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Perkiomen M a g a z i n e J u ly 2 0 1 3

The Editor’s Page

At Our Finger Tips By: Corin Breña, Director of Communications

There is nothing quite like a brand new pristine magazine in your hands; the crisp clean cover, the smell of ink as you open to the table of contents, the moment of pause as you flip to the first striking image. We live in a time of immediacy with rarely a chance to sit and simply read a magazine. We wile away the hours on our computers, tablets and phones checking our Facebook status, googling topics of interest or simply looking up directions to our next destination. Today, we can access seemingly unbounded streams of information with a simple swipe of our finger. It is hard to believe that 137 years ago Alexander Graham Bell spoke the words, “Mr. Watson, come here – I want to see you” in the world’s first telephone transmission and a year later, in 1875, Perkiomen Seminary was founded. Now at any moment, we can be instantly connected to the entire world through the World Wide Web and use our phones daily in many more ways than Bell could have possibly imagined. We are so immersed in our fast-paced digital environments, moving so quickly from task to task that the brilliance of the very device at our fingertips is often overlooked. However, it is important to recognize the ways in which we can use our tools to enrich and supplement traditional communication like words and images on the page. For instance, in this issue of Perkiomen Magazine you can use your phone to scan a Quick Response Code (QRC) on a printed page and be instantly linked to a video of a student creating a work of art using the campus as his canvas. When print and media converge, our past and future dynamically narrate our present; this is a theme we will explore throughout this issue. We invite you to travel through this seamless collection of words, images and links showcasing the people and events from this past year at Perk. Celebrate the centennial of our cherished Carnegie Library by reflecting on the changes that have transpired in 100 short years. Laugh out loud at the student-created video showcasing student life highlights. Share in the excitement of Perk’s new one-to-one iPad initiative and scan the QRC to

A Quick Response Code (QRC) is a matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code), readable by smartphones, QR scanners, or tablets with a camera. A QRC links the user straight to a web site or video through their

HEADMASTER Christopher R. Tompkins P ’15, ’19 ASSOCIATE HEADMASTER Carol Dougherty P ’11, ’13 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Karl Welsh EXECUTIVE EDITOR Corin Breña EDITOR Katie Lupo CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Corin Breña, Sayuri Daimon ’86, Carol Dougherty, Amber Goupil, Kate Hammond, Olivier Joseph ’13, Anthony Lambert P ’17, ’18, Randy Littlefield, Diana Weir-Smith ’85, Tara Smith, John Spurlock, Christopher R. Tompkins CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Michael Gunselman, Tim Miller, Jorge Ramirez MEDIA CONTRIBUTOR Corin Breña, Eric Cola ’14, Abdel Ibrahim ’14, Jimin Suh ’14 DESIGN Michael Gunselman Incorporated

watch Laurie Lambert P ’17, ’18, Assistant Headmaster for Academic Affairs, sharing her insights into the project. With the rejuvenation of Perkiomen Magazine we strive to make your reading experience more profound by integrating technology where it is expansive and relevant. Technology may have its limitations, yet it is difficult to argue that technological proficiency isn’t of critical importance in today’s world. Steve Jobs once said, “I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion for various species on the planet. The condor used the least amount of energy to move a kilometer. Humans came in with a rather unimpressive showing about a third of the way down the list…but then someone at Scientific American had the insight to test the efficiency of locomotion for a man on a bicycle and a man on a bicycle blew the condor away.” Understanding our relationships with machines is essential for everything from college admissions to employment. In dealing with this new, digital world, we must consider not only best practices but how to avoid pitfalls in seeking what skills students will need after Perk. It is essential to ask, how can we best equip our students to excel well beyond the figurative condors of life, and ride their bicycles at the front of the pack? What better way to teach them, than leading by example? Thank you, readers, for your patience in anticipation of this issue and those that will arrive in the future. You can look forward to two issues each year: one printed in the summer and a digital issue in the winter. Thank you to the many talented and generous faculty and student contributors. The wonderful photography in this issue is due to the hard work of Tim Miller, Jorge Ramirez, and Michael Gunselman. Special thanks go to Katie Lupo for editing the content and bringing it to life, Karl Welsh for his excellent guidance and support, and last but not least, to my irreplaceable assistant Jackie Sell ’12. Thanks to the entire administrative team, faculty, students and alumni; your ongoing support of Perk and the heartfelt work that everyone in our community does every day are what makes this Magazine possible.

device. To try it, simply download a QR code and barcode scanner App, open it, and hold the device over the code to be directed to the media. (Scan and AT&T Code Scanner are great QR code scanner Apps to try.)

July2013 Inside this Issue

Peek at Perk 2 Perk and the World Students 8


Carnegie Library 100 Years 10 Tri-County League Champions and 1000 Points 16 Congratulations to the Class of 2013 18 Using Social Media to Explore the College Landscape 22 Social Justice Week 2013 24 Educational Technology and the Perk Experience 26 Art 7 Project 30


Bolstering Perk’s Music Program 32 The Key to Badminton at Perk 34 Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program 35 Class Notes 36


Peek @ Perk John Garrett ’13, this year’s Most Improved Player, breaks away from the pack in hot pursuit of the end zone. For additional athletic highlights as well as the students’ look back on the year, see the revitalized Perkiomenite; Perk’s new, online newspaper is created, written, and edited by students.


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Peek @ Perk Many fabulous art projects took place on Perk’s campus this year, such as Art 7 (below/see page 30). Scan this Quick Response Code (QRC) to see a video,From Above, highlighting one project created by Abdel Ibrahim, the Student Senate president for the 2013-2014 school year.


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Peek @ Perk Ben Fidler, Biology and Forensics teacher extraordinaire, peeks out from behind the curtain to a packed theater for Perk’s variety show. Scan this QRC to watch a video on student life at Perk, created by film student Eric Cola ’14, highlighting Mr. Fidler and many campus highlights throughout the school year.


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P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

By: Sayuri Daimon ’86

Joaquin ’14 Spain

Maximilian ’15 Germany

Nana ’14 Ghana

Abdel ’14 Egypt

Perk and the World Students Can you imagine living a single day without using or eating things from overseas? Olivier ’13 USA

It is true: life is filled with elements reflective of a global society. Whether it be watching a favorite TV program on a Samsung TV, eating imported vegetables and meat from China, wearing a T-shirt made in Vietnam, and driving a Toyota to school, today’s world is truly international. Perk offers great opportunities to explore the real world by meeting, studying, and sharing experiences with students from around the world. A student from Mexico cannot only teach how to cook delicious Mexican food, but is also able to teach about the wonders of the Mayan civilization. A student from Bermuda can teach how important it is to preserve oceanic ecosystems, while a Japanese student is able to share his story of survival from the 2011 killer earthquake and tsunami. Living and learning with a diverse student body presents natural occasions to share and experience different cultures from around the globe. These opportunities enrich day to day life and vividly broaden perspectives for students at Perk. These experiences not only create a lifetime of memories, but they also prepare the Perkiomen student body to be prepared and proactive members of today’s global community.

From the Author: “After that first day, so many friends and teachers helped me get through the rough times of adapting to a foreign culture. I still have so many fun memories, such as shaving-cream fights, toga parties and proms, which took me deep into American high school life. I truly believe that my experiences at Perk led me to my current job as a journalist for The Japan Times, the oldest and largest English-language newspaper in Japan.

Megan ’15 Bahamas

Isabella ’15 Puerto Rico

Roy ’13 Costa Rica

Akshay ’14 Jamaica

(Read Sayuri’s entire blog post on our Notable Alumni page!)


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Justas ’14 Lithuania

Alexander ’15 Russia

Ayya ’15 Kazakhstan

Artur ’14 Uzbekistan

Meijaun ’18 China

Scan this QR code to see the new page on our website, Perk and the World. Watch a video of students from around the world sharing their Perk experience.

Jo Hee ’15 South Korea

Tetsuharu ’14 Japan

Po-Yen ’13 Taiwan

Tsz Him ’13 Hong Kong

Nguyen Kim ’15 Vietnam

Saif ’13 Saudi Arabia

Yousuf ’14 India

Samira ’14 Bangladesh

Hillary ’14 Indonesia

Yixun ’13 Thailand


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013



 Y e a rs By: Tara Smith and Kate Hammond

10 P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Do you have a favorite memory or story about the Carnegie Library? Visit our Library page below to share your story with us!

The Carnegie Library Centennial Celebration will be held on October 11, 2013 in honor of this special building central to the Perkiomen experience.

Join us for the Hewett Concert and Carnegie Celebration with a special exhibit of the Carnegie Library history. To purchase your ticket and reserve your seat for the concert, scan the QR code below.

11 P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

On April 24, 1906, an official offer for financial assistance arrived at Perkiomen Seminary from the office of steel magnate and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. The terms of the offer stipulated that Carnegie would provide a personal donation of $20,000 for a library building if Perkiomen Seminary could

raise an additional $20,000 and erase $20,500 of the school’s debt. The conditions were eventually met in June of 1912 and work began on October 16 of that year. The building was dedicated on November 20, 1913, nearly ten years after Headmaster Oscar S. Kriebel sent an initial letter of appeal to Carnegie.

