The Perkiomen School 2013 Report to Donors

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Report to Donors 2012-2013

Contents Letter from the Headmaster.....................................................................3 Letter from the Board Chair......................................................................4 Admissions and Financial Aid ..................................................................6 Academics .................................................................................................7 Student Life................................................................................................9 Athletics....................................................................................................11 Arts...........................................................................................................12 College Counseling..................................................................................14 Buildings and Grounds ...........................................................................16 Strategic Plan...........................................................................................18 Revenue & Expense Budget ..................................................................19 Alumni and Development........................................................................20 Summary of Gifts.....................................................................................22 Leadership Societies . .............................................................................24 Gifts to All Funds up to $749.99..............................................................26 Capital Gifts..............................................................................................32 Gifts to Endowment . ...............................................................................33 Gift-in-Kind...............................................................................................33 Restricted Gifts.........................................................................................33 Estate Gifts Realized................................................................................33 Phoenix Society........................................................................................34 Constituency Report.................................................................................36 Roll Call of Donors by Alumni Class ......................................................39 Roll Call of Donors by Constituency........................................................44 Gifts in Memory/Honor of........................................................................50 Matching Gift Companies.........................................................................51 EITC/OSTC................................................................................................52 Disclaimer: Disclaimer: The 2012-13 Report to Donors includes donations made between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. The Perkiomen School has tried to recognize all who have thoughtfully contributed to the school. We apologize if we have inadvertently omitted or misspelled any name. Please alert us if an error has been made so that we may correct our record. Write to: Office of Alumni and Development, The Perkiomen School, 200 Seminary Street, Pennsburg, PA 18073, or email

Letter from the Headmaster Dear Perkiomen Community: On behalf of our students, faculty, and staff of The Perkiomen School, I thank you for your ongoing and generous support during the 2012-2013 academic year. As of June 30, 2013, The Perkiomen Fund stands at $401,201 with total giving for the year of $4,113,841. The Perkiomen Fund, which supports our students through the annual operating budget, increased once again this year. With the support of our loyal donors and the continued growth of The Perkiomen Fund, we provide improved opportunities and services for our students each and every day. Programs to support chapel and advisory, new uniforms for athletics, musical instruments and art supplies, and Harkness-style tables in history and English all result from the generosity of our donors. Perhaps the most important way to support our students is by making Perkiomen accessible for students from any socio-economic background. With a strong commitment to financial aid and scholarships, we have provided opportunities for students from across the nation and from right here in our own local zip codes through the help of donors. During the 2012-13 school year, Perkiomen Fund dollars inspired many projects across campus. In preparation for the iPad Program, the school invested significant funds into the wireless system across campus. Perkiomen Fund gifts aided in the purchase of new furniture in dormitory lounges, which will provide more comfortable places for students to socialize and study. Gifts from alumni, families, and friends have allowed Perk to renovate the Nallo Center (Library and Media) to facilitate the growth of our middle school. Directed funds from the board of trustees are responsible for a complete renovation of the Hollenbach Athletic Center Lobby, which is used by all students as a lounge and social space during games and on the weekends. With a school that respects its faculty and encourages families to make our campus home, we have also invested in additional faculty housing in key locations that are contiguous to campus and are now incorporated into our campus footprint. The Perkiomen Fund also provides opportunities to support faculty professional development, which in turn supports our

students through improved teaching. Over the course of the last year, several faculty have begun or continued work on their advanced degrees. Some have enjoyed AP conferences to learn new techniques as well as updated expectations on the exams. Others have been part of the Association of Delaware Valley Independent Schools Leading from the Middle program, which guides new department chairs in their important role on campus. As always, the faculty remains our most important asset and resource and their ongoing professional development is essential to hiring and retaining teachers who enjoy their craft and lead our students to success here and in college. After five wonderful years as headmaster, I remain appreciative of the strong support that our alumni, families, and friends provide to the school – its teachers and its students. As The Perkiomen Fund improves, so too does the education we provide here at Perk. With an improved Perkiomen Fund also comes improved capital giving, which will propel our school forward in varied and important ways. In the coming year, building will begin on a new dormitory. With your help, we can continue the success of The Perkiomen Fund – and we can move forward with larger projects that will enhance the lives of faculty and students in the years to come. Your support, as always, enables us to live our mission to inspire students to risk becoming their best. Again, thank you for your support. Best wishes,

Christopher R. Tompkins P ’15, ’19 Headmaster

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Letter from the Board Chair Dear Friends: It is with great pleasure that I add my personal thanks to Headmaster Christopher Tompkins’s comments regarding the Perkiomen Fund. As you know, annual giving at independent schools is critical to the school’s success. Gifts to The Perkiomen Fund translate directly to the success of Perkiomen students and faculty each year through key co-curricular programs such as Campus Outreach and faculty professional development, such as earning an advanced degree or taking part in Advanced Placement symposia. As an alumnus and past parent of two Perkiomen School graduates, my family and I have made Perkiomen a philanthropic priority. We are passionate about the education Perkiomen provides and we actively support the mission to “inspire students to risk becoming their best.” Of course, I believe firmly that each of us – parents, alumni, trustees, and friends of the school – should be just as passionate as the students and faculty are about the school. As I look to the future of alma mater, I know that the passion for Perkiomen from the Board of Trustees and the leadership of Headmaster Christopher Tompkins and his administrative team, combine to provide the vision and direction necessary for the long term sustainability of the school. Since 2008, Perkiomen has grown to over 350 students. Our residential life program is healthy and our day students enjoy all the opportunities that come with a vibrant boarding and day school atmosphere. At the start of the 2013-14 academic year, Perkiomen is offering 28 Advanced Placement courses for students to seek out additional challenge in an already dynamic curriculum. The middle school has seen growth with expansive academic opportunities in world languages, mathematics, and the arts. While we have accomplished a great deal together over the past several years, we must recognize that the school has many needs going forward. Thanks to a leadership gift from


Eric Kolbe, Class of 1961, and another from the Estate of Dr. Frank S. Riordan, Jr. ’34. Perkiomen will embark on a building program to replace dormitories and improve the residential program. With seed funds from SODEXO, plans are underway to renovate Parents Hall. Your philanthropic support to The Perkiomen Fund and to important capital projects, such as new dorms and Parents Hall, will continue to keep Perkiomen thriving as an independent college preparatory school. As the 2013-2014 year commences, I know that Perkiomen students are arriving on a campus with committed teachers, countless opportunities to risk being their best, and facilities that respect each student’s interests and goals. I would ask each of you, then, to join with me to support Perkiomen and its students. Your gifts strengthen Perkiomen’s independent culture and its history of welcoming students from every walk of life, and it supports our goals to improve the school for generations to come. Sincerely,

James E. Schulz ’81, P ’02, ’10 President, Board of Trustees

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Admissions and Financial Aid The Perkiomen School will enter the 2013-2014 academic year with record enrollment. The success of this year’s enrollment season is due in part to successful retention coupled with strong new enrollment. Our attrition rate is at three percent which is well below the boarding school average of near fifteen percent. We have over 110 new students enrolled for 2013-2014 bringing total enrollment to 358 students. Low attrition rates are a direct reflection of a job well done by every member of the faculty and staff at Perkiomen. We have a dedicated Office of Admissions and Financial Aid that is committed to telling the Perk story. Our current students are having amazing experiences at Perk and it makes our jobs easier to have those stories to share. It doesn’t hurt that our physical space is equally as wonderful. This year we have seen success in the


local day market due in large part to our success as an institution. We are proud of our strong academic program, including 28 AP courses, as well as our comprehensive afterschool activity program. Our fine arts program, including theater and visual art, is strong and the perfect complement to our strength in academics and athletics. Local athletes have noticed the success of our athletic teams, especially in baseball, basketball, and lacrosse. Middle school enrollment is up for many of the same reasons as day student enrollment: We have strong students having great experiences.

In the middle school we are seeing more and more families referred to us from siblings, neighbors, cousins, and current faculty. Not only do families have a great first impression of Perk when they visit, they are sharing that impression. Word of mouth marketing is so important and the realization that we have a program and atmosphere that serves students who want to succeed has gone a long way in helping us increase our middle school enrollment. We have also seen much success with our boarding student enrollment. We are in the position to have all beds contracted by the start of school. It is wonderful to enter the academic year “sold out.” Deliberate decisions are being made to balance our geographic diversity and we are excited to welcome new students next year from new countries such as Bulgaria, Rwanda, Turkey, and the Ukraine.

Academics The close of the 2012-2013 academic year brought many accomplishments achieved by the dedication and collaborative effort of Perkiomen faculty and students alike. The National Latin Exam and the National German Exam results have once again proven the strength of the World Language Program; our students placed in every medal category, and we even had a student win the Gold Summa Cum Laude award for his work in Latin III. Perk also continued to be extremely strong in the National Math Contest, placing first for independent schools in the state and seventh for all schools in Pennsylvania. We had six students with perfect scores on the last contest. In addition, we had 121 students sit for 278 AP exams in 2012-2013. Like all classes at Perkiomen, our AP classes enrich the high school experience of our students. Also, our AP students have and will continue to receive advantages in the college application process as well as when they arrive at

college, provided that they do well in the course and receive a 3 (out of 5) or more on the exam. Accolades for our students are always wonderful; they confirm the dynamic and motivated nature of our community. Our faculty members inspire our students and serve as role models for life-long learning. We had some exciting new opportunities arise; at an impromptu faculty meeting in late February, all teaching faculty received an iPad as a part of the move to make Perkiomen an iPad school in 2013-2014. At that time, we discussed using the iPad as a teaching tool in order to augment what we do every day in the classroom. In early March, faculty attended the Faculty Day at NAIS in Philly, an amazing experience where we were able to attend workshops, listen to keynote

speakers, and hobnob with faculty from independent schools across the nation and world. On the March 18 Professional Development Day, we came together to discuss our experiences at NAIS. This collaborative effort generated a great deal of enthusiasm and we ended up devoting most of that day to iPad training, discussions on curriculum, and department meetings about educational apps and electronic materials. This summer, teachers continued their education through various classes, workshops, and/or conferences. Faculty members attended AP conferences in Spanish Language, Chemistry, and Physics. Perk teachers were in Montana as a part of Montana State University’s Master of Science program, in Vermont as a part of the Middlebury College Language Program for a Master’s Degree in Chinese, at Harvard University for classes towards an Master of Arts in English, at Drexel University for classes toward a Master of Science in Global and International Education, and at Plymouth State University for a Master of Education in Music. In addition, Jeremy Mathison attended the New England Band Directors Conference in New Hampshire in July.

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Academics continued In English this spring, students in Ms. Lupo’s ENG-300 classes created Literary Postcards in which they selected a scene and used textual, sensory details to construct a visual image. This, paired with a carefully selected passage, creatively assessed the students’ ability to interpret literary imagery and figurative language. Math studies continue on course at all levels, and calculators vs. no calculators has been an ongoing debate at the higher levels. As a part of Earth Week in April, Ms. Bock’s AP Statistics class measured the use of napkins in the dining hall, electricity in the dormitories, and the amount of


recycled paper and plastic on campus. In February, the AP Statistics class completed their “Average age of a penny project”, which took samples of three different penny styles. In the World Language department, Mandarin Chinese Teacher James Jones utilized a media company called The teacher in Beijing called the class using their software, and all of our students were be able to respond. It made for a great opportunity for the Chinese students to test their language. Elsewhere on campus, Ben Fidler and his forensics class studied the effects

of maggots on decomposing chicken parts left outside in strategic locations. AP Chemistry students completed a four-day titration lab in which they quantitatively dripped a base standard into an acid solution of unknown concentration. At the end point of the titration, the optimum result would be a transition from clear to a faint pink color lasting at least thirty seconds. This color change was produced by a single drop of the base standard. Clearly hands-on learning occurs daily in our science labs! Once again, 2012-2013 was an amazing year of growth and activity in the Perkiomen classroom.

Student Life The 2012-13 school year was an exciting and rewarding year. As we look back, there are several highlights. For the past few years, we have been involved with the Campus Outreach Program which offers curriculum and webinars that allow faculty, students, and parents to become involved and participate in various ways. Key topics range from alcohol, drugs, selfesteem, cyber bullying, and wellness, to name a few. In late Spring, April Tatta was on campus to present to grades 9-11 a program on body image, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, self-confidence, and media literacy called “Blondes Have More Fun.” She spoke to the 8th graders about their transition to upper school and

addressed the seniors about their upcoming transition to college. All presentations brought to light many timely issues that were well received by the students. During Family Weekend, parents enjoyed a presentation by Richard Guerry, Executive Director of the Institute for Responsible Online and Cell Phone Communication, entitled “Public and Permanent.” This presentation addressed all areas of the digital world and demonstrated how all digital citizens can avoid becoming victims of cybercrime. We also invited

Mr. Guerry back to campus in February to share his presentation with the entire student body. Our students became keenly aware of how to handle many types of situations online. The school was also presented with a copy of Mr. Guerry’s book, The Golden Rule of the 21st Century, Straight Talk about Digital Safety: The Real Consequences of Digital Abuse. Our weekend activities program also expanded this year under the leadership of Ben Fidler. We have diversified the types of trips the students take off campus as well as incorporating a large number of on campus activities and events for the entire student body. A prime example is a trip to New York City last October to Comicon, one of the largest comic book, film and

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Student Life continued pop culture events on the East Coast. Over forty students spent the day at the memorable event and some even dressed in costume. We have offered many trips to participate in paintball that included over sixty students. The large group trips are beneficial because they are popular choices for all students: day, boarding, local, international, male, and female. Our on campus activities have included a “theme weekend” each term. Fall was Halloween with a Haunted House, Zombie Run and scary stories as well as s’mores on campus. During the winter, we had a Christmas themed weekend with a semi-formal, Christmas cookie decorating, and holiday movies. The Hunger Games was yet another major success. Spring term included the traditional Purple and Gold Day, Student Variety Show, and a host of outdoor activities on campus including disc golf, kan jam, horseshoes, and bocce. There continues to be great opportunities at Perkiomen for students to be involved and promote positive student and faculty connections. All faculty continue to be involved in the residential program on weekdays and weekends with assignments at various dorms, Robbie’s, Carnegie Library, Kehs Hall, Hollenbach Athletic Center, or Schumo Academic Center. Schedules are assigned in a way that every faculty member covers five to six nights per month working with students during the week. There are also four weekend teams that rotate throughout the year with each team assigned seven weekends throughout the year, including two closed weekends, one at the start of the year as well as the final weekend. As always, the student life program at Perkiomen works to keep everyone happy and busy.


Athletics 2012-13 was a good year for Perkiomen Athletics.

the Perkiomen Invitational, the culminating tournament of the season.

The Hollenbach Athletic Center was the recipient of a major overhaul and facelift. All of the playing areas and hallways were painted, providing the Athletic Center with a fresh, vibrant look. The Natatorium was totally renovated including the installation of a new heating unit, filters, and comprehensive resurfacing of the pool and ceiling. In addition, the window areas in the Natatorium and Exhibition Gym were fitted with curtains.

This winter, the basketball teams both fared well. The girls’ team won both the regular season and the tournament championships with a young team, its first since 1984. Junior Nicole Pupillo became the first girl in school history to score 1000 points, a significant basketball milestone. The boys’ basketball team played well, ending the season playing in the TCL championship game. The swim team had another good year with several swimmers qualifying for the Easterns. The boys’ relay team of Connor Bade, Juanki Sierra, Artur Khvan and Zachary Weil set a school record in the

Outdoors, we continue to maintain our athletic fields, including aerating,

fertilizing, and weed control. We have seen improvement with the playing surfaces on all of the fields, including improved drainage and thicker grass. The 2012-2013 athletic teams all had varying levels of success. Last fall, the girls’ tennis team won the Tri-County League (TCL) tournament championship, knocking out Barrack, the perennial winners. The girls’ soccer team won the regular season championship, a fine accomplishment considering the program is only three years old. The golf team won

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Athletics continued 200 Freestyle Relay as well as a pool record in the 400 Freestyle Relay. The powerlifting team was co-ed this year for the first time. They placed second in the Powerlifting Championships, in the small school division at Emmaus High School. The 2013 spring season also produced league championships. The boys’ lacrosse team won the TCL for the first time in four years. The girls’ lacrosse team finished the season 15-3 while winning the TCL. Maddy Faraco ’14 scored her 100th career goal during

the season. The baseball team also won the TCL with a hard fought win (3-2) over West Mont; this is the team’s 19th consecutive league championship. With continued growth in enrollment, more options needed to be added for the students. This year we added badminton and track and field; both sports were a success. We offered badminton all three seasons because of its popularity. Each season, over fifty students tried out for the team, which carries twenty-four players. Last summer, three full badminton

courts were installed in the practice gym. An additional pop-up net adds a smaller court which provides the ability to have twelve players practice at once. For the inaugural spring track and field program, forty students joined the team. In order to have races, the track needed to be upgraded, which was done by applying modified stone. The students participated in two meets; many of the athletes had never been in a meet before, so to begin competing proved exciting for all involved.

