The Gathering CBFNC Newsletter - May–June 2019

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gathering the

of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina

May/June 2019

Vol. 24 Issue 3

CBFNC Leadership Read about all of CBFNC’s various leaders throughout this issue.

Cultivating Christian Leadership

by Larry Hovis | CBFNC Executive Coordinator


eadership development has been a priority for CBFNC throughout our 25-year history. In our previous governance structure, we had a Leadership Development Task Force, which became the current Leadership Development Council. For the past ten years, we have invested, on average, $350,000 annually on leadership development ministries with a majority of those dollars going to theological education. Other leadership development efforts have included our strong focus on ministerial transitions (Reference and Referral), support of Peer Learning Groups (in partnership with CBF Global), and continuing education offerings for ministers (e.g., Elevating Preaching). As we move into the next twenty-five years of our history, our focus on leadership development will shift even more toward the practicing minister. Thanks to the generosity of the Lilly Foundation, CBFNC is launching “Helping Pastors Thrive,” part of Lilly’s Thriving in Ministry initiative. Vocational ministry is under tremendous pressure due to shifts in society and the church. This five-year initiative seeks to help pastoral leaders not only survive, but thrive, in the midst of these changing, challenging times. This is CBFNC’s first Lilly grant. Such grants typically go to seminaries and national denominational bodies, not state-level organizations. Receiving this grant is a testimony to CBFNC’s demonstrated capacity for cultivating Christian leadership and Lilly’s confidence that CBFNC can make a significant contribution, not only to the pastors in our fellowship, but also to the learning that will take place on this topic in American Christianity. This initiative has the potential to re-shape CBFNC’s leadership development ministries beyond the stated five-year time frame. Leadership Education at Duke Divinity (Dave Odom, Executive Director) is providing significant coordination to the Thriving in Ministry initiative. Their signature publication, Faith and Leadership, published a series in 2009 entitled, “What’s Christian About Christian Leadership?” They posed this question to several

nationally recognized leaders whose responses were recorded on video. They are worth watching: www. In the introductory article to the series, Duke Divinity School Dean Greg Jones, argues: …it is the end -- the goal, the purpose, the telos -- that shapes Christian leadership and makes it most distinctively Christian. Our end is to cultivate thriving communities that bear witness to the inbreaking reign of God that Jesus announces and embodies in all that we do and are. This should shape the way we think about our lives, our institutions, and the way we lead our institutions. CBFNC’s leadership development efforts have involved various expressions throughout our brief but significant history. They will continue to evolve in the years to come. They have been and will continue to be a major way we strive to accomplish our mission. Ultimately, it is “the end,” the inbreaking reign of God described by Dean Jones, that will shape CBFNC leaders, their churches, our state, and our world. To pursue less is to forsake the calling of the one who gave us the ultimate example of Christian leadership… who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross. –Philippians 2:6-8

Annual Gathering Offering

May/June 2019

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Called Together CBFNC

Annual Gathering




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been pledged. We invite you to join your CBFNC family in giving toward this offering. An offering envelope is inserted in this magazine.



BFNC is celebrating 25 years! We could not have made it this far without your prayerful, energetic, and financial support. At the Annual Gathering, a special offering was taken to provide resources for the next 25 years. 100% of the Coordinating Council and the CBFNC staff came on board with gifts and pledges. To date, $16,462 has

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n January, Andy Jung joined the CBFNC staff as Associate Executive Coordinator. His primary responsibility is to support the mission of CBFNC and its ministries and to assist the coordinators in ministering alongside our partner churches. Prior to coming to CBFNC, Andy served as the pastor of First Baptist of Albemarle for 4.5 years. He also served as Associate Pastor of Students and Administration at Trinity Baptist, Raleigh for 11 years. Andy earned his undergraduate degree from North Carolina State University in Math Education before earning his Master of Divinity from Campbell University Divinity School. He received his Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA in Youth, Family and Culture. Andy also holds an Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising through IUPUI’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. January also witnessed the addition of Santiago Reales as Director of Red Latina, the CBFNC Latino Network. The network was formerly named Companerismo Cristiano Emanuel. Santiago is a CBF endorsed chaplain at Trellis Supportive Care and has served as pastor and associate pastor at several churches in TX & NC, most recently Associate Pastor of Hispanic-Latino/a Ministry at Piney Grove Baptist Church, Mt. Airy, NC. He holds the Master of Divinity Degree from Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity. In February, CBFNC was delighted to announce the calling of Charity Roberson as the Campus Minister at East Carolina University. She has also been called to serve as pastor of Mosaic Church, Clayton. Charity comes to this role with a deep passion for young adults and for bi-vocational ministry. She served nine years as the Raleigh Area Baptist Campus Minister with the Baptist State Convention of NC and most recently has served with the Baptist General Association of Virginia as a Field Strategist and Ministry Placement Coach. Charity received her undergraduate degree from UNCG and her Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from Campbell University Divinity School. Our newest staff member is Scott Hudgins, who began April 1. He serves as director of the Helping Pastors Thrive program. Scott holds a BA in History and Religious Studies from the University of Richmond, Virginia. He received his M. Div. from Union Theological Seminary in New York and completed