12 P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Building: In 1913, the main floor of the library included the book stacks, shelves for periodicals, a reading area, a “fireproof” stack room, and a librarian’s office. The reading area consisted of numerous oak tables and straight-backed wooden chairs, which were compatible with the function of libraries to serve as a place for silent study and reading. The basement held a science laboratory and the Commercial department, which offered classes in shorthand, typewriting, and bookkeeping. The top floor of the library consisted of storage for Schwenkfelder archival materials and rare books. Notable events held at the library in its early days include the 1913 summer Alumni Banquet, which was held in the library before construction was entirely completed and, of course, the 1913 dedication events.

Technology: In contrast to library technology of today, in 1913 visitors searched Carnegie Library’s holdings using a small card catalog cabinet, which sat on the circulation desk until 2009. Card catalogs in various forms were standard in libraries at the time. Electric lights, however, were still considered a new innovation in the early years of the 20th century. Although electric lights were well-established in urban cities and in the homes of the wealthy, they were only beginning to spread to rural areas and small town homes. Into the 1910s, gas remained the predominant method for lighting homes and street lamps throughout America. School catalogs indicate that Perkiomen Seminary switched from gas to electric lighting in the “Main Building” between 1907 and 1908, while Carnegie Library, built a few years later, was wired for electric lights from the outset.

T HE N Students, like the Junior School boys pictured above, benefitted from the additional space that Carnegie Library provided during its early years. In 1906, Dr. Kriebel wrote that the original library and reading room, located in the “Main Building,” could only accommodate a fraction of the student body at a time. Likewise, the original laboratories for Chemistry and Physics could only handle half of the students enrolled in those particular courses. Thus, the new library building positively impacted students by helping to alleviate these pressures.

People: Dr. Kriebel (pictured above with his family, c.1904-c.1909) is responsible for bringing the needs of Perkiomen Seminary to the attention of Andrew Carnegie’s office. Dr. Kriebel kept up a resolute campaign from 1903 to 1906 that included networking among Carnegie’s friends, writing letters to Carnegie and his secretary James Bertram, and even attempting a personal visit to Carnegie’s New York City residence. Dr. Kriebel’s daughter Frieda (pictured above on the far right) would eventually serve as the librarian from 1915 until the 1918-1919 school year.

In the 2009-10 school year, plans began to open the space of the library for student use by removing a partition that had been erected in the 1980s and purchasing a new periodical rack and comfortable seating. This simple project began to grow into a full renovation, as excitement about and commitment to providing a student-centered space that would be the true academic heart of the school flourished. This project was begun in the summer of 2010 and completed in October of the same year. The main level of the library kept all of the original stacks. The traditional u-shaped circulation desk in the center of the space, per the Carnegie style, received a new granite top. The round columns were encased in oak, and the original oak reading tables refinished. The interactive white board that had been installed in the mid 2000s was housed in its own custom oak cabinet, providing easy access to modern instructional tools while maintaining the aesthetic beauty of the old library.

New computers and workstations, as well as sofas and armchairs with attached desks provide a variety of types of uses the library can accommodate from quiet individual study to group collaboration, club meetings, class instruction and film screenings. E-readers and iPads were added to the collection to add flexibility to library services. Less visibly, the collection was weeded of several thousand outdated items and re-catalogued to improve access and usefulness to Perk students.

’13 14

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Building: In 2013, the main floor of the library building serves students as a space for scholarly research, quiet study, collaborative group work, appreciation of literature and film, creating multimedia presentations, and interaction with the information of the world. In many ways, the main library space retains its original character and layout. Comfortable seating for reading and an instructional area join the original reading tables. In addition to the stacks, the library houses computer work stations where students can access the online catalog, databases, and research guides. The “fire-proof” vault behind the original circulation desk is used for storage of valuable items and library supplies. Book displays rotate according to seasons and current events as well as mirroring highlighted online resources. The lower level ceased functioning as classroom space when Schumo Academic Center opened in 2007, and now houses storage areas. The upper level houses most of the English Department and the Writing Center, physically connecting the academic heart of the school with the hustle and bustle of the school day.

Technology: As ongoing developments in technology impact the ways in which students engage information, Perk’s Carnegie Library continues to adapt its services and resources in order to provide access to and support for the necessary literacy skills essential to our students today. The role of the library has shifted from being the physical home of reliable information, to the virtual gateway and common area for seeking information and creation. The Library provides services to students twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The interactive, online catalog invites students to engage the collection and work with each other through reviews and custom resource lists. The reference collection and scholarly periodicals are primarily available in online databases. Ebooks, audiobooks, and apps take their place in the library’s collection, ultimately expanding access to their content with a few keystrokes. Here, students learn to use web-based tools to organize, relate, and develop information more creatively and effectively than ever before. Thanks to today’s technological tools and the power of Web 2.0, Perkiomen’s Carnegie Library not only provides better, more efficient services, but it also helps students become digital citizens while contributing their knowledge to the growth of the library collections and services.

now Students: Now, students can be found in Carnegie Library collaborating on projects, creating multimedia presentations, reading, and studying; however, they can also be “at” the library while sitting in their dorm rooms conducting research through online databases, searching the catalog, or using the library’s digital guides to find information on various subjects. Throughout the day the library is a hub of academic activity, but it’s also a quiet refuge for reading and study. On weekends, the library becomes a place where students gather to watch movies, have club meetings, and hold dances. For the students, Perk’s Library is a space that is uniquely theirs; a place where in both academics and extra-curricular activities, they are truly able to risk being their best. (Above: Abi Ray ’13)

People: In his second year as Headmaster, Christopher R. Tompkins P ’15, ’19 devoted time and resources toward improving the library and establishing its role in the school. In collaboration with newly appointed Director of Library Services, Kate Hammond, and Michael Foux, Assistant Headmaster for Finance and Operations, Tompkins spearheaded the library renovation. The vision of a student-centered place for learning and research welcomed the 21st century student, while honoring the library’s historical integrity. The renovation of Carnegie Library was completed in October 2010 and officially opened that month. (Above: Scott Schultz ’83, P ’11, ’13, Jim Schulz ’81, P ’02, ’10)

By: Randy Littlefield

Tri-County League Champions and 1,000 Points On February 14, The Perkiomen School girls’ basketball team won the title to the Tri-County League championship scoring 64-36 over J. M. Barrack Hebrew Academy. This was the school’s first girls’ basketball championship title since 1984. Nicole Pupillo, class of 2014, has been a starter for Perkiomen’s girls’ varsity team since her arrival here as a freshman guard, and entered the season as the leading three-point scorer in the Tri-County League. She reached a milestone of scoring 1,000 career points in just two-and-a-half seasons of play in the TCL. Already known as a deadly three-point and free-throw shooter, she showed off other aspects of her game in reaching this milestone. In the first quarter of the home rematch with Kimberton Waldorf School, Nicole stripped the ball from her opponent to put her total points at 999. Minutes later, she scooped up a loose ball at mid-court, executed a slick behind-the-back-dribble to break into the open, and scored a left-handed lay-up while being fouled to break the 1,000-point mark. Nicole is the first girl at Perkiomen to score 1,000 points in her career. To that accomplishment (along with a 40-point game she had in the 2011-2012 season), Nicole led her team to an undefeated TCL season and championship in the Tri-County League tournament in 2013.


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Tri-County League Championships: Girls’ Soccer League champions Girls’ Tennis Tournament champions Field Hockey League / Tournament champions Girls’ Basketball League / Tournament Champions – first time since 1984 Baseball League /Tournament Champions Boys’ Lacrosse League champions Girls’ Lacrosse League / tournament champions Softball League champions

Other Team Accomplishments: Swimming 200 Medley Relay (school and pool records), 200 Freestyle Relay (school record), 400 Freestyle Relay (pool record); Girls netted first individual win in six seasons over Hill School Golf Won the annual 18-hole invitational (beating CFS, Renaissance, Phelps) Fall Baseball Won the Pride of the Diamond Fall League championship

Individual Accomplishments: Girls’ Lacrosse Maddie Faraco ’14 100th goal

Girls’ Basketball Nicole Pupillo ‘14 1,000th point Golf Juanki Sierra ’13 finished an outstanding career at Perk with a scoring average of two over par for the season

Congratulations to the Class of  Congratulations to the 68 members of the class of 2013. Over 50% from this class were accepted Early Decision I and 83% Early Action. Forty-two percent of matriculations were to schools ranked Most Competitive or Highly Competitive according to Barron’s. Seventeen students will matriculate to schools ranked in the top 100 National Universities (US News & World Report) and eleven students will matriculate to schools ranked in the top 100 National Liberal Arts Colleges (US News & World Report). Students are matriculating to colleges in 19 states and the District of Columbia. From the class of 2013, one student will be a NCAA Division II athlete and three are to be NCAA Division III athletes. We wish them the best of luck in their ventures beyond Perk.


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

TOP ROW Left to Right: 1. Ben Fidler 2. Tim Gaiser Melissa Gaiser 3. Margaret Dougherty ’13 Morgan Klavon ’13

SECOND ROW 1. Jung Min Maeng ’13 3. John Garrett ’13

THIRD ROW 2. Zach Weil ’13 3. John Williams ’13

FOURTH ROW 1. Paige Longstreth P ’14, ’17 3. Gun Woo Park ’13

BOTTOM ROW 1. Christopher R. Tompkins P ’15, ’19 John Garrett III ’13 John Garrett, Sr. ’59 2. Shaniya Shabrach-Ortiz ’13 Jared Parlin ’13 3. Mengyu Zhang ’13 Mengting Xiao ’13 Ying Chen ’13

1. 2. 3.

