The Gathering of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina
July/August 2013 • Vol. 18 Issue 4 Bringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for Christ-Centered Ministry
In This Edition PAGE 2 Means
and Ends — Part 3
by Larry Hovis PAGE 3 Young
Ministers Series
by Matt Johnson PAGES 4-6 Partner
Churches and Individuals Continue Strong Support of CBFNC
by Jim Hylton PAGE 7 CBFNC
Salutes 2012-2013 Interns
by Ka’thy Gore Chappell PAGE 7
North Carolina Students Serving in CBF Summer Missions by Wanda Kidd
PAGE 8 Done
in Love — The New CBFNC Mission and Ministry Offering
by Larry Hovis PAGE 9 20th
Anniversary Vision Team Report
by Guy Sayles
Means and Ends — Part 3 Making it Personal by Larry Hovis, CBFNC Executive Coordinator
Something different was in the air as the deacons of First Baptist Church in Anytown, NC, gathered for their monthly meeting. Excitement may be too strong a word, but there was an extra dose of energy accompanied by unusual anticipation. Chairperson Beth Hopkins opened the meeting with prayer. She then said, “Since our last meeting, many of you have told me how much you appreciated the discussion of ‘ends and means’ introduced by our pastor last month. I’d like to call on Pastor Chris to lead us in resuming that conversation.” “Thanks, Beth,” said Chris. “Our previous discussion concluded with Beth asking us to think about how we would complete this sentence: The End of our church is __________. What have you come up with?” Sarah Barker was the first one to speak. “As I said last month, I don’t know what all the fuss is about. It seems perfectly clear to me. The most important thing we as a church can do is support missionaries. That’s the heart of our Baptist faith. We are called to study missions, pray for missions and give sacrificially so that we can send missionaries to the ends of the earth.” “That’s all fine,” countered Bob Carothers, a member of the choir, “but there are lots of organizations that do good in the world, even missions organizations that send missionaries around the world. But the church is the only organization that is uniquely charged to worship God. I believe the End of our church is to promote the kind of orderly, dignified worship of Almighty God our church has executed for a long time.” “But what if one day no one comes to our sanctuary to worship God?” challenged Nan Cummings, a mother of three and a member of the youth committee. “Let’s be honest. The group that gathers in our church on Sunday morning is getting older and smaller. My kids are bored with our worship services. I think the End of our church is to minister to the next generation. If we don’t, we might not have a church at all.” “Nan, I think you’re getting closer,” said Sam Jones, president of the local bank and one whose family had been in key leadership roles at First Baptist for several generations. “It takes money to keep this church going. Everything you all have mentioned costs money. Missionaries. Worship personnel and equipment. Youth and children’s programs. The buildings where we meet. Even our pastor’s salary. And it takes people to give that money. I think our focus ought to be on recruiting enough new members to sustain our church financially so that it will exist for future generations.” Greg Pickens spoke next. “I don’t disagree with anything any of you have said. Missionaries, worship, youth programs 2 • The Gathering – July/August 2013
and the church budget are all very important. But in my view, and please don’t brand me as a heretic, all of these worthy things are Means toward a greater End. Why do we send missionaries? Why do we worship God? Why do we minister with youth and maintain our buildings and give our money? Is it enough simply for the congregation to exist tomorrow? I’m not sure I know the answer, but I believe it must have something to do with the Kingdom of God.” “I’m with Greg,” said Sue Ferguson. “Jesus talked about the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven more than any other topic. We’ve been studying Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom in our Sunday School class. In his model prayer, Jesus prayed, ‘Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.’ As Hugh Halter and Matt Smay make clear in their book, The Tangible Kingdom, I believe the purpose of the church is to make the Kingdom of God ‘tangible’ in our communities and world. Our worship and missions and buildings and programs and staff are the means through which we seek to help make the Kingdom of Heaven a reality to the people God allows us to meet and influence.” Pastor Chris looked around and could see that most heads were nodding as Sue spoke. Even those with questioning looks on their faces seemed to be trying to take it in rather than putting up defenses. “Thanks, Sue, for this explanation. I think you’re onto something. The End of our church must have something to do with the Kingdom. How’s this for a preliminary working statement of our church’s End or purpose? ‘First Baptist Church exists to follow Jesus Christ in making the Kingdom of God tangible in Anytown, NC, and around the world.’” “It sounds good,” said Sam Jones. “I can see how a focus on the Kingdom of God as our ultimate purpose would help us ‘keep the main thing the main thing.’ But that still leaves lots of other questions about all the other things we’ve talked about.” “Yes, Sam. Absolutely,” affirmed Chris. “We have much work to do in determining the Means God is leading us to utilize in pursuing the End. But maybe, just maybe, if we all can agree on a larger End or purpose, we won’t be quite so possessive over our particular programs, and we’ll be a little more willing to listen to the Spirit and one another as we make hard choices about how we spend our time and money as a church.” “Excellent discussion,” interrupted Beth Hopkins. “As spiritual leaders, this is the kind of conversation that needs to be our focus. So where do we go from here? How do we help the whole congregation join us as we think about the End of our Church? And how will we use this concept to determine ministry priorities moving forward? Please make this a matter of prayer between now and next month’s meeting. I’m wondering if we might enlist a congregational coach to help us develop a process for conducting a three-way conversation between us, the congregation, and, most importantly, the Spirit.” “I’m glad you mentioned the idea of a congregational coach, Beth,” responded Pastor Chris. “Let’s talk to our friends at CBFNC. I feel sure they can help with that.”
