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Community Pediatrics
Community Pediatrics is the largest division in the Department of Pediatrics, consisting of 234 providers in practices throughout southern New England. The academic activities of the division are centered on pediatric education. Practices serve as teaching sites for the core clinical experience of medical students in ambulatory pediatrics. Many physicians also precept students and pediatric residents in continuity practice experiences.s
Clinically, community pediatric practices can be thought of as the place where the rubber hits the road. Community pediatricians provide medical care to children of all ages, and offer the continuity that children can only find in a medical home. Clinicians in this division provide the bulk of preventive care for children in the region, including physical examinations, immunizations and behavior screening. Most referrals to specialty divisions in the department are initiated by community pediatricians, and much of the follow-up care is centered in pediatric offices as well.
Many of our members have joined the Pediatric Care Network, a joint project with Connecticut Children’s and practices across the region. As this program develops, the interface between generalists and specialists will strengthen, and the goal is to make the care of our sickest children more affordable and more coordinated. By examining and sharing measures that reflect pediatricians’ practices and outcomes, the program hopes to realize and disseminate best practices that will result in better health for the entire pediatric population in our region. The network sponsors educational programs for practices aimed at meeting these goals. In 2021, the network will be sponsoring a Behavioral Health learning community to assure consistent screening of children for anxiety, depression, and ADHD, and to develop increased capabilities of practices to manage less complex childhood mental health disorders.
From a public health perspective, community pediatricians serve as trusted sources of information for families that have built close and lasting relationships with their children’s doctors. These relationships are vitally important today, during a global pandemic. Community pediatricians have been a primary audience for education programs offered by the Department of Pediatrics, including grand rounds and Ask the Experts webinars, thus assuring that consistent messages about health matters are conveyed.
Douglas MacGilpin, MD, co-Division Chief Larry Scherzer, MD, co-Division Chief Matthew G. Abel, MD Nicole Abramowitz, MD Robert S. Adamenko, MD Amy Agoglia, MD Susan Adeife-Lee, MD Susan Adeyinka, MD Anton M. Alerte, MD Janue Alon, MD Lisa C. Alonso, MD Dina Amato, MD Caroline Amin, MD Rena L. Aroesty, MD Leon Baczeski, MD Lauren Bader, MD Claire Bailey, MD Sherry R. Banack, MD Tina Bafumi, MD Meredith Barrows, MD Amy L. Baumer, MD Shannon Beausoleil, MD Kristi F. Beck, MD Lucia Benzoni, MD Eric M. Bezler, MD Thomas B. Binder, MD Shawn Binns, MD Elizabeth M. Bird, MD Amy Blodgett, MD Alicia Briggs, MD Tamika T. Brierley, MD Nancy Brown, MD David Brown, MD Steven J. Brown, MD Ronald L. Buckman, MD Olga A. Bulygina, MD Arvin Bundhoo, MD Frank J. Bush, MD Karen P. Camera, MD Keith Casey, MD Leon Chameides, MD Christine M. Chaput, DO Carolyn A. Clark, MD Greer A. Clarke, MD Paul Clarke, MD Bruce Cohen, MD Della M. Corcoran, MD Cathy L. Corrow, MD Steven L. Craig, MD Michael Curi, MD Nancy K. Cusmano, MD Lynn M. Czekai, MD Margot H. Dayton, MD Christopher M. DeSanto, MD Karen Dettmer, MD Larry Deutsch, MD Sachin Dhingra, MD Leo J. DiStefano, MD Andrea G. Dixon, MD Alicia