Staff Changes The first half of 2019 has brought several changes to the CBFNC staff. his coursework toward a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in Adult Education, Curriculum Development and Higher Education Policy. As a lay leader at First, Winston-Salem, Hudgins has served as a deacon, chair of the Finance Committee, chair of the Personnel Committee, on the Pastor Search Committee and numerous other responsibilities. He has also been an active leader of CBFNC for many years. He has chaired the Endowment Board and served on the Coordinating Council, Selection Committee for the Lolley Scholarship and much more. He was also instrumental in writing the proposal for the Thriving In Ministry grant through the Lilly Endowment. CBFNC Missions Coordinator, Linda Jones, has announced her intention to retire at the end of June, 2019. Linda has served in this capacity since 2006. CBFNC Executive Coordinator, Larry Hovis, celebrated Linda’s ministry with CBFNC: “Linda was exactly what we needed in a Missions Coordinator when we called her to this role back in 2006. Early on, she strengthened our overseas partnerships in Ukraine and Belize and built an infrastructure for New Church Starts that was eventually adopted by the larger CBF community. She consulted with countless churches on various aspects of their missions ministries, always sounding the call not simply to do missions activities, but to be missional churches. Her leadership and support of our Latino Network has been phenomenal as well as her patient coordination of racial reconciliation ministries. From her home base in CBFNC she has provided leadership throughout CBF, and served in a dual role with CBF Global missions during the last phase of her tenure. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve with Linda. I will miss her greatly on our staff team and wish her great blessings in her much-deserved retirement.” May/June 2019

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CBFNC Keychain Leadership


s I type this article, I am staring out the window of a plane headed to the Ben Gurion airport in Israel. How did I get here? It has certainly been a journey, the first step of which was First Baptist Church of Albemarle entrusting me to literal keychain leadership when they handed me the keys to the church building in January of 2016. Many churches reserve leadership positions for those who are older and more experienced, but this church chose to trust a second semester college freshman. I began as a spring-semester-throughsummer youth and children’s ministry intern, but it became quickly apparent that this church was my home while I was away at university. My experience with keychain leadership is of being constantly challenged to go one step further than I thought I could. Whether that meant preaching for the first time with a very real fear of speaking in public, writing a Lenten devotional, or serving as the interim youth pastor while balancing a full load of classes, I was always being gently nudged outside of my comfort zone while at FBC-Albemarle. Those who know me well would tell you that I’m not a fan of change or performing poorly at new things. So for me, the only reason that I could accept the challenges of keychain leadership these past three years was the loving support of the congregation and staff. Keychain leadership doesn’t mean randomly tossing the keys to a prospective leader and passively watching how they will use them. Keychain leadership involves walking through life alongside your new leaders. One of the scariest things I have ever done is walk up the steps of the sanctuary to give my first sermon, but those tremulous steps and first wavering words did not just happen

out of nowhere. I had spent months reading scripture and announcements in the service, so I was more comfortable behind the pulpit. The pastor of the church and several mentors in the congregation helped me find my voice and gave me feedback on my sermon in the weeks leading up to that day. The youth group prayed for me that morning in Sunday School. Individuals in the congregation were intentional about coming up to me and hugging me and speaking words of truth in love about my sermon. All of these actions I’ve listed show a church committed to keychain leadership; they aren’t the actions of just one person, because keychain leadership takes a village. Back to my current situation of being on a plane to Israel: I will begin my last semester in undergrad in just a few days at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This is a step in my journey that quite frankly wouldn’t have happened without the love and support of the good people at FBC-Albemarle. In addition to encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone within the walls of the church, my mentors and friends in the church community constantly reminded me to do the same in the bigger scheme of my life. My church has always been confident in my potential for growth and leadership, even when I wasn’t. When I was fearful and I would fall, my church home encouraged me to fly - quite literally in this case! Alyssa Queen is a senior religion major at Pfeiffer University who is studying at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. Upon graduation, she will begin her Master of Divinity at Princeton Theological Seminary in the fall of 2019.