Young Ministers Series: Matt Johnson
We are at our best when we tell our stories. “If only we…”
If only we
“I wish we…”
I wish we
Sometimes as a pastor I become overly focused on what I think my congregation can do better. In the same way, it can be tempting to concentrate on the deficiencies of the CBF movement. Instead, maybe we should ask ourselves, “When are we at our best?”
our best
The folks in my church come from all over. They were raised in North Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Maryland. They were Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, Disciples, and agnostics. In order for us to understand, appreciate, and love one another, we have to tell our stories. We have to tell each other what we value, where we came from, and where we hope to go. In the same way, the people that make up the CBF come from all over. Many were not raised as Baptists, or were not old enough to remember the “Baptist Wars.” We need to tell our stories. We need to tell the stories of our 400 years of faithful Baptist witness. We need to tell stories about living an authentic Christian faith in this 21st century, technology-driven society. We need to know and be known. We need to tell our stories.
We are at our best when we focus on what we do.
The diversity of my church extends beyond our backgrounds. The people vary in their theological beliefs from conservative to progressive. They categorize themselves as Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, and Other. But we are united in Christ and united in serving one another and our community. People who could be at one another’s throats over doctrine or politics instead work together to distribute groceries to food-insecure families at the local food pantry or register patients for the dental van. We are united around the things we do more than the specifics of any creed. Whenever the future is uncertain, there will always be a tendency to craft a statement codifying “essential” beliefs. In troubling times, it is comforting to know who is in
and who is out. But our Cooperative Baptist movement has always been at its best when it has avoided defining doctrine on behalf of churches and instead focused on empowering churches for ministry. I hope we can continue to be a people known for the good deeds we do, rather than the beliefs we don’t.
We are at our best when we don’t care who gets credit.
Recently, our church led a team in building a wheelchair ramp for a local family. The project was initiated by the North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry who called our church asking us to help. A significant financial contribution came from the local Senior Center. One of our members contacted the Southern Baptist church in town and several of their men came out to help us build the ramp. It was truly a team effort. The only thing that mattered was that the project was done. CBF and CBFNC have led the way in partnership missions and ministry. As human and financial capital continue to grow scarcer, we should resist the temptation to reinvent the wheel. We must continue to partner with ministries who are already doing the work we feel led to support. We shouldn’t care who gets the credit, only that the work gets done. As Baptists look to the future, let us avoid the temptation to always concentrate on what we don’t do or haven’t done. Instead, let’s focus on what we have done well. Let’s remember to ask ourselves, “When are we at our best?” Matthew Johnson is the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Smithton in Belhaven. He holds degrees from WFU (BA, MDiv) and the University of North Texas (Master of Music). He enjoys WFU sports, reading, movies, and alternative comedy. He is married to the Rev. Clare Conway Johnson, a community counselor with at-risk youth. They have one son, McCall, a curly-headed two year old.
The Gathering – July/August 2013
Partner Churches and Individuals Continue Strong Support of CBFNC by Jim Hylton, CBFNC Business Administration Coordinator
Giving Trends: 2009 through 2013
Designated Undesignated
In the 2012-2013 budget year, undesignated gifts exceeded $1.4 million and designated gifts exceeded $2.6 million. For the third consecutive year, total gifts exceeded $4 million. CBFNC continues to be gratified by the trust congregations and individuals are placing in us as evidenced by giving of all types. We are taking great care to be good stewards of these resources through the ministries we coordinate and the cultivation of positive relationships with our cherished ministry partners. To view the 2013-2014 budget, visit
Partner Churches (Churches making contributions October 2011 - March 2013) Churches contributing to CBFNC are listed in bold type. Churches that contribute to CBF National only are listed in regular type. Designated in blue are churches that participate in the CBFNC Mission Resource Plan, providing financial support for other Baptist ministries through CBFNC. For additional information about the Mission Resource Plan or for more information on partnering with CBFNC, visit This list does not include churches who partner with CBFNC or CBF in other, non-financial ways. Taylor Memorial............... Aberdeen Earlys............................... Ahoskie First.................................. Ahoskie First.................................. Albemarle Mount Zion...................... Alexis Angier............................... Angier Baptist Fellowship........... Angier Neill’s Creek.................... Angier Olive Chapel ................. Apex Woodhaven...................... Apex First................................ Arden First.................................. Asheboro Oakhurst.......................... Asheboro Oakwood Park................. Asheboro West Asheboro.................. Asheboro Calvary............................. Asheville First.................................. Asheville Grace................................ Asheville Morningside..................... Asheville Connaritsa....................... Aulander First................................... Beaufort First of Smithton............. Belhaven Benson............................ Benson 4 • The Gathering – July/August 2013
First.................................. Biscoe First.................................. Black Mountain First.................................. Bladenboro Lennons Cross Roads..... Bladenboro First.................................. Blowing Rock Boiling Springs............... Boiling Springs First.................................. Boone Boonville.......................... Boonville Mount Moriah Calvert... Brevard First.................................. Bryson City First.................................. Buies Creek Memorial.......................... Buies Creek Bullock............................. Bullock First.................................. Burlington Northside.......................... Burlington First................................ Burnsville First................................ Butner Calypso............................. Calypso Sawyer’s Creek................ Camden Hominy............................. Candler First.................................. Canton First.................................. Carolina Beach Greenwood Forest........... Cary