Arts Theater During the 2012-2013 school year, Theater had another solid year with several successful productions and a trip to the State Thespian Festival. This year fifteen students attended the festival to attend workshops and present material they had prepared. The Thespian Society also made another important step this year and

elected several officers. They have tentative plans at this point to take the lead for the Variety Show next year and are thinking of other ways to be a more active presence on campus. Almost, Maine was a fun and well attended production this fall; however, Oliver! really ‘stole the show.’ The combined cast was a great experience for both upper and middle school students and the reception of the production was amazing. The addition of theater term courses have all been very successful this year, introducing students to theater and providing avenues for seasoned actors to refine and expand upon their skills. In addition, Jacob Hauser, theater instructor, continues to ask students to take leadership roles from organizing the back stage area to organizing productions.

Music Jeremy Mathison, music instructor, continues the tradition of providing


opportunities in music. Early in the year a student group opened the Hewett Concert with some impressive pieces. A new recording studio has been set up in the music office allowing students to record their own tracks. A number of students have taken advantage of the recording studio, creating wholly original works, including a trio of middle school girls and Frank Johnson whose music was featured at the Wallace Reid Awards ~Named for the Class of 1909 alumnus who created artwork for the first edition of The Griffin and went on to become a prolific silent film star. The Wallace Reid Awards recognize achievement in musical, theatrical, and visual arts. Two students participated in the All Eastern Orchestra conference and had the opportunity to audition for the All National Conference. Jeremy Mathison organized several open mic events, offered to be the faculty advisor to a student rock band, and led students

in performing a half time show at the Homecoming football game. The addition of more student-oriented, informal performances has been welcomed and we plan on expanding upon these in the coming year as well as looking at ways to increase formal and off-campus performance opportunities.

Corin Breña’s position and schedule in Communications.

Mr. Mathison has capitalized on his own strengths to improve upon the music program and in the coming year will be increasing the opportunities made available to students. With the addition of Amy Mathison as an Assistant music teacher and leader of vocal programs, an A Capella group is already planned for 2013-2014.

ArtsFest 2012-2013

Visual Arts Jean Thobaben and Amber Goupil, Department Chair, familiarized themselves with glass fusing, an art that is now open to us because of our newly acquired kiln. Having attended a conference on materials and techniques, Jean Thobaben has jumped right in to learn a new medium. About midway through the year, students began creating their own small-scale pieces with some very nice results. In the next year we expect to move this aspect of the program forward in some interesting ways. The Ceramics & Sculpture classes worked with renowned sculptor and past parent David Flaharty on a casting project. Mr. Flaharty worked with students over several weeks, guiding them through each step of the process and building a custom frame for the finished piece, which will be hung over the summer. In addition, Jean Thobaben has been busy with her iPad preparing resources for the coming year, some

Our students and their art were well represented outside the school, too…. At an alumni event and at the Woman’s Club annual art contest where they took home several awards.

of which she already actively used this past year. Her Pinterest boards on art history topics are very well done and are a resource that students both like and use. Students have done a number of projects with very tangible connections to the real world. The Digital Photography & Design class worked with a local business to redesign their style guide and the Functional Aesthetics class worked in groups refinishing furniture. The middle school Art 7 project was particularly successful as a work that developed student leadership skills, connected students to global causes, and made for great public art. On another public art front, Abdel Ibrahim used the Schumo Plaza as a canvas to paint a piece titled From Above inspired by the ancient Nazca Lines. The process of the ephemeral work was captured on film and shown at the Wallace Reid Awards. Film Foundations will not be offered in the coming year but a few students will be continuing their film work in a directed study program. The hope is that this arrangement dovetails better with

Once again this was a weekend full of student-centered events that nicely showcased the year’s work in the department. The format for these events has been developed to include the whole community and makes for a fun weekend that recognizes and highlights the best and brightest artists in our community of students.

Performing Arts Club The Performing Arts Club was busy this past year performing in a number of events that they organized. They opened for Michael Fowlin and performed a nice piece to kick off Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebrations. The club organized a “Silent Disco” to break up the winter doldrums and worked with an alumnus’s dance company to put on a dance recital. They arranged for music during a formal dinner and have plans to do this again in the coming school year. The club’s most significant project was organizing the celebrations for Poetry Month, which included a student and faculty spoken word assembly (performance art), morning meeting recitations, a dinner performance, and hosting Project V.O.I.C.E. - an organization that brings together performance, writing, and a supportive environment to inspire youth to recognize that their views are significant, valid, and necessary.

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College Counseling Class of 2013 – 68 students The class of 2013 applied to a wide selection of schools throughout the United States and were accepted to 277 institutions. Here is a sample of acceptances:

Amherst College

The College of the Holy Cross

Emory University

Berklee College of Music

Connecticut College

Furman University

Champlain College

Duke University

Kenyon College

New York University

Oberlin College

Rollins College

Sarah Lawrence College

Smith College

Swarthmore College

University of Missouri

Vanderbilt University

Williams College

Wofford College

Savannah College of Art & Design

• 37% of matriculations were to schools ranked Most Competive/Highly Competitive (Barron’s) • 17 students will matriculate to schools ranked in the top 100 National Universities (US News & World Report) • 11 students will matriculate to schools ranked in the top 100 National Liberal Arts Colleges (US News & World Report)

• Over 50% acceptance rate for students applying Early Decision I

• Students have been accepted to colleges in 31 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia

• 83% of students applying Early Action were accepted

• 1 NCAA Division II athlete; 3 NCAA Division III athletes

• 50% of senior class applied during the early admission process (Early Action or Early Decision)

• Fine and performing arts played a major role in 4 students’ college application process


The Office of College Counseling accomplished the following in 2012-2013: Junior College Night College Admission Officers from eight colleges visited campus Northeastern

Michigan State





Lebanon Valley


This evening was divided into two parts • Panel Discussion with guiding questions • Case Studies Parents met with Sarah Summerhill from Michigan State Students were divided into 7 groups with the other officers

Ashley Barber ’02; Vanguard Investments, Legal team Nick Robinson ’02; Social Media Tactician and Inbound Marketer at SAP

How to Succeed in College and Beyond: Alumni Panels • Co-hosted with Diana Weir-Smith (Alumni Relations) • Seven college and graduate students shared their experiences with current juniors Anthony Gordon ’07; McDaniel College, Loyola University

Erica Silverglide ’05; Gemologist and Designer at Alexis Bittar Tim Snyder ’82; Chemical Engineer, Installation Manager at Defense Logistic Agency Mike Stephens ’00; Research Asst. Law & Ethics Treatment Research Melissa Weinstein ’05; Technical Recruiter at DISYS

Ryan Park ’07; University of Pennsylvania

Jill Ziegler ’03; Guidance Counselor, East Stroudsburg High School North

Taylor Manferdini ’09; Ursinus College

Jenn Spiro Eisenberger ’92; Clinical Team Manager at PRA

Christie Thompson ’09; Drexel University

Drew Wright ’10; Intern, Boeing

Katie Foster ’11; University of Connecticut Hayley Schultz ’12; Bucknell University Jorge Otero ’12; Villanova University • Juniors signed up to meet in small groups with our “professional” alumni to gain insights into their career paths

COLLEGE VISITS • Over 90 colleges and universities visited campus in the fall of 2012 • Weekend college trips offered to: Haverford








Anne Marie Blair ’05; Data Analyst in Biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics

• College counselors visited an additional 28 colleges this year.

Alexis Kiesel ’04; STEM Program Manager, The Philadelphia Center for Arts and Technology Foundations, Adjunct professor of Biology at Philly U and Arcadia


Rick Ridall ’84; Assistant Professor & Director of Industry Relations School of Tourism and Hospitality Management at Temple

Now located in the lower level of Kriebel Hall, The Office of College Counseling occupies three offices and a student College Counseling Center. During the 2012-2013 school year, Erin Davidson Kellogg, Patrick Colonna, and Tony Lambert each counseled 25-30 students.

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Buildings and Grounds Often, when significant projects are begun, additional items are identified that require attention or resources to ensure a high-quality finish to complete the initial effort.

This was the case in much of the 2012 summer projects. Some of these exciting developments include: the Hall of Athletic Honor, window coverings in the Huttel Natatorium and Exhibition Gym, audio equipment in the Huttel Natatorium and Fitness Center, and furniture and other finishing items in the Office of Alumni


and Development on the first floor of Kriebel (previously occupied by College Counseling). In addition, we completed a number of unplanned projects and property purchases. Through the generosity of a Scott Schultz ’83 P’19,’13, we were able to demolish the old Greulich farmhouse near Schoolhouse Road.

The dilapidated building was identified as a significant risk by the senior administration and the board; now, it is eliminated. Two properties were successfully acquired during the year and include 528 Third Street and 618 Third Street. Both will be used for faculty housing. We were forced to address a major issue at the Hollenbach Athletic Center concerning the second-level roof, above the Norman Rockwell Bate Lobby and Fitness Center. The roofing material is old and shrinking. This is a common occurrence for a roof of this type and age. The shrinking caused the roofing

Buildings And Grounds continued material to pull away from the wall and opened a significant seam through which water easily entered the building. In Robbie’s, the HVAC unit we repaired in 2009 and expected to last only another year, finally stopped working this summer. It was not unexpected, however it was also not a budgeted replacement. We replaced that unit in time for the opening of school; without it, Robbie’s is unbearable in the warmer months. We also purchased new dormitory furniture for the right side of Christman House, where we are using the first floor to expand the number of beds for girls available for the current school year. This was done as we continue to seek ways to increase the female boarding population. Lastly, we worked with PECO to attain a natural gas hookup into Schumo Hall. The gas line is installed and the final conversion work was completed. We anticipate energy cost savings of approximately $10,000 every year from this change. Moving forward, we continue to pursue two significant building projects and with them, we expect to begin developing our land in accordance with the Master Plan. After a discussion with the Senior Administration and an evaluation of alternative approaches, The Board President, the Chair of the Student Life Committee, and the Chair of Building and Grounds have agreed to move forward with The Spiezle Architectural Group as the architect of record for the dormitory and dining hall projects. In addition, we have put forth Joe Fitzpatrick, of Fitzpatrick, Lentz and Bubba (FLB) as our land development attorney. Planning advanced significantly in the spring as well as the following months. We are currently targeting the Fall of 2014

for completion of at least one new dormitory. Although a great deal has been done over the past four-plus years, much remains, and those buildings that we count among our newest are showing signs of age. In the coming months we will identify projects as we

typically do prior to the winter and spring board meetings. In addition, we will look for ways to clarify our remaining deferred maintenance and establish documentation and systems that shows us more clearly the cost of staying ahead of building deterioration issues.

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Strategic Plan Jim Collins, author of Good to Great wrote, “Greatness is not a function of circumstance; greatness is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.” In the past five years, many have pointed to their institutional short comings as a result of the worst economic dip since the Great Depression – circumstance. During this same time period, Perkiomen has thrived – choice and discipline. During the 2009-2010 school year, trustees, administrators, faculty, and parents took a hard look at Perkiomen and its direction for the future. The plan put forth three major goals:

1. Improve the educational

program to ensure student success in college.

2. C ommit to financial

stewardship that delivers long term, sustainable revenue and responsible use of resources in order to meet the mission.

3. P erkiomen will provide facilities to support the mission of the school.

The final plan with goals and objectives was approved at the January 2011 Board of Trustees meeting. Marcia Barone ’79, trustee, alumnae, and current parent noted:

Over the years, my connection to Perkiomen has grown even stronger. I have watched my alma mater invest in its future. I am proud that my two daughters are enjoying a Perkiomen that is steeped in tradition


with a future vision of what is ‘the best’ for today’s students. Our strategic plan created a roadmap that has moved Perk through rough economic times into a position of strength. Improving the educational program is a three part goal: curriculum, student body, and faculty. An initial review of the curriculum with the expansion of offerings is complete. In conjunction with the Middle States Self-evaluation process, the Academic Policy Committee will closely examine the curriculum over the next five years. This process will include creating a dashboard for both academics and college counseling. A key piece to improving the educational program is recruiting and retaining an exceptional faculty. The faculty goals included increasing the number of faculty members with advanced degrees, currently 60% of the faculty have advanced degrees and an additional 25% have advanced degrees in progress. The school has purchased eight new faculty homes in the surrounding area. Adding more faculty to the residential community strengthens the overall commitment to the school and connections to the students.

The final piece of our education program is the students. Our initial goal established demographic and enrollment goals that have all been surpassed. Statistically, Perk students come from 22 countries, 66% are boarding whereas day enrollment has grown both at the middle and upper school levels, and 32% of the students receive financial aid. The second goal of the plan, financial stewardship, is outlined in this report to donors. Perkiomen set aggressive fundraising goals and for the past four years has exceeded the Perk Fund goal. The summer and extended programs have grown and generate solid revenue for the school. Finally, the physical place - the campus - is a focal point of the plan. With the guidance of Spiezle Architects, the campus master plan is complete. The plan calls for new dormitories, a renovated Parents Hall (dining), athletic expansion (indoors and outdoors), and a performing arts space. The priorities of new dormitories and the Parents Hall renovation have been set, and plans are underway to start both projects. The goals set forth by the plan coupled with excellent leadership have placed Perkiomen in the strongest position it has ever enjoyed. Reaching strategic plan objectives of increased enrollment, pace-setting fundraising, fiscal growth, and strategic land acquisition put Perkiomen in a position of strength. Headmaster Christopher R. Tompkins says, “There are great lessons from our strategic plan. Setting a course and envisioning the place you want to be is the first step to strength. Creating the objectives and guiding the community to work toward the goals is the step that differentiates a plan on paper from success in reality.”

Revenue & Expense Budget 2012-2013 Contributions & Gifts

Dividends & Interest Auxiliary Enterprises

Student Services & Activities

Endowment Draw PPRRSM Draw

Additional Income

REVENUE  Tuition & Fees.................................. 80%  Additional Income............................ <1%  Student Services & Activities............ 5%  Contributions & Gifts......................... 3%  Dividends & Interest........................ <1%  Auxiliary Enterprises......................... 7%  Endowment Draw.............................. 2%  PPRRSM Draw................................... 1% Tuition & Fees

Physical Plant & Maintenance

Dining Services Other Student Services Other Expenses

EXPENSE E mployee Expenses......................... 48% (Wages and Benefits)

 Physical Plant & Maintenance......... 20%  Dining Services.................................. 8%  Other Student Services...................... 8%  Other Expenses................................ 16% Employee Expenses

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 19

Alumni and Development A great deal has been accomplished through the Office of Alumni and Development, including a successful year of fundraising that included over $4,000,000 in Perkiomen Fund, Capital, and Endowment Gifts.

Alumni Engagement Alumni Weekend Alumni Weekend provided a backdrop for many alumni reunions with especially high participation from our 50th Reunion Class, 1963, and the classes of 1988 and 1993. Alumni Weekend remains a wonderful opportunity for former classmates to annually renew friendships, reminisce, and proudly engage with their alma mater.

Awards During the weekend, we had an opportunity to recognize three alumni who contribute to Perkiomen’s outstanding reputation and represent important values of the school: 1) T he Young Alumni Achievement Award was presented to Anthony Darville ’93 for outstanding achievement in his chosen field, bringing honor to himself and The Perkiomen School. Anthony is Consul General for Ecuador and is stationed in the Bahamas. He has been identified by Ecuador as an upcoming diplomat. 2) T he Ralph Hossmann Award was given to social worker Garet White ’88. Garet, through her fortitude and determination, simultaneously overcame a personal health crisis that included brain surgery, and led a battle to find an adoptive family for Danille Lierow and avert her being institutionalized (Read Dani’s Story by Diane and Bernie Leirow with Kay West for more information on this story of survival).


Alumni and Development continued 3) Alumnus of the Year Award recipient was Barry Forman ’63, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees (serving on both the Finance and Development Committees), for his loyal service to The Perkiomen School. Through his unselfish leadership and personal commitment, he has enhanced the quality of life in the Perkiomen School community and promoted the prestige of the School.

