2018–2019 CBFNC Annual Report

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Called Together




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2018-2019 Annual Report Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina

Larry Hovis Executive Coordinator LHovis@cbfnc.org

Andy Jung Associate Executive Coordinator

Seth Hix Church Engagement Coordinator



Rick Jordan Church Resources Coordinator

Santiago Reales Red Latina NC CBF Director



Linda Jones Missions Coordinator

Eddie Hammett Church and Clergy Coach



Jim Hylton Business Administration Coordinator

Scott Hudgins Helping Pastors Thrive Program Director



Wanda Kidd Collegiate Engagement Coordinator

Amy Cook Communications Specialist

Called Together



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Marc & Kim Wyatt Advocates for Internationals mkwyatt@cbfnc.org


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Mary Kaylor Administration Manager MKaylor@cbfnc.org

CBSF CAMPUS MINISTERS Jamie Fitzgerald, Appalachian State University Adam Horton, UNC Greensboro Caitlyn Jackson, Charlotte Area Schools Lawrence Powers, Triangle Area Schools Charity Roberson, East Carolina University David Stone, Western NC Schools Chris Towles, Wake Forest


The Value of Fellowship Each of the words in our name—Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina—is important to our identity. But perhaps Fellowship holds the greatest insight into who we are as an organization. We are a fellowship of churches and individuals who voluntarily cooperate to do together what we could never accomplish alone, for the Kingdom of God. We bring together people of shared interests, activities, beliefs, and experience. We provide companionship along our shared journey to be the presence of Christ in the world. We serve each other as equals. At CBFNC, we value fellowship and the many ways it brings us together.

Sharing Our Beliefs Our Identity

We are a fellowship of Baptists in North Carolina sharing a commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, preserving historic Baptist freedoms, and calling out God’s gifts in Christians and churches to engage in Christ-centered ministry in our state and around the world.

Our Mission

Bringing Baptists of North Carolina together for Christ-centered ministry.

Our Principles

Centrality and Authority of Scripture We affirm the authority of scripture. We believe the Bible, under the Lordship of Christ, is central in the life of the individual and church. Priesthood of All Believers We affirm the freedom and right of every Christian to interpret and apply scripture under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We affirm the freedom and responsibility of every person to relate directly to God without the imposition of creed, the control of clergy, or the interference of government. Autonomy of the Local Church We affirm that Baptist churches are free, under the Lordship of Christ and guidance of the Holy Spirit, to determine their membership and leadership, to order their worship and work, to ordain whomever they perceive as gifted for ministry, and to participate, as they deem appropriate, in the larger Body of Christ. Freedom of Religion We affirm religious freedom for all people and the separation of church and state. 1

2 “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?� (Micah 6:8)

Showing Mercy and Seeking Justice


ne of CBFNC’s core principles is the centrality and authority of Scripture. We seek to be guided by God’s word in all we do. Over each of the past four years, we have structured our ministries around a Scriptural theme. Our 2018-2019 fiscal year, the focus of this report, sought to address the theme of Showing Mercy and Seeking Justice, based on Micah 6:8. In our publications we have devoted attention to various aspects of the biblical concept of mercy and justice, including: Loving Mercy; Doing Justice; Serving the Marginalized and Vulnerable; Powers and Principalities; Holy Friendships; and Awareness and Advocacy. An additional focus of the year was the celebration of CBFNC’s 25th Anniversary at the Annual Gathering, held March 28-29 at First, Greensboro. There we were reminded that we were called together by God a quarter century ago. We celebrated our journey of mission and ministry as a voluntary community of Baptist Christians. We believe God is still calling us together for shared mission and mutual support. In 2018-2019, we continued to structure our ministries around several strategic priorities. These include:

• Embracing Neighbors Through Missions

• Equipping Ministers and Churches

• Engaging Students and Young Adults

• Enhancing Fellowship

This report contains numbers, stories, and testimonies of how we are engaging in God’s mission together framed around these priorities. In the midst of our report on these phenomenal ministries, several items stand out: Staff Additions – We were pleased to welcome several new folks to our staff leadership team as employees and contractors. These include Mary Kaylor, Administration Manager; Amy Cook, Communications Specialist; Andy Jung, Associate Executive Coordinator; Santiago Reales, Red Latina Director (CBFNC Latino Network); Charity Roberson, ECU Campus minister, and Caitlyn Jackson, Charlotte area schools campus minister. Lilly Grant – CBFNC was awarded a $1,000,000 grant from the Lilly Endowment as part of its Thriving in Ministry initiative. These funds will be used to establish the CBFNC Helping Pastors Thrive program. Scott Hudgins, who was instrumental in securing the grant, has been enlisted to lead this ministry. Streamlined Budget – After engaging in a process going back several years, we merged the Missions Resource Plan and the Operating Budget into the CBFNC Mission and Ministry Funding Plan. This approach enables us to be: 1) more clear in how CBFNC and partner ministries are funded; 2) more nimble in responding to changing needs; and 3) more faithful to our strategic priorities. Thank you for the many ways you participate in our Fellowship, including your financial support. We are individuals, churches, and partners who realize we need each other and are called together to accomplish far more cooperatively for God’s kingdom than we ever could alone. I’m grateful to walk humbly with God and each of you, doing justice and loving mercy as an outflow of our shared pursuit of God’s mission. –Larry Hovis CBFNC Executive Coordinator



81 86%


For church administrative

Total posts

or supportive positions

For ministry positions


For non-church-related positions

“Our search committee was unanimous in expressing their appreciation for the discussion you led and the information you shared with us. They felt that you answered many of their questions before they could ask them. In addition, they felt the advice and perspective you offered gave them insights they had not considered. We all felt that the guidance and information you provided will be invaluable as we proceed with our search.” 4

–Chair of Personnel committee | First, Mt. Airy

EQUIPPING ministers and churches

“Thank you for your nurturing leadership in

CBFNC assisted ministers and

worship, addressing the important theme of

congregations representing

‘God's Call.’ The meeting with deacons was affirming, and the resources provided were spot-on to spur our thoughts moving forward.”



different states.

–Deacon | First, Hillsborough


Total congregations assisted

39% of requests were for part-time positions

Total ministers assisted


of ministers are seeking senior pastor positions


During 2018, three regional trainings were held to help church leaders better understand the core principles of Growing Young, a book based on recent research by Fuller Youth Institute.



3 Churches

Regional trainings

Total participants



EQUIPPING ministers and churches In January of 2019, a Growing Young Cohort was launched in partnership with the NC Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). In total, 24 churches (16 CBFNC and 8 ELCA) are participating in a year-long cohort to dive deeper into learning how to implement strategic

“Growing Young isn’t about

plans to better welcome and engage

changing youth ministry.

young people (ages 15-29) in the church.

It’s about changing church culture.” –Fuller Institute

The participating CBFNC churches are:

“Growing Young is changing the culture

Ardmore, Winston-Salem

Hillsong, Chapel Hill

at First Baptist Church of Statesville.

First, Burnsville

Lakeside, Rocky Mount

It’s not something we are doing. It is

First, Goldsboro

Macedonia, Raleigh

something we are becoming. As we have

First, Lexington

Oakmont, Greenville

become more empathetic to younger

First, Marion

St. Johns, Raleigh

folks, they have become more interested

First, Mt. Airy

The Memorial, Greenville

in our congregation. We are becoming

First, Statesville

Trinity, Raleigh

younger together.”

Forest Hills, Raleigh

Westwood, Cary

–Nelson Grenade | First, Statesville 7

7 “


New Church Starts


Mission Red Latina CBFNC churches

Engagement Grants


had the privilege of participating in a Racial Equity Institute last May thanks to CBF of North Carolina. From the start the facilitators had my full

attention. Simply stated, the 16 hours helped me develop a ‘new analysis of how racism has been constructed and systemized in America.’ The leaders challenged our group—made up of about as many white as black local community professionals—with what will be required to possibly ‘deconstruct this powerful “shape-shifter” that keeps the racialized status quo firmly in place.’ There are two Americas—maybe even a dozen. There is the America I grew up in. And there is the America minorities inhabit. And the two aren’t the same. When I returned home and tried to explain this to my wife I found myself emotionally moved. I began to consider my black neighbors across the street and down the block. I don’t really know them. We are friendly but seem to just pass greetings and smiles to each other as we come and go. The next day my neighbor was cutting the grass. I went over and stopped him. I apologized for not being a better neighbor and that I wanted to introduce him and his wife to my wife, Kim. We had a great conversation. Turns out his name is Marc. Go figure! REI gave me, a white man, a sacred gift too. You may get yours by attending the next Racial Equity Institute near you.”