Westwood......................... Cary Chadbourn....................... Chadbourn Piney Forest...................... Chadbourn Ephesus........................... Chapel Hill HillSong............................ Chapel Hill Lystra............................... Chapel Hill Mount Carmel................. Chapel Hill University....................... Chapel Hill Grace Crossing................ Charlotte Park Road.......................... Charlotte Peace Covenant............... Charlotte Pritchard Memorial........ Charlotte Providence....................... Charlotte St. John’s.......................... Charlotte Sardis................................ Charlotte Together in Christ . Intl. Ministries............... Charlotte First................................. Clarkton First................................ Clayton White Oak........................ Clayton Mosaic.............................. Clayton Clemmons First............... Clemmons First................................ Clinton
Partner Churches (Churches making contributions October 2011 - March 2013) Grove Park...................... Clinton Mars Hill.......................... Colerain McGill............................... Concord First.................................. Cramerton Open Arms .................... Creedmoor Cullowhee........................ Cullowhee The Summit..................... Cullowhee First .................................. Denton First.................................. Dobson First.................................. Drexel First.................................. Dunn Westfield........................... Dunn Calvary............................. Durham Durham Memorial.......... Durham Glenn School Road.......... Durham Hope Valley...................... Durham Lowes Grove.................... Durham Mount Hermon................ Durham Temple.............................. Durham Watts Street..................... Durham Yates................................. Durham First................................ Eden Edenton............................ Edenton Blackwell Memorial.......... Elizabeth City First.................................. Elizabeth City Elizabethtown.................. Elizabethtown First.................................. Elkin Carolina Crossing........... Ellerbe Elm City........................... Elm City First.................................. Elon Emerald Isle..................... Emerald Isle Enfield.............................. Enfield Enka................................. Enka Fair Bluff.......................... Fair Bluff First.................................. Fairmont First.................................. Farmville Cedar Falls........................ Fayetteville First.................................. Fayetteville Lafayette.......................... Fayetteville Lake Lynn........................ Fayetteville Mount Pisgah................... Fayetteville Snyder Memorial............ Fayetteville Unity Christian Center... Fayetteville First.................................. Forest City Florence.......................... Forest City Mount Vernon................. Forest City First.................................. Four Oaks Pauline............................ Four Oaks Burningtown.................... Franklin Centerpoint...................... Franklin Franklinton...................... Franklinton
Fremont Missionary ..... Fremont Garland.......................... Garland Aversboro Road............... Garner Covenant.......................... Gastonia First.................................. Gastonia Loray................................ Gastonia New Hope......................... Gastonia Reynoldson...................... Gates First.................................. Goldsboro Rosewood First................ Goldsboro First ................................. Graham College Park.................... Greensboro First.................................. Greensboro Guilford............................ Greensboro Lindley Park.................... Greensboro Southeast.......................... Greensboro Arlington Boulevard......... Greenville Immanuel....................... Greenville The Memorial.................. Greenville La Mision Bautista.......... Greenville Oakmont.......................... Greenville Pleasant Hill...................... Grover Hallsboro.......................... Hallsboro First................................... Hamlet Flat Rock.......................... Hamptonville First.................................. Henderson Providence....................... Hendersonville First.................................. Hickory Viewmont......................... Hickory Hiddenite.......................... Hiddenite Emerywood...................... High Point First................................... High Point Parkwood......................... High Point Cane Creek........................ Hillsborough First.................................. Hillsborough Hobbsville........................ Hobbsville First.................................. Huntersville Jackson............................. Jackson First.................................. Jamestown First.................................. Jonesville First.................................. Kannapolis First.................................. Kernersville Iglesia Nueva Vision........ Kernersville Main Street...................... Kernersville Union Cross..................... Kernersville Quaker Gap..................... King Spilman Memorial.......... Kinston Oak Ridge........................ Kittrell Knightdale....................... Knightdale First Reformed.................. Landis First................................ Laurinburg
Mount Moriah................... Laurinburg Goshen.............................. Leland North Brunswick Fellowship. .......................................... Leland College Avenue................. Lenoir First.................................. Lenoir Lower Creek.................... Lenoir Churchland...................... Lexington First.................................. Lexington Jersey................................ Lexington First ............................... Liberty Mount Pleasant.............. Liberty Lillington........................ Lillington First ............................... Lincolnton Bear Swamp..................... Littleton Littleton............................ Littleton Mission............................. Locust Hickory Rock................. Louisburg Louisburg......................... Louisburg First.................................. Lumberton Rozier................................ Lumberton First.................................. Madison Antioch............................. Mamers First.................................. Marion Calvary........................... Mars Hill Mars Hill.......................... Mars Hill First.................................. Marshville First................................... Mayodan New Bessemer.................. McLeansville First.................................. Mebane Mount Adar..................... Mebane Eatons................................ Mocksville First.................................. Mocksville First.................................. Monroe Mill Creek........................ Monroe First................................... Mooresville First................................ Morehead City First.................................. Morganton Calvary............................. Mount Airy First.................................. Mount Airy Flat Rock.......................... Mount Airy Piney Grove..................... Mount Airy First.................................. Mount Gilead First................................ Mount Holly First................................ Mount Olive Murfreesboro................... Murfreesboro Rock Creek..................... Nashville First.................................. New Bern Kendalls........................... New London First.................................. Newland continued on next page