Alumni Gatherings (Global Connections) Alumni gatherings were held in the following locations: Allentown King of Prussia Los Angeles New York City Philadelphia Tennessee Washington DC. Additionally, alumni were visited individually throughout the world, including the following locations: Bermuda South Korea

China Taiwan

Germany England

Puerto Rico Japan

Expanded Website and Social Media Presence In collaboration with Nick Robinson ’02, a Social Media Tactician, the Communications Director implemented a social media plan that includes the Perk Facebook page and new social media channels, such as Pinterest and Vimeo, which together have increased traffic to the school website. Also contributing to this increase in traffic are blog posts from the school leadership, as well as the use of videos and photos on the website and Facebook pages, especially that featuring student-created work. Since the plan was established in April of 2012, there have been over 1,700 visits to the school website as a result of Facebook; approximately 350 per month, with roughly 19% (or 67) of them being new visits. The school has also traced the quality of the website traffic by measuring viewer engagement with videos and photo albums that have been included and has found that our average conversion rate of 16.5% significantly exceeds the rate of 3% found on websites generally. The more our webpage visitors engage with video and photo content, the higher probability it will be shared, which ultimately equals more exposure for Perkiomen. This desired effect is exactly what the school is working toward achieving with its expanded website and social media presence.

Perkiomen Fund The Perkiomen Fund continues its upward trajectory reaching $401,201 in 2013, nearly a 19% increase over last year, which was also a year in which we saw excellent growth in the Fund. Strengthening participation and retention of donors will be important going forward as we try to grow the Perk Fund to be comparable with annual funds of schools with comparable size and history. The improved ability to do more travel with a larger staff should contribute positively to this desired outcome. Another wonderful note in 2013 is faculty participation increased to 100%, a fact that speaks volumes in conjunction with our 100% Board of Trustee participation, which we achieved yet again this year.

Capital Gifts It was a banner year for Perkiomen as the school received two extremely significant gifts: one in the amount of $2,000,000 and a second in the amount of $1,000,000. The latter, an estate gift realized from Dr. Frank S. Riorden ’34 and the former, a gift from a ’61 Alumnus, Eric Kolbe. Using these two remarkable gifts, as well as several generous gifts from our families in China, the Board of Trustees will move forward with Strategic Plan priorities that will be announced publically in the early fall. It is exciting to have international alumni and parents partnering with the school to undertake larger capital projects that will strengthen the school. Capital gifts in 2012-13 have seeded the important Strategic Plan priorities and enabled the school to complete many ongoing projects. These include the thorough renovation of the Huttel Natorium, the relocation the Fitness Center, the planting of hundreds of large caliper trees on campus, updating furniture in several dormitory lounges, the acquisition of several adjacent properties for faculty housing, and a summer makeover of the Norman Rockwell Bate Lobby in the Hollenbach Athletic Center. The physical plant is in excellent shape, meeting the programmatic needs and desires of faculty and students.

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 21

Summary of Gifts

Faculty and staff Grandparents

July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013

Other Trustees

Parents of Alumni

Perkiomen Fund Donors


% Dollars Raised

 Trustees.............................................. 15%  Alumni................................................. 33%  Current Parents.................................. 29%  Parents of Alumni............................... 13%  Grandparents........................................ 2%  Faculty and Staff................................... 2%  Friends.................................................. 2% O ther..................................................... 4% (Business, Matching Gifts, Foundations)

Current Parents



Perkiomen Fund Capital


All Funds Gift Type

 Perkiomen Fund  Gifts-In-Kind  Capital  Endowment


Dollars Raised

Percentage of Total Number of Donors













REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 23

Leadership Societies

of The Perkiomen School (2012-2013) Gifts to All Funds

The Oscar S. Kriebel Society ($10,000 or more)

Mr. Matthew Ferdock and Dr. Lori Ferdock P ’15, ’17

Mr. Wilmer R. Schultz P ’83, GP ’11, ’12, ’13

Mr. Barry P. Forman ’63 (T) and

Mr. Ralph M. Freydberg ’56 ◊◊

Mr. Harry R. Silverglide ’64, P ’05 (T) ◊

Mr. William C. Fritz ’64 (T) and Mrs. Mary Fritz P ’90 ◊◊

Mr. Barry A. Solomon ’68 ◊◊

Mrs. Carole Forman ◊◊ Mr. Eric E. Kolbe ’61 ◊ Mr. Guangyi Jin and Ms. Liling Wang P ’14

Mr. S. Ridgway Goodwin ’60 (T) and Mrs. JoAnn Goodwin ◊

Mr. Jinzhao Li and Mrs. Liping Huang P ’15

Mrs. Anne Jaindl GP ’14

Mr. Scott R. Schultz ’83 (T) and

Mr. Philip A. Lloyd ’65 (T) and Mrs. Peggy Lloyd ◊◊

Mr. Jie Ding and Mrs. Li Xuan Li P ’13

Mrs. Karla Schultz P ’11, ’13 ◊ Mr. James E. Schulz, Sr. ’81 (T) and Mrs. Deborah Schulz P ’02, ’10 ◊

Perkiomen Parents Association ◊◊ Mrs. Margaret K. Schumo P ’78 ◊

Mr. Robert J. Sikora ’62, P ’93 ◊◊

Mr. Jeffrey Stauffer and Mrs. Luanne Stauffer (T) ◊◊ Mr. W. Randall Stauffer and Mrs. Joi Stauffer ◊ Mrs. Sheeri K. Steinberg ’81 ◊

The 1875 Society ($1,875-$2,499) Mr. Christopher Barone and Mrs. Marcia Barone ’79 (T), P ’14, ’17 ◊◊

Dr. Frank S. Riordan, Jr. ’34 Estate ◊◊

Mr. Jian Shen and Mrs. Ming Hu P ’14

Mr. Andrew Schwinger ’85

Mr. A. Frederick Travaglini ’43 (TE) and Mrs. Barbara Travaglini ◊◊

Mr. John D. Schlegel ’61, P ’84 ◊◊

Mr. Sung Sik Yang ’84 (T) and Mrs. Jay Yang

Mr. Guojun Wang and Mrs. Xiuping Chen P ’14

The Marian J. Stefano Society ($2,500-$4,999)

Purple and Gold Society ($750-$1874)

Mr. Daniel D. Breidegam ’71 and Mrs. Mary Breidegam ◊◊

Mr. Arthur A. Abplanalp Jr. ’64 ◊◊

Sodexo ◊ Mr. H. Fletcher Street P ’06 Mr. Guoqiang Wang and Mrs. Jing Rui P ’15 Arthur J. Weiss ’28 Estate ◊◊ Mr. Yu Wang and Mrs. Yin Zhang P ’14 Mr. Richard Wolfington and

Mr. Robert J. Sikora’62, P ’93 ◊◊

Mr. Alan C. Brody ’51 ◊◊

Mr. William C. Woodmansee ’41 Estate ◊◊

Mr. Sang Jun An and Mrs. Moon Hee Jun P ’15

Mr. James B. Broff ’60 (HT) ◊◊

Mr. Shanbin Xu and Ms. Shanglin Xu P ’15

Mr. John H. Auld ’58 ◊

Mr. James J. Finnegan and Mrs. Lynne Finnegan P ’16

Boeing Matching Gift Program

Mr. Xiaofeng Xu and Mrs. Jie Huang P ’16 Mr. Jian Hua Yao and

Alvin A. Krauss Estate ◊

Mrs. Kelly Wolfington P ’10

Mrs. Chong Yun Zhu P ’17

Ms. Elizabeth Lowell

Mr. Arthur Bolton and Mrs. Anna Bolton P ’69, ’72, ’80 ◊◊

Mr. Mark C. Mamolen ’64 ◊◊

Mr. Young Jin Cho and Mrs. Hyun Jeong Oh P ’16

Founders Society ($5,000-$9,999)

Mr. George Meschter, Jr. ’70 (T) and Mrs. Susan Meschter ◊

Mr. Charles Dormer and Mrs. Patricia Dormer P ’16, ’19

Mr. Jianke Chen and

Rev. Thomas Craver and Rev. Janet Rose P ‘14, ‘16 – Dorothy M. Pfender Foundation

Mrs. Jennifer M. Engelstad ’03

Wilmer and Evelyn Schultz Family Foundation

Mr. Howard S. Epstein ’63 ◊◊

Mrs. Huixian Chen P ’15 DataCeutics, Inc.

Mr. Wayne E. Engle P ’81 ◊◊

Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors


Leadership Societies continued (2012-2013)

Mr. Melvyn J. Estrin ’60 ◊

Mr. John B. Lawrence ’63

Mr. James R. Faber (T) and

Mr. Byoung Ho Lee and

Mrs. Karen Faber Mr. Michael J. Fina ’70, P ’01 ◊ Mr. James B. Flaws ’67 ◊◊ Mr. Howard J. Forman ’66 ◊◊ Mr. Michael C. Foux F/S and Mrs. Patricia Foux Dr. Edward M. Friedman ’61 ◊ Glenna R. Fulmer Estate Mr. Richard T. Genzler ’64 ◊◊ Mr. Donald F. Goebert and Mrs. Rebecca Goebert ’54, P ’93 ◊◊ Mr. M. Berry Grant, Jr. ’64 ◊◊ Mr. Lin He and Mrs. Li Qian P ’14 Mr. John A. Heydt ’70 ◊◊ Mr. W. Edwin Himwich ’77 ◊◊ Mr. Won-Pyo Hong and Mrs. Yoo-Kyung Lim P ’16 Mr. Jae Soo Kim and Mrs. Seung Youn Lee P ’15

Mrs. Hae Kyoung Shin P ’15 Mr. Seung Hoon Lee and Mrs. Seung Won Han P ’14 Dr. Stewart Leftow and Mrs. Marla Stewart P ’13 Mr. Mark Longstreth and Mrs. Paige Longstreth P ’14, ’17, F/S ◊ Mr. Richard P. MacIntyre, Jr. and Mrs. Susan K. MacIntyre P ’16, ’17 ◊ Mr. G. Bryce Manthorne, Jr. ’64 (T) and Mrs. Jane Manthorne ◊◊ Mr. Donald R. Moll and Mrs. Barbara Moll P ’79, GP ’14, ’17 ◊◊ Mr. James D. Nallo (T) and Mrs. Peggy Nallo P ’05 ◊

Mr. J. Kristian Pueschel (T) and Mrs. Barbara Pueschel Mr. Buddy S. Richman ’57 (T) and Mrs. Sandra Richman ◊ Mr. Kevin Schultz and Mrs. Karen Schultz P ’12 ◊ Mr. Gerald A. Shear ’86 ◊ Dr. Sukwoo Shin P ’14 Mr. Timothy Snyder ’82 ◊ Mr. John M. Stanton ’81 Mr. Edgar L. Stauffer and Mrs. Mary Stauffer ◊ Mr. Huei Lung Tai and Mrs. Tzu Yin Liu P ’13 Mr. Christopher R. Tompkins (T) and Mrs. Katherine Tompkins P ’15, ’19, F/S Varrichio Family Foundation Mrs. Elizabeth T. Weikel ◊

Mr. Robert D. Novick ’57 ◊◊

Mr. Marvin L. Weizer ’53

Mr. Norman J. Olson ’60 (T) and

Mr. Jian Yan and Mrs. Xiaoli Chen P ’13

Mrs. Anne Olson ◊ Mr. Michael J. Pedrick ’77

Mr. Kyong Sik Yang and Mrs. Sung Hee Koo P ’15

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 25

Gifts to All Funds up to $749.99 (2012-2013)

Ms. Carolyn Adams ◊◊ Mr. Paul C. Adamczak ’88

Mr. David Beaston and Mrs. Mary Anne Beasten P ‘05, ‘08 ◊

Rev. Russell Burns and Mrs. Elizabeth Burns P ‘97 ◊

Mr. Frederick A. Ahlborn, Jr.’63 ◊◊

Mr. Christopher V. Becker ’72

Mr. William A. Bush, Jr. ‘67

Mr. George K. Allison H’08 and

Mr. John E. Berg and

Mr. Mark T. Butcher and

Mrs. Lucy Allison P ’92, ’94 ◊◊ Mr. Erich Allmer ’61 ◊◊ Ms. Maribel Alvarez P ’15 Mr. Robert L. Ames ‘62 ◊◊ Anonymous Donor

Mrs. Joan Berg P ‘06, F/S Mr. Donald Berkhimer and Mrs. Lori Berkhimer P ’15, ’20 Mr. Martin M. Berliner and Mrs. Gail Berliner P ‘89 ◊

Mrs. Tina M. Butcher P ’17, ’18 Mr. David B. Butler ‘67 ◊◊ Mr. John R. Caffrey ‘56 Mr. Robert W. Chapin ‘58 ◊◊ Mr. Yuehui Chen and Mrs. Lingzhi Cai P ’12,’13

Mr. Townsend E. Anschutz ‘64 ◊

Mr. Michael T. Bilinski ‘82 ◊

Mr. John J. Chidester ‘56 ◊◊

Mr. Anastasios Arhontoulis and

Mr. Rodney M. Birkins ‘50 ◊◊

Mr. David E. Church ‘67 ◊◊

Mr. William R. Blank ‘66 ◊◊

Mr. Charles A. Cianfrani Jr. ‘91

Mr. Gary Arndt F/S

Mr. Theodore Bock and Mrs. Susan Bock F/S ◊

Dr. and Mrs. Peter Cianfrani P ‘00, ‘05 ◊

Mr. Harvey F. Arter ‘56 ◊◊

Mr. Jon S. Bolton ‘69 ◊◊

Mr. Stanley J. Cias ‘74 ◊◊

Ms. Genevieve Asante-Odame F/S

Dr. Harold Bonekemper and

Mr. John P. Civitts ’63 ◊

Mrs. Patricia M. Arhontoulis P ’14

Mr. Keegan Ash F/S

Mrs. Anne Bonekemper

Mr. John C. Cleaver ’68 ◊◊

Mr. Wesley Astheimer ’65 ◊◊

Mr. John Boyle and Mrs. Linda Boyle P ‘05

Mr. Thomas Cline and Mrs. Ruth Cline P ‘04

The Hon. Mark D. Averbach ‘64 ◊◊

Mr. Alan G. Bradbury ‘68 ◊◊

Mr. Sarah Cline-Ragsdale ’04

Ms. Ines Baentsch GP ’16

Hon. William C. Bradley, Jr.

Mr. Howard A. Clunn ‘42 ◊◊

Mr. Kendall R. Baker and

Mr. John Brand P ‘99 ◊

Mr. Peter S. Coggan ‘60 ◊

Mrs. Amy L. Brand ’99 and

Mr. Lawrence Cohen ‘72 ◊◊

Mrs. Suzanne Baker P ’86, ’91, F/S ◊◊ Scott K. Baker, Esq.’86 ◊

Mr. Jacob Hauser F/S

Mr. Robert L. Cohen ‘52 ◊◊

Mr. Leslie F. Banyard ’78 ◊

Mr. and Mrs. James Breidenbach GP ‘16, F/S

Mr. Blair H. Coleman ’69

Mr. Charles M. Barclay and

Mr. Christian Z. Breña F/S

Mr. Patrick Colonna and Ms. Katie Lupo F/S

Ms. Corin Breña F/S

Mr. Donald B. Cook ◊◊

Dr. Lee F. Barnes ‘63 ◊◊

Dr. T. Chester Bright ‘48 ◊◊

Ms. Christina Coons

Mr. Paul Barren ‘55 ◊◊

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brown P ‘94 ◊

Mr. George Coslett and

Mr. William D. Bassett ‘72

Ms. LaToya Brown ’05 F/S

Mrs. Nancy P. Barclay P ‘96 ◊◊

Mr. Jeff Bauer and Mrs. Karen Bauer F/S ◊ Mr. George W. Baver ‘67 ◊◊

Mr. David L. Bubb and Mrs. Michele M. Bubb F/S

Mrs. Audrey Coslett GP ‘13 Mr. Arnold N. Cramer ‘58 Mr. Joseph F. Creighton ‘48 ◊◊

Mr. Butler W. Baylis ‘64 ◊

Mr. Steven Burgeson F/S

Mr. Andrew C. Crook F/S

Mr. James R. Bean ‘52, P ‘81 ◊◊

Dr. Kristin E. Burns ‘97 ◊

Ms. Katherine Cunningham ’08

Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 27

Gifts to All Funds up to $749.99 (2012-2013)