5. 24. 13

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

2. Mark Fisher ’13 Margaret Dougherty ’13 3. Aicha Ba ’13 Carol Dougherty P ’11, ’13 5. Hsiu-Wei Chang ’13 Po-Yen ’13 Tsz Him ’13

1. 2. 3.

5. 2

1. 2. 3.

4. Mark Fisher ’13

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

1. Yimin Yang ’13 2. Anya Schultz ’13 Esteban Martinez ’13 4. Jae Yup ’13 Jae Suk ’13

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

5. 13

3. Yeon Woo ’13

4. 5.

4. 5.

4. 5.

4. 5.

1. Olivier Joseph ’13 2. Dulcie Flaharty P ’99 5. John Williams ’13

“ Gone are the days of writing out college applications by hand and mailing them out across the country.” Tony Lambert

9.7 Average number of applications per student


Number of students accepted at Penn State: Student Matriculations : Colgate University Dickinson College Emory University Fordham University New York University Oberlin College Rice University Smith College Williams College


Percent of student matriculations to schools ranked Most Competitive and Highly Competitive.

47 Percent of Mid Atlantic matriculations

Other Geographic Areas: Most Competitive – 17% Highly Competitive – 25%

New England – 18% South – 15% Mid-West – 15% West – 5%

College Counseling

Visit our College Counseling Mash-up page.

Using Social Media to Explore the College Landscape By: Anthony Lambert P ’17, ’18

Applying to college today is nothing like when I went through the process some 25 years ago. The cost of college, a college’s selectivity, and a rise in applications are topics grabbing today’s headlines. Flying under the radar somewhat is the role of technology today in the college process. From social media to smart phone apps, tech has transformed the way students research and apply to college. On Twitter, Perk students can “follow” the schools in which they are interested. On Facebook, they can learn more about a college’s admission office, important deadlines, and everyday college life. College admission offices are just figuring out how to increase engagement with a broader group of applicants using Social Media. Perk students should and do use social media to explore the college landscape. They also have to be quite comfortable and efficient when navigating the online world. Gone are the days of writing out college applications by hand and mailing them out across the country. All Perk seniors have a Common Application online account (over 485 colleges accept the CA), a College Board online account (SAT and AP testing), and a Naviance account (an online college and career readiness platform). Almost all applications, teacher recommendations, and transcripts are submitted electronically through Naviance. And, at the end of the process, most students do not wait to receive their letter in the mail. While the big envelope can still indicate an acceptance, and a small envelope can mean a denial, many students know the result before any envelope arrives. Colleges simply send an email or students can log into their portal for that college to learn of the decision. The Perkiomen Office of College Counseling acknowledges and embraces the role of technology in the process; however, we believe that interacting exclusively online with colleges would be a mistake. Unplugging from the “net” and engaging with individuals is invaluable. We visited eight campuses on Saturday day trips this year, getting many students on a college campus for the first time.

Connecting Perk students with college admission officers is very important. Over 90 college representatives came to Perk and met with our juniors and seniors last fall. Students had a chance to ask questions of and interact directly with these college representatives in small group settings. During the winter, a representative from the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency presented the basics of the financial aid process. In February, eight college admission officers joined the juniors and their parents for a panel discussion and case study review. In April, fifteen alumni returned to campus to share their insights and expertise on the college experience and their professional journeys. Giving students an opportunity to interact face-to-face with college representatives and alumni only makes their Perk experience, and the college process, that much more meaningful. Located in the lower level of Kriebel Hall, the Office of College Counseling occupies three offices and a student Resource Room. Erin Davidson Kellogg, Patrick Colonna, and I each counsel 25-30 students. Meeting with the students individually is the hallmark of our program and the most important aspect of the process. Before we meet a student, they must complete a comprehensive questionnaire. The student reflects on his or her strengths, weaknesses, and goals for the future. Their responses often guide our conversations and eventually lead to the discussion of particular colleges that we encourage the student to research. Finding the right fit for each student is our goal. In order to do that, we must know well the students we hope to counsel. Only then can we dive into the everchanging world of technology and social media


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Social Justice Week  By: Olivier Joseph ’13, Student Senate President

See the complete Chalkboard Project as well as a list of student and faculty testimonials from Social Justice Week on our website.

Thought provoking discussions. Challenging one’s self. The Chalkboard Project. Tremendous fun. These are the things I think of when I reflect upon Perkiomen’s very first Social Justice Week (SJW), February 15-22. As a member of the Student Diversity Leadership Committee (SDLC), I can proudly say Social Justice Week was successful in fulfilling many of its original goals: to raise awareness for social issues that result in discrimination, oppression, silence, or the perpetuation of ignorance. SJW was rich with multiple workshops including dynamic topics such as, “Bystanders: Is being a bystander ever positive?” and “Gender Inequity or Mismanaged Resources,” as well as several book discussions, speakers, and presentations of relevant films. I was pleasantly surprised by the high turnout for many SJW events because so many were held during the evening; participation was excellent and a clear indicator of the interest Perk students have in making a positive impact on their community. According to Anthony, class of 2014, “I have learned new things each and every day this week at different activities. I have been doing diversity work for about two years now and every time I do something different it’s amazing that I can still learn something new.” A favorite event was the Chalkboard

Project in which members of the Perkiomen community were asked to pose for a photograph holding a chalkboard on which they had written something reflective of their personality. The photographs were then put together in a moving tribute of identity, symbolizing the power of Perkiomen’s community through our strength as individuals. Another Social Justice Week highlight was the discussion of comedian Baratunde Thurston’s 2012 book, How to Be Black, a biting satire combined with first-hand experiences about being black in America. Students discussed with enthusiasm Thurston’s humorous descriptions of difficulties in defining black identity. Social Justice Week has been an amazing tool in helping the Perkiomen student body become more aware of injustice in our society, while providing the opportunity to reflect and think about potential solutions to injustice everywhere; the whole experience has improved our understanding of diversity in our world. As long as there are students who are willing to lead, share, and speak out, Social Justice Week will become a longstanding tradition on the Perkiomen campus.

“ P erk is my home an d I really aske d mysel f the q uestion , w hat d iscussions d o I w ant to have in my house ? I w oul d like to have more courage an d time to listen an d social justice w eek gives us both o f those things . T hings f ell into place because o f issues ki d s thought w ere important. ” Paige Longstreth P ’14, ’17, Director of Service Learning and Community Outreach


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

“ T his S ocial J ustice Week ma d e me see things f rom a d i f f erent perspective , an d change d my vie w s on certain things . I ’ ve learne d the little things can make a big d i f f erence in li f e “ Joseph ’14, Student

“ I t ’ s really given us an opportunity to come together outsi d e o f our normal routines to have valuable conversations an d relate to each other better as a community. I am so e x cite d an d move d by the high level o f school - w i d e participation . ” Kate Hammond, Faculty

“ I love S ocial J ustice Week because it gave me the chance to sit back , listen an d re f lect. T oo o f ten , as teachers w e f eel obligate d to create , manage an d summari z e d iscussions w ith our stu d ents . S ocial J ustice Week provi d e d many opportunities f or teachers an d stu d ents to w ork si d e - by- si d e in a learning environment, f ocuse d on d iscovering truth w ithout the pressure o f assessment. ” Michael Romasco, Faculty

“ T his w eek w ill remain memorable to me . I t w as a great w eek o f con f rontation w here people took time to atten d talks that meant something to them . A s humans , w e f ront all the time . P eople spoke thought f ully. T o me , it gave a soun d min d because it w as a time w here people in the school sho w e d that there w as something else they care d about other than aca d emics . ” Helena ’14, Student

Scan the QR code (left) to watch an interview with our Assistant Headmaster for Academic Affairs, Laurie Lambert P ’17, ’18, describing the plan for the iPad initiative as well as responding to several FAQs.

educatio technolo By Christopher R. Tompkins, Headmaster

One to One iPad Initiative: The pen, then, is to technology, as a human is to learning. We cannot have one, without the other. The iPad at Perkiomen draws the human, the student, closer to their learning and the technology brings out the natural inclination toward inquiry that exists between teacher and student. As Sawney Webb once said, a classroom is as simple as a student and a teacher sitting on a log learning together.


