PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Development projects continued to make progress in the second quarter. In conjunction with governmental agencies and local partners, the Partnership maintains focus on transformational projects that will have lasting impacts on the Columbus Region.
DEVELOPMENT UPDATES OSU Innovation District Efforts continue to redevelop The Ohio State University’s Innovation District with a mixed-use development which will include facilities for research and innovation, residential units, an enhanced Sci-Tech corridor and office space with ground floor retail. The Partnership has helped establish critical partnerships with the City of Columbus, JobsOhio and other potential funders to ensure the necessary public infrastructure is available to implement this vision.
Scioto Peninsula Phase 1 will have its groundbreaking in early September, and upon completion will include 240,000 square feet of office, 550 residential units, a 180-key hotel and a City-owned parking garage. All of the projects received approval from Columbus City Council and the Columbus Downtown Development Commission (CDDC).
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