The Weekly 4.1.10

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April 1 - April 7, 2010

Flauschink is Here-ink! page 4 Double Feature: Vagina Monologues and Swollen Members at the Center page 50

Volume 12, Number 13 Crested Butte, Colorado WWW.CBWEEKLY.COM

Alternatives: Farm to School Programs Feed the Kids page 15

– Photo by Corky Racek

The EDITOR’S Stump

– Photo by Dusty Demerson

Life can get complicated. And cluttered. As I look around my office and home it is brimming with notes and lists of things to do and remember and pursue. Everyone in this town, I know, has the feeling of not having enough hours in the day to accomplish all the things they feel they need to. It makes me feel like I have cotton in my head. For this very reason, I also know it is important to stop and enjoy the simple things, to take a breath and appreciate. Flauschink is a lot like this. The simpleness and magic of Flauschink is that it celebrates both endings and beginnings. It is the end of lift-served skiing. It is the beginning of what will become an absolutely outrageous demonstration of hills verdant with snowmelt and a ridiculous show of wildflowers. We loose something to gain something. Flauschink is coming together with friends having a cheers over beer or champagne or whatnot and laughing about silly things. One of my favorite things about Flauschink is the polka. It is just a downright silly dance, or, perhaps, it is just downright silly that a bunch of people living at 9,000 feet do it with some sort of regularity. No one can refute the natural upbeat and positive notes and rhythms of the polka. It is happy music. It is easy to dance to. Anyone can pick up the polka. At the Coronation Ball on Friday the Eldo will be packed. There will be old people, young people, and mid-aged people. There will be politicians, business professionals and dish divers. It will be one bouncy, undulating swarm of all sorts learning the polka or dancing with their favorite partner for the 1,000th time. Everyone, guaranteed, will be smiling.

By the time I get to the end of the ski season I am both exhausted and exhilarated. The spring parties are fantastic and I wouldn’t miss for the world any part of events like the AJ, Soul Train or St. Patrick’s Day. For all of the debauchery of the end of the season, I also feel like going to the slideshow on Thursday of Flauschink is like curling up on my grandmother’s lap to hear old stories and remember both the near and distant past. To polka with the town is to partake in the simple act of celebration together. Treating the Flauschink Parade like it is the grandest of Rose Bowl promenades just makes me giggle. Having drinks at Kochevar’s with all of the people who have been here decades longer than myself, to wallow in their acceptance and good cheer just plain feels good. Almost everyone that participates in the Flauschink Parade wins a prize – a hand crafted medal or trophy from the Community School art students. What a treasure. How delightfully home spun. I hope we never get too big for our britches that we forget to polka, to enjoy a parade, to laugh with friends and neighbors and just be silly together. To have royalty from “commoners” with all the exaggerated pomp and circumstance we can muster. To celebrate the turning of seasons. To cherish a homemade trophy at one of the oldest bars in town. I hope we can always have these simple pleasures that tie us so firmly to who we are and where our culture came from. Save a dance for me.



ws e n S tte

Cuz we just feel like bitchin’ ‘bout stuff


Just cuz

In the ski season of 2009-2010 we have all sampled various distasteful wares, attitudes and services. Here in Paradise there is always something to bitch and moan about, because we just don’t have it good enough. However, there is always a worst that stands out among the rest. Now, you have a chance to throw in your two cents, hell you can throw in two bucks if ya want (we need the dough). Listed below are a number of “Worst Of” selections. Write in your top picks for each listing and drop them in the toilets about town, ‘cause that’s about as much as we want to listen to your griping anyway. Results will not be published, but you can expound from every bench in town, with guaranteed no results, til your blue in the face, if it makes your deflated ego feel that much more important.

0 1 20

dB e t s e Cr

So the first reason I love the polka is that it is a happy dance. A little research on the dance reveals it originated in Bohemia, in a part of what is now Czechoslovakia, in the early to mid 1800’s. It was a peasant dance – a dance of the people. “Polka” is Czech for “half-step,” indicating the little half shuffle in the middle of the principle step. I love this – a dance of the people. The third reason I think the polka warms the cockles of my heart is that it is a living link to the people that migrated here so long ago in search of a better life for themselves and their families. It is a part of our history. And I’ve said before, as we as a community move into the inevitable future I feel it is vital to maintain our sense of roots and culture. The polka is a very visceral way that we do this. The polka doesn’t involve anything that is controversial. You don’t have to be a polka aficionado. It doesn’t involve only one kind of people. You can dance with one partner or many. When Lipstick and Sherrie bring in the press releases for The Weekly about Flauschink they are hand written on pieces of notebook paper. Certainly, if everyone did this I would have to be hauled away in a straightjacket. But for Flauschink this just seems appropriate, and I enjoy it. Once again I am brought back to a time when our lives were not cluttered with computers we can stick in our pockets and internet and all the face-less, impersonal ways we have found to communicate with each other. It is a refreshing break in the day to have these women come into the office, smiling about their duty, to sit at my desk and write out their notices for the community. Face to face.


WORST of the BUTTE The Mountain

Around Town

• Most over priced food

• Surliest ski patroller

• Biggest complainer

• Grimiest kitchen

• Most annoying liftie

• Easiest lay (sure thing)

• Shortest pour

• Worst pass job

• Most perverted

• Smelliest bathroom

• Best smoke shack

• Slowest bartender

• Most awkward dining ambiance

• Most lackadaisical waitron

• Most blinding steeze bags


(if you don’t know what it means, look it up)

• Biggest attitude • Smallest attributes

DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 2010 Locations of the best bitching benches are as follows: Crested Butte: The post office, town council chambers, the Crested Butte News, the hockey bench Mt. Crested Butte: The Treasury Building Crested Butte South: The place the park n ride should be, Al’s coffee (of course)

PAGE 2 | Apirl 1, 2010 | THEWEEKLY

• Worst breath • Biggest bragger • Grumpiest bus driver • Most ticket-happy writing cop • Poopiest dog walk • Dirtiest coat • Hottest cougar • Hungriest realtor • Most monotonous pretty scenery


Tracks Famous April Fools Day Pranks 1992: National Public Radio’s Talk of the Nation program announced that Richard Nixon, in a surprise move, was running for President again. His new campaign slogan was, “I didn’t do anything wrong, and I won’t do it again.” Listeners responded viscerally to the announcement, flooding the show with calls expressing shock and outrage. 1981: The Daily Mail ran a story about an unfortunate Japanese long-distance runner, Kimo Nakajimi, who had entered the London Marathon but, on account of a translation error, thought that he had to run for 26 days, not 26 miles. Reportedly Nakajimi was now somewhere out on the roads of England, still running, determined to finish the race. 1994: An article by John Dvorak in PC Computing magazine described a bill going through Congress that would make it illegal to use the internet while drunk, or to discuss sexual matters over a public network. The bill was supposedly numbered 040194 (i.e. 04/01/94), and the contact person was listed as Lirpa Sloof (April Fools backwards). The article generated so many outraged phone calls to Congress that Senator Edward Kennedy’s office had to release an official denial of the rumor that he was a sponsor of the bill.




TableofContents 4







The Arts


Polka dancing, scepters from plungers, wacky crowns, parades, revelries – it’s Flauschink! Celebrate the end of the lift-served ski season with a 42year old tradition. Plus, learn the exotic tale of Vernilia… a little secret that Flauschink keeps…

Got a best ski season memory? Check out these as our nostalgic contribution to ending the season (let’s all shed a tear now).

Grab your costume and join CBMR for pond skimming and live music on the last weekend on the mountain.

1980: The BBC reported that Big Ben, in order to keep up with the times, was going to be given a digital readout. The announcement received a huge response from listeners shocked and angered by the proposed change. The BBC Japanese service also announced that the clock hands would be sold to the first four listeners to contact them. One Japanese seaman in the mid-Atlantic immediately radioed in a bid.

In Eye on the Arts audition for Guys and Dolls; wiggle your toes in the mud with the Artists of the West Elks; join the Gunnison Art Center for a book talk; and check out the newest business in town – the Hen House.

1995: Irish Times reported that the Disney Corporation was negotiating with the Russian government to purchase the embalmed body of communist leader Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The body has been kept on display in Red Square since the leader’s death. Disney proposed moving the body and the mausoleum to the new Euro Disney, where it would be given the “full Disney treatment.” This would include displaying the body “under stroboscopic lights which will tone up the pallid face while excerpts from President Reagan’s ‘evil empire’ speech will be played in quadrophonic sound.”

15 Alternatives

Cover Photos by Dusty Demerson & Corkey Racek

The Official paper of truth and lies

13 Sports

Get a clue from the Guide’s Corner on coping with over inflated egos; fill your first spring weekend with a ski mountaineering course; check out the climbing film at Western State to benefit the Western State College of Colorado Mountain Rescue Team; and put your two cents into the Crested Butte Parks and Rec Master Plan.

14 Community

In the Community Bulletin Board – celebrate with Cattlemen’s Days Tough Enough to Wear Pink on their donations; discover some tips on making your business thrive in a challenging business climate; and make sure you’ve got your ads and events ready for The Weekly’s new Spring Guide.

Alternatives is a forum open to all writers and topics. It is an investigative, fact-driven column that each week will explore solutions to strengthening and sustaining our economy, environment, culture and community. Ideas can be sent to This week, Jenny McGruther investigates programs in public schools that are actually putting farm fresh and local food in their children’s cafeterias.

18 Local Writers’ Page

The Local Writer’s Page is an open forum for all writers in the Gunnison Valley. We welcome submissions of poetry, fiction, essay, memoir, theatre, creative non-fiction and any other form of the written arts. To submit please send your piece to This week, Sandy Cortner essays an event that used to be a mainstay of Flauschink – gelande jumping.

Editor: Molly Murfee, Sales: Laura Silva/Diane Markowitz, Copy Editor: Bonnie Chlipala, Graphics: Jessy Moreland, Delivery: Brenda Ewing and Scott Tyree Contact: 970-349-1710;;; P.O. Box 1609, Crested Butte, CO 81224. Our offices are located at 427 Bellview Ave. in Crested Butte.



19 Health

The new discussion group, Conversations, is bringing important topics to the table. The first conversation is entitled Food First! with local food providers, vendors, preparers, and consumers exploring the importance of nutritious food for ourselves and our economy. In Spirit, Mind and Body get rid of winter stiffness with active isolated stretching; learn the nuances of meditation and explore tantra for couples.

10 Entertainment Calendar

Come here, go there

16 Dining Guide

Check out the Delicious Dish of the week – the Wong Dragon

18 New to DVD

For those oh-so-needed couch potato moments

19 Local Resources

Bus schedules and parking regulations

20 Faces & Places

The most colorful “reportive” section in the county

Writers: Peter Bridges, Bonnie Chlipala, Sandra Cortner, Corinne Cram, Crested Butte Mountain Guides, Josephine Kellet, Grant McFarren, Luke Mehall, Monica Mesa, Molly Murfee, Polly Oberosler, Laura Puckett, Maya Silver, Marcie Telander, Kristen VanHoesen, Kate Vogel, Sue Wallace. Photographers: Dawne Belloise, Nathan Bilow, Dusty Demerson, Paul Gallaher, Ralph Kristopher, Molly Murfee, Mark Phwah. Illustrator: Craig Burbank We publish in the high seasons: November-April and May-September. The Weekly’s internal contents are printed on 100% recycled paper and the cover on 75% recycled paper. The ink is partially soy based.

THEWEEKLY | April 1, 2010 | PAGE 3


A Little Flauschink Tail From the slightly deranged mind of Molly Murfee

– Photo s

Her purple wings were tattered and frayed. She panted hard, and her breath smelled of pomegranates, her hair a literal nest of the tiniest hummingbird on earth. Her pointed ears were slightly frostbitten and she dragged a coat made from the down of butterfly bellies. She looked like a miniscule trainwreck - a collision of winter and summer. She snapped a lingering icicle from her robe and stuck it in her mouth. I brought her a thimble of vodka, dashed with blueberry juice. After awhile, she began to speak. “I am Vernilia, the Ugrasorbian fairy of spring,” she sputtered, spat, then continued, but not before waving me to go and retrieve more vodka, “It seems that some of you drunkards have forgotten some of the symbology of Flauschink and I’m here to make sure YOU DON’T.” I was amazed her little voice could be so loud, and hoped we weren’t waking the neighborhood. “Should we move inside?” I pleaded. “NO!” she bellowed. I didn’t know fairies could bellow. She seemed quite grumpy. “I had to ride in with Cuddles,” she replied as if reading my mind, and I finally detected this accent, not unlike what you might expect a squeaky female Dracula to sound like, “One of those annoying yippee poodle dogs. I snuck in under his collar. Then he kept farting for the entire length of the cross-Atlantic flight. It was wretched, I tell you. But Cuddles, apparently was only going to Denver, so I had to fly the rest of the way. It’s pretty, not unlike our mountains in Ugrasorbia, but the wind currents are atrocious. I almost ended up in Moab.” “Yes,” I muttered trying to sound sympathetic and dutifully filling her thimble, “But why are you here and why are you speaking to me? How did you find me?” “I googled you,” she replied matter-of-factly, “Man is it tough jumping up and down on all of those keys, not to mention that being that close to the screen makes you sort of cross-eyed. We needed a writer, someone to tell the story so the whole town would know. I don’t know if I can make it next year, fairies weren’t really meant to fly long distances, like over the ocean, and you have to book dragons years in advance. I didn’t have time to wait, this is an emergency. It needs to be in print. Something official. You all must know of the history of Ugrasorbia.” There was a time in Ugrasorbia when all things were ruled by The Rich, who also declared themselves Royalty, although they had no right. They owned enormous 500room stone castles, lined with velvet, one for each day of the week and then only during the dead of winter and the heat of summer. Their walkways were of ground rubies, sapphires and diamonds. They demanded the finest of food for their meals, the tops of hillsides for their homes. They detested ice on the roads. They demanded air conditioning in the summer. They smote the furry white erminislok and wore him around their necks. They

plucked the wild red rosiminick and smeared it garishly on their faces. They cut forests for their houses and stole stones from the river for their hearths. They didn’t even use fluorescent light bulbs. They scoffed at The Commoners who served them food, sneezed at the sawdust in their pants, they pulled their children in tight. The Commoners looked scary, like they had Commoner Cooties. They got vaccinations, just in case. The Commoners thought likewise of The Rich. On the spring equinox, when all things are equal, they ignored the curfew implemented by the stern Policeman Toddy, and took to the streets. They read poetry, out loud, extolling the virtues of each other and how great they thought each were with great pats on the backs and hugs and merriment. They relayed great stories, and passed around pictures of themselves in other Auspicious Moments. And they danced. But it was a hopping sort of dance. One, because it was cold and they had to move quickly to keep warm. But two, they pranced to stay out of the way of the piles of poo that were beginning to melt from the snow. At first they named the dance the poolkaka, but it became too long when the jesters of the group would stretch out the name too far, saying poooooooooooooooooooolkaaaaaaaaaaaaaakaaaaaaaa until no one else could get a word in edgewise, besides the jesters were laughing too hard, so they shortened it and morphed it into polka. The Rich thought this was all quite atrocious, such beauty and merriment, and from these people that didn’t even have any money. They didn’t deserve the right to live here, they weren’t miserable. And besides, since they were out past Policeman Toddy’s curfew, their Commoner Cuties were spreading about unadulterated. Needless to say, they fled, screaming their fool heads off, taking all of their shit with them and so consequently their shit containers, namely the toilets. But The Commoners didn’t care, they had outhouses, and so they just laughed and laughed. They replaced the Rich Royalty, elected solely for the purpose of how much money they had, and in their stead chose the most giving to the community, the most fun, the most likely to be able to hold a belly full of shots and not get sick, and who also had a job. But the new King and Queen needed royal paraphernalia and so the artists of the town, of which there were plenty, set about creating fantastic crowns from whatever they could find and they were the most marvelous crowns in the whole wide world because they didn’t come from the chain stores of Sucks or KneeHole Marksus, like the royal paraphernalia of The Rich did, and so were entirely unique and wonderful, even if they smelled a little.

