Volume 3, Issue 1 September 2011
Inside this issue:
New Teachers Land at CCA
The AccLaIM
By Ryle Caler, junior
This past summer, CCA picked up five new teachers from various locations around the country. Mr. Granados, Mr. Adams, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Murillo, and Mr. Roderick have found their way to our little school A deeper look at the new teachers:
Mrs. Anderson teaches trigonometry, science, and ACT Prep. She also coaches the CCA Lady Warriors’ volleyball program. When she’s at home, she likes to sit down and scrapbook. It should come as no surprise that her favorite sport is volleyball. She enjoys Mexican Mr. food, and she Glenn Adams, a expects her former soccer students to and basketball try hard, try coach from often, give Rivers of Life Mr. Glenn Adams full effort, in St. Louis, and to be came here beChrist-like. cause of his passion for Christian educaMrs. Suzy Murillo, a tion. He teaches math, Bible, native of Nicaragua, came and science. He is also the here to be with her husband. new assistant soccer coach. When she’s not teaching When he’s not in the classSpanish II, she likes to sit room or on the soccer field, down with a good book. Her he passes his time by watchfavorite sport is soccer, and ing baseball and playing Suher favorite food is rice and per Mario 3 on the original NES. His favorite food is pizza, and he expects his students to listen. Lead Story Headline
Mrs. Tami Anderson, a science teacher from First Baptist Christian Academy in O’Fallon, Illinois, came to CCA because God opened a door in this Christian school.
Mrs. Tami Anderson
beans. She expects her students to be able to speak impeccable Spanish by the end of the year. Mr. Randy Roderick, a native of Lee Summit, Missouri, came to CCA because his wife got a job in St. Louis and he was looking for a job. He teaches 6-8 grade science and math. He also supervises the senior snack shack. His favorite sport is
Mrs. Suzy Murillo
basketball, but when he’s not watching basketball, he likes to run competitively and golf. He enjoys eating pizza, and he expects his students to be respectful, respect each other, and do the Mr. Randy Roderick
Testimony by Lydia Stark
Warrior Soccer
Lady Warrior Volleyball
Senior Profile: Belle Granados
Kindergarten Changes
New Students
Hit by the Holy Spirit By Lydia Stark, guest writer
This summer, I went to The Ramp with my youth group, which is a church in Alabama. Before I went, I kept saying,
“God, I don’t want to walk out of this trip the same, like I always do. I want to be forever turned around by the God of the universe and never be the same.” During the first two nights, many miracles happened in other people’s lives, but nothing crazy happened for me. I think God was setting my heart up for what was to come on Friday. Worship was so anointed Friday morning. God was there, and His presence was thicker than I’ve felt so far. I got this picture in my head of me walking around in front of a huge purple curtain with so many bags and suitcases piled on my back. I heard Jesus
say my name in the same sweet, tender way He always has. I set my stuff down and
beautiful and as loved as ever. I crawled into His arms and just looked into His eyes. I felt His gentle arms wrap around my back. It was the most perfect
moment I’ve ever experienced. That afternoon, everyone went to a creek to get baptized. When they had talked about it the previous night, I knew it was something I wanted to do. Deedra Mager, the youth sponsor, caught me to say that God was going to change that “standing pool of water,” the meaning of my name, into a
For the first time in my life, I got hit by the Holy Spirit. I felt like I could hear everything, but it was blurred out. I was breathing so fast and couldn’t move. I couldn’t even think. I woke up about five minutes later, shaking, and wanting to cry, and I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Deedra said that I was
“I heard Jesus say my name …” mighty rushing river; and that it would happen that day.
I went into the water and came out feeling the exact same. I started asking God, “Is that it?” looked through the curtain to see Then I saw Deedra pray for anHim sitother kid, and ting on he hit the the edge ground. Hard. of a bed, She got up just waitand told me to ing. I go over there. walked I was shaking through. and my face And as was pale. I strange didn’t know as this what was may about to hapsound, pen. I felt Deedra Son-Life youth group that went to the Ramp this past prayed summer. over me Page 2
that God would change me. She told me to just let go. And I hit the ground!
coming out of my childhood anointing and into my adult one. It was a new day for me. At the worship service that night, I knew something had definitely changed in me. I felt so free in worship. I felt a part of
the next Great Awakening that God was igniting. More crazy stuff happened to our youth group, particularly when we were gathered in our hotel room on the last night. The Spirit was so thick in that little hotel room. I felt like I could never catch my breath. I wanted to breathe God in as deep as I could and just never stop and never leave His arms. God is just so good!
The AccLaIM
Volleyball Begins 2011 Season with Winning Record The CCA Warriors’ volriors have made a great start to leyball team has started the sea- the season. Unlike previous season on a great note, compared sons, this year the Warriors’ reto previous seasons. A cord is well over .500. good reason for their They won the Chrissuccess is they have a tian Academy Invitanew head coach, Tami tional Tournament. Anderson. The Lady Not only did they win, Warriors have a tough our Warriors never lost season and have to try a match. The girls are to meet expectations not planning on turnof their coach. ing back from the Warriors Volleyball team in successful season. The Lady War- action.
