Graduate news - Winter

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WELCOME TO THIS WINTER EDITION OF GRADUATE NEWS This edition gives you an update on what has been happening at CCAD and a heads up on things happening in early 2016. New Studios start to rise... Last time we told you that CCAD would be expanding with funding secured to build new studios at the east end of Church Street. Over the summer and autumn the site was cleared and all is ready as we write (early December) for the new building to rise.

DESIGN IN DISCUSSION In mid October we launched our new season of CCAD Creative TALKS with an inspiring talk by Simon Costin. Simon talked us through the arc of his career – from assisting Derek Jarman through his work with Alexander McQueen, Hermes, Gareth Pugh and many others. He had just completed his latest project – a joint Hermes/Apple product launch on the Apple Watch. Throughout his talk Simon used astonishing imagery of his work (and media coverage of his more controversial pieces). For me one message was clear – creativity and amazing results don’t need to come from spending a fortune (though a £5m party was mentioned) a striking and original catwalk show can cost as little as £65 to build. No – the creative spark comes from those unique collaborations between artists in different disciplines, photographers, designers, film makers.

Simon Costin - internationally renowned Art Director speaks at CCAD.

Simon gave a clear steer to future creatives about persevering with their work and the need to develop networks and take the opportunities that present themselves. He told us about his big early break designing avant garde jewellery; how when travelling on the tube wearing a talon brooch this caught in a fellow passengers coat – that passenger was head of jewellery at Liberty…the rest is history. Simon visited as part of the CCAD Creative programme of open evening lectures by industry experts. Any graduate can attend these talks and take advantage of the built in networking opportunities and wonderful free food and drinks. To make sure you know about future events follow folio or CCAD on twitter or join the CCAD Alumni group on LinkedIn.

Cover image: Chris Riddell, Children’s Laureate at the Festival of Illustration.

DAN HOLDSWORTH TO VISIT On 27th January 2016 CCAD will welcome Dan Holdsworth to talk about his career. Dan is an internationally known British photographer who creates large-scale photographs and digital art characterized by the use of traditional techniques and unusually l ong exposure times, and by radical abstractions of geography. He has exhibited internationally including solo shows at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, and Barbican Art Gallery, London; and group shows at Tate Britain, London, and Centre Pompidou, Paris. His work is held in collections including the Tate Collection, Saatchi Collection, and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

HAUNTED HISTORIES DOWN OUR STREET It is getting spooky in the Production Design for Stage and Screen studios students are building a full scale studio set of a street inspired by Hartlepool’s rich and historic past as a shipping port and commercial centre. The Haunted Histories of Hartlepool is a concept proposal for a 6 part TV Drama series. All characters in the series are ghosts from Hartlepool’s past, who have now built and created their own environment.

Haunted Histories of Hartlepool Work in Progress

The project is designed to showcase and expand students’ concept development and construction skills needed in the production design industry. The Street will be completed to a high level of detail and finish the industry standards needed when working with high definition cameras. Students will research and evaluate construction techniques, paint finishes, foam carving and specialist finishing techniques as well as health and safety considerations. A classic example of how CCAD prepares students for employment.

Dan Holdsworth will visit CCAD on 27th January 6pm to 8pm Haunted Histories opens to public and industry viewing on 27th January 6pm Free refreshments for both events will be served in the Art Cafe - look out for invitations on our web site and social media

FESTIVAL OF ILLUSTRATION 2015... AND GET READY FOR 2017 The Festival was a huge success attracting record visitors to the exhibition and other events. The Festival started with a weekend of special events with world famous illustrators like Children’s laureate Chris Riddell, and John McCrea (the man who draws Batman) - the exhibition also included original work by Will Grill for his book Shackleton’s Journey - for which he was awarded the Kate Greenaway Medal whilst the Festival was in progress. The Festival really reached out to people in the community - CCAD delivered workshops for children in schools, libraries and other venues involving more than 1200 participants. Illustrator Dan Mumford said “I think younger artists need more outlets and opportunities to see work and hear from their contemporaries - and the Festival is exactly that”. The public and professional reaction to the Festival was so amazing that plans are already in hand for the next Festival in 2017 - CCAD intends to establish the festival as an international biennale of illustration.

Throughout June 2015 Hartlepool became the home of world renowned illustrators, cartoonists and comic artists.

FUTURE CREATIVE SKILLS - WHAT DO YOU THINK? In the new year CCAD will be launching a national consultation with the creative industries on the future needs of creative business. A brief online survey will be circulated to industry, including professional bodies, trade bodies and employers, asking them what skills they will need in the future.

The consultation is supported by the Creative Industries Federation - the national representative body for the sector and will also include events at the college involving the Federation and major media partners. If you are interested in giving us your views you can access the survey here ( and look out for the events on our web page and social media.

FOLIO IS FOR YOU... Just a reminder that all our graduates can access the expert employability and enterprise services on offer through Folio – help with career direction, CVs, business start ups. Just get in touch with Pat to have a chat or book an appointment.

We are also an ACA (Adobe Accredited) Creative Cloud training and examination centre, offering opportunity for individuals to gain an internationally recognised certification in all of the Adobe packages. Get in touch if you are interested.

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