Mission and Ministry Update

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Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina

mission ministry update AND

Bringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for Christ-Centered Ministry For more than two decades, that has been our mission ... and our passion. Last year when we celebrated our 20th Anniversary and dared to dream about the next 20 years, we asked the question, “Why?” Why do we bring folks together for Christ-Centered Ministry? The answer that came out of a process of collective discernment led to three overarching commitments: Transformation



We bring people together to form a community that engages our world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to transform it into the Kingdom of God. This brochure describes many of the ways we sought to live out these commitments by “Transforming … together” during our 2014-2015 fiscal year. Thank you for your partnership in making them a reality – through your prayers, your involvement, and your financial support.


Transforming Leaders


ministers received assistance in searching for ministry placement from the CBFNC Ministerial Transitions Team

$3 88,495

in scholarships to 4 NC Divinity schools plus 4 other schools outside NC where 31 CBFNC scholars attend


“Congregational coaching helped us to have conversations and make decisions we could not make on our own. Our coach kept us focused and moving forward and helped us manage those few loud voices that often keep us stuck.�

ersons have been p certified as CBFNC coaches to help leaders and congregations in their day-to-day challenges

member of coached congregation


persons participated in the Elevating Preaching Conference to help preachers improve this important part of ministry


churches participated in 2 training events for deacons

“Meeting with us twice, CBFNC gave us pointers regarding the process itself and shared insights into some of the candidates we

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were considering, but never tried l eaders from 82 different churches participated in Children’s and Youth Ministry Summits networking, resource sharing, mutual support

interfere in our decision making process. Our committee will

orkshops offered at the w 2015 CBFNC General Assembly presenters included divinity students, professors, laity, missionaries, and ministers

20 0+ 26

to influence nor

ever be grateful to CBFNC for their assistance in our church calling a pastor who we believe is God’s

Peer Learning Group members learn from one another and provide encouragement and support

Churches responded to our challenge to issue “Invitations to Call” encouraging persons to consider God’s call in their lives

selection for our congregation” J.C. Boone, pastor search committee chair


Transforming Missions

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children from 37 different churches participated in Children’s Mission Days stories from missionaries and hands-on activities centered on the theme: Keep on Working for the Good of All

9 “What a blessing it was when we received word that we had received the CBFNC Local Mission Engagement Grant. I know that God brought his people just in


time to help with this ministry. Our Christian Women Job Corps life skills classes include parenting, budgeting, nutrition, self-esteem, computer skills, and career readiness. Thank you CBF of NC for providing this grant which helps these participants as we provide a hand-up as well as Christian love and encouragement to our neighbors.� Pat Byrd, First Baptist Church Ahoskie, NC


Congregations received Local Mission Engagement Grants for projects to alleviate hunger, outreach to children, minister with Internationals, and more.

New Churches received financial and other support, 5 more planned for 2015 These efforts are among our best evangelistic iniatives.

churches comprise the CBFNC Hispanic Network, Companerismo Cristiano Emmanuel start new congregations each year; organize retreats for men, women, youth and children; and call out and train vocational church leaders.

$5 1,990

to support Mission Partnership Covenants offering mission engagement opportunities · Belize (church-to-church, construction, children) · Lebanon (evangelism celebrations, ministry with Syrian refugees) · Helena, Arkansas (children and construction) · Texas (compressed earth block homes) · Barcelona, Spain (Mission Learning Lab) · Raleigh (with Internationals)


NC-based CBF Global Missions personnel · LaCount and Anna Anderson in northeast NC · Cecelia Beck in Shelby · Marc and Kim Wyatt in Research Triangle


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Transforming College Students

NC college campuses have CBFNC-related campus ministries Appalachian State University, East Carolina University, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Asheville, UNC Greensboro, Western Carolina University, and Duke University

“Churches in the Greenville area are grateful for istorically h Baptist colleges have CBFNC campus ministry interns Meredith College, Wingate University, and Gardner-Webb University

the partnership with CBFNC that supports the work of Lawrence Powers, CBFNC campus minister at East Carolina University, along with Erica Christensen, the CBFNC Collegiate Ministries Intern. CBFNC’s collaborative investment in collegiate ministry is laying a spiritual foundation of faithfulness and love for students during these important years of their educational journey in which we are excited to participate.” Greg Rogers, pastor of Oakmont, Greenville

1 0,000+


r aised by student groups to place students in summer mission positions

12 0+

students attended the CBFNC Collegiate Mid-Winter Retreat including students affiliated with CBFNC campus ministries, local congregations, and all 7 historically Baptist colleges


countries represented at the International Student Retreat at Camp Caswell Partnering with NC Baptist International groups and WMU

Transforming Expressions of Mercy and Justice CBFNC is


participants from various organizations attended screenings of “Through the Door,” a documentary about prison ministry produced by Baptist Center for Ethics


churches have piloted “The Body of Christ,” a racial reconciliation curriculum developed by a racially diverse team of CBFNC church leaders. Download a copy at www.cbfnc.org/RR.

“Our PLG is a place to acknowledge that we are all ministers called to a task that requires community and fellowship. We are not called to do this alone, but together.” Caitlin Jones Estes, peer learning group participant


Transforming Churches

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youth from 41 different churches participated in CBFNC retreats to encourage faith formation in a fun environment

children and youth from 27 different churches participated in CBFNC choir festivals

churches received assistance in minister search


c ongregations have experienced congregational coaching helping them cultivate new vision, develop plans, and manage changes

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina 8025 North Point Blvd, Suite 205 u Winston-Salem, NC 27106 (336) 759-3456 u www.cbfnc.org

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