by Cor ky Rac ek

They needed scepters and so looked about to see what was left from The Great Rich Retreat (as they began to call it) and they found a superfluous amount of plungers. So scepters out of plungers and they decorated them with the whatnot they found laying about and everyone was quite pleased because you could also put your drink inside them and that seemed quite fashionable and functional all at the same time (because these were certainly a people who enjoyed getting their cake and eating it too, even if was a day-old muffin). “Wow,” I finally managed to mutter, “I didn’t know it was a revolution.” “Well, yes it was,” Vernilia replied and I noticed that she had begun to look much better, her complexion more rosy instead of white, her wings seemed to miraculously repairing themselves, her bird’s nest, well, a little less bird nesty. Her frostbite healed. The “Sorbia” part of “Ugrasorbia” means to absorb, she explained, and people that are descendents of Ugrasorbia, which we are, seem to absorb everything – beauty, love, excitement, the nature around us and its importance, and of course, alcohol. To that the fairies added a magic element of forgetfulness - to forget the wrongdoings we might have caused each other, the pain and sorrow we might have felt, any bad feelings at all whatsoever. And so, from there until henceforth and wherewithal, The Rich Retreat became known as Flauschink, because as it occurred on the Vernal Equinox it came to symbolize the flushing of what you do not want, the flushing of undesirable things, the flushing of winter (and its poo piles) and a celebration of spring. It became known throughout the kingdom as a fresh start, and of course, with so many ties to nature, the metaphor fit just perfectly. “Remember,” cautioned Vernilia, preening her new wings and fluffing the flowers that had bloomed on her robe, “No matter what happens, no matter how little snow, or how many bad things happen, you are a community. You must come together and celebrate, young and old, newcomers, old-timers, mid-timers. You must honor the nature around you and fight for her preservation. You must embrace the springy newness while upholding the cultural traditions of yore. You must shed and forget.” Then with a wink, “So drink up.” Then she kicked off her Sorrels, and her tiny pink glittery toenails shone through and she took off into the night. As she flew across the moon, I could barely discern the tiniest of tails, flickering in the night like some sort of curious lightning bug, while she murmured something about looking for some glacial lilies to eat. Molly is the editor of this rag. For all of her goings on, she could give a rat’s ass. Don’t try to contact her – she’s tired and her brain hurts.

The 42nd Flauschink is Here-ink! Thursday, April 1: Slideshow and Flauschink Tale (upstairs at the Talk of the Town, 7 p.m.) It all begins with a Flauschink Tale by George Sibley, one of Flauschink’s founders and himself twenty-fifth King in 1993. Then the inimitable Dr. Duane Vandenbusche, our 2002 Flauschink King, will present his multi-media celebration of Gunnison Country history. Vandenbushe’s slide show is always new and different, and explores the many ways that skiing and good times, hard work and good people have shaped our community. Those attending Thursday night’s slide show get to vote for their choice of 2010 Flauschink King and Queen. Cost for the event is $4 with a Flauschink button and $7 without. Flauschink buttons are on sale at local businesses for $3 each.

PAGE 4 | Apirl 1, 2010 | THEWEEKLY

Friday, April 2: Coronation Ball (Eldo 9 p.m.) The Pete Dunda Polka Band will rock the house with classic Slovenian slam dancing. Admission at the door is $5 with a button, $8 without. Later in the evening, our 2009 Royalty, King John and Queen Pam will relinquish their crowns to a new Royal Couple who will reign over the rest of a night of dancing and celebrating. Saturday, April 3: The world famous Flauschink Parade (Elk Avenue, 3 p.m.) The Flauschink Parade has been described as surpassing even the Rose Bowl parade in grandeur and spectacle. Anyone wishing to participate in this wild and crazy purgation of winter should show up at Second St. and Sopris Ave. at 2:30 p.m., in advance of the parade

kick-off at 3 p.m. Cash prizes will be awarded to the best Flauschinkers. The 2010 Royalty and its entourage will spend Saturday evening carousing and generally promenading on Elk Avenue and through drinking establishments around town. Sunday, April 4: Flauschink Hill (All day, after everyone arises from their hangovers, usually around 1 p.m.) The 2010 Flauschink King and Queen will entertain their subjects on Flauschink Hill, just upslope from Uley’s Cabin (formerly Twister Warming House) and the Ice Bar at the ski area. Come join in. Happy Flauschink!


Ode to Ski Season By Kristen Van Hoesen Days are getting longer, it’s light out later, and folks are congregating on the sidewalks as if they’re suffering from a sort-of phantom bench syndrome. Undoubtedly, summer - and PooFest - are calling, as the snow is melting and Flauschink is upon us. I’m certainly ready to take off a few layers and reintroduce my hibernating toes to my glorious Chacos; to dust off my townie and

head for the rivers and the trails in bloom. I do, however, find myself nostalgic around this time every year. Perhaps it’s because I’m engulfed in the parts of winter that embody what I love about ski season most - long, sunny, bluebird ski days that are literally a breath of fresh air. Springtime brings about a palpable attitude and state of mind amongst us

The Teo Crew— Dan Wright Years in Crested Butte: 19 “It would have to be competing in the Extremes when I was 16. It was a weak snow year so the last day was on Headwall. I could have thrown up. I was so nervous thinking of my run through Angle Gully, but the run went perfectly and at the bottom the crowd was going nuts, and a guy walked up to me and threw me a beer to sip on while I watched the rest of the day.” Andrew Menzies Years in Crested Butte: 4 “Standing on the Peak drinking beer on the last day with friends.”

Burkemon Years in Crested Butte: 8 “First day on a board this year was on the first day of Spring. Most excellent snow after a long leg recovery. Injuries suck… Powder is great!” Gabe Martin Years in Crested Butte: 10 “’07-’08 powder season! The North Face was closed for a day and a half and I was skiing with my wife and buddy, screaming and fist pumps. We found a line that we wanted to ski with tons of pow and got inverted! It was such a fun day and we were all amped on the powder. Anytime, skiing with friends and my wife is a fond ski memory.”

Earl Skid Eldo ht I stayed up at the “Dude, I think the nig se chicks’ the nd, then we went to partying with the ba sun the d an s, ber their name house, I don’t remem man, , ing rty pa ll sti re and we we started coming up y said it was re stuff … Somebod mo e som t go and we didn’t even I day of the year but the sickest powder pants and eze ske just put on my get up on the hill – d. I knew un aro all es fiv with high headed into the Avi I do use ‘ca st of the ski season that night was the be at Th ’s. gar the alley behind Slo remember puking in . Dude.” means I was partying

Spring Sale!!! All Clothing 25-50% off... Wall Art - 50% off... Now thru April 5 Open Daily 11am 418 Elk Avenue * 349-1415

Rob Fessenden Years in Crested Butte: 17 “Making back countr y powder turns this year for the first time in far too many moons.”

that mimics the seasons and boasts new energy and excitement. But, before we flush away the winter, in the spirit of what brought so many of us to Crested Butte in the first place, let’s take a moment to relive our best ski season memories.

ner Rachael Gard d Butte 16 te es Years in Cr Twister Deck on e th on g “Sittin the season in the last day of snowboarders e the sun. Thre e rail, dropped climbed onto th did front flips their pants and e ey all landed th off the deck. Th t!” ea off—it was gr flips and rode

Mike Arbaney Years in Crested Butte: 8 “I was finishing up the Grand Tra(re) verse, skiing down Columbine Hill and Yonder Mountain String Band was playing. That was the best part of the day by far and a great 2010 ski season memory.”

Les Choy ly epic! The faucet “February 1993 was absolute ary and didn’t shut off Janu ate -to-l mid turned on in going right down the until early March. I remember powder up to my the middle of Phoenix Bowl with d of a skier back goo that n’t armpits, literally. I was pretty much ld cou You ter. mat ’t then but it didn avoid the tree to best fall down anything but it was town, one In p. dee e wells as they had gotten quit re the whe line the ng ishi had difficulty distingu nd met. I grou the on w sno and s roof snow on the the wall at home from still keep some snapshots on de of one of those insi that season. It looks like the one of the also that Was … snow-scene baubles to the Kebler way the all slid l Bow y times Red Lad road?”

Kellan Van Hoesen “Probably the last day of my first season here. I was feeling a littl e bit ‘over-partied’ and my sist er dragged me out of bed, put me in a golfer’s costume, handed me my 4 iron and my snowboard and put me on the bus. It turned out to be a great day!”

2Entrees for 1 Crested Butte’s Oldest Bar and Great Steakhouse

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THEWEEKLY | April 1, 2010 | PAGE 5


Crested Butte Mountain Resort Wraps Up 2009-2010 Season Pond Skimming and Live Music Fill Closing Weekend Crested Butte Mountain Resort is pleased to wrap up another successful winter ski season with festivities and the traditional crowd pleasing Pond Skimming on Saturday, April 3. Registration for Pond Skimming is from 2 – 2:45 p.m. at the base of the Red Lady Express Lift. Cost is $20 and gets you as many runs as you can hang for as the field gets increasingly narrowed. The Pond Skimming begins at 3 p.m. in front of a team of judges and announcers looking first and foremost for competitors who clear the pond upright with bonus points given for style and costume. Grand Prize is a 10-day lift ticket for the 2010-2011 Ski Season. Get your groove on a few more times for the season in Butte 66. On Saturday, April 3 local band Buntron Smith takes the stage following Pond Skimming around 4 p.m. On Sunday, local musicians

Steve Snyder and Jim Sandy get the groove from 3 – 5 p.m. with Coors specials and giveaways from Snowboard Magazine including a Never Summer snowboard. The season’s new Flauschink Royalty may be found on Flauschink Hill just above the Ice Bar around 1 p.m. on Sunday, April 4. Salute, wave hello, raise a glass, or buy them a drink. Rumor has it they won’t refuse. No uphill or downhill bike traffic will be permitted on Warming House Hill or other areas of the resort boundaries. We thank everyone in advance for their cooperation and this policy will be enforced by the Mt. Crested Butte Police. CBMR would like to remind everyone to have fun and be safe out there and thanks for another exciting year. For additional information call 970-349-2217.

What’s Open at the Ski Area? Closures for Final Weekend Adventure Park, Prospect Lift, Pine Conveyor, The Tubing Park, Teocalli & Gold Link, Peachtree

Queen of all Saints Mass every Sunday at 8:30am

Holy Week Schedule April Good Friday, Service at QAS at 7:00pm 2nd April Easter Sunday, Mass at QAS at 8:30am 4th Reverend Steven Murray

4th & Sopris • 970.641.0808

Ski Area Restaurants Open for Final Weekend 9380, Butte 66, Jefe’s, Woodstone Grill, Paradise Warming House, Ice Bar, Bakery

Tourists Abducted by Elves on Keebler Pass By Kristen Van Hoesen

April Holy Thursday, Mass at QAS at 5:30pm 1st

Open for Final Weekend Red Lady, Silver Queen, Paradise, East River, Painterboy, WestWall, Aspen, NFL, High Lift, Twister.

Part of what gives Crested Butte its charm is its isolation. In the winter, there is one way in and one way out. In the summer, two narrow dirt passes open up and swell with RV, ATV and camper traffic common in that all their drivers possess a certain southern drawl. This migratory group, known as tourists, has a certain affliction for Crested Butte and its small-town charm; exploring all aspects of its landscape from the confines

Macintosh Computer Service

of their vehicles, marveling at the wildlife and wildflowers in the Slate River Valley and the changing aspen tress up Keebler Pass. Keebler Pass? To a local, K-E-B-L-E-R sounds exactly how it is spelled. But, as legend would have it, tourists might know a thing or two more than the locals when it comes to Keebler Pass. Their inexplicable instinct to look for the rainbow and follow the cookie trail, while ludicrous to locals, has led to the disappearance of more than a tourist or two. As it turns out, evidence of a community of small gnome-like creatures has surfaced. Stories of these elves have lingered in the Crested Butte community for decades, but it wasn’t until recently that the legend became a reality. A tourist who wishes to remain anonymous recently reported to the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory that he and his family were abducted by these mythical

creatures as they were passing over Keebler Pass. “We all had a taste of those delicious cookies and we woke up to find that we had been overtaken by a band of elves,” said the tourist. His recollection of the events that occurred thereafter was vague, but he reported that his family wasn’t the first of his kind to be kidnapped by these creatures. The elves do not appear to be a threat to locals. For all you locals out there, be forewarned, when a tourist asks, ‘Can you tell me how to get to Keebler Pass,’ send them on their way and tell them to look for the rainbow and follow the cookie trail. Kristen Van Hoesen has apparently been eating some of those delicious rainbow cookies her own self. When not writing for The Weekly, she can be found giving out special treats to tourists, all part of her make believe job in the heart of the Visitor’s Center. Everyone’s happy when they can go to the good place of rainbow cookies.

Com local arteischeck out t dis artwork played

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970-209-4048 PAGE 6 | Apirl 1, 2010 | THEWEEKLY

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The Crested Butte Dance Collective

There is a buzz spreading through the Valley about something new in town and people are excited. It might shock you because it’s not skiing that they are talking about, it’s not biking - it’s dance! This winter over 50 community members joined together their talents, passions, and creative forces to become the Crested Butte Dance Collective. Their first mission was to create a community dance production that would move locals and leave audience members craving more. The debut performance of Move the Butte did just that. This dance production was a great success for this non-profit group of volunteer



– Photo by Paul Gallaher

On The Move Again

producers, dancers, and choreographers. This performance showcases dance styles as diverse as you can imagine from African dancing and drumming, to jazz and modern dance, and styles that not many people even know about such as acrodance, aerial dance, and Nia. In the first two showings of Move the Butte, audiences were moved, even propelled to dance, and they wanted more. Luckily, the Crested Butte Dance Collective will be showing an encore presentation of this exciting show, just for the folks who couldn’t bribe their way into the sold out show a few weeks ago. The house at the Center for the Arts has tickets available and locals hungry for the creativity and movement that this unique show brought to Valley are already snatching them up. For those of you looking to catch a good buzz and wanting to see how talented community members in this valley are, you have one last chance, Friday April 2 at 7 p.m. to be exact. And remember, get your tickets early because the Crested Butte Dance Collective does not accept bribes, only donations.

Help ignite your bank account.

0 ON 0

Let’s see if you can pay your rent.


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Eye on the Arts features highlights on local artists, writers, gallery openings, calls for auditions, theatre announcements and art classes.

