Spark August and September 2011

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“Service Above Self”

Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Easton, Maryland

Hello Rotarians: It is a pleasure to be your new Easton Rotary Club

Rotary Club of Easton, Maryland August/September 2011

President. The energy that I have felt since the

change of officers night has been wonderful and

I hope we can keep up the enthusiasm! I want to

thank Scotti Oliver for taking on the task of reviving

is published bi-monthly by Easton Rotary Send news items to Scotti Oliver

this wonderful publication, and I hope you all enjoy

Rotary Club of Easton, MD

it. We have some terrific events planned in the

P.O. Box 1444, Easton, MD 21601 District No. 7630 – Organized 1921

coming months so get them on your calendar now! George Corey and his committee are planning

Meets Wednesday at 12:15 PM. Easton Club 28449 Clubhouse Drive Easton, MD

our 1st after work social on September 1st at

the Tidewater Inn. At this time we will celebrate

our Club’s 90 Year Anniversary and hopefully the

weather will cooperate and we will be outside! This will be a casual event and we hope to

2011-2012 Officers

have a wonderful turnout. It is a great way to get to know your fellow Rotarians better and to


have some fun. Also, if you have a potential new member invite them to come.

On September 11th we will be sending a group of Rotarians to the Bethesda Naval Hospital

President Elect

for a job well done. We will have sign-up sheets out soon for those who want to go, for those who will make food, provide goodie bag items or to even write a note of thanks. We should ALL be able to contribute one way or another to this worthy event.

John Flohr and his committee have the Golf Tournament scheduled for September 23rd at Harbourtowne Golf Resort in St. Michaels. I am sure you will be hearing from a committee


to provide lunch for our injured troops and their families in conjunction with Marine Moms-

Bethesda. This event will be an opportunity to meet some of our soldiers and to thank them


Enjoy the rest of the summer!

President Jackie

T h e

Remember, the more we raise this year the more we can give back to our wonderful

Patti K. Willis

Immed. Past President

Alfred B. (Tim) Kagan VP, Club Administration

C. Albert Pritchett

Club Service


member soon asking for help. We need teams and hole sponsors. The door prizes they

are gathering are exciting, and I am sure this will be a great start to our fundraising effort.

Jacqueline D. Wilson

Ramon Gras George Hatcher

Personnel Service

Peter Dietz

Assistant Secretary

Mike Jacobs


Lisa Ann Felts International Service

Rotary Club of Easton

Sharon Ritter Beall

Celebrate Easton Rotary Club’s 90th anniversary

Vocational Service

Joseph E. Anthony

The Fellowship Committee has been asked by President Jackie to plan & host a quarterly

After-Work mixer. Please join President Jackie at the Tidewater Inn Thursday, September 1st for our first mixer. This will be a celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Easton

Rotary Club, organized in 1921, the first Rotary Club in a town of less than 10,000. We are

planning a group photo in front of the Tidewater Inn where the club had a marker installed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Club. More details to follow.

George Corey

Easton Rotary Club: The World’s First Rotary Club in a Town of less than 10,000 people

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