Short Branch Magazine NFR 2017

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The Magazine

Western Fashion

Marrika Nakk Meredith Lockhart Collectionds Olav Jules Designs

Camppre Tales LD Bergsgaard

An Artist’s Touch

JoAnne Meeker Craig Bergsgaard Studios


Short Branch Style

Craig Bergsgaard Editor art/production Founder

Contributing editors

Dennis Doyle Cat Sandstrom LD Bergsgaard Photographic Contributions

Craig Bergsgaard James D. West ARK PhotoWorks Advertising

The brand that defines the old west is now being brought to you in Magazine form. You will be able to witness the people who are the heart and soul of Short Branch in a format that brings those friends to life. The Cowboys and Cowgirls of “Short Branch Style” are the rock in which this brand is built upon. Executive Editor Craig, and Editor,Tressie Childs collaborate to give life to the beauty we all love. Craig Bergsgaad is at the center of this endeavor. He has pushed the vision forward to the point where it is now a complete “style.” Craig is an incredibly talented sculptor and artist. He transforms a lifeless lump of clay into some of the most incredible bronze sculptures. He also brings that artistic talent to the jewelry of the west and of “Short Branch Style.” Craig’s soul is evident in every piece of art he creates, whether it is in bronze or in design for the vision he continues to expand. While bringing his vision to life, Craig introduced himself to Cat Sandstrom of Olav Jules Design. “Cat” is a jewelry designer and a fine artist, as well. The collaboration was a match made in the dust of the old west! Two artists working together and slowly bringing the entire Short Branch Style into a full “brand.” A culture of beautiful and fun clothing and wearable art, imagery and sculpture. There are even bottle stoppers in the “style”!!! One of Craig’s favorite quotes is from poet Robert Frost. “ Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” These wonderful words are at the heart of the Short Branch Brand. Be bold, be unique, and dare to be yourself... Craig hopes you all enjoy this journey into “Short Branch Style” as much as he is enjoying being at the center of this vision. The “Spirit of the West” is alive and well in the hearts and minds of Craig and everyone here at the “Style.” Don’t ever forget Craig’s words, “a Cowboy/girl is loyal to his brand, and the same Cowboys/girls ride with friends. Enjoy the “Short Branch” brand and the friends ya’ll have here.

Western and Classical Broze Sculpture - Craig Bergsgaard

Featuring artist & Photographer

JoAnne Meeker Western Fashion

Meet The Designers -Olav Jules Designs by Cat Sandstrom -Meredith Lockhart Collections - Marrika Nakk -Stones River Leather

Asa’s Story - An Old West Story By Larry Bergsgaard

On The Cover (Left To Right) Model Andrea Zampella Olav Jules Short Branch Collection Dress, Marrika Nakk Belt & Cuff, Stones River Leather Model, Sydney Lind Moore Olav Jules Short Branch Collection Suede top and belt, Meredith Lockhart Collection Cuff by Stones River Leather Model, Kern West Olav Jules Designs by Cat Sandstrom skirt, belt & Top ensemble by Meredith ski Lockhart Collections Photographers Craig Bergsgaard & James D West...Location John Lassen, Carefree AZ Art Direction by JoAnne Meeker

Olav Jules Designs by Cat Sandstrom

Born and raised in California, Cat had a heart deeply seeded in Cowgirl fantasies… ‘This is where my passion for designing Southwest style jewelry ignited. I recall as a very young child that as a family, we would travel from California to the Midwest to spend the summers on my grandparents farm. I would spend my time being a Cowgirl to my heart’s desire. On the way, we would stop at all the trading posts, and I would buy either a turquoise ring or a Native American bracelet. I would also select a Native American doll to add to my collection of cherished memories.

Sydney Lind Moore Jewelry by Olav Jules Designs by Cat Sandstrom Belt by Short Branch by Craig Bergsgaard Skirt and top by Marrika Nakk

Western Fashion Short Branch Style

photagraphers: Craig Bergsgaard & James D West Location: John Lassen, Carefree AZ Art Director: JoAnne Meeker

Kern West Vest by Mereduth Lockhart collections

Andrea Zampella Skirt & Blouse by Meredith Lockhart Collections Belt by Short Branch/Craig Bergsgaard

Kern West Jewelry by Olav Jules Designs by Cat Sandsrtom Belt by Short Branch/Craig Bergsgaard Skirt & Blouse by Marrika Nakk

Andrea Zampella Jewelry by Olav Jules Designs by Cat Sandstrom Belt by Short Branch/Craig Bergsgaard Dress & Jacket by Marrika Nakk