Guys and Dolls Auditions The Crested Butte Mountain Theatre is proud to announce auditions for the 2010 Summer Musical, Guys and Dolls - to be directed by Theresa Andrasy-Sokol of the St. Petersburg Opera, with musical direction by Brent Douglas. Music rehearsals will commence in mid-May by arrangement. Rehearsals with director Theresa Andrasy-Sokol will begin May 24, 2010. Performances of Guys and Dolls will take place at the Crested Butte Center for the Arts between June 24 and July 3, 2010. Please call CBMT at 970-3490366 for more information, and to schedule an audition between March 21 and April 2, 2010. Artists in the Mud Artists of the West Elks (AWE) is offering an end of ski season “time to walk the mud and rocks,” for members and non-members. At Hartman’s Rocks on Monday, April 5 at 10 a.m. Bring camera, sketch pad, water and mud boots. RSVP by Saturday, April 3 or the event will be canceled. Call Mel Harper 970-2755181. gowestmountainmel@yahoo. com. A “Boulder” Dansummer Dansummer 2010 is on its way this summer from July 12 – 31 and the Hip-Hop/Jazz and Tap faculty is bringing the heat to Crested Butte. From Boulder’s Streetside Studios, founder Rico and associate Larkin are anchoring the Hip-Hop/ Jazz classes. Their dance styles are infused with Hip-hop, Jazz, Salsa and R&B with a side helping of Capoeira and Martial Arts. Boulder resident Kristy Dolenc returns to Dansummer 2010 to enchant Tap students with her intricate rhythms, patterns and counter-point dance arrangements. Her challenging style stimulates both minds and feet. Beginning-intermediate to advanced levels are offered and dancers from 8 to 80 are welcome in the classes held Mondays – Fridays at the Pump Room Studio in downtown Crested Butte. or call 970-349-6707. Community School Art Gallery The Crested Butte Community School

now has a public art gallery in the Company Store. The gallery is open from 8 a.m. until approximately 7 p.m. See you there! Special Tuition for Local Kids at Bluegrass in Paradise Kids’ Camp Crested Butte Music Festival is now also accepting applications for the 3-day bluegrass kids camp by award winning band Bearfoot. CBMF will subsidize the bands requested tuition for campers of $175/camper for local kids, which will bring it down to $100/camper. This applies for 15 kids on a first-come first-served basis. Stop by at the office today and make sure your kid is on! Call the office for more information 970-349-0619 or go to www. The Weekly’s Spring Guide Coming Up Celebrate spring with The Weekly’s Spring Guide, serving as the go to resource to play at home or get away on only one tank of gas. We’ll feature all the local activities – from biking at Hartmans Rocks to fly fishing the run off to harvesting corn snow. New will be a regional section, with information on festivals within a few hours of the Valley, hot springs hot spots within an easy drive, and ideas for regional “staycation” opportunities. Springy topics such as cleansing tips and wildflower hunting insider info will also be included. To get your event or ad in the Spring Guide, contact The Weekly at 970349-1710. Submit Easter Art Something Happened: An Easter Installation is looking for artists of all kinds to present their work on Easter morning. Please contact Ian Wrisley at 970-349-1026 for more information. Look for it at Rumors Coffee and Tea House on Easter morning, 8:30 - 10 a.m. Art, music, food. Book Talk At The GAC The Gunnison Council for the Arts will be hosting a book talk of Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri. In this collection from a Pulitzer Prize author, eight stories take readers from Cambridge and Seattle to India and Thailand as each explores the secrets at the heart

If you ain’t got it You can’t spend it

Dumpster Divers of America, The Weekly (cuz we ain’t got no boundaries) and the upcoming off season.

of family life. Join us in the GAC’s Purple Room on Thursday, April 1, 7-8 p.m. Discussion leader is Judy Junkman. 970-641-4029. The Weekly brings back exotic arts In an effort to better support the paper, the ladies of The Weekly will be revitalizing the colorful red light district history of Crested Butte. Entitled the Hen House, arts offered will be pole and lap dancing. The discretionary client needing something a touch beyond a simple escort service will be interested in the more discreet and private art forms. “The Hen House, we keep ‘em clucking!” Artists’ Reception At GAC On Friday, April 2nd there will be an artists’ reception at the Gunnison Arts Center during the Gallery Crawl for Gunnison High School Seniors in the Main Gallery and Jewelers in the Upper Gallery. Join us from 5-7 p.m. for great art and a cash bar! 970641-4029. Tickets On Sale Now Tickets are on sale now for the Gunnison Arts Center Adult Dance Showcase. Purchase them online at or at the GAC. Tickets are $15 general/$12 members/$8 kids 12 and under. Join us at WSC Taylor Auditorium April 16 and 17 at 7 p.m. for a night of talent and entertainment! 970641-4029.

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THEWEEKLY | April 1, 2010 | PAGE 7


Head for the Hills Rooted in the tradition of bluegrass, the music of Head for the Hills is a vibrant mixture of homegrown compositions, traditional harmonies, and an innovative approach to improvisation. The group’s lyrical nature and songwriting seems to evoke reminiscent feelings of inspiration. In the live setting, Head for the Hills can venture into a myriad of musical styles and sonic landscapes that caters to a boundless array of listeners. To get a sense of Head for the Hills’ snowballing momentum, look no further than the surrounding talent on their self-titled sophomore release, Head for the Hills. The six-year old pickers attracted heavyweights like longtime jamband and bluegrass vet, Drew Emmitt (Leftover Salmon) as their producer who took them up to Bill Nershi’s Sleeping Giant studio to record -- where he and Emmitt recently laid down their own release, New Country Blues. The shared vision amongst the

The SETLIST THURSDAY, APRIL 1 Fire in the Asylum Fire In The Asylum has evolved beyond the average garage band while still retaining their ‘83 Ford econoline van. All the success in the world could never convince them to forget the down-to-earth principles that make people of all shapes and sizes shake their fists and asses. “Hell Yeah!” is the battle cry of rock-hungry fans after bearing witness to Fire In The Asylum. The Lobar 10 p.m.; Downstairs at 3rd and Elk in Crested Butte; 970-349-0480, Gypsy Jazz Social Club Django’s in Mt. Crested Butte celebrates their winter season with an additional performance of

members of Head for the Hills is not only to carry on the spirit of bluegrass, but also to expand the general definition as we venture through the post-traditional bluegrass era. Head for the Hills draws significant inspiration from the sounds of the bluegrass forefathers such as John Hartford, David Grisman, or Bill Monroe, but also appeals to anybody who enjoys experiencing the excitement, innovation, or element of youth that is incorporated into each and every performance. Many respected avenues have sighted Head for the Hills as the next breath of fresh air to emerge from the acoustic realm. With direction from a Grammy award winning musician and an everevolving approach to progressive acoustic music, there is no telling what successes lay ahead for this group of talented musicians. The Eldo 10:30 p.m. – $10; 215 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970-3496125,

Sponsored by KBUT

the Gypsy Jazz Social Club. The GJSC will be in trio format with Les Choy “El Chino” on acoustic guitar along with Drew Murdza and Roger Sherman. Expect to hear the GJSC repertoire of traditional and modern Gypsy and Latin melodies, popular tunes of the 30s and 40s, and of course, compositions by the great gypsy musician Django Reinhardt. django’s restaurant & wine bar 2 p.m.; Mountaineer Square, Mt. Crested Butte, 970349-7574, Evelyn Roper and Friends Evelyn’s songs are in storied form but are rich with symbolism. Her lyrics have been described as “a painting, a poem and a song” all in one. Evelyn has a fierce local following and can be heard in venues up and down the Western

Slope. The Flying Burritos Bar 9 p.m. – Free; 107 S. Main St. in Gunnison, 970-641-5777, www. FRIDAY, APRIL 2 Pete Dunda Polka Band The 2010 Flauschink Coronation Ball will kick off Friday night at 9 p.m. at the Eldo featuring the Pete Dunda Polka Band rocking the house with classic Slovenian slam dancing. Later in the evening, the 2009 Royalty, King John and Queen Pam will relinquish their crowns to a new Royal Couple who will reign over the rest of the night of dancing and celebrating. The Eldo 9 p.m. – $5 with button, $8 without; 215 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970-349-6125, www.

Closing Weekend Music

Stretch Johnson & Children of the Horn will be at Timbers in Gunnison on Friday, April 2. White Trash Weekend Trim up your moustache, drag out your cleanest sleeveless shirt, and your shortest cutoff jeans for the 5th annual “White Trash Weekend” at Lobar. Lobar will be host to a two day festival featuring $1 PBRs and a host of drink + shot specials to celebrate not only the end of a great season of white snow, but also a respectful nod to our rich american-causcasion heritage. The Lobar 10 p.m.; Downstairs at 3rd and Elk in Crested Butte; 970-3490480,

Bill Dowell One of Crested Butte’s local favorites. Bill plays classic acoustic rock and roll with a little country and some original tunes thrown in for good measure. He is often joined by his wife Patti Gast on vocals and Steve Farley on guitar. The Princess is a great after dinner venue for a place to relax and enjoy a drink or dessert after a night on the town. The Princess Wine Bar 8:30 p.m.; 218 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte, 970349-0210

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Buntron Smith

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413 Elk Ave, Crested Butte, CO 81224 PAGE 8 | Apirl 1, 2010 | THEWEEKLY

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Don’t Panic Don’t Panic is a local music duo consisting of Steve Snyder and Jim Sandy. Steve has been playing for 21 years in Crested Butte. Heralding from musical roots in West Virginia, Steve delights with a vast array from folk, country and classic rock. You’ll hear your favorites of Johnny Cash, The Band and Waylon Jennings. Talk of the Town “When he’s damn good and ready” (or around 6:30 p.m.); 230 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte, 970-349-6809

Bar 8:30 p.m.; 218 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte, 970-349-0210 Ensemble Vivente The Crested Butte-based ensemble was organized by violist Jocelyn Smith and cellist Peter Greydanus, performers in the summer Crested Butte Music Festival. On Saturday, Ensemble Vivente will perform classical, romantic contemporary music. Union Congregational Church 7 p.m.; 403 Maroon Avenue in Crested Butte, Free/Pay-What-

Stretch Johnson & Children of the Horn Stretch Johnson and Children Of The Horn features Crested Butte musicians who have joined forces to bring the people a night packed with deep pocket, horndriven, booty shaking! The music is inspired by the Old and New schools of Funk and Groove, and the band aims to please the “jonez in your bonez” for a spirited night on the dance floor. Timbers 9 p.m.; 136 West Tomichi Avenue in Gunnison, 970641-1491

SUNDAY, APRIL 4 End of the Season Party at Butte 66 Local musicians Steve Snyder and Jim Sandy get the groove with Coors specials and giveaways from Snowboard Magazine including a Never Summer snowboard. Butte 66, 3-5 p.m. Slopeside, Treasury Center, Mt. Crested Butte; 970-3492999. Singer-Songwriter Night Bring your instrument and a song! Rumor’s Coffee and Tea House 6 p.m.; 414 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte, 970-3490504


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Live Music on Elk Avenue

Take a nap. TUESDAY, APRIL 6 WSC Percussion Ensemble Quigley Recital Hall 7:30 p.m. – Free; Western State College Pete Dunda Polka Band, The 2010 Flauschink in Gunnison; 943-3054, Coronation Ball will kick off Friday night at 9 academics/music p.m. at the Eldo.

End of the Season Party at Butte 66 Get your groove on a couple more times for the season in Butte 66. On Saturday, April 3 local band Buntron Smith takes the stage following Pond Skimming. Butte 66, Around 4 p.m. Slopeside, Treasury Center, Mt. Crested Butte; 970-349-2999.

You-Can. 970-349-6405


Chris Coady’s 18 Mile Radius Gypsy Jazz Social Club Happy Hour show every The Gypsy Jazz Social Club will Wednesday at 6pm with singerperform as a quartet with Les songwriter Chris Coady and fiddle Choy “El Chino” on acoustic guitar player Mark Fonken. Chris has along with Drew Murdza, Jeff been performing his original blend Reynolds, and Roger Sherman. of “Blues, Country, Folk Rock, Expect to hear the GJSC repertoire Americana, Singer/Songwriter” White Trash Weekend of traditional and modern Gypsy at local and This Saturday regional night, lobar venues will welcome since the Bobby Collins mid 1990’s. (from Denver, Coady’s Colorado) back musical to Crested Butte style has for his second been shaped performance at by various our RED, WHITE genres and + BLUE night influences (Red Necks, including White Trash + John Hiatt, Blue Ribbon Robert Earle Beer). See Keen, Johnny Friday for more – Photo by Dusty Demerson Cash, Townes information. The Van Zandt, Lobar 10 p.m.; Gypsy Jazz Social Club will play at the Mountaineer Square, Neil Young, Downstairs at Mt. Crested Butte, on April 1st at 2 p.m. and in Gunnison April The Eagles, 3rd and Elk in Jackson 3rd at the Brick Cellar Wine Bar at 8 p.m. Crested Butte; Browne, John 970-349-0480, Prine and and Latin melodies, popular tunes Bob Dylan. The Flying Burritos of the 30s and 40s, and of course, Bar 6 p.m.; 107 S. Main St. in Tyler Hansen compositions by the great gypsy Gunnison, 970-641-5777, www. Tyler Hansen’s skillful guitar musician Django Reinhardt. The playing and soaring voice make Brick Cellar Wine Bar 8 p.m.; 122 him a unique talent that has West Tomichi Avenue in Gunnison, The Set List, written by Music Director been a fixture of the Crested Grant McFarren, is sponsored by KBUT, 970-641-9463 Butte music scene for the past a community radio station serving Gunnison County, Colorado since seven years. Whether he is The Porchlights 1986. Over 80 volunteer DJ’s program experimenting with multiIt all started on the Porch… 1996 a diverse mix of music including layered looping, reinterpreting a - Deb and Kneebone used to jam jazz, blues, rock and bluegrass. KBUT well-known cover or performing broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days on the back porch at Deb’s shanty a week and can be heard at 90.3 FM one of his originals, his style wins on Lone Tree Drive in Flagstaff, in Crested Butte, 89.9 FM in Gunnison over new fans at every show. Arizona. What started out as a and 94.9 FM in Almont. You can His playing is a mix of Bob Dylan casual music party became more contact Grant at, 970meeting Michael Jackson in a back when it was clear that there was a 349-5225 or visit KBUT online at www. alley fight with Eric Clapton trying chemistry between the two. When to break it up. The Princess Wine jams turned into songs they ‘hit

Cheap & Easy!


SATURDAY, APRIL 3 Head for the Hills See description above. The Eldo 10:30 p.m. – $10; 215 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970-3496125, www.eldobrewpub. com

the road’ and are now performing at concerts, festivals, clubs, coffeehouses, and breweries in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. The Flying Burritos Bar 8 p.m. – Free; 107 S. Main St. in Gunnison, 970-641-5777, www.



The Pete Dunda Polka Band Happy Flauschink!



Head for the Hills

Check at the Eldo for additional Bands

– Happy Hour 4-8 pm – a Non-Smoking Establishment

Upstairs at 215 Elk Ave. next to the Post office 349-6125 •

THEWEEKLY | April 1, 2010 | PAGE 9



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Thurs day

Thursday, April 1 8 a.m. Drop in Meditation: Come for the full half hour or for as long as you like. Instructions are provided. Union Congregational Church 970-349-6464. 8:30 a.m. Women’s Book Discussion Group: Union Congregational Church 970-349-6405. 9 a.m. Yoga: Elevation Hotel, CB Mtn Club. 970-349-0302. 12 Noon All Saints in the Moun-


Located in the Majestic Plaza 349–5709


APRIL Fri day

Friday, April 2 8:45 a.m. Active Isolated Stretching for the Entire Body (to flush out overall winter tightness): The Gym in Riverand. $10. Call Bill Smith for more info @ 970-3492766. 9 a.m. Yoga: Elevation Hotel, CB

Lock in the lowest price when you purchase your Platinum or Gold 2010/2011 Season Pass

online March 15th – April 4th, 2010.