CBFNC and NC Synod ELCA Partner Host Growing Young Cohort


ixteen CBFNC churches and nine ELCA churches have begun a year-long journey to discover how congregations can better welcome and engage young people. These churches have committed to learning from the leaders of Fuller Youth Institute (Pasadena, CA) and the research findings from their Growing Young project. On January 31–February 1, leadership teams gathered at Trinity Baptist Church in Raleigh to learn from FYI leaders and from one another. In addition to the initial summit, the participating churches are benefiting from webinars, coaching calls, and dedicated time to strategize and implement new 4 • The Gathering

May/June 2019

by Alyssa Queen

by Andy Jung CBFNC Associate Executive Coordinator

initiatives to change the culture of their churches. The participating CBFNC churches are Ardmore Baptist (Winston-Salem), First Baptist Burnsville, First Baptist Goldsboro, First Baptist Lexington, First Baptist Marion, First Baptist Mt. Airy, First Baptist Statesville, Forest Hills Baptist (Raleigh), Hillsong Church (Chapel Hill), Lakeside Baptist (Rocky Mount), Macedonia Baptist (Raleigh), Oakmont Baptist (Greenville), St. Johns Baptist (Raleigh), The Memorial Baptist (Greenville), Trinity Baptist (Raleigh), and Westwood Baptist (Cary).

Moderator’s Address to CBFNC First Baptist Church, Greensboro


hese past 12 months have been as eventful as any time in the 25 years of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina! We have continued to redirect our resources, our staff, and our structure to accomplish the key themes of our vision: Embracing our Neighbors through Missions Engaging Students and Young Adults Equipping Ministers and Churches Enhancing our Fellowship All of these priorities work toward nurturing healthy churches and leaders to share the transforming love of the Lord Jesus with neighbors of all ages. To inspire us toward this vision, Rick Jordan has been leading our efforts to assess and retool all our channels of communication so that stories of people touching others for Christ’s sake can reach our eyes and ears and move our hearts and minds. To undergird this vision, later this hour we will recommend to you a unified Mission and Ministry Funding Plan as a successor to the previous annual budget and the previous Mission Resource Plan. We thank Greg Rogers and David Elks and their committee for the work they have done. To provide administrative support for this vision, last year we called Mary Kaylor from Memphis to join us as Program/ Administration Manager, and we called Andy Jung from Albemarle to become our Associate Executive Coordinator.


Our neighbors in eastern North Carolina continue to rebuild after a second catastrophic hurricane and flood in two years. Leading a response of hundreds of volunteers and tens of thousands in cash gifts have been Daynette Snead, Todd Padgett, Larry Hovis, and from CBF Global, Rick Burnette. There are other neighbors in need across our state. And among us are some real catalysts in ministry who show us how to embrace them: Cecelia Beck in literacy ministries, LaCount and Anna Anderson in hunger ministries. And, as the world continues to come to North Carolina, Kim and Marc Wyatt continue to plant Welcome Houses across the state, where refugees begin a new life and hear about new life in Christ. Also, our network of Hispanic churches continues to embrace our Spanish-speaking neighbors. We are grateful to Javier Benitez for years of nurturing that network, which is now reorganized as “Red Latina” and led by Santiago Reales. Linda Jones has been a faithful shepherd and support of this ministry. Speaking of Linda, she will be retiring this year after 13 years as our Missions Coordinator. We will be making special recognition of her later in this Gathering.


In addition to his new communication responsibilities, Rick Jordan continues to guide teams of volunteers who plan and make

by Doug Murray CBFNC Moderator

possible the special events we offer in children’s ministry, choir festivals, and youth retreats. For example, the youth ski retreat this year included four hundred young people. Andy Jung has been traveling the state to draw together more than 20 churches to participate in the “Growing Young” process. Earlier this year, he hosted a team from Fuller Seminary who offered hope and guidance to a hundred leaders from more than 20 churches who are determined to renew their engagement of young adults. Those hundred leaders departed excited, energized, and equipped. Throughout the year, our College Ministry Coordinator Wanda Kidd has been leading our expanding outreach on college campuses. Most recently we have called Dr. Charity Roberson as part-time campus minister to East Carolina. Charity is also the new pastor of Mosaic Church in Clayton.


To equip ministers and churches, Seth Hix continues to strengthen our network for matching churches who are looking for ministers with ministers who are looking for churches. Seth leads a gifted group of Ministry Transition Coordinators who give their time to help churches in transition. And to equip pastors further, last fall we received a million dollar grant from the Lilly Foundation. With the support of this five year grant, we will be “Helping Pastors Thrive” at three key points in their calling. And just yesterday, we released the news that the administrator of that program will be Scott Hudgins, member of First Baptist in Winston-Salem and recently Assistant Dean of the Graduate School at UNC-G.