– Marc Wyatt | CBFNC Advocate for Internationals

EMBRACING neighbors through missions


Welcome Houses for housing refugees

Apartments for


Community Outreach /ESL

“All over the nation, we are “CBF has been a family to experience faith, community, and gathering. I am excited to be a part of the CBFNC leadership to continue the work of empowering the next generation of Latino(a)s pastor(a)s and leaders in NC.”

Racial Equity Institute


thinking, new experiments in spiritual community, new ways of imagining our Christian narrative are all helping us find

– Santiago Reales | Red Latina CBFNC Director

Racial Reconciliation

finding our way again. New

our way again.”


– Doug Hammack Sr. Pastor of North Raleigh Community Church

“Life can be difficult for a Latino in NC, documented or undocumented. Yet these pastors and spouses (who often function as co-pastors) minister in Jesus’ name with love to each other, to their congregations, and in their communities.”

– Linda M. Jones | CBFNC Missions Coordinator 9

YOUTH BEACH RETREAT “Our youth enjoyed the speaker and the musicians. The musician did a great job of getting the youth to sing along! Angel Pittman was such a genuine person and our group was particularly excited because our Unidiversity offering went to Touching Miami with Love. Her message was well prepared, well delivered and inspired all of us instead of guilt-tripping us. Keep up the good work!”

– Jonathan Eidson | Sardis, Charlotte






ENGAGING students and young adults


ENGAGING students and young adults




YOUTH SKI RETREAT “I loved the worship and learning how to ski and the food.” “The music and the service were excellent.” “It was a great sermon and well explained.” “One of the best we have ever had lead worship!” “Excellent and engaging! Incredible food!”

– Youth Ministers on Survey Monkey








ENGAGING students and young adults YOUTH CHOIR FESTIVAL





CHILDREN’S MISSION DAYS “Our group loved the event.” “Children really enjoyed the location and being hands on.” “Getting outside was great for our kids! It was great for our kids to get off our church campus and for the adults to spend time with kids on a trip. We can’t wait until next year’s opportunity!” “Kiddos that are not normally smiling were smiling when we left that day!” “We have loved every Mission Day we have attended, but this one was so hands on. The children really got invested in how we can meet physical needs as well as spiritual.” “The Bible Study was great. It’s always good to be reminded that we are God’s masterpiece and that we are called to live into it.” “My kids were incredibly proud of the kale they brought home, and that was a surprise to their parents!” – Children’s Ministers on Survey Monkey

181 Registered

16 Churches


ENGAGING students and young adults

Our campuses are amazing places to be the presence of Christ. Students are experiencing more changes than at any other time of their lives since they were five years old. They are learning to live on their own, choose careers and adult friends, and ask a myriad of questions about who they are, what their place in the world is, and who are they created to be. Having a CBFNC campus minister with whom they can relate is paramount as they ask, reflect, and seek answers to these important questions. Our campus ministers do that from a mature and theological perspective. CBFNC’s investment in young adults is unprecedented on the state level and that is something to be proud 14

of for the future of CBFNC.

ENGAGING students and young adults


Students attend local Cooperative Baptist student groups



Number of students from North Carolina gathered at

Appalachian State University

Camp Thunderbird in Lake Wylie, SC. On our tenth year

Duke University

of having a Mid-Winter Retreat, we expanded the event

East Carolina University

to include students from Georgia, South Carolina and

Raleigh Area Collegiate Ministry:


Meredith College North Carolina State University William Peace College UNC Asheville UNC Chapel Hill UNC Charlotte UNC Greensboro Wake Forest University Western Carolina University Partnerships on other campuses: Campbell University Gardner Webb University


Mars Hill University

Students who were part of local CBSF groups were chosen

North Carolina Central University in Durham

to be part of the CBF annual 25 Young Baptist to Know and

Wingate University

Watch. These students were honored at the CBF General Assembly in Birmingham. 15

ENGAGING students and young adults STATE LEADERSHIP TEAM


From across the state, a student-led group of students under the guidance of Lawrence Powers created a leadership team that helps students across the state to network and create joint ministry and mission opportunities.



Number of Cooperative Baptist Student Fellowship Groups

CBFNC is in conversation


with 3 people on other campuses to help them start CBSF groups on their campuses in the coming year.