Photo: Tom Stillo

get 2 half-price Buddy Tickets and adult Platinum Passholders get 4 half-price Buddy Tickets.

Buddy Tickets redeemable all 2010/2011 season, passholder must be present to purchase.

PAGE 10 | Apirl 1, 2010 | THEWEEKLY

tains Episcopal Church Community Healing Service: Queen of All Saints Catholic Church, 4th & Sopris. 970-349-9371 or the website at 2 p.m. Gypsy Jazz Social Club: django’s restaurant & wine bar, Mountaineer Square, Mt. Crested Butte. 970-349-7574. 5:30 p.m. – Holy Thursday Mass: Queen of All Saints Catholic Church, 4th & Sopris Avenue. 970641-0808 6 p.m. Contractors Register as Eligible Vendors for Energy Rebate Program: Crested Butte Town Hall. Contact ORE 970-349-9673.

6 - 7:30 p.m. The Conversation - Food First: Mallardi Cabaret. Reservaitons - theconversation@ 7 p.m. Holy Week Communion Service: Union Congregational Church. 403 Maroon Ave in Crested Butte. 970-349-6405. 7 - 8 p.m. Book Talk: Gunnison Art Center Purple Room. Discussion leader is Judy Junkman. 970-6414029. 9 p.m. Evelyn Roper and Friends: The Flying Burritos Bar; 107 S. Main St. in Gunnison. Free. 970641-5777. 10 p.m. Fire in the Asylum: The Lobar. 970-349-0480.

Mtn Club. 970-349-0302. 10 a.m. Trailhead Discovery Museum: All ages welcome. Downstairs in the Treasury Center at Ski Area. 970-349-7160. 10:30 a.m. Story Time @ Your Library: Ages 3 and up. CB Old Rock Library, 507 Maroon, 970349-6535. 5 - 7 p.m. Artists Reception for Gunnison H.S. Seniors as part of the Gallery Crawl: Gunnison Art Center. 970-641-4029. 6:30 p.m. (Around) Don’t Panic: Talk of the Town. 970-349-6809. 7 p.m. – Good Friday Service: Queen of All Saints Catholic Church, 4th and Sopris Avenue. 970-641-0808.

7 p.m. Flauschink Tales by George Sibley and Slide Show by Duane Vandenbusche: $4 with Flaushink Button, $7 without. Upstairs at Talk of the Town 7 p.m. Move the Butte - Dance Collective Performance: Center for the Arts. 970-349-7487. 8:30 p.m. Bill Dowell: The Princess Wine Bar. 970-349-0210. 9 p.m. Flauschink Coronation Ball. Pete Dunda Polka Band: $5 with Flauschink Button, $8 without. The Eldo. 970-349-6125. 9 p.m. Stretch Johnson and Children of the Horn: Timbers, 136 W. Tomichi, Gunnison. 970-641-1491. 10 p.m. White Trash Weekend: The Lobar. 970-349-0480.


APRIL Satur day

Saturday, April 3 9 a.m. Red Lady Saturdays! Slip on your Sassiest Flashiest Red every Saturday on the Ski Slopes to express your support for the preservation of the Red Lady/Mt. Emmons. For more info call Dickie 970-596-3675. 10 a.m. Trailhead Discovery Museum: Fun science for children of all ages. Downstairs in the Treasury Center at Ski Area. Call 970-349-7160. 2-2:45 p.m. Registration for Pond skimming: base of Red Lady lift; 970-349-2217 3 p.m. Pond skimming: Base of Red Lady lift; 970-349-2217 3 p.m. Flauschink Parade: Elk Avenue in Crested Butte.

Available online only at

NEW for 2010/2011 Adult Gold Passholders

- Photo by Nathan Bilow




APRIL Sun day

Sunday, April 4 Stop by Flauschink to salute the new royalty. 7:30 a.m. Intercessory Prayer: Oh-Be-Joyful Baptist Church. 970349-6237. 8:45 a.m. Meditation with Paul

4 p.m. Buntron Smith: Butte 66, slopeside in Mt. Crested Butte. 970-349-2999. 5 p.m. Dobro Dave: Rumors Coffee and Tea House. 970-3497545. 7 p.m. Ensemble Vivente, Chamber Music: Union Congregational Church, 403 Maroon Ave. Free/Pay What you Can. 970-349-6405. 8 p.m. Gypsy Jazz Social Club: Brick Cellar Wine Bar, 122 W. Tomichi in Gunnison. 970-6419463. 8 p.m. The Porchlights: The Flying Burritos Bar; 107 S. Main St. in Gunnison, No cover. 970-6415777. 8:30 p.m. Tyler Hansen: Princess Wine Bar. 970-349-0210. 10 p.m. White Trash Weekend: DJ Bobby C from Denver; The Lobar. 970-349-0480. 10:30 p.m. Head for the Hills The Eldo. $10. 970-349-6125.

Kirncic (30 minute guided meditation): Yoga for the Peaceful Studio, 114 Elk Ave. 970-349-0302. 8 a.m. Oh-Be-Joyful Bible Study. 970-349-6237. 8:30 - 10 a.m. Something Happened: An Easter Installation Art, Music, Food: Rumors Coffe & Tea House. 970-349-1026. 8:30 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass: Queen of All Saints Catholic Church, 4th & Sopris Avenue. 970641-0808


April 4th continued 9 a.m. Easter Sunday Church Service & Potluck Brunch: Union Congregational Church. Bring a side dish - Easter Egg Hunt for kids. 970-349-6405. 9 a.m. Resurrection Sunday Service: Oh-Be-Joyful Baptist Church, 625 Maroon Ave. Fellowship Feast after the service. Bring a side dish or not. 970-349-6237. 9 - 11:30 a.m. Ansura Inspired Workshop with David Reiner: Yoga for the Peaceful. 970-349-0302 to


APRIL Mon day

Monday, April 5 8 a.m. Active Isolated Stretching for the Entire Body (to help flush out overall winter tightness): Union Congregational Church use 4th St. entrance. By donation. Call Bill Smith for more info @ 970349-2766. 10 a.m. Artists of the West Elks “Walk the Mud and Rocks

6 7

APRIL Tues day

Tuesday, April 6 10:30 Story Time @ Your Library


Wednes day

Wednesday, April 7 8 a.m. Active Isolated Stretching for the Entire Body (to flush out overall winter tightness): Union

Keep in mind

Tuesday, April 5 Learn more about your Mac from MacJack Tuesday’s w/MacJack takes place the first Tuesday of the month at Rumors Coffee & Tea House at 414 Elk Ave in Crested Butte. Learn useful tips and get technical advice with your Mac computers. Bring your computer and your questions and be ready to learn, exchange ideas or just listen in. Everyone learns something; even MacJack often picks up tips from someone in attendance. There is something for every experience level. Beginning at 6 p.m. the first half hour is dedicated to troubleshooting your Mac issues and answering basic operating system questions for new users. From 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. demonstrations on how to, set-up, tricks and tips, short cuts, troubleshooting will be explored. Participants will decide the topics covered. Possible topics include The Finder (what is Finder?), Apple Mail, Safari, iCal, iPhoto, iWork, iWeb/ Build a Web Site, iTunes, File Organization and much more. From 7:30 to 8 p.m. will be a Q & A Session and more troubleshooting. Tuesday’s w/ MacJack is free though gratuities are accepted. Private sessions are available at $55/hr/group. Get a group together for specific topics or for more detailed lessons. For more information or to schedule a private session call Jack at 970209-4048.

pre-register. 3 - 5 p.m. Steve Snyder and Jim Sandy: Butte 66, slopeside in Mt. Crested Butte. 970-349-2999. 5 p.m. Easter Celebration Eucharist Service: All Saints in the Mountains Episcopal Church at Queen of All Saints Catholic Church, 402 Sopris. 970-3499371 or allsaintsinthemountains. org. 6:30 p.m. Duplicate Bridge: Union Congregational Church. Call Rich

Crawford 970-349-9296. 6:30 - 7:00 Potluck preceding Introduction to Tantra: Yoga for the Peaceful. 114 Elk Ave. 970349-0302. 7 - 8:30 p.m. Introduction to Tantra for Couples: Yoga for the Peaceful, 114 Elk Ave. 970-3490302. 7 p.m. Singer-songwriter Night: Rumors Coffee & Tea House. 970349-7545

- Hartman Rocks”: RSVP to Mel Harper by Saturday, April 3. 970275-5181. 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Chair massage by donation with Escape Bodywork Boutique: Rumors Coffee and Tea House. 970-349-7545. 5:30 p.m. Book Signing. Author Joanne Reynolds “Search for Light: Ten Crucial Lessons for Caregivers: Gunnison Living Community, 1500 W. Tomichi Ave, Gunnison. 888-361-9473. 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Wine Tastings: Timberline Restaurant, every Monday. $10 for wine knowledge and 4

glasses of wine. 970-349-9831. 5:30 p.m. Communion Service: Queen Of All Saints Catholic Church, 4th & Sopris. 970-6410808. 6:30 p.m. Law of Attraction Workshop and Potluck: CB Chamber of Commerce, 601 Elk Ave. Bring a dish to share. 970349-6464 7:30 p.m. WSC Percussion Ensemble: Quigley Recital Hall. Free. 970-943-3054. 7:30 – 10 p.m. Pick-Up Ultimate Frisbee: Jerry’s Gym at Town Hall. 970-349-7197

(Baby & Toddler Age 0-3): CB Old Rock Library, 507 Maroon, 970349-6535. 5:30 p.m. Part 1 of Diabetic Class: Gunnison Valley Hospital. Free but call to reserve your spot. 970-642-8420. 5:30 p.m. – Catholic Mass: Queen

Of All Saints Catholic Church in Crested Butte, 4th and Sopris. 970-641-0808 6 p.m. Tuesdays w/ MacJack. Tips on using your Mac. First Tuesdays of the month. Free: Rumors Coffee & Tea House. 970-3497545.

Congregational Church use 4th St. entrance. By donation. Call Bill Smith for more info @ 970-3492766. 5 p.m. till midnight – Ladies Night (drink specials): Dogwood Cocktail Cabin, on 3rd Street between Elk and Maroon on the alley. Call 970-349-6338 or online at the

5:30 p.m. Communion Service: Queen of All Saints Catholic Church, 4th & Sopris Avenue. 970641-0808. 6 p.m. Chris Coady’s 18 Mile Radius: The Flying Burritos Bar; Happy hour show. 107 S. Main St. in Gunnison, 970-641-5777. 7 p.m. to Closing. Open Mic: The Forest Queen. 970-349-5299.

Gunnison Car Club Now Accepting Requests for Funding The Gunnison Car Club is now accepting applications from local charitable and non-profit organizations for grants from the proceeds of its 23rd Annual Gunnison Car Show. The Car Show is expected to generate several thousand dollars that will be awarded to local charities. In 2009, the Gunnison Car Club awarded grants to the Pioneer Museum, Gunnison Area Restorative Project, City of Gunnison Parks and Recreation Department, Marbles program, Jubilee House, Hinsdale County Historical Society, Gunnison Valley Observatory, Six

Points, and Partners. The Application form can be downloaded from the Car Club’s Website (www. and submitted electronically to, or mailed to Gunnison Car Club, PO Box 7102, Gunnison, CO, 81230. Applications must be received by April 10, and will be considered at the Car Club meeting at 7 p.m. April 14 at the Fred Field Western Heritage Center. Organizations requesting funding are encouraged to give a maximum five minute presentation at the meeting. Organizations not receiving funding in 2009 may apply again.

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Trails Report Be avalanche aware. Always ski with a friend.

Trail Name

Length (in Kilometers)


Big Mine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5. . . . . . . . . . Yes Electric Loop. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 . . . . . . . . . Yes Upper/Lower Red Lady . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Bench. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 . . . . . . . . . Yes Peanut Lake Trail. . . . . . . . . 2.5 . . . . . . . . . Yes Riverbend Connector . . . . . .2.5. . . . . . . . . Yes Beaver Trail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 . . . . . . . . . Yes Magic Meadows . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Inner Magic Meadows . . . . 1.75. . . . . . . . . Yes Pooches Paradise . . . . . . . . 4.5 . . . . . . . . . Yes Town Ranch - Big Wag . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Skyland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . Yes The Maze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75. . . . . . . . . Yes Mt. CB Rec Path . . . . . . . . . 3.25 . . . . . . . . Yes Paradise Park. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Yes With the exception of the Town Ranch Trail and Mt./CB Rec. Path, the above trails require a “Trails Pass” Available at the Crested Butte Nordic Center located at 2nd & Whiterock.

Call 349-1707 for the most current information. Sponsored By

The home of Crested Butte’s original Nordic Ski School.

Enjoy your vacation. Come back and stay with us.