One more thing, back to the budget: our staff has not had a raise in over three years. Many of them have had reductions in pay and in hours. The Coordinating Council felt it was time to make some prudent pay increases, pending adoption of the budget before you. So it was my privilege to sit in on staff reviews. I say “my privilege” because during those reviews I heard the stories about the sacrifices they have been making for the work they’ve been called to do. For example, with so many changes in staffing, in funding, and in moving to a new office location, our Business Administration Coordinator, Jim Hylton, has been busier than ever, even though he is part-time. Another example: our Executive Coordinator Larry Hovis has been engaged in every dimension of our endeavor to redirect our people and funding and organizing toward the priorities of our vision. Larry has been a guiding presence through all of this, and still somehow has made time to visit over fifty churches this past year. He is truly a person of high capacity, creativity, and courage, as is the team he leads. Together, with all of them, let us keep on Embracing our Neighbors, Engaging Students and Young Adults, Equipping Ministers and Churches, and Enhancing Our Fellowship. May/June 2019

The Gathering • 5

Moderators’ Reflections

I contacted all of our previous moderators with these three questions: 1. What is the best memory you have from your time as the moderator? 2. What happened in your tenure that has continued to shape CBFNC? 3. What are your hopes for the future of CBFNC?

You will enjoy reading their perspectives!

DAVID HUGHES: It’s not often that you have a chance to shape

an organization from the ground floor. That’s why it was such a privilege to serve as the first moderator of CBFNC. Except for the national CBF model which was still being formed, there was no template to follow. We were “building the airplane as we flew it” through our first year, forming the first Coordinating Council and the initial work teams. What we lacked in experience we made up for with enthusiasm, as everyone was excited to move forward with kindred spirits who were done with theological hairsplitting! My office at FBC Winston-Salem served as the first CBFNC office, and my assistant was the de facto first assistant of our ministry. Eventually, CBFNC occupied its own office space in our facility. To this day the office remains in Winston-Salem, in part because that is where we started. My hope is that CBFNC will continue to hold fast to brokering Christ-centered ministry for NC Baptists, while at the same time engaging in innovative, ground-breaking initiatives that will reach new generations of persons of all stripes and persuasions, facilitating their formation into Christ-followers who will transform their communities.

MARY ALICE SEALS: In March of 2000, I was taking a few quiet

moments in the chapel of First Baptist Church, Lumberton, before the opening of the General Assembly of CBFNC when I realized the importance of the date. Five years before, on nearly the same date, I experienced the beginning to the end of my career at Southern Seminary. During those dark days I promised myself to look back in 5 years to see what God had done in my life…how God had prevailed over the hurt, the pain, the anger. I was greatly moved as I sat in FBC Lumberton’s chapel and took stock of the path my life had taken: I was back in my home state serving a new divinity school at Gardner-Webb University, I was back in the home church that had nurtured my faith and my call to ministry as a GA and youth, and I was convening a statewide gathering of free and faithful Baptists. During my tenure as moderator, the organization’s first full-time coordinator came on board and the 2000 CBFNC General Assembly was the first in which we offered a sit-down meal, providing an opportunity for fellowship and connection for those attending the meeting. CBFNC provides a welcoming place where Baptists can join together for ministry in a world that desperately needs to hear of God’s love and grace. My hope is that CBFNC will thrive for many more years, sharing the love of God with loving hearts, open minds, truth-speaking voices, and humble hands and feet ready to serve in Christ’s name.

JACK GLASGOW: I enjoyed being Moderator of CBFNC during

a time of growth and challenge. CBFNC was growing from an organization of volunteers to an organization with a staff of ministers and support personnel. Bob Patterson was our first full time Coordinator and soon the staff would include Jim Fowler and Rick Jordan. 6 • The Gathering

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Rick Jordan CBFNC Church Resourcers Coordinator