Mr. Wil B. Cunningham ‘71 ◊◊

Mr. William L. Gladstone ‘48 ◊◊

Dr. Laurence A. Jackson ‘95

Mr. C. Anthony Darville ’93

Mr. James J. Gold ‘66 ◊

Ms. Jill S. Jarrett P ‘15

Dr. Henry F. Decker ’49 ◊

Mr. Samuel D. Goldstein ‘49 ◊

Mr. Adam Jason F/F

Mr. Philip S. Delany III ‘65 ◊◊

Mr. James Grabusky and

Mr. Charles F. Johnson II ‘58

Mr. Dean D. DeLong ‘66 ◊◊

Mrs. Johnna Grabusky P ’18

Mr. Harry C. Demiris Jr. ‘84

Mr. Samuel F. Grauer P ‘81 ◊

Mr. James A. Jones V, F/S

Mrs. Carin Dessauer ‘81 ◊◊

Mr. Gere E. Grimm ‘60 ◊◊

Ms. Carol Joslin ’08

Mr. James G. Dickensheets Jr. ‘66

Dr. Henry Gursky and

Mr. Dick Joslin and Mrs. Jean Joslin P ’08

Ms. Maryrose A. DiScipio F/S

Mrs. Susan Gursky P ‘05, ‘08, ‘10 ◊

Mr. John E. Dougherty III ‘11

Mr. David P. Hale ’66 ◊

Mr. Peter Dougherty and Mrs. Carol Dougherty P ‘11, ‘13, F/S ◊◊

Mr. Thomas F. Hale ‘66 ◊

Mr. David L. Dratch ‘66 ◊

Mr. James S. Hamilton and Mrs. Mary Hamilton

Mr. David B. Eastwood ‘62 ◊◊

Mr. Jonathan P. Hanners ‘69 ◊

Mr. Harry G. Eberhardt, Jr. ‘53 ◊

Mr. Ryan Hanosek F/S

Mr. Kenneth Eck and Mrs. Kathy Eck F/S

Mr. William C. Hartfranft ’47 ◊

Mr. Kenneth W. Ellins ’63

Mr. Gregory D. Hartwig ‘66 ◊

Mr. James A. Emerich ‘66 ◊

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Harvey P ‘96 ◊

Mr. John Eureyecko and Mrs. Donna Eureyecko P ‘13

Mr. Paul Hausmann and

Mr. Samuel E. Fast, Jr. ’55 ◊

Mr. Robert Heimbach and

Mr. Rodger P. Fedigan’ 69 ◊

Mrs. Carla Hausmann H ’00, P ’88 ◊ Mrs. Dana Heimbach F/S

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Feinstein P ’87 ◊

Mr. Stanley H. Heist ‘60 ◊◊

Mr. R. Dean Ferguson’ 61 ◊

Mr. Bradley Hendershot F/S

Mr. Benjamin Fidler F/S

Mr. John A. Henderson ‘47 ◊◊

Dr. Peter Fisher and Ms. Kathy Zimmerman P ‘13, ‘15

Mr. Horace Hendricks F/S

Mr. Richard M. Fogel ‘58 ◊◊

Mr. Harold M. Hersch ’61 ◊◊

Ms. Tracy Fosbenner P ‘11, ’14

Dr. Charles W. Hetzel ‘63 ◊

Mr. Sean Francis F/S

Mrs. Florence E. Heydt P ‘70 ◊◊

Mr. Ronald L. Freed ’59 ◊

Mr. Robert D. Hildebrand ’50

Mr. G. Keith Funk, Jr.’ 61 ◊◊

Mr. Henryk Hoffmann and

Mr. Timothy Gaiser and Mrs. Melissa Gaiser F/S Mr. Douglas Gallagher and Mrs. Deborah Gallagher P ’14 Mr. Michael F. Garaguso ‘05 Mr. David F. Gardner and Mrs. Jacqueline Gardner P ‘96, ‘02, ‘05 F/S ◊ Mr. Wallace W. Gardner, Jr. ‘66 Ms. Katherine A. Gildemeister ‘75 ◊

Mr. Richard N. Herb ‘57 ◊◊

Mrs. Betsy Hoffmann F/S

Mr. D. Lloyd Jones and Mrs. Anne Jones ◊

Mr. Karl V. Kahl ‘50 ◊ Mr. Thomas Kalfas ’79 Mr. Joseph C. Kaluha ‘63 ◊◊ Mr. L. Robert Kay ‘64 ◊◊ Mrs. Patricia Kehs ◊◊ Mr. C. Stephen Keller ‘66 Mr. Daniel Kellogg and Mrs. Erin Davison-Kellogg F/S Ms. Jodi Kelton P ‘85, ‘88, ‘92 ◊ Ms. Marcy H. Kershner P ’82,’84 ◊ Mr. Yong Jong Kim and Mrs. Hyun Mi Jung P ’12 Mr. Edward Klavon GP ‘13, ‘17 Mr. Timothy Klavon P ’13,’17 Mr. Stephen M. Kleinberg ‘66 ◊◊ Ms. Jillian Marley Klug ‘96 Mr. Robert B. Komminsk ‘63 ◊ Mr. Alfred D. Konrad Jr. ‘62 ◊◊ Mrs. Cairn C. Krafft ‘76 ◊◊ Mr. Michael J. Krajsa ’67 ◊ Alvin A. Krauss Estate * ◊ Mr. Ellis Kriebel ◊ Mr. Chris Krow Mr. David S. Krupnick ‘81 ◊

Ms. Majorie Hoier GP ‘09, ‘14 *

Dr. Jeffrey A. Kugel, ‘63 ◊◊

Mr. Thomas Holden and

Mr. Thomas B. Kugel ’72 ◊

Mrs. Karen Holden P ’15

Mr. Michael L. Laiman ‘82 ◊◊

Mr. J. Ryan Hunsberger ’93

Mr. Anthony P. Lambert and

Mr. William Jabara ‘69 ◊◊ Mr. Arthur Jackson and Mrs. Jackie Jackson P ‘95 ◊

Mrs. Lauren G. Lambert P ’17,’19, F/S Mr. Daniel A. Lane ‘61 ◊◊ Mr. Paul D. Lansberry ‘64 ◊◊

Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors


Gifts to All Funds up to $749.99 (2012-2013)

Ms. Esther Larimore F/S

Mr. Peter Mattia ‘66 ◊

Mr. John C. Parenti ‘66 ◊◊

Mr. Robert Law P ’07

Mr. John R. McCabe ‘66 ◊◊

Mr. Christian A. Pfeiffer ’04

Mr. Christopher F. Lawrence ‘04

Ms. Kathleen McCarney F/S

Dr. Douglas G. Pfeiffer and

Ms. Rachel A. Lawrence ’03

Mr. T. Lamar McCorkle, Jr. ’69 ◊

Mr. LeRoy H. Layton ‘66 ◊◊

Ms. Dorothy A. McGuire ’88

Mr. David M. Phaff ‘67 ◊◊

Mr. Richard M. Leadley and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Leadley P ’02 ◊

Mr. Patrick McLaughlin and Mrs. Lucia McLaughlin P ’04

Mr. Paul D. Pickard ‘67 ◊◊

Mr. Ralph A. Leamon Jr. ‘51 ◊

Mr. Edward N. McMillan ‘37 ◊◊

Mr. Richard D. Powell ‘54 ◊◊

Col. James D. Leslie III ‘59 ◊◊

Mrs. Emily W. Melnyk ’76 ◊

Ms. Cheryl Price ‘73 ◊◊

Dr. Gerald M. Levitis ’57 ◊◊

Ms. Carolyn S. Mendlewski F/S

Mr. Bruce Pringle ‘66 ◊

Mr. Jay A. Levy ‘70

Mr. Charles W. Miller ’50 ◊◊

Mr. Joseph T. Procak, Sr. and

Ms. Paige M. Lieberman ‘05

Mr. Joseph J. Minder ’09

Mr. Daniel A. Liggett ‘81

Mr. Pedro Miranda ’65

Mr. Richard M. Provost ‘66 ◊◊

Mr. Andrew Lins and Mrs. Judith Lins P ‘10 ◊

Mr. Salvatore Pupillo and

Dr. Richard S. Lisella ‘59 ◊◊

Mr. Gregory Molnar and Mrs. Agnes Molnar P ’16,’18

Mr. Randal Littlefield F/S

Dr. Felix M. Mondejar ‘33 ◊◊

Mr. Craig R. Raisig ‘60 ◊◊

Mrs. Sarah Long-Bachert ’93

Mr. Miguel A. Montero F/S

Ms. Amanda Rappold F/S

Mr. Albert A. LoRusso ’69

Mr. Robert K. Morgan ‘64 ◊◊

Mr. Harry E. Reis Jr. ‘47 ◊◊

Mr. A. Gordon MacElhenney and Mrs. Susan MacElhenney P ‘06

Mr. Craig Moser and Mrs. Abby P. Moser F/S

Mr. Christopher D. Reshower ’69 ◊ Mr. Derek D. Riddle ‘84

Ms. Rachel A. MacElhenney ‘06

Rev. Daniel Moser and Mrs. Margaret Moser P ’93,’97 ◊

Mr. Richard P. Malburg ‘47 ◊◊

Mr. George Moser F/S

Mr. Scott Robinson F/S and

Ms. Ellen Jo Malloy P ‘85, ‘88 ◊ Mr. Michael Malloy ‘85 ◊

Mr. Jonathan D. Moser ‘97 and Ms. Kate Hammond F/S ◊

Mr. Michael R. Romasco F/S and

Mr. Patrick Malloy ‘88

Mr. Robert J. Muirhead ‘52 ◊◊

Mrs. Leslie Romasco P ’05,’06

Mr. Leif E. Malmberg ‘75 ◊◊

Mr. Robert T. Murlless ‘67

Mrs. Ellicia M. Romo ’90

Mr. Mark A. Mancini and Mrs. Kalthoum Mancini P ’19

Ms. Barbara Nace F/S

Mr. John B. Rosenberger ‘70 ◊

Mr. Robert E. Naylor III and Mrs. Robyn Naylor ◊

Rev. Homer Royer, Jr.

Mr. Kevin Manferdini H’04 and Mrs. Patricia Manferdini , P ‘07, ‘09, ‘11, F/S ◊

Dr. Wade A. Neiman ‘78 ◊

Mr. John Sakalouckas H ‘02

Mrs. Kathleen Nester ‘00

Mr. Bruce A. Sarte, Jr. F/S and

Mr. David Mann and Mrs. Donna Mann P ‘16 Mr. R. William Marberger III ‘66

Mr. Robert Nester and Mrs. Mary Anne Nester P ‘96 ◊

Mr. Jerry Schantz F/S

Mr. Carlos Marce and Mrs. Maria Lazo P ‘13

Mr. Rey A. Neville ‘60 ◊

Mr. Deshler Schenck ‘66 ◊

Dr. Arlen C. Marks ‘68 ◊◊

Mr. John A. Newton ’67 ◊

Mr. Edward W. Schlechter Jr. ‘42 ◊◊

Mr. Frank J. Marlow ’58 ◊◊

Mr. Bernard J. Nolan ‘47 ◊

Mr. R. Warren Schmidt ’81 ◊

Mr. J. Gregory Martin and Mrs. Glynis Martin F/S

Mr. James V. Nyce ‘64 ◊◊

Mr. Raymond Schmoyer and

Mr. Eugene R. Martin ‘66 ◊

Mr. Usim E. Odim ‘98 ◊

Mr. John L. Mather III ‘48

Mrs. Faye S. Olivieri P ‘81 ◊◊

Mrs. Linda Scholl F/S

Mr. Jeremy Mathison and Mrs. Amy Mathison F/S

Mr. Sidney Palmer and Ms. Charnelle Hicks P ‘18

Mr. Robert D. Schuchart and

Mrs. Liane Pfeiffer P ‘04, ‘09 ◊

Eleanor S. Plummer Estate *

Mrs. Patricia Procak P ‘81, ‘82, ‘85, ‘86 ◊◊

Mrs. Paula Pupillo P ‘14

Mr. Robert L. Robbins F/S Mrs. Jennifer Robinson

Mrs. Erin Sarte P ’19

Mrs. Gail Schmoyer F/S ◊

Mrs. Ruth Schuchart ◊

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 29

Gifts to All Funds up to $749.99 (2012-2013)

Dr. Lane D. Schultz ‘62 P ’92,’95

Mr. Joseph Spinosa and Mrs. Michele Spinosa P ’18

Mrs. Diana Weir-Smith ’85, F/S ◊◊

Mr. John Spurlock F/S and Mrs. Angela Spurlock

Ms. Jennifer Weiss F/S

Mr. D. Thomas Stearns ‘70 ◊◊

Mrs. Kristen L. Weller ‘04

Mr. Michael Scott and Mrs. Susan Scott P ’14

Mr. Frank Stefano ‘48 ◊

Mr. Karl Welsh F/S and Ms. Karen Cavallo

Mr. Geoffrey A. Scripture ‘66 ◊◊

Mr. Kenneth R. Stiles ‘60 ◊◊

Mr. William H. West ‘71

Mr. Michael R. Seely

Mr. Todd B. Stoudt and Mrs. Jennifer Stoudt P ’16

Mr. Robert H. Westervelt ‘79 ◊

Mr. Richard A. Schultz ‘69 ◊◊ Mr. Benedict Schwarz, II ’59 ◊◊ Mr. Christopher Scott and Mrs. Kathy Scott P ‘98 ◊

Mr. William E. Seely and Mrs. Patricia Seely GP ‘14, ‘17

Mr. Allan E. Strouss ‘65 ◊◊

Arthur J. Weiss ’28 Estate * ◊◊ Mr. James R. Weldon ‘66 ◊◊

Ms. Aurora Roberts Wetherill ‘11

Ms. Justine Segear F/S

Mrs. Kay Neiman Subhawong ‘73 ◊◊

Mr. David Wetherill and Dr. Adeline Tomasone P ‘11

Mr. Daniel R. Seidel ‘60 ◊

Mrs. Debbi S. Sugarman ‘72 ◊◊

Mr. John D. Whartnaby ‘75 ◊◊

Mr. George M. Selby ’67

Mr. and Mrs. William Swalm P ‘72, ‘92

Mr. Robert G. Wiesner ‘50 ◊

Mr. Jeffrey A. Sell ’89 and

Mr. Joseph J. Swartz F/S and Mrs. Carolyn J. Swartz

Mr. Brendan Wilberton and Mrs. Megan Wilberton F/S

Mr. Robert T. Seskin and Mrs. Jill Seskin P ’13

Ms. Jodi F. Tansy ’88

Mr. Gregory N. Shane and


Mr. Thomas Williams and Mrs. Kristin Williams P ‘15,’17

Ms. Amanda L. Terr ’05

Mr. W. Edward Williams, Jr. ‘65 ◊◊

Mr. William Thobaben and Mrs. Jean Thobaben H’12, P ‘00, F/S

Mr. Charles S. Willis ’62

Mrs. Maryjean Sell P ’10,’12, F/S

Mrs. Nancy Shane P ’14 Mr. Scott Shanks and Mrs. Peggy Shanks GP ‘11, ‘13 ◊ Mr. Thomas W. Sheppard and Mrs. Jennifer Sheppard ◊

Mr. Brian D. Thomas and Mrs. Susan Thomas ◊

Mr. Timothy W. Wilsey and Mrs. Susan Wilsey P ‘13 Mr. John H. Winant ‘61 ◊

Mr. Thomas L. Shewell ‘78 ◊◊

Rev. George Thomas H’99 ◊◊

Mr. Michael Sienkiewicz

Mr. Jeffrey B. Timm ‘65 ◊◊

Dr. John C.W. Worsley, Jr. and Mrs. Judith Worsley P ‘05 ◊

Ms. Anneke Skidmore F/S

Mr. Ryan Tobin ’99

Mr. John Carl Worsley III ‘05

Mr. Carson A. Slonaker ’07

Mr. Jason G. Toll ’88 ◊

Mr. Charles Slovenski ’74

Mr. Michael Tomasko IV ‘58 ◊◊

Mr. Andrew Wright ’77 and Mrs. Donna Wright P ’10,’11 ◊

Dr. and Mrs. Barton L. Smith P ‘85, ‘87 ◊◊

Mr. Donald L. Totten ‘51 ◊

Ms. Margaret-Ann Wright ‘79 ◊

Mr. Harold Smith ’68

Town and Country Newspaper

Write To Change, Inc.