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Located in the Heart of downtown Crested Butte at 405 4th Street

INC. 349-5542 Mt. Crested Butte THEWEEKLY | April 1, 2010 | PAGE 11



he: c s u b n e d n orian t a V is H ic p E Duane ’s y r Count n o is n n u G e h T

Story by Molly Murfee Photos by Dusty Demerson It’s Flauschink, Crested Butte’s annual festival to commemorate spring. Locals that have lived in the town since the early 60’s and 70’s flood into the Talk, excitedly moving around each other like bubbles in a beer glass. They are the recognizable personalities in town - the people that arrived in the hippie days, survived the financial drought of the eighties, and still stayed to walk the now-paved streets of a town that once sported a lot more dirt. They thumb through photo albums of past Flauschink celebrations, laughing at their “royalty” drinking libations out of decorated plungers, er, I mean, scepters (the celebration, after all, is to “flush” out the winter), many sporting a multicolored chestful of the both famous and infamous Flauschink button. But when it is time for Duane Vandenbusche to speak everyone sits down and faces the front, awaiting their history lesson, eager eyes and faces. Duane stands in front of this auspicious crowd, and in his incredibly resonant and confident voice, begins to tell the tale of Crested Butte and the surrounding Gunnison Country. He shows slide after slide of miners on skis (what were then called snowshoes), Elk Avenue buildings with snow burms threatening rooftops, motley crews of the early ski patrollers of Crested Butte Mountain all smiling like the cat who ate the canary. The audience is captivated and applauds enthusiastically at the end. Duane Vandenbusche is Gunnison Country’s Epic Historian. It isn’t any mistake that Duane came to the Gunnison Country to focus on its history. Western State College hired him at the ripe ole’ age of 25 to serve as history professor in 1962. Originally from Michigan, he had never step foot into even the Rocky Mountain West before, let alone the sagebrush dotted hills and cragged peaks of the Gunnison

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Country. But he packed up his three history degrees, and sight unseen, struck out to the place that was to become his home for over 45 years. “I didn’t make reservations, they hardly had hotels back then,” he recalls, “My first impressions were not fantastic. I was shocked at the lack of trees and the tremendous amount of sagebrush. Every street but a couple was a dirt road. But I was happy to be here and to have a job.” Duane’s perceptions of the place have since improved considerably. “It’s one of the greatest areas I’ve ever been in,” he boasts as if speaking of his own child, “Impressions change and I became a citizen of the West, understanding issues like the lack of water and the way things were done in the West as opposed to the Midwest.” Duane still teaches classes on Colorado History, US History, and the History of the Gunnison Country at Western State College. He was also instrumental in getting cross country, track and field, and skiing started at Western State for women. He coached cross country running for young men and women there, and was the assistant coach for track and field for 37 years until recently retiring in 2007. His firm handshake and solid persona allude to the confidence, pride and determination he instills in his athletes and his students. With them he emphasizes being a good person, a good student, and a good athlete, in that order. And rest assured, his athletes were pushed to their limits. “The best school you can ever go to is the school of hard knocks where you learn as much what not to do as what to do,” he asserts, “I taught them passion, discipline, and a strong work ethic. That’s what helps them get to the mountain top.” His efforts turned into eight cross country national championships for the men, and four cross country national championships for the women. Individuals in his teams have competed in the Olympics, the World Cross Country Championships, and the World University Games. Duane’s strong work ethic that he inspires in his

students began with his parents, who raised him on a small farm in St. Nicholas in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. “My dad was from Belgium. My mom was of modest circumstances from Wisconsin. From them I learned that the only way to get ahead is to make your own breaks. No one is going to give them to you.” A first generation United States citizen himself, Duane identified with the people who immigrated to the valley from the far reaches of Croatia, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. “They were my kind of people. I have always been a little more comfortable with people who have calluses on their hands and dirt under their fingernails.” These same people have contributed the numerous books Duane has written on history, many of them focusing on the Gunnison Country and surrounding areas. He not only appreciated the generation of miners with their roots in Eastern Europe, but took note of their first generation ancestors as well. His formidable book, The Gunnison Country seems to open independently like the magic books of fairy tales, ready to tell of enormous adventures. He takes you on a magic carpet ride of history, from Utes, to coal-streaked miners, to railroad engines with snowplows in 26-foot high drifts. You careen through early surveyors of 1875, smoking coke ovens in 1896, and dirt street towns with simple signs like “Meat,” and “Furniture” in the same era. You dip through tragedies, such as the Jokerville Mine explosion of 1884, and through lighter times of Old Timers sitting around a table at the Frank’s Bar in Crested Butte. You might say there are few who know the nooks and crannies of the area like Duane does. Not from library research alone, the book was uniquely compiled from his Muir-esque wanderings through the Gunnison Country. One day over Napoleon Pass, another in Costa Creek. “I have walked and skied and climbed over a lot of the Gunnison Country. The book was 12 years in the making. I was sad when that was done and I had to start writing. Every day I had a different adventure. A new mine to see, an Old Timer to talk to, rivers to fish, mountains to climb.” “That book was a labor of love. It wasn’t work,” he continues, “And a lot of credit for that goes to the Old Timers, John Panion, Rudy Sedmak, Whitey Sporcich, John Krizmanich, John Somrack, Emil Lunk, Joe Saya, having a glass of beer with them at Kochevar’s or Frank and Gal’s. I learned a lot from the Old Timers. I am a custodian of their knowledge.” He treats that position with admiration and respect. His research and accumulation of old photographs was so vast, he has since published two more historical accounts of the area with a third on the way. Around Gunnison and Crested Butte, and The Black Canyon on the Gunnison will soon be joined by Around Monarch Pass on June 28. Duane feels there is much to be learned from looking at and learning about the patterns of these people as they settled in this land. And while seemingly focused exclusively on the past, it is also the future that Duane can see. “If you don’t record history you don’t know where you want to go in the future. It’s important with roads, federal lands, tourism, and water. These will become bigger issues. … We have the big question in the Gunnison Country of ‘what should we be.’ To have tourism it has to be an appealing place, to make sure we have open space, not sprawl. This is one of the untapped areas in the United States. Where else can you walk out your door and ski powder on the mountain, mountain bike, windsurf, drive up four-wheel drive roads. We have the best Elk hunting, the best fishing. All that’s here. It is absolutely essential for us to conserve and preserve it.” Duane points to unlimited growth in the 1880’s, the resulting pollution from coal mining, the destructive hazard of taking four-wheel drive vehicles anywhere after their advent following World War II, as places where modern day residents can pick up a few clues. His dedication and love of this place illuminates a guiding principle that he often offers his students and athletes, “The debt that each generation owes to the past, it must pay to the future.” Duane joins with the miners, the trappers, the Old Timers, reaching through the mountains and rivers, days of bone breaking winter cold and heart wrenching summer beauty. They reach through dilapidated mining towns, and booming resort towns, and together translate for future generations exactly what we can learn from the history of the Gunnison Country. Molly Murfee is a full-time freelance and copy writer, in addition to being the Editor of the Crested Butte Weekly. Her over 500 articles are featured in the likes of Powder Magazine, Telemark Skier, Backcountry Magazine, the Mountain Gazette, Cross Country Skier Magazine, Solar Today and Patagonia-Japan as well as local publications. Her passion lies in penning creative non-fiction and poetry, which focuses on wild places with their inherent metaphor and the extraordinary commonality of the human experience. Molly can be reached at Dusty Demerson has been photographing Crested Butte since 1987. His award-winning landscapes can frequently be found at the Banff Mountain Photography Competition but can always be seen at the Rijks Family Gallery or online at He is available for family portraits and weddings.


The Guide’s Corner: How to Deal with your Mountain Guide

We Are Open!

Great Markdowns Storewide Screaming Deals on 09 Bikes. Come see us in our Current location, the big move happens April 11th!

Hours: Tues thru Fri from 11-6 & Sat 11-5 3 2 9 B e l l e v i e w Av e • S u i t e A • 9 7 0 . 3 4 9 . 0 5 1 5

Happy Spring!

By: Surly Kingsbury, Office Manager/Cat Wrangler How do you know if there’s a mountain guide at the party? Don’t worry, he’ll tell you. Mountain guides have a reputation of being a tad self-important, self-adulating, self-glorifying . . the self list goes on and on. While they have a romantic profession of escorting clients through epic adventures in inhospitable terrain, sometimes it’s good to take a step back and take these guys down a notch that are normally held in such high esteem (at least in their own minds. . .or in Europe). It calls to mind the age old question of “How many guides does it take to screw in a light bulb?” The answer is one - he holds it and lets the world revolve around him. Although guides have spent thousands of dollars training themselves in a profession that allows them to ‘do what they love’ and they may say their greatest desire is to bring adventure to the ‘lay person,’ do not be fooled. What they really have figured out is how to have people with frustrating desk jobs pay for them to go climbing, skiing, mountaineering, etc. Don’t feel bad about the guide’s laborious pack – you’re paying him to carry it. Besides, the bigger it is, the more he can brag. In fact, offer to add something to it, like your grandma’s iron frying pan. In this ego-centric world view, you must remember that the guide is always right. Your guide will most likely expound on everything from climbing technique to the mating habits of the wild boar in Borneo (because he was there on another epic adventure he’s sure to tell you about). Just smile and nod. Ear plugs also work. This boosts his ego (the smile, not the ear plugs), but sometimes ego is what you need out there to believe you can

survive these harrowing adventures. To be fair, it seems that people often lose the ability to think both independently or critically when being guided (‘where should I step now?’). This loss of discerning thought opens up the door to the wide world of bullshitting, a lesser known but highly practiced sport of guides. If you pick it up, just go along with it. A good guide also appreciates a good bullshitter. Now here’s one for the ladies: What is the difference between investment bonds and a mountain guide? The bonds will eventually mature and earn money. Guides are not known for their commitment whether it be a place, a person, a pet, or even a plant. Ready to go at a moment’s notice has its downside as these people realize that they have not had a home for more than five sequential months in over eight years and are more attached to their gear than any living thing. Ladies, remember this when being sweet-talked by a guide at a party. If you like plenty of alone time, have a poor sense of smell, and don’t mind your house being full of long underwear that can walk by itself, then maybe a guide is just for you. There are plenty of examples of guides playing the ‘I’m too sexy for my shirt’ card. However, when you find yourself on an exposed ridge roped up and leaning off with only oblivion and mortality below you, believe me, you want to be tied into someone who can eek out a smile, crack a joke, and knowingly tell you where you should put your foot. The Guide’s Corner is sponsored by CBMG, offering hut trips, multi-day tours, ice axe attack classes, avalanche courses, butt puckering adventures, extreme ‘walk of shame’ seminars, half and full day cross-country ski tours, Yeti hunting trips and backcountry ski and snowboard trips. All backcountry gear can be provided. For more information contact CBMG at 970-3495430 or visit

Ski Mountaineering Course Crested Butte Mountain Guides will be holding a Ski Mountaineering Camp from April 8 through the 11 of this spring. This course is designed for the advanced skier/rider who wants to take it to the next level. This four-day program gives participants an introduction to the techniques and skill set needed for true ski mountaineering. During the progression, the course covers some fundamental mountaineering skills such as: ice axe use, boot and ski crampon use, self arrest, anchor and belay rappel techniques, basic roped travel, mixed climbing, steep skinning and downhill skiing techniques. Held right here in the amazing Crested Butte backcountry.

bighorn rEAlty Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. 401 Elk Avenue - 970-349-5313

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Snodgrass Hybrid Snodgrass Strand Purple Mt. Haze Magic Meadows Tinctures Secrect THC Trail bars Upper Upper Loopy Call 555-4420 only at 4:20 on April 20th for more information.

Climbing Film and Gear Swap at WSC The Continuum Project: A Climbing Film is showing on Thursday April 8, 2010 at 7 at p.m. at Western State College Center’s Prosser Theater. This is a one night, one time event. The Continuum Project follows, “some of the world’s best climbing talent around the globe to document bold new routes and daring repeats on ice, rock, and in the alpine.” There will also be a drawing for climbing gear. Prizes include Black Diamond C4 Camelots, Metolius Crash Pads, a certificate for any pair of La Sportiva climbing shoes and more. There are over $500 in prizes. Tickets for the movie are $5 per adult, and $3 per student/child. Tickets for the gear drawing

are priced at 5 for $3, and 10 for $5. All proceeds from the film, and gear drawing go to Western State College of Colorado Mountain Rescue Team. Make Sure to check out a spring gear swap that is also in Western State College Center on April 8, 2010. It runs from Noon until 7 p.m. and will be promptly followed by The Continuum Project. Film and gear drawing sponsors include: The Alpineer, Western State College’s Program Council, Rock N’ Roll Sports, All Sports Replay, La Sportiva, Petzl and Metolius. If you have any questions please contact Joseph Schufman at 651-964-5677 or joseph.schufman@

Parks and Recreation Master Plan Now Available The Draft Town of Crested Butte Parks and Recreation Regional Master Plan is now available for the public to review. The plan can be viewed online at on the Parks and Recreation Page then click on the Master Plan. Alternatively, you can view the plan in person at the Crested Butte Town Hall and the Old Rock Library. The Public Hearing will take place at Crested Butte Town Hall on Monday, April 5 at 7 p.m. during the regular meeting of the Crested Butte Town Council. This will be the final opportunity for the public to comment on the plan before the Crested Butte Town Council adopts it. For more information, call the Parks and Recreation office at 970-349-5338.

THEWEEKLY | April 1, 2010 | PAGE 13


Community Bulletin Board



The Community Bulletin Board provides a space for family, church, library, school and general living in the Gunnison Valley announcements.


Spring skiing, sunshine and Al’s burgers on the deck – what could be better? – Photo by Dusty Demerson

Thanks everyone for All your favorite’s a great season!

back on the Mountain All your favorite’s • Breakfast • Lunch • Aprés Ski backService on theBar Mountain • Full • Daily Specials •WeBreakfast • Lunch Aprés SkiBuilding are located Slopeside • East•side of Gothic • Full Service Bar •~ Daily Specials Kid Friendly Non-Smoking Base Area - Slopeside (970) 349-4757

Contractors: are you aware of the new rebate program? Attention all contractors! This April, the Governor’s Energy Office is launching a rebate program for appliances, audits, insulation, air sealing, mechanical systems, plumbing and renewable energy installation. Rebates are expected to increase the demand for these services. To be listed as an eligible vendor, you must complete a free registration with the Better Business Bureau. Come to the Crested Butte Town Hall at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 1 to register and learn more about the rebate program. Contact ORE with questions: 970-349-9673; info@ The Weekly’s Spring Guide Coming Up Celebrate spring with The Weekly’s Spring Guide, serving as the go to

resource to play at home or get away on only one tank of gas. We’ll feature all the local activities – from biking at Hartmans Rocks to fly fishing the run off to harvesting corn snow. New will be a regional section, with information on festivals within a few hours of the Valley, hot springs hot spots within an easy drive, and ideas for regional “staycation” opportunities. Springy topics such as cleansing tips and wildflower hunting insider info will also be included. To get your event or ad in the Spring Guide, contact The Weekly at 970-349-1710 by Friday, March 26 for discounts and full editorial coverage of your events. Author Joanne Reynolds Book Signing Event Joanne Reynolds will take part in a book-signing event on Monday, April 5 at 5:30 p.m. at Gunnison Living Community, 1500 W. Tomichi Ave., Gunnison, CO 81230. Reynolds will be available to sign copies of her book, Search for Light: Ten Crucial Lessons for Caregivers. The book contains advice from other caregivers and experts as well as examples from Joanne’s experiences. Caregivers will come away prepared for the storm ahead, ready to weather even the darkest times with the help of the ultimate caregiver. These lessons will guide the caregiver’s Search for Light, leading them to the blessings that can be found amidst the darkness. For more information, contact Traci Jones at 888-361-9473 or mail to: New and Continuing Diabetic Classes Gunnison Valley Health offers free classes for all diabetic and pre-diabetic needs. New and pre-diabetic classes will be a twopart series, and the next series is right around the corner! Part one will cover the pathophysiology of diabetes - what your numbers should be, how to use your meter, lifestyle choices and diabetes complications. Part two will cover keeping a food/glucose diary, nutrition principles, sick days and carb counting. Part one takes place April 6 at 5:30 p.m. and part two takes place April 20 at 5:30 p.m. The next continuing education diabetes class will cover Stress Impacts on Blood Sugar, led by Susan Harrison, Dietician on Thursday, April 15 at 4 p.m. All classes take place in the Gunnison Valley Hospital Conference. Although classes are free, we ask that you please register, so we know how many to expect. For more information, please email Shelly Higgins at gvhdiabeticinfo@yahoo. com or call 970-642-8420 to leave a message. Are You Tough Enough to Wear Pink? Cattlemen’s Days Tough Enough to would like to introduce our new Associate,Wear Pink (TETWP) is dedicated to

at 7•a.m., 7 days a week We are locatedOpen Slopeside East side of Gothic Building

10% Off for ~Season Pass Holders Kid Friendly Non-Smoking Stephen, Nicholas and aMallory Open at 7Stacy, a.m., 7 days weekMikeska (970) 349-4757

10% Off for Season Pass Holders Stephen, Stacy, Nicholas and Mallory Mikeska

(970) 349-4757

Tomorrow - Friday, April 2nd

Moving Your Business Forward in Tough Economic Times Part of the Chamber’s Professional Development Series Is your business is facing stressful financial challenges?