P e r k i om e n M ag a z i n e July 2013

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One of my favorite technology related commercials is from eBay for smartphones and tablets, and denigrates the “lowly” pen – considered in the commercial as Stone Age or sixteenth century technology. On the one hand, this advertisement is hilarious in its accuracy at depicting the battle between new and old technology, novices and tech-savvy people, and even the potential for bullying and social ostracization in the work place and in society at large. On the other hand, it is astounding to think that we have utilized such basic technology to write political theory from Adam Smith to John Locke, to pen the Mayflower Compact, to draft laws about the establishment of slavery in North America, and to record guilty verdicts in witch trials in New England. The pen has also brought us the Declaration of Independence, the words of Ghandi, Mao, Ho, Biko, and The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, as well as Jim Crow Laws and those of Apartheid. The “lowly” pen continues to connect us as teachers and students through the written word – but that connection has become distant, outdated, and at times, ineffective in a time of instant connections through the power of computers, smartphones, and tablets. Even self-described luddites recognize and marvel at the power and speed of current technology. One must ask, then, if the pen was mightier than the sword, what is the true power of one’s thumbs or the power of keyboards and touch screens to a modern student or philosopher? I recall a decade ago when schools were moving toward paperless admission applications and there was great concern that only those with computers and connectivity would be able to apply. The argument went that schools were locking out those in lower income categories and reinforcing elitism at independent schools. Fair concerns, of course, but the trend went into motion and paperless became the norm with schools all but eliminating the use of paper in the application process. Some schools even took their admission offices paperless with committees meeting from remote locations and “discussing” files electronically without any face-to-face time or papers in traditional file format. Students were being accepted virtually, even though the experience was anything but virtual, in the classroom. Since then, virtual courses, classrooms, and degrees have exploded in popularity. This, coupled with unbelievable technological advances and the availability of countless devices that are seemingly “classroom friendly,” has paved the way towards a new way of thinking about learning. Does mere access to technology provide the key to a twenty-first century education? Biancarosa and Griffiths wisely argue the importance of students’ need to learn how to apply it strategically.1 Meeting the educational needs of students today and the inevitable push toward virtual dialogues, electronic readers, laptops, and tablets must be levied by an equally substantial move toward being digitally literate. Susan Goldman at the University of Illinois Learning Sciences Research Institute argues that, “ongoing advances in information technology make it necessary for readers to be able to navigate vastly increased amounts of information, both traditional print-based texts and multimodal forms including complex visuals and animations.”2 Here, the responsibility arguably falls on the student, navigating through the endless sea of information across the information highway that is the World Wide Web. The concept of digital responsibility is

best described with two words: public and permanent. Thus, in attempting to harness the benefits of educational technology, as an institution we look to provide the knowledge and structure necessary for students to “risk being their best,” without compromising their digital legacy. So, as Perkiomen embarks on its new iPad program, all of these concerns about the past, the future, and digital literacy come flooding forth. Are we doing the “right thing” at Perk? Are we providing a positive enhancement to the Perkiomen experience? Is the school reinforcing negative images of technology at the expense of the “tried and true” educational program? Are we losing our way as a school or are the students today “wired” differently, requiring new skills and different access to information? These are all questions that our department heads and Academic Policy Committee pondered over the past year as they put together a plan to move the school to a one-to-one iPad program. As my recent blog stated, technology is a bane for some and a silver bullet for others. If we simply use the iPad as another way to convey information, we may well fail in reshaping the classroom, as schools did with the use of filmstrips, televisions, and even laptops. The reality is that we must transform the education process itself – not just find some new way to dump information into the “empty vessels,” namely students. Technology has the power to transform the classroom. In the past five years, we have moved away from the age-old model of students in rows with teacher in the front of the room – the “sage on the stage” model so common in schools across the nation.We have worked to create a more fluid teaching and learning environment with active learning, students interacting with students, working on projects, using technology as a true tool, not as a font of knowledge. Teachers now guide as much as impart wisdom. Some people use the term “guide on the side” to discuss what a modern classroom should look like. At the end of the day, “technology can be sure to deliver rich and meaningful content, although it may not support learning unless thoughtful human beings are guiding its use.”3 We do not want to have a cookie cutter environment – we don’t want a factory churning out students who look and sound alike. We want a shared experience, but that experience should produce global citizens who think deeply, care about those around them, connect to their community, write cogently, and are discerning human beings.


1. Gina Biancarosa and Gina G. Griffiths, “Technology Tools to Support Reading in the Digital Age.” The Future of Children ,Vol. 22, No. 2, Literacy Challenges for the Twenty-First Century (FALL 2012), pp. 139-160 2. Susan R. Goldman, “Adolescent Literacy: Learning and Understanding Content.” The Future of Children,Vol. 22, No. 2, Literacy Challenges for the Twenty-First Century (FALL 2012), pp. 89-116 3. Gina Biancarosa and Gina G. Griffiths, 154. 4. “One in Three Online Consumers to Use a Tablet by 2014,” Daily E-Marketer (


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Can an iPad foster all these qualities? The answer is YES. Yes, because the iPad offers students ample opportunities to expand learning into areas of specific passions, they can learn independent of the teacher, and can, literally, take their learning with them. It has been predicted that 89.5 million units, including both tablets and e-readers, will sell worldwide in 2014; thus, now is the time to provide our students with preparation that aligns with their contemporaries.4 The iPad allows for a level of connectivity to information that, used at a Harkness Table or in small groups can empower students to take stronger stands in discussion or build confidence in their ability to offer an opinion based in fact. We know that research tells us students want learning that is relevant to their lives. With the iPad, students have more control over their learning and can connect it to their daily life and to the areas that are of most import to them. Likewise, teachers can utilize the iPad with their students to guide learning and to invoke a spirit of creativity. With this level of independence, and the fact that the iPad allows students to be truly untethered, are classrooms and teachers even needed? Like the centuries old pen, teachers remain essential. The human contact, the reasoned wisdom, the ability to discern, to critique, to question only come from the experience of two people interacting across a table or a room. Bringing the energy of technology, the depth of knowledge that is accessible into a human conversation allows a spirit and culture of inquiry to spring forth. Facial expressions, intonation, volume, and physical proximity allow technology to flourish in ways that living and studying in a cocoon restrains.

and the

The pen, then, is to technology, as a human is to learning. We cannot have one, without the other. The iPad at Perkiomen draws the human, the student, closer to their learning and the technology brings out the natural inclination toward inquiry that exists between teacher and student. As Sawney Webb once said, a classroom is as simple as a student and a teacher sitting on a log learning together. Rather than a slate and chalk, or pad and pen, today’s student and teacher can still sit on a log, and with the iPad, have access to the entire world, even while being connected in one of the oldest relationships there is – that of teacher and student, studying, questioning, inquiring, critiquing, thinking deeply, and discerning. Education remains the same with our iPad, yet it is also radically different. In truth, we cannot know the future of the pen nor technology, for history is in the future and is only now being written – albeit electronically. We look with optimism to the iPads in the hands of today’s Perkiomen students as tools to compose, fine-tune, and create the ideas, art, and rhetoric that will be as meaningful in one hundred years, as those penned as letters, journals, and essays over the past century.


perience Carley Griesemer ’15

Abigail Rose-Craver ’14


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Our Stories:

Art 7 Turning our Community Inside Out. By: Amber Goupil

Grade 7 suffered through a dissection of the class title – Art Activism Through Group Installation. They looked at activist art. Courbet’s Stonebreakers did not illicit more than a yawn, The Guerilla Girls only mild interest, and Object Orange a few murmurs of notice, but JR’s message delivered in an appealing French accent made it all worthwhile. It was not until Art 7 screened his TED Talk accepting the TED Prize in 2011 that they sat up in their seats. Here was an art project they could get behind, this was tangible activism that made sense and had made a difference across the globe. When asked if this was the project they wanted to tackle, the answer was not, “yes” but “YES!” The TED Prize is awarded annually to someone who captures the imagination and turns that energy into concrete change – “one Wish at a time.” JR’s Wish was to create a participatory, global art project to turn the world ‘Inside Out.’ The project allows anyone to have a Group Action by submitting photos to be printed on very large posters. The posters can then be pasted as part of an event to make a statement for what they stand for. Art 7 tagged their project, Our Stories: Turning Our Community Inside Out, and their statement simply put is that we need the stories of others. This is a school with students from across the globe nestled in a valley with its own rich history. There is much that we can, almost must, learn from each other. Art 7 took photographs on campus and set up photo shoots at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Pennsburg and at the Upper Perkiomen Valley Library in Red Hill. As the project progressed the scope grew. Students and faculty participated but so did alumni, family members, and neighbors. In the end, over 250 portraits and stories were collected. The Inside Out Project printed 75 of these (25 more than we originally asked for) as large posters. Everything was on display inside and out with an invitation to the greater community to come onto campus to interact with the installation.

Students set a goal of creating goodwill on campus with the hopes that it branch out into the world. This was a great project for the school community but it was an even better project for the students in Art 7. To make this project such a resounding success, they pushed themselves well beyond their comfort level. They gathered their courage to present in front of the entire school community, including all of the upper school students. They then went out into the community and engaged complete strangers, convinced them to have their portrait taken, and listened as they told their stories. With boundless energy and enthusiasm they gained the trust of hundreds of people and worked tirelessly to process all of that data. Students learned not only about art as an agent of change, but themselves became that change. Class Reflections: I didn’t think art could change the world. How could it? We’ll draw our pictures and paste our thoughts on the board so the world can see it… but what would anyone do about it really? Will the authorities have an epiphany? Not very likely. Maybe art can’t change the world, but it might be able to change our community. Maybe it won’t work. I don’t know. But I hope. This class is about art that has a say, art that changes people’s lives, and ways that art can, and is, changing the world. Art can be a voice and we are learning how amazing people can do that. I love this class even though I can’t draw. I love learning how something as little as ink, glue, and paper can change everything. Our art class is working on making our school a closer and more trustworthy community. I truly think our current project will get the other students inspired about changing the world. In this art project I feel I touch the world, design the world, feel the world.

“Can art change the world? Maybe… we should change the question: Can art change people’s lives?” – JR


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Top: (left to right) Kurt Hauser, Shaun Yorgey ’97 Mikayla Matthews ’17 Shaun Yorgey ’97 Above: Beau Tang ’14, Tim Turner ’14 Jacob Hauser Right: Margaret Dougherty ’13 Below: David Smith

Art was not what I had expected this year…

Top: Jeremy Mathison Left: Dagny Barone ’14 Bottom: Yutong Liu ’16 Frank Johnson ’14


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Our Stories:

Bolstering Perk’s Music Program

“I really want to add trips next year so students can see professional performances and even attend open mic nights at other places.”

