds us of the “fragile freedoms” Cooperative Baptists hold so dear. The four petals of the logo are a reminder of these freedoms: Bible Freedom, Soul Freedom, Church Freedom and Religious Freedom. • The four petals of the dogwood flower also remind us of the four major ministry areas of CBFNC: Missions, Faith Development, Fellowship, and Leadership Development. CBFNC is committed to networking, empowering and mobilizing in a twentyfirst century partnership model, not hierarchical conformity and control in an outdated convention model. The dogwood provides a picture of the partnership model which has the church at the center, surrounded by its unique set of missional partners (represented by the petals, though the number of potential church partners is unlimited). We hope that you find the new logo not only visually appealing, but also a way to help tell the story of Christ-centered ministry through Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina.
Baptist Men’s Director Delivers Keynote Address Richard Brunson, Executive Director of North Carolina Baptist Men, provided an overview of the many missions ministries of NCBM, through video and a message enhanced by a PowerPoint presentation. He also expressed appreciation to CBFNC partner churches for their involvement in these ministries, and for the financial support through the CBFNC Mission Resource Plan.
Paul Baxley Provides New Day Campaign Update Paul Baxley, pastor of FBC Henderson, and chair of the Coordinating Council’s New Day Task Force, gave a report on the progress of efforts to assist churches in supporting CBF, CBFNC and NC Baptist ministries through the Mission Resource Plan. Over $250,000 in
6 • The Gathering – December 2006/ January 2007
missions contributions have already been made through the CBFNC MRP. Several churches have reported that they will begin utilizing this missions funding channel in 2007. If your church has voted to begin participating in the Mission Resource Plan in 2007, please contact our office so we can prepare to process your missions gifts (888-822-1944 or
“All day I have longed for a New Day in Baptist life, a day where daughters as well as sons can prophesy, a day when churches are free to carry out their ministries and give their resources, a day when institutions are also free to participate fully in their God-given mission. The New Day must be built on this conviction: churches and institutions must be free in order to be faithful. Apart from freedom, true faithfulness is not possible.” -Paul Baxley, New Day Campaign Update University Presidents Express Thanks to Churches Before delivering the benediction, Roy Smith (Coordinating Council member and Executive Director - Treasurer Emeritus of the BSCNC), invited the College and University presidents and institution heads to greet the gathering. Dr. Jerry Wallace of Campbell University, Dr. Chris White of Chowan University, Dr. Frank Bonner of Gardner-Webb University, Dr. Jerry McGee of Wingate University and Ruby Fulbright of WMU of North Carolina each took the podium to express thanks to churches who support their institutions financially and in other ways through CBFNC. Tommy Justus, pastor of Mars Hill Baptist Church, expressed similar sentiment on behalf of Mars Hill College President Dan Lunsford.
Making Up for Lost Time, continued from page 1 The CBF Global Missions enterprise is financed, to a very large degree, through the Offering for Global Missions (OGM). This offering is received all year long, but many churches focus their efforts to promote the offering during the weeks leading up to Christmas and Easter. I’m embarrassed to admit that until recently,
projects. Basically, I thought that when it came to CBF Global Missions, the regular CBF budget was the “meat and potatoes” and the OGM was “dessert.” I have since learned that nothing could be further from the truth. The funds raised through the OGM are absolutely essential for the basic, ongoing operations of CBF Global Missions, including support for field personnel. Approximately one-half of the CBF Global Missions budget is provided through the OGM. Without the OGM, there would be no CBF Global Missions. I am proud of the contribution CBF Global Missions is making to the larger efforts of the Kingdom of God. Our Global Missions field personnel are doing faithful, effective work, sharing Christ’s love around the globe, often in challenging circumstances and with limited resources. I pray that our contributions in support of their efforts will be up to the challenge as well.
“The Offering for Global Missions is not the dessert. It is the meat and potatoes.” I didn’t realize how critical this offering is to our global mission efforts. I was under the false impression that basic global missions needs were provided by regular contributions to the CBF budget, and that the OGM was a bonus for special
2006 - An Amazing Year!
continued from page 4
Last year, we had 339 from 22 churches registered. This year, we had a total of 390 from 23 churches.