Col. Hunter M. Smith ‘64 ◊◊

Mr. J. Harvey Trimble, Jr. ‘64 ◊

Mr. Jason Smith and Mrs. Kristen Smith P ’18

Mr. R. Kevin Underwood ’76

Mr. Shaun T. Yorgey ‘97 and Ms. Amber Goupil F/S

Mr. R. Scott Smith and

Upper Perkiomen Kiwanis

Mrs. Michelle S. Smith P ’01 ◊

Mr. George P. Viener ’57 ◊◊

Mr. Richard W. Smith P ’09, F/S

Mr. Andrew S. Wade ‘64 ◊

Mr. Robert C. Smith ‘60 * ◊

Mr. David W. Wade ‘64 ◊◊

Mr. Trevor Smith F/S and Mrs. Tara Smith

Mr. Frank E. Wallace ‘50

Mr. Michael Snyder and

Mr. James E. Walsh ’70 ◊◊

Ms. Lori Calvario P ’12

Mr. Merrill Yorgey F/S and Mrs. Donna Yorgey P ’97 Mr. Steven Zell and Mrs. Natalie Zell P ‘13

Dr. Robert N. Warner P ‘75, ‘77, ‘80 ◊◊

Mr. John R. Spannuth, Jr. ‘52 ◊◊

Mrs. Elizabeth T. Weikel ◊

Mr. William D. Spector ‘69 ◊◊

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Weimer P ’91 ◊

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 31

Roll Call of Donors (2012-2013)

Capital Gifts Perkiomen School appreciates these gifts made to capital projects during the 2012-13 school year. Capital gifts contribute to the longterm health and academic vitality of the school. The following gifts will go to improving school facilities that are the heart and soul of residential and student life. Mr. Lin He and Mrs. Li Qian P ’14 Mr. Guangyi Jin and Ms. Liling Wang P ’14 Mr. Eric E. Kolbe ’61 Mr. Jinzhao Li and Mrs. Liping Huang P ’15 Estate of Dr. Frank S. Riordan, Jr. ’34 Mr. Andrew Schwinger ’85 Sodexo Mr. H. Fletcher Street P ’06 Mr. Guoqiang Wang and Mrs. Jin Rui P ’15 Mr. Yu Wang and Mrs. Yin Zhang P ’14 Estate of Mr. William C. Woodmansee ’41 Mr. Shanbin Xu and Ms. Shanglin Xu P ’15 Mr. Xiaofeng Xu and Mrs. Jie Huang P ’16 Mr. Jian Hua Yao and Mrs. Chong Yun Zhu P ’17

Eric E. Kolbe ’61 grew up in the New York metropolitan area, and spent his thirty-five year career in urban renewal in the city helping those in need. In 2006, he retired as the Executive Director of the Passaic County Housing Authority.

Omega Club. This group led discussion groups on campus focused on various religious beliefs; their goal was to create a better understanding between everyone within the Perkiomen community as well as the world in which they lived.

At Perk, Kolbe was a member of the varsity basketball team and his favorite teacher was Mr. Arthur Naething. Kolbe’s passion for political activism began as President of both The Perkiomenite, the student newspaper, and the Political Science Club.

Kolbe received his B.A. from Gettysburg College in 1965 and a M.A. from the University of New Mexico in 1969. He went on to volunteer with the Peace Corps in Colombia. Look for a full article on Eric E. Kolbe, Class of 1961, in the Winter Perkiomen Magazine, Online Edition.

Always thoughtful, Kolbe was a member of the Alpha and

Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors


Gifts to Endowment (2012-2013) Mr. George K. Allison H ’08 and Mrs. Lucy Allison P ’92, ’94 ◊◊ Mr. Barry P. Forman ’63 (T) and Mrs. Carole Forman ◊◊ Mr. George W. Meschter, Jr. ’70 (T) an Mrs. Susan Meschter ◊

Estate Gifts Realized Mr. William C. Woodmansee ’41 Estate ◊◊

Gift-in-Kind (2012-2013)

Dr. Frank S. Riordan, Jr. ’34 Estate ◊◊

Arthur J. Weiss ’28 Estate ◊◊ Glenna R. Fulmer Estate

Alvin A. Krauss Estate ◊

Mr. Richard P. MacIntyre, Jr. and Mrs. Susan K. MacIntyre P ’16, ’17 ◊ Ms. Jennifer Weiss F/S

Restricted Gifts (2012-13) Strengthening the following… Baseball Team Book and Supplies Scholarship Campus Beautification Community Service Award Scholarship Commencement Award Diversity Club English Department – Writing Center Football Team German Exchange trip Holocaust Museum trip Music New Dormitory Parents Hall Recycling Student Activities Student Financial Aid Sunday Fellowship Theater

The Frank S. Riordan Award is presented to the member of the Senior Class who, in the opinion of their classmates, has contributed most to the school, in both the classroom and extra-curricular activities. The award was established by Dr. Frank S. Riordan Senior, Class of 1909, and has been continued by his son, Frank Jr. Class of 1934. Dr. Frank S. Riordan Jr. was a renaissance man who enjoyed the best in French cuisine and jazz music. As a student at Perkiomen, he was Captain of the tennis team and a Member of the Athletic Association. He received his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Tennessee. Dr. Riordan later became the Director of Technology and Planning for Monsanto Textile Division. Long after graduation, he fondly remembered the teachers who made a direct impact on his academic and personal life: Irwin Kehs and Sam Pascal. In college, Dr. Riordan minored in applied math, directly because of Mr. Kehs’ positive influence. Dr. Riordan credited Mr. Pascal’s class for his ease with the French language thirty years after graduation. Dr. Riordan befriended French Chef Jean-Pierre Augé, who cooked for his ninetieth birthday celebration. In addition, Dr. Riordan also was an accomplished baker of French bread; if you visited him, you were often lucky enough to be given a few loaves to take home. A long-time resident of St. Louis, Missouri, Dr. Riordan passed away on April 22, 2011. A member of the Phoenix Society since 1997, Perkiomen recently realized his significant estate gift of one million dollars. Dr. Frank S. Riordan Jr.’s appreciation of his alma mater and generosity will continue to strengthen the Perkiomen School community for generations

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 33

Phoenix Society (2012-2013)

We are profoundly grateful to the following alumni, former faculty and staff, and friends, who included The Perkiomen School in their estate plans:

Estate of Dr. Ruth R. Harris * Mr. and Mrs. John D. Harrison, Sr. P ’81 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Harrison, Jr. Mr. Ira A. Hartman ’57 * Mrs. Florence E. Heydt P ’70 ◊◊

Mr. Frederick A. Ahlborn, Jr. ’63

Mr. Nicholas deWilde ’42 *

Dr. W. Dulany Hill ’54

Mr. and Mrs. George K. Allison H ’08, P ’92, ’94 ◊◊

Estate of Mr. Walter H. Eastwood, Jr.’57 *

Mr. Richard K. Hollinger ’56

Mr. Charles L. Eby ’29 *

Estate of Mr. John C. Holm ’24 *

Mrs. Ellen Arbogast

Estate of Mr. Emanuel Eschwege ’27 *

Mr. Robert Huntzinger P ’78

Mr. Norman P. Bate*

Mr. R. Dean Ferguson ’61 ◊ –

Mr. Paul R. Jacobi ’65 –

Mr. Paul J. Blasko ’37

New member as of April 2013

New member as of July 2012

Estate of Ms. Ruth E. Blumer *

Estate of Ms. Elsie Biery Fink *

Marcy H. Kershner P ’82,’84 ◊ –

Mr. John W. Borhman, Jr. ’36 *

Estate of Mr. William Freed ’32 *

New member as of June 2013

Estate of Mr. Walton Bowen ’30 *

Mr. William C. Fritz ’64, (T), P ’90 ◊◊

Estate of Mr. Alvin A. Krauss ◊ *

Mr. Alan C. Brody ’51 ◊◊

Mr. G. Keith “Buzz” Funk, Jr. ’61 ◊◊ –

Estate of Mr. Owen S. Krauss ’15 *

Mr. Edward Chatelain ’59

New member as of February 2013

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur C. Kriebel *

Estate of Mr. Harold I. Cragin *

Estate of Mr. Albert R. Gaumer ’32 *

Estate of Mrs. Laura Krieble ’06 *

Mr. David W. Cressman ’82

Estate of Mr. Olive Gaumer *

Estate of Dr. Robert H. Krieble *

Estate of Mr. Stewart Cressman ’23 *

Mr. S. Ridgway Goodwin ’60 (T) ◊

Estate of Ms. Iris Kurtz *

Estate of Mr. D. Kenneth Crook *

Dr. Robert Grantham ’59 *

Estate of Mr. Richard B. Kurtz ’40 *

Mr. Donald M. Davis ’44

Estate of Mr. Richard C. Harding ’51 *

Estate of Mr. Howard H. Laskey ’32 *

Mr. William J. Day ’41

Mr. David W. Hallman ’60 –

Estate of Mr. Robert S. Law ’55 *

Mr. Theodore J. DeGomar ’37 *

New member as of July 2012

Estate of Ms. Marian C. Lehman *

The Phoenix Society recognizes alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends who include provisions in their wills or estate plans to benefit The Perkiomen School and have informed the school of their generosity. These provisions include bequest intentions, testamentary trusts, and gifts providing life income (such as charitable remainder trusts, gift annuities, and pooled income fund gifts), life insurance, retirement plan assets, and other deferred gifts. If you have provided for The Perkiomen School in your will or estate plan and are not listed here, or are interested in learning more about estate-related gifts, please contact Director of Development, Karl Welsh at 215-679-1157, or

Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors


Phoenix Society (2012-2013)

Estate of Ms. Frances T. Light *

Mr. James Porter ’49 *

Mr. Cornelius G. Sullivan Jr. ’59

Estate of Mr. James G. Longfellow, Jr. ’23 *

Mr. Buddy S. Richman ’57 ◊

Estate of Mr. Irvin W. R. Swavely ’49 *

Dr. Arlen C. Marks ’68 ◊◊

Estate of Dr. Frank S. Riordan, Jr. ’34 ◊◊ *

Estate of Mr. Abraham C. Titlow ’01 *

Dr. Richard C. Mears ’25 *

Mr. Gary L. Rogers

Mrs. Ruth Townshend *

Estate of Ms. Glenna V. Meschter *

Estate of Ms. Margaret W. Rosenberry *

Estate of Arthur J. Weiss ’28 ◊◊ *

Estate of Mr. and

Estate of Mr. Ralph Rubino ’18 *

Mrs. Marion Roeder Willard ’21 *

Estate of Mr. Gerald A. Rushong ’26 *

Mr. Charles R. Williams ’52

Dr. Felix M. Mondejar ’33 ◊◊

Estate of Mr. William B. Scatchard *

Estate of Mr. William C. Woodmansee ’41 ◊◊ *

Estate of Mr. Edward R. Moore *

Mr. Joseph L. Shackelford, Jr. ’25 *

Rev. & Mrs. Daniel Moser P ’93, ’97 ◊

Mr. Robert H. Shaner, III ’65

Estate of Mr. James E. Mullen *

Mr. Gerald A. Shear ’86 ◊

Mr. Robert Pangburn ’30 *

Estate of Mrs. Ruth M. Snyder ’11 *

Mr. Walter Pangburn ’33 *

Mr. Timothy J. Snyder ’82 ◊

Mr. Carl H. Pfrommer ’36 *

Mr. William Spachner ’30

Estate of Mr. J. Harold Phillips ’19 *

Estate of Mr. George H. Spiegle *

Estate of Mrs. Eleanor S. Plummer *

Mr. Frank Stefano ’48 ◊

Mrs. Edward S. Mesnier ’17 *

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 35

Constituency Report July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013


$139,049 93% $121,348

$62,415 $54,290

9% Trustees


15% $9,790

4% Current Parents

Parents of Alumni



2012-13 Perkiomen Fund Constituency

Constituency Gift Total

% of Participation







Current Parents



Parents of Alumni






Faculty & Staff






Constituency Gift Total


Constituency Participation

$7,994 Faculty & Staff




Roll Call of Donors By Alumni Class

All Funds (2012-2013)

Class of 1928

Estate of Mr. Arthur J. Weiss ’28 * $26,638

Class of 1933 $150.00

Participation: 50% Dr. Felix M. Mondejar ’33 ◊◊

Class of 1934

Estate of Dr. Frank S. Riordan, Jr. ’34 * $1,000,000

Class of 1937 $100

Participation: 33% Mr. Edward N. McMillan ’37 ◊◊

Class of 1941

Estate of Mr. William C. Woodmansee ’41 * $100,000

Class of 1942

Class of 1948

Participation: 33%

Participation: 16%

Mr. Howard A. Clunn ’42 ◊◊ Mr. Edward W. Schlechter, Jr. ’42 ◊◊

Dr. T. Chester Bright ’48 ◊◊ Mr. Joseph F. Creighton ’48 ◊◊ Mr. William L. Gladstone ’48 ◊◊ Mr. Frank Stefano ’48 ◊


Class of 1943 $5,000

Participation: 20%


Class of 1949

Mr. A. Frederick Travaglini ’43 (TE) ◊◊


Class of 1947

Dr. Henry F. Decker ’49 ◊ Mr. Samuel D. Goldstein ’49 ◊


Participation: 16% Mr. William C. Hartranft ’47 ◊ Mr. John A. Henderson ’47 ◊◊ Mr. Richard P. Malburg ’47 ◊ Mr. Bernard J. Nolan ’47 ◊ Mr. Harry E. Reis, Jr. ’47 ◊◊

Participation: 11%

Class of 1950 $850

Participation: 15% Mr. Rodney M. Birkins ’50 ◊◊ Mr. Robert D. Hildebrand ’50 * Mr. Karl V. Kahl ’50 ◊ Mr. Charles W. Miller ’50 ◊◊ Mr. F. Edward Wallace ’50 ◊ Mr. Robert G. Wiesner ’50 ◊

Class of 1951 $3,175

Participation: 9% Mr. Alan C. Brody ’51 ◊◊ Mr. Ralph A. Leamon, Jr. ’51 ◊ Mr. Donald L. Totten ’51 ◊

Class of 1952 $550

Participation: 20% Mr. James R. Bean ’52, P ’81 ◊ Mr. Robert L. Cohen ’52 ◊◊ Mr. Robert J. Muirhead ’52 ◊◊ Mr. John R. Spannuth, Jr. ’52 ◊◊

Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 39

Roll Call of Donors by Alumni Class All Funds (2012-2013)

Class of 1953

Class of 1959

Class of 1963

Participation: 13%

Participation: 11%

Participation: 22%

Mr. Harry G. Eberhardt, Jr. ’53 ◊ Mr. Marvin L. Weizer ’53

Mr. Ronald L. Freed ’59 ◊ Col. James D. Leslie III ’59 ◊ ◊ Dr. Richard S. Lisella ’59 ◊ ◊ Mr. Benedict Schwarz, II ’59 ◊

Mr. Frederick A. Ahlborn, Jr. ’63 ◊◊ Dr. Lee F. Barnes ’63 ◊◊ Mr. John P. Civitts ’63 ◊ Mr. Kenneth W. Ellins ’63 Mr. Howard S. Epstein ’63 ◊◊ Mr. Barry P. Forman ’63, (T) ◊◊ Dr. Charles W. Hetzel ’63 ◊ Mr. Joseph C. Kaluha ’63 ◊◊ Mr. Robert B. Komminsk ’63 ◊ Dr. Jeffrey A. Kugel ’63 ◊◊ Mr. John B. Lawrence ’63


Class of 1954 $1,100


Participation: 12%

Class of 1960

Mr. Donald F. Goebert ’54, P ’93 ◊◊ Mr. Richard D. Powell ’54 ◊◊

Participation: 22%

Class of 1955 $400

Participation: 7% Mr. Paul Barren ’55 ◊◊ Mr. Samuel E. Fast, Jr. ’55 ◊

Class of 1956 $6,250

Participation: 13% Mr. Harvey F. Arter ’56 ◊◊ Mr. John R. Caffrey ’56 Mr. John J. Chidester ’56 ◊◊ Mr. Ralph M. Freydberg ’56 ◊◊

Class of 1957 $3,099

Participation: 17% Mr. Richard N. Herb ’57 ◊◊ Dr. Gerald M. Levitis ’57 ◊◊ Mr. Robert D. Novick ’57 ◊◊ Mr. Buddy S. Richman ’57, (T) ◊ Mr. George P. Viener ’57 ◊◊

Class of 1958 $1,360

Participation: 20% Mr. John H. Auld ’58 ◊ Mr. Robert W. Chapin ’58 ◊ Mr. Arnold N. Cramer ’58 Mr. Richard M. Fogel ’58 ◊ ◊ Mr. Charles F. Johnson II ’58 Mr. Frank J. Marlow ’58 ◊◊ Mr. Michael Tomasko IV ’58 ◊◊


Mr. James B. Broff ’60 (HT) ◊◊ Mr. Peter S. Coggan ’60 ◊ Mr. Melvyn J. Estrin ’60 ◊ Mr. S. Ridgway Goodwin ’60 (T) ◊◊ Mr. Gere E. Grimm ’60 ◊◊ Mr. Stanley H. Heist ’60 ◊◊ Mr. Rey A. Neville ’60 ◊ Mr. Norman J. Olson ’60 (T) ◊ Mr. Craig R. Raisig ’60 ◊◊ Mr. Daniel R. Seidel ’60 ◊ Mr. Robert C. Smith ’60 ◊ * Mr. Kenneth R. Stiles ’60 ◊◊