The General Assembly at Providence in Charlotte was a highlight of the year. I thought it important for our Fellowship to enjoy an assembly in our state’s largest city, and it was a great meeting. A highlight of the year included the vision work by the group led by Randall Lolley that wrote the identity statement, “Bringing Baptists of North Carolina for Christ-Centered Ministry”. That statement has stood the test of time. CBFNC has brought us together and held us together. In fellowship we have engaged in ministry that seeks to follow Christ faithfully. This connection means so much to me and to my church in Zebulon. My hope is that the connections only strengthen and the ministries multiply in ways that honor God in the years ahead. TYANNA YONKERS: One of my fondest memories

was being a part of dialogues regarding racial reconciliation that began with what we called at the time, “Bridging the Gap Dialogues.” The initiative started with Willard Bass, at the time a third year student at Wake Forest Divinity School. He was responding to his sense of calling to help find ways for African American and white churches to work together to bridge the gap between them. A committee of us met including Bob Patterson, Rick Jordan, Bill Leonard, and James Dunn. The goal was to get people together to share and learn from one another, and to sensitize participants to the changing demographics in our state, including the growing number of Hispanic people. If I remember correctly, this was to be a joint venture between WFU Divinity and CBFNC. I was inspired by the initial dialogues in this initiative because I felt it was a tangible step in the direction of engaging in social justice issues of opposing prejudice and discrimination and helping us healing to wounds that are centuries old. My dream is for this kind of work to continue and to expand to other areas of social justice including bridging the gap that we find between our churches and the LGBTQ community. My dream is that our churches will be fully welcoming places for all people regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual preference, socio-economic status, or any other “category” that tends to divide us.

ROGER GILBERT: One of the best memories is of getting to know

many people from all across the state. These people came from

a diversity of churches. They had in common a love of Christ, a respect for our Baptist heritage, and a commitment to the mission Christ gave to the church. Our work, worship, and fellowship together have been a powerful inspiration in my life. One of the developments that I believe was important for that particular time was the Mission Resource Plan. At that time, the fallout from the radical changes in the state convention resulted in many churches looking for a different way to cooperate with other Baptists to do missions. While there was discontent with much that was happening in the Convention, there was still strong faith in the mission and ministry of a number of agencies and institutions still affiliated with the convention. The Mission Resource Plan enabled churches to give through one central channel that funneled resources to CBFNC, CBF National, and some of those trusted institutions and agencies. While in time the needs and priorities would shift, at that time of upheaval and transition, I think this was helpful to our churches and to CBFNC. One step in beginning the Mission Resource Plan was to consult with the heads of those agencies and institutions and obtain their permission to include them in the Mission Resource Plan. That seemingly small detail was a fascinating process. Over the next several years we would intentionally seek to cultivate a deeper and mutually helpful relationship with our ministry and mission partners. There were some delightful conversations with the leaders of those mission partners. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve with CBFNC in the past and look forward to the continued ways that God will use this organization in the future. DON HORTON: My service as moderator opened many unique opportunities for interaction with people that I normally would not have met. I have always felt that I was with family while in the presence of CBF people. From the time of the first meeting at the Wake Forest University campus, I felt love and acceptance. Being moderator was special to me because it gave me the opportunity to serve at a level I would not have dreamed of. Many accomplishments during my tenure as Moderator began when I was Moderator Elect for Roger Gilbert. My recollection is that the following things happened during that time: Larry Hovis was hired as Coordinator; we amended the Articles of Incorporation; we developed new Bylaws that included a new structure; we developed a comprehensive Policy Manual; the Lolley Fund scholarship was created; and we developed the Mission Resource Plan (MRP). While some of these items have evolved over time, Larry Hovis and the foundation structure remains and continue to shape CBFNC. I hope we will strive to seek God’s will for the organization and then act to accomplish His will.

GREG ROGERS: CBFNC has always responded to the changing landscape of ministry opportunities with creativity and flexibility throughout our 25-year history. Our Fellowship matured organizationally and structurally during my time as moderator from 2008-2010. Our coordinating and other ministry councils turned significant dreams into continuing realities that shape our Fellowship even today. Five new part-time or full-time staff were added broadening the reach of our Hispanic, college, social, administrative, and coaching ministries. Missional collaboration conversations were held and agreements were developed between CBFNC and cherished Baptist partners our churches financially supported through CBFNC. New committees such as the Racial Reconciliation and Partnership Development Committee were added to the ministry focus. The General Assembly, now called the Annual Gathering, continued to be reshaped annually with new flavors and formats. My dream and prayer for CBFNC for the next 25 years remains the same as it was during my tenure as moderator — creatively and flexibly adapting to the ministry needs and challenges of our world that bring Baptists together in North Carolina for Christcentered ministry. STEVE LITTLE: I’m the father of two wonderful daughters, Mary and Sally. Minutes before the CBFNC General Assembly convened at FBC Winston-Salem on the day I was installed as moderator, a college-aged person passed me in the hall, looked at my name tag and said: “Excuse me, are you …” I was feeling rather proud of my new position, and I was expecting this young person to say “our new moderator?” Instead, I quickly regained proper perspective when the young man finished his sentence by saying “… Mary’s dad?” Being moderator for a year was great, but being dad to Sally and Mary is greater! We put greater focus on including Hispanic Baptists in CBFNC. Plus while many non-profits were not meeting their budgets that year, CBFNC did meet budget that year. My hope is that CBFNC will embrace diversity even more by encouraging involvement by people of more races and more cultures, thereby truly following Christ’s command to love ALL people. DONNA BISSETTE:

Although it sounds cliché, meeting and working with some of the nicest, smartest and most spiritually grounded people in Baptist circles was truly a joy. Our coordinating council was and continues to be composed of faithful Christians committed to our calling as free and faithful Baptists. I represented the coordinating council on our 2013 long term vision team, led by Guy Sayles. Our commitment to transformation, engagement and community has continued to guide us as we serve together. CBFNC has proven to be a safe place for Baptists eager to serve God together with love and compassion. I hope our inclusiveness will continue to reflect that God’s love is wide and welcoming. As we age both as an organization and as individuals, I hope we can reach out to the next generation with the good news that Christ matters in our own lives and in the world.

See “Moderators’ Reflections” on page 8. May/June 2019

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Moderators’ Reflections Continued from page 7.

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Called Together CBFNC

Annual Gathering


LISA RUST: My best memory is of people,

especially those on Coordinating Council. Our interactions were reminders of God’s goodness in giving them the unique gifts and skills so helpful to our work. I actually looked forward to driving 7 hours round trip to spend time with such uplifting, Spirit-led brothers and sisters! The most significant event during my tenure occurred as the Coordinating Council determined direction for CBFNC. How might we need to pivot in order to be open to new opportunities for ministry, while at the same time deal with declining resources? We spent over a year examining the context of our ministry, asking how we could say “yes” to the best things for our Fellowship, and praying for discernment. Those were indeed holy moments for our team. The resulting changes, while not easy, were necessary to sustain our Fellowship, and the ministry model will positively influence CBFNC’s churches, clergy, and ministries for years to come. My hope for CBFNC is that we will continue to thoughtfully and prayerfully evolve so that we may remain relevant to churches and clergy and make an impact for the Kingdom in all that we do!

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RAY AMMONS: In one of the devotions to open an All-Councils meeting I shared a quote from North Carolina basketball coach Roy Williams, “Good teams have great players. Great teams have great teammates.” For me, that was the characterization of the CBFNC staff: a great team with great teammates. Having the privilege as moderator to work closely with Larry Hovis, Linda Jones, Rick Jordan, Ka’thy Gore Chappell, Jim Hylton, Wanda Kidd, Jack Causey, and the support staff was a true blessing. In preparation for the 20th anniversary celebration, I was part of the team that proposed we embrace three overarching commitments: Transformation, Engagement, and Community. These keynotes remain part of the fabric of our mission and ministry. My prayer is that we continue to experience God’s love through the fellowship community we have come to know. Through the sharing of opportunities we discover, I also pray we will engage the world God loves through our witness and our missional endeavors.

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PREVIOUS MODERATORS 2003-2004 Larry Hovis 1994-1995 David Hughes 2004-2005 Roger Gilbert 1995-1996 Cathy Hartsell 2005-2007 Don Horton 1996-1997 Michael Tutterow 2007-2008 Gail Coulter 1997-1998 Pat Cates 2008-2010 Greg Rogers 1998-1999 Randall Lolley 2010-2011 Steve Little 1999-2000 Mary Alice Seals 2011-2013 Donna Bissette 2000-2001 Jack Glasgow 2013-2015 Ray Ammons 2001-2002 Mark Edwards 2015-2017 Lisa Rust 2002-2003 Tyanna Day Yonkers 2017-2019 Doug Murray

Collegiate Leaders Forge New State-wide Leadership

by Wanda Kidd CBFNC Collegiate Engagement Coordinator


reating a space for young adults to risk leadership has long been a hallmark of denominational collegiate ministry. Campus ministers recognize in students things that they may never have seen in themselves. The phrase “I see in you” is a powerful tool to offer students who are trying to find their voice, their gifts, and their place. The leaders of the future are being shaped today in collegiate ministry. Students examine themselves and look to others to determine their role in confronting the issues, problems, and opportunities that lay ahead for the culture and the church. Often, students see what needs to be done but wait for permission and encouragement to lean into the role of leader. In our own quest to ensure our place in the world, we leaders may fail to see that there is already space where younger people can serve and use their giftedness. To open the door for others does not shut the door for us. The issues that demand attention in our world are vast and complex. We all benefit if all persons are blessed to live into their God-given talents. We need each other’s ideas and ingenuity. We need the passion and energy of the young and they need the wisdom and compassion of the older leader. Truly insightful leadership is not an “either/ or” perspective but a “yes/and” way of seeing the world. CBFNC Collegiate Engagement is living out this calling by offering students places to serve and lead in their Cooperative Baptist Student Fellowship (CBSF) local groups. This year, we have broadened their scope and connectedness to see the world on a larger stage through the CBSF State Leadership Initiative. Those who remember the old BSU model remember that there was a state leadership component to the overall leadership plan. There were local campus groups, mission opportunities, and state leadership teams that helped plan events, selected mission sites, raised money, and addressed social issues that were of

