CCAD Live Briefs

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Live Briefs play an important role in all of our art and design courses in that they offer real opportunities for students to work on a client led brief. The projects we can work on varies from designing gift, packaging and greeting cards for Hallmark, through the working with CBBC production of Tracey Beaker and Stockton and Riverside International Festival in 2012 and the current project with Middlesbrough Council on The Cleveland Centre. Current Live Project

The Emporium, The Cleveland Centre, Middlesbrough

Background to the brief: “The Emporium provides retail incubation opportunities to a minimum of nine businesses for up to six-months. New retailers are offered an opportunity to test-trade their business/idea within a prime town centre location and receive a businesscoaching package to assist with development and growth. The project is self-sustaining and does not generate enough income to allow for additional benefits such as marketing, internal decor and window dressing. Having worked previously with CCAD to promote projects such as We Are Open and Raising the Bar, and my regular update meeting with Melanie Shee, I was keen to involve them with the Emporium”.

The brief and why we are working with CCAD: “The window currently lacks imagination and creative ambition, yet offers an exciting platform for any student wanting to develop their portfolio, and the fantastic array of courses on offer at CCAD gave the confidence to approach them about the window. The Emporium needs to increase footfall and shake current charity shop perceptions, so the window is an integral part of the units success The students from CCAD will bring creativity and inspiration to the unit, attracting new customers and motivating the retailers to think outside the box with future windows and general merchandising. Their enthusiasm and unique ideas will bring the window to life and hopefully give the retailers a newfound excitement about what can be achieved. We are very much looking forward to working with them and hopefully this is the start of a longer-term partnership between CCAD, the emporium and its retailers.” - Julie Marsden, Economic Development Officer, Regeneration Department Middlesbrough Council

Stockton International Riverside Festival (SIRF) 25th Birthday Design Brief Information 2012

There was no restrictions in terms of price point other than to highlight that Stockton-on-Tees is quite unusual in the economic mix of its population with some very affluent areas combined with some economically disadvantaged. Any materials could be used in the production of the souvenirs so the brief was very open to interpretation of the Applied Arts students who undertook the brief.

Background to the brief: In 2012 SIRF celebrated its 25th birthday. SIRF is a street theatre festival with performances taking place outdoors and in temporary venues around the town centre. SIRF features street theatre, circus, dance, music and pyrotechnics from world class artists and performers. The festival is very much a combination of the best of British street theatre alongside stunning shows from major international companies. The festival embraces Stockton’s close proximity to the river and makes dramatic use of the combination of riverside and urban landscapes. Over the years it is fair to say the majority of the most memorable shows were either on or around the water or were on the High Street with the buildings a constant backdrop to breathtaking shows. SIRF 25 – The brief: SIRF wanted to celebrate 25 years by producing a range of souvenirs to sell during the 4 days of festival. They were producing an exhibition about the 25 years of SIRF and they wanted souvenirs to be available to purchase as part of the exhibition.

The Applied Arts students met with Rachel Willis, the Arts Development Officer who explained the brief and answered questions about SIRF to try to generate some ideas and get guidelines for suitable products or designs to go into production. Not everyone’s work would be chosen for production. The first designs by the were sent off for comment and once feedback was received from SIRF students took this on board and amended their designs. One design, a brooch by Alison Taylor was chosen for production and 25 hand made brooches were made and all sold at SIRF much to the delight of the student.

Feedback on working with CCAD: “It has been a real pleasure working with students and staff from CCAD to design merchandise for Stockton International Riverside Festival. As a local authority we are always keen to work with local colleges and offer opportunities for students to gain experience through the projects and events we deliver. We approached the college with a vague idea of what we wanted to do which the staff then really engaged with and developed into an exciting live brief for students. I have really enjoyed meeting the students and seeing how each of them has interpreted the brief and enjoyed the challenge. We chose several products to produce and sell during SIRF 2012 and we had great feedback from visitors on the range of merchandise available. I really enjoyed working with the staff at CCAD and their support and enthusiasm really helped make the project a success. This project has already led to students coming to us on work experience placements followed by paid employment for a couple of the students. I really hope this is the first of many projects we can collaborate on! “ - Rachel Willis Arts Development Officer Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

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