Class of 1961 $2,084,455

Participation: 16% Mr. Erich Allmer ’61 ◊◊ Mr. R. Dean Ferguson ’61 ◊ Dr. Edward M. Friedman ’61 ◊ Mr. G. Keith Funk, Jr. ’61 ◊◊ Mr. Harold M. Hersch, Esq. ’61 ◊◊ Mr. Eric E. Kolbe ’61 ◊ Mr. Daniel A. Lane ’61 ◊◊ Mr. John D. Schlegel ’61, P ’84 ◊◊ Mr. John H. Winant ’61 ◊

Class of 1962 $2,960

Participation: 13% Mr. Robert L. Ames ’62 ◊◊ Mr. David B. Eastwood ’62 ◊◊ Mr. Alfred D. Konrad, Jr. ’62 ◊◊ Dr. Lane D. Schultz ’62 Mr. Robert J. Sikora ’62, P ’93 ◊◊ Mr. Charles S. Willis ’62


Class of 1964 $20,230

Participation: 35% Mr. Arthur A. Abplanalp Jr. ’64 ◊◊ Mr. Townsend E. Anschutz ’64 ◊ The Hon. Mark D. Averbach ’64 ◊ ◊ Mr. Butler W. Baylis ’64 ◊ Mr. William C. Fritz ’64, (T), P ’90 ◊◊ Mr. Richard T. Genszler ’64 ◊◊ Mr. M. Berry Grant, Jr. ’64 ◊◊ Mr. L. Robert Kay ’64 ◊◊ Mr. Paul D. Lansberry ’64 ◊◊ Mr. Mark C. Mamolen ’64 ◊◊ Mr. G. Bryce Manthorne, Jr. ’64, (T) ◊◊ Mr. Robert K. Morgan ’64 ◊◊ Mr. James V. Nyce ’64 ◊◊ Mr. Harry R. Silverglide ’64, (T), P ’05 ◊ Col. Hunter M. Smith ’64 Mr. J. Harvey Trimble, Jr. ’64 ◊ Mr. Andrew S. Wade, Esq. ’64 ◊ Mr. David W. Wade ’64 ◊◊

Class of 1965 $6,450

Participation: 13% Mr. Wesley Astheimer ’65 ◊ ◊ Mr. Philip S. Delany III ’65 ◊◊ Mr. Philip A. Lloyd ’65, (T) ◊◊ Mr. Pedro Miranda ’65 Mr. Allan E. Strouss ’65 ◊◊ Mr. Jeffrey B. Timm ’65 ◊◊ Mr. W. Edward Williams, Jr. ’65 ◊◊

Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors


Roll Call of Donors by Alumni Class All Funds (2012-2013)

Class of 1966 $3,956

Participation: 40% Mr. William R. Blank ’66 ◊◊ Mr. Dean D. DeLong ’66 ◊◊ Mr. James G. Dickensheets Jr. ’66 ◊ Mr. David L. Dratch ’66 ◊ Mr. James A. Emerich ’66 ◊ Mr. Howard J. Forman ’66 ◊◊ Mr. Wallace W. Gardner, Jr. ’66 Mr. James J. Gold ’66 ◊ Mr. David P. Hale ’66 ◊ Mr. Thomas F. Hale ’66 ◊ Mr. Gregory D. Hartwig ’66 ◊ Mr. C. Stephen Keller ’66 ◊ Mr. Stephen M. Kleinberg ’66 ◊◊ Mr. LeRoy H. Layton ’66 ◊◊ Mr. R. William Marberger III ’66 ◊ Mr. Eugene R. Martin ’66 ◊ Mr. Peter Mattia ’66 ◊ Mr. John R. McCabe ’66 ◊◊ Mr. John C. Parenti ’66 ◊◊ Mr. Bruce Pringle ’66 ◊ Mr. Richard M. Provost ’66 ◊ ◊ Mr. Deshler Schenck ’66 ◊ Mr. Geoffrey A. Scripture ’66 ◊◊ Mr. James R. Weldon ’66 ◊◊

Former faculty members and Perkiomen Fund Donors, Paul and Carla Hausmann:


thirty-four years, Perkiomen has meant more than jobs to us; Perk has been our home and family. During our retirement, we continue to return to campus to participate in community events, watch athletic competitions, and delight in theatrical performances. With this in mind, we continue to support the school, its students, and faculty through the Perkiomen Fund. We hope that today’s Perkiomen faculty enjoy the same meaningful experiences we did, and that doing so inspires them to lead the students of today to risk being their very best.”

Class of 1967 $3,575

Participation: 20% Mr. Neil G. Amper ’67 ◊ Mr. George W. Baver ’67 ◊ Mr. William A. Bush, Jr. ’67 ◊ Mr. David B. Butler ’67 ◊◊ Mr. David E. Church ’67 ◊◊ Mr. James B. Flaws ’67 ◊◊ Mr. Michael J. Krajsa ’67 ◊ Mr. Robert T. Murlless ’67 ◊ Mr. John A. Newton ’67 ◊ Mr. David M. Phaff ’67 ◊◊ Mr. Paul D. Pickard ’67 ◊◊ Mr. George M. Selby ’67

Class of 1968 $3,250

Participation: 11% Mr. Alan G. Bradbury ’68 ◊◊

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 41

Roll Call of Donors by Alumni Class All Funds (2012-2013) Mr. John C. Cleaver ’68 ◊◊ Dr. Arlen C. Marks ’68 ◊◊ Mr. Harold Smith ’68 Mr. Barry A. Solomon ’68 ◊◊

Class of 1969 $1,275

Participation: 18% Mr. Jon S. Bolton ’69 ◊◊ Mr. Blair H. Coleman ’69 Mr. Rodger P. Fedigan ’69 ◊ Mr. Jonathan P. Hanners ’69 ◊ Mr. William Jabara ’69 ◊◊ Mr. Albert A. LoRusso ’69 Mr. T. Lamar McCorkle, Jr. ’69 ◊ Mr. Christopher D. Reshower ’69 ◊ Mr. Richard A. Schultz ’69 ◊◊ Mr. William D. Spector ’69 ◊◊

Class of 1970 $5,695

Participation: 16% Mr. Michael J. Fina ’70, P ’01 ◊ Mr. John A. Heydt ’70 ◊◊ Mr. Jay A. Levy ’70 ◊ Mr. George W. Meschter, Jr. ’70, (T) ◊ Mr. John B. Rosenberger ’70 ◊ Mr. D. Thomas Stearns ’70 ◊◊ Mr. James E. Walsh ’70 ◊◊

Class of 1971 $4,600

Participation: 6% Mr. Daniel D. Breidegam ’ 71 ◊◊ Mr. Wilfred B. Cunningham ’71 ◊◊ Mr. William H. West ’71

Class of 1972 $325

Class of 1973 $350

Participation: 8% Ms. Cheryl L. Price ’73 ◊◊ Mrs. Kay Neiman Subhawong ’73 ◊◊

Class of 1974 $200

Participation: 5% Mr. Stanley J. Cias ’74 ◊◊ Mr. Charles Slovenski ’74

Class of 1975 $575

Participation: 6% Ms. Katherine A. Gildemeister ’75 ◊ Mr. Leif E. Malmberg ’75 ◊◊ Mr. John D. Whartnaby ’75 ◊◊

Class of 1976 $565

Participation: 8% Mrs. Cairn C. Krafft ’76 ◊◊ Mrs. Emily W. Melnyk ’76 ◊ Mr. R. Kevin Underwood ’76

Class of 1981 $41,030

Participation: 15% Mrs. Carin L. Dessauer ’81 ◊◊ Mr. David S. Krupnick ’81 ◊ Mr. Daniel A. Liggett ’81 Mr. R. Warren Schmidt ’81 ◊ Mr. James E. Schulz, Sr. ’81, (T), P ’02, ’10 ◊ Mr. John M. Stanton ’81 Mrs. Sheeri K. Steinberg ’81 ◊

Class of 1982 $1,225

Participation: 7% Mr. Michael T. Bilinski ’82 ◊ Mr. Michael L. Laiman ’82 ◊◊ Mr. Timothy Snyder ’82 ◊

Class of 1983 $20,000

Participation: 2% Mr. Scott R. Schultz ’83, (T), P ’11, ’13 ◊

Class of 1977

Class of 1984

Participation: 7%

Participation: 6%

Mr. W. Edwin Himwich ’77 ◊◊ Mr. Michael J. Pedrick ’77 Mr. Andrew Wright ’77

Mr. Harry C. Demiris, Jr. ’84 Mr. Derek D. Riddle ’84 Mr. Sung Sik Yang ’84 (T)

Class of 1978

Class of 1985

Participation: 9%

Participation: 6%

Mr. Leslie F. Banyard ’78 ◊ Dr. Wade A. Neiman ’78 ◊ Mr. Thomas L. Shewell ’78 ◊◊

Mr. Michael Malloy ’85 ◊ Mr. Andrew Schwinger ’85 Mrs. Diana L. Weir-Smith ’85 ◊◊

Class of 1979

Class of 1986

Participation: 9%

Participation: 4%

Mrs. Marcia Barone ’79, (T), P ’14, ’17 ◊◊ Mr. Thomas Kalfas ’79

Mr. Scott K. Baker ’86 ◊ Mr. Gerald A. Shear ’86 ◊



Participation: 10% Mr. William D. Bassett ’72 Mr. Christopher V. Becker ’72 Mr. Lawrence Cohen’72 ◊◊ Mr. Thomas B. Kugel ’72 ◊ Mrs. Debbi S. Sugarman ’72 ◊◊

Mr. Robert H. Westervelt ’79 ◊ Ms. Margaret-Ann Wright ’79 ◊





Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors


Roll Call of Donors by Alumni Class All Funds (2012-2013)

Class of 1988

Class of 1999

Participation: 9%

Participation: 2%

Mr. Paul C. Adamczak ’88 Mr. Patrick Malloy ’88 Ms. Dorothy A. McGuire ’88 Ms. Jodi F. Tansy ’88 Mr. Jason G. Toll ’88 ◊

Mr. Ryan Tobin ’99

Class of 1990

Mrs. Kathleen Nester ’00

Class of 2007

Class of 2003

Participation: 2%


Mr. Carson A. Slonaker ’07

Participation: 4% Mrs. Jennifer M. Engelstad ’03 Ms. Rachel A. Lawrence ’03

Class of 2008



Participation: 3% Mrs. Ellicia M. Romo ’90

Class of 1991 $50

Participation: 2% Mr. Charles A. Cianfrani Jr. ’91 ◊

Class of 1993 $300

Participation: 8% Mr. C. Anthony Darville ’93 Mr. J. Ryan Hunsberger ’93 Mrs. Sarah Long-Bachert ’93

Class of 1995 $500

Participation: 4% Dr. Laurence A. Jackson ’95


Class of 2000 $50

Participation: 3%

Ms. Amanda L. Terr ’05 Mr. J. Carl Worsley III ’05 ◊

Class of 2006 $25

Participation: 2% Ms. Rachel A. MacElhenney ’06



Participation: 3%

Class of 2004 $220

Participation: 10%

Ms. Katherine Cunningham ’08 Ms. Carol Joslin ’08

Ms. Sarah Cline-Ragsdale ’04 Mr. Christopher F. Lawrence ‘04 Mr. Christian A. Pfeiffer ’04 Mrs. Kristen L. Weller ’04

Class of 2009

Class of 2005

Class of 2011


Participation: 8% Ms. LaToya Brown ’05 Mr. Michael F. Garaguso ’05 Ms. Paige M. Lieberman ’05


Participation: 1% Mr. Joseph J. Minder ’09


Participation: 2% Mr. John E. Dougherty, III ’11 Ms. Aurora R. Wetherill ’11

Class of 1996 $100

Participation: 2% Ms. Jillian M. Klug ’96

Class of 1997 $250

Participation: 8% Dr. Kristin E. Burns ’97 ◊ Mr. Jonathan D. Moser ’97, F/S ◊ Mr. Shaun T. Yorgey ’97, F/S ◊

Class of 1998 $100

Participation: 2% Mr. Usim E. Odim ’98 ◊

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 43

Roll Call of Donors by Constituency

All Funds (2012-2013)

Mr. Robert L. Ames ’62 ◊◊

Mr. John R. Caffrey ’56

Gifts to All Funds: $113,465 PF Gifts: $62,415

Mr. Neil G. Amper ’67 ◊◊

Mr. Robert W. Chapin ’58 ◊◊

Mr. Townsend E. Anschutz ’64 ◊

Mr. John J. Chidester ’56 ◊◊

Mr. Harvey F. Arter ’56 ◊◊

Mr. David E. Church ’67

Mrs. Marcia Barone ’79, P ’14, ’17 ◊◊

Mr. Wesley Astheimer ’65 ◊◊

Mr. Charles A. Cianfrani Jr. ’91

Mr. James R. Faber

Mr. John H. Auld ’58 ◊

Mr. Stanley J. Cias ’74 ◊◊

Mr. Barry P. Forman ’63 ◊◊

The Hon. Mark D. Averbach ‘64 ◊◊

Mr. John P. Civitts ’63 ◊

Mr. William C. Fritz ’64, P ’90 ◊◊

Mr. Scott K. Baker, Esq. ’86 ◊

Mr. John C. Cleaver, ChFC ’68 ◊◊

Mr. S. Ridgway Goodwin ’60 ◊

Mr. Leslie F. Banyard ’78 ◊

Ms. Sarah Cline-Ragsdale ’04

Mr. Philip A. Lloyd ’65 ◊◊

Dr. Lee F. Barnes ’63 ◊◊

Mr. Howard A. Clunn ’42 ◊◊

Mr. G. Bryce Manthorne, Jr. ’64 ◊◊

Mrs. Marcia Barone ’79, (T), P ’14, ’17 ◊◊

Mr. Peter S. Coggan ’60 ◊

Mr. George W. Meschter, Jr. ’70 ◊

Mr. Paul Barren ’55 ◊◊

Mr. Lawrence Cohen’72 ◊◊

Mr. James D. Nallo P ’05 ◊

Mr. William D. Bassett ’72

Mr. Robert L. Cohen ’52 ◊◊

Mr. Norman J. Olson ’60 ◊

Mr. George W. Baver ’67 ◊◊

Mr. Blair H. Coleman ’69

Mr. J. Kristian Pueschel

Mr. Butler W. Baylis ’64 ◊

Mr. Arnold N. Cramer ’58

Mr. Buddy S. Richman ’57 ◊

Mr. James R. Bean ’52, P ’81 ◊◊

Mr. Joseph F. Creighton ’48 ◊◊

Mr. Scott R. Schultz ’83, P ’11, ’13 ◊

Mr. Christopher V. Becker ’72

Ms. Katherine Cunningham ’08

Mr. James E. Schulz, Sr. ’81, P ’02, ’10 ◊

Mr. Michael T. Bilinski ’82 ◊

Mr. Wil B. Cunningham ’71 ◊◊

Mr. Harry R. Silverglide ’64, P ’05 ◊

Mr. Rodney M. Birkins ’50 ◊◊

Mr. C. Anthony Darville ’93

Mrs. Luanne Stauffer ◊◊

Mr. William R. Blank ‘66 ◊◊

Dr. Henry F. Decker ’49 ◊

Mr. Christopher R. Tompkins P ’15, ’19, F/S

Mr. Jon S. Bolton ’69 ◊◊

Mr. Philip S. Delany III ’65 ◊◊

Mr. Sung Sik Yang ’84

Mr. Alan G. Bradbury ’68 ◊◊

Mr. Dean D. DeLong ’66 ◊◊

Ms. Amy L. Brand ’99

Mr. Harry C. Demiris, Jr. ’84

Mr. Daniel D. Breidegam ’71 ◊◊

Mrs. Carin Dessauer ’81 ◊◊

Dr. T. Chester Bright ’48 ◊◊

Mr. James G. Dickensheets Jr. ’66 ◊

Mr. Alan C. Brody ’51 ◊◊

Mr. John E. Dougherty III ’11



Gifts to All Funds: $2,280,934 PF Gifts: $139,049

Mr. James B. Broff ’60 (HT) ◊◊

Mr. David L. Dratch ’66 ◊

Mr. Arthur A. Abplanalp Jr. ’64 ◊◊

Ms. LaToya Brown ’05

Mr. David B. Eastwood ’62 ◊◊

Mr. Paul C. Adamczak ’88

Dr. Kristin E. Burns ’97 ◊

Mr. Harry G. Eberhardt, Jr. ’53 ◊

Mr. Frederick A. Ahlborn, Jr. ’63 ◊◊

Mr. William A. Bush, Jr. ’67

Mr. Kenneth W. Ellins ’63

Mr. Erich Allmer ’61 ◊◊

Mr. David B. Butler ’67 ◊◊

Mr. James A. Emerich ’66 ◊

* Donors are counted in each constituency that applies. Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors


Roll Call of Donors by Constituency All Funds (2012-2013) Mrs. Jennifer M. Engelstad ’03

Mr. J. Ryan Hunsberger ’93

Mr. Michael Malloy ’85 ◊

Mr. Howard S. Epstein ’63 ◊◊

Mr. William Jabara ’69 ◊◊

Mr. Patrick Malloy ’88

Mr. Melvyn J. Estrin ’60 ◊

Dr. Laurence A. Jackson ’95

Mr. Leif E. Malmberg ’75 ◊◊

Mr. Samuel E. Fast, Jr. ’55 ◊

Mr. Charles F. Johnson II ’58

Mr. Mark C. Mamolen ’64 ◊◊

Mr. Rodger P. Fedigan ’69 ◊

Ms. Carol Joslin ’08

Mr. G. Bryce Manthorne, Jr. ’64 (T) ◊◊

Mr. R. Dean Ferguson ’61 ◊

Mr. Karl V. Kahl ’50 ◊

Mr. R. William Marberger III ’66

Mr. Michael J. Fina ’70, P ’01 ◊

Mr. Thomas Kalfas ’79

Dr. Arlen C. Marks ’68 ◊◊

Mr. James B. Flaws ’67 ◊◊

Mr. Joseph C. Kaluha ‘63 ◊◊

Mr. Frank J. Marlow ’58 ◊◊

Mr. Richard Fogel ’58 ◊◊

Mr. L. Robert Kay ’64 ◊◊

Mr. Eugene R. Martin ’66 ◊

Mr. Barry P. Forman ’63 (T) ◊◊

Mr. C. Stephen Keller ‘66

Mr. Peter Mattia ’66 ◊

Mr. Howard J. Forman ’66 ◊◊

Mr. Stephen M. Kleinberg ’66 ◊◊

Mr. Todd M. Mayer ’85

Mr. Ronald L. Freed ’59 ◊

Ms. Jillian Marley Klug ’96

Mr. John R. McCabe ’66 ◊◊

Mr. Ralph M. Freydberg ’56 ◊◊

Mr. Eric E. Kolbe ’61 ◊

Mr. T. Lamar McCorkle, Jr. ’69 ◊

Dr. Edward M. Friedman ’61

Mr. Robert B. Komminsk ’63 ◊

Ms. Dorothy A. McGuire ’88

Mr. William C. Fritz ’64 (T) P ’90 ◊◊

Mr. Alfred D. Konrad, Jr. ’62 ◊◊

Mr. Edward N. McMillan ’37 ◊◊

Mr. G. Keith Funk, Jr. ’61 ◊◊

Mrs. Cairn C. Krafft ’76 ◊◊

Mrs. Emily Melnyk ’76 ◊

Mr. Michael F. Garaguso ’05

Mr. Michael J. Krajsa ’67 ◊

Mr. George W. Meschter, Jr. ’70, (T) ◊

Mr. Wallace W. Gardner, Jr. ’66

Mr. David S. Krupnick ’81 ◊

Mr. Charles W. Miller ’50 ◊◊

Mr. Richard T. Genszler ’64 ◊◊

Dr. Jeffrey A. Kugel ’63 ◊◊

Mr. Joseph J. Minder ’09

Ms. Katherine A. Gildemeister ’75 ◊

Mr. Thomas B. Kugel ’72 ◊

Mr. Pedro Miranda ’65

Mr. William L. Gladstone ’48 ◊◊

Mr. Michael L. Laiman ’82

Dr. Felix M. Mondejar ’33 ◊◊

Mr. Donald F. Goebert ’54 P ’93 ◊◊

Mr. Daniel A. Lane ’61 ◊◊

Mr. Robert K. Morgan ‘64 ◊◊

Mr. James J. Gold ’66 ◊

Mr. Paul D. Lansberry ‘64 ◊◊

Mr. Jonathan D. Moser ’97, F/S ◊

Mr. Samuel D. Goldstein ’49 ◊

Mr. Christopher F. Lawrence ‘04

Mr. Robert J. Muirhead ’52 ◊◊

Mr. S. Ridgway Goodwin ’60 (T) ◊

Mr. John B. Lawrence ’63

Mr. Robert T. Murlless ’67

Mr. M. Berry Grant, Jr. ’64 ◊◊

Ms. Rachel A. Lawrence ’03

Dr. Wade A. Neiman ’78 ◊

Mr. Gere E. Grimm ’60 ◊◊

Mr. LeRoy H. Layton’66 ◊◊

Mrs. Kathleen Nester ’00

Mr. David P. Hale ’66 ◊

Mr. Ralph A. Leamon, Jr. ’51 ◊

Mr. Rey A. Neville ’60 ◊

Mr. Thomas F. Hale ’66 ◊

Col. James D. Leslie III ’59 ◊◊

Mr. John A. Newton ’67 ◊

Mr. Jonathan P. Hanners ’69 ◊

Dr. Gerald M. Levitis ’57 ◊◊

Mr. Bernard J. Nolan ’47 ◊

Mr. William C. Hartranft ’47 ◊

Mr. Jay A. Levy ’70

Mr. Robert D. Novick ’57, P ’80 ◊◊

Mr. Gregory D. Hartwig ’66 ◊

Ms. Paige M. Lieberman ’05

Mr. James V. Nyce ’64 ◊◊

Mr. Stanley H. Heist ’60 ◊◊

Mr. Daniel A. Liggett ’81

Mr. Usim E. Odim ’98 ◊

Mr. John A. Henderson ’47 ◊◊

Dr. Richard S. Lisella ‘59 ◊◊

Mr. Norman J. Olson ’60, (T) ◊

Mr. Richard N. Herb ’57 ◊◊

Mr. Philip A. Lloyd ’65 (T) ◊◊

Mr. John C. Parenti ’66 ◊◊

Harold M. Hersch, Esq. ’61 ◊◊

Mrs. Sarah Long-Bachert ’93

Mr. Michael J. Pedrick ’77

Dr. Charles W. Hetzel ’63 ◊

Mr. Albert A. LoRusso ’69

Mr. Christian A. Pfeiffer ’04

Mr. John A. Heydt ’70 ◊◊

Ms. Rachel A. MacElhenney ’06

Mr. David M. Phaff ’67 ◊◊

Mr. W. Edwin Himwich ’77 ◊◊

Mr. Richard P. Malburg ’47 ◊◊

Mr. Paul D. Pickard ’67 ◊◊

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 45

Roll Call of Donors by Constituency All Funds (2012-2013) Mr. Richard D. Powell ’54 ◊◊

Mr. Frank Stefano ’48 ◊

Ms. Cheryl L. Price ’73 ◊◊

Mrs. Sheeri K. Steinberg ’81 ◊

Mr. Bruce Pringle ’66 ◊

Mr. Kenneth R. Stiles ’60 ◊◊

Mr. Richard M. Provost ’66 ◊◊

Mr. Allan E. Strouss ’65 ◊◊

Mr. Craig R. Raisig ’60 ◊◊

Mrs. Kay Neiman Subhawong ’73 ◊◊

Mr. Harry E. Reis Jr. ’47 ◊◊

Ms. Maribel Alvarez P ’15

Mrs. Debbi S. Sugarman ’72 ◊◊

Mr. Christopher D. Reshower ’69 ◊

Mr. Sang Jun An and Mrs. Moon Hee Jun P ’15

Ms. Jodi F. Tansy ’88

Mr. Buddy S. Richman ’57 (T) ◊

Dr. Alexander Arts, Sr. and

Ms. Amanda L. Terr ’05

Mr. Derek D. Riddle ’84

Mr. Jeffrey B. Timm ’65 ◊◊

Mrs. Ellicia M. Romo ’90

Mr. Ryan Tobin ’99

Mr. John B. Rosenberger ’70 ◊ Mr. Deshler Schenck ’66 ◊ Mr. Edward W. Schlechter Jr. ’42 ◊◊ Mr. John D. Schlegel ‘61, P ‘84 ◊◊ Mr. R. Warren Schmidt ’81 ◊ Dr. Lane D. Schultz ’62 P ’92,’95 Mr. Richard A. Schultz ’69 ◊◊ Mr. Scott R. Schultz ’83 (T), P ’11, ’13 ◊ Mr. James E. Schulz, Sr. ’81 (T), P ’02, ’10 ◊ Mr. Benedict Schwarz, II ’59 ◊◊ Mr. Andrew Schwinger ’85 Mr. Geoffrey A. Scripture ’66 ◊◊ Mr. Daniel R. Seidel ’60 ◊ Mr. George M. Selby ’67 Mr. Jeffrey A. Sell ’89, P’10, ’12 Mr. Gerald A. Shear ’86 ◊ Mr. Thomas L. Shewell ’78 ◊◊

Mr. Jason G. Toll ’88 ◊ Mr. Michael Tomasko IV ’58 ◊◊ Mr. Donald L. Totten ’51 ◊ Mr. A. Frederick Travaglini ’43 (TE) ◊ Mr. J. Harvey Trimble, Jr. ’64 ◊ Mr. R. Kevin Underwood ’76 Mr. George P. Viener ’57 Mr. Andrew S. Wade ’64 ◊ Mr. David W. Wade ’64 ◊◊ Mr. F. Edward Wallace ’50 ◊ Mr. James E. Walsh ’70 ◊◊ Mrs. Diana L. Weir-Smith ’85, F/S ◊◊ Mr. Marvin L. Weizer ’53

Current Parents

Gifts to All Funds: $505,898 PF Gifts: $121,348

Ms. Susan Wichhart P ’13 Mr. Anastasios Arhontoulis and Mrs. Patricia M. Arhontoulis P ’14 Mr. Christopher Barone and Mrs. Marcia Barone’79, (T), P ’14, ’17 ◊◊ Mr. Donald Berkhimer and Mrs. Lori Berkhimer P ’15, ’20 Mr. Joseph Bernstein P ’15 Mr. Mark Butcher and Mrs. Tina Butcher P ’17, ’18 Mr. Jianke Chen and Mrs. Huixian Chen P ’15 Mr. Yuehui Chen and Mrs. Lingzhi Cai P ’12, ’13 Mr. Young Jin Cho and Mrs. Hyun Jeon Oh P ’16 Rev. Janet Rose and Rev. Thomas Craver P ’14, ’16 – Dorothy M. Pfender Foundation

Mr. James R. Weldon ‘66 ◊◊

Mr. Jie Ding and Mrs. Li Xuan Li P ’13

Mrs. Kristen L. Weller ’04

Mr. Charles Dormer and

Mr. William H. West ’71

Mrs. Patricia Dormer P ’16, ’19 Mr. Peter Dougherty and

Mr. Robert J. Sikora ’62, P ’93 ◊◊

Mr. Robert H. Westervelt ’79 ◊

Mr. Harry R. Silverglide ’64 (T), P ’05 ◊

Ms. Aurora Roberts Wetherill ’11

Mr. Carson A. Slonaker ’07

Mr. John D. Whartnaby ’75 ◊◊

Mr. Charles Slovenski ’74

Mr. Robert G. Wiesner ’50 ◊

Mr. Harold Smith ’68, P’95

Mr. W. Edward Williams, Jr. ’65 ◊

Col. Hunter M. Smith ’64 ◊◊

Mr. Charles S. Willis ’62

Mr. Timothy Snyder ’82 ◊

Mr. John H. Winant ’61 ◊

Mr. Barry A. Solomon ‘68 ◊◊

Mr. J. Carl Worsley III ’05

Mr. John R. Spannuth, Jr. ’52 ◊◊

Mr. Andrew Wright ’77, P ’10,’11 ◊

Mr. William D. Spector ’69 ◊◊

Ms. Margaret-Ann Wright ’79 ◊

Ms. Tracy Fosbenner P ’11,’14

Mr. John M. Stanton ’81

Mr. Sung Sik Yang ’84, (T)

Mr. Douglas Gallagher and

Mr. D. Thomas Stearns ’70 ◊◊

Mr. Shaun T. Yorgey ’97, F/S

Mrs. Carol Dougherty P ’11, ’13, F/S ◊◊ Mr. John Eureyecko and Mrs. Donna Eureyecko P ’13 Mr. Matthew Ferdock and Dr. Lori Ferdock P ’15,’17 Mr. James J. Finnegan and Mrs. Lynne V. Finnegan P ’16 Dr. Peter Fisher and Ms. Kathy Zimmerman P ’13, ’15

Mrs. Deborah Gallagher P ’14

* Donors are counted in each constituency that applies. Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors


Roll Call of Donors by Constituency All Funds (2012-2013) Mr. James Grabusky and

Mr. Robert T. Seskin and Mrs. Jill Seskin P ’13

Mr. John E. Berg and Mrs. Joan Berg P ’06, F/S

Mr. Lin He and Mrs. Li Qian P ’14

Mr. Gregory Shane and Mrs. Nancy Shane P ’14

Mr. Martin M. Berliner and Mrs. Gail Berliner P ’89 ◊

Mr. Thomas Holden and

Mr. Jian Shen and Mrs. Ming Hu P ’14

Mr. Arthur Bolton and Mrs. Anna Bolton P ’69, ’72, ’80 ◊◊

Mrs. Johnna Grabusky P ’18

Mrs. Karen Holden P ’15 Mr. Won-Pyo Hong and Mrs. Yoo-Kyung Lim P ’16 Ms. Jill S. Jarrett P ’15 Mr. Guangyi Jin and Ms. Liling Wang P ’14 Mr. Jae Soo Kim and Mrs. Seung Youn Lee P ’15 Mr. Timothy Klavon P ’13,’17 Mr. Anthony Lambert and Mrs. Lauren Lambert P ’17, ’19, F/S Mr. Byoung Ho Lee and Mrs. Hae Kyoung Shin P ’15 Mr. Seung Hoon Lee and Mrs. Seung Won Han P ’14 Dr. Stewart Leftow and Mrs. Marla Stewart P ’13

Dr. Sukwoo Shin P ’14 Mr. Jason D. Smith and Mrs. Kristen Smith P ’18, F/S

Mr. John Boyle and Mrs. Linda Boyle P ’05

Mr. Joseph Spinosa and Mrs. Michele Spinosa P ’18

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brown P ’94 ◊

Mr. Todd B. Stoudt and Mrs. Jennifer Stoudt P ’16 Mr. Huei Lung Tai and Mrs. Tzu Yin Liu P ’13 Mr. Christopher R. Tompkins (T) and Mrs. Katherine Tompkins P ’15, ’19, F/S Mr. GuoJun Wang and Mrs. Xiuping Chen P ’14

Mrs. Kalthoum Mancini P ’19

Mr. Xiaofeng Xu and Mrs. Jie Huang P ’16 Mr Jian Yan and Mrs. Xiaoli Chen P ’13

Mr. Gregory Molnar and Mrs. Agnes Molnar P ’16

Mr. Salvatore Pupillo and Mrs. Paula Pupillo P ’14 Mr. Bruce A. Sarte, Jr. and Mrs. Erin Sarte P ’19 Mr. Scott R. Schultz ’83 (T) and Mrs. Karla Schultz P ’11, ’13 ◊ Mr. Michael Scott and Mrs. Susan Scott P ’14

Mr. Michael J. Fina ’70, P ’01 ◊

Ms. Tracy Fosbenner P ’11,’14 Mr. William C. Fritz ’64 (T) and Mrs. Mary Fritz P ’90 ◊ Mr. David F. Gardner and Mrs. Jacqueline Gardner P ’96, ’02, ’05 F/S

Mr. Jian Hua Yao and Mrs. Chong Yun Zhu P ’17 Mr. Stephen Zell and Mrs. Natalie Zell P ’13

Mr. Samuel F. Grauer P ’81 ◊

Parents of Alumni

Dr. Henry Gursky and Mrs. Susan Gursky P ’05, ’08, ’10 ◊

Gifts to All Funds: $110,102 PF Gifts: $54,290

Mr. William G. Harvey and Mrs. Maureen Harvey P ’96 ◊

Mr. George K. Allison H ’08 and Mrs. Lucy Allison P ’92, ’94 ◊◊

Mrs. Florence E. Heydt P ’70 ◊◊

Mr. Sidney Palmer and Ms. Charnelle Hicks P ’18

Mr. Wayne E. Engle P ’81 ◊◊

Mr. Donald F. Goebert and Mrs. Rebecca Goebert ’54, P ’93 ◊◊

Mr. Kyong Sik Yang and Mrs. Sung Hee Koo P ’15

Mr. David Mann and Mrs. Donna Mann P ’16 Mr. Carlos Marce and Ms. Maria Lazo P ’13