concern to students in light of the teaching of Jesus. As we began the journey of CBFCN collegiate engagement, we went slowly. We waited for students to see needs and concerns and then ask how they could be part of the solutions. First in small groups, then on retreats then in mission opportunities, conversations around call served as the focus. Our philosophy is neither to put new wine in old wine skins nor to squelch opportunities simply because they have been done before. Those working with students listen to what is bubbling up and intentionally address the concerns and ideas that grow out of their CBFNC collegiate experience. About a year ago, a student wondered what other CBSF students were doing in their groups. What was working for them? What were their struggles? He wanted a bigger picture of ministry on campuses and the opportunity to learn from each other. From his challenge, we sent out an invitation to see if other students were feeling the same interest and frustration - and it turns out they were. They wanted to be connected to something bigger than their group. So, for one year under the tutelage of Lawrence Powers, the CBFNC Triangle campus minister, students met virtually. They shaped a plan of how they envisioned a state leadership team of young adults in local CBSF groups might work. They asked a lot of ”WHY’s” long before they got to the “HOW’s.” It was a wonderful thing to watch. Their work culminated in reaching out to local groups, asking for students willing to hold an office in this new plan, finalizing a constitution, and presenting their plan to the students at the annual CBFNC Midwinter Retreat. At this year’s retreat, the team, chaired by Taylor Moye of ECU and Kurtis Conrad at NCSU, made a presentation of their work. The roomful of students affirmed their work by unanimously ratifying a constitution and electing a slate of officers (pictured here). This group of students saw a need, created a plan, and implemented the ideas of shared COLLEGIATE STATE LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE TEAM ministry and leadership. The church of today Justin Lockamy, President (North Carolina State University) should be hopeful for the church of tomorrow. When young adults are given the space Megan Hammaker, VP for Public Relations (Western Carolina University) and encouragement to lead, they step up, use Christa Soyars, VP for Issue Engagement (Meredith College) collaboration, listen to those who went before Kaitlyn Guins, VP for Service Engagement (Gardner-Webb University) them as well as those who stand with them, and Jiquan Davis, VP for Spiritual Formation (Western Carolina University) turn their heads to the future where Christ is leading. There is great hope in that for us all. Taylor Moye, VP for Alumni Relations (East Carolina University) Alexan Bailey, VP for Graduate Student Initiatives (Meredith College) May/June 2019

The Gathering • 9

the gathering of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina

phone: 336.759.3456 • phone: 888.822.1944 • fax: 336.759.3459 • •

Larry Hovis ............... Executive Coordinator.......................

Wanda Kidd ........ Collegiate Engagement Coordinator...

Andy Jung................. Associate Executive Coordinator.........

Seth Hix ............ Church Engagement Coordinator........

Rick Jordan ............... Church Resources Coordinator.............

Santiago Reales....Director, Red Latina........................

Linda Jones .............. Missions Coordinator.........................

Eddie Hammett ... Church and Clergy Coach..................

Scott Hudgins .... Helping Pastors Thrive Program Director....

Mary Kaylor......... Administration Manager...................

Jim Hylton ................ Business Administration Coordinator...

Amy Cook........... Communications Specialist...............

CBFNC College Ministers NCSU and Raleigh-Area Campuses.......... Lawrence Powers, UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke University...... Lawrence Powers, UNC-Asheville and Western Carolina....... David Stone, Charlotte Area Schools......................... Caitlyn Jackson,

Appalachian State University............. Curtis Privette, UNC-Greensboro............................... Adam Horton, East Carolina University.................... Charity Roberson, Wake Forest University...................... Chris Towles,

Ministerial Transitions Facilitators Western: Terry Hamrick ............................ Central: Seth Hix ....................................

Coordinating Council Becky Keesler, Moderator Jeff Harris, Moderator-elect Doug Murray, Past Moderator Heather Folliard, Recorder Jason Cogdill, Treasurer Mary Cunningham David Hailey Gina Brock Seth Asbill Stacy Nowell Christopher Ingram Marion Horton David Brooks

Eastern: Michael Cogdill .............................. Southeastern: Mike Queen ...........................