By: John Spurlock

Last summer, Perk’s new Music Director, Jeremy Mathison, arrived to campus with an infectious passion for creating dynamic student performances and strengthening Perk’s overall music program. Hailing from the New Hampton School (NH), Mathison has already enhanced the Music Program, including adding AP Music Theory and updating the current music curriculum. Jeremy Mathison has been working to incorporate more contemporary selections and adjusting student workload in order to master the art of performance. According to Mathison, bringing a performance to the stage serves no meaningful purpose if it is not crisp, “We cut down the number of pieces this year, especially in band, so that each group can be more effective in what they’re playing. I look at it as quality over quantity; we now have the ability to fix things and work on specific passages as needed.” Mathison sees his classroom as a skills lab where students learn what is necessary to become musicians, rather than merely focusing on repertoire and what is to be performed, “Within the band and the chorus I’m working on skill development. I focus on pedagogy rather than just learning how to play a few pieces for a performance.” The goals to strengthen and expand the musical study at Perkiomen has been supported by a significant gift from Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Barbara Moll, P ’79 , GP ’14, ’17: a unique and original violin crafted by David Michie Violins of Philadelphia. A beautiful and distinctive instrument, Dagny Barone ’14 and Mu-NIng Huang ’14 used this violin to perform in the 2013 All-Eastern Honors Orchestra. One of Mathison’s standout moments since arriving on campus was a concert put on by his after school music students during the fall. Putting together a rock concert of sorts in Robbie’s student lounge, the event provided his students with a chance to shine outside of the typical school performance atmosphere. The students performed modern selections including Maroon 5’s “Moves Like Jagger,” while the audience danced and cheered on their efforts with enthusiasm. Mathison places a great deal of emphasis on and has tremendous appreciation for the art of performance; this undoubtedly stems from the fact that regardless of the ongoing

events of his life, first and foremost he considers himself a performer. This became wildly evident in watching his thrilling guitar solos during December’s faculty variety show. The highenergy, rock star persona on stage that night carries over into his faculty and residential duties at Perk. Weekends provide Mathison with yet another opportunity to connect with students through music. Regular open mic performances have become something for students to look forward to, especially for those who are unable make music classes part of their week. According to Mathison, these events provide wonderful community connections, “You hear the kids who can sing or play something that can’t fit the band or chorus into their schedule. It’s a great way to involve more kids for whom having fun with it may lead to wanting to really develop their talent.” These teachable moments may be Mathison’s favorite part of his Perkiomen experience. Being available to students has become a priority for Mathison. Whether it is a member of his band or a choral student trying to master a difficult composition, or a student picking up an instrument for the first time, Mathison loves the spontaneous requests for music education, “A lot of kids stay away or think that if they can’t play something, they shouldn’t come by; but, it’s amazing when one of them wants to try and it works. When they get it, it really is the best.” In making plans for his next year at Perkiomen, Mathison wants to utilize weekend programming and student activities to reinforce the work accomplished in his classroom, “Doing more musical activities off campus is one goal. I really want to add trips next year so students can see professional performances and even attend open mic nights off campus.” While we have yet to see the set lists for his upcoming performances, we can be assured of one thing: music will be a major part of Perk’s future and under Mathison’s leadership, that future will be anything but dull. Jeremy Mathison currently holds a B.A. in Music Performance from Plymouth State University (NH) where he is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Education in Music. He lives in Ruhl Hall with his wife, Amy, and two daughters, Lilyth and Penelope. He and Amy perform as the group ’Lil Penny.


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Speed Records for Racket Sports


Tennis Feb 2008

262 200 MPH

100 MPH


Racketball Nov 2011



Squash Oct 2011 Badminton Apr 2012

The Key to Badminton at Perk: Never Play Down, Always Play Up.

INTERESTING FACT: A tournament Badminton birdie is made of feathers from the left wing of a goose!

300 MPH


By: Corin Breña Director of Communications

The inaugural season of badminton at Perkiomen continues to shine, leaving no doubt that it is here to stay. Interest was tremendously high, as Coach Joe Swartz was forced to turn away some of the thirty players who came out for the first round of tryouts. Initially intending to carry a team of only sixteen, Coach Swartz decided on a final roster of twenty-six players with two student-managers, “I hate turning away players. For the third trimester, 43 players competed for 20 team positions. If they have the interest

and ambition to play, they can acquire the skills. My job is to help them do that.” According to the 2005 World Badminton Championships Media Guide, badminton originated in Asia, in approximately 500 BCE, evolving from a Chinese game called ti jian zi that involved kicking a shuttle. Later, another version of the sport was played in ancient Greece and India with rackets rather than feet. In the mid19th century, British officers brought a revised version of the game home from India. In 1873, the sport became known as badminton when the Duke of Beauford introduced the game to fellow members of the royalty at his country estate, Badminton House. Badminton’s first world championships were held in 1977, and in 1992 Badminton became an official Olympic

sport. 1 In fact, Joe Swartz brings a sophisticated level of expertise as he competes at the national level not only in badminton, but also in bocce and darts. Coach Swartz’s goals include helping his students observe and experience high levels of competition in order to help improve their individual levels of play. According to Coach Swartz, the key is “never play down, always play up.” In fact, most of Perk’s opponents

Tetsuharu Hashimoto ’14 Far Right: Coach Joe Swartz Boqi Du ’15 1. USA Badminton Official Rules of Play & Court Officials Handbook, Revised and Reprinted 2007.


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

are from colleges or universities, including the University of Pennsylvania, Penn State Abington, Bryn Mawr, and Lafayette. In January, when Perk traveled to the University of Maryland for a national tournament, the 2013 DC Open, there were 350 total competitors. Perk’s success competing at the C level was impressive including some key player standouts: Qinyuan Wang ’15 made it into the second round of tournament play, Haonan Li ’15 made it into the quarterfinals, Tetsuhura Hashimoto ’14 made it into the semi-finals, and Shubo Yan ’15 came in 5th overall in the women’s division. Overall, Joe Swartz emphasizes that badminton is a sport one can play for a lifetime. He hopes more than anything, the members of Perkiomen’s badminton team cultivate a genuine love for the game.

We are seeking partner businesses to support financial aid at The Perkiomen School by giving to the

Educational Improvement Tax Credit

[EITC] Program

This program provides funds to be used solely for need-based financial aid and tuition assistance for eligible students. If your business will have a tax liability owed to the State of Pennsylvania in 2013 or if you are an S-Corporation and could use the credit for your personal income taxes, then you can participate easily. Those who want to give and are accepted into the EITC program are issued a tax credit worth 90% of your total donation (75% if you only commit for a single year). It is like receiving nine dollars back on every single dollar given. This program has a transformative effect on the student recipients and the financial health of your business. We hope you will consider this program and help us to welcome all we can to The Perkiomen School. 35

P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Class Notes By: Diana Weir-Smith ’85

Special thanks to the following Alumni who “Gave Back To Perk” by volunteering their time and talents at the 2013 How to Succeed in College and Beyond: Alumni Panels Our Under Graduate and Graduate Panel Katie Foster ’11 – University of Connecticut, Anthony Gordon ’07 – Loyola University (Graduate Student), Taylor Manferdini ’09 - Ursinus College, Ryan Park ’07 – University of Pennsylvania - Wharton Social Impact Initiative, Christie Thompson ’09 – Drexel University, Hayley Schultz ’12 – Bucknell University, Jorge Otero ’12 – Villanova University, Drew Wright ’10 – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Our Professional Panel Ashley Barber ’02 – Vanguard Investments, Anne Marie Blair ’05 – Data Analyst, Biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Jennifer Eisenberg ’90 – Clinical Team Manager, PRA, Alexis Keisel ’04 – STEM Program Manager, The Philadelphia Center for Arts and Technology Foundations – Adjunct professor of Biology at Philadelphia and Arcadia Universities, Rick Ridall ’84 – Assistant Professor & Director of Industry Relations, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Nick Robinson ’02 – Social Media Tactician and Inbound Marketer at SAP, Erica Silvergilde ’05 – Gemologist and Designer at Alexis Bittar,Tim Snyder ’81 – Chemical Engineer, Mike Stephens ’00 – Research Assistant, Law & Ethics Treatment Research, Melissa Weinstein ’05 – Technical Recruiter at DISYS, Jill Ziegler ’03 – Guidance Office, East Stroudsburg High School North


1955 On Saturday, March 19, 2011, at Bucknell University, Paul Barren was inducted into The Pennsylvania Hall of Fame for Swimming. Paul participated in football, basketball, and baseball as a youngster. While in school, Paul also participated in boxing and swimming at the YMCA in Norristown, Pa. At Perkiomen, Paul played football, basketball and ran track. He was on the football team at Kutztown University for two seasons before transferring to West Chester State, now West Chester University. At West Chester, Paul competed on the swim team where he held records in the butterfly and freestyle events and participated in the water polo club. After college, Paul competed for the Philadelphia Water Polo Club. While teaching math at Lower Moreland High School, he served as line coach for the football team and started a water polo team. Overall in his coaching career stats are: 444 wins, 117 losses, and five ties. Paul began officiating water polo in the early 1970s. He was a ref for AAU (Armature Athletic Union), USWP (United States Water Polo), and collegiate games. He received his national certificate in 1973 from USWP. As Paul’s stature in the officiating community grew, he was able to earn a Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA) rating. Paul worked in major National Championships at the collegiate level and many major international tournaments such as the Olympics, Pan American Games, World University Games, and others. Paul finished his career working high school games in Pennsylvania.