M. Dodson, MD Damian D. Dos Santos, MD Robert Dudley, MD Allyson N. Duffy, MD Terry M. Eccles, MD Sarah Elbaum, MD Craig R. Elliott, MD Marybeth P. Ellison, MD Jeffrey Factor, MD Frank Fanella, Jr., MD Mina Farkhondeh, MD Erin Feller, MD Bruce Freeman, MD Cecille R. Freilich, MD Jeanine Freliech, MD Traci A. Friedman, MD Thomas N. Fromson, MD Carolyn R. Ganeles, MD Amy Garaffa, MD Angela G. Geddis, MD Richard W. Geller, MD Gregory S. Germain, MD Sarah L. Germani, DO Mark N. Gilroy, DO Sally H. Ginsburg, MD Susan K. Glasser, MD Karen Goldberg, MD Carol Gorman, MD Sophia Grant, MD Timothy Grogean, MD David Gropper, MD Jennifer Gruen, MD Kimberly C. Gygi, DO Evan R. Hack, MD Hillary Hernandez-Trujillo, MD Dena A. Hoberman, MD Shannon Hogan, MD Bryan R. Holland, MD Joy E. Kingston Hong, MD Judy C. Huang-Bulger, MD Kenneth R. Inchalik, MD Joseph Hufnagel, DO Shiji A. Isaac, MD Saima Jafri, DO Peter J. Jannuzzi, MD Brad A. Jubelirer, MD Zachary Kahn, DO Vasanth Kainkaryam, MD Scott M. Kallor, DO Norine T. Kanter, MD Edward Kavle, MD John R. Kelley, MD Jay D. Kenkare, MD Anjum Khera, MD Kimberly J. Kim, MD Kumar Kishore, MD Natalie S. Komaiszko, MD Lauren B. Kopyt, MD Sarojini Kurra, MD Sam Kweku, MD Sydney Ladenheim, MD Jaye Ladinsky, MD Jerome E. Lahman, MD Brian Lamoureux, MD Christine T. Lamoureux, MD Julius Landwirth, MD Rebecca LePage, MD John H. Lavalette, MD Christopher C. Lawrence, MD Susan E. Lelko, MD Noelle M. Leong, MD Deepa P. Limaye, MD Foong-Yi Lin, MD Kathryn E. Litwin, MD Ruth A. Loomis, MD Janice M. Lopez, MD Matteo J. Lopreiato, MD Jennifer Lovin, MD Maury R. Luxemburg, MD Ana Machado, MD Christine Macken, MD Jessica Magda, MD Sajda Malik, MD Pushpa Mani, MD Kathleen Marinelli, MD Elizabeth A. Martin, MD Linda Mathew, MD Yesu Matta, MD Christopher J. McDermott, MD Kristin D. McGregor, MD Margaret McLaren, MD Swathanthra K. Melekote, MD Lauren E. Melman, MD Shafia S. Memon, MD Lisa Menillo, MD Wanda I. Merced, MD Melanie Mier, MD Arpana Mohnani, MD Jody Navistsky, MD Elizabeth Northrop, MD Glenda Nouman, DO James O’Connor, MD Bhawani S. Ojha, MD Margaret M. O’Neill, MD Maureen N. Onyirimba, MD Manuel A. Orta Cobo, MD Hemant K. Panchal, MD Rishikesh Pandey, MD Robert E. Parnes, MD Christine Patterson, MD Elizabeth T. Pericat, MD Jason Perkel, MD Kenneth Perks, MD Susan O. Perks, MD Jenny L. Petrauskas, MD Laura J. Pickett, MD Tricia R. Pinto, MD John G. Pitegoff, MD Ross W. Porter, MD Leah G. Post, MD
Ishrat I. Quadri, MD Marc P. Ramirez, MD Meredith Renda, MD Lawrence S. Rifkin, MD Tina Roman, MD Keith R. Ruppel, MD Vandana Sacheti, MD Bhavna Sacheti-Singh, MD Krishanti Satchi, MD Julie E. Schiff, MD J. Christopher Schuck, MD Jennifer L. Schwab, MD Gavin Schwarz, MD Lester R. Schwartz, MD Richard A. Segool, MD Sarah Siegel, MD Mary A. Simon, MD Marilyn P. Smith, MD Candra Smith-Slatas, MD Aaron Slaiby, DO Lori Storch Smith, MD Courtney Souza, MD Kenneth N. Spiegelman, MD Cindy L. St. Onge, MD Neil D. Stein, MD Martha Sternberg, MD Leah Sterry, DO Kurt R. Stewart, MD Carrie S. Streim, MD Judith E. Tapper, MD Richard Tenzcar, MD Heather L. Tirpaeck, DO Stephanie T. Tiso, MD Robert R. Toscano, MD John Tsalapatanis, MD Nicholas Tzakas, MD Richard Uluski, MD Kerline Vassell, MD Jayashree V. Venkatesh, MD Anne Marie F. Villa, MD Racha Walia, MD Ramindra Walia, MD Matthew S. Warren, MD Harry C. Weinerman, MD Allison H. Whitaker, MD Felicia M. Wilion, MD Anne S. Willenborg, MD Jennifer S. Wilner, MD Michael E. Yencho, MD Nancy M. Yip, DO Joseph E. Yunis, MD Robert W. Zavoski, MD Barbara F. Ziogas, MD
Gretchen E. Carlin, APRN Rachel L. MacLean, PA-C Betsy Meyer, PA-C Rachel Mitchell, APRN Lynn E. Nochisaki, APRN Janna Zempsky, APRN