Andrea Zampella Jewelry by Olav Jules Designs by Cat Sandstrom Belt & Skirt by Meredith Lockhart Collections Hat by Watson Hat Company

Andrea Zampella Jewelry by Olav Jules Designs Jacket & Belt by Short Branch/Craig Bergsgaard Skirt by Meredith Lockhart

Sydney Lind Moore Jewelry by Olav Jeules Design Jacket & Belt by Short Branch/Craig Bergsgaard

Kern West Jacket by Short Branch/Craig Bergsgaard Belt by Merediyh Lockhart

Sydney Lind Moore Jewelry by Olav Jules Designs Shirt & Belt by Meredith Lockhart Cuff by Stones River Leather

When you visit Marrika Nakk’s studio in Hollywood Hills, CA, you know Miss Kitty(Gunsmoke) and Frida Kalho would have loved to just hang out ...... Music playing, candles burning, lots of gold mirrors and velvet couches. You feel welcome and inspired ,it reminds you of an old western saloon with a touch of Versailles. Growing up in Sweden, Marrika was fascinated with 2 things since an early age, old western movies and Rock and Roll. She wanted to grow up “fast” so she could dress like a saloon girl, and she loved reading about Belle Starr, Calamaty Jane, Donna Tules, Poker Alice, Sally Skull and Rose of the Cimarron. At 18 she visited Santa Fe, NM, for the first time and knew she wanted to live there one day...her dream came true years later.

Awards, The Golden Globe’s and The Oscar’s.

For the past 26 years her company has worked with hundreds of exclusive boutiques nationwide and internationally. Women all over the world enjoy Marrika’s feminine romantic look. Her couture line is frequently worn by the Hollywood elite to Red Carpet events such as The Grammy’s, The Country Music

Marrika’s western wear designs are truly unique. “I never wanted to be a part of a race in a corporate fashion industry” “My company has always been hands on... I know who I am and I feel I know who my customer is” She has built her career in fashion by following her own rules,while always listening to customers feedback. Her “signature look” are her romantic,sexy and flowing silhouettes with a universal almost “magical” fit. Marrika’s creativity and talent have kept her in the forefront of womens western wear for the past 30 years. Marrika continues to reinvent herself. In 2002 she introduced “Marrika Nakk Cowgirls” to her collection, and in 2006 she added “Ranch Weddings” to her bridal line. For 2012 “Cinderella Caramella”,a line of long flowing fairytail/bohemian dresses, should become the new addition. “I design with all types of women in mind” “The down to earth cowgirl, who is not afraid of getting her hands dirty, is as important to me as any Hollywood star” “I enjoy seeing my creations worn by women of all ages... it’s very rewarding being told how beautiful they feel wearing them” Marrika divides her time between her homes in Los Angeles, Santa Fe and Sweden. Her studios are located in Hollywood Hills, CA, and Santa Fe, NM. You can see Marrika’s lines at her exclusive showrooms in New York, London and Gothenburg, Sweden.

Meredith Lockhart has been designing fashions and accessories for over thirty years and is an award winning designer. Meredith Lockhart Collections has had many fashions on runways and on Country Music Stars over the years. “Rustic Elegance� is what she likes to call their couture western styled fashions with a little Boho thrown in and most of the pieces are one-of-a kind. MLC works with top quality leathers, and fabrics, many of which have been hand dyed, embroidered and hand painted. Creating classic Art-to-Wear fashions, jewelry, accessories with a western twist that will make the person wearing them stand out in the crowd is what they strive for. Quality hand made items that are fun to wear are what Meredith and her collaborative team works hard at creating. Most are made at the farm in beautiful North East Kansas.

Sydney Lind Moore

Jacket Meredith Lockhart Collections Jewelry Olav Jules Designs by Cat Sandstrom Belt Short Branch/Craig Bergsgaard