Local attorney Aaron Huckstep will help you make a plan for the future by:

- Reviewing your options - Identifying risks and rewards - Sharing insightful ideas for how to move forward in tough economic times Open format and questions encouraged. Friday, April 2nd from 8:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. at the Grand Lodge.

Free admission. RSVP to the Chamber, 349-6438.

PAGE 14 | Apirl 1, 2010 | THEWEEKLY

Thomas J. Rainville Jr., Esq. With 15 years of experience, Tom will continue to represent individuals and businesses in personal injury,

providing local funding for breast cancer awareness prevention, education, support, breast screenings and equipment. 100% of the dollars raised stays in the Gunnison Valley. Cattlemen’s Days Tough Enough to Wear Pink is proud to announce that as of March, 2010 Pink has paid out $121,176 to cover 253 Mammograms / ultrasounds and 13 biopsies. Additionally, Pink has presented the Gunnison Valley Hospital with $100,000 to upgrade to a digital technology platform. This year will be Pink’s five-year anniversary with a total paid out of $221,176 to the Gunnison Valley. Professional Development Series Join the Crested Butte/Mt. Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce for a free business seminar, Moving Your Business Forward in Tough Economic Times. If your business is facing stressful financial challenges, local attorney Aaron Huckstep will provide information to help you make a plan for the future by reviewing your options, identifying risks and rewards, and sharing insightful ideas for how to move forward in tough economic times. Friday, April 2. Open format and questions encouraged at this presentation, which will take place from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Grand Lodge. Please RSVP to Kristen at the Chamber 970-3496438. GCEA Board of Directors Election The Gunnison County Electric Association will be holding Board of Directors elections. To serve, you must be a member of GCEA and reside within the District for which you are nominated. Districts up for reelection are District No. 2 and District No. 3. Petitions are available at GCEA headquarters and signatories do not have to live within your district. Deadline for completed petitions is May 8, 2010 and the election takes place at the annual meeting on June 22, 2010. For complete information concerning district descriptions and the petition process, please call Mike Wells, Chief Executive Officer at 970-641-7328. Crested Butte Farmer’s Market Accepting Applications and Volunteers The Crested Butte Farmers Market is accepting vendors for the 2010 season. The market is vibrant, growing and a destination in the community. Opportunities to sell unique arts and crafts and valueadded foods are available. Growers and producers attending market are welcomed to participate in the unique and progressive food-for-fees program. Volunteers also needed to help with set-up and break-down, oversee zero-waste stations, attend to the Market Central and the Free Tent as well as assist in running the events that make the Crested Butte Farmers Market such a special place. For more information, or to reserve a spot, call 970-901-0711. Irwin Backcountry Guides Seek Property The owners of the newly opened Irwin Backcountry Guides are seeking any and all available historic properties for sale in Crested Butte. Sellers should call anonymously. Of particular interest are buildings of strong cultural significance in the valley. Please call the following number. Watch for upcoming workshops from owners on money making tips that allow you to have the economic means to also buy a small village in a poor economy.


Easter Brunch Migas - Chicken, Sauage, Gumbo Stuffed French Toast and other delectable dishes!

“Still taking Easter eggs for trade” OPEN • OPEN • OPEN • OPEN • OPEN • OPEN



Your Chamber Plan

Planting the Seed for Farm-to-school Solutions By Jennifer McGruther In Durango, schoolchildren are lining up at the salad bar to load their plates with local greens. In Greeley and Denver, kids are preparing the beds of school gardens that will supplement the lunch program come September. In Ignacio, cattle that will provide over 4,000 pounds of grass-finished beef to the local school district graze in fresh pasture. Farm-to-school programs are thriving not only in Colorado, but all over the nation. All states, save Nevada, host some form of farm-to-school program, and, in the best of grass-roots traditions, most programs are developed and implemented on a local level by the community’s parents, teachers, regional farmers and renegade lunch ladies. Still, lawmakers are catching on both in Colorado and at a national level. In February, Colorado lawmakers passed the Farm-to-school Healthy Kids Act establishing an inter-agency taskforce with the express purpose of developing a more robust, selfsustaining agricultural system while simultaneously supporting the nutritional needs of school children by integrating farm-fresh, local foods into school menus throughout the state. The program builds upon what parents and schoolteachers already know: healthy foods help children learn. Farm-to-school programs vary from district to district and even school to school, as each community develops and implements a system that best meets the needs of its children. Many programs begin simply with the inclusion of a salad bar featuring locally produced greens, fruits and vegetables. Others, such as the landmark program in Berkley, California, grow more comprehensive over time – incorporating freshly prepared meals featuring unrefined and unprocessed foods, gardens and comprehensive nutritional education. Even amongst the differences in implementation, most schools eventually combine four strategic elements in an integrated farm-toschool curriculum: schoolyard gardens where children can learn hands-on techniques for growing their own foods, thus building self-efficacy and confidence; field trips to local farms and classroom visits from farmers, farmers market managers and food activists; better school lunches incorporating healthier, less processed fresh foods from local farms; and comprehensive waste reduction education with a focus on composting, energy efficiency and recycling. Such integrated programs empower school-aged children to make healthier choices for themselves and for their communities. A July 2009 study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association indicates that schoolyard gardens and similar programs significantly improve fruit and vegetable consumption among children. Other studies indicate they are more likely to choose to eat fruits and vegetables, without prodding from mindful parents. At a time when child obesity rates are skyrocketing, tens of thousands of school-aged children suffer from type II diabetes and nearly three million suffer from impaired glucose levels, programs that not only directly support the health of children but also their enthusiasm for wholesome foods become an increasingly essential aspect of a holistic approach to education. Indeed a CDC report published in 2009, calls for increased emphasis on improving the availability of locally-produced foods, including seasonal fruits and vegetables, as a primary strategy in the fight against ever-looming obesity epidemic. While 84% of Colorado school food service directors would like to see more fresh, local

The Crested Butte Chamber Health us for Plan Join

mber a h c *Lower premiums for employer-sponsored s r u o h r e t f a coverage through the Chamber

foods offered in their cafeterias, implementing farm-to-school programs can prove challenging. Financial constraints coupled with increased staffing requirements and, in many cases, lack of an adequate infrastructure for the distribution of local foods, mean that such directors and communities face an uphill battle. The budgets for food service in most public schools are miniscule when compared to the cost of real food – typically come to network with fellow chamber members limited to under $2.50 per meal. For this reason, over food and refreshments. Catered by Le Bosquet. twenty percent or more of an average school food program’s budget consists of commodity items, Join us for Business Networking over food and refreshments! Contact Kristen at the Chamber with any questions which are subsidized by the federal government. Contact Kristen at the Chamber with any questions. 349-6438 Local growers from small farms can’t typically 349-6438 compete with such heavily subsidized commodity items so, in most schools across the country, canned green beans take the place of farm fresh greens; syrupy canned fruit cocktail takes the The Roaring Fork Community place of orchard fresh peaches; soybean oil takesHealth Plan does not condition membership on any health-related factor relating to an individual (including employees, employers or their dependents). The RFCHP offers health the place of antioxidant-rich olive oil and feedlot insurance coverage to Chamber members in good standing and their employees only, regardless of any beef, with its increased risk ofstatus e. coli O157:H7 health related factor relating to these individuals. to be eligible contamination, takes theEmployers: place of local grass-for RFCHP plans, join the Chamber today. fed beef with its improved nutrient content and favorable ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 Colorado Adventure Rentals fatty acids. Couple the increased cost of food and Don’t sit in line on a guided tour! Create your own labor with limited distributional infrastructure, and spectacular day on a snowmobile. Experience the you’ve a monumental task in need of effective and best snowmobile trails in Colorado from high alpine creative management. tundra to aspen and fir forests. Colorado Adventure The solution, then, is to mitigate the three Rentals offers two and four stroke 2009 Polaris Snowmobiles for primary hindrances to the implementation of self guided tours in the Crested Butte and Taylor Park areas. Single, successful farm-to-school programs: increased cost, half day and multi-day rentals available, including insurance. Trailers increased labor and limited infrastructure. San and snowmobiles can be delivered. Call 877-641-3525 or visit www. Francisco Food Systems (SFFS), a group committed to improving the availability of sustainably produced local foods through private-public partnership, seems to be effectively overcoming Crested Butte those hindrances. In their pilot program launched Mountain Guides at two San Francisco-area schools in 2004, SFFS Get away from the crowds and into the analyzed and overcame these challenges creatively backcountry with Crested Butte Mountain – becoming a model program for public schools Guides. CBMG offers guided instruction nationwide, including many programs in Colorado. and tours in ice climbing, backcountry skiing and snowboarding, cross SFFS received grants to launch their program, country ski tours, snowshoe tours, mountaineering courses, hut trips with which they purchased equipment to organize and multi day tours. The backcountry experts, CBMG also hosts a the schools’ first salad bars. They received bids full roster of beacon clinics, avalanche courses and guide training from local distribution channels, and began courses. Create the experience of a lifetime with a truly different to purchase locally available fresh fruits and excursion. CBMG – we’re out there… Call 970-349-5430 or www. vegetables. Though most foods presented at for more information. the pilot program’s salad bar required only the most basic of preparation methods, such basic techniques proved more comprehensive than Crested Butte Nordic Center those required in preparing the heat-and-serve The Crested Butte Nordic Center offers daily cross meals that had comprised most of the schools’ country and skate skiing lessons so you can access lunch fare. Thus, the program required increased the over 50 km of trails spread throughout the valley. staffing. Steadfast volunteerism helped to meet the Experience the serenity and beauty of cross country program’s increased staffing needs. The program skiing. Rent snowshoes, ice skates, cross country skis and skate skis. succeeded, grew and expanded to provide more Daily passes, punch cards and season passes available. The Nordic than just a salad bar. Now schoolchildren in the Center also offers waxing services and backcountry hut rentals. You area not only enjoy a salad bar featuring fresh can make reservations for full moon dinners or Sunday brunches at local vegetables, but also hot lunches prepared the Magic Meadows yurt. Call 970-349-1707 or visit from wholesome ingredients as well. Those federal for more information. commodity feeds aren’t much needed anymore. In the Gunnison valley, the foodshed is growing Dragonfly Anglers with hefty support from the organic farming Flyfishing during the winter months? You bet!! communities of Hotchkiss and Paonia to the valley’s Excellent sections of the Gunnison, Taylor and East west. Distribution channels for local, wholesome rivers are opening daily as productive fly-fishing foods are increasingly available in the area and soon follows. 2010 will be our 28th year of guiding could be integrated into the area’s schools with a fly fishermen in the valley and the late-winter, early spring months little mindful work and community volunteerism. have proven to be an exciting time to nymph fish for larger trout. Our Perhaps it’s time for a pilot program at the Crested professional guide staff has been successful guiding at this time of Butte Community School.

Get covered and enjoy...

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Winter Activities



An advocate for farm fresh foods, Jennifer McGruther blogs at, a site nominated for Best Sustainable Food Blog of 2009, where she discusses sustainable agriculture, traditional foods and shares wholesome, seasonal recipes. Alongside her husband, she manages the Crested Butte Farmers Market. You can reach her by email:

year for many years. Join us for a very peaceful day challenging the beautiful rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout found in the Gunnison drainage. Call 970-349-1228 for more information or visit www.

THEWEEKLY | April 1, 2010 | PAGE 15



ETHNIC BACCHANALE Delicious Homemade Northern Italian cuisine, in our new and casual setting. From veal to vegetarian, to pastas and seafood. Fine wines and cocktails available.


MARCHITELLI’S GOURMET NOODLE We proudly feature generations of special family recipes. Enjoy unique Italian sauce and pasta combinations as well as our specialty entrees with veal, elk, chicken and seafood. Newly remodeled. Come check us out. Reservations helpful. Serving dinner from 5 p.m. nightly. Located at 411 3rd Street in Crested Butte. 349-7401.

AVALANCHE BAR & GRILL Located at the ski area in Mt. Crested Butte, the Avalanche features breakfast, lunch and dinner daily with huge sandwiches, colossal salads, homemade soups, pizza, a great kids’ menu, delectable desserts and all your favorite comfort foods. Don’t miss the nightly dinner specials…Monday’s lasagna for $8.95, Tuesday’s pound of king crab for $20.95, Wednesday’s chicken fried steak for $8.95, Thursday’s allyou-can-eat BBQ ribs for $14.95, Friday’s all-you-can-eat fish & chips for $8.95. Saturday’s prime rib for $15.95 or Sunday’s 4- ingredient large pizza for $15.95. We celebrate happy hour from 3-6 daily with cheap drinks & marvelous munchies. Dine in or take out. Open every day at 7:30am. 349-7195.

RUBEN’S NEW MEXICAN CUISINE Located in the old Cement Creek Tavern in Crested Butte South. Ruben’s offers authentic New Mexican cuisine featuring all natural beef and chicken, using fresh ingredients and homemade salsa, locally roasted chiles, a full bar with fresh juice margaritas, a full kid’s menu and happy hour specials from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Kitchen for dinner opens at 5 p.m. daily/Serving Sunday Brunch. Come try the newest restaurant in CB South. Located at 207 Elcho Avenue, Crested Butte South (970) 349-5003.

MAXWELLS Join us at the new steak house in town for hand cut prime quality steaks, pastas, fish, lamp chops, elk, pork chops, fresh garden salads, buffalo burgers, sandwiches and much more. A great buckaroos menu for the kids including a make your own icecream sundae. Wines from around the world and vast array of import and domestic beers. A great front patio for people watching in the heart of Crested Butte. Fabulous martinis or just a cold beer. Whatever you desire just cuddle up and enjoy. The perfect place to watch all sporting events in HD. One of the largest venues in Crested Butte, ideal for large parties. Serving dinner nightly. Offering take-out. 226 Elk Avenue. 349-1221 MCGILL’S AT CRESTED BUTTE Located downtown in Historic Crested Butte. Serving fantastic breakfasts and excellent lunches with a creative twist. Come in and try the best malts, shakes and floats in town from our soda fountain. Open early and serving breakfast all day! Offering daily breakfast, lunch and dessert specials. Dine-in or take-out. All major credit cards accepted. 228 Elk Avenue (970) 349-5240. PARADISE CAFÉ A Crested Butte tradition for more than 23 years with a casual atmosphere and excellent food. Specializing in your favorite breakfast burritos, skillets, pancakes, french toast, huevos rancheros, fresh fruit and traditional breakfast. Plus cheese steaks, salads, soups, deli sandwiches, burgers and full vegetarian fare for lunch. Full children’s menu. Located in the Company Store, 3rd and Elk in beautiful Midtown Crested Butte. 349-6233. SLOGAR Serves delicious grilled steaks and simply spectacular skillet-fried chicken dinners, using a recipe famous for great flavor since 1915. Hospitality at the historic Slogar includes family-style service in comfortable and unique Victorian surroundings. Enjoy the generous portions and the modest price of the Slogar’s sensational skillet-fried chicken with all the trimmings. Serving dinner daily 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Full drink menu and wine list plus a selection of specialty beers on tap such as Spaten and Fat Tire Ale. Reservations recommended. Located on the corner of Second & Whiterock, Crested Butte. 349-5765. SMOKIN’ J’S BBQ Smokin’ J’s BBQ, at the Eldo Brewery & Tap Room. Located at 215 Elk Avenue in downtown Crested Butte, upstairs, next to the Post Office. Featuring Pulled Pork, Sliced Beef Brisket, Pulled Chicken, Beef Burnt Ends, Bacon Explosions, BBQ Chicken, St. Louis Ribs, Fried Okra, Sweet Potato Fries, Smoked Baked Beans, Xmas Slaw, Potato Wedges, Caesar Salads, & Funnel Cake Fries. Try one of our Family Combo Meals, or a Mo’ BBQ Sundae for a Low-Carb Treat. Join us at The Eldo because “Once A Day Is Never Enough” for Smokin’ J’s BBQ. Open Daily at 3PM. Also offering Take Out and Delivery call 970-349-6125.