1962 Charles W. Bruton, Jr., or Bud as he is known to his Perk Classmates, was awarded the The Carl Pfrommer Distinguished Service Award in 2012. Formerly known as the Perkiomen Key for Distinguished


P e r k i om e n M a g a z i n e July 2013

Service, it represents the highest honor the school bestows upon one who has given continued support to Perkiomen and has been willing to give his or her time, energies, and talents insofar as location and opportunity have permitted. Each recipient has contributed significantly to the civic, governmental, religious, educational social, industrial, business or professional life of the nation, state, or community. At Perk, Bud was involved in Student Government, a proctor and served on the staff of the Perkiomenite. He was also a member of the Senior Chorus, Glee and Drama Clubs, and the prestigious Pipe Club. After Perkiomen, Bud attended Washington & Jefferson College and was a member of the ATO fraternity. Soon after college, he was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army. He flew fixed wing (Bird-Dog’s) as a U.S. Army “FAC” (Forward Air Controller) in “I Corp,” South Vietnam. He is a decorated senior aviator who has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with 19 Oak leaf clusters, the Bronze Star, the Army Commendation Medal, and the Vietnam Honor Medal. After Vietnam, Bud transitioned into helicopters in 1971 and flew in the Pennsylvania National Guard until 1983. In 1979 he founded the Downingtown Good Neighbor Day Race, a fourth of July event which includes 1600+ participants who run 5, 10, or 15K’s through the streets of Downingtown. The day has grown to be an all-day annual tradition that draws thousands of participants and spectators enabling this event to contribute thousands of dollars for the benefit of local fire companies. Bud has also served as a township supervisor in East Brandywine Township for eight years, and as chairman of that board for five years. Bud served on the Board of Trustees of Perkiomen and is past president of the Alumni Association. Bud is also an active member, and trustee at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in West Chester. For almost two decades Bud has traveled each year to the Central Mountains of Puerto Rico where he helped re-build a church camp that was destroyed by hurricane Hugo. That project has grown to include a medical and dental center for the neighboring community that is manned by medical and dental volunteers from the states. Currently, Bud is on the

Board of VVRP (Veterans Vietnam Restoration Project). This is a nonprofit corporation whose mission is to send veterans to Vietnam to work alongside the Vietnamese in undertaking humanitarian projects such as the construction of clinics, houses for disabled veterans, vocational training centers, and kindergarten classrooms. Since 2002 Bud has returned to Vietnam nine times. The first trip to Vietnam was paid for by Uncle Sam. In April of 2009 he and his son Ben worked to help build kindergartens in the A Shau Valley which was a part of his AO (Area of Operation), during the war. The VVRP teams are the first teams that the government has allowed to work in the extremely remote area of Vietnam along the Laos border. The VVRP teams have built six kindergartens in the area since 2006. ■ Lane Schultz helped to organize the 50th Reunion last June. He is currently Sr. VP of Geosciences and Exploration at Endless Mountain Energy. Joining Lane on Alumni Weekend was Joe Hill! 1964 G. Bryce Mathorne was the 2012 recipient of the Alumnus of The Year Award. For the past 10 years, Bryce has guided the Alumni through bylaw and mission statement revisions, new gatherings, and events. Most recently, Bryce along with the Alumni Office, conducted the first ever Perkiomen School Alumni Attitude Survey. The survey allowed Perkiomen to better understand alumni levels of satisfaction and affinity, preferred communication, perceptions of its services and benefits, and potential areas for increased involvement. Bryce is also a member of the Board of Trustees and continues to serve the school in this role. As a Trustee, he is a leader on the Parents Hall Renovation Committee and an active voice on the Master Plan Committee. Bryce passes the torch of President to Larry Jackson ’95. The Alumni Council will certainly miss his sage advice, panache, and compassion; however, it is undoubtably known he will continue to serve his alma mater proudly as a member of the Board of Trustees.


1972 Larry Cohen is the author/editor of Chicken Hill Chronicle: Memoir of a Jewish Family. You can visit to order the book and learn more! The book is a kaleidoscope of family history reaching back three generations, to the original nineteenth century immigrants who settled in the Chicken Hill neighborhood of Pottstown. Larry hosted a master class about his book during Alumni Weekend 2012; he had a packed house!

Charles W. Bruton, Jr., ’62 or Bud as he is known to his Perk Classmates, was awarded the 2012 The Carl Pfrommer Distinguished Service Award.

1979 Marcia Moll Barone P ’14, ’17 is currently in a new position: Associate Director of the Asa Packer Society at Lehigh University. Congratulations to Marcia. ■ Robert Westervelt competed in a Family Fun Tennis Tournament on April 22, 2012 at the Central Oahu Regional Park in Hawaii with his son Brandon. They battled throughout the morning and, after five mini matches and 26 games, they came out as champions.


1981 Congratulations to Dr. David F. Uhry of Dacula Chiropractic Center, Inc. He obtained the postgraduate designation of Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP) by the American Chiropractic Board of Sports PhysiciansTM (ACBSP). Following this achievement, Dr. Uhry successfully passed a comprehensive written national exam. This comprehensive training aids Dr. Uhry in the prevention and treatment of athletic injuries by enhancing his advanced diagnostic skills and patient care. Dr. Uhry joins a handful of others in the state of Georgia, and a few thousand others internationally, who have achieved this designation of excellence. This distinction recognizes him as a sports specialist in his field and allows him to assist TEAM USA Olympic and Paralympic athletes at the United States Olympic Training Center clinics. Currently he resides in Dacula, Ga, northeast of Atlanta. Dr. Uhry is married with four children. 1982 Tom Baker sends news from NY, “In July 2012 I was chosen to receive the 2011 Ralph D. Gray Article Prize from the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic. I also recently won the President’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities at SUNY Potsdam. When I’m not working, I’m often playing music with my jazz guitar duo, Church & State (it’s a joke name: my colleague is an Episcopal minister, and I teach at the local state college). My son, William, will be attending SUNY Potsdam in the fall as a trumpet performance major in the Crane School of Music. My wife, Sarah, continues as school psychologist in the Potsdam schools.” ■ Mercedes (Simpson) Duhart married Robert Duhart at One Heart Church in Norcross, Georgia. In addition, she graduated in May 2011 from Luther Rice Seminary and University in Lithonia, Ga. with a Master’s Degree in Biblical Counseling. Mercedes just returned from a Missions trip with her church to Lujan, Argentina, where she spent nine days ministering and teaching men, women and children. She is hoping in the near future to do ministry work full-time. She currently works in Georgia as a paralegal.

Rock On “When the shades of night are falling oer the campus green…” Al Dubin started a trend as one of Perkiomen’s most prolific lyricists; his work ranged from our alma mater to “Tip Toe Through the Tulips.” Later, John Cecil Holms continued the music making tradition for Perkiomen by penning the words to 42nd Street and Best Foot Forward, to name a few. The tradition continues with some of today’s artists and recent alumni. Making a name for themselves today are Thom Buckwalter ‘98, Sara Cleaver ‘98, and Steven Lee ‘09. Thom Buckwalter is a member of the five man band, City of Blue. The band describes themselves has having drastically different musical backgrounds, “Their influences ranged from classical to jazz, to hardcore, and punk. They strive to create a perfect blend of these styles by incorporating rich vocals, harmonies, and complex chord progressions with driving and upbeat rock.” The band is based out of Los Angeles. Each band member has a background in music engineering and production. Their first album was released in 2008, Goodbye to Everyone. The album is centered on leaving everyone you love to seek a new path and is available on iTunes. In the summer of 2010, the band was a semi-finalist in Ford’s Gimme a Gig Competition; they have also played in the IM Band event on the Queen Mary, the International Pop Overthrow in San Diego, SXSW in Austin, and they are featured in Ernie Ball’s Battle of the Bands 16. Thom is proud to say that his passion for music is now a career, not just a part-time job. Follow City of Blue on Facebook and Twitter for all of their updates. Nervous But Excited is a two woman folk group, made up of Sarah Cleaver and Kate Peterson, who write songs and rock a range of instruments. They describe their music as having “[a] repertoire [that] ranges in topic from smart, introspective narratives to the tactfully political… interspersed with songs of love and loss that will undoubtedly tug on your heart.” Last spring, they visited to Perk and played an early evening concert at Robbie’s. The music of Nervous But Excited makes you comfortable; when listening to them play, you feel like you are in your living room and have known them forever. According to the group’s website: The duo continues to navigate the endless road of music touring and are impressive in their search to find where their music lives within all of us. These are not two musicians that are just looking for audiences to play to. They are looking for audiences to sing to.

To laugh with. To appreciate. To breathe in and to take home. Their humor has welcomed us all, their melody has held us, and their movement has energized us. This fall marks the end of their formal touring, as Sarah heads east for graduate work. Keep in touch with their music on their website at As a senior at Perkiomen, Steven Sang Hoon Lee and band Tiger Eats Toast (Jason Kim ‘08, Brian Argie Mendieta ‘09, and Yuki Ko ‘09) rocked Kehs Hall. After graduation, he enrolled at Lehigh to become a dentist; after one year of school, Steven returned home to Korea to complete his military service with every intention of returning to Lehigh and his pre-med path. In the Korean military, Steven took the test to join the highly competitive Korean Augmentation to United States Army (KATUSA) and was accepted. Once in KATUSA, he auditioned for and earned a top spot in the 8th US Army Band. Officially, Steven played in the jazz band. Unofficially, Steven and others formed a rock band that performed every weekend entertaining the troops in South Korea. Ultimately, his musical talent overtook his pre-med path. Now, Steven has transferred to Berklee College of Music in Boston. He says his motto is to always push yourself to try something new – always risk being your best.


