REAL Magazine, April-May, 2020

Page 8


practicing positivity

A Recap of Our 21 Days of Positivity

When Governor Little's original stay-home order was enacted, we put together a list of things we could all do to stay busy and help with keeping a positive attitude. Need a little boost? Read on!


his time in our lives is certainly something none of us could have predicted or practiced for. How are you coping? Take it one day at a time and use this guide to practice positivity. SHOUT OUT TO THE HEROES Thank those who are helping us keep going. Buy them a meal, draw a picture, or just say thanks. GO OUTSIDE Spending at least 20 minutes outside (especially in the sun) is proven to lighten your mood! Take a break from whatever you’re doing and get a breath COLDWELL BANKER TOMLINSON

of fresh air. Be sure to maintain social distance CHECK IN Call an elderly relative just to chat, a cousin you haven’t connected with in a while, a mentor or friend to thank them for being them. Don’t forget to call your kids or parents. We all need to connect now, more than ever! SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR PET You’re probably getting more time than ever with your pets as you work from home. Take a few minutes to play and appreciate them for being there for you.

According to the CDC, health benefits include an increase in happiness, a reduction in stress and blood pressure, and decreased loneliness. SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE LOCAL ESTABLISHMENTS Just about every business is experiencing hardships right now. Make an attempt to patronize them online or with takeout/delivery, or if that’s not possible, let them know you are thankful for them and will continue to support them when this is over. For a list of Boise restaurants offering takeout and curbside service, visit BoiseDev. com.

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REAL Magazine, April-May, 2020 by Coldwell Banker Tomlinson - Issuu