The Gathering – July/August 2013
Partner Churches (Churches making contributions October 2011 - March 2013) Trinity............................. Newton First.................................. N. Wilkesboro First................................... Oriental Enon................................. Oxford Hester............................... Oxford Oxford.............................. Oxford Roberts Chapel................ Pendleton Pfafftown.......................... Pfafftown Iglesia Bautista Misionera Roca Fuerte .......................................... Pittsboro Mount Gilead................... Pittsboro Pittsboro........................... Pittsboro Athens Drive.................... Raleigh Crabtree Valley.............. Raleigh First.................................. Raleigh Forest Hills....................... Raleigh The Fountain.................. Raleigh Greystone......................... Raleigh Hayes Barton................... Raleigh Hope Fellowship.............. Raleigh Iglesia Bautista La Roca. .......................................... Raleigh Iglesia Nueva Generacion. .......................................... Raleigh Longview.......................... Raleigh Macedonia........................ Raleigh Millbrook......................... Raleigh New Hope......................... Raleigh Ridge Road...................... Raleigh St. John’s . ....................... Raleigh Swift Creek..................... Raleigh Tabernacle........................ Raleigh Temple.............................. Raleigh Triangle............................ Raleigh Trinity............................. Raleigh First.................................. Red Springs Calvary............................. Reidsville First................................ Reidsville Richfield........................... Richfield First.................................. Richlands All Saints Episcopal.......... Roanoke Rapids Rosemary......................... Roanoke Rapids Bethel................................ Robbinsville First................................... Rockingham Dortches........................... Rocky Mount Lakeside........................... Rocky Mount Rileys Creek................... Rocky Point Rolesville.......................... Rolesville Rose Hill........................... Rose Hill First.................................. Roseboro First.................................. Rowland 6 • The Gathering – July/August 2013
Lamberth Memorial....... Roxboro Roxboro............................ Roxboro First.................................. Rural Hall Iglesia Cristiana Sin Fronteras .......................................... Rural Hall First.................................. Rutherfordton First................................... Salisbury Ephesus............................. Sanford First.................................. Sanford Flat Springs..................... Sanford Iglesia Bautista Nueva Comienzo . ........................................ Sanford Jonesboro Heights........... Sanford Primera Iglesia Bautista . ........................................ Sanford Double Shoals................... Shelby Dover................................. Shelby First................................ Shelby Poplar Springs............... Shelby Ross Grove........................ Shelby Zion.................................. Shelby Centro Familiar Cristiano. ........................................ Siler City Rocky River..................... Siler City Nobles Chapel.................. Sims First................................ Smithfield Sharon.............................. Smithfield First.................................. Southern Pines Spencer............................. Spindale Ephesus............................ Spring Hope First.................................. Spring Hope Central............................. Spruce Pine First ................................. Spruce Pine First................................ Stanfield First................................ Stantonsburg First.................................. Statesville First.................................. Stoneville Brunswick Islands........... Supply First................................... Swannanoa East Sylva.......................... Sylva First.................................. Sylva Olyphic........................... Tabor City Tabor City ..................... Tabor City First.................................. Tarboro Antioch........................... Taylorsville First ............................... Taylorsville First................................ Tryon Round Hill......................... Union Mills Cornerstone....................... Valdese First................................ Valdese First................................... Wadesboro
Falls................................ Wake Forest Heritage............................ Wake Forest Wake Forest..................... Wake Forest Woodland......................... Wake Forest First................................ Wallace Warrenton........................ Warrenton First.................................. Washington First................................ Waynesville First................................ Weaverville Crossroads Fellowship.... Weldon Baptist Tabernacle.......... Wendell Wendell............................ Wendell First................................ West Jefferson Fishing Creek.................. Whitakers First................................ Whiteville Mount Zion...................... Whiteville New Hope....................... Whiteville Wilkesboro....................... Wilkesboro First.................................. Wilmington Masonboro....................... Wilmington Ogden............................... Wilmington Temple.............................. Wilmington Winter Park..................... Wilmington First.................................. Wilson Cashie............................... Windsor Wingate............................ Wingate Ardmore........................... Winston-Salem College Park.................... Winston-Salem Fellowship........................ Winston-Salem First.................................. Winston-Salem Knollwood........................ Winston-Salem Mineral Springs................. Winston-Salem Northwest......................... Winston-Salem Peace Haven..................... Winston-Salem United............................... Winston-Salem Via Faith Community..... Winston-Salem West Side ....................... Winston-Salem Winterville...................... Winterville Wise.................................. Wise First.................................. Yadkinville Maplewood...................... Yadkinville First................................... Yanceyville Bethlehem........................ Youngsville Grace Haven.................... Youngsville Youngsville....................... Youngsville Zebulon............................ Zebulon Visit for more information on partnering with CBFNC.