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1983 Anthony Perella writes, “I am practicing Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine in Berlin, Md. [and] the Medical Director of the Critical Care Unit at Atlantic General Hospital. I am married to my wife, Monica, and we have triplets: Anthony, Liliana, and Nicholas.” 1985 Eve Doganges received her Master’s in Library Science from Queens College with a concentration in Child and YA Services in the Public Library. Congratulations to Eve. 1986 Sayuri Daimon is a journalist at the Japan Times and was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University. The Japan Times is an English language newspaper published in Japan. Unlike its competitors, the Daily Yomiuri and the International Herald Tribune/Asahi Shimbun, it is not affiliated with a Japanese language media organization. She was featured as a Notable Alum on the Perk Website. 1987 Michele Beck Archer updated us with a class note straight from the Perk website, “I complete my teaching certification in December and I am currently looking for a classroom. I am certified to teach Social Studies 7-12, although my preference is to teach 7th or 8th graders.” 1988 Nadine Brennan Crapo recently sent us an update, “My daughter, Anya (the light of my life) is now eight years old and keeps me busy at home. We live just a few miles from Perkiomen, in Palm, Pa. When I am not at home, I am working at Faddis Concrete Products in Honey Brook, Pa. as the Inside Sales Rep. for all of our precast concrete products. For those of you travelling in the area, you can see some of our work anywhere a noise wall is being erected along the highways. I never thought I would sell concrete for a living, but I love it.”


1991 Lucas Velez served in the US Army from 19932010, serving multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Currently he is divorced with two kids: Brandi Faith 6, and Kaleb Benjamin 4. Lucas makes his home in Winston Salem, N.C. 1992 Congratulations to Two Time Emmy Award Winner Laura Swalm! Laura is one of the producers of the Dr. Oz Show. In June, The Dr. Oz Show won a DayTime Emmy for Most Informative Talk Show two years running. Laura received the 2012 Young Alumni Achievement Award on Alumni Weekend. Since graduating from NYU Tisch School of the Arts in 1997, she has worked for some the most prestigious names in entertainment production including the Discovery


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Channel, Viacom/MTV, BBC World wide, Banyon Productions and Al Roker Entrainment. Her shows include Trading Spaces, Dancing With The Stars, Made, Miami Ink, and The Skinny Chef to name a few. 1993 Sarah Long-Bachert writes with great news, “I am close to earning my B.S. in Graphic Design through the Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online (I have a degree in Art & Design already, but I’m adding to it). I will be stepping in as a leader/advisor this year for my oldest daughter’s (16 year old) Girl Scout Troop. I am super excited about it! We do a lot of camping and skills activities. It makes me so proud that we have such a large group of girls still so active in the Girl Scouts. They are Senior Girl Scouts & bridging to Ambassadors. My daughter and some of the other girls are working on their Gold Awards. I can’t believe my daughter will start her junior year of high school on Aug. 22nd!!! She is the Baritone Section leader for the Camp Hill High School Marching Band. She has her sights set on attending Shippensburg University for Art Education & Music after she graduates in 2014. My dad was a graduate from there, and was very active with the Shippensburg Foundation, so it’s quite special she is interested in attending. My dad passed away suddenly in March 2011. He was a very big part of our lives. My three boys will be in 8th grade (my honors student), 6th grade (my history buff & computer whiz), and 1st grade (my future engineer).They are all soccer players. :) All three are also involved in Cub/Boy Scouts. My youngest will be in preschool (at this point my future ballerina if you ask her).” 1996 Edward Taylor Plunket “Teddy” was born at 2:37 a.m. on December 22, 2011 to parents Kerry Taylor ’96 and Robert Plunket. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 14 oz. and was 22 inches long. Welcome to the Perk family! 1997 Jane Branton helped to develop the My Heart Map Challenge website and application along with friends at The University of Pennsylvania. The site maps the locations of AEDs in Philadelphia. To be a part of this movement to create AED awareness visit 1998 City of Blue featuring Thom Buckwalter released their debut album. Check it out on iTunes. 1999 Kristen Hansen McManhon is the proud mother of Keira Elyse McMahon, born May 18, 2012, 7 lbs., 14 oz., 21 inches long. Another fine addition to the Perk family!


2000 Monica Suchdeo sent the following note, “Guess who’s got married in October 2012? That’s me. Met him in college (DeSales), John. Yeppie!” Congratulations! ■ Manny Zarzuela and his wife are celebrating the birth of Shea Lucy Zarzuela, born March 29, 2012 and weighed in at 6 lbs 5 oz.We have a feeling this little cutie’s name comes from Daddy’s favorite baseball team. 2001 Congratulations to recently married Brian Elstein and his wife Satoko Kon, who celebrated with two wedding receptions; one in Japan on May 1, 2010 and one in the US on July 25, 2010. They currently reside in Center City, where Brian is in the second year of his graduate program in Art. Brian is currently substitute teaching, working as a teaching artist, and manning events at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. ■ Julie Beth Fetterolf married Eugene Kang on March 25, 2011. Sister Janelle Fetterolf ’04 was in the wedding as well as former faculty member Shannon Lenz Guidotti. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Kang! 2002 Kelvin Green was inducted into The Perkiomen School Hall of Athletic Honor in June of 2012.At Perk, he earned Varsity letters in football, basketball (MVP in 2002), and baseball. Kelvin averaged 28 points per game and 15 rebounds per game at Perkiomen. An outstanding young man and athlete, Kelvin left Perkiomen holding our all-time leading scorer record 2,282 points in his career making him number 2 on the all-time leading scorers list for the Pottstown Mercury and number 7 on the Inquirer’s 2,000 club list. On the Inquirer’s list he is in good company with Kobe Bryant, Wayne Ellington, Gerald Henderson, and Wilt Chamberlain (by the way he ranks higher on the list than Ellington, Henderson and Chamberlain!). Kelvin left Perkiomen and went onto Coppin State and the California University of Pennsylvania. During 20062007 his senior season he averaged 23 minutes per game, 13 points per game, 7 rebounds. The Reading Railers signed him for the 2006-2007 season where he averaged 16 points per game. Currently, he is still involved with basketball, playing and coaching at The Green Tree School in Philadelphia. ■ Victor Rodriguez is working at the Hotel La Concha in San Juan. Recently, he appeared in the HBO Series East Bound and Down, Season 2. ■ Welcome to the Perkiomen Family Parker Emmett Schulz, born June 1, 2012 weighing in at 7 lbs. 6 oz., 19 inches. Parker is the son of Eric and Kelly Schulz. Grandpa is Jim Schulz ’81 and Uncle is Jake Schulz ’10. ■ Reiko Watanebe married Keita Nakada in 2011. The couple are the proud parents of a baby girl, Tao, born November 7, 2012.

2003 Jillian Ziegler received her Master’s in K-12 School Counseling and is a Nationally Certified Counselor. She is cur rently working in East Stroudsburg, Pa. 2004 Min Jang is in graduate school at the University of Minnesota. ■ Lyell Scherline joined Conde Nast as an assistant to the Executive Director in NYC. He is a 2008 graduate of the University of Delaware, with a degree in Criminal justice and was awarded a Master’s in Business Administration in International Business Affairs from the University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina (UADE). 2005 Peter Eum is attending medical school at the University of Missouri. ■ For the fourth year in a row, Aaron Master was a feature performer in the Martin Guitar on Main festival in Bethlehem, Pa. Check out what Aaron is up to ■ Tayna Stull married Dennis Leon Stanley, Jr. on July 19, 2012, at Morningside Inn in Frederick, Md.

Carly Herman ’04 After Perkiomen, where and what did you study?

I studied Jewelry Design and Metalsmithing at the Tyler School of Art of Temple University. What are you doing with jewelry design now?

I currently work part time as an assistant designer for a Jewelry company called Dandelion. They have five stores that we create an exclusive line of jewelry for called De Mi a Ti which means “From me to you.” When I am not creating De Mi a Ti jewelry, I am working in my studio located in Fishtown, a neighborhood in Philadelphia, at the Viking Mill Artists Complex. There, I create a brand of jewelry called Bombita Designs, a nickname given to me by my mother meaning, “Little Bomb.” I started this line of jewelry in 2012, a year after my mother passed away. So, it kind of pays homage to her creative spirit.

2006 Alyssa Romasco graduated from the Master of Athletic Training degree program at the University of Arkansas. Alyssa was selected to receive a scholarship from the Southwest Athletic Trainer’s Association. Alyssa plans to graduate in May 2012 and is interested in working as an athletic trainer in a military setting or at a military school. She also plans to return to college later to earn a doctorate and to pursue a position teaching at the university level. Alyssa earned an undergraduate degree in exercise science from McDaniel College in Westminster, Md.

How would you describe your jewelry design style?

The jewelry I make is raw and edgy; but, those qualities are paired with high polished finishes and designs that are sophisticated and marketable for everyday wear. What is your favorite medium in which to work?