By JJ Russell, junior
Coach Anderson, says, “I feel honored to coach a group of girls like this, and sometimes I feel a little inadequate, but it is ok.” She feels amazing about this group of girls; she likes that all of her girls are young. She says,” If they are good now, I can not imagine the potential later. Coach Anderson wants her girls to fight hard every game and be Christ-like whether they win or lose. She says she is so glad
Soccer Warriors Look to Have a Winning Season Despite Many Changes By JJ Russell, junior The Warriors have a challenge this season in defending their national championship and last year’s undefeated season. The team lost six seniors and four other players. They also have a new assistant coach that has a pretty big role to fill.
that they can definitely be fixed. His only expectations for the team are for everyone to play to the best of their abilities and have a winning season. Ryan Lane, a captain and only senior, says, “We have the potential for a very good season, but we must work.” His goals for the season are to go undefeated, win conference, win nationals, and score one personal goal. Ryan feels that the fans should come and support more because the players “look good.”
The Warriors’ new assistant coach, Glenn Adams, previously coached at Rivers of Life. Coach Adams says that by leaving his previous school and coming to coach here, he feels that he is in a “better environment, and the guys actually want to play soccer here.” After long, hard practices in the summer he feels strong CCA Soccer Warriors Mowing in some ar- opponents. eas and weak in others but says Volume 3, Issue 1
Junior captain Jaather Adams has been playing CCA soccer for two years now. After losing the seniors he says, “I did not feel comfortable their about the season but after playing a few games, I have gained more confi-
dence about it.” Jaather feels that “We have the the ofpotential for a very fense is pretty good season…” good and Ryan Lane that they can score a lot of goals, but their main objective is to keep from getting scored on. He feels if they do that they can go very far. Jaather’s one personal goal is to beat last year’s record of fortynine goals scored. His goals for the team are to win conference and win nationals. Jaather says, “The nicest thing about this team is we pray before and after the game and I love that.”
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Senior Profile: Belle Granados By Austin Schwend, sophomore
Belle Granados, 17 year old senior, years old. She was born on May 19. Belle used to live in Los Cruces, New Mexico, but now she lives in Collinsville, Illinois. When Belle was living in New Mexico, she thought there was nothing special about it and also learned how to speak two languages at the age of three, which wasn’t that hard for her. What made Belle transfer to CCA? “It was my choice to come here,” Belle said. Belle went to Collinsville High School before, but she knew that she wasn’t hanging out with the right group of friends. She had been begging her parents to send her to CCA, but since her dad pastors a very small starting church in Washington Park, the finances just weren’t there for a private school. This past summer, when her family was driving past CCA, Belle pleaded one last time for her parents to transfer her. Finally her parents struck a deal with her: Belle could go to Collinsville Christian Academy if she gave up the money they had been saving to buy her a car. The choice was clear for Belle. Belle likes it a lot at CCA. What she loves most is that she can worship without being judged about it and has already made many friends. After she gets out of high school, she wants to go to college to study nursing and marry a surgeon. Belle can play the clarinet pretty well and has two brothers and two sisters. When Belle is at home, she mostly sits around the house or watches football. One of Belle’s favorite foods is Chinese.
Huge Change for Kindergarten Class By Austin Schwend, sophomore
The kindergarten teacher Mrs. Lane has a new room for the large kindergarten class this year. Her class consists of thirteen small children. Mrs. Lane moved her classroom there because it is a bigger room that provides more space for them to do more things without being too loud to disturb next door classes and not being too cramped.
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The kindergarten room used to be on the first floor right in between the school foyer and other classes, and now it was moved up to the second floor near the high school annex. Mrs. Lane is the teacher, but sometimes she has student helpers and sometimes has Ms. Manker to help teach the large class. She pretty much is there all day, except when it
comes to lunch time. Mrs. K3s, K4s, and K5s in their new Lane room says;”I think it’s a great place for small kids and they love it here,” also “My kids love
The AccLaIM
Jessi Roche Canaan Beckman
Gabrielle Jackson
Drew Mitchell
Austin Hatcher Avianna Holder
Montana Limper
Xavier Ellis
New Students CJ Jackson
Savannah Mossa
Kaitlyn Gibbs
What do you like the most about CCA?
“The teachers don’t smell.” Kaitlyn Gibbs
“I don’t get bullied here.” Xavier Ellis
“I like that it is small and I can know everybody.” Troy Tapp
“I like the students.” Mackenzie Wiedle
“BJ and the black people.” Jessika Roche
Jordan Beckman
“English class. And that’s probably true..” Drew Mitchell
“Everything, but I don’t like some things, I don’t know, it’s too early.” Jonny Detmer
“So far I like it.” Brett Cannon “I don’t like that there is no airconditioning, but I like everybody.” Austin Hatcher
“Everybody. The teachers. The kids.” Austin Mitchell
“Nothing, I hate it. Wait, Mr. Adams.” Taylor Matthews Christian Wiedle
Caleb Adams
“The people. And JJ.“ Anna Mitchell
Amir Harper
Mackenzie Wiedle Gabe Wiedle
Erika Gimber
Troy Tapp Jonny Detmer
Taylor Matthews
Anna Mitchell
Brett Cannon
Austin Mitchell Volume 3, Issue 1
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1203 Vandalia Collinsville, IL 62234 Phone: 618-345-4224
22-Jerrica Russell 26-Troy Tapp 14-Ash Mager
29-BJ Brinkley
September Birthdays 22-Stone Galloway
We’re on the web! istianacademy. Www.collinsvillechr org
29-Olivia Adams
14-Canaan & Jordan Beckman 25-Dennis Stark
Upcoming Events Sep. 22, 23—Teacher In-Service (No School) Oct. 3-7—Fall Spirit Week Oct. 7—Homecoming Oct. 12—PSAT Test Oct. 13—Feast of Tabernacles (Noon Dismissal) Oct. 14—Feast of Tabernacles (No School) Oct. 17—Teacher In-Service (No School) Oct. 17—Parent/Teacher Conference (6:30 p.m.)