SPRING BREAK The Wake Forest group went to Cuba March 9–16. We started in Havana, staying at a Baptist hostel called Finca Molina Verde, The Green Windmill. While there we helped uncover a prayer labyrinth made of rum bottles that was overgrown with trees and weeds. The group visited Ebeneezer Baptist Church, William Carey Baptist Church, the Martin Luther King Center, and a few other ministries with the Fraternity of Baptists. In Matanzas, the group connected with First Baptist Church of Matanzas and the Kairos Center. One of the highlights was walking alongside church members in Matanzas to deliver meals. 17

ENGAGING students and young adults

$344,182 has been provided by congregations and individuals through the CBFNC Mission Resource Plan to support theological education.


2018–2019 CBFNC SCHOLARS Alex Rodriguez Asbury Theological Seminary

Ron Hayes

3 LOLLEY SCHOLARS Rebekah Gordon Campbell University Divinity School

Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond

David Brantley Campbell University Divinity School

Grant Gubbins Campbell University Divinity School

Michael Sizemore Alan Newcomb Gardner Webb School of Divinity

Campbell University Divinity School

Liz Britt Campbell University Divinity School

Emma Tilley Duke Divinity School

Christian Justice Campbell University Divinity School

Emily Patton 18

Campbell University Divinity School

ENGAGING students and young adults Sarah Seibert Duke Divinity School

Evan Edwards

Laura Ortega Marin Baptist University of Americas

Duke Divinity School

Justin McDowell Sarah Blackwell

Truett Theological Seminary

Gardner-Webb School of Divinity

Christi Hollifield

Tarsha Banister

Gardner-Webb School of Divinity

Wake Forest University School of Divinity

Kelly Settlemyre

Daniel Godfrey

Gardner-Webb School of Divinity

Wake Forest University School of Divinity

Kaylee Godfrey Michelle Shadden Hood Theological Seminary

Alex Alvarado Logsdon Seminary

Wake Forest University School of Divinity

Mary Beth Beck-Henderson Wake Forest University School of Divinity

Cynthia Nordskog Wake Forest University School of Divinity

Evan Sieges Wake Forest University School of Divinity


in-state partner divinity schools have received significant support to aid specific scholars and to underwrite additional costs of delivering quality theological education.


students have received direct scholarship aid. These students are enrolled in divinity schools and seminaries in North Carolina and other parts of our country.


ENHANCING our fellowship 2019 ANNUAL GATHERING On March 28–29, 2019, the CBFNC family came together for the Annual Gathering at First, Greensboro to celebrate our 25th Anniversary. Tod Bolsinger, professor at Fuller Theological Seminary and author of Canoeing the Mountains, challenged the Fellowship to think adaptively in a world that is constantly shifting. Clyde Edgerton, renowned author and entertainer, enthralled the crowd at the 25th Anniversary Celebration, and Kyle Matthews masterfully led in worship throughout the gathering.

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We celebrated the journey of the first 25 years together as CBFNC and prepared ourselves to carry on the mission and purpose of being Christ-followers for the next 25 years.Â

538 Calle 269 Toge Friday



25th Anniversary Celebration



ENHANCING our fellowship Children’s



Divinity Student

Leadership Institute



ed ether 40 Breakfast



Peer Learning Group

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ENHANCING our fellowship

2018–2019 CBFNC Ministry Budget Missions (43%)

was given last year for the CBFNC ministry budget

Leadership Development (19%) Faith Formation (18%) Fellowship/Partnerships (20%)

the amount churches gave through CBFNC to support ministry partners. Total: $3,500,000 ($800,000 to CBF Global)

Your financial support is vital Financial Report

essential in the fulfillment of God’s mission in

Thank you for your generous support of

the world.

the mission and ministry of CBFNC. Because


We rely solely on your financial support and

of you, the love of Christ has been shown

are grateful that you have chosen to partner

to newcomers, young leaders, struggling

with us again. CBF of North Carolina, Inc., is

congregations, transitioning clergy, and many

a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and does not receive

individuals across our state. Your commitment

operational support from any denominational

to serve God and serve others through CBFNC

group, including CBF Global. As a result, CBFNC

ministries and our ministry partners has been

is dependent on your financial support.

