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Student Services
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With thanks to all staff, students, alumni and partners who have contributed to this publication and made it possible.
© The Northern School of Art 2021
For all admissions and pre-course enquiries including entry requirements, qualifications, interviews and applications:
01642 288888 studentrecruitment.ac.uk
Important This publication was developed in 2021 to help you choose the best course for you at The Northern School of Art. The information therefore reflects courses as they were at that time. All information is subject to any future change to Government advice relating to COVID. The details available at northernart.ac.uk provides the most up-to-date information about our courses. To make an informed decision about which course to apply to, please check our website.
CAN’T MAKE AN OPEN DAY? You can book onto a ‘talking tour’ at any time during the year. We also attend a wide range of UCAS events up and down the country. Booking information for open events and talking tours is available at northernart.ac.uk