CBFNC Salutes 2012-2013 Interns! by Ka’thy Gore Chappell, CBFNC Leadership Development Coordinator
Elizabeth Barnard (left), a student at Gardner-Webb School of Divinity, worked with Rick Jordan in the ministry area of Faith Formation. Elizabeth served on the planning team and worked the events for Children’s Mission Days. Elizabeth also attended monthly coordinator/staff meetings as an observer. Justin Thomas (center), a student at Wake Forest School of Divinity, worked with Laura Barclay in the ministry area of Social Ministries & Social Media. Justin reviewed and edited the racial reconciliation curriculum, assisted in structure of workshops for our state general assembly and worked in areas of communication and fellowship development.
Lisa Grissom (right), a student at Campbell School of Divinity, worked with Ka’thy Gore Chappell in the ministry area of Leadership Development. Lisa chaired the CBFNC Divinity Student Task Force (includes representatives from our four partner divinity schools), developed the process for a divinitystudent-led workshop at our state general assembly and facilitated the sessions for the annual divinity student experience.
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An intern is defined as one who receives “supervised practical training.” This definition communicates what our interns receive as we seek to affirm the work and ministry provided to our fellowship by the 2012-2013 CBFNC Divinity Student Interns.
CBFNC Interns are self-starters who tend to seek out these positions. Often, interns are serving in this capacity as part of their divinity school field education and/or supervised ministry experience. In some cases, interns are simply serving with CBFNC for the networking and resourcing experience. We salute our 2012-2013 interns!
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North Carolina Students Serving in CBF Summer Missions by Wanda Kidd, CBFNC College Ministry Coordinator Along with vacations and traditional summer jobs, summer is often filled with ministry opportunities. CBFNC celebrates all of the ways that groups and individuals will choose to serve this summer. We pray for all forms of mission experiences, whether working in community gardens, helping people in areas affected by natural disasters or outreach to those around us who are otherwise not reached by the gospel of Christ. These mission experiences can change lives for those who serve and those being served. For several of our CBFNC students, this summer will be one that shapes their callings in a variety of ways. Through Student.GO and Collegiate Congregational Internships as well as through ministry partner Passport Camps, 36 North Carolina students will spend their summer serving across the state, country and the globe. Please pray for the students listed and all of our students who are serving in other capacities this summer.