TALK OF THE TOWN A good time anytime. The Talk offers foosball, pinball, video games, good music and pool tables. Open daily at 3 p.m. Attitude Adjustment Hour from 3 to 8 p.m. Bar snacks, cheap drinks and beer our specialty. Located at 230 Elk Avenue, in the liver of downtown Crested Butte. 349-6809. WHY COOK? Located next to Le Bosquet at Sixth and Belleview in the Majestic Plaza. At last… a great new reason not to cook (as if you needed one)! Delicious, healthy items ready to take-out — for an evening of entertaining or a quiet night at home. Mouth watering main dish items, fresh baked bread, salads, pates and cheeses, hummus and tapenade spreads, sandwiches, fresh and frozen soups, desserts and much, much more. Now featuring all natural and organic deli meats. Check out our meat and fish market. Catering services available. Call us for special orders. 349-5858. WOODEN NICKEL Known for the best steaks in town since 1981, the Wooden Nickel specializes in tender Filet Mignon, USDA Prime Graded NY Strip and Rib Eye steaks, succulent, world famous Prime Rib, Elk Tenderloin, Rack of Elk, Alaskan King Crab, BBQ Pork Ribs, PorkChops, Colorado Rack of Lamb, New Zealand Rack of Lamb, Venison, fresh grilled Seafood and fresh Garden Salads. Also serving Burgers, Chicken Fried Steak and Buffalo Burgers. Giant Lobster Tails and a variety of Surf and Turf combinations available nightly. We feature a selection of martinis and great wines at attractive prices to complement your meal. Join us for your special evening at Crested Butte’s oldest bar and best steak house. Bar opens at 4 p.m. with Happy Hour until 6 p.m., daily. Dinner nightly until 10 p.m. 222 Elk Avenue.--Downtown Crested Butte--Open year-round. Nightly Specials.

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TEOCALLI TAMALE Tasty fresh lime margaritas, handmade tamales, a huge selection of burritos and tacos, affordable prices and lightning-fast service… what more could you ask for? Our fresh salsas include mild tomato, salsa verde, roasted chile corn and a hot smoky chipolte. Burritos and tacos feature slow-cooked shredded beef, marinated and grilled steak or chicken, gourmet veggies and blackened mahi-mahi. Try one of our unique creations - a chile pesto or spicy Thai burrito with peanut sauce. Dine in and enjoy one of our large selection of Mexican beers, or take it to go. Located at 311 1/2 Elk Avenue. A fresh and healthy alternative, the Tamale is open every day for lunch and dinner. 3492005. Late night Bar and Food Thurs-Sat 9-12ish.

GOURMET DJANGO’S RESTAURANT & WINE BAR Our globally-inspired small plates are perfect for sharing and pairing with wines by the flight, quartino or bottle. django’s unique dining environment offers a new experience every visit: whether you’re enjoying a quick bite at the dining bar, a long romantic dinner with a date, or just hanging out with friends. Come enjoy a pitcher of sangria on our patio! django’s is located in the courtyard of Mountaineer Square, where the bus stops at the base of the ski village. Reservations are encouraged, but certainly not required. Send an email to or call (970) 349-7574. Closed for the Spring Off-Season Monday, April 5th.

THE DOGWOOD COCKTAIL CABIN Nestled into one of Crested Buttes funkiest historic remodles, this miners shack turned “cocktail cabin” offers house-infused artisan cocktails and tasty plates both sweet and savory. From its nibbles and sips to atmosphere, The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin is anything but ordinary. Step outside the box and into the cabin for a habenero and pineapple infused vodka martini, lamb sliders and chocolate fondue with homemade bacon brittle! Now Open Tuesday-Sunday 5-12 (cabin fever 5-7 everyday: $4 off all Dogwood martinis). Tuesday: “game night” Wednesday: “ladies night”. 970+349.6338 309 Third Street downtown Crested Butte, Co 21+

EASTSIDE BISTRO EastSide Bistro is an upscale-casual neighborhood bistro. Our menu evolves seasonally and represents the eclectic, creative and sophisticated visions of our passion for food, created with locally fresh ingredients and prepared in an innovative and contemporary style. Our atmosphere is warm, intimate and welcoming with spectacular views of majestic Mt. Crested Butte. We present seasonally changing gourmet cuisine with entrée selections featuring the finest cuts of Beef, Duck, Lamb, Game, the freshest Seafood, and outstanding Chicken, Pork, and Vegetarian Entrees along with exciting nightly specials. We showcase an extensive well rounded wine list and wonderful specialty martinis. Dinner served Tuesday through Sunday from 5-10 p.m. Closed Mondays until Dec. 14. Also serving a wonderful Saturday and Sunday Brunch from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Reservations appreciated. We are located at 435 Sixth St., next to the Alpineer. 349-9699. Visit us at for our most current menu.

LE BOSQUET RESTAURANT Since 1976…and just getting better. Breathtaking views and mouth watering food. Enjoy standards such as rack of lamb in a red wine garlic sauce, hazelnut chicken, beef shortribs in a madeira sauce, and elk tenderloin with jumbo scallops as well as vegetarian entrees, crisp salads, great soups, a variety of appetizers and break-your-diet desserts. Now offering fondue and a full small plate menu! Quality, consistency and friendliness — our trademarks. A full bar and Wine Spectator award winning wine list will round out an evening to remember. Twilight menu and children’s options available. Catering and private chef services available. Open nightly at 5:30 p.m. Reserva tions helpful. 349-5808.

SOUPÇON Soupçon is a romantic petite bistro located just off Elk Avenue on Second Street behind Kochevar’s bar.We feature traditional French technique using local ingredients married with the finest cuisine from around the world. Place a reservation Monday through Saturday for an unforgettable experience in one of the most picturesque settings in the country. Seating times are 6pm and 8:15pm. Online at: www. • 349-5448.

FEATURE | EVENTS | ARTS | MUSIC | CALENDAR | PROFILE | SPORTS | COMMUNITY | ALTERNATIVES | DINING | WRITERS | MARKETPLACE | HEALTH | RESOURCES | CBWEEKLY.COM TIMBERLINE RESTAURANT Come in to the Timberline and let us make you feel special! We’re located on the corner of 2nd and Elk in Downtown Crested Butte. Our upscale western style bar offers specials in a fun lively atmosphere. Dine in the casual elegance of the downtown dining room, in the intimacy of our upstairs formal dining room, or the celebrated wine cellar room for a memorable occasion. We always use the finest and freshest products available. We consistently produce creative and simple favorites as well as daily specials. Our wine list features mostly California offerings plus an interesting selection of Old World and New World wines. Reservations recommended. Call for current hours 349-9831.

THE SECRET STASH LUNCH + DINNER - The Secret Stash - not so much of a secret anymore! Voted best pizza every year since we opened in 2002. We are now serving continuously starting at 11:30 AM, until late! Come in for lunch or for an early dinner to avoid the crowds. It’s winter time again, and now that we are open for lunch, that means no more waiting in the cold!! Come in for an award winning margaritas, grilled asian style wings, or legendary pizza. The Stash is not to be missed – the owners have decorated this 100 year old miner’s cabin with treasures from their travels around the world. The Stash has been recognized by Ski, Powder, Outdoor, and Travel + Leisure magazines, The New York Times, Foders travel guide, and many others as the place not to miss on your visit to Crested Butte! Just take a stroll to the top of Elk Avenue. NO MORE WAITING for Stash pizza, we are now serving the ONLY TAKE & BAKE PIZZA in downtown CB. Take out and delivery are available, and The Stash is open late. (970) 349-6245 or www. Don’t miss the one stash the locals WILL tell you about! (Visit our sister restaurant The Lobar)

SOUP & SANDWICH THE LAST STEEP An affordable, cozy eatery in Crested Butte, The Last Steep features Cajun Chicken Pasta, Artichoke Cheddar Soup in a Bread bowl, BBQ Philly Sandwich, Cilantro Chicken Salad and more. We also offer a great kids’ menu. Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday open ‘til midnight. 208 Elk Avenue. 349-7007.

PIZZA BRICK OVEN PIZZERIA & PUB Best patio in town. Featuring pizza-by-the-slice, deep dish & thin crust specialty pizzas. Freshly made subs, fried appetizers, delicious big juicy burgers, a kids menu and the best salad bar in town with over 30 fresh items to choose from. Enjoy our 24 craft beers on tap, along with high end tequila, spirits and wine. Bring the family and watch your favorite sports on one of our large HDTVs. Lunch and dinner served everyday from 11 a.m. ‘til 10 p.m. Dine in, take out and, as always, FREE DELIVERY on all menu items, 349-5044. Come visit us at 223 elk ave., The locals hang-out for over 17 years.


MIKEY’S TAKEOUT AND DELIVERY VOTED BEST PIZZA OF 2009, everybody loves Mikey’s Pizza! We offer pizza by the slice, specialty pies, pasta, oven baked sandwiches, fresh salads and a variety of appetizers. We also serve a late riser breakfast all day with fatty breakfast burritos and egg sandwiches. Located across from the sled hill and nordic center you can come pick it up or let us deliver to you. We are open 7 days a week, Tuesday - Friday 11am - 9 pm and Saturday, Sunday and Monday 3 - 9pm. Delivery every night at 5pm. Mikey’s pizza slices are also sold at True Value. A full menu can be viewed on our website at Call it in for quicker pick up. 970-349-1110. Need help with a dinner party? We also cater.

Bon Appetit!

Want to show off your delicious dish? Call the Weekly at 349-1710.


SUSHI LIL’S SUSHI BAR AND GRILL Step up to our Sushi Bar or Bar for our nightly Happy Hour from 5:30-6:30!! We are proud to serve our customers the freshest fish in town, flown in 6 days a week from Hawaii and on our doorstep within 24 hours from the docks…does it get any fresher than that in the Rockies- don’t think so! Although we are known for our sushi, our exceptional kitchen menu will satisfy all taste buds. With an array of seafood dishes and meat options, we promise you will leave remembering it all! Lil’s is a friendly and casual environment that offers exceptional service with high standards for what a dining experience should entail. Open 7 nights a week. Reservations Recommended 349-5457. Located in the Historic District of CB- 321 Elk Ave. (across the street from Donita’s) LOBAR One of the most FUN places to go in CB. Ask any local. Locals + tourists alike have been raving about LOBAR since opening in 2004. Follow the locals... and enjoy the freshest Sushi in CB, flown in daily from around the world. For NON sushi eaters + children we have alternative selections such as our Killer baja fish tacos, our new (BEEF) turf roll, grilled BEEF, CHICKEN, FISH options, our famous crack fries + a CHILDRENS MENU. Lobar is “the place” for large parties, come in and see why! small parties and couples enjoy our intimate seating options. LOBAR has been recommended by the New York Times, SKI, Skiing, and many more as a place NOT to miss. On weekends, LOBAR transforms into CB’s only nightclub with live music, (THURSDAY night - karaoke) DJ’s + more. 303 Elk Ave. Reservations accepted. 970/349.0480. Open EVERY evening at 5:00 PM. (Don’t miss the best happy hour in town! EVERYDAY 5-6) (Visit our sister restaurant the Secret Stash) Closed for Spring Off-Season Sunday, April 4th.


DISH DESCRIPTION: The Wong Dragon reopens their doors to bring you an assortment of flavors from all around the world to the Butte. Located in the old Bakery building below Pfisters, no matter how hard you try, this experience will be unforgettable. The creators are fresh from Sheraton Wyoming; the wife Greta Goldegga is from Germany and husband Knowno is of Asian descent, blending international and local influences. The signature soup Cream of Sum Yung Gy, this pungent concoction just makes you want to gulp it down. The stinging sensation of the saltiness keeps you coming back for more. The Nem Nuong meatballs come from the family recipes of residents who have lost their nuts to

fear and finger-pointing blame. They are chilled, small and oval shaped, and stuffed with vermicelli. The balls are tender and juicy with a delicate flavor. A very bland dish, it is eaten almost exclusively as a cocktail snack or over rice for a meal. GENERAL FARE: Soups can be as simple as their signature Cream of Sum Yung Gy or as intricate as the Thai influenced noodle bowl consisting of fresh basil and fragrant home made fish oil from their goldfish tank. Local salmon is caught after its peak, just before its flesh begins falling off, down river from the Roaring Judy Fish Hatchery. Curing, salting and canning are used to be able to serve the fish year round. Try the salmon in fish cakes, atop some greens (fresh when available or pickled) or in a soup. The “Head Light” special gives you the opportunity to not waste that road kill. Bring in any non-bloated wildlife to the restaurant and chef Knowno will make a delicious dish for you, family and friends. Kim Chee style vegetables are preserved and strong and pungent tasting, they are available all year. The meat selections range from sausage type meatballs and chicken type meat on a stick with fun dipping sauces that can also double as wall paint. From their neighboring friends in Thailand come hot curry dishes. A custard originating from France called Flan and fried bananas are

included in the dessert menu. Bathtub gin drinks are a quick way to start your buzz and hangover. ATMOSPHERE: Walking into the dimly lit restaurant dogs and cats greet you. Miss matched tables and chairs are abundant allowing all group sizes to be accommodated. People sitting on the floor seem content and the dust bunnies offer a nice cushion. Smoke flows freely out of the open kitchen as well as brain cell jarring heavy metal. Pungent smells are abundant throughout the establishment, some indiscernible, but curious nonetheless. Consider it a table game to keep the kids happy while you wait the two hours for your meal. Well-used condiment containers are set at each table that attracting local fauna such as flies and bees, making you experience nature inside as well. PRICE RANGE: Start your Wong Dragon experience off with a soothing cup of soup for $3.99. Other appetizers from the kitchen include meat on a stick, Calamari, Broiled Mussels, fermented fish and vegetables, fish cakes and spring rolls from $7.99 - $12.99. Enjoy the compost mid week special, all you can grab out of the container for only a buck. Bring in your road kill for a store credit, or enjoy the chef special that day for $8. Mid winter organ meat lunch special for $4.95. Curries are used to hide the rancid flavors and incorporate rice, vegetables

and fish to make a spicy meal, starting at $10. Special bowls are defiantly over the top with got to have ingredients, the most popular is the fermented vegetables, cilantro and chile flakes topped with fish, fish oil, and sriracha for $6.95. For a great switch enjoy three panko battered fish tacos caught right out of the river for $11.99. Keep your eye on daily bathtub gin drink specials starting at $1.25. VEGETARIAN / VEGAN OPTIONS: Strong vegetarian tradition influenced by Buddhist values are found in most Asian cooking. Taking it one step further Breathaterians also can enjoy their time at the Wong Dragon. Special floor seating is just for them, Deep breaths fill your lungs with fresh or herbal misted air. Enjoy not harming a thing during your experience. The compost is all vegetarian. Rice and vegetable dishes along with the noodle bowls can all be made with out meat. ORGANIC / LOCAL / REGIONAL FOOD OPTIONS: It appears the Wong Dragon acquires most of their meat locally; it was difficult to understand the chef actually from what ranch they use. Salmon is caught just down river from the roaring Judy fish hatchery after the fish have spawned. The mushrooms are grown organically under the steps of the kitchen. Just as they have done for centuries the Gin is distilled is the shack behind the kitchen. Want to show off your delicious dish? Call The Weekly at 970349-1710 Reviewer; Ima Sicknow is a food writer for the New York Times and has a large second home in the Prospect subdivision. She enjoys fine dining, special ordering and sending back dishes. Traveling around the world and golfing keep her interested.