Youth from FBC Wilson played Bingo at a nursing home during the Fall Youth Retreat 2006
Another event from the Faith Development Council was our first ever Marriage Enrichment Retreat in April, with 21 couples from 10 churches attending. In addition, a new ministry for us was a focus on college ministry. We held a discussion/training event in August, with 43 persons from 21 churches attending. The Faith Development Ministry Council headed up another new event for 2006, a Congregational Leadership Training event
held in September. We had conferences for all age groups in Sunday School, missions, deacons and ministers with 72 persons from 24 churches attending. Another new event was a Singles Retreat held in October, with 29 registrants from 11 churches attending this retreat. Our children’s ministry team held a new missions day camp for children last month. We have not had such an event in several years, but evidently the need is still being felt, as we had 270 persons from 25 churches in attendance. “Another new event,” “expanded,” “added,” “doubled” - these are becoming common refrains around CBFNC. We are able to do the current and new events with the leadership of committed persons who are eager to join with other Baptist churches to do together what we cannot do by ourselves. Hats off to our Ministry Councils and to those who work with them! You’re amazing.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina “Bringing Baptist Together for ChristCentered Ministry” We are a fellowship of churches and individuals who voluntarily cooperate to do together what we could never accomplish alone, for the Kingdom of God. We bring together people of shared interests, activities, beliefs and experience. We provide companionship along our shared journey to be the presence of Christ in the world. We serve each other as equals. We are a fellowship of Baptists of North Carolina sharing a commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, preserving historic Baptist freedoms and calling out God’s gifts in Christians and churches to engage in Christ-centered ministry in our state and around the world. - From the new CBFNC brochure
Baptist Women in Ministry, NC Seeking Board Nominations BWIM,NC seeks to advocate on behalf of women in ministry. We are an organization of women and men, clergy and laity, who celebrate God’s calling to both women and men to ministry and support the right of all people to follow that call. BWIM,NC is approaching 25 years of service. As we reflect on where we have come from and what the future holds, we are looking for some new faces. We are currently accepting nominations for Board Members to begin serving in March 2007. Board members serve up to 3-year terms and work to promote women in ministry throughout NC. If you know of someone to help this vital mission, send their information to Sheila Russ at or 336-7657731. Include their name, contact info and a brief description as to why this person would make a great BWIM,NC Board Member. Together we can open doors and break down walls until, in Christ, there is truly “neither male nor female, for all are one.”
The Gathering – December 2006/ January 2007 • 7
Upcoming Events ~ December 29, 2006-January 2, 2007 Antiphony Conference Atlanta, Georgia For university & graduate students and other young adults, sponsored by CBF Global Missions & The Samuel Project. For details or to register, visit
February 2-4, 2007 CBFNC Youth Ski Retreat 2 Additional trip added! Winterplace, Pipestem, West Virginia For details or to register, call CTI Group Adventures at 800-285-7273 or email
January 19-21, 2007 CBFNC Youth Ski Retreat 1 Winterplace, Pipestem, West Virginia For details, call CTI Group Adventures at 800-285-7273 or email
February 16-17, 2007 Youth Choir Festival First Baptist Church, Greensboro For details and registration information including repertoire, visit $10 registration p/p due January 15.
April 20-22 OR 27-29, 2007 Youth Spring Retreats Vineyard Camp, Westfield, NC For details and registration form, visit $15 deposit p/p due February 17.
February 26-March 1, 2007 Youth Ministers’ Retreat for R&R North Myrtle Beach, SC For details and registration form, see $265 registration p/p due January 24.
If you missed the Emerging Church Conference with Brian McLaren at Wake Forest Divinity, October 24, hear the conversations online at publictheology.html.
January 27, 2007 Children’s Choir Festival 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Temple Baptist Church, Durham For details and registration information including repertoire, see $10 registration p/p due December 4.
March 16-17, 2007 CBFNC General Assembly First Baptist Church, Hickory See for more details including hotel information and schedule. $10 reservation for dinner due March 5. Childcare reservations due February 19.
In This Edition ~ Page 1
Making Up for Lost Time by Larry Hovis, Coordinator
Page 3
Inside Out CBFNC General Assembly Information
Page 4
An Amazing Year! by Rick Jordan, Church Resources Coordinator
Page 4
Iglesia de la Comunidad is seek ing to meet their new neighbors in the love of Christ.
Page 5
Missions Updates from The Village of Hope in Ukraine and Baptist Bible School of Belize from Linda Jones, Missions Coordinator
Bringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for Christ-Centered Ministry 8025 North Point Blvd., Suite 205 Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Page 6
Highlights of Our Fellowship Dinner during the Baptist State Convention
If you like The Gathering’s new look, then you should see our new E-newsletter (subscribe at and website ( unveiled in January!