Collegiate Congregational Internship Beth Arney Megan Currie Abbi Davis Lacey Davis Emily Granade Kena Hawkins Miriam Juarez Isaac Justus Kassi Justus Ku Khang Rob Lee Melani Lippard Sarah McCoy Mallory Monroe Cameron Place Melissa Reynolds Lauren Robertson Sarah Rome Ben Wines
First, Sylva First, Monroe First, Goldsboro Memorial, Hickory First, Winston-Salem on 5th First, Asheville First, Marion West Yellowstone, MT Mars Hill, Mars Hill First, Mooresville First, West Jefferson West Yellowstone, MT First, Weaverville First, Shelby New Hope, Raleigh First, North Wilkesboro Mt Carmel, Lenoir First, Rutherfordton First, Elkin
Student.Go Baptist Joint Committee Intern Lauren Hovis
Chelsie Buffington Abarry Clubb Catherine Gordon Mary Kaylor Abby Pratt Shekanah Solomon Laura Tompkins
Passport Camps
Ashley Baucom Buies Creek Carter Benge Mars Hill Sara Bumgarner Raleigh Vanessa Clark Boone Margaret Corn Raleigh Emily Davis Wingate JD Granade Asheville Elizabeth Gumns Montreat Chelsea Hearne Shelby Chris Hughes Winston-Salem Justin McDowell Cherryville Alina Mosunova Raleigh Zelina Paupaw Wingate Daniel Potter Chapel Hill Zeke Stephenson Rutherfordton Allison Wray Wingate Port City Community, Wilmington Mars Hill, Mars Hill Faith, Mount Airy New Bern Peace Haven, Winston-Salem Bible Way Temple, Raleigh First, Brevard
The Gathering – July/August 2013
Done in Love — The New CBFNC Mission and Ministry Offering by Larry Hovis, CBFNC Executive Coordinator
Frequently Asked Questions Why is CBFNC initiating a special Mission & Ministry Offering? Actually, congregations have requested for several years that we establish such an offering. As CBFNC celebrates its 20th birthday, the Coordinating Council believes the time is right to take up this practice that is so common among other Baptist mission and ministry organizations. This offering will bring three significant benefits: • The offering will allow individuals (on their own and through congregational emphases) to sustain and grow our missions and ministries through prayer and financial support. • The offering will provide an avenue to educate churches and individuals about the work of CBFNC and ways to become more engaged in that work. • The offering will strengthen the identity of CBFNC among partner churches and individuals. How will my support be used? The particular programs and ministries supported by the offering will be determined by the Coordinating Council. The Offering may support missions and ministries that are included in the annual CBFNC budget as well as those that are not. The offering will not be used for administration, but only for mission and ministry projects. What is the theme of this year’s CBFNC Mission & Ministry Offering? The 2013-14 offering theme is “Done in Love,” based on 1 Corinthians 16:14: “Let all that you do be done in love.” As followers of Christ, we are commanded to love God and to love our neighbor. Therefore, everything that we do must be done with love. CBFNC provides many opportunities to express that love to others through different ministries. When will the offering be received? While churches may receive the offering any time of year, CBFNC will promote the offering in the fall of each year.
mission AND ministry OFFERING done in love 1 COR. 16:14
8 • The Gathering – July/August 2013
What are Pilot Churches and what is needed/expected from them? Pilot Churches* are those that participate in the initial “experimental” promotion and reception of the CBFNC Mission & Ministry Offering. They will agree to the following: • Pilot Churches that sign up by early summer 2013 will be able to collaborate with CBFNC leaders to determine which particular education and promotion resources should be developed to best meet the needs of their church. • Pilot Churches will conduct an Offering emphasis between Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. • Pilot Churches will work with CBFNC leaders to evaluate the process and resources used to promote the offering in order to make improvements for subsequent years. What resources will be available to churches? Depending on input received from early participating Pilot Churches, we will have some of the following available for the Fall of 2013: • Week of Prayer guide (stories, photos, scripture, and daily prayer guide) • Posters with blank line for each church to post goal • Envelopes • Video vignettes • “How to promote the Offering” suggestions • FAQ sheet of CBFNC Ministries • Study Guides — e.g. Sunday School, missions group, adult, youth and children • Sermon suggestions for use with adults and children What are the next steps for my church? To receive more information, ask questions, or sign up to be a Pilot Church, contact the CBFNC office by phone (888-822-1944) or e-mail Larry Hovis (
*Initial communication from CBFNC (2013 General Assembly brochure and subsequent mailing to all partner churches) described a slightly different process and labeled participating congregations as “Charter Churches,” indicating they would receive special recognition. Since then, CBFNC leadership has determined to make the first emphasis a pilot project with a smaller group of churches functioning as a learning community. We will delay the Charter Church emphasis until the following year when both Pilot Churches and Charter Churches will receive public recognition.
20th Anniversary Vision Team Report by Guy Sayles, Co-Chair
CBFNC’s Local Mission Engagement Grants
seek to foster partnership between local churches and humanitarian organizations for the purpose of missional engagement in their communities. Partnership is required with a community organization and one or more churches of any denomination. Grant period is April 1 through July 31, 2013. Visit the CBFNC website for an application,
Vision Day: Changing Church for a Changing World Friday, August 16, 2013 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Forest Hills Baptist Church in Raleigh Register under “training and events” at $30 (includes lunch and snacks) Fresh Expressions is about empowering and equipping God’s people to develop creative expressions of church that can reach the increasing diversity of our society.
