1 minute read

SESSION 2 Workshops

Regional Vice President

Together for Hope Black Belt


Together for Hope

1:15 p.m.

Together for Hope: Transforming Rural America

Since its inception in 2001, Together for Hope has gone from serving the 20 poorest counties in America to a service area consisting of the 339 counties of persistent rural poverty in the U.S., nine of which are in NC. Generational poverty in rural counties is expanding instead of decreasing. Come learn about what Together for Hope is doing to support rural communities and how you and your church can play a role in transforming rural America.

Juan Carlos Cevallos


Iglesia Bautista Internacional Greenville

Translations of the Bible into Spanish: Process, Confusion or Blessing?

In recent years there has been a proliferation of Bible translations in Spanish in the Protestant world. A brief history of the transmission of the biblical text will be shared, as the different kinds of Bible translations and a comparison between them; and how to use these translations in pastoral work.

En los últimos años ha habido una proliferación de traducciones de la Biblia al español en el mundo protestante. En este taller se compartirá una breve historia de la transmisión del texto bíblico, así como los diferentes tipos de traducciones de la Biblia y una comparación entre ellas; y cómo usar estas traducciones en el trabajo pastoral.

BRUCE T. GOURLEY Managing Editor of Publications Good Faith Media

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