THEWEEKLY | April 1, 2010 | PAGE 17


Flauschink Gelande Story and photo by Sandra Cortner

spread his skis, one far in front, the other behind, resembling Daffy Duck scrambling on water, brought Since the inception of the Crested Butte Ski Area in them back together and landed erect 73 feet down the 1961, a handful of hotshot skiers had been testing their steep incline toward International Flats. The secret of mettle on the mountain’s natural jumps. While skiing back the successful jumpers, including Stevie, was previous on the road from the T-bar hill, I often saw them above gymnastic or diving training. Most were ski patrolmen, me near Tower 7 of the gondola lift, taking turns dropping former Western State College racers or both. All appeared down, hitting the lip in a tuck and rocketing high into the fearless. air. The outrun was right near the road. While waiting until Nevertheless, some blew up in mid-air. In 1970, a ski the coast was clear, I photographed somersault attempts instructor who attempted a somersault almost landed and unsuccessful landings with poles flailing and horrified on his head. I captured him upside-down, arms and legs facial expressions. By 1969, these hot-doggers had a flailing, in a photo that became the 1971 Flauschink goal—winning the first Flauschink Gelandesprung contest. poster. On competition day at the Tower 7 jump, spectators During the next two years, competitors executed shimmied up trees and crowded the lip and run-out. Lift double flips, and triple gainers. A matched pair of sideriders above had a glimpse of the action. Ski patrolmen by-side daredevils won the Flauschink Gelande in 1972. positioned sleds at the ready. I dug in about a third of One flipped backwards while his partner simultaneously the way down the landing area, camera cocked. Having flipped forward. Each year the guys upped the ante, but watched practices, I could guesstimate the peak of the the rivalry was laid back. How serious can it be when first action. prize is a clay trophy cup or wooden medallion crafted by Different from the free-heel Nordic ski jumping local artists, then drinks on the house afterward? you see at the Olympics, gelande contestants wore That changed in 1973 when the Gelande graduated Alpine fixed-heel bindings and skis. They were judged to “The Rock” in Paradise Bowl. Cash and merchandise on the outrageous tricks they performed in the air. were up for grabs and jumpers paid a $15 entry fee. gelande was a wild and crazy novelty; no one wore Gelandesprung derives from the German meaning jump For the first time, “inverted” maneuvers were outlawed helmets or cared about liability insurance. (sprung) over open fields (gelande). The best in the because accidents at other ski areas had paralyzed a Ski Patrolman Steve Allen won both the distance and county pushed the limits with daffys, spread eagles, back couple of competitors. The evening before, 20 jumpers form categories in 1969. Handsome and quiet—his friends were auctioned off in a Calcutta, where successful bidders scratchers, and somersaults—all of them on long skis of about 220 centimeters. A second category was for distance called him “Stevie”—he seemed to lack the testosterone “bought” each competitor. Some pot proceeds were overload of his peers. He simply took off, gracefully jumping only, but the aerials were the crowd grabber. The earmarked for both a paralyzed Crested Butte jumper and the fledgling Crested Butte Fire Protection District. The winning jumper halved the rest with his purchaser. 1974 was the final year for the Gelande during Flauschink, but a big season for An Education • Rated PG-13, Drama Junior Ski Racer Coach Ron Baar. High Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Starring: Peter Sarsgaard, Carey Mulligan, Alfred winds postponed the jump until Monday; Squeakquel • Rated PG, Family Molina, Emma Thompson Baar won at 155 feet. A month prior, he Starring: Jason Lee and the Voices of Amy Poehler, Author Nick Hornby turns from novels to screenplays had defeated all comers in Purgatory Jesse McCartney, Christina Applegate with this talent-driven drama. Carey Mulligan stars snagging $1,500. Tall, loose-limbed Paul Audiences should brace themselves for screams of as Jenny, a young woman full of promise and intent Hitchcock was second and red-bearded ‘Alvin!’ and cuter-than-cute chipmunks in this sequel to to study at Oxford. But meeting an older man leads the 2007 hit. The chipmunks meet their musical match ski patrolman Rick Borkovec was third. Jenny to believe that she can learn things outside the after returning to school and entering into a battle of Several weeks after Flauschink, Baar won classroom, casting doubt on her future plans. the bands competition in hopes of saving the school’s the National Gelande Championship in Sherlock Holmes • Rated PG-13, Drama/ troubled music program. Alta, Utah. Action • Starring: Robert Downey, Jr., Jude Law, The Cove • Rated PG-13, Documentary By January 1975, the best jumpers had Rachel McAdams This year’s winner of an Academy Award for Best formed a National Gelande Association Though Guy Ritchie is best known for directing modern Documentary is a shocking tale of human cruelty to organize a circuit of competitions crime films set in England, he turns back the clock that goes beyond the traditions of the nature film to at various ski areas. This took the more than a century for this mystery inspired by Arthur expose the horrific cause behind numerous dolphin Conan Doyle’s classic characters. Sherlock Holmes burden off local committees and ski area deaths. Richard O’Barry, a dolphin trainer on the TV is based on a comic book by Lionel Wigram, and management. The Crested Butte locals show FLIPPER, joins director Louie Psihoyos on a stars Robert Downey Jr. as the titular detective. Jude consistently placed in the top ten. The secret operation to Japan to stop the killing of innocent Law stars as Watson, while Rachel McAdams plays big draw was the cash prizes, no small animals. Holmes’s rival Irene Adler. potatoes in those days of $3.50-an-hour jobs. A month later, Crested Butte hosted

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Flauschink Gelande: Continues on next page.

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Spirit, Mind & Body Active Isolated Stretching for Winter Tightness Bill Smith, Certified Neuromuscular Therapist, will focus this week’s Active Isolated Stretching classes on stretching the entire body to help flush out overall winter tightness. AIS works with your nervous system to re-educate the muscles to function properly in order to maintain full range of motion. Call Bill at 970-349-5664 for more information about this class, held Friday, April 2, 8:45 AM at the Gym in Riverland ($10) and Monday and Wednesday, April 5 and 7, from 8 to 9 a.m. at the United Congregational

Church, 403 Maroon Avenue. Use the 4th Street entrance, bring a mat and blanket to these two by donation classes. Also call Bill for the focus of the classes offered all spring. Meditation with Paul Kirncic On Sunday, April 4, 8 - 8:45 am, at the Yoga for the Peaceful Studio, 114 Elk Avenue, Paul will lead you through a guided, 30-minute meditation. Start your day with a beautiful, peaceful, and intentional awakening. This week’s class will precede the special Anusara Inspired workshop with David Reiner from 9-11:30 am. Open to all levels. Donations accepted. Call 970-

349-0302 for details. Introduction to Tantra for Couples Sunday, April 4, 7 - 8:30 pm at the Yoga for the Peaceful Studio, Paul and Mary Alice will introduce you to some simple practices from this ancient tradition to deepen your intimacy and connection to your partner. There will be a potluck preceding the workshop from 6:30-7 p.m. Please bring a dish to share. Donations accepted. Call 970349-0302 for more information. For a complete schedule of Spirit, Mind & Body events, call 970-349-6464 or visit

Flauschink Gelande: Continued from previous page.

the World Gelande Championships, where “Bork” earned $1,512 for his 174-foot leap. “Hitch” was second and Baar third. In February 1976, the Crested Butte Open Gelande competitors leapt off the jump built in 1964 for the NCAA Nordic competition on Tony Kapushion’s property across from the ski area. Baar successfully defended his national title. The wooden jump, now dismantled, loomed over the Ski Jump and Outrun Condominiums built years later. A couple of week after that, “Hitch” won the world title thanks to a 229-foot leap at Purgatory, and shared the podium with Baar in second and “Bork”, fourth. According to one eyewitness, “Hitch” could jump from the floor of the Grubstake up to the bar in one leap, his legs were so strong. Gelande was one of the first examples of how our athletes reintroduced and dominated a sport. Yet the competition took a header in 1976-77, the Winter of No Snow. Fat-tired bicycle Klunker

races through town replaced the waning gelande. Mountain bike fame was to come after the summer Pearl Pass to Aspen ride. “Bork” began teaching his fellow patrolmen the telemark turn that would later put us on the map as a hotbed of Nordic extreme skiers. Forty-one years after that first Flauschink, young snowboarders and freestylers have replaced the iron-legged, laid-back guys of my era. Unleashing double flip with rotation, twist and corkscrew twist moves, they are no less fearless. The stakes are a lot higher than $1,500. It looks like they have just as much fun, though. Sandy Cortner authored “Crested Butte Stories… Through My Lens,” where you can read more about Flauschink and see a photo of that crazy up-sidedown jumper. These days, she is writing about Crested Butte’s not so early days. Share stories with her at

Mountain Express to change to spring schedule On Monday April 5 the Mountain Express will change to the spring schedule. Buses will run every 40 minutes. The first bus leaves the Old Town Hall at 7:35 a.m. The last bus leaves the Old Town Hall at 10:55 p.m. The first bus leaves Mountaineer Square in Mt. Crested Butte at 8 a.m. The last bus leaves the Mountaineer Square at 11:20 p.m. For more information go to or call the information line at 970-349-7318.



winter schedule 2009-2010 Town Shuttle Runs between the towns of Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte.

From Crested Butte Stop

Old Town Hall 6th & Belleview 4 Way Stop


:10, :25, :40, :55 :00, :15, :30, :45 :01, :16, :31, :46

From Mt. Crested Butte

First Bus

7:10 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 7:16 a.m.

Mountaineer Square :00, :15, :30, :45 7:30 a.m. After 10 p.m. the bus runs every half hour

Last Bus

The Conversation: Food First! The purpose of “The Conversation” is to bring together the Gunnison Valley community for conversation and understanding. “The Conversation” is a roundtable public discussion about numerous topics that affect us in the Gunnison Valley. Get first-hand accounts from fellow business owners, practitioners, and organizations. Bring your own knowledge to the table or bring a desire to learn more. “The Conversation” was created by the 2010 Gunnison Valley Leadership Program class and utilizes transparent and trust building strategies to engage in open and informative conversations between residents of the Gunnison Valley. The first conversation is entitled Food First! And will take place Thursday, April 1, 6 – 7:30 p.m. at the Mallardi Cabaret Theatre in Crested Butte. Enjoy conversation with local food

providers, vendors, preparers, and consumers. How important is nutritious food and what is happening in our local valley to promote sustainability and the health of our economy? The conversationalists include: Jennifer McGruther, local foodie who was recently featured on CNN; Bill and Kelli Parker, Parker Pastures; and Tim Egelhoff, proprietor of Timberline Restaurant. There is no charge to attend although space is limited for each Conversation. To reserve your spot, please email: After we receive your reservations, you will receive a confirmation and we will request you to submit questions. Your questions will assist our facilitators in guiding the conversation. Additional conversations will take place in late April and May and will be hosted throughout the Gunnison Valley.


WHERE CAN I PARK TONIGHT? You may park on NORTH & EAST sides on: Monday, Wednesday & Friday Evenings

You may park on SOUTH & WEST sides on: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Evenings • “NORTH” is toward Gothic Mountain • “EAST” is toward Crested Butte Mountain Which way does the sun • “SOUTH” is toward Gunnison rise and set? • “WEST” is toward Kebler Pass Regulations vary in the core business area. Please read signs.

RTA FREE BUS Schedule Winter, 2009-10 November 25, 2009 – April 4, 2010

The bus runs a loop through the City of Gunnison before heading north on Hwy 135 to Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte. The bus leaves the following stops no earlier than the times listed. There may be delays due to weather.

11:40 p.m. 11:45 p.m. 11:46 p.m. 12 midnight

Three Seasons - Chateaux

Serves Three Seasons, Outrun, Ski Jump, Mt. Sunrise, Chateaux, and Marcellina Apartments Stop Times First Bus Last Bus

Mountaineer Square :00, :15, :30, :45 8:00 a.m. 9:45 p.m. At 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30 and Midnight the bus will serve any route in Mt. Crested Butte. Tell your driver where you are going.

Columbine - Paradise Road - Eagles Nest

Serves Whetstone Road, Columbine Condominiums, Gothic Road near Mt. Crested Butte Town Offices, Paradise Road and Eagles Nest. Stop Times First Bus Last Bus

Mountaineer Square :25, :55 7:55 a.m. 9:25 p.m. At 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30 and Midnight the bus will serve any route in Mt. Crested Butte. Tell your driver where you are going.

Crystal - Castle - Paradise Condos

Serves Pitchfork, Crystal Road, Castle Road, Hunter Hill Road, Snowmass Road. Stop Times First Bus

Last Bus

Mountaineer Square :10, :40 8:10 a.m. 9:40 p.m. At 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30 and Midnight the bus will serve any route in Mt. Crested Butte. Tell your driver where you are going. For more information, go to or call (970) 349-7318. For ADA transportation, please call (970) 349-5616.

All buses are wheelchair accessible. For more information, please call Mountain Express at 349-5616.

STATEMENT OF RIGHTS In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Civil Rights Act of 1964, The RTA does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender. For more information about these statutes, or to file a complaint, contact the RTA designated Disability Rights and Title VI coordinator, Scott Truex, Executive Director, PO Box 39, Crested Butte, CO. 81224. (970) 275-0111. For Telecommunication Relay Service, call 1-800659-2656 (hearing impaired). Individuals will be permitted to uses service animals, as defined within ADA guidelines, if necessary.

THEWEEKLY | April 1, 2010 | PAGE 19

slush huck 2010


Week in Review

win a 2010 10-day pass

Photos by Nathan Bilow, Paul Gallaher & the new Queen of Soul

for more info call 970 349 2217

sign up day of at the bottom of the pond 2:00 - 2:45pm $20 pondskimming entry


MONDAY, JUNE 28 WILL MARK the beginning of the 18th year of the free Alpenglow concert series produced by the Center for the Arts. The Alpenglow Summer Concert Series was launched in 1993 by former Executive Director, Pat Crow, together with a little help from long-time local resident Sandy Fails, who named the series. At that time the concerts were held behind the old train depot on Elk Avenue, where eight people could be considered a crowd. When the series started attracting upwards of 50 people the event was moved in 1998 to its current location in Town Park. The Alpenglow concert series has become the cornerstone of the Center’s activities in the summer. Generous funding from foundations and business sponsorships has helped to grow the event from four concerts at the Depot with 50 people in attendance to eight concerts on the outdoor stage at the Center with over 1,000 people! Alpenglow concerts provide a venue for locals and visitors to unite around the common experience of music enjoyed in a beautiful setting. See you at Alpenglow this summer!

606 6th St. • P.O. Box 1819 • Crested Butte, CO ph (970) 349–7487 • fax (970) 349–5626 • PAGE 20 | Apirl 1, 2010 | THEWEEKLY

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