The 20th Anniversary Vision Team began its work in the spring of 2012, and this report briefly summarizes our initial year of service to the Coordinating Council and the CBFNC family. The Team’s initial task was to gather a sense of how the people and churches who comprise CBFNC experience us, of what they affirm and value about our identity and ministries, and of what they hope, dream, and need for the future. We’ve also paid attention to insights and lessons from our history, and we’ve acknowledged our relationships with other partners in the broader moderate Baptist movement; but our main focus has been on the people who are a part of, and who lead, the current life of the CBFNC family. What we have heard is very encouraging: 1. There is a high degree of appreciation for, and significant trust in, CBFNC and its leaders. Our people affirm both our identity and our current ministries. 2. There is, simultaneously, a lack of future focus. Acknowledging that there is a lack of focus is not a negative thing; instead, it is a simple awareness that the future holds challenges and opportunities for which we have not yet developed a clear sense of direction and response. 3. There’s a common belief that CBFNC’s long-term health is connected with the health of its constituent congregations. 4. There’s a need and desire for CBFNC to clarify and articulate its essential identity. The report and recommendations which the Vision Team will make to the Coordinating Council in late 2013 and early 2014 will address these four themes which the Team has heard. The Team is now beginning its more direct work on that report and those recommendations. I hope and anticipate that our report and recommendations will include a focus on crucial “Why” questions: Why CBFNC? Why does it matter to the Kingdom? Why are we “on mission” together? I think that our answering, or attempting to answer, the “Why” questions might be the most important contribution our Team can make to the CBFNC family. Of course, we’re likely also to get to “Whats” and, perhaps, to a few “Hows”; but it seems vitally important to take this opportunity especially to seek answers to “Why?” Thank you for the privilege of serving the CBFNC family in this way. Please feel free to share your ideas, suggestions, and concerns with me at or (828) 252-4781. The Gathering – July/August 2013
CBFNC Honorary and Memorial Gifts April 2013 - May 2013
In memory of Jane Earl Hall by Bob and Rhea Lamb In memory of Dorothy Bowers by Barbara Dallas
Your gifts to a CBFNC endowment fund can plant seeds of blessing, of hope, and of help. Designate a gift for scholarships, new church starts, or where it is most needed. Contact Jim Hylton at or (336) 759-3456 for more information.
In memory of Kay Huggins by Barbara Huggins In memory of Roger Jordan by Jim and Joyce Camp In memory of Anne Swain Lawrence by John Lawrence ________________________ In honor of Jack Causey by First Baptist Church of Statesville Ladies Circle
CBF Global Missions Field Personnel Off-Field Assignments in Our Area Don and Janet Pittman serving in Middle East July 1 - January 11, 2014 off field in NC Gennady and Mina Podgaisky serving in Kiev, Ukraine July 1 – August 15, 2013 off field in Black Mountain Kim and Marc Wyatt serving in Canada July 2013 - June 2014 off field in Wilmington
Ministers on the Move
Compiled by Jack Causey, Ministerial Resources Coordinator Our encouragement and support go to the following ministers who have recently moved: Jeff Hensley has been called as Pastor to Iotla Baptist Church in Franklin. Lisa Hood is now serving First Baptist Church of Forest City as Minister to Children and Youth.
Check out free resources on! new resources added daily!
James Copeland has been called to First Baptist Church of Wallace to join their staff as Youth and Children’s Minister. Esther Soud Parker has been called to Watts Street Baptist Church as Minister to Children. Tito Madrazo has been called as Pastor of Woodland Baptist Church in Wake Forest. Oxford Baptist Church in Oxford has called Chris Aho as Pastor. Julia Bauman is now serving as Interim Pastor of Children and Families at Forest Hills Baptist Church in Raleigh. Temple Baptist Church of Durham has called Mark Mofield as Pastor.
Coordinator Visits April 2013 - May 2013 Ardmore, Winston-Salem
Highland Baptist, Winston-Salem
Duke School of Divinity
Highland Presbyterian, Winston-Salem
Fairfield Mountains Chapel, Lake Lure First, Asheville First, Boone First, Butner First, Drexel First, Elon
Jessica Tidwell has been called to First Baptist Church of Rutherfordton to serve as Minister of Youth and Outreach.
First, Jamestown
When you make a move or know of someone who has changed places of ministry, let us know at jcausey@cbfnc. org. For assistance to search committees and ministers seeking vocational discernment, visit our reference and referral page on our website at or call 336759-3456 or 888-822-1944. 10 • The Gathering – July/August 2013
Lafayette, Fayetteville Longview, Raleigh Mars Hill Baptist, Mars Hill Peace Haven, Winston-Salem St. John’s, Raleigh The Memorial, Greenville
First, Raleigh
Viewmont, Hickory
First, Taylorsville
Watts Street, Durham
First, Weaverville
Westwood, Cary
CBFNC ministry coordinators are available to visit your church to speak, preach, teach, consult, lead and minister in ways appropriate to your context. Contact the CBFNC office for more information.
July/August 2013
The Gathering of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina
phone: 336.759.3456 • phone: 888.822.1944 • fax: 336.759.3459 • •
Larry Hovis . ............ Executive Coordinator....................
Wanda Kidd......... College Ministry Coordinator.....
Ka’thy Gore Chappell.... Leadership Development Coordinator....
Eddie Hammett ....Church and Clergy Coach..........
Rick Jordan ............. Church Resources Coordinator..........
Javier Benitez ......Hispanic Network Leader Coach...
Linda Jones . ........... Missions Coordinator......................
Nancy Parks . ...... Programs Manager...................
Jim Hylton .............. Business Administration Coordinator....
Sarah Mitchell .... Communications Manager.........
Jack Causey ............. Ministerial Resources Coordinator......