I predominantly use sterling silver, brass, and bronze to fabricate the jewelry, but I accent the pieces with gold leaf, citrine, and pigmented resins. Where can people see your designs?

You can find Bombita Designs on Facebook, Instagram, and Etsy. You can also follow my blog where I have limited edition pieces at Who is your favorite designer?

I don’t have one favorite designer, but in the world of jewelry I am often intrigued by the work of Pamela Love; I also like the way Todd Reed hand sets his raw diamonds and the finishes he uses on palladium. Who has influenced you the most?

Well I have to say, my mother was my first mentor in the arts; she encouraged me to draw and paint at a very young age. As far as where my work has progressed to, I would have to say A. Jason Ross of Artemas Quibble has had the biggest impact on my work ethic and my ability to be resourceful with the tools and facilities I have. I worked for him from 2008-2010 as a leather-smith apprentice. What was your favorite art project at Perk?

My favorite art project at Perkiomen was the “mixed media project.” I made a painting of actress Rose McGowan using wall paper, tissue paper, acrylic paint, and string, among other things, and it really broadened my perspective on making art.

In Memoriam 1928 Arthur J. Weiss, Sr. a 1932 graduate from Albright College, with B.S. degree. In 1932 he began teaching biology and algebra in the Clearfield Area School District and he also worked part time for 20 years as a chemist with DuMont Airplane and Marine. He served as head coach for Jr. High Football for three years during WW II and coached basketball for two years before starting the Clearfield High School wrestling program in 1935. He served as head wrestling coach for 25 years and retired in 1959. In 1978, he became one of the first two inductees into the Pennsylvania Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame. He was also inducted into to the National High School Sports Hall of Fame in 1991. Art coached 31 PIAA champions in 25 seasons. He started Clearfield’s program which has amassed a record 40 PIAA champions in 1935. Art served 17 years as Chief Scorer and Matchmaker for (EIWOA) Eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling Organization Association and was a member of the board for 17 years. He was listed in the National High School Hall of Fame as one of the most winning wrestling coaches.


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1934 The Alumni Office was notified that Thomas W. Eck passed away. No further information could be verified at the time of publication. ■ Frank Stephen Riordan, Jr. passed away Friday, April 22, 2011, after a brief illness. A PhD in Chemical Engineering, he found wonderment in all facets of life. Frank was the founder of the Frank S. Riordan Award. 1936 Longtime supporter of Perkiomen, L. Roger Williams of Virginia died on, November 3, 2011. He was a graduate of Duke University where he served on the Board of Visitors. Mr.Williams spent his professional career in international finance. Mr. Williams and his wife were generous supporters of the Harris Family Center at the Kilmarnock YMCA and Duke University. 1940 Frederick A. Lotz died peacefully on June 23, 2011. He had a 40 year career as an aircraft mechanic and chief inspector working at MacArthur and Republic Airports on Long Island. Fred was proud of his alma mater, where he was a member of the Glee Club and captain of the Soccer team. In his younger years, Fred was involved in midget and sprint-car racing. He was also a Mason for over 60 years. 1948 Antonio (Tony) D’Innocenzo, passed away April 23, 2012. Born in Pottstown in 1926 to Gilda Cotellesse and Oreste D’Innocenzo, he was a longtime resident of East Norriton. He retired as a Professional Engineer from STV, Inc. and was a member of the Moose, Elks, American Legion, and St. Titus Athletic Club. Donations in Tony’s name may be made to Perkiomen School. 1951 Capt. Gordon Lawrence Murray, USN (Ret.) passed away February 19, 2011. He was born in Summit, New Jersey, son of the late Gordon L. Murray and the late Gerda Kjaer Sorensen Murray. Gordon served with distinction and honor and retired from the United States Navy with 26 years of service. He was a member of First (Scots) Presbyterian Church, the Seabrook Island Club, the Association of Naval Aviation, the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, Florida, and The Early and Pioneer Naval Aviation Association (Golden Eagles). Captain Murray was known by those who knew and loved him as “The World’s Greatest Fighter Pilot.” He is survived by his loving and devoted wife, Sara, and family. 1958 Richard (Dick) Neel Fink, died June 15, 2011 after a short battle with lung cancer. At Perkiomen, he was Student Senate President and a member of the football, basketball, golf and track teams. 1961 Vincent R. (Vince) Palmere, of Knoxville,Tn. passed away at his home on Friday, July 22, 2011. Vince was a loving son, husband, father, and grandfather.


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He was a veteran of the US Air Force who served as an Airman during the Cuban Missile Crisis. In 1964, Vince earned an Airman of the Month award and also received a Good Conduct Medal. He received a BS in Chemistry from Muhlenberg College in 1973. After serving in the Air Force,Vince worked for Bethlehem Steel Homer Research Labs as a chemist, Corning Glassware in Product Development, and then US Borax and Chemical Company as a technical service rep. He is survived by his wife, Gail Kiefer Palmere. 1964 Frederic P. Kistler died on Sunday, April 10, 2011. Fred passed peacefully at home with his wife by his side and surrounded with the spirit and love of his Bouvier des Flandres, Truman, family and many dear friends. Fred was a graduate of MacMurray College. Over the years before his retirement he had been the Owner and President of F. P. Kistler Fire Safety Systems, Inc., owner of Lock Equipment Material Handling Co., Regional Office for Sales and Service of Detex Security and Safety Equipment, Founding Director of East Penn Bank, and owner of Kistler Apartments. He is survived by his wife, Debra Guth Kistler. 1970 Dennis L. Seasholtz, of Pennsburg, Pa. died peacefully on July 24, 2012. He was born in Allentown, Pa. to the late John W. and Elizabeth Seasholtz. He was the beloved husband of Mary (Giulaian) Seasholtz. Denny was employed by Merck Corporation, Lansdale, Pa. He was a member of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Pennsburg, Pa. 1976 Joseph A. Kovach, died Saturday, October 29, 2011, at Aspirus Hospice House in Wausau, Mn. He was a graduate of both Penn State University and Michigan Tech where he completed his Master’s. (Joseph was married and divorced.) He spent a great deal of time in Ecuador. He first went there as a Peace Corps volunteer from 1981 to 1983. He enjoyed it so much he later returned to work there as a forester for Baltek Corp. for eight years. 1979 William Jonathan ( Jon) Huber passed away at Chilton Memorial Hospital in Pompton Plains on May 27, 2012. Born in Baton Rouge, La. he had lived in, Macungie, Pa. for most of his life before moving to Denville, NJ in 2005, and for the last two years he lived in West Milford, N.J. 1987 Melissa A. Jushchyshyn, known as Missy to her Perk family, of Lansdale, Pa. passed away unexpectedly Monday, July 16, 2012 as a result of a recent illness. She was the beloved wife of Nicholas E. Jushchyshyn, her husband of 18 years. Missy received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in English from West Chester University and earned an additional Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from Regent University. She taught

undergraduate English courses at a number of colleges, including Regent University, University of Phoenix Online, and The Art Institute of Pittsburgh.Along with her husband, she also co-founded Techvantics Photography in Lansdale which specializes in sports photography. Missy’s passion in life was sports. She was an avid football fan, especially the Philadelphia Eagles. At the age of 32, she earned a Black Belt in Karate. While at Perkiomen, Missy excelled in field hockey, basketball, and lacrosse. Most important, however, was her family, especially her children. In addition to her husband and mother, she is survived by her children, Jessica Ann and Nicky C. Jushchyshyn.

Trustees Former Trustee Carl F. Tinnerholm ’51, died Friday, January 20, 2012 at First Health Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, North Carolina. Carl’s passion for Perkiomen was evident with his establishment of the Tinnerholm Family Scholarship; the athletic road was named in his honor: Tinnerholm Way. Through the years, Carl often reflected on his time at Perkiomen. He loved being a waiter for Mrs. Stefano, enjoyed card playing in the dorms, and took great pride in the athletic teams. He is survived by his daughter, Karen J.Tinnerholm of Bluffton, S.C. Memorial contributions may be made to The Perkiomen School. Robert Clark Wood died in his home, Saturday, October 29, 2011. Bob was a Trustee at Perkiomen for many years. He served as Executive Vice President for Client Development for Sodexo until his retirement in 2009. A true philanthropist, he served on many boards in the Lehigh Valley. Bob is survived by his wife Ilene Hochberg Wood. Roderick W. Wood ’63 Loyal Perkiomen son, passed away September 19, 2012. During his time at Perkiomen he was an administrator, teacher, dorm parent, and coach. He also served on the Board of Trustees. He is survived by his wife Lusandre L. (Chaudruc) Wood, son Ian ’92, and brother Harry ’63.

Former Faculty Carmel Madeline Thomas 1915-2011 “Midge” to her friends and students passed away in October 2011. Midge served Perkiomen for over 15 years as a teacher of French, and weekend and cultural director. During her retirement she continued to volunteer at Perkiomen assisting with cultural programs and the Hewett Concert. She is survived by her husband, George Thomas.

The Perkiomen Fund Exceeds Goal The Perkiomen Fund has met or exceeded its goal for the third time in three years.

Faculty and Staff giving percentage has more than doubled since last year.

Our Parents and our Alumni have steadily increased the total amount donated to The Perkiomen Fund. Our alumni have increased the average amount given per person each year over three years.


Our Perkiomen Parents have also demonstrated their powerful effect on the Perkiomen Fund as the amount of their average gift increased by about 55% each year for three years.

Thank You


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