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A Christian Brothers High School newsletter focused on living out our Lasallian Core Principles.
FaithinthePresence ofGod
Inside This Issue
2023 Lasallian Educator of the Year
New Hearts of Happiness Program Coming to CB this Fall
Concernforthe PoorandSocial Justice
Inclusive Community RespectforAll Persons
Quality Education
Leave to Serve: VENAVER El Otro Lado
Bishop Soto Visits CB Campus
Women's basketball Team Makes Lasting Memories with Little Dribblers
Brave the Shave: Haircuts for Good CB Photo Gallery
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Parent Committee
The Lasallian Core Principles are inspired by the life and work of the founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, St. John Baptist de La Salle. Guided by his example and wisdom, Christian Brothers High School prepares its students for success in college, their careers, and in life, through a rigorous college preparatory curriculum and a variety of co-curriculars. The CB experience fosters a spirit of service and respect for all in each and every student.
A letter from our President, Crystal LeRoy, Ed.D.
Greetings friends,
Welcome to our first edition of Lasallian Living This publication has been on my mind and heart since I joined the Christian Brothers High School community in 2020. At that time, I was blessed to participate in an interview process that included meetings with CB students, families, alumni, and members of the faculty, staff, Board of Trustees, and administration. Seeing this community firsthand and learning more about the transformative experiences unique to our Lasallian Catholic charism was all I needed. I was ready to pack my bags!
Three years after boarding a train from Chicago, I feel so grateful to have the opportunity and privilege to serve as President of this phenomenal school Combining my Catholic faith and passion for education is truly a dream come true. Doing so in collaboration with CB’s amazing students, families, faculty, and staff is an answered prayer.
In my time at Christian Brothers High School, we have persevered through a global pandemic, anchored by our faith and strengthened by our Lasallian Core Principles in some truly trying times. Thanks to the hard work and creativity of many, our students received an outstanding education in a loving and structured environment Our vibrant faith life and Christian service continued online and in-person, as did activities and clubs Looking back, I am in awe of the care and dedication of this community and look forward to the wonderful things ahead as we work to ensure that CB is not only the place to be, but the place to belong.
Through Lasallian Living, we will share stories, essays, vignettes, and photos that bring to life how the unique Christian Brothers High School education provides more than an excellent college preparatory curriculum and dynamic co-curriculars. Our faith-filled and inclusive community is what sets us apart and makes us stronger. At CB, the motto is “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve”. It is a promise to our families who entrust us with the care and education of their most precious gifts, and a call to action for our current students and alumni

We invite you, dear reader, to join in this mission. May you read on and be inspired to serve and give back to your community, and through God’s grace, ours as well.
Together and by association,
Crystal LeRoy, Ed D President

Mr. Dave Levasseur Named 2023
Lasallian Educator of the Year!
Surrounded by family, friends, students, and colleagues, Mr. Dave Levasseur was named Christian Brothers High School's Lasallian Educator of the Year on May 5, 2023. Candidates are nominated by their peers and selected by the administration for being model Lasallian Catholic educators. Mr. Levasseur was lovingly honored during an all-school Mass at the Peter P. Bollinger ’57 Stadium.
“It was crazy and surreal,” said Mr. Levasseur. “It
"For me it starts with relationships and getting to know your students I’ve tried to do a good job of reaching them where they’re at,” said Mr Levasseur
Fellow cross country coach, longtime teacher, and friend, Danny Delgado ’79 spoke at the stadium ceremony for Mr Levasseur Mr Delgado fondly shared stories of their years together He said Mr Levasseur has many qualities that make him an amazing educator

For the past 18 years, Mr. Levasseur has made countless connections in the classroom teachi science at CB. He is also an assistant cross country coach, a Science Olympiad Moderato and Junior Class Moderator, and has previousl served as the dean of students. Among the many qualities that make Mr. Levasseur a grea teacher and a deserving Lasallian Educator of the Year, is his ability to form a meaningful connection with each of his students.

“When I look at Mr Levasseur, I see him as that cool uncle or dad figure that just knows when runners and students need a pep talk or a pickme-up, ” said Mr Delgado “He greets students at the door, plays cool music, and talks about sports, the arts, or the most recent Netflix shows In the end, he accepts people where they are and leaves judgement out of it He is a true Lasallian educator in all the ways that we define that role ”

CB student Michael Nelson ’24 also spoke on behalf of Mr Levasseur Nelson took Mr Levasseur’s sophomore chemistry class and he quickly became one of his favorite teachers Mr Levasseur even recruited Nelson to join the St Baldrick’s Foundation, which raises money to

Mr. Levasseur has made that same impact on countless students. He remains in touch with students he taught in Chicago during his time as a Lasallian Volunteer after he graduated from St. Mary's College. And when he and his family are out an about in the Sacramento area, he is typically stopped by at least a handful of former students just wanting to say hello. Despite the obvious impact he has made or perhaps because of it Mr. Levasseur remains incredibly humble.
“I'm not someone who likes the spotlight,” said Mr Levasseur “My goal as a teacher is to get kids excited about science and get to know my
“He approached me about it, and after a bit of persuasion, I agreed to do it I was the only student there, but Mr Levasseur, Mr Reel, and Mr Delgado all shaved their heads as well He helped me start doing one of the most meaningful things I’ve ever done. Mr. Levasseur helped me realize why CB is the place to be and I cannot think of a teacher more qualified for this award,” said Michael Nelson.
A good job indeed. Congratulations, Mr. Dave Levasseur, for the well-deserved honor of being named Christian Brothers High School’s Lasallian Educator of the Year of 2023!