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Practicing Positivity

practicing positivity A Recap of Our 21 Days of Positivity

When Governor Little's original stay-home order was enacted, we put together a list of things we could all do to stay busy and help with keeping a positive attitude. Need a little boost? Read on!

This time in our lives is certainly something none of us could have predicted or practiced for. How are you coping? Take it one day at a time and use this guide to practice positivity.

SHOUT OUT TO THE HEROES Thank those who are helping us keep going. Buy them a meal, draw a picture, or just say thanks.

GO OUTSIDE Spending at least 20 minutes outside (especially in the sun) is proven to lighten your mood! Take a break from whatever you’re doing and get a breath of fresh air. Be sure to maintain social distance

CHECK IN Call an elderly relative just to chat, a cousin you haven’t connected with in a while, a mentor or friend to thank them for being them. Don’t forget to call your kids or parents. We all need to connect now, more than ever!

SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR PET You’re probably getting more time than ever with your pets as you work from home. Take a few minutes to play and appreciate them for being there for you. According to the CDC, health benefits include an increase in happiness, a reduction in stress and blood pressure, and decreased loneliness.

SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE LOCAL ESTABLISHMENTS Just about every business is experiencing hardships right now. Make an attempt to patronize them online or with takeout/delivery, or if that’s not possible, let them know you are thankful for them and will continue to support them when this is over. For a list of Boise restaurants offering takeout and curbside service, visit BoiseDev. com.

TAKE TIME TO REFLECT This is like nothing we’ve ever experienced. Take some quiet time to reflect on the situation, how you are reacting to it, and how you’re keeping yourself and your family safe. If you’ve never tried it, meditation is a timetested way to clear your mind. There are several websites that can help you learn, including a beginner’s guide from shape. com.

PRACTICE DEVICE DISTANCING It's more important now than ever to control the amount of time you spend on social media or watching YouTube or Netflix. The World Health Organization also recommends only checking the news once or twice daily.

START A GRATITUDE JOURNAL There are scientifically proven benefits to incorporating a daily gratitude practice. There’s good all around you, from neighbors helping neighbors to strangers forming drive-by birthday parades for kids who are missing their party.

PLAN A VIRTUAL GAME NIGHT Challenge your pals or family to a game of cards, or Yahtzee, Monopoly, or other common board game everyone has in their closet via a video chat or conferencing software/app such as Zoom. This is a great way to connect long-distance family members too! Be sure to read how to keep your Zoom meetings safe.

ORGANIZE A CHALK WALK Encourage children in your neighborhood to use sidewalk chalk to decorate their driveways, and then stroll through the neighborhood to see everyone’s creations! BONUS, share messages of goodwill and inspiration with your design! Join NextDoor to get the message out.

HOST A NETFLIX PARTY Netflix Party adds group chat to movies and shows while synchronizing your viewing experience with friends. Make your popcorn and have movie night together apart

COLOR YOUR WORLD Get out that coloring book you received a few years ago and spend 30 minutes escaping the news. According to a study a few years ago by The Cleveland Clinic, coloring actually relaxes the brain. For those with kids, make it a group effort! No coloring book? Grab some paper and markers and get creative!

WATCH A SUNSET or SUNRISE Then close your eyes and listen to the birdsong. Mother Nature is out there. Take a deep breath and LISTEN, too.

BRUSH UP ON A SKILL OR LEARN A NEW ONE Wishing you had time to get back to knitting or woodworking? Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a short story. What are you waiting for! YouTube has some great how-to videos on just about everything.

GET DOWNRIGHT SILLY That’s right. Get your silly on. Turn up the music and dance like nobody’s watching!

GIVE BLOOD There’s a serious shortage right now. Contact your local Red Cross and make an appointment to give.

SPRING CLEAN YOUR CLOSET Ugh. OK, this doesn’t sound like a great time, but why not dive in? Work as a team with the kids to get things clean and organized. Need some inspiration? The Coldwell Banker Blue Matter blog has a plethora of posts to help!

HANDMAKE A CARD AND TO SEND TO A NEIGHBOR OR RELATIVE It can be a simple folded paper with a simple message or get the kids involved and get crafty. Stickers, crayons, cardstock, maybe even glitter! Have fun with it. When you are finished, make sure to mail it!

START A DAILY PHOTO PROJECT Take one meaningful photo per day. You can use your smartphone or digital camera. Try it with a friend or create a Facebook group and come up with one-word themes for the day. Share them with each other each day.

READ AN AWESOME BLOG Visit 1000awesomethings.com and read one or two of Neil Pasricha's blog posts. There are fun, silly and yet totally relatable stories to put a smile on your face. better. Practice patience, take a walk, breathe, then help.

While you are doing your grocery shopping, is there something you can pick up for someone who cannot leave the house? Leave a bag on their porch, ring the bell, and run back to the side of the road to wave!

PRACTICE COMPASSION It's a stressful time for everyone. This is new and scary, so do what you can to make things

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