Kern West Leather skirt, blouse, be;lt & wrap by

Mededith Lockhart Collections Jewelry by Olav Jules Designs by C at Sandstrom

Campfire Tails By LD Bergsgaard

Leaning back on a fallen mesquite, the cowboys from the Short Branch Ranch, Asa, Uno, Barzell, and Noble ward off the chill of the night with a blazing campfire that threw sparkling embers high then sideways following the stiff northerly wind. Overhead, a blanket of stars and the bright light of a full moon shine on saguaro cactus casting long shadows of wild beasts with flailing arms on the desert floor. Away from the campfire’s orange flame, the bellowing cows and calves nearly drown the howls of coyotes circling the herd in hopes of a stray calf. The dust-covered and sunbaked men smoke hand-rolled cigarettes and slurp whiskey-laced coffee in a silence evoked by exhaustion and a mesmerizing flame. Their lean bodies finally warm and tongues loosened by drink, they speak of rangy horses and ill-tempered cows. Stories of horse wrecks and run-ins with cholla cactus are shared and laughed at. It was Asa, the trail boss, who changes the subject from cattle to women. “Ever been married, Uno?” “HA! How you think I lost this eye, my friend?” “Last time you told me it was from a bobcat...” Asa scratched his chin whiskers and grinned at the thought of the ever-changing tale. “She was a bobcat alright, la gata loca, my little señorita. “Ya’ll ever tied the knot, boss?” Noble asked with a German accent. “Came close once,” Asa said rather sadly. “How close?” Noble asked. “We was engaged, had the preacher all ready to do the wedding then Sara came down with the cholera from eatn’ tomaters. I ain’t ate a tomater since, fact don’t care for no vegetables ‘cept tatters and beans...” “Is beans vegetables?” Uno asked seriously. “Course they is,” Noble said. “Where you from anyway boss, you talk funny?” Uno asked with an accent that bespoke of his Mexican border origins. “You should talk about talkin’ funny, mi amigo. If you’re askin’ where’d my people come from before America, it would be Norway. They were Norwegian Quakers, in 1825, came on the sailing ship, Restauration.”

Stones River Leather Our love of the South-

west, Old West and Native American cultures influences everything we make! Ever since we were young enough to remember, we loved the Cowboys Joan Schoenhofer and Indians movies. We Don Schoenhofer watched all of the western TV series from the late 50’s through the 60’s. Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, The Lone Ranger and Chief Dan George were our heroes among many others, and the values they taught stayed with us. It all started with Don dressing western for a wedding in 2009 and figured a pair of spur straps would complete the look. After an online search he decided the pair he wanted cost more than he was willing to pay. We agreed that it might be fun and worth our while to try and make a pair! After a trip to our local leather shop we were excited at the possibilities. When Joan saw that one could actually paint leather, she realized her 18 years of decorative painting/folk art background had found a new medium to explore! So there was no going back, we were hooked! After a few sales of gun rigs, we decided to start a leather business. The search for a name was easy. In honor of Don’s great grandfather who fought and was wounded at the The Battle of Stones River in middle Tennessee, we decided that Stones River Leather would be perfect! These early and historical impacts along with our artistic and creative talents are brought together in the leather designs we make...AND we have a lot of fun together creating them! We put a lot of care and pride in our handmade leather designs, so that you can be assured of owning and wearing a unique piece of wearable art.

Kern West is a singer and songwriter

born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. She comes from a family deeply rooted in the arts. Growing up, Kern was surrounded by musicians and artists who influenced her development resulting in the artist she is today. The Foundation of her journey in music began many years ago as a young girl listening to her Dad’s songs and to many of the renowned artists that her Producer had produced over the years. Kern currently resides in the Seattle area and travels to Nashville, TN to record with her Producer Brian Ahern.

Kern: Too Late For Regrets album has a song for everyone, something each person can relate to and reflect on. The songs on this album all hold a special place for me. There are two cuts on the album that my Dad, Jim West wrote and recorded in the 70’s. Growing up as a young child I remember singing these songs and dreaming of one day recording them again. It’s such a neat thing to share this project with someone who deeply influenced my love and appreciation for music. The remaining songs are co-written by myself and my Dad. Those memories I have spent with him along this journey are something I will always cherish. SB:Tell us about your writing. How do you write? Kern: Something about a space. Sometimes that’s where I am in any given moment. Other times it’s while working in collaboration with my Dad. We find a zone and vibe in the moment and just roll with it. I love to keep it light and work out ideas and record as we go. Sometimes the greatest treasure in a song is a simple idea during an early developmental stage that takes on its own shape and becomes a very moving piece in a song. SB: How did this album project begin and unfold?

A Conversation With Kern West

SB:Your Debut Album Too Late For Regrets sounds very reflective. How personal are these songs?

Kern: In the comfort of my childhood home, my Dad and I began collaborating on a few new songs that set in motion a whirlwind of events that eventually developed into this full album. This project was in the works for about a year and within that time I recorded in Nashville, TN with the legendary Producer Brian Ahern at Easter Island Surround. Seeing firsthand each piece of the puzzle come together is an experience I reflect on often. SB:What’s next for Kern West? Kern: Over the course of the next several months I will be working with my Producer Brian Ahern in Nashville on new project material. I am really looking forward to recording again, and very excited to share the new songs I am working on! I am also involved in additional song writing projects as well as modelling opportunities.

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