ENHANCING our fellowship 10-Year Giving History

CBFNC Total Gifts 2018–2019

Not including contributions to CBF Global











$3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0

Your financial support is vital. CBFNC continues

Many individuals give through their church

to need your financial support. As we go into

budgets. Continue to give through your

churches and communities to serve in Christ’s

church but also consider making an individual

name, your financial partnership is necessary

contribution directly to CBFNC. Every gift,

for our ministry and that of our many ministry

no matter the size, makes a difference!


GIVE ONLINE: www.cbfnc.org/give or mail to: CBFNC | 2640 Reynolda Road | Winston-Salem, NC 27106


2019–2020 CBFNC missions and ministry funding plan EMBRACE NEIGHBORS THROUGH MISSIONS State and Global Missions Internationals In North Carolina Mission Engagement Grants (Local & Refugee) New Church Starts Global Partnerships Racial Reconciliation Special Needs Fund Red Latina NC CBF Missions and Social Ministry Partners Woman’s Missionary Union of NC Baptist Children’s Homes of NC Baptist Retirement Homes of NC Baptist World Alliance Baptists on Mission (NC Baptists Men) Passport Camps Christian Women’s Job Corps of NC Embrace Neighbors Through Missions Total

12,000 10,000 40,000 37,000 3,000 6,000 15,000 100,000 100,000 64,000 20,000 50,000 10,000 2,500 $469,500



Faith Formation Youth Retreats/ Festivals Event Sponsorship Faith Formation Intern Faith Formation Outreach

4,250 1,500 1,500 2,000

Collegiate Ministry College Campus Ministry Intern Local Church Ministry Intern Collegiate Ministry Contracts/Stipends Collegiate Ministry Travel/Programming

8,000 3,000 50,000 25,000

Higher Education Partners Campbell University 40,000 Chowan University 45,000 Gardner-Webb University 40,000 Mars Hill University 40,000 Meredith College 35,000 Wake Forest University 6,000 Wingate University 40,000 Engage Students and Young Adults Total $341,250

EQUIP MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Leadership Development Coach Training & Consulting Services 15,000 Peer Learning Groups 5,000 Elevating Preaching 2,000 Seminarian Network 2,000 Clergy Continuing Education 6,000 Minister Networks 2,000 Pastor as Spiritual Guide 1,000 Lay Leadership Training 2,000 Ministers in Transition Ministers New to NC Luncheon 750 Regional Coordinator Network 5,000 Ministerial Transitions Resources 24,000 Theological Education Partners Campbell Divinity School 65,000 Duke Divinity School–Baptist House of Studies 65,000 Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity 65,000 Wake Forest University School of Divinity 65,000 General Scholarships & Training 75,000 Thriving in Ministry (Lilly Grant) $200,000 Congregational and Ministry Support Partners Baptist Women in Ministry North Carolina 10,000 Baptist Women in Ministry National 2,300 North Carolina Baptist Hospital Faith/Health 50,000 North Carolina Baptist Foundation 2,000 Center for Healthy Churches 10,000 Equip Ministers and Churches Total $674,050


2,500 12,000 14,000 15,000 1,000 38,000

Coordinating and Ministry Councils Coordinating & Ministry Council Meetings Council Travel Reimbursement Council Planning Retreat Strategic & Operational Planning

3,500 3,000 5,000 2,000

General Support Expenses Copier Maintenance & Lease 3,500 Insurance Property & D&O 2,500 Office Rent 27,000 Cleaning/Outside Maintenance 6,000 Telephone & Fax 8,500 Supplies 6,000 Postage - Regular 3,900 Furniture 2,500 Computer Network 7,000 Office Equipment 2,500 Accountant/Audit Fee 8,000 Financial Services 5,000 Bank Fees 3,500 Enhance Our Fellowship Total $273,500

844,119 66,000 $910,119

Total Budget


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Baptist Identity Partners Baptist History and Heritage Society Baptist News Global Baptist Center for Ethics Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty North American Baptist Fellowship Baptists Today/Nurturing Faith

Personnel Costs Staff Salaries, Benefits & Expenses (includes Campus Ministers) Contract/Consultant Services Lead and Support Our Ministries Total

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Gatherings Regional and Special Meetings 5,000 Annual Gathering 20,000 Advancement Newsletter 50,600 Publicity 4,000 Website Services 5,000 Financial Development 7,000



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Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina 2640 Reynolda Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27106 www.cbfnc.org (336) 759-3456

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