Gail McAlister ..... Financial Manager................... Derek Wilhelm ..... Administrative Assistant..........
Regional Coordinators Region 1 – Western: Gail Coulter . ............. Region 2 – Foothills: David Smith ............. Region 3 – Triad: Bill Leathers ................. Region 4 – South Central: Drag Kimrey ......
CBFNC College Ministers Ashley Mangrum ............ UNC Chapel Hill . .............. Lawrence Powers ............ East Carolina....................... Coordinating Council Ray Ammons, Gastonia, Moderator Lisa Rust, Lumberton, Moderator-Elect Donna Bissette, Winston-Salem, Past Moderator Marion Horton, Knightdale, Recorder Mike Eddinger, Cary, Treasurer Kathy Driver, Raleigh Heather Folliard, Durham David Hailey, Raleigh Jeff Mathis, Sylva Rick Matthews, Winston-Salem Doug Murray, Wilson Mike Queen, Greensboro Susan Taylor, Chapel Hill
Endowment Management Board Ron Cava, Henderson Byrns Coleman, Wingate Scott Hudgins, Winston-Salem Anissa Nixon, Mocksville
Family Day at Emerald Pointe July 30, 2013 Greensboro
Region Region Region Region
5 6 7 8
– – – –
North Central: Tom Jackson ...... Capital: Mack Thompson........... Southeast: Mike Johnson ......... Northeast: Jesse Croom ...........
Jeanne Cross ................. Duke University . ................... Chris Towles .................. Wake Forest.........................
Faith Formation Ministry Council Stella Perrin, Taylorsville, Chair Katie Fam Roscoe, Southern Pines, Chair-Elect Giles Blankenship, Fayetteville Beth Cockman-Wood, Sanford Brian Harrington, Liberty Kerrie Clayton Jordan, Smithfield Barbara Glasgow, Zebulon Tyler Roach, Morganton Sophia Steibel, Boiling Springs Scott Thrailkill, Goldsboro Leadership Development Ministry Council Layne Rogerson, Greenville, Chair Shane Nixon, Mocksville, Chair-Elect Ed Beddingfield, Fayetteville Sarah Boberg, Red Springs Jerry Chiles, Raleigh John Daniels, Waynesville Kheresa Harmon, Shelby Matt Johnson, Belhaven Mark Reece, Mount Airy Nathan Rice, Southern Pines
Youth Rafting Retreat
August 31 - September 2, 2013 Asheville
Missions Ministry Council Linda Winslow, Jamestown, Chair Blake Dempsey, Nashville, Chair-Elect Elba Benitez, Pittsboro Everette Clark, Enka Allison Gallimore, Oxford Brandon Hudson, Winston-Salem Michael Lea, West Jefferson Nate Leonard, Morehead City Paula McCosh, Fayetteville Mike Womble, Wilmington
Financial Report: April 2013 Contributions Undesignated - $136,885 Designated - $254,607
May 2013 Contributions Undesignated - $111,972 Designated - $183,793
April 2013 - March 2014 Monthly Undesignated Goal: $127,140
Youth Beach Retreat
September 13-15, 2013 Myrtle Beach, SC
Visit to register and for more information.
The Gathering – July/August 2013
Bringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for Christ-Centered Ministry 8025 North Point Blvd., Suite 205 Winston-Salem, NC 27106
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Upcoming Events ~ July/August Edition Collegiate Ministry Meet and Greet July 9 in Asheville
Congregational Coach Certification Training - Cycle 2 September 30 - October 1, 2013 Black Mountain
OASIS 2013 July 15-17, 2013 Campbell University
Collegiate Fall Retreat October 4-6 in Asheville/Black Mountain
Family Day at Emerald Pointe July 30, 2013 Greensboro Collegiate Ministry Meet and Greet August 1 in Greenville Selah Vie Collegiate Retreat August 3-5 in Clayton, GA Youth Rafting Retreat August 31 - September 2, 2013 Fresh Expressions Vision Day #2 August 16, 2013 Forest Hills, Raleigh Youth Beach Retreat September 13-15, 2013 2013 Elevating Preaching Conference September 23, 2013 Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem Servant-Leadership in a Secular Age: Deacon Ministry that Models Missional Living September 28, 2013 Lowes Grove, Durham
2013 Faith and Immigration Statewide Summit October 12, 2013 Primera Iglesia Bautista, Sanford Fashioning a Deacon Ministry that Works for Your Church November 9, 2013 Hominy, Chandler Christian Leadership Coaching exploration conference call (free) December 3, 2013 Christian Coach Training Quickstart January 3, 2014 CBFNC offices, Winston-Salem Youth Ski Retreat January 24-26, 2014 Building Blocks of Christian Coaching (501) February 3-4, 2014 CBFNC offices, Winston-Salem The Gathering is published six times a year. All questions may be directed to Sarah Mitchell, (336) 759-3456 or (888) 822-1944 or For story submissions, contact Sarah Mitchell for requirements and deadlines.