Mr. Peter Dougherty and Mrs. Carol Dougherty P ’11, ’13, F/S ◊◊

Dr. Peter Fisher and Ms. Kathy Zimmerman P ’13, ’15

Mr. Thomas Williams and Mrs. Kristin Williams P ’15, ’17

Mr. Mark Longstreth and

Mr. Mark A. Mancini and

Mr. Thomas Cline and Mrs. Ruth Cline P ’04

Mr. Yu Wang and Mrs. Yin Zhang P ’14

Mr. Shanbin Xu and Mrs. Shanglin Xu P ’15

Mrs. Susan K. MacIntyre P’ 16, ’17 ◊

Dr. Peter Cianfrani and Mrs. Leah Cianfrani P ’00, ’05 ◊

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Feinstein P ’87 ◊

Mr. Timothy Wilsey and Mrs. Susan Wilsey P ’13

Mrs. Paige Longstreth P ’14, ’17, F/S ◊

Rev. Russell Burns and Mrs. Elizabeth Burns P ’97, F/S ◊

Mr. and Mrs. Guoqiang Wang and Mrs. Jing Rui P ’15

Mr. Jinzhao Li and Mrs. Liping Huang P ’15

Mr. Richard P. MacIntyre, Jr. and

Mr. John Brand P ’99 ◊

Mr. Kendall R. Baker and Mrs. Suzanne Baker P ’86, ’91, F/S ◊◊ Mr. Charles M. Barclay and Mrs. Nancy Barclay P ’96 ◊◊ Mr. David Beasten and Mrs. Mary Anne Beasten P ’05, ’08 ◊

Mr. Paul Hausmann and Mr. Carla Hausmann H ’00, P ’88 ◊ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huntzinger P ’78 Mr. Arthur Jackson and Mrs. Jackie Jackson P ’95 ◊ Mr. Richard Joslin and Mrs. Jean Joslin P ’08 Ms. Jodi Kelton P ’85, ’88, ’92 ◊ Ms. Marcy H. Kershner P ’82, ’84 ◊

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 47

Roll Call of Donors by Constituency All Funds (2012-2013)

Mr. Yong Jong Kim and Mrs. Hyun Mi Jung P ’12 Mr. Robert Law P ’07 Mr. Richard M. Leadley and Mrs. Elizabeth Leadley P ’02 ◊

Mr. Jeffrey A. Sell ’89 and Mrs. Mary Jean Sell P ’10,’12, F/S

Mr. William E. Seely and Mrs. Patricia Seely GP ’14, ’17

Mr. Robert Sikora ’62 and Mrs. Mary Kay Sikora P ’93 ◊◊

Mr. Scott Shanks and Mrs. Peggy Shanks GP ’11, ’13 ◊

Mr. Andrew Lins and Mrs. Judith Lins P ’10

Mr. Harry R. Silverglide ’64 (T) P ’05 ◊

Mr. A. Gordon MacElhenney and

Dr. and Mrs. Barton L. Smith P ’85, ’87 ◊◊

Ms. Ellen Jo Malloy P ’85, ’88 ◊

Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Smith and Mrs. Michelle Smith P ’01 ◊

Mr. Kevin Manferdini H ’04 and

Mr. Richard W. Smith F/S

Mrs. Susan MacElhenney P ’06

Mrs. Patricia Manferdini P ’07, ’09, ’11, F/S ◊ Mr. Patrick McLaughlin and Mrs. Lucia McLaughlin P ’04 Rev. Daniel Moser and Mrs. Margaret Moser P ’93 ’97 ◊ Mr. Donald R. Moll and Mrs. Barbara Moll P ’79, GP ’14, ’17 ◊◊ Mr. James D. Nallo (T) and Mrs. Margaret Nallo P ’05 ◊ Mr. Robert Nester and Mrs. Mary Anne Nester P ’96 ◊ Mrs. Faye S. Olivieri P ’81 ◊◊ Dr. Douglas G. Pfeiffer and Mrs. Liane Pfeiffer P ’04, ’09 ◊ Mr. Joseph T. Procak, Sr. and Mrs. Patricia Procak P ’81, ’82, ’85, ’86 ◊◊ Mr. Michael Romasco F/S and Mrs. Leslie Romasco P ’05, ’06 Mr. Jerry Schantz and Mrs. Tina Schantz P ’08 Mr. John Schlegel ’61 and

Gifts to All Funds: $8,876 PF Gifts: $7,994

Mr. Michael Snyder and Ms. Lori Calvario P ’12

Mr. Gary Arndt

Mr. H. Fletcher Street P ’06

Ms. Genevieve Asante-Odame

Mr. and Mrs. William K. Swalm P ’72, ’92 ◊

Mr. Keegan Ash

Mr. William Thobaben and Mrs. Jean Thobaben H ’12, P ’00, F/S

Mr. Kendall R. Baker and Mrs. Suzanne Baker P ’86, ’91 ◊◊

Dr. Robert N. Warner P ’75, ’77, ’80 ◊◊

Mrs. Karen Bauer ◊

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Weimer P ’91 ◊

Mrs. Joan Berg P ’06

Mr. David Wetherill and Dr. Adeline Tomasone P ’11

Mrs. Susan Bock

Mr. Richard Wolfington and Mrs. Kelly Wolfington P ’10

Mrs. Denise Breidenbach GP ’16

Dr. John C.W. Worsley, Jr. and Mrs. Judith Worsley P ’05 ◊

Ms. Corin Breña

Mr. Andrew Wright ’77 and Mrs. Donna Wright P ’10,’11 ◊

Mrs. Michele Bubb

Mr. Merrill Yorgey and Mrs. Donna Yorgey P ’97


Gifts to All Funds: $10,989 PF Gifts: $9,790

Mrs. Lee Lee Schlegel P ’84 ◊ Mr. Kevin Schultz and Mrs. Karen Schultz P ’12

Ms. Ines Baentsch GP ’16

Dr. Lane D. Schultz and

Mr. James Breidenbach and Mrs. Denise Breidenbach GP ’16, F/S

Mrs. Sandra Schultz ’62 P ’92,’95

Faculty and Staff

Mr. Jacob Hauser Mr. Christian Z. Breña Ms. LaToya Brown ’05 Mr. Steven Burgeson Mrs. Elizabeth Burns P ’97 ◊ Mr. Patrick Colonna and Ms. Katie Lupo Ms. Maryrose A. DiScipio Mr. Peter Dougherty and Mrs. Carol Dougherty P ’11, ’13 ◊◊ Mrs. Kathy Eck Mr. Benjamin Fidler Mr. Michael C. Foux

Mr. George Coslett and Mrs. Audrey Coslett GP ’13

Mr. Sean Francis

Mr. Wilmer R. Schultz P ’83, GP ’11, ’12, ’13

Ms. Marjorie Hoier GP ’09, ’14 *

Mr. Timothy Gaiser and Mrs. Melissa Gaiser

Mr. James E. Schulz, Sr. ’81 (T) and

Mrs. Anne Jaindl GP ’14

Mr. Larry Hange

Mr. Edward Klavon GP ’13, ’17

Mr. Ryan Hanosek

Mr. Donald R. Moll and Mrs. Barbara Moll P ’79, GP ’14, ’17 ◊◊

Mrs. Dana Heimbach

Mr. Wilmer R. Schultz P ’83, GP ’11, ’12, ’13

Mr. Horace Hendricks

Mr. Scott R. Schultz ’83 (T) and Mrs. Karla Schultz P ’11, ’13 ◊

Mrs. Deborah Schulz P ’02, ’10 ◊ Mrs. Margaret K. Schumo P ’78 ◊ Mr. Christopher Scott and Mrs. Kathy Scott P ’98 ◊

Mrs. Jackie Gardner P ’96, ’02, ’05 ◊

Mr. Bradley Hendershot

* Donors are counted in each constituency that applies. Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors


Roll Call of Donors by Constituency All Funds (2012-2013) Mr. Henryk Hoffmann and Mrs. Betsy Hoffmann Mr. Adam Jason Mr. James A. Jones, V Mrs. Erin Davidson-Kellogg Mr. Timothy Klavon P ’13,’17 Mr. Anthony Lambert and Mrs. Lauren Lambert P ’17, ’19 Ms. Esther Larimore Mr. Randal Littlefield Mr. Mark Longstreth and Mrs. Paige Longstreth P ’14, ’17 ◊ Ms. Kathleen McCarney Mr. Kevin Manferdini and Mrs. Patricia Manferdini H ’04, P ’07, ’09, ’11 ◊ Mr. J. Gregory Martin

Mr. Joseph J. Swartz

Mr. Jeremy Mathison and Mrs. Amy Mathison

Mr. William Thobaben and Mrs. Jean Thobaben P ’00

Ms. Carolyn S. Mendlewski

Mr. Ellis Kriebel ◊

Mr. Miguel A. Montero

Mr. Christopher R. Tompkins and Mrs. Katherine Tompkins (T), P ’15, ’19

Mrs. Abby Moser

Mrs. Diana L. Weir-Smith ’85 ◊◊

Ms. Elizabeth Lowell

Mr. George Moser

Ms. Jennifer Weiss

Mr. Jonathan D. Moser ’97 and Ms. Kate Hammond ◊

Mr. Karl Welsh

Mr. Robert E. Naylor III and Mrs. Robyn Naylor ◊

Ms. Barbara Nace Ms. Amanda Rappold Mr. Robert L. Robbins Mr. Scott Robinson Mr. Michael Romasco P ’05, ’06 Mr. Bruce A. Sarte, Jr. P ’19 Mr. Jerry Schantz Mrs. Gail Schmoyer Ms. Linda Scholl Ms. Justine Segear Mrs. Mary Jean Sell P ’10,’12 Ms. Anneke Skidmore Mr. Jason D. Smith P ’18

Mr. Brendan Wilberton and Mrs. Megan Wilberton Mr. Merrill Yorgey P ’97 Mr. Shaun T. Yorgey ’97 and Ms. Amber Goupil


Gifts to All Funds: $8,697 PF Gifts: $8,177 Anonymous Donor Ms. Carolyn Adams ◊◊

Mrs. Patricia Kehs ◊◊ Mr. Chris Krow

Rev. Homer Royer, Jr. Mr. John Sakalouckas H ’02 Mr. Robert D. Schuchart and Mrs. Ruth Schuchart ◊ Mr. Michael R. Seely Mr. Thomas W. Sheppard and Mrs. Jennifer Sheppard ◊ Mr. Edgar L. Stauffer and Mrs. Mary Stauffer ◊ Mr. W. Randall Stauffer and Mrs. Joi Stauffer ◊

Dr. and Mrs. Harold Bonekemper

Mr. Brian D. Thomas and Mrs. Susan Thomas ◊

Hon. William C. Bradley, Jr.

Rev. George Thomas H ’99 ◊◊

Mr. Donald B. Cook ◊◊

Mrs. Elizabeth T. Weikel ◊

Mr. Trevor Smith and Mrs. Tara Smith

Ms. Christina Coons

Mr. Richard W. Smith

Mr. James S. Hamilton and Mrs. Mary Hamilton

Mr. John Spurlock

Mr. D. Lloyd Jones and Mrs. Anne Jones ◊

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 49

Gifts in Memory/Honor of In Memory of Mrs. Frieda M. Adams, daughter of O.S. Kriebel Ms. Carolyn Adams ◊◊

In Honor of Mr. Kendall R. Baker and Mrs. Suzanne Baker P ’86, ’91, F/S ◊◊ Mr. D. Lloyd Jones and Mrs. Anne Jones ◊

In Memory of Ms. Jenifer L. Bolton ’80 Mr. Arthur Bolton and Mrs. Anna Bolton P ’80 ◊◊

In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Cook Mr. Donald B. Cook ◊◊

In Memory of Mr. Christopher R. Hanners ’66 Mr. Jonathan P. Hanners ’69 ◊

In Memory of Mrs. Mildred P. Hetzel P ’63 Charles W. Hetzel, Ph.D. ’63 ◊

In Memory of Mrs. C.Z. Huntzinger Mr. Karl V. Kahl ’50 ◊

In Memory of Mr. Irwin F. Kehs ’36 Mrs. Patricia Kehs ◊◊

In Memory of Mrs. Barbara Klavon GP ’13, ’17 Mr. Edward Klavon GP ’13, ’17

In Memory of Mr. Robert C. Lyon Dr. Lane D. Schultz ’62 P ’92, ’95

In Honor of Mr. Adam Mancini ’19 Mr. Mark A. Mancini and Mrs. Kalthoum Mancini P ’19

In Honor of Mr. Kevin Manferdini H ’04 and Mrs. Patricia Manferdini P ’07, ’09, ’11, F/S ◊ Ms. Aurora R. Wetherill ’11

In Memory of Mr. Gerald J. Mullaney, Esq. P ’94 Mr. George K. Allison H ’08 and Mrs. Lucy Allison P ’92, ’94 Mr. Arthur Jackson and Mrs. Jackie Jackson P ’95 ◊

In Honor of Mr. James E. Schulz, Sr. ’81 (T) P ’02, ’10 ◊ Mr. William C. Fritz ’64 (T) and Mrs. Mary Fritz P ’90 ◊◊

In Memory of Mr. Robert C. Smith ’60 ◊ Mrs. Joanna Smith

In Memory of Mrs. Lenore H. Stauffer ◊◊ Mr. William C. Fritz ’64 (T) and Mrs. Mary Fritz P ’90 ◊◊

In Memory of Mrs. Midge Thomas ◊◊ Rev. George Thomas H ’99 ◊◊

In Memory of Ms. Dorothy M. Pfender Rev. Thomas L. Craver P ’14, ’16

In Memory of Mrs. Carol Riddle P ’84

In Honor of Ms. Jennifer Weiss Ms. Christina Coons

Mr. Derek D. Riddle ’84

In Memory of Mr. Roderick W. Wood ’63 P’92

In Memory of Dr. Stephen Roberts

Mr. George K. Allison H ’08 and Mrs. Lucy Allison P ’92, ’94 ◊◊

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Freydberg ’56 and Susan Freydberg ◊◊ Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hamilton and Mary Hamilton

Mr. William C. Fritz ’64 (T) and Mrs. Mary Fritz P ’90 ◊◊

Dr. Lane D. Schultz ’62 P ’92, ’95

In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Sakalouckas Mr. John Sakalouckas

In Honor of Ms. Lauren Nicole Schultz ’12 Mr. Kevin Schultz and Mrs. Karen Schultz P ’12 ◊

Key to Codes: T = Trustee TE = Trustee Emeritus LT = Life Trustee HT = Honorary Life Trustee H = Honorary Alumnus * = Deceased ◊ = 10+ years Loyalty giving ◊◊ = 20+ years Loyalty giving P = Parent GP = Grandparent F/S = Faculty & Staff Bold = Leadership Donors


Matching Gift Companies Businesses – All Funds DataCeutics, Inc. Sodexo ◊ Target Town and Country Newspaper Write to Change, Inc.

Organizations – All Funds Perkiomen Parents Association ◊◊ Upper Perkiomen Kiwanis ◊

Matching Gift Companies – All Funds

Boeing Matching Gift Program GlaxoSmithKline Merck Partnership for Giving PPG Industries Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation United Technologies Corporation The Vanguard Group, Inc. Wells Fargo Community Support

Foundations – All Funds Dorothy M. Pfender Foundation Varrichio Family Foundation Wilmer and Evelyn Schultz Family Foundation

Abbott Laboratories Fund AETNA Foundation, Inc.

REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 51

EITC/OSTC Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) programs bring incredible benefits to Perkiomen School families. Thanks to these programs, Perkiomen will be able to offer significant tuition assistance to Pennsylvania students, including those from right here in the Perkiomen Valley. EITC and OSTC function by providing Pennsylvania businesses an opportunity to direct their state tax liability to scholarship organizations such as Perkiomen. In return, Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development rewards them with a tax credit for either 75%

or 90% of their contribution to Perkiomen if they agree to partner with the school in this program for one year or two years respectively. While the OSTC program is specifically focused on providing scholarships for students who reside within the boundaries of a school classified as low-achieving, EITC is available for any qualified Pennsylvania student. If you are interested in earning EITC tax credits for your business, please contact John Spurlock, Director of The Perkiomen Fund at (215) 541-5624 or by email at

Matt Ferdock, P’15 ’17, and CEO of DataCeutics, is a firm supporter of EITC.

“As a Perkiomen Parent and a business owner I appreciate that the EITC program allows me to support The Perkiomen School while helping the overall bottom

It’s a great feeling knowing that I am helping Perk bring in and keep great students, and I would line of my business.

encourage as many people as possible to get involved with the EITC program. You may end up helping your child’s friend”.


REPORT TO DONORS 2012-2013 53

200 Seminary Street Pennsburg, PA 18073-0130 PH: 215-679-9511

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