Faith Formation Ministry Council Louisa Ward, Chair Paul Raybon, Chair-elect Jayne Davis Amy Russell Mary Elizabeth Hill Hanchey Richard Wood Tom Allen Josh Owens Elizabeth Edwards Stuart Lamkin

Missions Ministry Council David Hawes, Chair Amy Grizzle Kane, Chair-elect Linda Winslow Daynette Snead Cecelia Beck Josh Lail Bill Baxley Daniel Sostaita Kevin McDaniel Scott Hovey

Leadership Development Ministry Council Stacey Grimm, Chair Brian Lockamy Garin Hill, Chair-elect Sarah Blackwell Brad Smith Allen Ingram Nelson Granade Jill Awuni Laura Roach Scot McCosh

10 • The Gathering

May/June 2019

Donate to CBFNC today!

CBFNC HONORARY AND MEMORIAL GIFTS Given by . . . in Honor of Troy & Lou Ann Gilliam in honor of Larry & Kim Hovis Cecelia Beck in honor of Linda Jones Judy & Jim Fryar in honor of Andy Jung Fred & Jeanette Schuszler in honor of Rev. Bill Bigger Jont & Jo Johnson in honor of Andy Jung John & Nancy Baxley in honor of Paul Baxley Rena & Bill Henderson in honor of Gail Coulter David & Angela Mills in honor of Andy Jung Emily Hull McGee in honor of Larry Hovis, Linda Jones, Ka’thy Gore Chappell, Scott Hudgins, Mary Kaylor Joshua Owens in honor of Rev. Roger White Garin & Rachel Hill in honor of Jack Causey Kevin Moore in honor of Kaylyn, Kaisley, and Karis Moore Mary Kaylor in honor of First Baptist Church, New Bern Given by . . . in Memory of Shannon Speller in memory of Jane Brannon Judy LeCroy in memory of Mickey LeCroy Don & Jo Ann Horton in memory of Johnnie Horton Mary Foskett in memory of Dutch Coulter


Our encouragement and support go to the following ministers who have recently moved: Thomas Allen to Angier, Angier as Pastor Randy Clipp to First, Clayton as Pastor Anna Moxley to Yates, Durham as Minister of Music and Worship When you make a move or know of someone who has changed places of ministry, please let us know ( For assistance to search committees and ministers seeking vocational discernment, visit the Career and Calling page on our website at or call (336) 759-3456 or (888) 822-1944.


Designate a gift for scholarships, new church starts, or where it is most needed. PLEASE REMEMBER CBFNC IN YOUR WILL OR ESTATE PLAN. Contact Jim Hylton at 336.759.3456 for more information. Gifts from individual supporters established this endowent fund to supplement the CBFNC annual operating budget. Gifts to this fund assist all areas of CBFNC ministry as we strive to join the work of God in the world.

COORDINATORS’ VISITS February - March 2019

Ardmore, Winston-Salem Campbell Divinity School First, Elon First, Greensboro First, Hickory First, High Point First, Hillsborough First, Lexington First, Mocksville First, Monroe First, Statesville First, Sylva Gardner-Webb Divinity School Greystone, Raleigh Jersey, Lexington Piney Grove, Mt. Airy Providence, Charlotte Roberts Chapel, Pendleton Snyder Memorial, Fayetteville Spilman Memorial, Kinston Together In Christ International (at St. John’s, Charlotte) CBFNC ministry coordinators are available to visit your church to speak, preach, teach, consult, lead, and minister. Wake Forest, Wake Forest Contact the CBFNC office for more information. WNCBF Ministers Retreat, Lutheridge May/June 2019

The Gathering • 11


Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina Bringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for Christ-Centered Ministry 2640 Reynolda Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106


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CBFNC Webinar: Women in Ministry: Three Stories May 14 11:00 a.m. to noon



June 19–21 Birmingham

September 5–6

CBF Global General Assembly

CBFNC Webinar: Chaplains: Three Stories

CBFNC Webinar: Where’s Church Going From Here?

June 25 11:00 a.m. to noon

May 28 11:00 a.m. to noon

Growing Young Cohort

Elevating Preaching September 16 Duke Divinity School

Youth Beach Retreat September 20–23 Ft. Caswell



CBFNC Webinar: Understanding and Ministering to Blended Families

JANUARY | 2020

August 13 11:00 a.m. to noon

January 24-26, 2020 Winterplace, WV


Youth Ski Retreat

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